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      Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005
                              Act No.

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                            Page
  1.   Purpose                                                       1
  2.   Commencement                                                  2
  3.   Revocation of reservation and Crown grant--Richmond Park
       land                                                          2
  4.   Revocation of reservation--Sandhurst abattoir land            2
  5.   Re-reservation of Sandhurst abattoir land                     2
  6.   Consequences of revoking reservations                         2
  7.   Registrar of Titles to make necessary amendments              3

SCHEDULES                                                            4
SCHEDULE 1--Land in respect of which Reservations are Revoked        4
SCHEDULE 2--Plan of Land at Richmond Park                            5

ENDNOTES                                                             6

551323B.I1-22/3/2005                     BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to revoke the permanent reservation and the related Crown grant over part of land at Richmond, to revoke the permanent reservation over certain land at Sandhurst and to re-reserve that land temporarily and for other purposes. Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is-- (a) to revoke the permanent reservation and the related Crown grant over part of land at Richmond; 5 1 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 s. 2 Act No. (b) to revoke the permanent reservation over certain land at Sandhurst and to re-reserve that land temporarily. 2. Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day after the 5 day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 3. Revocation of reservation and Crown grant-- Richmond Park land (1) The Order in Council specified in item 1 in Schedule 1 is revoked to the extent that it applies 10 to the land shown hatched on the plan in Schedule 2. (2) Crown grant Volume 1902 Folio 326 is revoked to the extent that it applies to the land shown hatched on the plan in Schedule 2. 15 4. Revocation of reservation--Sandhurst abattoir land The Order in Council specified in item 2 of Schedule 1 is revoked. 5. Re-reservation of Sandhurst abattoir land On the revocation of the reservation referred to in 20 section 4, that land is deemed to be temporarily reserved for public purposes (nature conservation) under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978. 6. Consequences of revoking reservations 25 Subject to section 5, on the revocation of a reservation of land under this Act-- (a) that land is deemed to be unalienated land of the Crown, freed and discharged from all trusts, limitations, reservations, restrictions, 30 encumbrances, estates and interests; and 2 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 s. 7 Act No. (b) the appointment of any committee of management of that land is revoked to the extent that it relates to that land; and (c) any regulations under section 13 of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 are 5 revoked to the extent that they apply to that land. 7. Registrar of Titles to make necessary amendments The Registrar of Titles must make any recordings in or amendments to the Register under the 10 Transfer of Land Act 1958 that are necessary because of the operation of this Act. __________________ 3 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 Sch. 1 Act No. SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 1 LAND IN RESPECT OF WHICH RESERVATIONS ARE REVOKED Item 1--Richmond Park land Situation and area of land: Parish of Jika Jika, County of Bourke, being Crown Allotment 2251, being 1530 square metres and Crown Allotment 2252, being 989 square metres. Instrument and date of Order in Council dated 13 October 1873. reservation: Description of land by Government Gazettes dated 19 September reference to Government 1873, page 1651 and 7 November 1873, Gazette: page 2004. Crown grant details: Volume 1902 Folio 326. Purpose of reservation: Site for Public Park and Recreation. Extent of revocation: The land shown hatched on the plan in Schedule 2. Item 2--Sandhurst abattoir land Situation and area of land: Parish of Sandhurst at Bendigo, being 1995 hectares more or less, being Crown Allotment 7A, Section F1. Instrument and date of Order in Council dated 10 August 1874. reservation: Description of land by Government Gazettes dated 13 March reference to Government 1874, page 535 and 21 August 1874, Gazette: page 1566. Purpose of reservation: Site for Abattoirs. Extent of revocation: The entire reservation. __________________ 4 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 Sch. 2 Act No. SCHEDULE 2 PLAN OF LAND AT RICHMOND PARK 5 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005



Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2005 Endnotes Act No. ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 6 551323B.I1-22/3/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 22/3/2005




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