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         National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005
                                 Act No.

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                  Page
  1.     Purpose                                                           1
  2.     Commencement                                                      2
  3.     Point Nepean National Park                                        2
  4.     Insertion of new section 53                                       2
         53.      Definition                                               2
  5.     Insertion of new sections 65 to 67                                3
         65.      Rights to cease--roads--Point Nepean Act                 3
         66.      Land to become part of park on surrender to Crown        3
         67.      Registrar of Titles to make necessary amendments to
                  records                                                  4
  6.     Amendment of Schedule Two                                         4
  7.     Further amendment in relation to Defence Road                     4
  8.     Insertion of new section 58A                                      5
         58A. Rights to cease, part of Defence Road--Point Nepean
                  Act                                                      5

ENDNOTES                                                                   6

551284B.I1-20/4/2005                         BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the National Parks Act 1975 to make provision in relation to certain land at Point Nepean and on the Mornington Peninsula and for other purposes. National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to amend the National Parks Act 1975-- (a) to establish a national park to be known as the Point Nepean National Park; and 5 (b) to make various amendments to the Mornington Peninsula National Park; and (c) to make other associated amendments. 1 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 s. 2 Act No. 2. Commencement (1) This Act (except sections 7 and 8) comes into operation on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to sub-section (3), sections 7 and 8 come 5 into operation on a day to be proclaimed. (3) If sections 7 and 8 do not come into operation before 1 July 2006, they come into operation on that day. 3. Point Nepean National Park 10 See: (1) In section 30(1) of the National Parks Act 1975, Act No. for "Part 4 of Schedule 2" substitute "Part 44 of 8702. Reprint No. 9 Schedule Two". as at 16 November (2) In section 30(3) of the National Parks Act 1975, 2002 for 'marked "E-1" in the plan N.P. 20A/8 referred 15 and amending to in Part 4 of Schedule Two' substitute "shown Act Nos coloured brown or coloured yellow on the plan 38/1988 (as amended by numbered N.P. 110 lodged in the Central Plan No. 64/2004), Office". 80/2003, 84/2003, 97/2003, 12/2004, 48/2004 and 64/2004. LawToday: www.dms. dpc.vic. 4. Insertion of new section 53 20 After the heading to Part IX of the National Parks Act 1975 insert-- '53. Definition In this Part-- "Point Nepean Act" means the National 25 Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005.'. 2 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 s. 5 Act No. 5. Insertion of new sections 65 to 67 After section 64 of the National Parks Act 1975 insert-- "65. Rights to cease--roads--Point Nepean Act 5 On the commencement of section 6(1) of the Point Nepean Act, the lands delineated and coloured yellow on the plan lodged in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 20A/12 cease to be roads or parts of 10 roads or road reserves and all rights, easements and privileges existing or claimed either by the public or by any other body and incidental to any express or implied grant or past dedication or supposed dedication or 15 any past user or fiction of law cease and determine. 66. Land to become part of park on surrender to Crown (1) If the land shown hatched on the plan lodged 20 in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 20A/12 is not surrendered to the Crown before the commencement of section 6(1) of the Point Nepean Act, that land is to be taken to be excluded from the park described in 25 Part 4 of Schedule Two until the title to that land is surrendered to the Crown. (2) If the land shown hatched on the plan lodged in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 110 is not surrendered to the Crown 30 before the commencement of section 6(2) of the Point Nepean Act, that land is to be taken to be excluded from the park described in Part 44 of Schedule Two until the title to that land is surrendered to the Crown. 35 3 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 s. 6 Act No. 67. Registrar of Titles to make necessary amendments to records The Registrar of Titles, on being requested to do so and on submission of any relevant certificate of title or other document, must 5 make any amendments to the Register under the provisions of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 that are necessary because of the operation of any provision of the Point Nepean Act.". 10 6. Amendment of Schedule Two (1) For Part 4 of Schedule Two to the National Parks Act 1975 substitute-- "PART 4--MORNINGTON PENINSULA NATIONAL PARK 15 All those pieces or parcels of land containing 2680 hectares, more or less, situate in the Parishes of Fingal, Flinders, Nepean and Wannaeue, County of Mornington, being the land delineated by solid and dashed lines and coloured pink 20 or coloured yellow in the plan lodged in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 20A/12, excepting any land between high and low water mark forming part of the park described in Part 7 of Schedule Eight.". (2) After Part 43 of Schedule Two to the National Parks Act 1975 insert-- 25 "PART 44--POINT NEPEAN NATIONAL PARK All those pieces or parcels of land containing 470 hectares, more or less, situate partly in the Parish of Nepean, County of Mornington, being the land delineated by solid and 30 dashed lines and coloured pink or coloured yellow or coloured brown in the plan lodged in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 110, excepting any land between high and low water mark forming part of the park described in Part 10 of Schedule Seven.". 7. Further amendment in relation to Defence Road 35 In section 30(3) of the National Parks Act 1975 omit "or coloured yellow". 4 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 s. 8 Act No. 8. Insertion of new section 58A After section 58 of the National Parks Act 1975 insert-- "58A. Rights to cease, part of Defence Road-- Point Nepean Act 5 On the coming into operation of section 7 of the Point Nepean Act, the lands delineated and coloured yellow on the plan lodged in the Central Plan Office and numbered N.P. 110 cease to be roads or parts of roads 10 or road reserves and all rights, easements and privileges existing or claimed either by the public or by any other body and incidental to any express or implied grant or past dedication or supposed dedication or any 15 past user or fiction of law cease and determine.". 5 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005



National Parks (Point Nepean) Act 2005 Endnotes Act No. ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 6 551284B.I1-20/4/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/4/2005




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