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 Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998
                                   Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                               Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                     1
  1.     Purpose                                                        1
  2.     Commencement                                                   2

PART 2--RAIL CORPORATIONS ACT 1996                                      3
  3.     Principal Act                                                  3
  4.     Definitions                                                    3
  5.     New section 8A inserted                                        6
         8A.      Rail Track may trade as VicTrack                      6
  6.     Functions and powers of Rail Track                             6
  7.     Amendment of section 13F                                       6
  8.     New section 18AA inserted                                      7
         18AA. Met Train 1 may trade as Bayside Trains                  7
  9.     New section 18GA inserted                                      7
         18GA. Met Train 2 may trade as Hillside Trains                 7
  10.    New section 18MA inserted                                      7
         18MA. Met Tram 1 may trade as Swanston Trams                   7
  11.    New section 18TA inserted                                      7
         18TA. Met Tram 2 may trade as Yarra Trams                      7
  12.    New section 18ZAA inserted                                     8
         18ZAA. Trading name                                            8
  13.    Amendment of section 39                                        8
  14.    New sections 59A to 59C inserted                               9
         59A. List of RC staff                                          9
         59B. Transfer of RC staff                                     10
         59C. Future terms and conditions of transferred employees     11
  15.    New Parts 4 to 7 inserted                                     12
         PART 4--RAIL AND TRAM OPERATORS                               12
         Division 1--Certain powers                                    12
         60.      Clearance of trees etc.                              12
         61.      No obligation to fence                               15
         62.      Power to break up roads, etc.                        16
         63.      Power to install stopping places, etc.               18




Clause Page 64. Level crossings 19 65. Tram infrastructure 21 66. Overhead power supply 22 67. Power to stop traffic 24 Division 2--Provisions applying to certain agreements 25 68. Civil penalty provisions 25 69. Validity of certain provisions 27 Division 3--Certain operating assets 28 70. Assets of certain operators 28 71. Allocation statement 29 72. Assets transferred in accordance with statement 30 73. Allocation of assets subject to encumbrances 30 74. Certificate of Director 31 75. Consideration for transferred property 31 76. Former transferor instruments and agreements 32 77. Proceedings 32 78. Taxes 32 79. Evidence 33 80. Validity of things done under this Division 33 PART 5--PROHIBITED INTERESTS 34 Division 1--Preliminary 34 81. Definitions 34 82. Relevant interest in, and entitlement to, shares 35 83. Corporations Law 36 84. Unit trusts 37 85. Stock 37 86. Controlling interest 38 87. Application of Part to partnerships 39 88. Certain shareholders agreements to be disregarded 40 89. Certain "see-through" interests to be disregarded 41 90. Effect of certificate under section 88 or 89 44 91. Application and construction of Part 44 Division 2--Prohibited interests 45 92. Prohibited interests 45 93. Other provisions relating to prohibited interests 45 94. Temporary exemption from prohibition 46 95. Power to require information relating to interests 47 96. Disposal of interest 48 97. Voting rights in respect of certain shares 52 98. Annulment of certain resolutions 52 ii 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Clause Page 99. Making, review and revocation of determination by ORG 53 100. Appeal against determination of ORG 53 101. Sale of forfeited shares 54 102. Service 55 PART 6--GENERAL 55 103. Delegation 55 104. Freedom of Information Act 1982 56 105. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 56 106. Regulations 56 PART 7--TRANSITIONAL 57 107. Orders under repealed sections 57 108. Repeals consequential on new Part 4 57 16. New section 106A inserted 57 106A. Privatisation of V/Line Freight 57 PART 3--TRANSPORT ACT 1983 59 17. Principal Act 59 18. Definitions: general 59 19. Heading to Division 1, Part 2 61 20. New section 4A inserted 61 4A. Revenue allocation agreements 62 21. Powers of Secretary 62 22. New sections 8 and 9 inserted 62 8. Director of Public Transport 62 9. Functions and powers of Director 62 23. New section 10 inserted 64 10. Priority of passenger services 64 24. New section 11 inserted 68 11. Public Transport Fund 68 25. Contracts with Crown 69 26. Regulations 69 27. Definitions: Part VII 71 28. Amendment of Division heading 71 29. Amendment of section 211 71 30. Ticket and transport infringements 73 31. Power to require names and addresses 73 32. New section 219AA inserted 74 219AA. Power of authorised persons to detain suspected offenders 74 33. Power to remove offenders 76 34. Ticket conditions 77 iii 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Clause Page 35. Graffiti 77 36. Prosecutions 78 37. Evidentiary provisions 79 38. New section 246B inserted 80 246B. Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 80 39. New section 249C inserted 80 249C. Exemption for tramway rollingstock 80 PART 4--OTHER ACTS 82 40. Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997 82 41. Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1998 83 42. Access Regime 83 38B. Objectives of the Office of the Regulator-General 83 43. Further amendment of access regime 84 44. Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 84 45. Country Fire Authority Act 1958 85 46. Docklands Authority Act 1991 85 47. Local Government Act 1989 85 48. Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 86 49. Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992 86 NOTES 87 iv 532148B.I1-27/10/98



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to make further amendments to the Rail Corporations Act 1996 and the Transport Act 1983 and for other purposes. Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to make further amendments to the Rail Corporations Act 1996 5 and the Transport Act 1983. 1 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 2 Act No. 2. Commencement (1) This Part and sections 40 to 43 come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. 5 (2) Subject to sub-section (3), the remaining provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (3) If a provision referred to in sub-section (2) does not come into operation before 1 January 2000, it 10 comes into operation on that day. _______________ 2 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 3 Act No. PART 2--RAIL CORPORATIONS ACT 1996 3. Principal Act No. 79/1996 In this Part, the Rail Corporations Act 1996 is as amended called the Principal Act. by Nos 104/1997, 46/1998 and 47/1998. 5 4. Definitions (1) In section 3(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "Director" means the Director of Public Transport under the Transport Act 1983; "former transferor instrument", in Division 3 10 of Part 4, means an instrument or an oral agreement subsisting immediately before the relevant date-- (a) to which the transferor was a party; or (b) that was given to, or in favour of, the 15 transferor; or (c) that refers to the transferor; or (d) under which-- (i) money is, or may become, payable to or by the transferor; or 20 (ii) other property is to be, or may become liable to be, transferred to or by the transferor; "former relevant assets", in relation to a transferor, means assets of the transferor 25 that, under Division 3 of Part 4, have vested in the State, another operator or another person; 3 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 4 Act No. "metropolitan area" means the area within a radius of 30 kilometres of the post office at the corner of Bourke Street and Elizabeth Street, Melbourne; 5 "metropolitan train operator" means a body corporate specified in an Order under sub- section (2) to be a train operator for the purposes of Part 5 which operates mainly in the metropolitan area; 10 "metropolitan tram operator" means a body corporate specified in an Order under sub- section (3) to be a tram operator for the purposes of Part 5 which operates mainly in the metropolitan area; 15 "operator", in Division 3 of Part 4, means a train operator or a tram operator or other person to which section 70 applies; "passenger service" means a service for the carrying of passengers by railway or 20 tramway; "relevant assets", in Division 3 of Part 4, means assets of an operator which, under an agreement referred to in section 70, the parties agree are relevant assets for the 25 purposes of that Division; "relevant date", in Division 3 of Part 4, in relation to an allocation statement under section 71 or relevant assets allocated under such a statement, means the date fixed by the 30 Minister under section 71(5) for the purposes of that statement; "train operator", in relation to Part 5 or another provision of this Act, means a body corporate specified in an Order under sub- 4 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 4 Act No. section (2) to be a train operator for the purposes of that Part or that provision; "tram operator", in relation to Part 5 or another provision of this Act, means a body 5 corporate specified in an Order under sub- section (3) to be a tram operator for the purposes of that Part or that provision; "transferee", in Division 3 of Part 4, means a person to whom relevant assets are allocated 10 under an allocation statement under section 71; "transferor", in Division 3 of Part 4, means the operator from which relevant assets are transferred under an allocation statement 15 under section 71; "Secretary" means the Secretary to the Department of Infrastructure. (2) In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of "rail transport service", for "or the 20 Secretary to the Department of Infrastructure" substitute ", the Crown, a train operator or a tram operator for the purpose of providing passenger services or other transport services"; (3) In section 3 of the Principal Act, after sub-section 25 (1) insert-- "(2) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a specified body corporate, being a body corporate that is a party to a 30 lease of rail infrastructure by the Director acting on behalf of the Crown or the Public Transport Corporation or Rail Track, is, on and from a specified date, a train operator for the purposes of a specified provision of this 35 Act. 5 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 5 Act No. (3) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a specified body corporate, being a body corporate that is a party to a 5 lease of tram infrastructure by the Director acting on behalf of the Crown or the Public Transport Corporation or Rail Track, is, on and from a specified date, a tram operator for the purposes of a specified provision of this 10 Act.". 5. New section 8A inserted After section 8 of the Principal Act insert-- '8A. Rail Track may trade as VicTrack Despite anything to the contrary in the 15 Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act or law, Rail Track may carry on business under the name "VicTrack".'. 6. Functions and powers of Rail Track (1) In section 11(1) of the Principal Act, after 20 paragraph (ba) insert-- "(bb) subject to section 13F, to develop, and promote the development of, land vested in it; ". (2) In section 11 of the Principal Act, after sub- 25 section (3) insert-- "(4) Rail Track may, with the approval or at the direction of the Minister, cease to perform all or any of its functions.". 7. Amendment of section 13F 30 In section 13F of the Principal Act-- (a) sub-section (1) is repealed; 6 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 8 Act No. (b) in sub-section (2)(a), for "any surplus land" substitute "or dispose of land or an interest in land"; (c) In sub-section (2)(c), omit "surplus". 5 8. New section 18AA inserted After section 18A of the Principal Act insert-- '18AA. Met Train 1 may trade as Bayside Trains Despite anything to the contrary in the Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act 10 or law, Met Train 1 may carry on business under the name "Bayside Trains".'. 9. New section 18GA inserted After section 18G of the Principal Act insert-- '18GA. Met Train 2 may trade as Hillside Trains 15 Despite anything to the contrary in the Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act or law, Met Train 2 may carry on business under the name "Hillside Trains".'. 10. New section 18MA inserted 20 After section 18M of the Principal Act insert-- '18MA. Met Tram 1 may trade as Swanston Trams Despite anything to the contrary in the Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act or law, Met Tram 1 may carry on business 25 under the name "Swanston Trams".'. 11. New section 18TA inserted After section 18T of the Principal Act insert-- '18TA. Met Tram 2 may trade as Yarra Trams Despite anything to the contrary in the 30 Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act 7 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 12 Act No. or law, Met Tram 2 may carry on business under the name "Yarra Trams".'. 12. New section 18ZAA inserted After section 18ZA of the Principal Act insert-- 5 '18ZAA. Trading name Despite anything to the contrary in the Business Names Act 1962 or any other Act or law, V/Line Passenger Corporation may carry on business under the name "V/Line 10 Passenger".'. 13. Amendment of section 39 (1) In section 39(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) for the definition of "new employer" substitute-- 15 ' "new employer"-- (a) in relation to a transferred PTC employee, means the rail corporation by which, by virtue of section 58, the transferred PTC 20 employee is regarded as being employed with effect from the relevant date; (b) in relation to a transferred RC employee, means the relevant 25 person by which, by virtue of section 59B, the transferred RC employee is regarded as being employed with effect from the relevant date;'; 30 (b) in the definition of "relevant date", after paragraph (b) insert-- 8 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 14 Act No. "(c) in relation to a document referred to in section 59A(1), means the date fixed by the Minister under sub-section (2A) for the purposes of that document;"; 5 (c) insert-- ' "RC" means a rail corporation which is nominated by the Minister under section 59A(1); "relevant person" means a rail corporation, 10 the State, a statutory authority or a body corporate all the shares in which are held by, or on behalf of, the State or a statutory authority; "transferred RC employee" means a 15 person who, by virtue of section 59B, is regarded as being employed by a new employer with effect from the relevant date;'. (2) In section 39(2A) of the Principal Act, after 20 "57(1)" insert "or 59A(1)". 14. New sections 59A to 59C inserted After section 59 of the Principal Act insert-- "59A. List of RC staff (1) Before the relevant date, a rail corporation 25 nominated by the Minister for this purpose must prepare and submit to the Minister a document signed by the chief executive of the RC listing officers and employees of the RC and specifying, in respect of each such 30 officer or employee, the relevant person by which he or she is to be regarded as having been employed by virtue of section 59B with effect from the relevant date. 9 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 14 Act No. (2) The document may be amended by instrument signed by the chief executive of the RC and given to the Minister and the amendment is to be regarded as having 5 effect, or having had effect, from the relevant date. (3) Nothing in this section prevents a person listed in the document as an officer or employee of the RC from resigning or being 10 dismissed at any time before the relevant date in accordance with the terms and conditions of his or her appointment or employment. 59B. Transfer of RC staff 15 (1) A person listed as an officer or employee of the RC in a document under section 59A who was such an officer or employee immediately before the relevant date is to be regarded as-- 20 (a) having been employed by the new employer with effect from the relevant date; and (b) having been so employed on the same terms and conditions as those that 25 applied to the person, immediately before the relevant date, as an officer or employee of the RC; and (c) having accrued an entitlement to benefits, in connection with that 30 employment by the new employer, that is equivalent to the entitlement that the person had accrued, as an officer or employee of the RC, immediately before the relevant date. 10 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 14 Act No. (2) The service of a transferred RC employee as an employee of the new employer is to be regarded for all purposes as having been continuous with the service of the employee, 5 immediately before the relevant date, as an officer or employee of the RC. (3) A transferred RC employee is not entitled to receive any payment or other benefit by reason only of having ceased to be an officer 10 or employee of the RC because of this Act. (4) A certificate purporting to be signed by the chief executive of the RC certifying that a person named in the certificate was with effect from the relevant date employed, by 15 virtue of this section, by the person named in the certificate is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and is conclusive proof of the matters stated in it. 59C. Future terms and conditions of transferred 20 employees (1) Nothing in section 59B prevents-- (a) any of the terms and conditions of employment of a transferred RC employee from being altered by or 25 under any law, award or agreement with effect from any time after the relevant date; or (b) a transferred RC employee from transferring to the employment of 30 another relevant person at any time within 6 months after the relevant date on terms and conditions agreed to by the employee and that other relevant person; or 11 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (c) a transferred RC employee from resigning or being dismissed at any time after the relevant date in accordance with the then existing terms 5 and conditions of his or her employment by the new employer. (2) The service of a transferred RC employee as an employee of another relevant person to which he or she transfers as mentioned in 10 sub-section (1)(b) is to be regarded for all purposes as having been continuous with the service of the employee, immediately before the relevant date, as an officer or employee of the RC and with his or her service on or 15 after that date as an employee of the other relevant person mentioned in sub-section (1)(b). (3) A transferred RC employee is not entitled to receive any payment or other benefit by 20 reason only of having ceased to be an employee of a relevant person, being a payment or benefit in respect of a period of service as an officer or employee of the RC, if he or she has received a payment or other 25 benefit in respect of that period by reason of having ceased to be an employee of another relevant person.". 15. New Parts 4 to 7 inserted For Part 4 of the Principal Act substitute-- 30 'PART 4--RAIL AND TRAM OPERATORS Division 1--Certain powers 60. Clearance of trees etc. 12 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (1) A person to which this section applies, by written notice, may require the owner or occupier of any land to fell and remove any tree or wood on that land that is within 5 60 metres of a railway track operated or maintained by that person and that could obstruct or endanger the railway track or obstruct a view of a signal box from any portion of the railway track. 10 (2) Notice under sub-section (1) may be served on an owner or occupier-- (a) personally; or (b) by sending it by post to the owner or occupier at that person's usual or last 15 known residential or business address; or (c) by leaving it at the usual or last known residential or business address of the owner or occupier with a person on the 20 premises who is apparently at least 16 years old and apparently residing or employed there; or (d) in a manner prescribed by any other Act or law for service on a person or 25 class of person of the same type as the owner or occupier; or (e) if the identity or address of the owner or occupier is not known-- (i) by displaying it on the land; and 30 (ii) by publishing a copy of it and a description of the land in a newspaper circulating generally in Victoria. (3) In exercising a power under sub-section (1), 35 a person to which this section applies-- 13 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (a) must act reasonably; and (b) must comply with any directions given by the Director in relation to the exercise of that power. 5 (4) If the owner or occupier of the land does not comply with the notice within the time specified in the notice, the person which caused the notice to be served may-- (a) enter the land at any reasonable time 10 and carry out the work specified in the notice; and (b) recover the cost of carrying out the work from the owner or occupier as a debt. 15 (5) A person to which this section applies may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any other person authorised in writing by it or by the officers or employees of any such person. 20 (6) This section applies to-- (a) V/Line Freight; (b) Rail Track; (c) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; (d) train operators; 25 (e) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (7), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (7) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 30 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that 14 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail 5 infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 61. No obligation to fence (1) Despite any Act or rule of law to the contrary, a person to which this section 10 applies-- (a) is not required to fence or contribute to the fencing of any portion of a railway or tramway; and (b) is not liable for any damage that may be 15 caused by reason of any railway or tramway not being fenced in or fenced off. (2) A person to which this section applies may, but is not obliged to, erect and maintain such 20 fences in connection with a railway or tramway as it thinks proper. (3) This section applies to-- (a) V/Line Freight; (b) V/Line Passenger Corporation; 25 (c) Rail Track; (d) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; (e) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (f) train operators; (g) tram operators; 15 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (h) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (4), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (4) The Governor in Council, by Order 5 published in the Government Gazette, may declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order 10 that-- (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; 15 or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation, the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any 20 rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 62. Power to break up roads, etc. (1) After consultation with the Roads 25 Corporation and any relevant municipal council, a person to which this section applies-- (a) may open and break up, and divert traffic from, any road on or adjacent to 30 which there is rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure that is operated or maintained by that person; and (b) may take possession of, and use, the whole or any portion of such a road. 16 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (2) In exercising a power under sub-section (1), a person to which this section applies-- (a) must act reasonably; and (b) must comply with any directions given 5 by the Director in relation to the exercise of that power. (3) A person to which this section applies may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any other person 10 authorised in writing by it or by the officers or employees of any such person. (4) This section applies to-- (a) V/Line Freight; (b) V/Line Passenger Corporation; 15 (c) Rail Track; (d) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; (e) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (f) train operators; (g) tram operators; 20 (h) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (5), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (5) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 25 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- 30 (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision 17 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. by that person of a passenger service; or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the 5 Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 10 63. Power to install stopping places, etc. (1) After consultation with the Roads Corporation and any relevant municipal council, a person to which this section applies may install, remove or re-locate 15 stopping places and associated facilities for passenger services on any road on or adjacent to which there is tram infrastructure that is operated or maintained by that person. (2) In exercising a power under sub-section (1), 20 a person to which this section applies-- (a) must act reasonably; and (b) must comply with any directions given by the Director in relation to the exercise of that power. 25 (3) A person to which this section applies may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any other person authorised in writing by it or by the officers or employees of any such person. 30 (4) This section applies to-- (a) Rail Track; (b) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (c) tram operators; 18 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (d) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (5), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (5) The Governor in Council, by Order 5 published in the Government Gazette, may declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order 10 that-- (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; 15 or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any 20 tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 64. Level crossings (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any other 25 Act or law, a person to which this section applies-- (a) may use level crossings connecting parts of the rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure to which an agreement, 30 lease or licence relating to, or connected with, a service provided by that person applies (being an agreement, lease or licence entered into by Rail Track, the Public Transport 35 Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown) 19 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. subject to and in accordance with that agreement, lease or licence; and (b) may close the level crossing to road traffic while the railway track or 5 tramway track is in use, subject to and in accordance with that agreement, lease or licence. (2) This section applies to-- (a) V/Line Freight; 10 (b) V/Line Passenger Corporation; (c) Rail Track; (d) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; (e) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (f) train operators; 15 (g) tram operators; (h) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (3), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order; (i) a person authorised, in accordance with 20 the agreement, lease or licence referred to in sub-section (1), by a person referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h) to exercise a power conferred on the authorising person by 25 this section, subject to any terms and conditions specified in the authorisation. (3) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 30 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the 20 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on 5 behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the 10 Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 15 65. Tram infrastructure (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any other Act or law, a person to which this section applies may use tram infrastructure to which an agreement, lease or licence relating to, or 20 connected with, a passenger service provided by that person applies (being an agreement, lease or licence entered into by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of 25 the Crown) subject to and in accordance with that agreement, lease or licence. (2) This section applies to-- (a) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (b) tram operators; 30 (c) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (3), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order; (d) a person authorised, in accordance with the agreement, lease or licence referred 35 to in sub-section (1), by a person 21 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) to exercise a power conferred on the authorising person by this section, subject to any terms and conditions 5 specified in the authorisation. (3) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to 10 any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on 15 behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the 20 Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 25 66. Overhead power supply (1) A person to which this section applies, after consultation with the Roads Corporation or any relevant municipal council, may install, remove or relocate rail infrastructure or tram 30 infrastructure consisting of structures comprising or supporting overhead electrical power supply systems situated on or over, or partly on or over, property of the Roads Corporation or the municipal council. 35 (2) In exercising a power under sub-section (1), a person to which this section applies-- 22 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (a) must act reasonably; and (b) must comply with any directions given by the Director in relation to the exercise of that power. 5 (3) A person to which this section applies may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any other person authorised in writing by it or by the officers or employees of any such person. 10 (4) This section applies to-- (a) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; (b) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (c) train operators; (d) tram operators; 15 (e) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (5), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (5) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 20 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- 25 (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or 30 (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure 23 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 67. Power to stop traffic (1) A person to which this section applies, 5 subject to the agreement, lease or licence relating to, or connected with, its provision of a service or to a lease of rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure (being an agreement, lease or licence entered into by Rail Track, 10 the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown)-- (a) after consultation with the Roads Corporation and any relevant municipal 15 council, may stop traffic in circumstances where it is reasonably necessary to do so; (b) in an emergency, may stop traffic. (2) In exercising a power under sub-section (1), 20 a person to which this section applies-- (a) must act reasonably; and (b) must comply with any directions given by the Director in relation to the exercise of that power. 25 (3) This section applies to-- (a) V/Line Freight; (b) V/Line Passenger Corporation; (c) Rail Track; (d) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; 30 (e) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; (f) train operators; (g) tram operators; 24 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (h) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (4), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order; (i) a person authorised, in accordance with 5 the agreement, lease or licence referred to in sub-section (1), by a person referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h) to exercise a power conferred on the authorising person by 10 this section, subject to any terms and conditions specified in the authorisation. (4) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 15 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- 20 (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or 25 (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure 30 owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. Division 2--Provisions applying to certain agreements 68. Civil penalty provisions 25 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (1) In this section, "civil penalty provision" means a provision of an agreement, lease or licence relating to, or connected with, a passenger service entered into by the 5 Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown and a person to which this section applies, being a provision that, under the agreement, lease or licence, is expressed to be a civil penalty provision for the purposes 10 of this Act. (2) Despite anything to the contrary in any Act or law, a person who breaches a civil penalty provision is liable to pay, as a debt due to the State, an amount determined in accordance 15 with the agreement, lease or licence as the penalty for breach of that provision. (3) This section applies to-- (a) a train operator; (b) a tram operator; 20 (c) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (4), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (4) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 25 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- 30 (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or 26 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any 5 rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 69. Validity of certain provisions (1) A provision in an agreement between the 10 Director acting on behalf of the Crown and a person to which this section applies relating to, or connected with, a passenger service under which the Director may require the sale, transfer or assignment to the State or 15 another person (including a provision relating to the exercise of the Director's powers under Division 3) of property in which the person to which this section applies has an interest is not invalid by 20 reason only of any mortgage, charge or other interest by way of security held by the State in respect of the property or any part of the property. (2) A provision in a mortgage, charge or other 25 interest by way of security over property given by a person to which this section applies securing, or purporting to secure, payment to the State of an amount that is, or may become, due or payable by the person to 30 the State is not invalid by reason only that the property includes an amount that is, or may become, due and payable by the State. (3) This section applies to-- (a) train operators; 35 (b) tram operators; 27 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (c) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (4), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (4) The Governor in Council, by Order 5 published in the Government Gazette, may declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order 10 that-- (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; 15 or (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any 20 rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. Division 3--Certain operating assets 70. Assets of certain operators 25 (1) If a provision of an agreement between the Director acting on behalf of the Crown and a person to which this section applies ("the operator") provides for the transfer of relevant assets of the operator to the State or 30 any other person at the end of the term of the agreement or in specified circumstances, being a provision that, under the agreement, 28 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. is expressed to be a transfer provision for the purposes of this Division, the Director may give to the Minister, at a time, or within a period, determined under the agreement, a 5 statement or statements approved by the Minister relating to the relevant assets. (2) This section applies to-- (a) train operators; (b) tram operators; 10 (c) a person specified in an Order under sub-section (3), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order. (3) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may 15 declare that this section applies, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, to a person specified in the Order that-- 20 (a) is a party to a contract with the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person of a passenger service; or 25 (b) is a party to a lease with Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown in relation to any rail infrastructure or tram infrastructure 30 owned by Rail Track, the Public Transport Corporation or the Crown. 71. Allocation statement (1) A statement under section 70-- 29 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (a) must allocate the relevant assets to or between the State and such persons as the Minister nominates in writing; and (b) must be signed by the Director. 5 (2) If a statement under this section is approved by the Minister-- (a) the Minister must sign the statement; and (b) the statement is an allocation statement 10 for the purposes of this Division. (3) The Minister may at any time direct the Director to amend a statement given under this section as specified in the direction. (4) An allocation statement under this section 15 may be amended in writing signed by the Minister. (5) The Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, may fix the relevant date for the purposes of an allocation 20 statement under this section. (6) In this section, "statement" and "allocation statement" include a statement or allocation statement amended in accordance with this section. 25 72. Assets transferred in accordance with statement On the relevant date, the relevant assets that are allocated under an allocation statement under section 71 vest in the State or another 30 person in accordance with the statement. 73. Allocation of assets subject to encumbrances 30 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. Unless an allocation statement under section 71 otherwise provides, where, under this Division relevant assets vest in a transferee under section 72, the relevant assets so 5 vested are subject to the encumbrances (if any) to which they were subject immediately before so vesting. 74. Certificate of Director (1) A certificate signed by the Director 10 certifying that assets of the transferor specified in the certificate have been allocated under an allocation statement in accordance with section 71 is, unless revoked under sub-section (2), conclusive 15 evidence that the assets-- (a) have been so allocated; and (b) vested in the transferee on the relevant date. (2) If the Minister so directs the Director in 20 writing, the Director must revoke a certificate given under sub-section (1) by issuing another certificate in place of the first certificate. (3) The Director-- 25 (a) must keep a register of certificates issued under this section; and (b) must make the register reasonably available for inspection by a transferee or other interested person. 30 75. Consideration for transferred property The consideration payable to the transferor by the State or a transferee on behalf of the State in respect of relevant assets that are allocated under an allocation statement is the 31 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. amount determined in accordance with the agreement referred to in section 70. 76. Former transferor instruments and agreements 5 (1) Each former transferor instrument relating to former relevant assets continues to have effect according to its tenor on and after the relevant date in relation to those assets as if a reference in the instrument to the transferor 10 were a reference to the transferee. (2) Where, under an allocation statement, a transferor's interest in an agreement vests in a transferee under section 72-- (a) the transferee becomes, on the relevant 15 date, a party to the agreement in place of the transferor; and (b) on and after the relevant date, the agreement has effect as if the transferee had always been a party to the 20 agreement. 77. Proceedings Unless an allocation statement otherwise provides, if, immediately before the relevant date, proceedings relating to former relevant 25 assets (including arbitration proceedings) to which a transferor was a party were pending or existing in any court or tribunal, then, on and after that date, the transferee is substituted for the transferor as a party to the 30 proceedings and has the same rights in the proceedings as the transferor had. 78. Taxes Stamp duty and any other tax chargeable under an Act is payable in respect of the 35 vesting of relevant assets under this Division 32 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. as if the vesting were effected by an instrument. 79. Evidence Documentary or other evidence that would 5 have been admissible for or against the interests of a transferor in relation to former relevant assets if this Division had not been enacted is admissible for or against the interests of the transferee. 10 80. Validity of things done under this Division Nothing effected or to be effected by this Division or done or suffered under this Division-- (a) is to be regarded as placing any person 15 in breach of contract or confidence or as otherwise making any person guilty of a civil wrong; or (b) is to be regarded as placing any person in breach of, or as constituting a default 20 under, any Act or other law or obligation or any provision in any agreement, arrangement or understanding including, but not limited to, any provision or obligation 25 prohibiting, restricting or regulating the assignment, transfer, sale or disposal of any property or the disclosure of any information; or (c) is to be regarded as fulfilling any 30 condition that allows a person to exercise a power, right or remedy in respect of or to terminate any agreement or obligation; or (d) is to be regarded as giving rise to any 35 remedy for a party to a contract or an 33 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. instrument or as causing or permitting the termination of any contract or instrument because of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of any 5 relevant asset; or (e) is to be regarded as causing any contract or instrument to be void or otherwise unenforceable; or (f) is to be regarded as frustrating any 10 contract; or (g) releases any surety or other obligee wholly or in part from any obligation. PART 5--PROHIBITED INTERESTS Division 1--Preliminary 15 81. Definitions In this Part-- "associate" has the meaning, in relation to a person, it would have under Division 2 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Law as 20 if-- (a) for paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 12(1) of that Law, there were substituted-- "or 25 (b) whether the primary person is entitled to shares in or is in a position to exercise certain powers in relation to a body corporate;"; and 30 (b) sections 13, 14, 16(2) of that Law were repealed; 34 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. "officer", in relation to a corporation, has the same meaning as in section 9 of the Corporations Law; "ORG" means the Office of the Regulator- 5 General; "related body corporate" has the same meaning as in section 9 of the Corporations Law; "relevant agreement" means an agreement, 10 arrangement or understanding-- (a) whether formal or informal or partly formal and partly informal; and (b) whether written or oral or partly 15 written and partly oral; and (c) whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or not based on legal or equitable rights; "relevant corporation" means a 20 metropolitan train operator or a metropolitan tram operator; "voting share", in relation to a corporation, has the same meaning as in section 9 of the Corporations Law. 25 82. Relevant interest in, and entitlement to, shares (1) For the purposes of this Part, a person has a relevant interest in a share if, and only if, the person would be taken to have a relevant 30 interest in the share because of Division 5 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Law but a person does not have a relevant interest in a share in a corporation only because the 35 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. person has a right of pre-emption in relation to that share if the corporation-- (a) was formed by two or more persons for the purpose of enabling those persons 5 to carry on an activity jointly by means of their joint control of, or by means of their ownership of shares in, that corporation; and (b) those persons, or persons who have 10 acquired some or all of the shares in that corporation, continue to carry on that activity jointly by either of those means. (2) For the purposes of this Part, the shares in a 15 corporation to which a person (being the corporation or any other person) is entitled to include shares in the corporation to which the person is entitled in accordance with section 609 of the Corporations Law as if a 20 reference in that section of that Law to a relevant interest were a reference to a relevant interest to which sub-section (1) applies. (3) Without derogating from section 88 or 89, 25 the regulations may provide that relevant interests, or particular classes of relevant interests, in shares, or in particular classes of shares, are, in such circumstances and subject to such conditions (if any) as are 30 specified in the regulations, to be disregarded for such purposes as are specified in the regulations. 83. Corporations Law A reference in this Part to the Corporations 35 Law is a reference to that Law as it would apply if references in that Law to a body 36 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. corporate, corporation or company included references to-- (a) a body corporate of any kind wherever formed or incorporated and whether 5 formed or incorporated under that Law or any other law; and (b) any unincorporated body, being a society, association, company of proprietors or other body, wherever 10 formed, that, under the law of its place of formation, may sue or be sued, or may hold property in the name of the secretary or some other officer of the society, association or body, or in the 15 name of any trustee or trustees; and (c) any unincorporated body, being a society, association, company of proprietors or other body or undertaking to which is applied, under 20 the laws of the place of its formation with or without exceptions, a law in force in that place relating to a company or corporation within the meaning of that law. 25 84. Unit trusts If assets used in, or liabilities of, the business carried on by a relevant corporation form part of the trust estate of a unit trust, then, for the purposes of this Part, units in the unit 30 trust are deemed to be shares in a relevant corporation the business of which is the business of the trust estate of the unit trust. 85. Stock If the whole or a portion of the share capital 35 of a corporation consists of stock, a reference 37 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. in this Part to a number of shares in the corporation as a percentage is, in relation to an amount of stock, a reference to the amount of stock that represents that number 5 of shares. 86. Controlling interest For the purposes of this Part but subject to sections 88 and 89, a person has a controlling interest in a corporation if the 10 person-- (a) is entitled to more than 20% of the voting shares in the corporation; or (b) is entitled to shares in the corporation that confer or, if a dividend were 15 declared or a distribution of profits were made by the corporation, would confer a right to receive the benefit of more than 20% of the dividend or distribution; or 20 (c) is entitled to shares in the corporation that confer or, in the event of any other distribution of property or rights by the corporation, whether on dissolution or otherwise, would confer an entitlement 25 to receive the benefit of more than 20% of the property and rights; or (d) is able, whether alone or in concert with another, and whether by any act or omission or otherwise, to dominate or 30 control-- (i) the corporation; or (ii) the financial and operating policies or management of the corporation; or 38 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (iii) the activities of the corporation as a metropolitan train operator or metropolitan tram operator. 87. Application of Part to partnerships 5 (1) In this section-- "partner" includes member of an unincorporated joint venture; "partnership" includes unincorporated joint venture. 10 (2) This Part applies to partnerships, and partners, as if a partnership were a corporation and a partner were a member of a corporation. (3) For the purposes of this Part-- 15 (a) a partnership is deemed to be a corporation and a person; (b) a partner is deemed-- (i) to be a member of the corporation; and 20 (ii) to hold shares bearing the same proportion to all the shares in the corporation as the partner's right to receive a distribution of profits of the partnership bears to the sum 25 of the rights of partners to receive such distributions; (c) rights and powers of a partner in respect of the partnership, including voting rights and rights to dispose of 30 interests in the partnership or the partnership property are deemed to be rights and powers of a member of a corporation attached to and conferred 39 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. by that member's shares in the corporation; (d) the committee of management (by whatever named called) of a 5 partnership is deemed to be the board of directors of the partnership; (e) a meeting of the partners of a partnership is deemed to be a general meeting of a corporation. 10 (4) For the purposes of this Part and its application to a partnership, "relevant corporation" includes a partnership the members of which are persons who are relevant corporations. 15 88. Certain shareholders agreements to be disregarded For the purposes of determining under this Part whether a person has a controlling interest or an entitlement to shares in a 20 relevant corporation, a relevant interest of an associate of the person must be disregarded if the Treasurer certifies in writing that the Treasurer is satisfied-- (a) that the association arises solely under 25 section 12(1)(e) or section 15(1) of the Corporations Law by virtue of provisions of the articles of association or other constituent documents of a corporation or other entity, a 30 shareholders' agreement or other consortium arrangements and that the provisions are not unusual having regard to conventional or usual investment considerations; and 40 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (b) that the person or any related body corporate does not have the power-- (i) to control or influence the composition of the board of 5 directors of the relevant corporation otherwise than by control of the exercise at a general meeting of the relevant corporation of voting rights in 10 respect of particular shares or a particular proportion of shares in the relevant corporation or the exercise of powers of appointment of a specified number of directors 15 of the relevant corporation; or (ii) to control or influence the conduct of affairs of the relevant corporation otherwise than by control of the exercise at a general 20 meeting of the relevant corporation of voting rights in respect of particular shares or a particular proportion of shares in the relevant corporation or by the 25 actions of directors appointed by the person. 89. Certain "see-through" interests to be disregarded For the purpose of determining under this 30 Part whether a person has a controlling interest or an entitlement to shares in a relevant corporation, a relevant interest that the person has solely by virtue of section 32(c) or 33 of the Corporations Law must be 35 disregarded if the Treasurer certifies in writing-- 41 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (a) that the Treasurer is satisfied that the person or any related body corporate of the person does not have the power-- (i) to control or influence the 5 composition of the board of directors of the relevant corporation otherwise than by controlling the exercise at a general meeting of the relevant 10 corporation of not more than 20% of the votes that may be cast at general meetings or exercising powers of appointment of not more than one-fifth of the 15 directors of the relevant corporation; or (ii) to control or influence the conduct of affairs of the relevant corporation otherwise than by 20 controlling the exercise at a general meeting of the relevant corporation of voting rights in respect of not more than 20% of the voting shares or by the actions 25 of directors appointed by it being not more than one-fifth of the directors of the relevant corporation; and (b) that the Treasurer is satisfied that-- 30 (i) in the case of determining whether the person has a controlling interest, the person does not have-- (A) the power to exercise the 35 votes in respect of, or to control the disposal of, more 42 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. than 20% of the voting shares in the relevant corporation, not including a right of pre-emption whether 5 direct or indirect in relation to those shares; or (B) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 20% of the 10 dividends declared or distribution of profits made by the relevant corporation in respect of a financial year of the relevant corporation; 15 or (C) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 20% of the property and rights of the 20 relevant corporation on a dissolution or otherwise; or (ii) in the case of determining whether the person has an entitlement to shares, the person does not have-- 25 (A) the power to exercise the votes in respect of, or to control the disposal of any voting shares in the relevant corporation, other than a 30 right of pre-emption whether direct or indirect in relation to those shares; or (B) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of 35 any dividends declared or distribution of profits made 43 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. by the relevant corporation in respect of a financial year of the relevant corporation; or 5 (C) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of any property and rights of the relevant corporation on a dissolution or otherwise. 10 90. Effect of certificate under section 88 or 89 A certificate of the Treasurer under section 88 or 89 continues to have effect unless ORG determines that-- (a) a change has occurred in respect of the 15 matters to which the certificate relates; and (b) the certificate ceases to have effect. 91. Application and construction of Part (1) This Part (including any provision of the 20 Corporations Law referred to or applied for the purposes of this Part) applies in relation to any transaction, agreement, arrangement, understanding or undertaking-- (a) whether the transaction, agreement, 25 arrangement, understanding or undertaking is entered into, or made, in this State or elsewhere; and (b) whether the shares (if any) to which the transaction, agreement, arrangement, 30 understanding or undertaking relates are registered in this State or elsewhere; and (c) whether the proper law of the transaction, agreement, arrangement, 44 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. understanding or undertaking is the law of this State or not. (2) This Part is relevant legislation for the purposes of the Office of the Regulator- 5 General Act 1994. Division 2--Prohibited interests 92. Prohibited interests (1) It is unlawful for a person to hold a prohibited interest. 10 (2) A metropolitan train operator holds a prohibited interest if it is entitled to shares in or, because of section 86(d) otherwise has a controlling interest in, the other metropolitan train operator. 15 (3) A metropolitan tram operator holds a prohibited interest if it is entitled to shares in or, because of section 86(d) otherwise has a controlling interest in, the other metropolitan tram operator. 20 (4) A person who has a controlling interest in a metropolitan train operator or a metropolitan tram operator holds a prohibited interest if the person is entitled to shares in or, because of section 86(d) otherwise has a controlling 25 interest in, the other metropolitan train operator or metropolitan tram operator, as the case requires. 93. Other provisions relating to prohibited interests 30 (1) A person, not being a relevant corporation, does not hold a prohibited interest within the meaning of section 92 because the person is 45 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. entitled to shares in or, because of section 86(d) otherwise has a controlling interest in, a relevant corporation if-- (a) ORG is satisfied that each such interest 5 is held only as a passive institutional investment; and (b) ORG determines in writing that the person does not hold a prohibited interest. 10 (2) At any time after a determination is made under sub-section (1) in relation to a person, ORG may, by notice in writing served on that person, determine that circumstances have changed so that it is no longer satisfied 15 as to the matters set out in sub-section (1)(a) in relation to the person and that the person has a prohibited interest within the meaning of section 92. (3) For the purposes of this Part a relevant 20 corporation is not capable of having a prohibited interest in itself. 94. Temporary exemption from prohibition (1) The Treasurer may, in writing given to ORG, declare that a specified person does not, by 25 reason only of having a specified controlling interest or specified entitlement to shares, have a prohibited interest during a specified period ending not more than 6 months after the day on which the declaration is made. 30 (2) A declaration under sub-section (1) may be made subject to such conditions as are specified in it. (3) A declaration under this section has effect according to its terms and ceases to have 35 effect-- 46 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (a) at the end of the specified period; or (b) upon a breach of a condition to which it is expressed to be subject. 95. Power to require information relating to 5 interests (1) ORG may, by notice in writing served on a person who is, or is suspected by ORG of being-- (a) entitled to shares in a relevant 10 corporation; or (b) the holder of a controlling interest in a relevant corporation-- require the person to furnish information specified in the notice for the purpose of 15 determining whether that person or any other person has, or is taking action to acquire, a prohibited interest. (2) A notice under sub-section (1) may require the person on whom the notice is served or, 20 if that person is a corporation, 2 directors of the corporation, to verify by statutory declaration any information furnished in compliance with the notice. (3) If-- 25 (a) a person on whom a notice under sub- section (1) has been served fails to furnish, within the time allowed in the notice, the information required by the notice, verified as required by the 30 notice; or (b) information furnished by the person in response to the notice is, in the opinion of ORG, by reason of anything 47 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. included in it or omitted from it, false or misleading in a material particular-- ORG may, by reason only of that fact, by notice in writing served on a person, do one 5 or more of the following-- (c) determine that the person is an associate of another, or that another is an associate of that person; (d) determine that the person, or another to 10 whom a determination under paragraph (c) relates, is entitled to specified shares in a relevant corporation; (e) determine that the voting rights attaching to all or any of the shares to 15 which a determination under paragraph (d) relates are suspended; (f) determine that the person, or another person to whom a determination under paragraph (c) relates, has a prohibited 20 interest. 96. Disposal of interest (1) If ORG-- (a) makes a determination under section 95(3); or 25 (b) forms the opinion-- that a person (in this section referred to as "the offender") has a prohibited interest, ORG may, by notice in writing served-- 48 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (c) if the offender holds shares to which the offender is entitled, on the offender; or (d) on any other person who holds shares 5 to which the offender is entitled-- determine that the offender or that other person must dispose of the relevant shares otherwise than to an associate of the offender, within a period specified in the 10 notice, being not less than 3 months after service of the notice, and that, until those shares are disposed of, the voting rights attaching to all or to specified shares in a relevant corporation to which the offender is 15 entitled are suspended. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the relevant shares that a person may be required by a notice under that sub-section to dispose of otherwise than to an associate of the 20 offender are-- (a) subject to paragraph (b), any shares held by the person that would need to be disposed of in order to cause the offender to cease to have a prohibited 25 interest; or (b) if, after all the shares held by the person to which the offender is entitled were so disposed of, the offender would continue to have a prohibited interest, 30 the total number of those shares. (3) For the purposes of this section a person is not to be taken to have disposed of shares to which an offender is entitled unless and until the person ceases to hold the shares and the 35 offender ceases to be entitled to the shares. 49 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (4) If a person served with a notice of determination under sub-section (1) requiring the person to dispose of shares fails to comply with the notice within the period 5 specified in the notice, the shares last registered in the name of that person that caused the person to have a prohibited interest and specified by ORG by notice in writing served on the person are, by force of 10 this sub-section, forfeited to the State. (5) If-- (a) a person served with a notice of a determination under sub-section (1) requiring the person to dispose of 15 shares fails to comply with the notice within the period specified in the notice; and (b) the person is a member of a partnership and the shares are an interest in the 20 partnership; and (c) the person is one of 2 or more persons constituting a relevant corporation-- ORG-- (d) may, by notice in writing given to the 25 person, declare that, as from a date specified in the notice, any agreement, lease or licence to which the person and the Secretary or the Director acting on behalf of the Crown are parties and 30 relating to the provision of a passenger service is terminated; or (e) may make a determination under section 97. (6) ORG must cause written notice of-- 50 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (a) a determination under sub-section (1) requiring a person to dispose of shares in a relevant corporation; or (b) a determination under section 95(3)(e) 5 that a person's voting rights are suspended-- to be served on the relevant person. (7) If ORG-- (a) makes a determination under section 10 95(3); or (b) forms the opinion-- that a person (in this section referred to as "the offender") has a prohibited interest because of the circumstances referred to in 15 section 86(d), ORG may, by notice in writing served on the offender, determine that the offender-- (c) must desist from dominating or controlling the relevant corporation, the 20 financial and operating policies or management of the corporation or the activities of the corporation as a metropolitan train operator or metropolitan tram operator; and 25 (d) must terminate a relevant agreement-- to the extent necessary to prevent it having a prohibited interest, within a period specified in the notice, not being less than 3 months after service of the notice. 30 (8) If ORG makes a declaration under sub- section (5)(d), the agreement, lease or licence to which the declaration relates is terminated as from the date specified in the relevant notice. 51 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. 97. Voting rights in respect of certain shares If written notice is served on a relevant corporation of a determination of ORG under this Part-- 5 (a) that a person is an associate of another; or (b) that a person has a prohibited interest in a relevant corporation; or (c) that voting rights are suspended-- 10 the determination is binding and has effect for the purposes of the application of this Part in relation to any general meeting of the relevant corporation held after receipt by the relevant corporation of the notice. 15 98. Annulment of certain resolutions (1) If ORG is of the opinion that a resolution of a general meeting of the relevant corporation has been passed as a result of the admission of votes that should not, by virtue of a 20 determination of ORG under section 95(3) or 96(1) have been admitted, ORG may, by notice in writing served on the relevant corporation, declare the resolution to have been (at all times) null and void. 25 (2) If notice of a declaration under sub-section (1) is served on a relevant corporation, ORG must, at the same time or as soon as practicable thereafter, cause written notice of the declaration to be served on each person 30 whose votes should not, in the opinion of ORG, have been admitted. (3) A notice under sub-section (1) does not have any effect unless it is served on the relevant corporation within one month after the date 35 of the resolution to which it relates. 52 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. 99. Making, review and revocation of determination by ORG (1) A determination may be made by ORG under this Part on the basis of such 5 information as ORG considers sufficient in the circumstances. (2) A determination of ORG under this Part is effective when written notice is served on the relevant person. 10 (3) Notwithstanding that an application is made under section 37 of the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 for review of a determination of ORG under this Part, the determination continues to have effect 15 pending determination of the application except as otherwise determined by ORG. (4) ORG may, by notice in writing served on the person on whom notice of the determination was served, revoke or vary a determination 20 of ORG under this Part with effect from the date of the determination or some other date determined by ORG. 100. Appeal against determination of ORG (1) Despite anything to the contrary in the 25 Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994, a person on whom notice of a determination of ORG is served under this Part may appeal to the Supreme Court against the determination. 30 (2) An appeal under this section must be instituted within 21 days after notice of the determination under appeal is served on the appellant and that period of limitation may not be extended. 53 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (3) The Supreme Court may, on an appeal under this section, if satisfied that proper grounds for making the determination did not exist, quash or vary the determination, either 5 conditionally or unconditionally and with effect from the date of the determination or some other date, as the Court thinks fit, and make any consequential or ancillary orders that may be just. 10 (4) Notwithstanding an appeal under this section, a determination other than-- (a) a determination under section 96(1) requiring a person to dispose of shares in the relevant corporation; or 15 (b) a determination under section 96(4) that shares in the relevant corporation are forfeited to the State-- continues to have effect pending determination of the appeal. 20 (5) Except as provided in this Part, a determination of ORG under this Part may not be challenged or called into question. 101. Sale of forfeited shares (1) ORG is to sell any shares forfeited to the 25 State under this Part. (2) For the purposes of a sale of shares under sub-section (1), ORG is not bound by any restriction on the sale of shares whether contained in the memorandum or articles of 30 association of the relevant corporation or in any other document. (3) Any money realised from the sale of forfeited shares under this section must, after deduction of the reasonable costs of the 54 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. forfeiture and sale be paid to the person from whom the shares were forfeited. 102. Service A notice required or authorised by this Part 5 to be served on a person-- (a) in the case of a natural person-- (i) may be served personally on the person; or (ii) may be sent by post to the person 10 at his or her last known place of residence, business or employment; or (b) in the case of a company or other body, may be left at, or sent by post to, its 15 registered office or a place of business of the company or body whether within the State or elsewhere. PART 6--GENERAL 103. Delegation 20 The Minister may, by instrument, delegate to-- (a) the Secretary; or (b) the Secretary to the Department of Treasury and Finance; or 25 (c) the Director; or (d) an executive within the meaning of the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998 employed in the Department-- 30 any of his or her powers under this Act other than this power of delegation. 55 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. 104. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (1) The Freedom of Information Act 1982 does not apply to a document to the extent to which the document discloses information 5 about-- (a) the identity of any person expressing an interest in purchasing, or making an offer to purchase-- (i) any property of V/Line Freight, 10 V/Line Passenger Corporation, Met Train 1, Met Train 2, Met Tram 1 or Met Tram 2; or (ii) any shares in a relevant body corporate or any property or rights 15 of a relevant body corporate; or (b) the terms of any expression of interest or offer referred to in paragraph (a). (2) In this section-- "relevant body corporate" means a train 20 operator or a tram operator. 105. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction It is the intention of section 100(5) to alter or vary section 85 of the Constitution Act 1975. 25 106. Regulations The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to any matter or thing required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed 30 to give effect to this Act. 56 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 16 Act No. PART 7--TRANSITIONAL 107. Orders under repealed sections An Order in force under Part 4 immediately before the commencement of section 15 of 5 the Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 has effect-- (a) in the case of an Order under section 60A, as if it were an Order under section 60 as amended by that Act; 10 (b) in the case of an Order under section 61, as if it were an Order under section 61 as amended by that Act; (c) in the case of an Order under section 62, as if it were an Order under section 15 62 as amended by that Act; (d) in the case of an Order under section 63, as if it were an Order under section 63 as amended by that Act. 108. Repeals consequential on new Part 4 20 Sections 7A, 7B, 7C, 12, 13, 13A, 13B, 18E, 18F, 18K, 18L, 18Q, 18R, 18S, 18X, 18Y, 18Z, 18ZE and 18ZF are repealed.'. 16. New section 106A inserted In Part 7 of the Principal Act, before section 107 25 insert-- "106A. Privatisation of V/Line Freight On the commencement of section 4 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997-- 30 (a) V/Line Freight is abolished; 57 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 16 Act No. (b) all directors of V/Line Freight go out of office; (c) the chief executive officer of V/Line Freight goes out of office; 5 (d) the Public Transport Corporation established under Part II of the Transport Act 1983 becomes the successor in law of V/Line Freight.". _______________ 10 58 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 17 Act No. PART 3--TRANSPORT ACT 1983 17. Principal Act No. 9921. In this Part, the Transport Act 1983 is called the Reprint No. 6 Principal Act. as at 1 July 1998. 5 18. Definitions: general (1) In section 2(1) of the Principal Act insert-- ' "Director" means the Director of Public Transport under this Act; "passenger service" has the same meaning as in 10 the Rail Corporations Act 1996; "public transport property" means property that is used by a passenger transport company in the provision of a passenger service; "rail corporation" has the same meaning as in 15 the Rail Corporations Act 1996; "rail freight operator" means-- (a) V/Line Freight; or (b) a person or body specified in an Order under sub-section (2B), subject to any 20 terms and conditions specified in that Order; "train operator", in relation to a provision of this Act, means a body corporate specified in an Order under sub-section (2C) to be a train 25 operator for the purposes of that provision; "tram operator", in relation to a provision of this Act, means a body corporate specified in an Order under sub-section (2D) to be a tram operator for the purposes of that provision.'. 59 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 18 Act No. (2) In section 2(1) of the Principal Act, for the definition of "passenger transport company" substitute-- ' "passenger transport company" means-- 5 (a) the Public Transport Corporation; or (b) V/Line Passenger Corporation; or (c) Met Train 1 and Met Train 2; or (d) Met Tram 1 and Met Tram 2; or (e) a train operator; or 10 (f) a tram operator; or (g) a person or body specified in an Order under sub-section (2A), subject to any terms and conditions specified in that Order;'. 15 (3) In section 2 of the Principal Act, after sub-section (2) insert-- "(2A) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a person or body specified in the 20 Order, being a person or body that has entered into a contract with the Crown or the Secretary or the Director on behalf of the Crown for the provision by that person or body of a passenger service, is, on and from 25 a date specified in the Order and subject to any terms and conditions specified in the Order, a passenger transport company for the purposes of this Act. (2B) The Governor in Council, by Order 30 published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a person or body specified in the Order, being a person or body that operates rail freight services, is, on and from a date specified in the Order and subject to any 60 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 19 Act No. terms and conditions specified in the Order, a rail freight operator for the purposes of this Act. (2C) The Governor in Council, by Order 5 published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a specified body corporate, being a body corporate that is a party to a lease of rail infrastructure (within the meaning of the Rail Corporations Act 10 1996) by the Director acting on behalf of the Crown or the Public Transport Corporation or Rail Track, is, on and from a specified date, a train operator for the purposes of a specified provision of this Act. 15 (2D) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a specified body corporate, being a body corporate that is a party to a lease of tram infrastructure (within the 20 meaning of the Rail Corporations Act 1996) by the Director acting on behalf of the Crown or the Public Transport Corporation or Rail Track, is, on and from a specified date, a tram operator for the purposes of a 25 specified provision of this Act.". 19. Heading to Division 1, Part 2 In Part II of the Principal Act, for the heading to Division 1 substitute-- "Division 1--The Department". 30 20. New section 4A inserted After section 4 of the Principal Act insert-- 61 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 21 22 Act No. "4A. Revenue allocation agreements (1) The Crown may enter into agreements relating to the allocation of revenue derived from the provision by any person or body of 5 any passenger services or other transport services. (2) An agreement referred to in sub-section (1) may be entered into on behalf of the Crown by the Secretary or the Director or the 10 Secretary and the Director acting jointly.". 21. Powers of Secretary (1) In section 6A of the Principal Act, sub-section (2) is repealed. (2) In section 6A of the Principal Act, after sub- 15 section (3) insert-- "(4) The Secretary, on behalf of the Crown, may enter into an agreement referred to in section 4A(1).". (3) In section 7A of the Principal Act, at the end of 20 the section insert-- "(2) The Minister cannot give to the Secretary any direction as to the quantum of any amount payable under section 68 of the Rail Corporations Act 1996 for breach of a civil 25 penalty provision within the meaning of that section.". 22. New sections 8 and 9 inserted After section 7A of the Principal Act insert-- '8. Director of Public Transport 30 There shall be a Director of Public Transport employed under Part 3 of the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998. 9. Functions and powers of Director 62 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (1) The Director has the general administration of arrangements entered into with a body corporate that is a train operator or tram operator. 5 (2) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Director may on behalf of the Crown-- (a) acquire, hold or dispose of real or personal property; (b) participate in the formation of a 10 corporation, trust, partnership or other body; (c) subscribe for or otherwise acquire, and hold and dispose of, shares in or debentures or other securities of, a 15 corporation; (d) become a member of a company limited by guarantee; (e) subscribe for or otherwise acquire, and hold and dispose of, units in a trust; 20 (f) acquire, and hold and dispose of, an interest in a partnership or other body; (g) enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interest, co-operation, joint 25 venture, reciprocal concession or otherwise, with any person or body carrying on or engaged in, or about to carry on or engage in, any business or transaction whether within or outside 30 the State relating to, or connected with, the provision of passenger services or other transport services. (3) The Director also has any other functions and powers conferred on the Director by or 35 under this or any other Act. 63 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 22 23 Act No. (4) Without derogating from the Director's functions and powers under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) and section 5, the Director may on behalf of the Crown-- 5 (a) enter into agreements, leases or licences relating to, or connected with, the provision or operation by a person or body of a passenger service; (b) operate a passenger service; 10 (c) enter into an agreement referred to in section 4A(1); (d) enter into any other agreement, lease or licence or do any other thing that it is necessary or convenient to enter into or 15 do for, or in connection with, or as incidental to, the performance of his or her functions. (5) The Director must comply with any directions given by the Minister. 20 (6) Neither the Minister nor the Secretary can give to the Director any direction as to the quantum of any amount payable under section 68 of the Rail Corporations Act 1996 for breach of a civil penalty provision 25 within the meaning of that section. (7) The Director may, by instrument, delegate to a person by name or to the holder of an office any power of the Director, other than the power to enter into agreements, leases or 30 licences on behalf of the Crown or this power of delegation.'. 23. New section 10 inserted After section 9 of the Principal Act insert-- '10. Priority of passenger services 64 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (1) If-- (a) an agreement relating to the provision or operation of passenger services entered into between the Director on 5 behalf of the Crown and a train operator provides for the Director to require or approve a change in the timetable for a passenger service provided by the train operator; and 10 (b) in accordance with that agreement the Director requires or approves a timetable change; and (c) in order to provide the passenger service to which the timetable change 15 relates, the train operator requires access to or use of declared rail transport services within the meaning of the Rail Corporations Act 1996; and 20 (d) the train operator is a party to an agreement relating to access to those declared rail transport services or is bound by a determination on such access made in accordance with section 25 26 of the Office of the Regulator- General Act 1994-- then-- (e) the person that is the operator for the purposes of Part 2A of the Rail 30 Corporations Act 1996 of the rail infrastructure used to provide those declared rail transport services (in this section referred to as "the rail infrastructure operator") must provide 35 the train operator with such access to those services as is necessary to enable 65 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 23 Act No. the train operator to provide the passenger service in accordance with the timetable change; or (f) if the train operator and the rail 5 infrastructure operator are the same person, the train operator may use those services to the extent necessary to enable the train operator to provide the passenger service in accordance with 10 the timetable change. (2) Sub-section (1) applies even if the provision of access to or use by the train operator may-- (a) interfere with an existing use by the rail 15 infrastructure operator of the declared rail transport services for the provision by that operator of a rail transport service other than a passenger service or a service that is predominantly a 20 passenger service (in this section referred to as "a non-passenger service"); or (b) interfere with an existing right of access of another person to the declared 25 rail transport services to provide a non- passenger service. (3) Sub-section (1) is subject to-- (a) any existing use by the rail infrastructure operator of the declared 30 rail transport services for the provision of, or predominantly for the provision of, a passenger service by that operator; or (b) any existing right of access of a train 35 operator to the declared rail transport 66 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 23 Act No. services for the provision of, or predominantly for the provision of, a passenger service. (4) Nothing in sub-section (2) or (3) affects any 5 provision of an agreement or determination referred to in sub-section (1)(d) or relating to a right of access referred to in sub-section (2)(b) or (3)(b) which specifies the respective rights and obligations of the 10 parties to the agreement or the parties bound by the determination as a result of-- (a) any interference with an existing use or right of access arising from the operation of this section; or 15 (b) the Director requiring or approving a timetable change in accordance with an agreement referred to in sub-section (1)(a). (5) Subject to the terms of any agreement or 20 determination relating to a right of access referred to in sub-section (2)(b), if the operation of this section interferes with that right of access, the rail infrastructure operator must use all reasonable endeavours 25 to provide alternative access to the person whose right of access is interfered with so as to minimise that interference. (6) In deciding whether to require or approve a timetable change in accordance with an 30 agreement referred to in sub-section (1)(a), the Director must have regard to the objective of ensuring that the provision of a passenger service has priority over any non- passenger service unless, in the particular 35 circumstances, the interference with a non- passenger service resulting from according 67 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 24 Act No. that priority would in the opinion of the Director be serious and unreasonable.'. 24. New section 11 inserted At the end of Division 1 of Part II of the Principal 5 Act insert-- '11. Public Transport Fund (1) There shall be established in the Trust Fund an account to be known as the "Public Transport Fund". 10 (2) There shall be paid into the Public Transport Fund-- (a) all amounts received under agreements, leases or licences entered into by or on behalf of the Crown relating to, or 15 connected with, passenger services or other transport services; (b) all amounts allocated to the Crown in accordance with any agreement referred to in section 4A(1); 20 (c) any income from the investment of money standing to the credit of the Fund and the proceeds of sale of any investment; (d) money appropriated by the Parliament 25 for the purposes of the Fund; (e) any other money directed by the Treasurer to be paid into the Fund. (3) There shall be paid out of the Public Transport Fund-- 68 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 25 26 Act No. (a) all amounts payable by or on behalf of the Crown in accordance with agreements, leases or licences relating to passenger services or other transport 5 services; (b) any other amounts authorised under this or any other Act to be paid out of the Fund. (4) Money standing to the credit of the Public 10 Transport Fund may be invested in any manner in which trust funds may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958.'. 25. Contracts with Crown In the Principal Act-- 15 (a) in section 4(2)(aa), for "Secretary" (where twice occurring) substitute "Crown or the Secretary or the Director"; (b) in section 5, after "Secretary" insert "or the Director"; 20 (c) in section 14A(2)(b)(ii) and (iii), for "Secretary" substitute "Crown or the Secretary or the Director"; (d) in section 221(1)(a), after "Corporation" insert "or under a contract entered into by 25 the Crown or the Director on behalf of the Crown"; (e) in section 222(2), after "Corporation" insert "or under a contract entered into by the Crown or the Director on behalf of the 30 Crown". 26. Regulations 69 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. (1) In section 56(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), after "Corporation" insert ", passenger transport company or rail freight operator"; 5 (b) in paragraph (d), after "Corporation" insert "or Rail Track"; (c) in paragraphs (e), (f), (h) and (k), after "Corporation" insert "or Rail Track or under the control of the Director or of a passenger 10 transport company or rail freight operator"; (d) in paragraph (ma), after "Corporation" insert "or a passenger transport company or Rail Track"; (e) in paragraph (r)-- 15 (i) after "Part" (where first and secondly occurring) insert "or Division 4A of Part VII"; (ii) after "Part" (where thirdly occurring) insert "or on the Secretary by Division 20 4A of Part VII". (2) In section 56(3) of the Principal Act-- (a) in paragraph (d), after "Corporation" insert "or passenger transport company"; (b) in paragraph (f), after "Corporation" (where 25 twice occurring) insert "or passenger transport company". (3) In section 56 of the Principal Act, after sub- section (3) insert-- "(3A) A reference in sub-section (1) to-- 30 (a) a passenger transport company is a reference to such a company only in its capacity as a provider of a passenger service; and 70 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 27 28 Act No. (b) a rail freight operator is a reference to such an operator only in its capacity as an operator of rail freight services-- and regulations cannot be made under that 5 sub-section that have any effect in relation to such a company or operator in the performance by it of any other function or the exercise by it of any other power.". 27. Definitions: Part VII 10 (1) In section 208 of the Principal Act insert-- ' "ticket infringement" means a ticket offence that is prescribed for the purposes of this Part; "ticket offence" means-- 15 (a) an offence against section 221; or (b) an offence against a provision of this Act or the regulations relating to-- (i) a ticket within the meaning of section 221; or 20 (ii) conditions subject to which a person makes a journey.'. (2) In section 208 of the Principal Act, in the definition of "transport infringement" after "safety work infringement" insert "or ticket 25 infringement". 28. Amendment of Division heading In the heading to Division 2 of Part VII of the Principal Act, after "Transport" insert "and Ticket". 30 29. Amendment of section 211 71 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. In section 211 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (1) substitute-- '(1) In this Division-- "authorised officer"-- 5 (a) in relation to a transport infringement, means an officer of the Public Transport Corporation or the Roads Corporation appointed in writing by that 10 Corporation or a person (whether an officer of any such Corporation or not) appointed in writing by the Secretary either generally or in a particular case for the purposes of 15 this Division; (b) in relation to a ticket infringement, means-- (i) a person who is employed or engaged by a passenger 20 transport company; or (ii) a person who is employed in the Department under Part 3 of the Public Sector Management and 25 Employment Act 1998; or (iii) a person who is employed or engaged by a person providing transport services under an agreement entered 30 into with the Secretary or the Director on behalf of the Crown-- and who is appointed in writing by the Secretary either generally 72 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 30 31 Act No. or in a particular case for the purposes of this Division.'. 30. Ticket and transport infringements (1) In section 212(1) of the Principal Act for "an 5 authorised officer" substitute "a person who is an authorised officer in relation to a transport infringement". (2) After section 212(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "(1A) A member of the police force or a person 10 who is an authorised officer in relation to a ticket infringement who has reason to believe that a person has committed a ticket infringement may, in accordance with the regulations, serve on that person a ticket 15 infringement notice.". (3) In section 212(2) and (3) of the Principal Act, after "transport infringement notice" insert "or ticket infringement notice". (4) In section 212(5) of the Principal Act, after 20 "transport infringement" insert "or ticket infringement". (5) In section 215(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) after paragraph (a) insert-- "(ab) prescribing ticket infringements for 25 which a ticket infringement notice may be served; and"; (b) in paragraphs (b) and (c) for "a transport" substitute "an"; (c) in paragraph (f) after "infringement" insert 30 "or ticket infringement". 31. Power to require names and addresses 73 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. In section 218B of the Principal Act, after sub- section (2) insert-- "(2A) Despite anything to the contrary in sub- section (2), an authorised officer who is 5 employed or engaged by a passenger transport company may only make a request under that sub-section if the authorised officer believes on reasonable grounds that the person has committed or is about to 10 commit an offence against this Part or against any regulation made under this Part or section 56 or 249B.". 32. New section 219AA inserted After section 219 of the Principal Act insert-- 15 '219AA. Power of authorised persons to detain suspected offenders (1) In this section-- "authorised person" means a person who is employed or engaged by a passenger 20 transport company and who is authorised in writing by the Secretary either generally or in a particular case for the purposes of this section. (2) Subject to sub-section (7), this section 25 applies if an authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence against this Part or against any regulation made under this Part or section 56 or 249B. 30 (3) The authorised person may detain the person if the authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that the detention is necessary for any one or more of the following reasons-- 74 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 32 Act No. (a) to ensure the appearance of the person before a court of competent jurisdiction; (b) to preserve public order; 5 (c) to prevent the continuation or repetition of the offence or the commission of a further offence; (d) for the safety or welfare of members of the public or of the person. 10 (4) The authorised person may ask any other person to assist him or her to detain an alleged offender, and that other person may assist in the detention. (5) The authorised person must give the alleged 15 offender into the charge of a member of the police force as soon as is practicable after detaining him or her. (6) A member of the police force who is given charge of an alleged offender under sub- 20 section (5) must release the alleged offender or convey him or her as soon as is practicable before a bail justice or the Magistrates' Court to be dealt with according to law. 25 (7) An authorised person-- (a) may only exercise powers under this section in relation to offences or suspected offences relating to a passenger transport company 30 committed or that the authorised person believes were committed on or in relation to public transport property of that passenger transport company; and 75 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 33 Act No. (b) in exercising powers under this section may not use any more force than is reasonable in the circumstances.'. 33. Power to remove offenders 5 (1) In section 220 of the Principal Act, before sub- section (1) insert-- '(1AA) In this section-- "authorised person" means a person who is employed or engaged by a passenger 10 transport company and who is appointed in writing by the Secretary either generally or in a particular case for the purposes of this section.'. (2) In section 220 of the Principal Act-- 15 (a) in sub-section (1), after "Corporation" (where first occurring) insert "or an authorised person"; (b) in sub-section (1)(a), after "regulations" insert "or, in the case of an authorised 20 person, an offence against this Part or against any regulation made under this Part or section 56 or 249B"; (c) in sub-section (1)(b), for "that Corporation in lawful use of any vehicle or premises or 25 property of that Corporation" substitute "that Corporation or of the passenger transport company in lawful use of any vehicle or premises or property of that Corporation or company"; 30 (d) in sub-section (1), for "officers or agents of that Corporation or any of them" substitute "officer or agent of that Corporation or the authorised person"; 76 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 34 35 Act No. (e) in sub-section (1), after "that Corporation" (where fourthly and fifthly occurring) insert "or company"; (f) in sub-section (2), after "Corporation" insert 5 "or an authorised person". (3) After section 220(5) of the Principal Act insert-- "(6) An authorised person may only exercise powers under this section in relation to offences or suspected offences relating to a 10 passenger transport company committed or that the authorised person believes were committed on or in relation to public transport property of that passenger transport company.". 15 34. Ticket conditions In section 221 of the Principal Act, after sub- section (1) insert-- "(1A) A passenger transport company may-- (a) with the approval of the Secretary or 20 the Director, determine conditions to which a ticket of a specified class issued by it is to be subject; and (b) publish those conditions in the Government Gazette. 25 (1B) A ticket issued by a passenger transport company that is of a class in respect of which conditions approved by the Secretary or the Director have been published in the Government Gazette in accordance with sub- 30 section (1A) is issued subject to those conditions.". 35. Graffiti (1) In the Principal Act-- 77 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 36 Act No. (a) in sections 223A(1) and 223B(1) and (3), for "the Public Transport Corporation" (wherever occurring) substitute "a passenger transport company"; 5 (b) in section 223A(1), for "that Corporation" (wherever occurring) substitute "that company"; (c) in section 223B(4)-- (i) for "the Public Transport Corporation" 10 (where first occurring) substitute "a passenger transport company"; (ii) for "the Public Transport Corporation" (where secondly occurring) substitute "the passenger transport company". 15 (2) In section 223A(1) of the Principal Act, omit the definition of "authorised officer". (3) In section 223C of the Principal Act-- (a) omit "or an authorised officer"; (b) for "the Public Transport Corporation" 20 (where first occurring) substitute "a passenger transport company"; (c) omit "or officer"; (d) in paragraph (a), for "Public Transport Corporation" substitute "passenger transport 25 company". (4) In section 223D of the Principal Act, omit "or an authorised officer". 36. Prosecutions (1) In section 229 of the Principal Act, after sub- 30 section (1) insert-- 78 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. "(1AA) Despite anything to the contrary in sub- section (1), a proceeding for a ticket offence may be brought by a person who is employed or engaged by a passenger 5 transport company and who is authorised in writing by the Secretary either generally or in a particular case for the purposes of this section.". (2) In section 229(1B) of the Principal Act, after "(1)" 10 insert ", (1AA)". 37. Evidentiary provisions (1) In section 230(2) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "a Corporation" insert "or a passenger transport company"; 15 (b) after "the Corporation" insert "or company". (2) In section 230(3A) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "the Corporation" (where first occurring) insert ", or under the hand of a person who is employed or engaged by a 20 passenger transport company authorised to sign that certificate by the chief executive of the company,"; (b) after "the Corporation" (where secondly occurring) insert "or company (as the case 25 requires)". (3) In section 230(4) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "or of a Corporation" insert "or of a person who is employed or engaged by a passenger transport company"; 30 (b) after "Chief Executive of the Corporation" insert "or of the company". (4) In section 230(5) of the Principal Act-- 79 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 38 Act No. (a) after "a Corporation" insert "or a passenger transport company"; (b) after "the Corporation" insert "or company". 38. New section 246B inserted 5 After section 246A of the Principal Act insert-- "246B. Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 On the repeal of section 6A(2) by section 21(1) of the Rail Corporations (Further 10 Amendment) Act 1998, any property vested by force of that section in the Secretary and his or her successors immediately before that repeal vests in the Crown by force of this section.". 15 39. New section 249C inserted After section 249B of the Principal Act insert-- "249C. Exemption for tramway rollingstock (1) Nothing done or omitted to be done by a passenger transport company, government 20 department or any other person or body in relation to-- (a) authorising, permitting or requiring the use of, or using, a tram or light rail vehicle in the provision of a service for 25 the carrying of passengers by tramway that is so constructed or designed that ingress to it or egress from it is denied or limited to certain persons; or (b) authorising, permitting or requiring the 30 provision of, or providing, stopping places or associated facilities for passenger services on any land on which there is tram infrastructure within the meaning of the Rail 80 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 39 Act No. Corporations Act 1996 that are so constructed or designed that use of them is denied or limited to certain persons-- 5 constitutes discrimination on the basis of impairment for the purposes of the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 and any conduct referred to in this section is authorised. (2) This section expires on 1 January 2008.". 10 _______________ 81 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 40 Act No. PART 4--OTHER ACTS No. 104/1997. 40. Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997 (1) In section 36 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997, in proposed new section 5 221A of the Transport Act 1983-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "section 221(1)(c)" (where first occurring) substitute "a relevant provision"; (b) in sub-section (1), for paragraph (a) 10 substitute-- "(a) is competent to exercise the functions conferred on an authorised person by the relevant provision; and"; (c) in sub-section (1)(d), for "section 221" 15 substitute "the relevant provision"; (d) in sub-sections (2), (7) and (8), for "section 221(1)(c)" substitute "a relevant provision"; (e) in sub-section (8)(a) for "section 221" substitute "the relevant provision". 20 (2) In section 36 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997, after proposed new section 221A(9) of the Transport Act 1983 insert-- '(10) In this section-- 25 "relevant provision" means section 219AA, 220 or 221.'. (3) In section 37 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1997, in proposed new 82 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 41 Act No. Division 4A to be inserted in Part VII of the Transport Act 1983-- (a) in section 228A(1), for "section 221" substitute "a relevant provision within the 5 meaning of section 221A"; (b) in section 228A(2)(b)(i), after "fee" insert ", if any". 41. Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1998 No. 47/1998. In the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 10 1998-- (a) in section 10, in proposed new Part 2A of the Rail Corporations Act 1996, section 38Q is repealed; (b) section 13 is repealed. 15 42. Access Regime In section 10 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1998, for proposed new section 38B to be inserted in the Rail Corporations Act 1996 substitute-- 20 '38B. Objectives of the Office of the Regulator- General The objectives of the Office in relation to the regulated industry are, in addition to the objectives under section 7 of the Office of 25 the Regulator-General Act 1994 (but subject to section 4(2) of that Act)-- (a) to ensure users have fair and reasonable access to declared rail transport services; and 30 (b) to ensure that users which require access to declared rail transport services to provide passenger services have priority over users which require 83 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 43 44 Act No. such access to provide services other than passenger services ("non- passenger services").'. 43. Further amendment of access regime 5 (1) In section 10 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1998, at the end of proposed new section 38C to be inserted in the Rail Corporations Act 1996 insert-- "(4) Until 1 July 2001, sub-section (1) does not 10 apply to a rail transport service to the extent that the service relates to the use of railway track between Shepparton and Seymour or between Warrnambool and South Geelong for the purpose of providing passenger 15 services.". (2) In section 10 of the Rail Corporations (Amendment) Act 1998, at the end of proposed new section 38H to be inserted in the Rail Corporations Act 1996 insert-- 20 "(2) The Office must not make a determination providing access unless the Office has given notice to the Director of the application under section 38F at least 20 days before making the determination and has considered 25 any submission made by the Director before the determination is made.". 44. Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 84 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. In Schedule 1 to the Borrowing and Investment No. 13/1987. Powers Act 1987, after item 23B insert-- Reprint No. 4 as at "23C. V/Line Passenger 5, 8, 10, 11, 11AA, 12 September 1997. Further Corporation 11AB, 13, 14, 14A, amended by 15, 20, 20A and 21". Nos 84/1996, 56/1997, 71/1997, 91/1997, 93/1997, 99/1997, 104/1997, 109/1997, 25/1998 and 43/1998. 45. Country Fire Authority Act 1958 No. 6228. In section 3 of the Country Fire Authority Act Reprint No. 8 5 1958, in the definition of "heat engine" after as at "railway line" insert "owned by or". 1 January 1998. 46. Docklands Authority Act 1991 No. 22/1991. In section 28 of the Docklands Authority Act Reprint No. 1 1991, after sub-section (2) insert-- as at 9 May 1996. Further 10 "(2A) Without limiting sub-section (2), if under amended by that sub-section the Authority is required to Nos 9/1996, 73/1996, get the approval of Victorian Rail Track 63/1997, before doing anything under sub-section (1), 66/1997, 104/1997, the Authority must also get the approval of 18/1998 and 15 the Director of Public Transport appointed 46/1998. under the Transport Act 1983 before doing that thing.". 47. Local Government Act 1989 85 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 s. 48 Act No. In section 154 of the Local Government Act No. 11/1989. 1989, after sub-section (3) insert-- Reprint No. 4 as at 1 July "(3A) For the purposes of sub-section (2)(b), any 1998. part of land does not cease to be used 5 exclusively for public purposes only because it is leased-- (a) to a rail freight operator within the meaning of the Transport Act 1983; or (b) to a passenger transport company 10 within the meaning of that Act.". 48. Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 No. 42/1994. (1) In section 3(2) of the Office of the Regulator- Reprint No. 2 General Act 1994, for "sub-section (3)" as at 19 June substitute "sub-sections (3) and (5)". 1997. Further amended by 15 (2) After section 3(4) of the Office of the Regulator- No. 46/1998. General Act 1994 insert-- "(5) Sub-section (2) does not apply to-- (a) railways and rail infrastructure; or (b) tramways and tram infrastructure.". 20 49. Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992 No. 80/1992. (1) In section 36A of the Treasury Corporation of Reprint No. 2 Victoria Act 1992, in the definition of "public as at authority", after "V/Line Freight," insert "V/Line 20 August 1998. Passenger Corporation,". 25 (2) In Schedule 1 to the Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992, after the entry relating to V/Line Freight insert-- "V/Line Passenger Rail Corporations Act Corporation 1996". 86 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 87 532148B.I1-27/10/98



Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. 88 532148B.I1-27/10/98




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