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        Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997
                                 Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                             Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                   1
  1.     Purpose                                      1
  2.     Commencement                                 2
  3.     Principal Act                                2

  4.     New Part 5 inserted                          3
         PART 5--UNCLAIMED RSA MONEY                  3
         27. Definitions                              3
         28. Application of Part                      3
         29. Statement of unclaimed RSA money         3
         30. Payment of unclaimed RSA money           4
         31. Power of Minister to refund amounts      5
         32. Register of unclaimed RSA money          6
         33. Discharge of liability                   6
         34. Penalty                                  6
  5.     Consequential amendments                     6

  6.     New section 3 substituted                    8
         3. Definitions                               8
  7.     Further amendment of Parts 1 and 2           8
  8.     Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys                8
  9.     New section 10A inserted                     9
         10A. Registrar may appoint agents            9
  10.    Amendment of Principal Act                   9
  11.    New section 18 substituted                   9
         18. Application of Part                     10
  12.    Further amendment of Principal Act          10




Clause Page 13. New First Schedule inserted 10 FIRST SCHEDULE 11 NOTES 12 ii 531258B.I1-13/10/97



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962 and for other purposes. Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is-- (a) to provide for the payment of certain 5 unclaimed retirement savings account money into the Consolidated Fund instead of to the Commonwealth Commissioner of Taxation 1 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 2 Act No. under the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 of the Commonwealth; (b) to enable the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys to appoint agents; 5 (c) to make miscellaneous amendments to the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962. 2. Commencement (1) This Act (except section 11) comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 10 (2) Section 11 is deemed to have come into operation on 11 June 1997. 3. Principal Act No. 6879. In this Act, the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962 is Reprint No. 1 called the Principal Act. as at 1 January 1997. Further amended by Nos 84/1996 and 51/1997. 15 _______________ 2 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 4 Act No. PART 2--RETIREMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4. New Part 5 inserted After Part 4 of the Principal Act insert-- 'PART 5--UNCLAIMED RSA MONEY 5 27. Definitions In this Part-- "Commonwealth Act" means the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 of the Commonwealth; 10 "half-year" means a period of 6 months ending on 30 June or 31 December; "Registrar" means the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys within the meaning of section 10; 15 "RSA" has the same meaning as in section 8 of the Commonwealth Act; "RSA provider" has the same meaning as in section 12 of the Commonwealth Act; 20 "unclaimed RSA money" means an amount that, under Part 8 of the Commonwealth Act, as modified for the time being under Part 15 of that Act, is taken to be unclaimed money. 25 28. Application of Part This Part applies to an RSA provider that has its registered office (within the meaning of the Corporations Law) in Victoria. 29. Statement of unclaimed RSA money 3 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 4 Act No. (1) An RSA provider must give to the Registrar a statement in a form and manner approved by the Registrar of all unclaimed RSA money held in RSAs provided by the RSA 5 provider as at 30 June 1998 and as at the end of each subsequent half-year. (2) The RSA provider must give the statement-- (a) in relation to a half-year ending on 30 June, on or before the following 10 31 October; (b) in relation to a half-year ending on 31 December, on or before the following 30 April-- or on such later date as the Registrar 15 approves by notice given to the RSA provider whether before or after 31 October or 30 April, as the case requires. (3) If, after the end of a half-year and before the statement is given to the Registrar, the RSA 20 provider pays any of the unclaimed RSA money to a person who is entitled to it, the statement must contain such particulars relating to the amounts paid as are required by the form approved under sub-section (1). 25 (4) An approval by the Registrar of a form of statement for the purposes of sub-section (1) may require or permit the statement to be given on a specified kind of data processing device in accordance with specified software 30 requirements. 30. Payment of unclaimed RSA money An RSA provider, when giving the statement under section 29, must pay to the Registrar, for payment into the Consolidated Fund, an 4 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 4 Act No. amount calculated in accordance with the formula A-B where-- A is the amount specified in the statement provided in accordance with 5 section 29(1); B is the sum of the amounts specified in the statement in accordance with section 29(3). 31. Power of Minister to refund amounts 10 (1) If-- (a) any unclaimed RSA money has been paid to the Registrar under this Part; and (b) the Minister is satisfied on application 15 made by a person in the form approved by the Registrar, that, if this Part and Part 8 of the Commonwealth Act had not been enacted, that person would have been paid that unclaimed RSA 20 money by the RSA provider by whom it was paid to the Registrar-- the Minister must pay an amount equal to the amount of that unclaimed RSA money to that person. 25 (2) If an RSA provider, after paying an amount to the Registrar under this Part, satisfies the Minister that the amount so paid exceeds the amount that the RSA provider would have paid to the person concerned, the Minister 30 must refund to the RSA provider the amount of the excess. (3) The Consolidated Fund is appropriated to the extent necessary for the purposes of this section. 5 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. 32. Register of unclaimed RSA money (1) The Registrar must keep a register of unclaimed RSA money paid to the Registrar under this Part. 5 (2) The register may be in such form, and kept in such manner, as the Registrar determines but must include-- (a) particulars of unclaimed RSA money paid by an RSA provider to the 10 Registrar under this Part; and (b) particulars of the holder of each RSA in respect of which there is unclaimed RSA money. 33. Discharge of liability 15 An RSA provider is, upon payment to the Registrar of an amount as required by this Part, discharged from further liability in respect of that amount. 34. Penalty 20 An RSA provider must not intentionally or recklessly contravene this Part. Penalty: in the case of a natural person, 100 penalty units; in the case of a body corporate, 25 500 penalty units.'. 5. Consequential amendments In the Principal Act-- (a) in section 9(2), for "Part 4" substitute "Parts 4 and 5,"; 6 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (b) in section 13A(5), in the definition of "property", after "Part 4" insert "or unclaimed RSA money within the meaning of Part 5". 5 _______________ 7 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 6 Act No. PART 3--OTHER AMENDMENTS TO PRINCIPAL ACT 6. New section 3 substituted For section 3 of the Principal Act substitute-- '3. Definitions 5 In this Act-- "data processing device" means any article or material (including a disk) from which information is capable of being reproduced with or without the aid of 10 any other article or device.'. 7. Further amendment of Parts 1 and 2 In the Principal Act-- (a) in section 5-- (i) for "no one shall be" substitute "a 15 person is not"; (ii) for "him" (where twice occurring) substitute "the first person"; (b) in section 7-- (i) for "sub-section (1) of the last 20 preceding section" substitute "section 6(1)"; (ii) for "sub-section (2) of the last preceding section" (where twice occurring) substitute "section 6(2)"; 25 (c) in section 8(2), for "Treasurer he" substitute "Minister, the Minister". 8. Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys In section 10 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Treasurer" (wherever occurring) 30 substitute "Minister"; 8 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 9 11 Act No. (b) for "Treasury" (where twice occurring) substitute "public service"; (c) for "Part" (wherever occurring) substitute "Act". 5 9. New section 10A inserted After section 10 of the Principal Act insert-- "10A. Registrar may appoint agents The Registrar, with the approval of the Minister, may appoint agents to assist in the 10 carrying out of the duties and functions of the Registrar.". 10. Amendment of Principal Act In the Principal Act-- (a) in section 12(1)-- 15 (i) in paragraph (a) for "sub-section (3) of section eleven of this Act" substitute "section 11(3)"; (ii) in paragraph (b) for "sub-section (1) of section eleven of this Act" substitute 20 "section 11(1)"; (iii) omit "at the Treasury in Melbourne"; (b) in section 13(2)-- (i) for "he" substitute "he or she"; (ii) for "prescribed form" substitute "form 25 of the First Schedule". (c) in section 13(3) for "he" (wherever occurring) substitute "he or she"; (d) in section 14, for "Treasurer" (wherever occurring) substitute "Minister". 30 11. New section 18 substituted For section 18 of the Principal Act substitute-- 9 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 13 Act No. "18. Application of Part This Part applies to a fund and the trustee of a fund if-- (a) the trustee is a corporation within the 5 meaning of the Corporations Law and its registered office within the meaning of that Law is in Victoria; or (b) in the case of a trustee of a fund who is a natural person, the principal place 10 where the trustee carries on business as such a trustee is in Victoria; or (c) in the case of an exempt public sector superannuation scheme, the principal place where the fund is administered is 15 in Victoria; or (d) where there are 2 or more trustees of the fund and paragraph (a) or (b) applies to one or more but not to all the trustees, the principal place where the 20 fund is administered is in Victoria.". 12. Further amendment of Principal Act (1) After section 19(3) of the Principal Act insert-- "(4) An approval by the Registrar of a form of statement for the purposes of sub-section (1) 25 may require or permit the statement to be given on a specified kind of data processing device in accordance with specified software requirements.". (2) In section 21 of the Principal Act for "Treasurer" 30 (wherever occurring) substitute "Minister". 13. New First Schedule inserted 10 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 Act No. Before the Second Schedule to the Principal Act insert-- "FIRST SCHEDULE Section 13(2) 5 DECLARATION OF SECRECY I, [insert name] , of [insert address] , declare that, except for the purposes of Part 3 of the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962 or in the course of any criminal proceeding, I will not divulge or communicate to any person or make a record of any information that, by reason of an inspection made by me under 10 that Part, I have acquired from any book, register, record or document. Declared at on [signature] ". 15 11 531258B.I1-13/10/97



Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1997 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 12 531258B.I1-13/10/97




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