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               Working with Children Act 2005
                                  Act No.

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                 Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                       2
  1.     Purpose                                                          2
  2.     Commencement                                                     2
  3.     Definitions                                                      3
  4.     Meaning of finding of guilt                                      8
  5.     Meaning of "charged with an offence"                             9
  6.     When is a charge "pending"?                                      9
  7.     Act to bind the Crown                                           10

PART 2--WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK                                      11
  8.     Purpose of Part                                                 11
  9.     What is child-related work?                                     11
  10.    Application for working with children check                     15
  11.    Consideration of application                                    16
  12.    Category 1 application                                          17
  13.    Category 2 application                                          18
  14.    Category 3 application                                          21
  15.    Withdrawal of application                                       22
  16.    Submission sought from applicant before giving negative
         notice                                                          23
  17.    Outcome of application                                          24
  18.    Copy of notice to be given to employer or agency                25
  19.    Duration of assessment notice                                   26
  20.    Holder of assessment notice to notify of relevant change in
         circumstances                                                   26
  21.    Re-assessment                                                   28
  22.    Notification requirements of holder of assessment notice        29
  23.    Revocation of assessment notice and surrender of document       29
  24.    Surrender of assessment notice                                  31
  25.    Restriction on right to re-apply for working with children
         check                                                           31
  26.    Jurisdiction of VCAT                                            32

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Clause Page PART 3--EXEMPTIONS FROM WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK 35 27. Volunteer whose child is participating or ordinarily participates in the relevant activity 35 28. Person working with closely related child 35 29. Children 36 30. Teachers 36 31. Police officers 37 32. Visiting workers 38 PART 4--OFFENCES CONNECTED WITH CHILD-RELATED WORK 39 33. Engaging in child-related work without an assessment notice 39 34. Offence for holder of negative notice to apply for child- related work 41 35. Offence to engage in child-related work a person who does not have an assessment notice 41 36. Offence for agency to offer the services of a person who does not have an assessment notice 43 37. Using volunteer assessment notice for paid work 44 38. Offence to use false or other person's assessment notice 45 39. False or misleading information 45 40. Confidentiality of information 46 PART 5--MISCELLANEOUS 48 41. Duty on police to notify Secretary of certain matters 48 42. Secretary may notify police of certain matters 48 43. Delegation 48 44. Offences by bodies corporate 49 45. Offences by unincorporated bodies, partnerships etc. 50 46. Giving of notices 50 47. Evidentiary provisions 51 48. Immunity 52 49. Regulations 52 PART 6--AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN ACTS 56 50. Amendment of Sentencing Act 1991 56 51. Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 60 52. Amendment of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 64 53. Amendment of Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 65 ii 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Clause Page ENDNOTES 67 INDEX 68 iii 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to assist in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that people who work with, or care for, them have their suitability to do so checked by a government body, to amend the Sentencing Act 1991, the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 and the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 and for other purposes. Working with Children Act 2005 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 1 PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose (1) The main purpose of this Act is to assist in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that people who work with, or care 5 for, them have their suitability to do so checked by a government body. (2) This Act amends the Sentencing Act 1991 to prevent sentencing courts from having regard to any consequences that may arise under this Act 10 and amends Schedule 1 to that Act to broaden the range of sexual offences which may cause an offender to be treated as a serious sexual offender under that Act. (3) This Act also makes minor amendments to-- 15 (a) the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 consistent with provisions of this Act; and (b) the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 with respect to the procedure of VCAT on applications made to 20 it under this Act; and (c) the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 to make further provision for certain notification requirements for the purposes of this Act. 25 2. Commencement (1) Subject to sub-section (2), this Act comes into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (2) If a provision of this Act does not come into operation before 1 July 2006, it comes into 30 operation on that day. 2 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 3 3. Definitions (1) In this Act-- "agency" means a person that carries on (whether or not with a view to profit and whether or not in conjunction with any other business) 5 the business of procuring child-related work for persons seeking such work, whether or not the business includes procuring any other kind of work for those persons or other persons; 10 "assessment notice" means an assessment notice given by the Secretary to an applicant for a working with children check under Part 2; "Australian legal practitioner" has the same meaning as in the Legal Profession Act 15 2004; "child" means a person under 18 years of age; "child pornography offence" means-- (a) an offence against section 68(1) (production of child pornography), 20 69 (procurement of minor for child pornography) or 70(1) (possession of child pornography) of the Crimes Act 1958; or (b) an offence against section 57A of the 25 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 (publication or transmission of child pornography); or 30 3 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 3 (c) an offence against section 233BAB(5) or 233BAB(6) of the Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth (special offence relating to tier 2 goods) where the goods are goods covered by section 5 233BAB(1)(h) of that Act; or (d) an offence referred to in sub- paragraphs (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) or (vii) of paragraph (df) of clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 10 1991; "child-related work" has the meaning given by section 9; "direct contact" means any contact between a person and a child that involves-- 15 (a) physical contact; or (b) face to face oral communication; or (c) physically being within eyeshot; "educational institution" means-- (a) any State school established under 20 section 21 of the Education Act 1958 or any school registered under Part III of that Act; or (b) any of the following-- (i) a TAFE college within the 25 meaning of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1990; (ii) a university with a TAFE division within the meaning of the 30 Vocational Education and Training Act 1990 to the extent that the university provides technical or further education; 4 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 3 (iii) a provider of adult, community and further education, within the meaning of the Adult, Community and Further Education Act 1991, that is 5 eligible for funding under section 6(1)(b) of that Act; (iv) an adult education institution within the meaning of the Adult, Community and Further 10 Education Act 1991; (v) an organisation on the Register of Education and Training Organisations within the meaning of the Victorian Qualifications 15 Authority Act 2000-- to the extent that the college, university, provider, institution or organisation provides a program of study or training primarily for, or directed at, children 20 and that leads to the award of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education that is recognised by the AQF within the meaning of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000; or 25 (c) any other institution that provides a program of study or training primarily for, or directed at, children-- but does not include-- (d) except to the extent provided by 30 paragraph (b), a university specified in Schedule 1 to the Tertiary Education Act 1993; or 5 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 3 (e) except to the extent provided by paragraph (b), a TAFE college within the meaning of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1990 or an adult education institution within the 5 meaning of the Adult, Community and Further Education Act 1991-- even if that university, college or institution has a student under 18 years of age; "interim negative notice" means an interim 10 negative notice given by the Secretary under section 16(1)(b), including one given under that section as applied to a re-assessment by section 21(5); "negative notice" means a negative notice given 15 by the Secretary to an applicant for a working with children check under Part 2 or on revoking an assessment notice under section 23; "officer"-- 20 (a) in relation to a body corporate that is a corporation within the meaning of the Corporations Act, has the same meaning as in section 9 of that Act; and (b) in relation to any other body corporate, 25 means any person (by whatever name called) who is concerned or takes part in the management of the body corporate; "parent", in relation to a child, has the same 30 meaning as in the Children and Young Persons Act 1989; "person" includes an unincorporated body or association and a partnership; 6 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 3 "relevant finding" means a finding of a kind referred to in section 14(1)(a); "relevant offence" means an offence-- (a) specified in clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991 (sexual 5 offences); or (b) specified in clause 2 of that Schedule (violent offences); or (c) specified in clause 4 of that Schedule or against section 71AB or 71B of the 10 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (drug offences); or (d) against section 46 or 47 or Part 5 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 15 (other than section 70); or (e) against the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005 (other than section 42(3)); or (f) specified in section 13(1)(f); or 20 (g) against Part 4 of this Act (other than section 37 or 40); "Secretary" means Secretary to the Department of Justice; "working with children check" means the 25 process under Part 2 for assessing or re-assessing whether a person is suitable to work in child-related work. (2) For the purposes of this Act a person is listed with an agency if he or she has entered into an 30 agreement with the agency for the agency to procure child-related work for him or her, whether or not the agreement extends to any other kind of work. 7 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 4 (3) For the purposes of this Act a person does not cease to be a volunteer merely because he or she has all or any of his or her out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed. 4. Meaning of finding of guilt 5 (1) For the purposes of this Act, a reference to a finding of guilt in relation to an offence committed by a person is a reference to any of the following-- (a) a court making a formal finding of guilt in 10 relation to the offence; (b) a court accepting a plea of guilty from the person in relation to the offence; (c) a court accepting an admission made under and for the purposes of section 100 of the 15 Sentencing Act 1991, or under equivalent provisions of the laws of a jurisdiction other than Victoria; (d) a finding in relation to the offence under section 17(1)(b) or 17(1)(c) of the Crimes 20 (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 or under section 17(1)(c) of that Act in relation to an offence available as an alternative or a finding under that Act of not guilty because of mental impairment, or 25 a finding under equivalent provisions of the laws of a jurisdiction other than Victoria. (2) A reference to a finding of guilt in this Act does not include a finding of guilt that is subsequently quashed or set aside by a court. 30 8 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 5 5. Meaning of "charged with an offence" For the purposes of this Act, a person is deemed to have been charged with an offence if-- (a) a presentment has been made or an indictment has been laid for the offence; or 5 (b) a charge has been filed against the person for the offence, whether or not-- (i) a summons to answer to the charge; or (ii) a warrant to arrest the person-- has been issued and served. 10 6. When is a charge "pending"? (1) Subject to any regulations made under sub- section (2), for the purposes of this Act a charge against a person for an offence is pending until the charge is finally dealt with in any of the following 15 ways-- (a) the charge is withdrawn or the person dies without the charge having been determined; (b) the charge is dismissed by a court; (c) the person is discharged by a court following 20 a committal hearing; (d) the person is acquitted or found guilty of the offence by a court. (2) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a charge against a person for an offence is 25 not to be taken to be pending for the purposes of this Act. (3) A reference in this Act to the withdrawing of a charge includes a reference to the entering of a nolle prosequi. 30 9 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 7 7. Act to bind the Crown (1) This Act binds the Crown, not only in right of the State of Victoria, but also, so far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other capacities. 5 (2) To avoid doubt, the Crown is a body corporate for the purposes of this Act and the regulations. __________________ 10 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 8 PART 2--WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK 8. Purpose of Part (1) The purpose of this Part is to establish a process for assisting in determining whether a person is suitable to work in child-related work. 5 (2) Nothing in this Act takes away from, or removes the need to comply with, any requirement imposed by or under any other Act with respect to child-related work. 10 Note: Child-related work includes voluntary work and practical training as well as paid employment (see section 9). 9. What is child-related work? (1) For the purposes of this Act, child-related work is-- (a) work engaged in-- 15 (i) under a contract of employment or a contract for services (whether written or unwritten); or (ii) as a minister of religion or as part of the duties of a religious vocation; or 20 (iii) as an officer of a body corporate, member of the committee of management of an unincorporated body or association or member of a partnership; or 25 (b) practical training undertaken as part of an educational or vocational course other than under an arrangement within the meaning of Part IVA of the Education Act 1958; or (c) work engaged in as a volunteer (including 30 engaging in unpaid community work under a community-based order, a drug treatment order or an intensive correction order within 11 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 9 the meaning of the Sentencing Act 1991) other than unpaid work engaged in for a private or domestic purpose-- that usually involves, or is likely usually to involve, regular direct contact with a child in 5 connection with a service, body, place or activity specified in sub-section (3) on or after the relevant date in relation to that service, body, place or activity or 1 July 2011 (whichever is the earlier date) in circumstances where that contact is not 10 directly supervised by another person. Example A water main bursts at a school during school hours. A plumber is called to the school to deal with the 15 emergency. It is rare for the plumber to be called out to a school or other place specified in sub-section (3). The plumber is not engaged in child-related work as his or her work does not usually involve regular direct contact with children. 20 Note 1: "Direct contact" is defined in section 3(1). Note 2: Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses does not stop a person being regarded as a volunteer: see section 3(3). (2) For the purposes of this Act, direct supervision of a person requires immediate and personal 25 supervision but does not require constant physical presence. Example A person who is directly supervising a worker leaves the 30 room in which the worker is engaging in the work to make a phone call. The fact that the supervisor has left the room for a short period does not mean that the worker is no longer under direct supervision. Note: "Supervised" has its ordinary, everyday meaning. 35 A supervisor is a person who has the role of overseeing the work of another person while that person engages in the work. 12 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 9 (3) The services, bodies, places or activities in connection with which regular direct contact with a child may result in work being child-related work are-- (a) child protection services; 5 (b) child care services mentioned in section 194(1) of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth; (c) children's services within the meaning of the 10 Children's Services Act 1996; (d) educational institutions; (e) community services, remand centres, youth residential centres, youth supervision units or youth training centres, within the meaning of 15 the Children and Young Persons Act 1989 or probation services under that Act; (f) refuges or other residential facilities used by children; (g) paediatric wards of public hospitals within 20 the meaning of the Health Services Act 1988 or of private hospitals within the meaning of that Act; (h) clubs, associations or movements (including of a cultural, recreational or sporting nature) 25 that provide services or conduct activities for, or directed at, children or whose membership is mainly comprised of children; (i) religious organisations; (j) baby sitting or child minding services 30 arranged by a commercial agency; (k) fostering children; 13 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 9 (l) providing, on a publicly-funded or commercial basis, a transport service specifically for children; (m) coaching or private tuition services of any kind for children; 5 (n) counselling or other support services for children; (o) overnight camps for children regardless of the type of accommodation or of how many children are involved; 10 (p) school crossing services, being services provided by people employed to assist children to cross roads on their way to or from school; (q) providing, on a commercial basis and not 15 merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities, an entertainment or party service specifically for children; (r) providing, on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other 20 business activities, gym or play facilities specifically for children; Example The provision of play facilities for children by a fast- 25 food business may be merely incidental to the business of providing food. (s) providing, on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities, photography services specifically for children; 30 (t) talent or beauty competitions held for children on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities. 14 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 10 (4) For the purposes of this Act, "the relevant date", in relation to a service, body, place or activity specified in sub-section (3), means the date fixed for the purposes of that service, body, place or activity by an Order made under sub-section (5). 5 (5) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, fix a date for the purposes of a service, body, place or activity specified in sub-section (3). (6) An Order under sub-section (5) may fix different 10 dates for the purposes of-- (a) different services, bodies, places or activities; and (b) different classes of a specified service, body, place or activity. 15 (7) For the purposes of this Act, a person is engaged in child-related work if he or she is employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 in the administration of this Act. (8) For the purposes of this Act, a person is not 20 engaged in child-related work merely because he or she is participating in an activity with a child on the same basis as the child. Example 25 An adult playing in a cricket team alongside a child is not engaged in child-related work. 10. Application for working with children check (1) A person may apply to the Secretary for a working with children check to be carried out on him or her and an assessment notice to be given to him or 30 her on completion of that check. 15 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 11 (2) An application must-- (a) be in the prescribed form; and (b) be signed by the applicant; and (c) include any identifying information of a prescribed kind; and 5 (d) be accompanied by the prescribed application fee. (3) The prescribed form is to include provision for-- (a) authorising the conduct (in connection with the consideration of the application and, if an 10 assessment notice is given, from time to time while that notice remains in force) of a police record check on the applicant; and (b) consenting to enquiries being made about the applicant to any relevant prescribed body 15 (in connection with the consideration of the application and, if an assessment notice is given, from time to time while that notice remains in force) and authorising the disclosure by that body of any relevant 20 information. 11. Consideration of application (1) In considering an application made under section 10, the Secretary-- (a) must arrange for the conduct of a police 25 record check on the applicant; and (b) may have regard to any notice given to the Secretary by, and make enquiries to, any relevant prescribed body; and 16 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 12 (c) may make any other enquiries to, or seek advice or information on the application from, the Director of Public Prosecutions or any other person or source that the Secretary thinks fit; and 5 (d) may require the applicant to provide any further information that the Secretary thinks fit in the manner required by the Secretary within 28 days or any longer period that the Secretary determines. 10 (2) Despite sub-section (1)(a), the Secretary is not required to arrange for the conduct of a police record check on an applicant if-- (a) a check of a prescribed kind has previously been conducted on the applicant otherwise 15 than under this Act; and (b) notice of the result of that check has been provided to the Secretary in accordance with the regulations. (3) A person in responding to an enquiry or a request 20 for advice or information from the Secretary under sub-section (1) does not contravene any duty of confidentiality imposed on the person by or under any Act or agreement, despite anything to the contrary in that Act or agreement. 25 12. Category 1 application (1) An application is a category 1 application for the purposes of this Act if it is in respect of a person-- (a) who is subject to reporting obligations 30 imposed on him or her by Part 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004; or (b) who is subject to an extended supervision order under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; or 35 17 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 13 (c) who, as an adult, has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence (other than a child pornography offence) specified in clause 1 of Schedule 1 5 to the Sentencing Act 1991 (sexual offences) in circumstances where the person against whom the offence is committed is a child; or (d) who, as an adult, has at any time (whether 10 before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of a child pornography offence. (2) The Secretary must refuse to give an assessment notice on a category 1 application. 15 13. Category 2 application (1) An application is a category 2 application for the purposes of this Act if it is in respect of a person-- (a) who has at any time (whether before, on or 20 after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence specified in clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991 (sexual offences) other than in circumstances referred to in section 25 12(1)(c) or 12(1)(d); or (b) who has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence specified in clause 2 of Schedule 1 to the 30 Sentencing Act 1991 (violent offences); or 18 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 13 (c) who has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence specified in clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991 (drug offences); or 5 (d) who has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence against section 71AB (trafficking in a drug of dependence to a child) or 71B (supply of a 10 drug of dependence to a child) of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981; or (e) who has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) 15 been convicted or found guilty of an offence against section 46 or 47 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 or against Part 5 of that Act (other than section 70) or against the Serious Sex Offenders 20 Monitoring Act 2005 (other than section 42(3)); or (f) who has at any time (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence 25 against section 271.4 (trafficking in children) or section 271.7 (domestic trafficking in children) of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth other than in circumstances where the purpose of the exploitation is to 30 provide sexual services within the meaning of that section; or (g) against whom a charge of an offence specified in clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991 or an offence covered 35 by paragraph (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of this sub-section is pending. 19 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 13 (2) The Secretary must refuse to give an assessment notice on a category 2 application unless satisfied that doing so would not pose an unjustifiable risk to the safety of children, having regard to-- (a) the nature and gravity of the offence or 5 alleged offence and its relevance to child- related work; and (b) the period of time since the applicant committed, or allegedly committed, the offence; and 10 (c) whether a finding of guilt or a conviction was recorded for the offence or a charge for the offence is still pending; and (d) the sentence imposed for the offence; and (e) the ages of the applicant and of any victim at 15 the time the applicant committed, or allegedly committed, the offence; and (f) whether or not the conduct that constituted the offence or to which the charge relates has been decriminalised since the applicant 20 committed, or allegedly committed, the offence; and (g) the applicant's behaviour since he or she committed, or allegedly committed, the offence; and 25 (h) the likelihood of future threat to a child caused by the applicant; and (i) any information given by the applicant in, or in relation to, the application; and (j) any other matter that the Secretary considers 30 relevant to the application. 20 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 14 14. Category 3 application (1) An application is a category 3 application for the purposes of this Act if it is in respect of a person-- (a) who has at any time (whether before, on or 5 after the commencement of this section) been subject to a finding of a prescribed kind made by, or on behalf of, a prescribed body; or (b) who has at any time (whether before, on or 10 after the commencement of this section) been convicted or found guilty of an offence against Part 4 of this Act (other than section 37 or 40); or (c) against whom a charge of an offence covered 15 by paragraph (b) is pending. (2) The Secretary must give an assessment notice on a category 3 application unless satisfied, in the particular circumstances, that it is appropriate to refuse to do so. 20 (3) In considering whether it is appropriate to refuse to give an assessment notice, the Secretary must have regard to-- (a) the nature and gravity of the conduct and its relevance to child-related work; and 25 (b) the period of time since the applicant engaged, or allegedly engaged, in the conduct; and (c) in the case of an offence, whether a finding of guilt or a conviction was recorded for it or 30 a charge for it is still pending; and (d) in the case of an offence, the sentence imposed for it; and 21 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 15 (e) the ages of the applicant and of any victim at the time the applicant engaged, or allegedly engaged, in the conduct; and (f) whether or not the conduct has been decriminalised or has ceased to be subject to 5 disciplinary charges since the applicant engaged, or allegedly engaged, in it; and (g) the applicant's behaviour since he or she engaged, or allegedly engaged, in the conduct; and 10 (h) the likelihood of future threat to a child caused by the applicant; and (i) any information given by the applicant in, or in relation to, the application; and (j) any other matter that the Secretary considers 15 relevant to the application. 15. Withdrawal of application (1) An applicant for a working with children check may withdraw his or her application at any time before the first of the following to occur-- 20 (a) the Secretary finally decides the application; (b) the Secretary gives an interim negative notice under section 16(1)(b). (2) The Secretary must treat an application as having been withdrawn if the applicant does not provide 25 any further information required under section 11(1)(d) within the period required under that section. 22 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 16 (3) If-- (a) the Secretary is aware that the applicant is a person who-- (i) is, or is proposed to be, engaged in child-related work by another person; 5 or (ii) is listed with an agency; and (b) the application is withdrawn or treated as withdrawn under this section-- the Secretary, if he or she is aware of the identity 10 of that other person or that agency, must notify that other person or that agency in writing of the withdrawal. Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 16. Submission sought from applicant before giving 15 negative notice (1) If the Secretary proposes, or is required under section 17(3), to give a negative notice on an application, the Secretary must before finally deciding the application-- 20 (a) give a written notice to the applicant that-- (i) informs him or her of the proposal or requirement; and (ii) states the information about him or her of which the Secretary is aware; and 25 (iii) invites him or her to make a submission to the Secretary, in writing or in another form approved by the Secretary, within the period specified in the notice (not being less than 28 days after the date of 30 the notice) about his or her eligibility to be given an assessment notice; and 23 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 17 (b) give an interim negative notice to the applicant. (2) Before finally deciding the application the Secretary must consider any submission made by the applicant in response to a notice under sub- 5 section (1)(a) and within the period required under that sub-section. (3) The Secretary must give a negative notice to the applicant if he or she does not make a submission in response to a notice under sub-section (1)(a) 10 within the period required under that sub-section. (4) Any information given by a person under sub- section (1)(a)(iii) (including that sub-section as applied to a re-assessment by section 21(5)) is not admissible in evidence against the person in-- 15 (a) a criminal proceeding; or (b) a proceeding for the imposition of a penalty-- other than-- (c) proceedings in respect of an offence against 20 this Act; or (d) a proceeding in respect of the falsity or misleading nature of the information. 17. Outcome of application (1) The Secretary must give an assessment notice on 25 an application that is not a category 1, 2 or 3 application. Note: See sections 12(2), 13(2) and 14(2) regarding the manner in which the Secretary is required to deal 30 with a category 1, 2 or 3 application. (2) An assessment notice must-- (a) state that the person in respect of whom it was issued has passed a working with children check; and 24 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 18 (b) if given on an application that did not specify an intention to engage in child-related work for profit or gain, state that the notice cannot be used in respect of child-related work engaged in for profit or gain. 5 (3) The Secretary must give a negative notice on an application that is a category 1 application or to an applicant who is otherwise refused an assessment notice. (4) If the Secretary gives a negative notice to an 10 applicant, he or she must give to the applicant with that notice a written notice that-- (a) states the reasons for the decision on the application; and (b) informs the applicant that he or she may 15 apply to VCAT to have the decision reviewed or, in the case of a category 1 application, to have VCAT consider whether an assessment notice is to be given; and (c) explains how an application may be made to 20 VCAT. 18. Copy of notice to be given to employer or agency If the Secretary-- (a) gives an assessment notice, an interim negative notice or a negative notice to an 25 applicant; and (b) is aware that the applicant is a person who-- (i) is, or is proposed to be, engaged in child-related work by another person; or 30 25 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 19 (ii) is listed with an agency-- the Secretary, if he or she is aware of the identity of that other person or that agency, must also give a copy of that notice to that other person or that agency. 5 Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 19. Duration of assessment notice (1) An assessment notice remains in force for 5 years beginning on the date of the notice unless sooner revoked under section 23 or surrendered under 10 section 24. (2) A person who has a current assessment notice may apply for the carrying out of a working with children check and a new assessment notice at any time within the period beginning 6 months before, 15 and ending 3 months after, the expiry of the notice. (3) Despite sub-section (1), for the purposes of Part 4 a person must be regarded as still having a current assessment notice at any time within 3 months 20 after its expiry. 20. Holder of assessment notice to notify of relevant change in circumstances (1) If a relevant change in circumstances occurs with respect to a person who has a current assessment 25 notice or who has applied for one and the application is still pending, that person must notify-- (a) the Secretary; and (b) any person by whom he or she is engaged in 30 child-related work; and 26 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 20 (c) any agency with which he or she is listed-- in writing of the change within 7 days after becoming aware of the change. Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units maximum). 5 Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1) a relevant change in circumstances is-- (a) the person being charged with a relevant offence; or 10 (b) the person being convicted or found guilty of a relevant offence or the charge being otherwise finally dealt with; or (c) the person becoming subject to reporting obligations imposed on him or her by Part 3 15 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004; or (d) the person becoming subject to an extended supervision order under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; or 20 (e) a relevant finding being made against the person. (3) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1) constituted by not notifying the Secretary of how a charge of an offence was 25 finally dealt with, it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that-- (a) he or she notified the Secretary of the filing of the charge in accordance with sub- section (1); and 30 (b) the Secretary re-assessed under section 21 his or her eligibility to have an assessment notice; and 27 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 21 (c) his or her assessment notice was not revoked following the re-assessment; and (d) he or she was not found guilty of the charge. 21. Re-assessment (1) The Secretary must re-assess a person's eligibility 5 to have an assessment notice-- (a) if notified of a relevant change in circumstances under section 20; or (b) if notified by a prescribed body of a relevant finding being made against the person; or 10 (c) if notified by the Chief Commissioner of Police under section 41 of a charge or of how a charge has been finally dealt with. (2) The Secretary is not required to re-assess a person's eligibility to have an assessment notice 15 on being notified of a charge of an offence being finally dealt with without the person being found guilty if a re-assessment was carried out on the Secretary being notified of the filing of the charge and the assessment notice was not revoked 20 following that re-assessment. (3) On a re-assessment the Secretary may do anything that he or she has power to do under section 11 in considering an application but is not required to consider any matter other than the matter that has 25 given rise to the re-assessment. (4) If an assessment notice is due to expire within 12 months after the date on which a re-assessment is required, the Secretary may invite the holder of the assessment notice to make a fresh application 30 under section 10, despite section 19(2). (5) Sections 16 to 18 and 26 apply to a re-assessment in the same way that they apply to an application. 28 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 22 (6) For the purposes of Part 4 a person must be regarded as still having a current assessment notice if-- (a) an interim negative notice has been given under section 16(1)(b) as applied to a 5 re-assessment by sub-section (5) of this section; and (b) his or her assessment notice has not been-- (i) revoked under section 23 following the re-assessment; or 10 (ii) surrendered under section 24. 22. Notification requirements of holder of assessment notice If a negative notice or an interim negative notice is given to a person, that person must notify-- 15 (a) any person by whom he or she is engaged in child-related work; and (b) any agency with which he or she is listed-- in writing of the giving of that notice within 7 days after being given it. 20 Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units maximum). Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 23. Revocation of assessment notice and surrender of document 25 (1) The Secretary may at any time revoke an assessment notice following a re-assessment of the person's eligibility to have the notice. (2) If the Secretary revokes an assessment notice, the Secretary must give a negative notice to the 30 former holder of the assessment notice. 29 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 23 (3) The Secretary may give a notice to a person whose assessment notice is revoked or has been expired for more than 3 months requiring him or her to surrender to the Secretary in the manner specified in the notice and within the period for 5 doing so specified in the notice-- (a) the assessment notice document; or (b) a document in the prescribed form evidencing the giving of the assessment notice. 10 (4) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to surrender a document as required by a notice given by the Secretary under sub- section (3). Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units 15 maximum). (5) If the Secretary-- (a) gives a notice under sub-section (3) consequent on the expiry of an assessment notice; and 20 (b) is aware that the former holder of the notice is a person who-- (i) is, or is proposed to be, engaged in child-related work by another person; or 25 (ii) is listed with an agency-- the Secretary, if he or she is aware of the identity of that other person or that agency, must notify that other person or that agency in writing of the expiry. 30 Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 30 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 24 24. Surrender of assessment notice (1) The holder of a current assessment notice may at any time surrender the assessment notice document to the Secretary. (2) For the purposes of this Act, a person who 5 surrenders a current assessment notice document is to be regarded as not having a current assessment notice. 25. Restriction on right to re-apply for working with children check 10 (1) A person who has been given a negative notice is not entitled to make a further application under section 10 until 5 years have elapsed after the date of that notice unless, since that date, there has been a relevant change in circumstances. 15 (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1) a relevant change in circumstances is-- (a) a charge that was pending at the date of the notice being finally dealt with without the person being found guilty of the offence; or 20 (b) a finding of guilt being quashed or set aside by a court after the date of the notice; or (c) the person ceasing to be subject to reporting obligations imposed on him or her by Part 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 25 2004; or (d) the person ceasing to be subject to an extended supervision order under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; or 30 (e) a relevant finding being quashed or set aside after the date of the notice. 31 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 26 26. Jurisdiction of VCAT (1) A person who is refused an assessment notice on a category 1 application (other than a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of section 12(1)) may apply to VCAT for an assessment notice to 5 be given to him or her. (2) VCAT must not make an order for the giving of an assessment notice on an application under sub- section (1) unless it is satisfied that giving the notice would not pose an unjustifiable risk to the 10 safety of children, having regard to-- (a) the nature and gravity of the offence and its relevance to child-related work; and (b) the period of time since the applicant committed the offence; and 15 (c) whether a finding of guilt or a conviction was recorded for the offence or a charge for the offence is still pending; and (d) the sentence imposed for the offence; and (e) the ages of the applicant and of any victim at 20 the time the applicant committed the offence; and (f) whether or not the conduct that constituted the offence has been decriminalised since the applicant engaged in it; and 25 (g) the applicant's behaviour since he or she committed the offence; and (h) the likelihood of future threat to a child caused by the applicant; and 32 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 26 (i) any information given by the applicant in, or in relation to, the application; and (j) any other matter that VCAT considers relevant to the application. (3) Subject to sub-section (2), VCAT may by order 5 direct the Secretary to give an assessment notice to an applicant if it is satisfied that, in all the circumstances, it is in the public interest to do so. (4) The Secretary must comply with an order made by VCAT under sub-section (3). 10 (5) Subject to sub-section (6), an applicant who has been given a negative notice-- (a) on a category 1 application on the ground that he or she is a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of section 12(1); or 15 (b) on a category 2 application or a category 3 application-- may apply to VCAT for review of the decision to give the notice. (6) A person who is given a negative notice in the 20 circumstances described in sub-section (5)(a) may only apply for review on the ground that he or she is not such a person. (7) An application under sub-section (1) or for review under sub-section (5) must be made within 25 28 days after the later of-- (a) the day on which the decision of the Secretary is made; (b) if, under the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, the 30 person requests a statement of reasons for the decision, the day on which the statement of reasons is given to the person or the person is 33 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Working with Children Check s. 26 informed under section 46(5) of that Act that a statement of reasons will not be given. Note: VCAT has power, on an application under sub- section (5), to affirm the decision to give the negative 5 notice or set it aside and either give an assessment notice or send the matter back to the Secretary for re-consideration (see section 51 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998). __________________ 34 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Exemptions from Working with Children Check s. 27 PART 3--EXEMPTIONS FROM WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK 27. Volunteer whose child is participating or ordinarily participates in the relevant activity A parent engaging in work as a volunteer in 5 relation to an activity in which his or her child is participating or ordinarily participates is exempt from a working with children check in respect of that activity. 10 Example 1 A parent who coaches a school football team in which his or her child ordinarily plays is exempt from a working with children check even if his or her child is not present on particular days due to sickness or some other reason. 15 However, a parent who coaches a school football team whose child plays football for another team in the same school is not exempt from a working with children check. Example 2 An athletics carnival is being held at a school. A parent of 20 one of the participating children carries out the task of raking the sand in the long jump pit. That parent is exempt from a working with children check even if his or her child is not participating in the long jump competition. 28. Person working with closely related child (1) A person engaging in child-related work where 25 each child with whom he or she is required to have direct contact during the work is a child who is closely related to him or her is exempt from a working with children check in respect of that work. 30 (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), a person is closely related to a child if the person is the child's-- 35 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Exemptions from Working with Children Check s. 29 (a) spouse (including domestic partner as defined in the Crimes (Family Violence) Act 1987); (b) parent, step-parent, mother-in-law or father- in-law; 5 (c) grandparent; (d) uncle or aunt; (e) brother or sister (including half-brother, half- sister, step-brother, step-sister, brother-in- law or sister-in-law)-- 10 and includes, in the case of domestic partners, a person who would be closely related to the child if the domestic partners were married to each other. 29. Children (1) A child is exempt from a working with children 15 check. (2) An adult who has not attained the age of 20 years and who is a student at an educational institution is exempt from a working with children check in respect of any work engaged in as a volunteer at 20 that institution or outside that institution under an arrangement entered into by that institution. 30. Teachers (1) A person who is registered under section 11 of the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 as a 25 teacher is exempt from a working with children check. Note: Section 19 of the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 provides that a teacher whose registration is 30 suspended is deemed not to be registered for the period of that suspension. 36 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Exemptions from Working with Children Check s. 31 (2) A person who engages in child-related work (other than teaching in a school) and who relies on an exemption under sub-section (1) in respect of that work must notify-- (a) any person by whom he or she is engaged in 5 that child-related work; and (b) any agency with which he or she is listed for child-related work (other than teaching in a school)-- in writing of the suspension or cancellation of the 10 person's registration under the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 within 7 days after receiving notice of the suspension or cancellation. Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units maximum). 15 Note 1: Section 48 of the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 provides that if a teacher's registration is suspended or cancelled, the Victorian Institute of Teaching must notify that teacher's employer of the suspension or cancellation. 20 Note 2: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 31. Police officers (1) A person who is a member of the force within the meaning of the Police Regulation Act 1958 and who has taken and subscribed the oath referred to in section 13(1) of that Act (other than a member 25 who is suspended from duty under that Act) is exempt from a working with children check. (2) A person referred to in sub-section (1) who engages in child-related work (other than as a member of the force) and who relies on an 30 exemption under sub-section (1) in respect of that work must notify-- (a) any person by whom he or she is engaged in that child-related work; and 37 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Exemptions from Working with Children Check s. 32 (b) any agency with which he or she is listed for child-related work-- in writing of the suspension or dismissal of the person as a member of the force under the Police Regulation Act 1958 within 7 days after 5 receiving notice of the suspension or dismissal. Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units maximum). Note: "Listed with an agency" is defined in section 3(2). 32. Visiting workers 10 A person who is not ordinarily resident in Victoria is exempt from a working with children check in respect of child-related work in which he or she engages in Victoria if he or she does not ordinarily engage in that work in Victoria. 15 Note: A registered sex offender within the meaning of Part 5 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 is prohibited under that Act from engaging in child- related employment as defined in that Part. __________________ 38 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 33 PART 4--OFFENCES CONNECTED WITH CHILD-RELATED WORK 33. Engaging in child-related work without an assessment notice (1) A person is guilty of an offence if-- 5 (a) he or she does not have a current assessment notice; and (b) he or she engages in child-related work, knowing that it is child-related work; and (c) he or she knows that he or she does not have 10 a current assessment notice or is reckless as to whether or not he or she has one. (2) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1), it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that, at the time the offence is 15 alleged to have been committed, he or she-- (a) had applied for a working with children check and the application had not been finally decided or withdrawn and he or she-- (i) had not at any time been given a 20 negative notice or, having been given a negative notice, had subsequently been given an assessment notice; and (ii) was not subject to reporting obligations imposed by Part 3 of the Sex 25 Offenders Registration Act 2004 or subject to an extended supervision order under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; or 39 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 33 (b) was exempt from a working with children check in respect of the work under Part 3 and he or she-- (i) had not at any time been given a negative notice or, having been given a 5 negative notice, had subsequently been given an assessment notice; and (ii) was not subject to reporting obligations imposed by Part 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 or 10 subject to an extended supervision order under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; or (c) unless engaging in the work as a volunteer or undertaking practical training-- 15 (i) having applied for a working with children check and been given a negative notice, had notified his or her employer of the giving of that notice; and 20 (ii) his or her employer was in the process of-- (A) transferring him or her to work that was not child-related work; or (B) terminating his or her employment 25 in accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth. (3) A person who is guilty of an offence against sub- 30 section (1) is liable to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both. 40 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 34 34. Offence for holder of negative notice to apply for child-related work (1) A person who has at any time been given a negative notice and does not have a current assessment notice must not apply for, or engage 5 in, work that is child-related work. Penalty: Level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both. (2) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- 10 section (1), it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that, at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed, he or she did not know that the work was child-related work. (3) For the purposes of this section, the definition of 15 "child-related work" given by section 9 applies as if the words "in circumstances where that contact is not directly supervised by another person" did not appear in sub-section (1) of that section. 35. Offence to engage in child-related work a person 20 who does not have an assessment notice (1) A person is guilty of an offence if-- (a) the person engages, or continues to engage, another person (the worker) in child-related work, knowing that it is child-related work; 25 and (b) the worker does not have a current assessment notice; and (c) the person engaging, or continuing to engage, the worker knows that the worker 30 does not have a current assessment notice or is reckless as to whether or not he or she has one. 41 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 35 (2) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1), it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that, at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed-- (a) the worker had applied for a working with 5 children check and the application had not been finally decided or withdrawn; or (b) the worker was exempt from a working with children check in respect of the work under Part 3; or 10 (c) having been notified that the worker (not being a worker who was engaging in the work as a volunteer or undertaking practical training) had been given a negative notice, the accused was in the process of-- 15 (i) transferring him or her to work that was not child-related work; or (ii) terminating his or her employment in accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the 20 Commonwealth. (3) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1), it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that he or she directly engaged the worker and the work was child-related work 25 with a child of whom the accused is a parent, whether or not it also involved direct contact with other children. (4) A person who is guilty of an offence against sub- section (1) is liable, in the case of a natural 30 person, to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both and, in the case of a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding 1200 penalty units. 35 42 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 36 36. Offence for agency to offer the services of a person who does not have an assessment notice (1) An agency is guilty of an offence if-- (a) the agency, in the course of a business, offers to another person the services of a person 5 (the worker) in child-related work, knowing that it is child-related work; and (b) the worker does not have a current assessment notice; and (c) the agency knows that the worker does not 10 have a current assessment notice or is reckless as to whether or not he or she has one. (2) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1), it is a defence to the charge for the 15 accused to prove that, at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed-- (a) the worker had applied for a working with children check and the application had not been finally decided or withdrawn; or 20 (b) the worker was exempt from a working with children check in respect of the work under Part 3. (3) An agency that is guilty of an offence against sub-section (1) is liable, in the case of a natural 25 person, to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both and, in the case of a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding 1200 penalty units. 30 43 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 37 37. Using volunteer assessment notice for paid work (1) A person is guilty of an offence if-- (a) he or she has a current assessment notice that was given to him or her on an application that did not specify an intention to engage in 5 child-related work for profit or gain; and (b) he or she engages in child-related work for profit or gain; and (c) he or she knows that his or her current assessment notice was given on an 10 application of a kind referred to in paragraph (a); and (d) he or she knows that, or is reckless as to whether or not, the child-related work in which he or she is engaging is being engaged 15 in for profit or gain. (2) A person is guilty of an offence if-- (a) the person engages, or continues to engage, another person (the worker) in child-related work, knowing that it is child-related work; 20 and (b) the person knows that the worker has a current assessment notice that was given to him or her on an application that did not specify an intention to engage in child- 25 related work for profit or gain; and (c) the person engaging, or continuing to engage, the worker knows that, or is reckless as to whether or not, the child-related work in which the worker is engaging is being 30 engaged in for profit or gain. 44 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 38 (3) A person who is guilty of an offence against sub-section (1) or (2) is liable to a level 11 fine (5 penalty units maximum). Note: A person who has been given an assessment notice 5 on an application that did not specify an intention to engage in child-related work for profit or gain may apply under section 10 for an assessment notice that may be used in respect of child-related work engaged in for profit or gain. 38. Offence to use false or other person's assessment 10 notice A person must not use in connection with his or her work, or an application for work-- (a) a document purporting to be an assessment notice knowing that the document is false 15 within the meaning of section 83A(6) of the Crimes Act 1958; or (b) a document purporting to be an assessment notice given to him or her knowing that the document is an assessment notice given to 20 another person. Penalty: Level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both. 39. False or misleading information 25 (1) A person must not in, or in relation to, an application for the carrying out of a working with children check or in connection with a re-assessment under section 21 give information that is false or misleading in a material particular. 30 Penalty: Level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units maximum) or both. 45 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 40 (2) In a proceeding for an offence against sub- section (1) it is a defence to the charge for the accused to prove that at the time at which the offence is alleged to have been committed, the accused believed on reasonable grounds-- 5 (a) in the case of false information--that the information was true; or (b) in the case of misleading information--that the information was not misleading. 40. Confidentiality of information 10 (1) A person must not give to any other person, whether directly or indirectly, any information acquired by the person-- (a) from, or in the carrying out of, a working with children check; or 15 (b) under section 18, 20(1), 22, 23(5), 30(2) or 31(2). Penalty: Level 9 fine (60 penalty units maximum). (2) Sub-section (1) does not apply to the giving of 20 information-- (a) in good faith-- (i) for the purposes of this Act; or (ii) for the purposes of a reference check being carried out on an applicant for 25 work that is child-related work; or (iii) for the purpose of making employment- related decisions in respect of child- related work; or 46 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Offences Connected with Child-related Work s. 40 (b) with the written authority of the person to whom the information relates or, if the person to whom the information relates is a child or a person with impaired mental functioning within the meaning of 5 Subdivision (8D) of Division 1 of Part I of the Crimes Act 1958, with the written authority of a person authorised to act on that person's behalf; or (c) to a court or tribunal in the course of legal 10 proceedings; or (d) pursuant to an order of a court or tribunal; or (e) to the extent reasonably required to enable the investigation or the enforcement of a law of this State or of any other State or of a 15 Territory or of the Commonwealth; or (f) to an Australian legal practitioner for the purpose of obtaining legal advice or representation; or (g) as required or authorised by or under any 20 other Act. __________________ 47 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 41 PART 5--MISCELLANEOUS 41. Duty on police to notify Secretary of certain matters (1) The Chief Commissioner of Police must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Secretary is notified as soon as practicable after the Chief 5 Commissioner becomes aware that a person to whom an assessment notice has been given has been charged with a relevant offence. (2) The Chief Commissioner of Police must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Secretary is 10 notified as soon as practicable of how a charge of a relevant offence against a person who has a current assessment notice has been finally dealt with. 42. Secretary may notify police of certain matters 15 Nothing in this Act prevents the Secretary, if he or she suspects on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence against Part 4 of this Act or Part 5 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, immediately notifying the Chief 20 Commissioner of Police of that suspicion. 43. Delegation The Secretary, by instrument, may delegate to-- (a) any person or class of person employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration 25 Act 2004 in the administration of this Act; or (b) another prescribed person or body-- any of the Secretary's powers under this Act, other than this power of delegation. 48 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 44 44. Offences by bodies corporate (1) In a proceeding against a body corporate for an offence against a provision of this Act, it is a defence to the charge for the body corporate to prove that, at the time the offence is alleged to 5 have been committed, it had taken all reasonable steps to have systems in place within the body corporate to ensure compliance with the relevant provision. (2) If a body corporate contravenes any provision of 10 this Act, each person who is an officer of the body corporate is to be taken to have contravened the same provision if the person knew of, or knowingly authorised or permitted, the contravention. 15 (3) A person may be proceeded against and convicted or found guilty under a provision in accordance with sub-section (2) whether or not the body corporate has been proceeded against or convicted or found guilty under that provision. 20 (4) Nothing in sub-section (2) or (3) affects any liability imposed on a body corporate for an offence committed by the body corporate against this Act. (5) If, in a proceeding for an offence against this Act, 25 it is necessary to establish the state of mind of a body corporate in relation to particular conduct, it is sufficient to show that-- (a) the conduct was engaged in by an officer of the body corporate within the scope of his or 30 her actual or apparent authority; and (b) the officer had that state of mind. 49 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 45 45. Offences by unincorporated bodies, partnerships etc. (1) If this Act provides that a person, being an unincorporated body or association or a partnership, is guilty of an offence, that reference 5 to the person must-- (a) in the case of an unincorporated body or association--be read as a reference to each member of the committee of management of the body or association who knew of, or 10 knowingly authorised or permitted, the commission of the offence; and (b) in the case of a partnership--be read as a reference to each member of the partnership who knew of, or knowingly authorised or 15 permitted, the commission of the offence. (2) If, in a proceeding for an offence against this Act, it is necessary to establish the state of mind of an unincorporated body or association or a partnership in relation to particular conduct, it is 20 sufficient to show that-- (a) the conduct was engaged in by an employee or agent of the unincorporated body or association or the partnership within the scope of his or her actual or apparent 25 authority; and (b) the employee or agent had that state of mind. 46. Giving of notices If by or under this Act a notice, or a copy of a notice, is required or permitted to be given by the 30 Secretary to a person, the notice may, unless the contrary intention appears, be given to the person-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or 50 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 47 (b) by leaving it at the person's usual or last known place of residence or business with a person apparently over the age of 16 years and apparently residing there or (in the case of a place of business) apparently in charge 5 of, or employed at, that place; or (c) by sending it by post addressed to the person at the person's usual or last known place of residence or business. 47. Evidentiary provisions 10 (1) A document purporting to be given by the Secretary or a delegate of the Secretary certifying as to-- (a) whether an application by a specified person for a working with children check was 15 pending under Part 2 as at a specified date; or (b) whether an interim negative notice was given to a specified person on a specified date; or (c) whether a negative notice was given to a 20 specified person on a specified date; or (d) whether an assessment notice was given to a specified person on a specified date; or (e) whether a copy of an assessment notice, an interim negative notice or a negative notice 25 was given to a specified person on a specified date; or (f) any other matter that appears in, or that can be determined from, the records kept by the Secretary under this Act-- 30 is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the matters stated in the document. 51 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 48 (2) A document purporting to be given by the Secretary or a delegate of the Secretary under sub- section (1) must be presumed in any proceedings, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to have been given by the Secretary or a person who was, 5 at that time, a delegate of the Secretary, as the case requires. (3) This section is in addition to, and does not affect the operation of, the Evidence Act 1958. 48. Immunity 10 (1) The Secretary or an employee within the meaning of the Public Administration Act 2004 is not personally liable for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith-- (a) in the exercise of a power or the carrying out 15 of a function under this Act or the regulations; or (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the exercise of a power or the carrying out of a function under this Act 20 or the regulations. (2) Any liability resulting from an act or omission that, but for sub-section (1), would attach to the Secretary or an employee within the meaning of the Public Administration Act 2004 attaches 25 instead to the State. 49. Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to any matter or thing required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or 30 necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this Act. 52 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 49 (2) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations may be exercised-- (a) either in relation to all cases to which the power extends, or in relation to all those cases subject to specified exceptions, or in 5 relation to any specified case or class of case; and (b) so as to make, as respects the cases in relation to which the power is exercised-- (i) the same provision for all cases in 10 relation to which the power is exercised, or different provisions for different cases or classes of case, or different provisions for the same case or class of case for different purposes; 15 or (ii) any such provision either unconditionally or subject to any specified condition. (3) Regulations made under this Act may be made-- 20 (a) so as to apply at all times or at a specified time; and (b) so as to require a matter affected by the regulations to be-- (i) in accordance with a specified standard 25 or specified requirement; or (ii) approved by or to the satisfaction of a specified person or a specified class of person; or (iii) as specified in both sub-paragraphs (i) 30 and (ii); and 53 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 49 (c) so as to apply, adopt or incorporate any matter contained in any document published by any person whether-- (i) wholly or partially or as amended by the regulations; or 5 (ii) as published at the time the regulations are made or at any time before then; and (d) so as to confer a discretionary authority or impose a duty on a specified person or a 10 specified class of person; and (e) so as to provide in a specified case or class of case for the exemption of persons or things or a class of persons or things from any of the provisions of the regulations, 15 whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to such an extent as is specified; and (f) so as to impose a penalty not exceeding 20 penalty units for a contravention of the 20 regulations. (4) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations providing for the imposition of fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- 25 (a) specific fees; (b) maximum or minimum fees; (c) maximum and minimum fees; (d) the payment of fees either generally or under specified conditions or in specified 30 circumstances; (e) the reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of the fees. 54 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Miscellaneous s. 49 (5) If under sub-section (4)(e) regulations provide for a reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of a fee, the reduction, waiver or refund may be expressed to apply either generally or specifically-- 5 (a) in respect of certain checks or classes of checks; or (b) when an event happens; or (c) in respect of certain persons or classes of persons; or 10 (d) in respect of any combination of such checks, events or persons-- and may be expressed to apply subject to specified conditions or in the discretion of any specified person or body. 15 __________________ 55 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 50 PART 6--AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN ACTS See: 50. Amendment of Sentencing Act 1991 Act No. 49/1991. (1) In section 5(2BC) of the Sentencing Act 1991, Reprint No. 8 after "2004" insert "or the Working with as at 1 July 2005 Children Act 2005". 5 and amending (2) In clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act Act Nos 1991-- 53/2003, 18/2005 and (a) for paragraph (a)(ii) substitute-- 34/2005. LawToday: www.dms. "(ii) section 39 (indecent assault);"; dpc.vic. (b) after paragraph (a)(viii) insert-- 10 "(viiia) section 48(1) (sexual penetration of a 16 or 17 year old child); (viiib) section 49(1) (indecent act with 16 year old child);"; (c) after paragraph (a)(xii) insert-- 15 "(xiia) section 54 (occupier etc. permitting unlawful sexual penetration);"; (d) after paragraph (a)(xvid) insert-- "(xvie) section 59(1) (bestiality); 20 (xvif) section 60 (soliciting acts of sexual penetration or indecent acts); (xvig) section 68(1) (production of child pornography); (xvih) section 69 (procurement of minor for child 25 pornography); (xvii) section 70(1) (possession of child pornography); (xvij) section 70AC (sexual performance involving a minor);"; 56 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 50 (e) after paragraph (d) insert-- '(da) an offence against section 57A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 5 (publication or transmission of child pornography); (db) an offence against any of the following sections of the Prostitution Control Act 1994: (i) section 5(1) (causing or inducing a child 10 to take part in prostitution); (ii) section 6(1) (obtaining payment for sexual services provided by a child); (iii) section 7(1) (agreement for provision of sexual services by a child); 15 (iv) section 11(1) (allowing child to take part in prostitution); (dc) an offence against any of the following sections of the Crimes Act 1914 of the Commonwealth: (i) section 50BA(1) (sexual intercourse with 20 child under 16); (ii) section 50BB(1) (inducing child under 16 to engage in sexual intercourse); (iii) section 50BC(1) (sexual conduct involving child under 16); 25 (iv) section 50BD(1) (inducing child under 16 to be involved in sexual conduct); (v) section 50DA(1) (benefiting from offence against Part IIIA); (vi) section 50DB(1) (encouraging offences 30 against Part IIIA); (dd) an aggravated offence against any of the following sections of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth: (i) section 270.6 (sexual servitude offences); 57 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 50 (ii) section 270.7 (deceptive recruiting for sexual services); Note: The Criminal Code of the Commonwealth is contained in 5 the Schedule to the Criminal Code Act 1995 of the Commonwealth. (de) an offence against section 233BAB(5) or 233BAB(6) of the Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth (special offence relating to 10 tier 2 goods) where the goods are goods covered by section 233BAB(1)(h) of that Act; (df) an offence against any of the following sections of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth: (i) section 271.4 (trafficking in children) or 15 section 271.7 (domestic trafficking in children) in circumstances where the purpose of the exploitation is to provide sexual services within the meaning of that section; 20 (ii) section 474.19(1) (using a carriage service for child pornography material); (iii) section 474.20(1) (possessing, controlling, producing, supplying or obtaining child pornography material for 25 use through a carriage service); (iv) section 474.22(1) (using a carriage service for child abuse material); (v) section 474.23(1) (possessing, controlling, producing, supplying or 30 obtaining child abuse material through a carriage service); (vi) section 474.26 (using a carriage service to procure persons under 16 years of age); 35 (vii) section 474.27 (using a carriage service to "groom" persons under 16 years of age);'; (f) in paragraph (f), for "(e)." substitute "(e);"; 58 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 50 (g) after paragraph (f) insert-- "(g) any other offence, whether committed in Victoria or elsewhere, the necessary elements of which consist of elements that constitute any 5 of the offences referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f).". (3) In clause 2 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991-- (a) in paragraph (f), for "(e)." substitute "(e);"; (b) after paragraph (f) insert-- 10 "(g) any other offence, whether committed in Victoria or elsewhere, the necessary elements of which consist of elements that constitute any of the offences referred to in paragraphs (a) 15 to (f).". (4) In clause 3 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991-- (a) in paragraph (d), for "(c)." substitute "(c);"; (b) after paragraph (d) insert-- 20 "(e) any other offence, whether committed in Victoria or elsewhere, the necessary elements of which consist of elements that constitute any of the offences referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d).". (5) After clause 4(b) of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing 25 Act 1991 insert-- "(c) any other offence, whether committed in Victoria or elsewhere, the necessary elements of which consist of elements that constitute any of the offences referred to 30 in paragraphs (a) to (b).". 59 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 51 51. Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 See: Act No. (1) In section 67(1) of the Sex Offenders 56/2004 and Registration Act 2004, in the definition of "child- amending related employment", for paragraphs (a) to (o) Act Nos 79/2004, substitute-- 5 18/2005 and 34/2005. "(a) child protection services; LawToday: www.dms. (b) child care services mentioned in section dpc.vic. 194(1) of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth; 10 (c) children's services within the meaning of the Children's Services Act 1996; (d) educational institutions; (e) community services, remand centres, youth residential centres, youth supervision units or 15 youth training centres, within the meaning of the Children and Young Persons Act 1989 or probation services under that Act; (f) refuges or other residential facilities used by children; 20 (g) paediatric wards of public hospitals within the meaning of the Health Services Act 1988 or of private hospitals within the meaning of that Act; (h) clubs, associations or movements (including 25 of a cultural, recreational or sporting nature) that provide services or conduct activities for, or directed at, children or whose membership is mainly comprised of children; (i) religious organisations; 30 (j) baby sitting or child minding services arranged by a commercial agency; (k) fostering children; 60 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 51 (l) providing, on a publicly-funded or commercial basis, a transport service specifically for children; (m) coaching or private tuition services of any kind for children; 5 (n) counselling or other support services for children; (o) overnight camps for children regardless of the type of accommodation or of how many children are involved; 10 (p) school crossing services, being services provided by people employed to assist children to cross roads on their way to or from school; (q) providing, on a commercial basis and not 15 merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities, an entertainment or party service specifically for children; (r) providing, on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other 20 business activities, gym or play facilities specifically for children; Example The provision of play facilities for children by a fast- 25 food business may be merely incidental to the business of providing food. (s) providing, on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities, photography services specifically for children; 30 (t) talent or beauty competitions held for children on a commercial basis and not merely incidentally to or in support of other business activities;". 61 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 51 (2) In section 67(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for the definition of "educational institutions for children" substitute-- ' "educational institution" means-- 5 (a) any State school established under section 21 of the Education Act 1958 or any school registered under Part III of that Act; or (b) any of the following-- 10 (i) a TAFE college within the meaning of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1990; (ii) a university with a TAFE division 15 within the meaning of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1990 to the extent that the university provides technical or further education; 20 (iii) a provider of adult, community and further education, within the meaning of the Adult, Community and Further Education Act 1991, that is 25 eligible for funding under section 6(1)(b) of that Act; (iv) an adult education institution within the meaning of the Adult, Community and Further 30 Education Act 1991; 62 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 51 (v) an organisation on the Register of Education and Training Organisations within the meaning of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000-- 5 to the extent that the college, university, provider, institution or organisation provides a program of study or training primarily for, or directed at, children, and that leads to the award of a Senior 10 Secondary Certificate of Education that is recognised by the AQF within the meaning of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000; or (c) any other institution that provides a 15 program of study or training primarily for, or directed at, children-- but does not include-- (d) except to the extent provided by paragraph (b), a university specified in 20 Schedule 1 to the Tertiary Education Act 1993; or (e) except to the extent provided by paragraph (b), a TAFE college within the meaning of the Vocational 25 Education and Training Act 1990 or an adult education institution within the meaning of the Adult, Community and Further Education Act 1991-- even if that university, college or institution 30 has a student under 18 years of age;'. (3) For the penalty at the foot of section 68(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "Penalty: 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 35 2 years.". 63 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 52 (4) In section 70(2)(e) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, after "relates" insert "or, if the person to whom the information relates is a child or a person with impaired mental functioning within the meaning of 5 Subdivision (8D) of Division 1 of Part I of the Crimes Act 1958, with the written authority of a person authorised to act on that person's behalf". (5) After item 28 of Schedule 2 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- 10 "28AA. An offence against section 271.4 (trafficking in children) or section 271.7 (domestic trafficking in children) of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth in circumstances where the purpose of the 15 exploitation is to provide sexual services within the meaning of that section.". See: 52. Amendment of Victorian Civil and Administrative Act No. Tribunal Act 1998 53/1998. Reprint No. 3 After Part 22 of Schedule 1 to the Victorian Civil as at 1 July 2003 and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert-- 20 and amending "PART 23--WORKING WITH CHILDREN ACT 2005 Act Nos 18/2003, 30/2003, 101. Constitution of Tribunal for Working with 75/2003, Children matters 10/2004, 12/2004, The Tribunal is to be constituted for the 53/2004, 25 purposes of a proceeding under the Working 99/2004 108/2004, with Children Act 2005 by a presidential 16/2005 and member sitting alone. 18/2005. LawToday: 102. Review of category 2 application www.dms. dpc.vic. If the proceeding relates to the giving of a 30 negative notice on a category 2 application within the meaning of the Working with Children Act 2005 the Tribunal must have regard to-- (a) any matter to which the Secretary may 35 have regard under section 13(2) of that Act; and 64 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 53 (b) whether, in all the circumstances, it is in the public interest to give an assessment notice. 103. Review of category 3 application 5 If the proceeding relates to the giving of a negative notice on a category 3 application within the meaning of the Working with Children Act 2005 the Tribunal must have regard to-- 10 (a) any matter to which the Secretary may have regard under section 14(3) of that Act; and (b) whether, in all the circumstances, it is in the public interest to give an assessment 15 notice.". See: 53. Amendment of Victorian Institute of Teaching Act No. Act 2001 96/2001 and (1) For section 27(2B) of the Victorian Institute of amending Act Nos Teaching Act 2001 substitute-- 23/2002, 83/2003, "(2B) The Chief Commissioner of Police must 20 83/2004 and immediately notify the Institute if the Chief 108/2004. LawToday: Commissioner becomes aware that a www.dms. registered teacher has been charged with, or dpc.vic. committed for trial for, or convicted or found guilty of-- 25 (a) a sexual offence; or (b) an offence specified in clause 2 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991; or (c) an offence specified in clause 4 of 30 Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991; or (d) an offence against section 71AB or 71B of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981.". 35 65 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Certain Acts s. 53 (2) After section 48(1)(f) of the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 insert-- "(fa) to the Secretary within the meaning of the Working with Children Act 2005; and". (3) In section 48(3) of the Victorian Institute of 5 Teaching Act 2001, after "(f)" insert ", (fa)". 66 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 67 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. INDEX Subject Clause Act amendments to other Acts 50-53 commencement 2 Crown bound by 7 purpose 1 Agency (def.) 3 Assessment notices changes in circumstances of holders 20-21 copies, notices for employers 18, 22 definition 3 duration, expiry 19 evidence 47 false notices, use of other persons' notices 38 issue 14, 17 re-assessment of eligibility to hold 21 refusal to issue 12-13 revocation 23 surrender 23-24 See also Child-related work; Negative assessment notices Checks See Working with children checks 41 Chief Commissioner of Police Children definition of child 3 direct contact with (def.) 3 exempted from working with children checks 29 parents, close relatives of 27-28 Child-related work definition 3, 9 engaged in without assessment notice 33 engaging persons without assessment notice in 35 holders of negative notices must not apply for 34 list of services, bodies, places, activities considered to be 9 offering services of persons without assessment notice 36 persons considered to be engaged in 9 volunteer assessment notices not to be used for paid work 37 3-6, 9 Definitions Disciplinary proceedings adverse findings against applicants for checks 14 adverse findings against holders of assessment notices 20-21 13, 20-21 Drug offenders Educational institutions (def.) 3 47 Evidence 10, 49 Fees Guilty findings See Offences 68 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Subject Clause Negative notices copies for employers 18 definition 3 evidence 47 holders must not apply for child-related work 34 holders must not re-apply for checks for 5 years 25 holders must notify employers, agencies 22 interim notices 3, 16, 22 issue 14, 17, 23 notices, submissions regarding 16 review 26 Offences against Act committed by applicants for checks 14 by bodies corporate 44 by unincorporated bodies, partnerships 45 charges, findings of guilt for relevant offences applicants for checks 12-13 charged with (def.) 5 charges pending (def.) 6 findings of guilt (def.) 4 holders of assessment notices 20-21 relevant offences (def.) 3 regarding assessment notices, assessment notice holders 20, 22, 23, 37, 38 child-related work 33-40 confidential information 40 false, misleading information 39 3, 27 Parents 31 Police officers 10-11 Police record checks 12, 17 Registrable offenders 49 Regulations Relevant offences See Offences 26 Review Secretary definition 3 delegation 43 documents certified by as evidence 47 immunity 48 powers regarding assessment notices, eligibility 21-23 powers regarding working with children checks 10-18, 42 service of notices 46 12-13, 17, 20-21 Sexual offenders 30 Teachers 26 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal 13, 20-21 Violent offenders 32 Visiting workers 9, 27, 29, 37 Volunteers 69 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005



Working with Children Act 2005 Act No. Subject Clause Working with children checks applications category 1 applications 12, 17 category 2 applications 13 category 3 applications 14 consideration 11 enquiries made in relation to 10-11 evidence 47 false, misleading information 39 fees 10, 49 further information required 11, 15 making of 10, 19, 21 outcome 16-17 restrictions on right to re-apply 25 withdrawal 15 confidentiality of information gained 40 definition 3 exemptions 27-32 police may be notified of 42 purpose of Part 2 8 See also Assessment notices; Negative assessment notices 70 551322B.I1-20/7/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 20/7/2005




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