Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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   Children's Services Amendment Bill

                        Introduction Print


                              Clause Notes
Clause 1   sets out the main purposes of the Bill, which are to make
           amendments to the Children's Services Act 1996 and to the
           Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, and
           to make consequential amendments to other Acts.

Clause 2   provides for the commencement of the Bill.
           Parts 1 and 3 come into operation on the day after the Bill
           receives Royal Assent. Part 2 comes into operation on a day
           or days to be proclaimed. There is no default day for the
           commencement of the Bill to enable the timing of
           commencement to coincide with the commencement of the
           Education and Care Services National Law (Victoria) (the
           National Law) and the corresponding laws of other participating

Clause 3   states that in the Bill the Children's Services Act 1996 is called
           the Principal Act.

Clause 4   inserts definitions of approved associated children's service,
           approved education and care service, approved provider,
           associated children's service, certified supervisor, education
           and care service, National Law, national regulations,
           nominated supervisor, provider approval, Regulatory Authority,
           responsible person, service approval and supervisor certificate
           in section 3 of the Principal Act. These amendments ensure
           consistency between the operation of the Principal Act and the
           National Law.

571092                               1     BILL LC INTRODUCTION 12/10/2011



Clauses 4(1)(b) and 4(1)(c) substitute the definitions of nominee and primary nominee respectively in section 3 of the Principal Act to include approved associated children's services, which receive a service approval under the National Law but are otherwise regulated under the Principal Act. Clause 4(1)(d) substitutes the definition of proprietor to ensure it includes approved associated children's services. The definitions family day care service, family day care venue, family day carer and sibling have been repealed from section 3 of the Principal Act as all matters relating to family day care are now regulated by the National Law. Clause 4(2) substitutes the term "licensee" with "licensee, approved provider" in section 3(3) of the Principal Act. Clause 4(3) inserts section 3(4) into the Principal Act to interpret "person with management and control" in relation to an approved associated children's service. Clause 5 Subclause (1) inserts a new section 5(1)(b) into the Principal Act, which provides that patients of a medical or therapeutic care service are excluded from the application of the Principal Act. This aligns with section 5(e) of the definition of education and care service in the National Law which excludes services providing education and care to patients in a hospital or patients of a medical or therapeutic service. Subclause (1) also substitutes section 5(1)(d) as clients of a disability service are now governed by the Disability Services Act 2006 rather than the Intellectually Disabled Person's Services Act 1986. Subclause (2) amends section 5(1B) by inserting clarification that the Principal Act does not regulate-- an early childhood intervention service provided for the principal purpose of providing therapeutic intervention for children with a disability, additional needs or development delay; or a short term program provided by and at a school to children who will attend the school in the following year, for the purpose of orienting children to the school; or 2



a service operating at a hotel or resort providing holiday care or education to children who are temporary guests of the hotel or resort; or a service provided on an ad hoc basis at the place of a meeting, convention, seminar or other short-term event attended by a parent of or other person responsible for the child. The majority of these services are also excluded from the scope of education and care service in the National Law. Subclause (3) inserts a new section 5(1D) to clarify that a service may be a children's service even though it is conducted by an entity that also operates an education and care service under the National Law or at premises at which an education and care service is operated under the National Law. Clause 6 amends section 7 of the Principal Act to the effect that if a children's service has either a licence to operate under the Principal Act or a service approval under the National Law, it is not to be considered an unlicensed or unapproved children's service and will not have committed an offence under section 7. Clause 7 amends section 8 of the Principal Act. This amendment provides that there will be no offence under section 8 where the children's service has, or has applied for, a licence to operate under the Principal Act, or has, or has applied for, a service approval under the National Law. Clause 8 inserts a new Division 1AA comprising new section 8A. New section 8A provides that the Part 3 provisions for licensing of children's services do not apply to associated children's services that are approved under the National Law; or to services that include an associated children's service, which have made an application for approval under the National Law. Clause 9 repeals section 13 of the Principal Act, which provides for an approval of premises to automatically expire after 5 years. Section 13 is unnecessary as there is already provision for cancellation of an approval of premises in the event that premises are no longer satisfactory for the operation of a children's service (section 14). 3



Clause 10 Subclause (1) amends section 15(1) of the Principal Act to substitute "a current approval" with "an approval". This is because approvals of premises no longer automatically expire at the end of 5 years and are, instead, ongoing in nature. The issue of currency is no longer relevant. Subclause (2) repeals section 15(2) of the Principal Act because it refers to licences to operate family day care services which are no longer regulated by the Principal Act. Clause 11 repeals section 16 of the Principal Act, which provides that a person may apply to the Secretary to obtain a licence to operate a family day care service. This section is being removed as family day care services are no longer regulated by the Principal Act. Clause 12 Subclause (1) amends section 18(1) of the Principal Act by removing the cross reference to section 16, which has been repealed because it relates to provision of family day care service licences which are no longer regulated by the Principal Act. Subclause (2) substitutes section 18(1)(b)(iii) of the Principal Act to provide that an application to obtain a licence to operate a children's service requires either, a declaration by the applicant that the person is fit and proper to manage or control a children's service; or evidence that the person nominated is an approved provider or a certified supervisor. The use of evidence that a person is an approved provider or a certified supervisor is new and offers a further level of scrutiny to the licence approval process. Subclause (3) inserts new section 18(2) into the Principal Act which provides that an application to obtain a licence to operate a children's service must also be accompanied by the written consent of each person nominated to manage or control the service, or to have primary responsibility for the management and control of the service, in the absence of the licensee. This change will align the Principal Act with a similar requirement in the National Law. Clause 13 omits the word "current" before the words "certificate of approval of premises" from section 19(a) of the Principal Act. These certificates will be ongoing and will therefore not lose their currency. 4



Clause 14 repeals section 20 of the Principal Act as it relates to the provision of information for an application to obtain a licence to operate a family day care service which is now regulated by the National Law. Clause 15 amends section 21(1) of the Principal Act by substituting "a current approval" with "an approval". Approvals of premises are now ongoing and no longer expire at the end of 5 years. Accordingly, the currency of the certificate is no longer an issue. Subclause (2) repeals section 21(2) as it relates to the inspection of a family day care premises which is no longer within the scope of the Principal Act. Clause 16 amends section 22 of the Principal Act by omitting "or 16" which is a cross reference to an application for a licence to operate a family day care service which is now regulated by the National Law. Clause 17 inserts new section 22A into the Principal Act which allows the Secretary to exempt an approved provider, a certified supervisor, or a person with management or control of an education and care service operated by an approved provider from carrying out a fit and proper person check. A person exempted under new section 22A is accepted as a fit and proper person for the purposes of Part 3 of the Principal Act. New section 22A(3) provides the Secretary with the power to revoke a person's status as a fit and proper person if he or she is satisfied that the person has ceased to be a fit and proper person. Clause 18 substitutes a cross reference to "section 18(1)(b)(iii)" with "section 18(1)(b)(iii)(A)" in section 23 of the Principal Act. This provision refers to a declaration by the applicant that the person is fit and proper to manage or control a children's service. Clause 19 amends section 25 of the Principal Act by providing the Secretary with the power to take into account whether the person has been found guilty of an offence against the National Law as applying in any jurisdiction or the national regulations applying in any jurisdiction in carrying out a fit and proper person check. This promotes the recognition and integration between the National Law and the Principal Act. 5



Subclause (2) inserts the cross referencing changes required as a result of the inclusion of new section 25(1)(ba) within the Principal Act to ensure that this provision is included as a matter that the Secretary can take into account in carrying out a fit and proper person check. Clause 20 amends the Note at the foot of section 25A of the Principal Act by substituting "section 23" with "sections 22A and 23". This change refers the reader to the additional circumstances in which the Secretary is not required to carry out a fit and proper person check (if the Secretary is satisfied that the person's fitness and propriety has been properly assessed under the National Law). Clause 21 amends section 25C of the Principal Act. This provision sets out the circumstances in which the Secretary can refuse to grant a licence. Section 25C(b) has been amended to remove the words "except in the case of a family day care service" and to remove the term "current" before "approval of premises", as all family day care services are now regulated by the National Law and licenses are ongoing rather than being subject to periodic expiry. Clause 22 amends the section 25D of the Principal Act by removing the references to family day care services in the heading and body of section 25D. This section prevents the Secretary from granting a licence to operate a children's service (other than a family day care service) in more than one premises. The exemption for family day care services has been omitted as this type of service is now regulated by the National Law. Clause 23 amends section 25E of the Principal Act by repealing sections 25E(3) and 25E(5)(e). This section sets out the conditions on which all children's services licences are granted and provides that a licence may be granted subject to any other conditions or restrictions set out in the licence that are prescribed or the Secretary imposes. Subsections (3) and (5)(e) have been repealed because they both relate to conditions or restrictions on family day care services or venues which are now regulated by the National Law. 6



Clause 24 amends section 25G of the Principal Act which requires the Secretary (if a licence is granted) to send a copy of the licence to the licensee setting out certain information. All references to the grant of licenses to family day care services have been deleted from this section as these are regulated under the National Law. Clause 25 omits "and venues" in the heading to Division 5 of Part 3 of the Principal Act as this relates to family day care venues which are now regulated by the National Law. Clause 26 repeals section 25J of the Principal Act which allows the Secretary to approve a venue as a family day care venue in which a family day care service can operate. This provision has been repealed as family day care services are no longer regulated by the Principal Act. Clause 27 repeals section 25L of the Principal Act. This provision allows the Secretary to approve new family day care venues during the term of a licence, on the application of the licensee of a family day care service. It has been repealed because family day care services are no longer within the scope of the Principal Act and are regulated instead by the National Law. Clause 28 amends section 25M of the Principal Act which provides that an application under section 25K (for the approval of new nominees) or 25L (approval of new family day care venues) must be in writing, contain the relevant prescribed information and be accompanied by the relevant prescribed fee. The words "or 25L" have been omitted as a consequence of the repeal of section 25L (see clause 27 above). Clause 29 inserts new Part 3A after Part 3 of the Principal Act. Part 3A deals with matters relating to service approvals under the National Law that include, or will include, approved associated children's services. New section 25V sets out the criteria the Regulatory Authority must have regard to in assessing an associated children's service for the purpose of determining whether to grant a service approval. The criteria are that the children's service must be operated from a single premises, the design and location of the premises must be satisfactory for the operation of the service; and each nominee must be an approved nominee in accordance with the requirements of the Principal Act. 7



New section 25W specifies the classes of persons who are regarded as approved nominees for the purposes of approved associated children's services. These are a certified supervisor employed at the approved associated children's service or an "associated education and care service" (defined in section 25X(3) as the approved education and care service the service approval for which includes the associated children's service) or a person approved by the Secretary as an approved nominee (approved to manage or control the service in the absence of the provider) pursuant to new section 25X. Section 25W(2) provides that the primary nominee for an approved associated children's service may be a nominated supervisor of the associated education and care service; or a certified supervisor designated in writing as the primary nominee for the approved associated children's service; or a person approved by the Secretary under section 25X as being the primary nominee of the service (approved to have primary responsibility to manage or control the service in the absence of the provider). New section 25X allows an approved provider of an associated children's service to apply to the Secretary for approval of a new nominee who has management and control of the service in the absence of the approved provider and a primary nominee who has primary responsibility for the management or control of the service in the absence of the provider. Section 25X(2) provides that the fit and proper person determination process set out in Division 3 of Part 3 of the Principal Act applies to an applicant for approval (including an applicant who is an approved provider of an approved associated children's service), with the exception of section 23. Section 23 excludes accepted nominees who have been nominated by the licensee of the service and therefore not subject to a fit and proper person check by the Secretary. Accordingly, all persons seeking approval as approved nominees of an associated children's service must be subject to a fit and proper person determination, unless the exemption in new section 22A applies. Section 25X(3) states that the Secretary must notify the approved provider of any nominees he or she has approved as a result of an application under section 25X. 8



New section 25Y specifies that an application by an approved provider for approved nominees under new section 25X must be in writing and contain prescribed information and prescribed fee. New section 25Z empowers the Secretary to decide to amend a service approval to the extent that it relates to an approved associated children's service by varying or revoking conditions, imposing new conditions or restrictions, or amending the service approval. Notice of the Secretary's decision to amend the service approval (including a copy of the amended service approval) must be sent to the service within 7 days of making the decision. Section 25Z(3) provides that the Secretary may direct the Regulatory Authority to amend the service approval under section 55(5) of the National Law 30 days after the Secretary sends a notice of his or her decision to amend the service approval under new section 25Z(2), except where a shorter period has been agreed between the parties, or the approved provider applies to VCAT for review of the decision within that 30 day period. If VCAT confirms the decision under section 25Z(1), the Secretary may then direct the Regulatory Authority to amend the service approval. A Note at the foot of section 25Z states that a decision by the Secretary to amend a service approval under section 25Z(1) does not have effect unless the amendment is made to the service approval by the Regulatory Authority in accordance with section 55(5) of the National Law. This provision requires that the Regulatory Authority must amend a service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service in accordance with any direction by the children's services regulator if the direction is given in accordance with the children's law in which the service approval has been granted. New section 25ZA allows an approved provider to make a voluntary application to the Secretary to suspend a service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service. The application must be in writing and must contain prescribed information and prescribed fees. Section 25ZA(3) provides the Secretary with the discretion to decide, by notice in writing, whether to suspend the service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service. To do so, the Secretary must be satisfied that the applicant proposes to resume the operation of the service at the 9



end of the period of suspension, and that any other prescribed conditions have been met. The notice to suspend must contain details of the period of suspension and the date on which the suspension takes effect, as required by section 25ZA(4). The Secretary must advise the Regulatory Authority of his or her decision to suspend the service approval before the date on which the suspension commences, and not later than 30 days after Secretary sends the notice to suspend. The Note at the foot of new section 25ZA specifies that the decision to suspend service approval will not have effect unless the Secretary notifies the Regulatory Authority of the decision pursuant to section 75 of the National Law. Section 75(3) provides that if a final determination is made under the children's law of the jurisdiction in which the service approval has been granted, a service approval should be suspended to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service, the children's service regulator must advise the Regulatory Authority of that determination and that the service approval is suspended to the extent that the determination relates to an associated children's service. Section 25ZB(1) allows the Secretary to decide to cancel a service approval to the extent that the determination relates to an associated children's service if the Secretary is satisfied that the approved provider of the service has requested that the service approval be cancelled to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service; or, the approved provider has ceased operating the approved associated children's service. If the Secretary makes a decision to cancel a service approval he or she must give written notice of the decision to the approved provider at least 7 days before the effective date of cancellation set out in the notice. The Secretary must advise the Regulatory Authority of his or her decision before the effective date of cancellation and not later than 7 days after the Secretary has given notice to the approved provider. The Note at the foot of section 25ZB clarifies that the decision to cancel the service approval, to the extent that the decision relates to an associated children's service under section 25ZB(1), does not have effect unless the Secretary notifies the Regulatory Authority of the decision pursuant to section 80 of the Principal 10



Act. Section 80(3) provides that if a final determination is made that a service approval should be cancelled, to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service, the children's service regulator under the children's law of the jurisdiction in which the service approval has been granted must advise the Regulatory Authority of that determination and the service approval cancellation, to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service. Clause 30 repeals section 26(3) of the Principal Act which requires that family day carers must take every reasonable precaution to ensure children are protected from any hazard or harm likely to cause injury. This amendment will ensure that family day care services are not regulated by the Principal Act. Clause 31 repeals section 26B(2) of the Principal Act. This removes the requirement that family day carers must ensure that there is an educational or recreational program made available to all children cared for or educated by that carer. This section is not required as family day care services are no longer regulated under the Principal Act. Clause 32 repeals section 27(3) of the Principal Act which requires that family day carers ensure that children in their care are adequately supervised. This section is not required as family day care services are no longer regulated by the Principal Act. Clause 33 repeals section 28(3) of the Principal Act which requires that a family day carer must ensure that children in their care are not subjected to any form of corporal punishment or any discipline which is unreasonable in the circumstances. This provision relates to family day carers and is therefore no longer within the scope of the Principal Act. Clause 34 repeals section 29(2) of the Principal Act which requires that a family day carer must take reasonable steps to ensure that all buildings, grounds, equipment and furnishings used by the family day carer, for the care or education of a child are maintained and kept in good repair. The section is repealed because it relates to family day carers which are now governed solely by the National Law. 11



Clause 35 repeals section 29B(2) of the Principal Act which requires family day carers to ensure that medication is not administered to a child in his or her care unless the prescribed authorisation has first been obtained, and the medication is administered in the prescribed manner. This provision is repealed because it relates to family day carers who will be regulated under the National Law rather than the Principal Act. Clause 36 amends section 29C(c) of the Principal Act by inserting "being cared for or educated by the service" after "child" to ensure that the obligation to notify the Secretary in the prescribed manner if a child appears to be missing or is unaccounted for, or appears to have been taken or removed from the service, does not apply more broadly than to children being cared for or educated by the particular children's services. Clause 37 amends the heading in section 30 of the Principal Act by substituting "Licensee" with "Licensee, responsible person". Current section 30(2), which states that section 30(1) does not apply to the licensee of a family day care service, is substituted with new section 30(2) which requires that an approved associated children's service must ensure that the a responsible person or nominee is present at the premises where the children's service is operating at all times when any child is being cared for or educated by the service on the premises. The maximum penalty for an offence under this section is 120 penalty units. This provision supports the appropriate regulation of associated children's services under the Principal Act and ensures that family day carers are no longer regulated by the Act. Clause 38 repeals section 32A of the Principal Act which requires that proprietors of family day care services must provide the Secretary with written information about each family day carer who is engaged or ceases to be engaged by the service. All matters relating to family day care services are included in the National Law. Clause 39 repeals section 32B(3) of the Principal Act, which provides that a family day carer must keep the relevant prescribed documents available for inspection by authorised officers at the carer's residence or venue. Provisions relating to family day care are no longer within the scope of the Principal Act and are included in the National Law instead. 12



Clause 40 substitutes a new section 33 into the Principal Act which requires that a licensee of a children's service and an approved provider of an associated children's service must ensure that a copy of the licence (in the case of a children's service) and a copy of the service approval (in the case of an associated children's service) is displayed conspicuously at the entrance of the service. The maximum penalty for offences under this section is to be 60 penalty units in relation to children's services and associated children's service respectively. The reference to the display of the licence at the principal office of a family day care service has been deleted as family day care is no longer within the scope of the Principal Act. Clause 41 inserts new section 34A into the Principal Act. Section 34A requires that an approved provider of an associated children's service who has been notified of a decision by the Secretary to amend a service approval or has applied to have service approval cancelled to the extent that it applies to an associated children's service must notify parents or guardians of children who are cared for or educated by the service of the decision to amend or application for cancellation by posting a notice conspicuously at the entrance of the service within 7 days after being notified. The maximum penalty for an offence under this section is to be 60 penalty units. This provision ensures that associated children's services are incorporated into the operational requirements of the Principal Act. Clause 42 amends section 36 of the Principal Act to make it clear that the powers of entry of authorised officers can be used in relation to a licensed children's service and an approved associated children's service. References to powers of entry relating to the family day carers' service premises or residences have been removed as these matters are now regulated in the National Law. Clause 43 substitutes a new section 36A into the Act, giving authorised officers the power to obtain relevant information, documents and evidence by notice in writing from a person who is or has been a licensee, an approved provider of an approved associated children's service, a nominee or a staff member of a children's service. The new changes to the persons from whom authorised officers can obtain information ensure that approved providers of an approved associated children's service fall within the scope of the section. 13



Clause 44 inserts "or unapproved" after "unlicensed" in the heading to section 37 of the Principal Act. This ensures consistency with section 7 of the Act which makes it an offence to carry on an unapproved associated children's service. Clause 45 amends section 38 of the Principal Act to ensure that an authorised officer's search and seizure powers and right of entry relate to approved associated children's services and no longer apply to family day carer's residences or services as family day care services are now regulated by the National Law. Clause 46 inserts new subsection 42A (1AA) into the Act. This provision includes an approved provider of an approved associated children's service and removes the reference to a family day carer as a required person from whom the Secretary may obtain information, documents and evidence by notice in writing in the manner specified in the notice. Clause 46(4) inserts the words "or any information obtained directly or indirectly because of that answer or the provision of that information" after the words "in compliance with a notice under this section". This ensures that the answers obtained by compulsory questioning by the Secretary cannot be used against the person directly ("direct use immunity") or indirectly ("derivative use immunity") in criminal proceedings. The section currently only offers direct use immunity for those parties referred to in section 42A. Clause 47 amends section 43 of the Principal Act so that it applies only to licensed children's services other than an approved associated children's services and removes references to family day care services. Clause 47(3) repeals section 43(2A) of the Principal Act and substitutes section 43(3) and new section 43(3A). These provisions set out the notice requirements and internal review and decision making mechanism required to be used by the Secretary, with the exclusion of all references to family day carers as these are no longer administered by the Principal Act. 14



Clause 48 inserts new sections 43AA and 43AB into the Principal Act. New section 43AA sets out the notice requirements and internal review and decision making mechanism carried out by the Secretary in relation to approved associated children's services. Section 43AA (2) allows the Secretary to vary, revoke or impose conditions on the service approval or to suspend the service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service. This provision mirrors, to a large extent, section 43 in the Principal Act which also makes provision for enforcement requirements for services. New section 43AB(1) requires that 30 days after the Secretary gives notice to the proprietor of his or her decision to vary, revoke or impose conditions on a service approval under section 43AA; or if the approved provider has made an application to VCAT for review of the decision, after the decision of the Secretary is confirmed by VCAT on review; the Secretary must direct the Regulatory Authority of his or her decision amend the service approval under section 55(5) of the National Law which provides that the Regulatory Authority must amend a service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service in accordance with any direction by the children's service regulator. New section 43AB(2) requires that 30 days after the Secretary gives notice to the proprietor of his or her decision to suspend a service approval under section 43AA; or if the approved provider has made an application to VCAT for review of the decision, after the decision of the Secretary is confirmed by VCAT on review; the Secretary must advise the Regulatory Authority of his or her decision to suspend the approval. The approval will then be suspended by the Regulatory authority under section 75(5) of the National Law. Clause 49 inserts "or an approved associated children's service" after "children's service" in section 44 of the Principal Act to clarify that, if the Secretary removes children from a children's service, they may also be placed at an associated children's service. Clause 50 inserts new section 45A into the Principal Act which provides the Secretary with the power to cancel a service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated service if he or she is satisfied that the approved provider has been found guilty of an offence under this Act, or has failed to ensure that the service is 15



being operated satisfactorily or in a way which is safe for children being cared for at the service. Section 45A(2) sets out the notice requirements and decision making mechanisms for the cancellation of the service approval. This includes a Note at the foot of new section 45A which provides that any decisions made by the Secretary to cancel a service approval under new section 45A(1) does not have effect unless the Secretary notifies the Regulatory Authority of that decision pursuant to section 80(3) of the National Law which provides that the relevant children's service regulator must advise the Regulatory Authority of a determination made under a children's services law to cancel a service approval to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service and must advise that the service approval is cancelled to the to the extent that it relates to an associated children's service. Clause 51 amends sections 53 of the Principal Act by substituting sections 53(1) and (2). The new provisions add associated children's services to the record keeping requirements in this section. Section 53 provides that the Secretary must keep a register of licensed children's services and approved associated children's services and that the register must contain prescribed information about both licensed children's services and approved children's services. The new subsections are required because the information obtained during the licence application process for other children's services will not have been provided by approved associated children's services as part of the service approval process under the National Law. Clause 52 repeals section 53A of the Principal Act which relates to keeping of a register of family day carers. This change ensures that family day care services are no longer regulated under the Principal Act. Clause 53 amends section 53B of the Principal Act. Section 53B allows the Secretary to publish information about children's services on the Department's Internet site. The information may include compliance information, enforcement actions taken under the Act or the regulations; however the Secretary must first notify the licensee of the Secretary's proposal to publish that information and that the licensee may seek review of the proposal under section 54A. 16



Section 53B(1) has been amended to remove references to family day care services and incorporate provisions relating to associated children's services. Clause 54 inserts new section 53C(1)(ab) into the Principal Act. Section 53C allows the Secretary to provide statistical, compliance and enforcement information to a Government Department, public authority or municipal council for a purpose relating to the health, safety and wellbeing of children or the operation of children's services. New section 53C(1)(ab) extends the Secretary's power to include the provision of statistical information in relation to service approvals for approved associated children's services. The amendment to section 53C(3) ensures that approved providers of associated services are also protected against the inclusion of information provided or published under section 53B or 53C which might identify an approved provider of an approved associated children's service. Clause 55 amends section 54A(1) of the Principal Act by including references to "an approved provider of an associated children's service" and "approved provider" respectively, to ensure that the internal review mechanism in respect of a proposal by the Secretary to publish information relating to a licensed children's services on the internet also applies to approved associated children's services. Clause 56 amends section 55 of the Principal Act to ensure that decisions made by the Secretary under the Principal Act affecting service approval, change of conditions on service approval, suspension, or cancellation of service approval for an associated children's services, will be reviewable by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal under this Act and not the National Law. Clause 57 omits the words "and family day carers" in section 56(f) of the Principal Act to ensure that regulations cannot be made in respect of records to be kept by children's services and not family day carers as family day care services are now regulated by the National Law. 17



Clause 58 substitutes Part 7 of the Principal Act. New section 57 defines terms for Part 7. Commencement day is defined as the day on which Part 2 of the Bill comes into operation. This definition is referred to in new sections 58, 59, 60 and 61. The definition of declared approved service is adopted from the definition in section 16(4) of the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (which is amended by clause 60 of the Bill). This provides that an outside of school hours care (Type 1 or Type 2) service, an integrated service, a family day care service or a standard service previously licensed under the Principal Act is declared to be an approved service under the National Law. Residual Service is defined as a standard service excluded by regulations made under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, Limited Hours (Types 1 and 2); Short Term (Types 1 and 2); and Holiday care programs that provide an education and care service for no more than 4 weeks per calendar year during school holidays. New section 58 clarifies that the Principal Act will cease to apply to declared approved services on the day Part 2 of the Bill commences. New section 59 provides that those residual services that do not fall within the scope of the National Law will continue to operate as licensed children's services under the Principal Act. New section 60 addresses the situation where the National Law has come into operation and an application is made under the National Law for a service approval for a service that includes an associated children's service. This section provides that the associated children's service will cease to be a licensed children's service upon grant of the service approval by the Regulatory Authority. New section 61 provides that persons who had been licensees, nominees, staff members of a children's service or family day carers within the meaning of the Principal Act immediately before commencement day will continue to be subject to sections 36A and 42A after the commencement. 18



Section 36A empowers authorised officers to obtain information, documents and evidence and section 42A gives the Secretary the power to obtain information, documents and evidence relating to a contravention of a serious offence. New section 62 creates a power to make regulations to deal with transitional matters relating to the commencement of the Bill. It enables the transitional regulations to have a limited retrospective effect to ensure that they will be effective. Clause 59 repeals the Schedule to the Principal Act. The Schedule contains transitional provisions relating to the Children's Legislation Amendment Act 2008. These provisions are spent and can be safely repealed. Clause 60 amends section 16 of the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 by substituting section 16(3) and (4) and inserting new subsection 16(4A). These clarify the definitions of "declared approved provider" and "declared approved service". New section 16(4A) specifically sets out those services that are not declared approved services. These mirror the residual services defined in new section 57 of the Principal Act (inserted by clause 58). Section 16(8) is substituted with a provision which cross references a service declared under subsection 16(4) thereby reducing the scope of licensed services referred to in section 16(8). Clause 61 inserts new section 19 into the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, which is a transitional provision applying to integrated licences that include a limited hours service. Section 19(2) provides that the licensee may, by notifying the Secretary in writing, choose to include the limited hours service as an associated children's service in a service approval granted under section 307 of the National Law. Section 19(3) provides that any service approval issued under section 307(9) of the National Law for the rest of the integrated service must include the associated children's service. Clause 62 inserts new section 5(6) in the National Law which provides that a reference in the National Law to the Law as applying in a participating jurisdiction includes a reference to a law enacted in a jurisdiction that substantially corresponds to the Law. This ensures that references in the National Law will include the 19



Law of another jurisdiction, whether it has been applied or enacted in that jurisdiction. Clause 63 repeals section 7(4) of the National Law as the issue of substantial correspondence is addressed by new section 5(6) of the National Law. Clause 64 amends section 23(4)(a) of the National Law by substituting "subsection (2)" with "subsection (3)" to correct a cross referencing error. Clause 65 amends section 33(1)(a)(ii) of the National Law by inserting a missing "or" at the end of that subparagraph. The amendment clarifies that subparagraphs (i) to (iii) are intended to be alternatives. Clause 66 amends section 39(7)(b) of the National Law by inserting "executor of the estate of the" before "approved provider" to ensure consistency between sections 39(5) and 39(7)(b) and to clarify that it is the executor of the estate of the approved provider who may apply to the Regulatory Authority for a provider approval and not the approved provider. Clause 67 inserts "either of the following" after "have regard to" in section 47(2) of the National Law. This amendment limits the scope of additional requirements to which the Regulatory Authority may have regard in determining an application for service approval. The Authority now has the discretion to have regard to either financial capacity and management capability or the applicant's history of compliance with the National Law or corresponding education and care services law in the relevant jurisdiction. Clause 68 amends section 48(4)(b) of the National Law to correct a cross referencing error by substituting "section 47(2)" with "section 47(3)". Clause 69 amends sections 111(3) and 111(4) of the National Law to correct cross referencing errors. Clause 70 amends section 190 of the National Law by inserting an "or" at the end of 190(d)(i) and (ii) to clarify that a decision to suspend provider approval, service approval or supervisor approval by the Regulatory Authority should be read disjunctively and each type of suspension should be treated as a separate reviewable decision. 20



Clause 71 amends section 197 of the National Law by inserting "or" after "belief" in section 197(2)(e)(i) to ensure that a person at a premises may be asked by an authorised officer to either answer a question, or take reasonable steps to provide information or produce a document. Clause 69(2) amends a cross referencing error in section 197(3) by substituting "subsection (1)(a) to (d)" with "subsection (2)(a) to (d)". Clause 72 substitutes "subsection (1)(b) to (d)" with "subsections (2)(b) to (d)" in section 199(3) of the National Law to correct a cross referencing error in relation to the limitation of powers entry of authorised officers to investigate a specific document or thing. Clause 73 amends subsection 247(2) of the National Law by inserting the word "and" at the end of subsections 247(2)(a) and (2)(b)(iv) to clarify that the functions and procedures of the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority Board set out in subsection 247(2) are conjunctive and therefore must be read as a whole. Clause 74 amends section 254(1)(c) of the National Law to insert missing words. Clause 75 amends section 268(2) (a) of the National Law by inserting "or the prescribed class of persons to which the supervisor belongs" after "certified supervisors" to ensure that the register for certified supervisors also includes details of a broader prescribed class of persons who can become supervisors. This amendment is also consistent with the requirements for issue of a supervisor certificate the information that the Authority must issue a includes the name of the certified supervisor or the prescribed class of person to which the certified supervisor belongs. Clause 76 amends section 301(4) of the to the National Law by inserting "and" at the end of subsection 301(4)(a) to (f)(ii) ensure that all of the subsections in this provision characterising the regulations are read inclusively. Clause 77 amends an error in section 307 of the National Law by substituting "section 307(1) and (2)" with "sections 307(1) and (2)". 21



Clause 78 amends clause 29, Schedule 1 of National Law by replacing "section" with "clause in 9(d) and 10(d) and "subsection" for "subclause". This is consistent with the requirement that all schedules in Acts be referred to as clauses and not sections. Clause 79 is an empowering provision and provides that the items referred to in the Schedule will amend each of the specified Acts as set out in the item. Clause 80 provides that the Bill is repealed on the first anniversary of the commencement of Part 2. The repeal of this Bill does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by this Bill (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). SCHEDULE Item 1 amends section 3 of the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 by inserting new paragraph (ab) which expands the definition of human service to include "an education and care service within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National Law (Victoria) or". This empowers the Child Safety Commissioner to access any information, documents or files held by the service relating to a child death that is the subject of an inquiry under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005. Item 2 amends the definition of information holder in section 3 of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 by inserting new paragraph (ka) which adds that a person in charge of an education and care service within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National Law is an information holder for the purposes of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 who may required to consult with the Secretary to the Department of Human Services or other community based organisation or may be requested or required to disclose information to the Secretary to the Department of Human Services. Item 2.2 is a statute law revision amendment that corrects an incorrect cross-reference in section 182(1)(f) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005. Section 182(1)(f) currently refers to a person nominated under section 16(2)(b)(iii) of the Principal Act, which has been repealed. The correct reference is to a person who is a nominee within the meaning of the Principal Act for a children's service. 22



Item 2.3 expands the persons who are required to make mandatory reports under section 182(1) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 by inserting paragraph (fa) into section 182(1) which includes approved providers or nominated supervisors, persons with a post secondary qualification in the care, education or minding of children who are employed in an education service within the meaning of the National Law. Item 3 section 60B(2)(b)(i) of the Crimes Act 1958 is amended by replacing the terms "kindergarten or childcare centre" with "a children's services centre or an education and care service premises". Item 3.2 amends new subsection 60B (4) inserts definitions for "children's services centre" and "education and care service premises". Both of these definitions are intended to exclude family day care services. Item 4 inserts new subsection 38G of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 which provides a definition of "Education and Care Services National Law (Victoria) as the recognised term for the National Law whenever it is referenced in an Act or subordinate instrument. Item 5 amends section 3(1) of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 by inserting a definition of "education and care service premises" so that it has the same meaning as in the National Law. Item 5.2 provide that section 238(1)(y) includes "education and care premises", in conjunction with matters relating to the closing of primary schools and children's services centres because of an infectious diseases. Item 5.3 incorporates education and care service premises into section 238(1)(z) which deals with matters relating to the regulation or restriction of attendance at a primary school or children's services centre because of an infectious disease. Both subsections 238(1) (y) and (z) specify matters that may be prescribed in regulations relating to the management and control of infectious disease, micro-organisms and medical conditions. Item 6 amends the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 by inserting the definition of an "education and care service" within the meaning of the National Law as new subsection 67(1)(ca). This amendment expands the definition of child-related 23



employment to include employment involving contact with a child in connection with an "education and care service". Item 7 inserts into the Sex Work Act 1994 a definition of an "education and care services premises" which means a place (other than a family day care residence) where an education and care service within the meaning of the National Law educates or cares for children. Items 7.2 to 7.5 also substitute the term "kindergarten" with "education and care premises" to ensure that sex workers and their clients loitering in or near an education and care premises are caught by the offence provision in sections 12(1)(c) and 13(1)(c). The reference to "education and care service premises" are also incorporated into sections 73(c) and 74(1)(c) so that a responsible authority must, before deciding on an application, take into account the distance of an education and care service premises from land where a permit is being applied for to operate a brothel. The definition is not intended to include family day care services. Item 8 inserts item 6 in Schedule 1 of the Summary Offences Act 1966 which specifies "scheduled public places" for the purposes of the definition of Scheduled public place in section 3 of the Act. Item 9 expands the definition of "child-related work" in the Working with Children Act 2005 by inserting "(ca) education and care services within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National Law (Victoria)" into section 9(3). 24




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