Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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           Gambling Regulation Further
              Amendment Bill 2009

                        Introduction Print


                              Clause Notes

                      PART 1--PRELIMINARY
Clause 1   sets out the purpose of the Bill. The purpose of the Bill is to
           make miscellaneous amendments to the Gambling Regulation
           Act 2003 to improve the operation of that Act.

Clause 2   sets out when the provisions of the Bill come into operation.
           Subclause (1) provides that, subject to subsection (2), this Act
           come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
           Subclause (2) provides that, if the Act does not come into
           operation before 1 September 2012, then it comes into operation
           on that day. The forced commencement date in subsection (2) is
           due to the fact that under the Principal Act, the new structure of
           the gaming industry will not commence until 2012. As many of
           the provisions in this Act relate to the new structure of the
           gaming industry, those provisions cannot come into operation
           until that time.

Clause 3   provides that, in the Act, the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 is
           called "the Principal Act".

Clause 4   inserts into and makes amendments to the definitions in
           section 1.3 of the Principal Act.
           Subclause (1) substitutes a new definition of gaming equipment
           for the existing definition of gaming equipment.

561347                                1      BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/8/2009



Subclause (2) substitutes a new definition of regional limit for the existing definition of regional limit. Subclause (3) inserts definitions for monitoring equipment, restricted gaming component and restricted monitoring component. Subclause (4) repeals the definition of restricted component. Clause 5 inserts new section 3.1.1(2) in the Principal Act, to extend the purposes of Chapter 3 to include-- (a) providing for the allocation of gaming machine entitlements in order to maximise the financial and social benefits to the Victorian community within the regulatory framework applying to the allocation of entitlements; and (b) promoting a competitive gaming industry with the aim of providing financial and social benefits to the Victorian community. Clause 6 amends section 3.1.4(1) of the Principal Act, to provide that in Chapter 3, a reference to the conduct of gaming also includes the operation of jackpots. Clause 7 inserts a new section 3.1.4A in the Principal Act, providing that a reference to the conduct of monitoring in Chapter 3 is a reference to an activity referred to in section 3.4.4. Clause 8 amends section 3.2.2 of the Principal Act, to provide for the sale or disposal of gaming machines or gaming equipment by a person who was the holder of a gaming operator's licence or a gaming licence and by a venue operator. Subclause (1) inserts new sub-sections (2A), (2B) and (2C), setting out the circumstances under which the Commission may authorise the sale or disposal of gaming machines or gaming equipment. Subclause (2) makes consequential amendments in section 3.2.2(3). Subclause (3) inserts a new section 3.2.2(5) containing a definition for relevant event for the purposes of section 3.2.2. Clause 9 makes consequential amendments to section 3.2.3(1)(g) of the Principal Act. 2



Clause 10 substitutes a new section 3.2.4 for the existing section 3.2.4 in the Principal Act, which provides that the Minister may determine regions in the State for the purposes of Chapter 3. Clause 11 amends section 3.2A.7(1) of the Principal Act, relating to prohibited interests in gaming machine entitlements. Subclause (1) amends section 3.2A.7(1) of the Principal Act to provide that it is unlawful for an entitlement holder to hold a prohibited number of hotel gaming machine entitlements or club gaming machine entitlements on and after a day declared by the Minister under subsection (1A). Subclause (2) inserts new subsections (1A) and (1B) after section 3.2A.7(1), providing for the Minister to declare a day on and after which it will be unlawful for an entitlement holder to hold a prohibited number of hotel gaming machine entitlements or club gaming machine entitlements. Clause 12 amends section 3.3.4 of the Principal Act, relating to an application for approval of premises. Subclause (1) amends section 3.3.4(1) to provide that the owner of premises or a person authorised by the owner may apply to the Commission for the approval of the premises as suitable for gaming, subject to section 3.3.5. Subclause (2) amends section 3.3.4(3) to provide further matters that must be included in an application under section 3.4.4(1). Clause 13 substitutes a new section 3.3.5 for the existing section and inserts a new section 3.3.5A in the Principal Act. Substitute section 3.3.5 provides that the owner of the premises or a person authorised by the owner, must give the relevant responsible authority under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 a copy of the proposed application before applying under section 3.3.4 for the approval of the premises as suitable of gaming. The relevant responsible authority is required to notify the Commission whether it intends to make a submission under section 3.3.6. New section 3.3.5A provides that the applicant cannot change the number, stated in the application, of gaming machines sought to be permitted in the premises for gaming once the first 30 days after giving the relevant responsible authority a copy of the proposed application elapse. 3



Clause 14 amends section 3.3.6 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 3.3.6(1) to provide that a submission by the relevant responsible authority to the Commission on an application for the approval of premises is subject to section 3.3.6. Subclause (2) substitutes new subsections (3), (4) and (5) for section 3.3.6(3), providing for the time periods in which a responsible authority may make a submission to the Commission. Clause 15 repeals section 3.3.7(4) of the Principal Act. Clause 16 inserts new subsections (1A) and (1B) after section 3.3.8(1) of the Principal Act, providing for the time periods in which the Commission must determine an application for the approval of premises. Clause 17 inserts a new section 3.3.15A in the Principal Act, providing that only one venue operator may conduct gaming in each approved venue. Clause 18 substitutes a new section 3.4.1(ac) of the Principal Act for the existing section, providing that the holder of a venue operator's licence can sell or dispose of a gaming machine or gaming equipment acquired for the purpose of use in an approved venue operated by the venue operator, while the venue operator holds a gaming machine entitlement or under an authorisation under section 3.2.2A. Clause 19 amends section 3.4.4(1) of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 3.4.4(1)(b) of the Principal Act to insert "and monitoring equipment" after "electronic monitoring system" (where first occurring). Subclause (2) inserts a new section 3.4.4(1)(ca) in the Principal Act, providing the monitoring licence authorises the monitoring licensee to provide, in accordance with a direction under section 3.4.49 (if any), systems and mechanisms that implement responsible gambling measures for the conduct of gaming. Clause 20 inserts section 3.4.5(fa) of the Principal Act to provide that that a person listed on the Roll may also enter into arrangements with the keno licensee, the holder of a public lottery licence and the monitoring licensee to test instruments, contrivances, hardware, software or equipment referred to in section 3.5.13, 5.2.1A or 6A.2.5 of the Principal Act for the purposes of the issue of certificates referred to in that section. 4



Clause 21 substitutes new sections 3.4.18(2) and (2A) for the existing section 3.4.18(2) in the Principal Act. New section 3.4.18(2) provides what the venue operator must give to the municipal council of the municipal district in which the approved venue is located a copy of a proposed amendment if an amendment proposed by a venue operator is to increase the number of gaming machines permitted in an approved venue. New section 3.4.18(2A) provides the time period in which a municipal council must notify the Commission as to whether it intends to make a submission under section 3.4.19 in respect of any request to which the proposed amendment relates. Clause 22 inserts a new section 3.4.18A in the Principal Act, providing that a venue operator who has requested an amendment to licence conditions to increase the number of gaming machines permitted in an approved venue cannot change the number stated in the request once the first 30 days after giving a copy of the proposed amendment to the municipal council elapse. Clause 23 amends section 3.4.19 of the Principal Act, to provide for the consideration by the Commission of a submission by a municipal council in relation to a request by a venue operator for an amendment of its licence conditions and the time periods in which the municipal council may make a submission. Clause 24 inserts new subsections (2A) and (2B) after section 3.4.20(2) of the Principal Act, providing for the time periods in which the Commission must determine a request by a venue operator for an amendment of its licence conditions to increase the number of gaming machines permitted at an approved venue. Clause 25 inserts a new section 3.4.28AA in the Principal Act, providing that Division 2A of Part 4 of Chapter 3 of the Principal Act, which provides for venue agreements which are reviewable by the Commission and venue agreements which are prohibited, does not apply to a venue operator who is a casino operator. Clause 26 amends section 3.4.41 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) substitutes a new section 3.4.41(1) for the existing section, providing that if requested by the Minister, the Secretary must give a written report to the Minister in relation to a person the Minister is considering to invite to apply for the monitoring licence. Subclause (2) repeals section 3.4.41(2). 5



Clause 27 inserts a new section 3.4.41A in the Principal Act, providing that the Secretary must obtain the written consent of possible invitees, pending applicants for the monitoring licence and other persons the Secretary consider relevant, for the purpose of preparing a report under sections 3.4.41 or 3.4.43 of the Principal Act and for the purpose of investigation and inquiries to be carried out under Division 1C of Part 4 of Chapter 10 of the Principal Act. Clause 28 inserts definitions for monitoring services and monitoring services provider in section 3.4.38 of the Principal Act. Clause 29 substitutes a new heading for the existing heading to section 3.4.48 of the Principal Act. Clause 30 inserts new sections 3.4.48A to 3.4.48E after section 3.4.48 of the Principal Act. New section 3.4.48A provides that the Minister may direct the monitoring licensee to enter into an agreement or class of agreements dealing with matters relating to the monitoring licence, with the Minister or a person or a class of persons specified by the Minister. This clause enables the Minister to direct the monitoring licensee to enter into agreements with venue operators. The monitoring licensee must given a copy of any such agreement to the Commission. New section 3.4.48B provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 3.4.48A or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 3.4.48A. New section 3.4.48C limits the monitoring licensee's liability in the provision of monitoring services and provides when the monitoring licensee's liability is not limited. New section 3.4.48D provides that an agreement referred to in section 3.4.48 or 3.4.48A must provide for the kinds of damages determined by the Minister under section 3.4.48F. New section 3.4.48E provides that the Minister, after consulting with the Treasurer, may determine the kinds of damages that must be provided for under an agreement referred to in section 3.4.48 or 3.4.48A. Clause 31 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.54(2) of the Principal Act. Clause 32 inserts a new subsection (1A) after section 3.4.59B(1) of the Principal Act, setting out the circumstances in which the Minister may refuse to consider a request for a licence amendment. 6



Clause 33 amends section 3.4.59C of the Principal Act to provide for the Minister to make an amendment to the monitoring licence by giving the monitoring licensee written notice of the decision. Clause 34 substitutes a new section 3.4.59G(1) of the Principal Act for the existing section, providing the circumstances where the Minister may suspend the monitoring licensee. Clause 35 amends section 3.4.59I of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 3.4.59I(1) of the Principal Act, providing that the Minister's ability to issue a temporary monitoring licence is subject to section 3.4.59(1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 3.4.59I(1A), providing that the Minister may, in accordance with section 3.4.59I(2A), issue a temporary monitoring licence and appoint a temporary monitoring licensee for a period of 90 days. Subclause (3) substitutes a new section 3.4.59I(2) and 3.4.59I(2A) for the existing section 3.4.59I(2), providing the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary monitoring licence under subsections (1) and (1A). Subclause (4) amends section 3.4.59I(3), providing that the Minister's ability to issue a temporary monitoring licence on the terms and conditions it thinks fit is subject to sections 3.4.59I(1A) and 3.4.59I(2A). Subclause (5) makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.59I(4). Subclause (6) inserts new subsection (5) after section 3.4.59I(4). New subsection (5) provides that in considering whether to issue a temporary monitoring licence under section 3.4.59I(1A), the Minister may consult any person the Minister considers appropriate and is entitled to rely on any findings or recommendations contained in the report of the Commission under section 3.4.59JA. Clause 36 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.59J of the Principal Act. Clause 37 inserts a new section 3.4.59JA in the Principal Act, providing that if the Minister is considering issuing a temporary monitoring licence under section 3.4.59I(1A), the Minister may request the Commission to give a preliminary written report to the Minister. 7



Clause 38 amends section 3.4.59L(1) and inserts new section 3.4.59L(1A) in the Principal Act. Section 3.4.59L(1) is amended to provide that the section, which provides for the extension and cancellation of a temporary monitoring licence, is subject to section 3.4.59L(1A). New section 3.4.59L(1A) provides that a temporary monitoring licence issued under section 3.4.59I(1A) may be extended once only for a period of 90 days. Clause 39 inserts new sections 3.4.59LA to 3.4.59LG in the Principal Act. New section 3.4.59LA provides that the Minister may direct the temporary monitoring licensee to enter into an agreement or class of agreements dealing with matters relating to the temporary monitoring licence, with the Minister or a class of persons specified by the Minister. This clause enables the Minister to direct the temporary monitoring licensee to enter into agreements with venue operators. The temporary monitoring licensee must give a copy of any such agreement to the Commission. New section 3.4.59LB provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 3.4.59LA or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 3.4.59LA. New section 3.4.59LC limits the liability of the temporary licensee for an act or omission in the provision of monitoring services and provides when the temporary monitoring licensee's liability is not limited. New section 3.4.59LD provides that an agreement referred to in section 3.4.59LA must provide for the kinds of damages determined by the Minister under section 3.4.59LE. New section 3.4.59LE provides that the Minister, after consulting with the Treasurer, may determine the kinds of damages that must be provided for under an agreement referred to in section 3.4.59LA. New section 3.4.59LF provides for the Minister to appoint a monitoring services provider if the Minister does not grant any application for the monitoring licence. New section 3.4.59LG provides for the Minister to appoint a monitoring services provider if the monitoring licence is suspended, cancelled or surrendered or where the Minister considers there has been a significant failure such that no effective monitoring services are being provided. 8



Clause 40 inserts a new section 3.4.59Q in the Principal Act, providing the circumstances where no compensation is payable to persons by the State in relation to the provision of monitoring services. Clause 41 inserts a new section 3.4.59R in the Principal Act, providing what conduct in relation to the monitoring licence and temporary monitoring licence is authorised by the Principal Act for the purposes of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and the Competition Code. Clause 42 substitutes a new section 3.4.66(2) for the existing section in the Principal Act, providing that if a direction in a letter of censure is not complied with in the specified time, the Commission may by written notice remove the person's name from the Roll or fine the person. Clause 43 amends section 3.4A.1(1) of the Principal Act by inserting a new paragraph (c), to provide that in addition to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b), the conduct of gaming in an approved venue is lawful only if no gaming in that venue is conducted concurrently under that gaming machine entitlement and a gaming licence or a gaming operator's licence. Clause 44 makes amendments to section 3.4A.5 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.5(1)(b) of the Principal Act. Subclause (2) makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.5(3) of the Principal Act. Subclause (3) inserts a new section 3.4A.5(3A) in the Principal Act, providing that the Minister may by Order published in the Government Gazette determine the maximum permissible number of gaming machine entitlements under which gaming may be conducted in a region or municipal district, or require the Commission, based on the criteria in the Order, to make such a determination. Subclause (4) repeals the note at the foots of section 3.4A.5(6) of the Principal Act. Subclause (5) makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.5(7) of the Principal Act. Clause 45 inserts new section 3.4A.5A in the Principal Act, providing for the review of the Commission's determination under section 3.4A.5(3A). Clause 46 substitutes a new heading for the existing heading to section 3.4A.6 of the Principal Act. 9



Clause 47 inserts new section 3.4A.6A in the Principal Act, providing that the Minister may direct a venue operator that holds a gaming machine entitlement to enter into an agreement with the Minister that deals with matters related to the gaming machine entitlement. Clause 48 amends section 3.4A.7(3) of the Principal Act to provide that a venue operator may apply to the Minister, before the gaming machine entitlement expires, for an extension of the entitlement if invited by the Minister to do so. Clause 49 inserts new sections 3.4A.11A and 3.4A.11B in the Principal Act. New section 3.4A.11A provides that a Minister may by written notice direct a venue operator that holds a gaming machine entitlement to enter in an agreement with the monitoring licensee dealing with matters relating to the provision of monitoring services to the venue operator by the monitoring licensee. The venue operator must give a copy of any such agreement to the Commission. New section 3.4A.11B provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 3.4.11A or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 3.4.11A. Clause 50 inserts new section 3.4A.17A in the Principal Act, providing that a venue operator cannot transfer a gaming machine entitlement to another venue operator (the transferee) unless the transferee has entered into an agreement with the Minister, or a person nominated by the Minister, referred to in section 3.4A.6 or 3.4A.6A that deals with matters related to the gaming machine entitlement. Clause 51 inserts new Division 5A of Part 4A of Chapter 3 in the Principal Act, setting out the provisions for the purchase by the State of gaming machine entitlements. New section 3.4A.20A provides the date from which the Division applies. New section 3.4A.20B provides that before making an Order under section 3.4A.20C, the Minister must direct the Commission to determine whether the number of gaming machine entitlements under which gaming may be conducted in the State, a region or a municipal district exceeds the maximum permissible number of gaming machine entitlements under which gaming may be conducted in those areas. 10



New section 3.4A.20C provides that if there are excess entitlements, the Minister may determine by Order published in the Government Gazette that the State will offer to purchase those excess entitlements. New section 3.4A.20D provides that the Minister may determine the gaming machine reduction requirements or direct the Commission to determine, based on criteria specified in the direction, the gaming machine reduction requirements. New section 3.4A.20E provides for the Commission to serve on relevant venue operators that hold gaming machine entitlements an offer to purchase gaming machine entitlements. New section 3.4A.20F provides that if following an offer under section 3.4A.20E, there are still excess entitlements, the Commission must determine, in accordance with a determination of the Commission under section 3.4A.20D, which venue operators must reduce their gaming machine entitlement holdings and by what number. The Commission must give such venue operators a written direction setting out the details of the required reduction of entitlements. New section 3.4A.20G provides that the Commission must serve on each relevant venue operator an offer of the State to purchase the gaming machine entitlements is made. New section 3.4A.20H provides for the extinguishment of gaming machine entitlements that have been purchased by the State for the purpose of reducing the State limit applying to entitlements. New section 3.4.20I provides for the extinguishment of gaming machine entitlements and any interest, right or privilege in them if a venue operator holds gaming machine entitlements to which an Order under section 3.4A.5(3) relates and does not reduce the number of gaming machine entitlements the holder holds in accordance with a direction under section 3.4A.20F. New section 3.4A.20J provides that no compensation is payable by the State in respect of anything given or anything done under or arising out of anything under Division 6A of Part 4A of Chapter 3. Clause 52 inserts new Division 8A of Part 4A of Chapter 3 in the Principal Act, setting out the provisions for the forfeiture of gaming machine entitlements following offers to purchase those entitlements. 11



New section 3.4A.27A provides for the forfeiture of gaming machine entitlements if an entitlement holder holds gaming machine entitlements to which an Order under section 3.4A.20C relates and does not reduce the number of gaming machine entitlements the holder holds in accordance with a direction under section 3.4A.20F. Clause 53 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.28(1) of the Principal Act. Clause 54 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.30 of the Principal Act. Clause 55 inserts New Division 11 of Part 4A of Chapter 3 in the Principal Act. New section 3.4A.34 provides that entering into, amending or giving effect to a related agreement referred to in sections 3.4A.6, 3.4A.6A, 3.4A.11A or 3.4A.17A of the Principal Act are authorised by the Principal Act for the purposes of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and the Competition Code. Clause 56 inserts new section 3.5.4(5) in the Principal Act, providing that after the first gaming machine entitlement declared day, only a person listed on the Roll who manufactures approved gaming machines or restricted components may submit a gaming machine type or game under subsection (1). Clause 57 amends section 3.5.6(2)(b) of the Principal Act by omitting "entitlement holders" from the persons who the Commission must give notice to if it withdraws its approval of an approved gaming machine type or game. Clause 58 inserts new section 3.5.13(3A) into the Principal Act, providing that in deciding whether to approve an electronic monitoring system or a variation to an electronic monitoring system under section 3.5.13(3), the Commission must have regard to any relevant standards made under section 10.1.5A. Clause 59 repeals section 3.5.29(3) of the Principal Act, which allowed the Commission to declare areas where the restrictions in sections 3.5.29(1) and (2) did not apply. Clause 60 repeals section 3.5.30(2) of the Principal Act, which allowed the Commission to declare areas where the restrictions in sections 3.5.30(1) did not apply. 12



Clause 61 amends section 3.6.6A of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends the formula for calculating the taxation payable by venue operators who conduct gaming in an approved venue in respect of which a pub licence is in force by substituting a new description of variable E for the existing description in section 3.6.6A(2). Subclause (2) amends section 3.6.6A(6) of the Principal Act by providing that if the application of 3.6.6A(5) results in a number that is not a whole number, the number that is a rounding up of that number to the next 2 decimal points is taken to be the total number. Subclause (3) inserts new section 3.6.6A(8) in the Principal Act, providing a definition of revenue for the purposes of section 3.6.6A of the Principal Act. Clause 62 amends section 3.6.6B of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) inserts "or racing club licence" after "licence" in section 3.6.6B(1). Subclause (2) substitutes "venue operator" for "entitlement holder" in section 3.6.6B(2). Subclause (3) amends the formula for calculating the taxation payable by venue operators who conduct gaming in an approved venue in respect of which a club licence or racing club licence is in force by substituting a new description of variable E for the existing description in section 3.6.6B(2) Subclause (4) amends section 3.6.6B(6) of the Principal Act by providing that if the application of 3.6.6B(5) results in a number that is not a whole number, the number that is a rounding up of that number to the next 2 decimal points is taken to be the total number. Subclause (5) insert new section 3.6.65(8) in the Principal Act, providing a definition of revenue for the purposes of section 3.6.6B of the Principal Act. Clause 63 inserts New Division 3 of Part 7 of Chapter 3 after Division 2 of Part 7 of Chapter 3 in the Principal Act. New section 3.7.6A provides that the Minister may direct a gaming operator to provide the Minister with any information or document that in the opinion of the Minister relates to the kind of things that the monitoring licensee will be authorised to do under the monitoring licence and is considered by the Minister to be relevant to an invitation or proposed invitation to apply for the monitoring licence or an application or proposed application for 13



the monitoring licence under section 3.4.40 of the Principal Act. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission, a possible invitee (within the meaning of section 3.4.41(2)) and any person who applies for the monitoring licence under section 3.4.42. New section 3.7.6B provides that the Minister may direct the monitoring licensee to provide the Minister with any information or document that in the opinion of the Minister relates to the kind of things that the monitoring licensee will be authorised to do under the monitoring licence and is considered by the Minister to be relevant to an invitation or proposed invitation to apply for the monitoring licence or an application or proposed application for the monitoring licence under section 3.4.40 of the Principal Act. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission, a possible invitee (within the meaning of section 3.4.41(2)) and any person who applies for the monitoring licence under section 3.4.42. New section 3.7.6C provides no compensation is payable by the State in relation to anything done under section 3.7.6A or 3.7.6B or in compliance with a direction under either of those sections. New section 3.7.6D provides that the Commission may give a written direction to the monitoring licensee relating to the monitoring services, which the monitoring licensee must comply with. PART 3--WAGERING AND BETTING-RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 64 substitutes a new section 4.2.3(3) for the existing section in the Principal Act, providing what the Commission must have regard to in approving an instrument, contrivance, hardware, software or equipment under section 4.2.3. Clause 65 inserts new section 4.2.4A(3A) in the Principal Act, providing that a betting exchange rule that specifies a maximum amount that may be deducted as commission referred to in subsection (3) does not take effect until the Treasurer has give written consent to the maximum amount. Clause 66 inserts new section 4.2.6(6) in the Principal Act, providing that the Commission has no power to disallow a betting exchange rule that specifies the maximum amount that may be deducted as a betting exchange commission. 14



Clause 67 inserts New Division 8 in Part 3 of Chapter 4 of the Principal Act. New section 4.3.34 provides that the Minister may give a written direction to the wagering licensee requiring the licensee to provide to the Minister any information or document in the licensee's possession or control that the Minister considers relevant to its arrangements with VicRacing and Racing Products, a call or a proposed call for registrations of interest in the grant of a wagering or betting licence, an invitation or proposed invitation to apply for a wagering and betting licence or an application or proposed application for a wagering and betting licence. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission and any person who registers an interest in or applies for the wagering and betting licence. No compensation is payable by the State in relation to anything done this section 4.3.34 or in compliance with a direction under this section. Clause 68 substitutes a new heading for the existing heading to section 4.3A.10 of the Principal Act. Clause 69 inserts new sections 4.3A.10AA and 4.3A.10AB in the Principal Act. New section 4.3A.10AA provides that the Minister may direct the wagering and betting licensee to enter into an agreement or class of agreements dealing with matters relating to the wagering and betting licence, with the Minister or a person or class of persons specified by the Minister. The wagering and betting licensee must give a copy of any such agreement to the Commission. New section 4.3A.10AB provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 4.3A.10 or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 4.3A.10AA. Clause 70 inserts new sections 4.3A.13A and 4.3A.13B in the Principal Act. New section 4.3A.13A provides that the wagering and betting licensee must pay interest on any outstanding premium payment under section 4.3A.13. New section 4.3A.13B provides that a premium payment under section 4.3A.13 or any interest payable under section 4.3A.13A may be recovered in court as a debt due to the State. 15



Clause 71 amends section 4.3A.15(2) of the Principal Act, providing that the engagement of a person or the appointment of an agent by the wagering and betting licensee does not affect any function or obligation of the licensee under a gaming Act, the gaming regulations, the wagering and betting licence or any related agreement. Clause 72 inserts new section 4.3A.22(1A) in the Principal Act, providing in what circumstances the Minister may refuse to consider a request to amend the wagering and betting licence. Clause 73 amends section 4.3A.23 of the Principal Act to provide for the Minister to make an amendment to the wagering and betting licence by giving the wagering and betting licensee written notice of the decision. Clause 74 amends section 4.3A.31 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 4.3A.31(1), which provides for the issue of a temporary wagering and betting licence by the Minister, to make it subject to section 4.3A.31(1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 4.3A.31(1A) in the Principal Act, providing that the Minister may, in accordance with section 4.3A.31(2A), issue a temporary wagering and betting licence and appoint a temporary wagering and betting licensee for a period of 90 days. Subclause (3) amends section 4.3A.31(2) for the existing sections 4.3A.31(2)(a) to (c), providing the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1). Subclause (4) inserts new section 4.3A.31(2A ) in the Principal Act, providing the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1A). Subclause (5) amends section 4.3A.31(3), which provides that a temporary wagering and betting licence is issued on the terms and conditions the Minister thinks fit, to make it subject to section 4.3A.31(1A) and 4.3A.31(2A). Subclause (6) amends section 4.3A.31(4) to clarify that the reference to a temporary wagering and betting licence is a reference to a temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1). 16



Subclause (7) inserts new section 4.3A.31(4A) in the Principal Act, providing what the Minister may do in considering whether to issue a temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1A). Clause 75 amends section 4.3A.32 to clarify that the section refers to the temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1). Clause 76 inserts new section 4.3A.32A in the Principal Act providing that if the Minister is considering issuing a temporary wagering and betting licence under section 4.3A.31(1A), the Minister may request the Commission to give a preliminary written report to the Minister. Clause 77 amends section 4.3A.34(1) of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) specifies that section 4.3A.34(1), which relates to the extension or cancellation of a temporary wagering and betting licence, is subject to section 4.3A.34(1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 4.3A.34(1A), to provide that a temporary wagering and betting licence issued under section 4.3A.31(1A) may be extended once only for a period of 90 days. Clause 78 inserts new sections 4.3A.34AA and 4.3A.34B in the Principal Act. New section 4.3A.34A provides that the Minister may by written notice direct the temporary wagering and betting licensee to enter into an agreement or class of agreements dealing with matters relating to the temporary wagering and betting licence with the Minister or a person or class of persons. New section 4.3A.34B provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 4.3A.34AA or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 4.3A.34AA. Clause 79 inserts new section 4.3A.34B(1A) in the Principal Act, providing that in approving a telecommunication device under section 4.3A.34B(1), the Commission must have regard to any relevant standards made under section 10.1.5A. Clause 80 inserts new sections 4.3A.39A and 4.3A.39B in the Principal Act. New section 4.3A.39A provides that the Minister may give a written direction to the wagering and betting licensee requiring the licensee to provide to the Minister any information or document that is in the possession or under the control of the licensee and that in the opinion of the Minister relates to 17



wagering, approved betting competitions, simulated racing games or the operation of a betting exchange. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission and any person who registers an interest in or applies for the wagering and betting licence. No compensation is payable by the State in relation to anything done in accordance with this section 4.3A.39A. New section 4.3A.39B provides that the Commission may give a written direction to the wagering and betting licensee relating to the conduct of activities authorised under the licence, which the licensee must comply with. Clause 81 inserts new section 4.6.3A in the Principal Act, providing that the Treasurer must cause a review to be made of the tax rate set out in section 4.6.3(1A), which is a pari-mutuel wagering tax. Clause 82 inserts new Part 9 in Chapter 4 of the Principal Act dealing with other matters in relation to the wagering and betting licence. New section 4.9.1 provides for what conduct is authorised by the Principal Act in relation to the wagering and betting licence for the purposes of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and the Competition Code. PART 4--LOTTERIES-RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 83 substitutes a new section 5.2.1A(3) of the Principal Act for the existing section, providing what the Commission must and may have regard to in approving an instrument, contrivance, hardware, software or other equipment in connection with a public lottery licence. Clause 84 inserts new section 5.3.16(1A) in the Principal Act, providing the circumstances in which the Minister may refuse to consider a request to amend the public lottery licence. Clause 85 amends section 5.3.19 of the Principal Act to provide for the Minister to make an amendment to the public lottery licence by giving the public lottery licensee written notice of the decision. Clause 86 amends section 5.3.27 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 5.3.27(1), which provides for the issue of a temporary public lottery licence by the Minister, to make it subject to section 5.3.27(1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 5.3.27(1A) in the Principal Act, providing that the Minister may, in accordance with section 5.3.27(2A), issue a temporary public lottery licence and appoint a temporary public lottery licensee for a period of 90 days. 18



Subclause (3) substitutes a new section 5.3.27(2) and 5.3.27(2A) for the existing section 5.3.27(2). New section 5.3.27(2) provides the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary public lottery licence under section 5.3.27(1). New section 5.3.27(2A) provides the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary public lottery licence under section 5.3.27(1A). Subclause (4) amends section 5.3.27(3), which provides that a temporary public lottery licence is issued on the terms and conditions the Minister thinks fit, to make it subject to section 5.3.27(1A) and 5.3.27(2A). Subclause (5) inserts new sections 5.3.27(3A) and 5.3.27(3B) in the Principal Act, providing what the Minister may do in determining or considering whether to issue a temporary public lottery licence under sections 5.3.27(1) or 5.3.27(1A). Subclause (6) amends section 5.3.27(4) to clarify that it subject to section 5.3.27(4A). Subclause (7) inserts new section 5.3.27(4A) in the Principal Act, to provide that a temporary public lottery licence issued under subsection (1A) may be extended once only for a period of 90 days. Clause 87 amends section 5.3.28 to clarify that the section refers to the temporary public lottery licence under section 5.3.27(1). Clause 88 inserts new section 5.3.28A in the Principal Act providing that if the Minister is considering issuing a temporary public lottery licence under section 5.3.28(1A), the Minister may request the Commission to give a preliminary written report to the Minister. PART 5--CLUB KENO-RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 89 inserts New Division 3 in Part 3 of Chapter 6 in the Principal Act dealing with unclaimed prizes. New section 6.3.4 provides for the payment by the participants to the Treasurer of amounts equal to the sum of unclaimed prizes, less the expenses reasonably incurred in searching for the persons entitled to those prizes. Clause 90 inserts New Part 6 in Chapter 6 of the Principal Act. New section 6.6.1 provides that the Minister may give a written direction to a participant requiring the participant to provide to the Minister any information or document in the participant's possession or control that in the opinion of the Minister is relevant to a call or proposed call for registrations of interest in 19



the grant of a keno licence, an invitation or proposed invitation to apply for a keno licence, or an application or proposed application for a keno licence. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission and any person who registers an interest in or applies for a keno licence. No compensation is payable by the State in relation to anything done in accordance with section 6.6.1 or in compliance with a direction under that section. PART 6--KENO-RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 91 inserts new section 6A.2.5(3) in the Principal Act, providing that in approving a keno system or a variation to a keno system, the Commission must have regard to any relevant standards made under section 10.1.5A. Clause 92 substitutes a new heading for the existing heading to section 6A.3.10 of the Principal Act. Clause 93 inserts new sections 6A.3.10A and 6A.3.10B in the Principal Act. New section 6A.3.10A provides that the Minister may direct the keno licensee to enter into an agreement or class of agreements dealing with matters relating to the keno licence, with the Minister or a person or class of person specified by the Minister. The keno licensee must give a copy of any agreement entered into in compliance with a direction under subsection (1) to the Commission. New section 6A.3.10B provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 6A.3.10A or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 6A.3.10A. Clause 94 inserts new sections 6A.3.13A and 6A.3.13B in the Principal Act. New section 6A.3.13A provides that the keno licensee must pay interest on any outstanding premium payment under section 6A.3.13. New section 6A.3.13B provides that a premium payment under section 6A.3.13 or any interest payable under section 6A.3.13A may be recovered in court as a debt due to the State. Clause 95 amends section 6A.3.15(2) of the Principal Act, providing that the engagement of a person or the appointment of an agent by the keno licensee does not affect any function or obligation of the licensee under a gaming Act, the gaming regulations, the keno licence or any related agreement. 20



Clause 96 inserts new section 6A.3.22(1A) of the Principal Act, providing in what circumstances the Minister may refuse to consider a request for an amendment to the keno licence. Clause 97 amends section 6A.3.23 of the Principal Act to provide for the Minister to make an amendment to the keno licence by giving the keno licensee written notice of the decision. Clause 98 amends section 6A.3.31of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 6A.3.31(1), which provides for the issue of a temporary keno licence by the Minister, to make it subject to section 6A.3.31(1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 6A.3.31(1A) in the Principal Act, providing that the Minister may, in accordance with section 6A.3.31(2A), issue a temporary keno and appoint a temporary keno licensee for a period of 90 days. Subclause (3) substitutes new sections 6A.3.31(2) and 6A.3.31(2A) for the existing section 6A.3.31(2). New section 6A.3.31(2) provides the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1). New section 6A.3.31(2A) provides the circumstances in which the Minister may issue a temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1A). Subclause (4) amends section 6A.3.31(3), which provides that a temporary keno licence is issued on the terms and conditions the Minister thinks fit, to make it subject to subsections (1A) and (2A). Subclause (5) amends section 6A.3.31(4) to clarify that the reference to a temporary keno licence in the section is a reference to a temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1). Subclause (6) inserts new section 6A.3.31(4A) in the Principal Act, providing what the Minister may do in considering whether to issue a temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1A). Clause 99 amends section 6A.3.32 to clarify that the section refers to the temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1). Clause 100 inserts new section 6A.3.32A in the Principal Act providing that if the Minister is considering issuing a temporary keno licence under section 6A.3.31(1A), the Minister may request the Commission to give a preliminary written report to the Minister. 21



Clause 101 amends section 6A.3.34 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends section 6A.3.34(1) to clarify that it subject to subsection 6A.3.34 (1A). Subclause (2) inserts new section 6A.3.34(1A) in the Principal Act, to provide that a temporary keno licence issued under section 6A.3.31(1A) may be extended once only for a period of 90 days. Clause 102 inserts new sections 6A.3.34A and 6A.3.34B in the Principal Act. New section 6A.3.34A provides that the Minister may by written notice direct the temporary keno licensee to enter into an agreement or class or agreements dealing with matters relating to the temporary keno licence with the Minister or a person or class of persons the Minister specifies in the direction. New section 6A.3.34B provides that no compensation is payable by the State because of a direction under section 6A.3.34A or the entering into an agreement in compliance with a direction under section 6A.3.34A. Clause 103 inserts new sections 6A.3.39A to 6A.3.39D in the Principal Act. New section 6A.3.39A provides the Minister may give a written direction to the keno licensee requiring the licensee to provide to the Minister any information or document that is in the possession or control of the licensee and that in the opinion of the Minister relates to the activities conducted under the keno licence. The Minister may disclose the information to the Commission and any person who registers an interest in or applies for the keno licence. No compensation is payable by the State in relation to anything done under this section 6A.3.39A or in compliance with a direction under this section. New section 6A.3.39B provides that the Commission may give a written direction to the keno licensee relating to the conduct of activities authorised under the licence, which the licensee must comply with. New section 6A.3.39C provides if a claim for a prize in a keno game is made to the keno licensee and that prize has not been paid to the Treasurer in accordance with section 6A.3.39D(1), the keno licensee must immediately try to resolve the claim and if it is not able to resolve the claim, the keno licensee must promptly give the claimant written notice of the licensee's decision. The section provides that if the claim is not resolved, the claimant may ask the Commission to review the licensee decision or to resolve the claim. 22



New section 6A.3.39D provides for the payment by the keno licensee to the Treasurer of amounts equal to the sum of unclaimed prizes, less the expenses reasonably incurred in searching for the persons entitled to those prizes. Clause 104 inserts new Part 6 in Chapter 6A of the Principal Act dealing with other matters in relation to the keno licence. New section 6A.6.1 provides what conduct in relation to a keno licence and a temporary keno licence is authorised by the Principal Act for the purposes of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and the Competition Code. PART 7--COMMUNITY AND CHARITABLE GAMING- RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 105 inserts new section 8.4.7A in the Principal Act, providing for the payment of prize money and the payment of cheques. Subclause (1) provides that if a person wins more than $1000 in a bingo game, the prize money cannot be paid except by cheque that is not payable to cash. Subclause (2) provides that at the request of a person, a bingo centre operator or a nominee of an organisation conducting the bingo game must pay out any prize money to that person by cheque that is not payable to cash. PART 8--ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT- RELATED AMENDMENTS Clause 106 inserts new paragraphs (ac) to (ag) after section 10.1.4(2)(ab) of the Principal Act, providing additional functions of the Commission. Clause 107 inserts new section 10.1.5A in the Principal Act, providing for the Commission, with the approval of the Minister, to make and amend standards in respect of any technical equipment and systems that the Commission is required to approve under this Act. Clause 108 amends section 10.1.22 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) substitutes new sections 10.1.22(2)(c)(iii) and 10.1.22(2)(c)(iiia) for the existing section, providing further circumstances when a meeting on inquiry for the purposes of making a finding or determination relating to the proposed amendments to a venue operator's licence must be conducted in public. 23



Clause 109 inserts new section 10.1.22A in the Principal Act, providing when a decision by the Commission in relation to a proposed amendment to a venue operator's licence to increase the number of gaming machines permitted in an approved venue, where the proposed amendments is not a matter referred to in section 10.1.22(2)(c)(iii) or (iiia), may be made without the Commission conducting a public meeting or inquiry. Clause 110 amends section 10.1.23 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) makes consequential amendments to section 10.1.23(1). Subclause (2) inserts new section 10.1.23(1A), providing when the Commission must give a written statement of its decision and the reasons for its decision. Clause 111 amends item 2.1 of Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act to include the conduct of bingo as a matter for the regulations. PART 9--OTHER AMENDMENTS, SAVINGS AND TRANSITIONALS Division 1--Consequential amendments in relation to the provision of monitoring services Clause 112 amends section 1.1 of the Principal Act by amending the objectives and the outline of the Act to include references to monitoring and the conduct of activities authorised under Chapter 8. Clause 113 amends the purpose of Chapter 3 of the Principal Act in section 3.1.1 of the Principal Act by substituting references to "gaming machines and gaming equipment" with "gaming equipment and monitoring equipment". Clause 114 makes consequential amendments to what a casino operator is authorised to do under section 3.1.5 of the Principal Act. Clause 115 amends section 3.2.1 of the Principal Act to include when the conduct of monitoring is lawful. Clause 116 makes consequential amendments to section 3.2.2 of the Principal Act to provide for the authorisation of the possession of monitoring equipment. Clause 117 makes consequential amendments to section 3.2A.3(1)(a)(i) of the Principal Act. 24



Clause 118 makes consequential amendments to section 3.2A.5(2)(b)(i) of the Principal Act. Clause 119 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.1(2) of the Principal Act. Clause 120 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.2 of the Principal Act. Clause 121 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.4(1)(c) of the Principal Act. Clause 122 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.5 of the Principal Act. Clause 123 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.52 of the Principal Act. Clause 124 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.61(1)(a) and (b). Clause 125 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4.65 of the Principal Act. Clause 126 makes consequential amendments to section 3.4A.2 of the Principal Act. Clause 127 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.1 of the Principal Act. Clause 128 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.10 of the Principal Act. Clause 129 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.11 of the Principal Act. Clause 130 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.13(4) of the Principal Act. Clause 131 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.15 of the Principal Act. Clause 132 amends section 3.5.16 of the Principal Act. Subclause (1) makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.16. Subclause (2) inserts new section 3.5.16(5A), providing that the monitoring licensee must ensure that gaming does not commence on gaming equipment that is connected to an electronic monitoring system operated by the monitoring licensee in respect of which certificates under subsections (1) and (3) have not been 25



signed or have been signed in contravention of subsection (2) or (4). Clause 133 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.20(1) of the Principal Act. Clause 134 makes consequential amendments to 3.5.21 of the Principal Act. Clause 135 makes consequential amendments to section 3.5.27 of the Principal Act. Clause 136 makes consequential amendments to section 9.3.1 of the Principal Act. Clause 137 makes consequential amendments to section 9.3.2(2) of the Principal Act. Clause 138 makes consequential amendments to section 9.3.4(1)(a) and (b) of the Principal Act. Clause 139 makes consequential amendments to section 9A.1.2 of the Principal Act. Clause 140 makes consequential amendments to section 10.1.3(b) of the Principal Act. Clause 141 makes consequential amendments to section 10.5.29 of the Principal Act. Division 2--Other minor amendments Clause 142 makes statute law revisions to the Principal Act. Subclause (1) amends Division 5 of Part 5 of Chapter 2 of the Principal Act by amending an incorrect section number. The same section number appears in the preceding Division. Subclause (2) amends section 3.2A.7(1) of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Subclause (3) amends section 3.2A.7(4) of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Subclause (4) amends the definition of geographic area condition in section 3.1.2 of the Principal Act by amending an incorrect cross reference. Subclause (5) amends section 3.4A.3(1)(b)(i) of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Subclause (6) amends section 3.6.6A(4) of the Principal Act by amending a grammatical error. 26



Subclause (7) amends section 4.2.9(3)(a)(i) of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Subclause (8) amends section 4.3A.34A of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Subclause (9) amends the definition of direct participant in section 4.3A.34A of the Principal Act by amending grammatical errors. Subclause (10) amends section 4.3A.34M(8) of the Principal Act by amending a grammatical error. Subclause (11) amends section 4.6.6A(1) of the Principal Act by amending a grammatical error. Subclause (12) amends section 10.5.32(1)(d) of the Principal Act by amending a punctuation error. Division 3--Savings and transitionals Clause 143 inserts new transitional provisions, inserting a new clause 22.1AB in Part 22 of Schedule 7 of the Principal Act, which applies if immediately before the day section 146 of this Act (the relevant day) comes into operation a venue operator (a relevant operator) does not hold a club licence, pub licence or racing club licence. In such a case, on the relevant day, a relevant operator that meets the club requirements is to be taken to hold a club venue operator's licence and a relevant operator that does not meet the club requirements is taken to hold a hotel venue operator's licence. Clause 144 inserts new transitional provisions, inserting a new Part 24 of Schedule 7 to the Principal Act, providing that despite the repeal of sections 3.5.29(3) and 3.5.30(2), a notice which specifies an area under those sections as is in force immediately before that repeal is to be taken to remain in force for a period of three months after that repeal. PART 10--REPEAL OF ACT Clause 145 provides for the automatic repeal of this Act on 1 September 2013. The repeal of this Act does not affect in any way the continuing operation of the amendments made by this Act (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 27




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