Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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 Surveillance Devices (Workplace Privacy) Bill

                        Introduction Print


This Bill implements one of the recommendations of the Victorian Law
Reform Commission's Final Report ("VLRC") on Workplace Privacy which
was released in October 2005. The VLRC recommended that surveillance in
private areas of the workplace such as workplace toilets, washrooms,
lactation rooms and change rooms be prohibited.

                              Clause Notes
Clause 1   sets out the purpose of the Bill which is to amend the
           Surveillance Devices Act 1999 ("SDA") to enhance its
           operation in workplaces. The Bill is not intended to affect the
           existing provisions of the SDA.

Clause 2   provides that the Act will commence on 1 July 2007. Since the
           Act creates new criminal offences, the delayed commencement
           date is to allow sufficient time for employers to comply.

Clause 3   inserts a new Part 2A into the SDA.
           New section 9A inserts some new definitions into the SDA for
           the purposes of the new Part 2A.
           "Employer" is broadly defined to mean any person (that is, any
           natural person or body corporate), unincorporated body or firm
           which employs a person under a contract of service or
           apprenticeship or under the Public Administration Act 2004 or
           any other Act or which engages a person under a contract for
           services or to perform work on commission or on an unpaid or
           voluntary basis. Thus, the Bill applies to employers in the public
           and private sectors, as well as to those organisations that engage
           people on a voluntary basis.
           "Firm" has the same meaning as in the Partnership Act 1958 but
           excludes incorporated limited partnerships.

551444                                       BILL LA INTRODUCTION 8/8/2006



"Washroom" is defined to include rooms fitted with bathing or shower facilities. "Worker" is broadly defined to mean any person employed or engaged by an employer (as defined in the Bill). However, a worker does not include a person engaged to perform services by another person in connection with that person's family or domestic affairs. "Workplace" is defined as any place where workers perform work. New section 9B inserts a new prohibition into the SDA. New section 9B(1) makes it an offence for an employer to knowingly install, use or maintain an optical surveillance device or listening device to observe, listen to, record or monitor the activities or conversations of a worker in workplace toilets, washrooms, change rooms or lactation rooms. However, there are some limited exceptions to this general prohibition. Section 9B(2) permits surveillance to be conducted-- · in accordance with a warrant or emergency authorisation or a corresponding warrant or emergency authorisation; · in accordance with a law of the Commonwealth; or · if required by a condition of a liquor licence granted under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998. The first of these exceptions is designed to enable surveillance to be undertaken in workplace toilets, washrooms, change rooms or lactation rooms where it is properly authorised by a warrant, emergency authorisation, corresponding warrant or corresponding emergency authorisation. The second exception permits surveillance in accordance with a law of the Commonwealth, such as a law dealing with national security issues. The third exception recognises that there is an existing regime in place which permits surveillance in licensed venues in accordance with the requirements of a liquor licence issued under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998. 2



Where surveillance has taken place in accordance with one of the exceptions set out in section 9B(2), then section 9C indicates that a record or report of any conversation or activity obtained from that surveillance must only be communicated or published in accordance with that exception. That is-- · where the report or record is obtained under a warrant, corresponding warrant, emergency authorisation or corresponding emergency authorisation, it is "protected information" and must be handled in accordance with Part 5 of the SDA; · where the information is obtained in accordance with a law of the Commonwealth, any communication or publication of the information must be authorised by a law of the Commonwealth relating to the security of the Commonwealth; · where the report or record is obtained in accordance with the conditions of a liquor licence, then the report or record may be published or communicated as authorised by or under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 or by the licence. Section 9D makes it clear that where a partnership or unincorporated body commits an offence, then each individual member of the partnership or unincorporated body will be liable for the offence. 3




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