S. 238(1) substituted by No. 18/1998 s. 10, amended by No. 26/2019 s. 130(2).
(1) A municipal building surveyor or a private building surveyor, in carrying out a function under this Act or the regulations, may rely on a certificate by a registered building practitioner in a prescribed category or class of practitioners or an endorsed building engineer—
(a) that proposed building work of a prescribed class complies with any provision of this Act or the regulations; or
(b) that building work of a prescribed class complies with any provision of this Act or the regulations.
S. 238(2) amended by No. 26/2019 s. 130(3).
(2) A registered building practitioner or an endorsed building engineer must not give a certificate under subsection (1) in respect of building work unless the certificate states that the registered building practitioner or endorsed building engineer (as the case may be) has inspected that building work.
S. 238(3) inserted by No. 46/2018 s. 20.
(3) In this section a registered building practitioner does not include a provisionally registered building practitioner.
S. 239 amended by Nos 15/2016 s. 18(12), 46/2018 ss 23 (ILA s. 39B(1)), 75(2).