S. 49H(1) amended by No. 20/2017 s. 29(1).
(1) The Information Commissioner must conduct a review in a timely, efficient and fair manner, with as little formality and technicality as possible.
S. 49H(2) amended by No. 20/2017 s. 29(1).
(2) The Information Commissioner must give each party to the review a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in writing in relation to the review.
S. 49H(3) amended by No. 20/2017 s. 29(1).
(3) Subject to this section, the Information Commissioner is bound by the rules of natural justice in conducting a review.
S. 49H(4) inserted by No. 59/2014 s. 13, amended by No. 20/2017 s. 29.
(4) The Information Commissioner may rely on advice and assistance provided by a member of staff of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner in—
(a) making preliminary inquiries in relation to a review; and
(b) conducting a review; and
(c) making a fresh decision under section 49P on a review.
S. 49I inserted by No. 6/2012 s. 13, substituted by No. 20/2017 s. 30.