(1) If—
(a) an allotment is in a zone of a planning scheme specified in Schedule 6; and
(b) a schedule to that zone specifies a maximum site coverage for buildings—
buildings must not occupy more of the allotment than the site coverage specified in that schedule.
(2) If subregulation (1) does not apply, buildings must not occupy more than 60% of an allotment.
(3) The following items may be disregarded when calculating site coverage under subregulation (1) or (2)—
(a) not more than 600 mm of the width of eaves, fascia and gutters;
(b) unroofed swimming pools or spas, unroofed terraces, unroofed patios, unroofed decks and pergolas.
(4) The report and consent of the relevant council must be obtained to an application for a building permit in relation to a design that does not comply with this regulation.