Western Australian Bills

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                        Western Australia

Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999


                    Part 1 -- Preliminary
 1.     Short title                                  2
 2.     Commencement                                 2
        Part 2 -- Totalisator Agency Board Betting
                   Act 1960 amended
 3.     The Act amended                              3
 4.     Long title amended                           3
 5.     Part heading inserted                        3
 6.     Section 3 amended                            3
 7.     Part heading inserted                        4
 8.     Section 4 amended                            4
 9.     Section 4A inserted                          5
 10 .   Section 14A repealed                         5
 11 .   Section 15 amended                           5
 12 .   Part 3 inserted                              6
 13 .   Part heading inserted                       15
 14 .   Section 19A amended                         15
 15 .   Section 22 amended                          15
 16 .   Part 5 inserted                             16
 17 .   Part heading inserted                       19
 18 .   Section 25 amended                          19
 19 .   Section 26 amended                          20

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Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999


   20 .     Section 26A inserted                       20
   21 .     Section 27 amended                         20
   22 .     Sections 27A and 27B inserted              21
   23 .     Section 28 amended                         24
   24 .     Part heading inserted                      24
   25 .     Section 33 amended                         24
   26 .     Section 36 amended                         24
   27 .     Section 40 amended                         25
   28 .     Section 56A inserted                       25
   29 .     Section 57 amended                         26
           Part 3 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended
   30 .     The Act amended                            27
   31 .     Section 4 amended                          27
   32 .     Section 17E amended                        27
   33 .     Section 17EA inserted                      27
   34 .     Section 21 amended                         28
   35 .     Section 23 amended                         29
   36 .     Section 29 inserted                        29
           Part 4 -- Racecourse Development Act 1976
   37 .     Section 10 amended                         30

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend --
      •     the Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960;
      •     the Betting Control Act 1954; and
      •     the Racecourse Development Act 1976,
for the purpose of facilitating the conduct of fixed odds betting by
the TAB.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
    Part 1      Preliminary

    s. 1

                           Part 1 -- Preliminary
    1.       Short title
             This Act may be cited as the Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds
             Betting) Act 1999.

5   2.       Commencement
             This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation.

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                                Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
              Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended        Part 2

                                                                               s. 3

          Part 2 -- Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960
     3.       The Act amended
              This Part amends the Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act
 5            1960*.
              [* Reprinted as at 2 December 1996.
                 For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                 Western Australia, Table 1, p.251.]

     4.       Long title amended
10            The long title is amended by inserting before "betting with" --
              "    for totalisator and other ".

     5.       Part heading inserted
              Before section 1 the following heading is inserted --

15                              Part 1 -- Preliminary

     6.       Section 3 amended
              Section 3 is amended as follows:
                  (a)    by inserting the following definitions in their
20                       appropriate alphabetical positions --
                        "Betting Control Board" means the Betting Control
                            Board established under section 6 of the Betting
                            Control Act 1954;

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     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

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                       "fixed odds bet" means a bet where a fixed amount
                           that will be won if the bet is successful is
                           determined before the bet is accepted;
 5               (b)    in the definition of "totalisator agency" by deleting
                        "sporting event on a totalisator" and inserting instead --
                        " event ".

     7.         Part heading inserted
                Before section 4 the following heading is inserted --
10   "

                                 Part 2 -- The TAB

     8.         Section 4 amended
          (1)   Section 4(2)(a) is amended as follows:
15                (a) after subparagraph (i) by deleting "and" and inserting --
                               (ia)   the business of setting, accepting and
                                      making fixed odds bets in relation to
                                      racing and certain events, including
20                                    sporting events; and
                 (b)    in subparagraph (ii) by deleting "principal business,"
                        and inserting instead --
                        " business of totalisator or fixed odds betting, ";
25               (c)    in the remainder of the paragraph following
                        subparagraph (ii), by deleting "principal business" and
                        inserting instead --
                        " business of totalisator or fixed odds betting ".

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                     Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended        Part 2

                                                                                   s. 9

           (2)        After section 4(3) the following subsection is inserted --
                     (3a)   If there is any inconsistency between the duty imposed
                            by subsection (3) and a direction given by the Minister
 5                          under this Act, the direction prevails to the extent of
                            the inconsistency.

     9.               Section 4A inserted
                      After section 4 the following section is inserted --
10   "
             4A.            TAB to act in accordance with policy instruments
                            The TAB shall perform its functions in accordance
                            with its strategic development plan and its statement of
                            corporate intent as existing from time to time.
15                                                                                     ".

     10.              Section 14A repealed
                      Section 14A is repealed.

     11.              Section 15 amended
                      Section 15(a) is amended by deleting "its proceedings" and
20                    inserting instead --
                      " the Board's proceedings     ".

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     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

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     12.       Part 3 inserted
               After section 19 the following Part is inserted --

                  Part 3 -- Provisions as to accountability
 5                   Division 1 -- Strategic development plans
             19AA. Draft strategic plan to be submitted to the Minister
               (1)   The Board shall in each year prepare, and submit to the
                     Minister for the Minister's agreement, a draft strategic
                     development plan for the TAB.
10             (2)   Each draft strategic development plan is to be
                     submitted not later than 2 months before the start of the
                     next financial year.

             19AB.   Transitional provision
                     The first strategic development plan for the TAB is to
15                   be in respect of the next full financial year after the
                     commencement of this Part.

             19AC. Matters to be included in strategic development
               (1)   A strategic development plan shall set out economic
20                   and financial objectives and operational targets and
                     how those objectives and targets will be achieved.
               (2)   The matters that are to be considered in the preparation
                     of a strategic development plan include --
                       (a) competitive strategies, pricing of products,
25                            productivity levels, financial requirements,
                              capital expenditure and personnel requirements;

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               (b)   any other matters that the Minister and the
                     Board agree should be considered.
       (3)   A strategic development plan shall cover a forecast
             period of 5 years or a lesser period agreed with the
 5           Minister.

     19AD. Strategic development plan to be agreed if possible
             The Board and the Minister shall try to reach
             agreement on a draft strategic development plan as
             soon as possible, and in any event not later than one
10           month before the start of the financial year to which the
             strategic development plan applies.

     19AE.   Minister's powers in relation to draft strategic
             development plan
       (1)   The Minister may return a draft strategic development
15           plan to the Board and request it to --
               (a) consider or further consider any matter and deal
                     with the matter in the draft plan; and
               (b) revise the draft plan in the light of its
                     consideration or further consideration.
20     (2)   The Board shall comply with the request as soon as is
       (3)   If the Board and the Minister have not reached
             agreement on a draft strategic development plan by one
             month before the start of the financial year to which the
25           strategic development plan applies, the Minister may,
             by written notice, direct the Board --
               (a) to take specified steps in relation to the draft
                     plan; or

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     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

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                       (b)   to make specified modifications to the draft
               (4)   The Board shall comply with a direction under
                     subsection (3) as soon as is practicable.
 5             (5)   The Minister shall, within 14 days after a direction is
                     given, cause a copy of it to be laid before each House
                     of Parliament or dealt with in accordance with
                     section 56A.

             19AF.   Strategic development plan pending agreement
10             (1)   If the Board and the Minister have not agreed to a draft
                     strategic development plan before the start of a
                     financial year, the latest draft plan is to be the strategic
                     development plan for the TAB until a draft strategic
                     development plan is agreed to under section 19AG.
15             (2)   In subsection (1) --
                     "latest draft plan" means the draft strategic
                          development plan submitted, or last submitted, by
                          the Board to the Minister before the start of the
                          financial year with any modifications made by the
20                        Board, whether before or after that time, at the
                          direction of the Minister.

             19AG. Minister's agreement to draft strategic development
                     When the Board and the Minister reach agreement on a
25                   draft strategic development plan, it becomes the
                     strategic development plan for the relevant financial
                     year or the remainder of the year, as the case may be.

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     19AH. Modifications of strategic development plan
       (1)    A strategic development plan may be modified by the
              Board with the agreement of the Minister.
       (2)    The Minister may, by written notice, direct the Board
 5            to modify the strategic development plan and the Board
              shall comply with any such direction.
       (3)    Before giving a direction under subsection (2), the
              Minister shall consult with the Board and take its views
              into account.
10     (4)    The Minister shall within 14 days after a direction is
              given cause a copy of it to be laid before each House of
              Parliament or dealt with in accordance with section

     19AI.    Concurrence of Treasurer
15            The Minister is not to --
               (a) agree to a draft strategic development plan
                    under section 19AG; or
               (b) agree to or direct any modification of a
                    strategic development plan under
20                  section 19AH,
              except with the concurrence of the Treasurer.

             Division 2 -- Statement of corporate intent
     19AJ.    Draft statement of corporate intent to be submitted
              to Minister
25     (1)    The Board shall in each year prepare, and submit to the
              Minister for the Minister's agreement, a draft statement
              of corporate intent for the TAB.

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               (2)   Each draft statement of corporate intent is to be
                     submitted not later than 2 months before the start of the
                     next financial year.

             19AK. Transitional provision
 5                   The first statement of corporate intent for the TAB is to
                     be in respect of the next full financial year after the
                     commencement of this Part.

             19AL.   Matters to be included in statement of corporate
10             (1)   A statement of corporate intent shall be consistent with
                     the strategic development plan under Division 1.
               (2)   The statement of corporate intent for the TAB shall
                     specify --
                       (a) an outline of objectives;
15                     (b) an outline of main undertakings during the
                             relevant financial year;
                       (c) an outline of the nature and scope of the
                             functions proposed to be performed during the
                             relevant financial year;
20                     (d) the performance targets and other measures by
                             which performances may be judged in relation
                             to objectives for the relevant financial year;
                       (e) accounting policies that apply to the
                             preparation of accounts;
25                      (f) the type of information to be given to the
                             Minister, including information to be given in
                             the annual report; and
                       (g) such other matters as may be agreed by the
                             Minister and the Board.

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       (3)   The Minister may exempt the TAB from including any
             matter, or any aspect of a matter, mentioned in
             subsection (2) in the statement of corporate intent.

     19AM. Statement of corporate intent to be agreed if
 5         possible
             The Board and the Minister shall try to reach
             agreement on a draft statement of corporate intent as
             soon as possible and, in any event not later than the
             start of the financial year to which that statement of
10           corporate intent applies.

     19AN. Minister's powers in relation to draft statement of
           corporate intent
       (1)   The Minister may return a draft statement of corporate
             intent to the Board and request it to --
15             (a) consider or further consider any matter and deal
                      with the matter in the draft statement; and
               (b) revise the draft statement in the light of its
                      consideration or further consideration.
       (2)   The Board shall comply with the request as soon as is
20           practicable.
       (3)   If the Board and the Minister have not reached
             agreement on a draft statement of corporate intent by
             one month before the start of the financial year to
             which that statement of corporate intent applies, the
25           Minister may, by written notice, direct the Board --
               (a) to take specified steps in relation to the draft
                     statement; or
               (b) to make specified modifications to the draft

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               (4)   The Board shall comply with a direction under
                     subsection (3) as soon as is practicable.
               (5)   The Minister shall within 14 days after a direction is
                     given cause a copy of it to be laid before each House of
 5                   Parliament or dealt with in accordance with
                     section 56A.

             19AO. Statement of corporate intent pending agreement
               (1)   If the Board and the Minister have not agreed to a draft
                     statement of corporate intent before the start of a
10                   financial year, the latest draft statement is to be the
                     statement of corporate intent for the TAB until a draft
                     statement of corporate intent is agreed to under
                     section 19AP.
               (2)   In subsection (1) --
15                   "latest draft statement" means the draft statement of
                          corporate intent submitted, or last submitted, by
                          the Board to the Minister before the start of the
                          financial year with any modifications made by the
                          Board, whether before or after that time, at the
20                        direction of the Minister.

             19AP.   Minister's agreement to draft statement of
                     corporate intent
               (1)   When the Board and the Minister reach agreement on a
                     draft statement of corporate intent, it becomes the
25                   statement of corporate intent for the relevant financial
                     year or the remainder of the year, as the case may be.
               (2)   The Minister shall within 14 days after agreeing to a
                     draft statement of corporate intent under subsection (1)
                     cause a copy of it to be laid before each House of

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             Parliament or dealt with in accordance with
             section 56A.
       (3)   The Board may request the Minister to delete from the
             copy of a statement of corporate intent that is to be laid
 5           before Parliament a matter that is of a commercially
             sensitive nature, and the Minister may, despite
             subsection (2), comply with the request.

     19AQ. Modifications of statement of corporate intent
       (1)   A statement of corporate intent may be modified by the
10           Board with the agreement of the Minister.
       (2)   The Minister may, by written notice, direct the Board
             to modify the statement of corporate intent, and the
             Board shall comply with any such direction.
       (3)   Before giving the direction, the Minister shall consult
15           with the Board and take its views into account.
       (4)   The Minister shall within 14 days after a direction is
             given cause a copy of it to be laid before each House of
             Parliament or dealt with in accordance with
             section 56A.

20   19AR. Concurrence of Treasurer
             The Minister is not to --
              (a) agree to a draft statement of corporate intent
                   under section 19AP; or
              (b) agree to or direct any modification of a
25                 statement of corporate intent under
                   section 19AQ,
             except with the concurrence of the Treasurer.

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                      Division 3 -- Provision of information
             19AS.   Minister to have access to information
               (1)   The Minister is entitled --
                      (a) to have information in the possession of the
 5                         TAB; and
                      (b) where the information is in or on a document,
                           to have, and make and retain copies of, that
               (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1) the Minister may --
10                    (a) request the TAB to furnish information to the
                      (b) request the Board to give the Minister access to
                      (c) for the purposes of paragraph (b) make use of
15                           the staff of the TAB to obtain the information
                             and furnish it to the Minister.
               (3)   The TAB and the Board, respectively, shall comply
                     with a request under subsection (2) and make staff and
                     facilities available to the Minister for the purposes of
20                   paragraph (c) of that subsection.
               (4)   Where the TAB or the Board furnishes or gives access
                     to information to the Minister, it shall advise the
                     Minister whether or not, in its opinion, the public
                     disclosure of the information would adversely affect
25                   the commercial interests of the TAB.
               (5)   In this section --
                     "document" includes any tape, disc or other device or
                          medium on which information is recorded or
                          stored mechanically, photographically,
30                        electronically or otherwise;

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                                                                                s. 13

                      "information" means information specified, or of a
                          description specified, by the Minister that relates
                          to the functions of the TAB.

 5   13.        Part heading inserted
                Before section 19A the following heading is inserted --

                          Part 4 -- Totalisator betting
10   14.        Section 19A amended
                After section 19A(1) the following subsection is inserted --
               (1a)   Despite subsection (1), the TAB may not conduct
                      totalisator betting on a particular match or sporting
15                    event if, in the opinion of the Betting Control Board --
                        (a) it would not be in the public interest to conduct
                               totalisator betting on that match or sporting
                               event; or
                        (b) the match or sporting event itself would not be
20                             in the public interest.
     15.        Section 22 amended
                After section 22(4) the following subsection is inserted --
25              (5)   The moneys payable as a dividend from a particular
                      pool shall be calculated using the assumption that --
                        (a) any bet included in the pool is validly made;

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     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

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                          (b)   the result of any race or sporting event, once
                                declared, is beyond dispute for the purposes of
                                dividend calculation and payment.

 5   16.           Part 5 inserted
                   After section 23A the following Part is inserted --

                             Part 5 -- Fixed odds betting
             24.         Fixed odds betting on racing and other events
10                 (1)   The TAB may conduct fixed odds betting on the results
                         of --
                           (a) any race;
                           (b) any sporting event set out in, or prescribed
                               under, section 19A; or
15                         (c) any other approved event or type of event.
                   (2)   Subject to section 27A, fixed odds betting authorized
                         under this section shall be conducted in accordance
                         with rules made under section 24D.
                   (3)   In subsection (1) --
20                       "approved" means approved by the Betting Control
                              Board, by notice published in the Gazette.
                   (4)   Despite subsection (1), the TAB may not conduct fixed
                         odds betting on a particular race or event if, in the
                         opinion of the Betting Control Board --
25                           (a) it would not be in the public interest to
                                   accept fixed odds bets on that race or event;

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                 (b)   the race or event itself would not be in the
                       public interest.

     24A.    Fixed odds betting generally
       (1)   Despite anything contained in any other Act or law to
 5           the contrary, it shall be lawful --
               (a) for fixed odds bets in respect of races to be
                     lodged with and received by or on behalf of the
                     TAB for transmission by the TAB to a body
                     established by a written law that is authorized
10                   by that written law to accept such bets, or to a
                     body corporate prescribed for the purposes of
                     section 27, whether it is within or outside the
               (b) for winnings to be paid by the TAB in respect
15                   of those fixed odds bets.
       (2)   Fixed odds bets in respect of races, sporting events and
             other events, selected by the TAB, may be lodged with
             and received by or on behalf of the TAB in accordance
             with this Act, and winnings shall be payable by the
20           TAB in respect of those bets, despite any other law.
       (3)   The mere fact of any persons betting at fixed price
             odds through the TAB or betting with the TAB
             pursuant to this Act --
               (a) does not constitute the commission of an
25                   offence, whether at common law or under any
                     Act, either by those persons, or by the TAB or
                     any of its officers or agents or any of its
                     employees; and
              (b) is not a ground for any office or totalisator
30                   agency of the TAB, or any part thereof, being
                     deemed or declared, whether at common law or

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     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

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                            by any Act, to be or to be used as a common
                            betting house or a common gaming house, or to
                            be a common nuisance and contrary to law.
               (4)   Nothing in this section precludes the TAB from
 5                   determining not to accept fixed odds bets, at all or any
                     of its totalisator agencies, on all or any races held at
                     any race meeting or on any event, including a sporting
                     event, on which fixed odds bets could be lawfully
                     made by virtue of this section.
10           24B.    Payment of fixed odds winnings by the TAB
                     All winnings payable in respect of any fixed odd bet
                     referred to in this Part shall be paid by the TAB to
                     persons entitled thereto in accordance with the fixed
                     odds offered at the time the bet was accepted.
15           24C.    Unclaimed fixed odds winnings
                     All moneys payable by way of fixed odds winnings and
                     refunds by the TAB which are unclaimed for 7 months
                     by any person entitled to the moneys, other than
                     moneys which are credited by the TAB to a credit
20                   account established with it under this Act, shall be paid
                     by the TAB, not later than the last operating day of the
                     month following the period of 7 months referred to in
                     this subsection --
                       (a) in the case of unclaimed winnings and refunds
25                           in respect of fixed odds bets made on horse
                             races -- into the Racecourse Development
                             Trust Fund established and maintained under
                             the Racecourse Development Act 1976;
                       (b) in the case of unclaimed winnings and refunds
30                           in respect of fixed odds bets made on
                             greyhound races -- to WAGRA; and

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                       (c)   in the case of unclaimed winnings and refunds
                             in respect of fixed odds bets made on events,
                             including sporting events referred to in
                             section 24 -- into the TAB Sports Betting
 5                           Account, for distribution under section 27B,
                     and thereafter the owner of the moneys has no
                     enforceable claim in respect of the moneys.

           24D.      Rules for fixed odds betting
             (1)     The TAB may, with the approval of the Betting
10                   Control Board, make rules for the conduct of fixed
                     odds betting under this Part.
             (2)     The TAB shall ensure that a copy of any rules made
                     under subsection (1), and any subsequent amendment
                     to those rules, is included in a notice published in the
15                   Gazette for public information.

     17.     Part heading inserted
             Before section 25 the following heading is inserted --

20                 Part 6 -- General financial provisions

     18.     Section 25 amended
             Section 25(b) is amended by deleting "rate imposed by
             section 2" and inserting instead --
25           "     rates imposed by sections 2 and 3    ".

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     19.          Section 26 amended
                  After section 26(1)(d) the following paragraph is inserted --
                         (da) to supplement certain totalisator pools under
 5                              section 26A;
     20.          Section 26A inserted
                  After section 26 the following section is inserted --
10           26A.       Supplementary pool schemes
                        The TAB may supplement the amount in any
                        totalisator pool using moneys set aside for that purpose.
     21.          Section 27 amended
15                Section 27 is amended as follows:
                    (a) in subsection (1) by deleting "The" and inserting
                         instead --
                         " Subject to subsection (1a), the ";
                    (b) in subsection (1) by deleting "other State or any Territory
20                       or other authority, or with any body corporate prescribed
                         for the purposes of this section," and inserting instead --
                         " person ";
                    (c) after subsection (1) the following subsection is inserted --
25               (1a)   The TAB may only enter into an approved contractual
                        relationship with a person who is a corporation if that
                        corporation has been prescribed for the purposes of this

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                  (d)    after subsection (2) the following subsection is
                         inserted --
               (3)      In this section --
 5                      "corporation" means any body corporate, whether
                             formed or incorporated within or outside the State,
                             and includes any "company", "foreign company"
                             or "recognized company" (as those terms are
                             defined in the Corporations Law) but does not
10                           include --
                             (a) a body corporate that is a public authority or
                                   an instrumentality or agency of the Crown;
                             (b) a body corporate formed for a public purpose
15                                 under a written law of another country.

     22.       Sections 27A and 27B inserted
               After section 27 the following sections are inserted --
20         27A.         Arrangements with other persons
               (1)      Subject to subsection (2), the TAB may enter into an
                        approved contractual arrangement with another
                        person --
                          (a) for the purposes of betting generally, as set out
25                             in section 27; or
                          (b) for the purpose of fixed odds betting as set out
                               in this section,
                        to provide a jointly operated fixed odds betting system
                        and may adopt, and operate under, any rules pertaining
30                      to that joint system that may already be in place.

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               (2)   The TAB may only enter into an approved contractual
                     relationship with a person who is a corporation if that
                     corporation has been prescribed for the purposes of this
 5             (3)   The TAB shall ensure that a copy of any rules adopted
                     under subsection (1), and any subsequent amendment
                     to those rules, is --
                       (a) delivered to the Betting Control Board;
                       (b) made available at the TAB's head office for
10                           perusal on demand; and
                       (c) included in a notice published in the Gazette for
                             public information.
               (4)   In this section --
                     "approved" means approved by the Minister on the
15                        recommendation of the Betting Control Board;
                     "corporation" means any body corporate, whether
                          formed or incorporated within or outside the State,
                          and includes any "company", "foreign company"
                          or "recognized company" (as those terms are
20                        defined in the Corporations Law) but does not
                          include --
                          (a) a body corporate that is a public authority or
                                an instrumentality or agency of the Crown;
25                        (b) a body corporate formed for a public purpose
                                under a written law of another country.

             27B.    Allocation of TAB's fixed odds betting funds
                     The TAB after paying --
                      (a)   all winning fixed odds bets;

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                       Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended        Part 2

                                                                 s. 22

             (b)   any amounts payable due to the operation of
                   section 24C;
             (c)   the amount of betting tax imposed under
                   section 25;
 5           (d)   the respective amounts, required for the time
                   being, to any reserve account opened under
                   section 26;
             (e)   all outgoings and expenses incurred in relation
                   to fixed odds betting,
10         shall pay the remaining moneys generated from fixed
           odds betting in the following manner --
              (f) in the case of horse races --
                      (i) an amount equal to 65% of all moneys
                           received by the TAB (in respect of fixed
15                         odds betting on horse races) and held in
                           the remaining moneys is to be paid to
                           the Club;
                     (ii) an amount equal to 35% of all moneys
                           received by the TAB (in respect of fixed
20                         odds betting on horse races) and held in
                           the remaining moneys is to be paid to
                           the Association;
             (g) in the case of fixed odds betting on greyhound
                   races -- to WAGRA; and
25           (h) in the case of fixed odds betting on events,
                   including sporting events referred to in
                   section 24 (and including any unclaimed
                   winnings and refunds under section 24C) --
                   into the TAB Sports Betting Account.
30                                                                    ".

                                                              page 23
     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

     s. 23

     23.         Section 28 amended
           (1)   Section 28(4) is amended by inserting after "under
                 subsection (2)" --
                 " or section 27B(1)(f)    ".
 5         (2)   Section 28(5) is amended by inserting after "under
                 subsection (3)" --
                 " or section 27B(1)(f)    ".
     24.         Part heading inserted
                 Before section 33 the following heading is inserted --
10   "

                               Part 7 -- Miscellaneous
     25.         Section 33 amended
                 Section 33(a) is amended after subparagraph (i) by deleting "or"
15               and inserting --
                        (ia)   by the transfer of the amount using a prescribed
                               method of payment or funds transfer, that does
                               not involve the provision of credit by the TAB;
20                      (ib)   by cheque at a totalisator agency in prescribed
                               circumstances; or
     26.         Section 36 amended
           (1)   Section 36(1) is amended by deleting "Taxation" and inserting
25               instead --
                 " Revenue ".

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                                   Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
                 Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended        Part 2

                                                                                   s. 27

           (2)   Section 36(2) is amended by deleting "Taxation" and inserting
                 instead --
                 "     Revenue        ".

     27.         Section 40 amended
 5               Section 40(2) is amended as follows:
                     (a)    in paragraph (a) --
                              (i) by deleting "a sporting event" and inserting
                                   instead --
                                     " an event, including a sporting event,   "; and
10                            (ii)   by inserting after "dividends" --
                                   " or winnings ";
                     (b)    in paragraph (b) by inserting before "to broadcast" --
                            " in relation to a totalisator, ".

     28.         Section 56A inserted
15               After section 56 the following section is inserted --
             56A.          Supplementary provision as to laying documents
                           before Parliament
                 (1)       If --
20                          (a)      at the commencement of a period referred to in
                                     section 19AE(5), 19AH(4), 19AN(5), 19AP(2)
                                     or 19AQ(4) in respect of a document, a House
                                     of Parliament is not sitting; and
                            (b)      the Minister is of the opinion that that House
25                                   will not sit during that period,
                           the Minister is to transmit a copy of the document to
                           the Clerk of that House.

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     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Part 2      Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 amended

     s. 29

               (2)   A copy of a document transmitted to the Clerk of a
                     House is to be --
                      (a) taken to have been laid before that House; and
                      (b) taken to be a document published by order, or
 5                          under the authority, of that House.
               (3)   The laying of a copy of a document that is taken to
                     have occurred under subsection (2)(a) is to be recorded
                     in the Minutes, or Votes and Proceedings, of the House
                     on the first sitting day of the House after the receipt of
10                   the copy by the Clerk.

     29.       Section 57 amended
               Section 57(3)(a)(ii) is amended by inserting after
               "totalisator" --
15             " or fixed odds betting     ".

     page 26
                                Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
                               Betting Control Act 1954 amended        Part 3

                                                                         s. 30

            Part 3 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended
     30.     The Act amended
             This Part amends the Betting Control Act 1954*.
             [* Reprinted as at 20 February 1997.
 5              For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                Western Australia, Table 1, p. 21.]

     31.     Section 4 amended
             Section 4(1) is amended by inserting in the appropriate
             alphabetical position --
10           "
                     "fixed odds bet" has the meaning given to that term in
                         the Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960;

     32.     Section 17E amended
15           Section 17E(1) is amended after "any bet" by inserting --
             "     (other than a fixed odds bet)   ".

     33.     Section 17EA inserted
             After section 17E the following section is inserted --
20         17EA.     Management of fixed odds - prescribed margin
             (1)     When fixed odds betting is conducted by the TAB on a
                     race or event, the TAB shall ensure that the odds
                     offered, when assessed in accordance with
                     subsection (3), give rise to a figure "m" ("margin")
25                   equal to or greater than the prescribed figure
                     ("margin") for that type of race or event.

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     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
     Part 3      Betting Control Act 1954 amended

     s. 34

                 (2)   Subsection (1) does not apply if the TAB is conducting
                       a jointly operated fixed odds betting system and has
                       adopted, and is operating under, the rules pertaining to
                       that joint system that were already in place.
 5               (3)   For the purposes of subsection (1), "m" is to be
                       calculated by assessing the individual odds offered on
                       every participant in a race or event using the following
                       formula --
                         (p1 + p2 + p3 +  ... .+ pn) - 100 = m
10                     where
                         p1    represents the odds (expressed as a percentage)
                               offered on the first participant in that race or
                         p2    represents the odds (expressed as a percentage)
15                             offered on the second participant in that race or
                         p3    represents the odds (expressed as a percentage)
                               offered on the third participant in that race or
                               event, etc.( ... depending on the number of
20                             participants in the particular race or event ... );
                          n    represents the number of participants in that
                               race or event.

25   34.         Section 21 amended
           (1)   Section 21(3)(c) is amended by deleting "means of a totalisator"
                 and inserting instead --
                 " the TAB or one of its agents     ".

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                                     Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
                                    Betting Control Act 1954 amended        Part 3

                                                                                  s. 35

           (2)     Section 21(4)(a) is amended by inserting after "totalisator" --
                   "   , or totalisator agency,        ".
           (3)     Section 21(4)(b) is amended by inserting after "totalisator" in
                   the 2 places where it occurs --
 5                 "   or totalisator agency      ".

     35.           Section 23 amended
                   Section 23(1)(b) is amended after subparagraph (i) by deleting
                   "or" and inserting --
10                        (ia)   as a fixed odds bet with the TAB or one of its
                                 agents in accordance with a written law; or

     36.           Section 29 inserted
                   After section 28G the following section is inserted --
15   "
             29.         Penalty for providing credit
                         An officer, agent or employee of the TAB or any
                         employee of an agent of the TAB who accepts a bet
                         through the TAB involving the provision of credit by
20                       the TAB, contrary to the provisions of section 33 of the
                         Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960, commits
                         an offence.
                         Penalty: $5 000.

                                                                             page 29
    Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999
    Part 4      Racecourse Development Act 1976 amended

    s. 37

     Part 4 -- Racecourse Development Act 1976 amended
    37.       Section 10 amended
              Section 10(2)(b) of the Racecourse Development Act 1976* is
              amended after "section 23A (2) (a)" by inserting --

5             "   and section 24C   ".
              [* Act No. 72 of 1976.
                 For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                 Western Australia, Table 1, p.208.]


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