Western Australian Bills

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Perth Parking Management (Consequential
           Provisions) Bill 1998
                               A Bill for

An Act  --
    •     to repeal the City of Perth Parking Facilities Act 1956;
    •     to amend the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970;
    •     to amend the Forrest Place and City Station Development
         Act 1985;
     •  to amend the Local Government Act 1995;
     •  to amend the Road Traffic Act 1974;
     •  to amend the Sentencing Act 1995;
     •  to amend the Transport Co-ordination Act 1966,
and for other purposes relating to the enactment of the Perth Parking
Management Act 1998.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Perth Parking Management (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998

     s. 1

     1.         Short title
                This Act may be cited as the Perth Parking Management
                (Consequential Provisions) Act 1998.

     2.         Commencement
 5              This Act comes into operation on such day as is fixed by

     3.         Interpretation
                In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears --
                "continued local laws" means the local laws continued in force
10                   under section 6;
                "continued parking fund" means the Parking Fund operated
                     and maintained under section 5;
                "repealed Act" means the Act repealed by section 4.

     4.         Repeal
15              The City of Perth Parking Facilities Act 1956 is repealed.

     5.         Savings -- City of Perth Parking Fund
          (1)   The Parking Fund opened and maintained under section 7(1) of
                the repealed Act is to be maintained and operated by the City of
                Perth, until 30 April 1999, in accordance with sections 7(3) and
20              7A of the repealed Act as if those sections had not been
          (2)   The following are to be credited to the continued parking
                fund --
                  (a) any revenue, charge, fine or other penalty that became
25                      payable under the repealed Act, and that is paid after the
                        Act was repealed but before 1 May 1999;

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                Perth Parking Management (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998

                                                                              s. 6

                 (b)    despite section 6.7 of the Local Government Act 1995,
                        revenue received by the City of Perth before
                        1 May 1999 under the continued local laws;
                  (c)   despite section 6.7 of the Local Government Act 1995,
 5                      all charges, fines and other penalties paid to or
                        recovered by the City of Perth before 1 May 1999 under
                        the continued local laws.
          (3)   Any available funds remaining in the continued parking fund on
                1 May 1999, and any amounts payable to that fund before that
10              date but paid on or after that date, are to be paid to the City of
                Perth's municipal fund kept under section 6.6 of the Local
                Government Act 1995, and may be used as if they had been paid
                into the municipal fund in accordance with that Act.

     6.         Savings -- local laws
15              Local laws in force under section 21 of the repealed Act
                immediately before its repeal continue in force on and after its
                repeal as if they had been made by the City of Perth under
                section 3.5 of the Local Government Act 1995.

     7.         Other Acts amended
20        (1)   The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 is amended by
                deleting from the Schedule the item relating to the City of Perth
                Parking Facilities Act 1956.
          (2)   Section 16(2) and (3) of the Forrest Place and City Station
                Development Act 1985 are repealed.
25        (3)   The Local Government Act 1995 is amended in Schedule 9.1 by
                deleting clause 1(3).
          (4)   The Road Traffic Act 1974 is amended in section 86 by deleting
                subsection (1)(a) and repealing subsection (7).

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     Perth Parking Management (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998

     s. 7

        (5)   The Sentencing Act 1995 is amended in Schedule 1 as follows:
               (a) by deleting the item relating to the City of Perth Parking
                     Facilities Act 1956;
               (b) by inserting the following item in its appropriate
 5                   alphabetical position --
                         Perth Parking Management
                         Act 1998                        Parking Fund
        (6)   The Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 is amended in
              subsection 15C(1) as follows:
10              (a) after paragraph (c) by deleting "and";
                (b) after paragraph (c) by inserting --
                      (ca)   the Perth Parking Management Act 1998; and


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