(1) In this section
arrestable offence means an offence the statutory
penalty for which is or includes imprisonment.
(2) Any person may
arrest another person (the suspect ) if he or she reasonably suspects that the
suspect has committed or is committing an arrestable offence.
(3) Any person may
arrest another person (the suspect ) who is doing or about to do an act that
the person is entitled to prevent under section 24(1)(a), (b) or (c).
(4) A person is not
entitled, by reason only of subsection (2) or (3), to enter a place or vehicle
where the person suspects the suspect is.
(5) A person who
arrests a suspect under subsection (2) or (3) must as soon as practicable
arrange for a police officer to attend; or
(b) take
the suspect and any thing relevant to the offence to a police officer.
(6) For the purpose of
complying with subsection (5), a person may detain the suspect until the
police officer attends or until the suspect is taken to a police officer.
(7) When a police
officer attends or the suspect is taken to a police officer —
(a) the
officer may arrest the suspect if, under section 128 or an arrest warrant, the
officer is authorised to arrest the suspect; but
(b) if
the officer does not arrest the suspect, the suspect ceases to be under