Western Australian Current Acts

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34 .         Regulations

        (1)         The Governor may make regulations in regard to any matter or for any purpose for which regulations are prescribed or contemplated by this Act, and may make all such other regulations as may in the Governor’s opinion be necessary or expedient for giving effect to the provisions of this Act, and for the due administration thereof.

        (2)         Without limiting the general power conferred by subsection (1), the Governor may make regulations for or with respect to all or any of the following matters —

            (a)         the application for and the issue, grant, renewal, cancellation or revocation of licences, permits and approvals under this Act; and

            (b)         the restrictions, limitations and conditions that may be imposed on any licence, permit or approval; and

        [(c)         deleted]

            (d)         the form of registers and records to be kept or furnished under this Act and the particulars to be entered therein; and

            (e)         the forms to be used for the purposes of this Act, and the manner of, and the time for, their completion, including a requirement that information supplied be verified by statutory declaration; and

            (ea)         enabling the Commissioner to require a holder of a Dealer’s Licence to provide to the Commissioner information about any other persons who are involved in the management of, or have a financial interest in, any business conducted under the licence; and

            (f)         the classification of firearms and ammunition for the purposes of this Act; and

            (g)         making provision for the safe custody and control of firearms, major firearm parts, prohibited firearm accessories and ammunition by persons entitled to possession and for restricting the amount of ammunition that may be possessed; and

            (ga)         the sending or conveyance of firearms, major firearm parts, prohibited firearm accessories or ammunition; and

            (h)         the construction and conduct of shooting galleries and ranges; and

                  (i)         regulating the conduct of guided hunting tours; and

            (j)         any other purpose that the Governor deems necessary for safeguarding the public and the public interest in relation to firearms, major firearm parts, prohibited firearm accessories and ammunition.

        (3)         Regulations made under this Act may —

            (a)         be of general or limited application, according to time, place or circumstance;

            (b)         prescribe fees to be paid in relation to the issue, grant, variation or renewal of licences, permits and approvals, the fees that are payable in relation to other matters under this Act, the persons liable, and the method of recovery of amounts not duly paid either by the disposal of the firearms, major firearm parts, prohibited firearm accessoriesor ammunition to which they relate or otherwise;

            (c)         impose upon any person or class of person a discretionary authority;

            (d)         provide penalties, not exceeding $2 000, for the contravention of any regulation.

        [Section 34 amended: No. 54 of 1978 s. 6; No. 70 of 1987 s. 11; No. 59 of 1996 s. 37 and 50(1); No. 55 of 2004 s. 370; No. 69 of 2004 s. 29 and 31; No. 13 of 2022 s. 61 and 66.]

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