Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

The Council > Strategic Plan >

Goal 2: Partnerships

Gain the commitment of governments, business, peak organisations and community groups to form partnerships which will achieve social and economic equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Through this second goal, the Council will seek leadership from governments, community and corporate sectors to help advance a national commitment to cooperate to address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage.

The Council will work with these organisations and groups, identifying ways in which they can make a commitment to the key tasks of reconciliation and promote them within their own areas of interest and influence, as well as to all Australians.

The Council will continue to promote, by leadership, education and discussion, an understanding of the economic and social costs for this nation if we fail to address indigenous disadvantage in such key areas as health, housing, employment and education.

Incremental changes are not resulting in sufficient improvement in these vital areas of indigenous service delivery. A concerted national effort is required to improve social well-being and to provide a viable economic base for indigenous peoples. There is particular pressure on the nation to make real progress on these issues before the centenary of Federation.


  • Work with leaders and key organisations to develop their own reconciliation policies, information materials and strategies to progress reconciliation within their particular sector.

  • Develop a national benchmarking framework to monitor and evaluate progress in addressing indigenous social and economic disadvantage (within specific timeframes) against which governments can be held accountable. This will be done in partnership with all levels of government, ATSIC and other indigenous organisations, and research institutions.

  • Promote models of best practice to achieve agreed targets for service delivery as negotiated with indigenous peoples.

  • While recognising that all sectors in the community play a vital role in the reconciliation process, focus particular effort on developing partnerships with governments, the media, youth (including schools) and women.

  • Promote the recognition of indigenous traditional and customary law systems within Commonwealth, State and Territory legal frameworks.

  • Work with the media to publicise the achievements of reconciliation partnerships and progress towards social and economic equality for indigenous peoples.

Performance Indicators

  • Public commitments from governments, peak bodies and community leaders to work in partnership with indigenous communities and organisations to improve the social well-being of, and to provide an economic base for, indigenous peoples.

  • The establishment of agreed and measurable targets against which governments can be held accountable for achieving progress in overcoming indigenous disadvantage.

  • Adoption of models of best practice by organisations involved in service delivery to indigenous Australians.

  • Measurable improvements in the political and cultural well-being of indigenous Australians.

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