
27 May 2000: Children presenting the Council's documents of reconciliation to Australia's leaders at Corroboree 2000 in the Sydney Opera House following the ceremonial arrival of the documents.

Back Row: Mr Geoff Clark, ATSIC Chairman; Mrs Kate Carnell, MLA, then ACT Chief Minister; the Hon Jim Bacon, MHA, Premier of Tasmania; the Hon John Olsen, MP, Premier of South Australia; the Hon Steve Bracks, MLA, Premier of Victoria; the Hon Peter Beattie, MLA, Premier of Queensland; the Hon Richard Court, MLA, Premier of Western Australia (obscured); the Hon Denis Burke, MLA, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory; Councillor John Ross, President, Australian Local Government Association; Mr Terry Waia, Chairman, Torres Strait Regional Authority.

Front Row: the Hon John Anderson, MP, Deputy Prime Minister; the Hon Bob Carr, MP, Premier of New South Wales; His Excellency the Hon Gordon Samuels, AC CVO, Governor of New South Wales; His Excellency Sir William Deane, AC KBE, Governor-General; the Hon John Howard, MP, Prime Minister; Sir Gustav Nossal, AC, CBE, Deputy Chairperson, Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation; the Hon Kim Beazley, MP, Leader of the Opposition; Senator Meg Lees, Leader of the Democrats.

Front Left: Dr Evelyn Scott, Chairperson, Council of Aboriginal Reconciliation.

Photo: Karen Mork

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