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[2006] FedJSchol 33
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Rares, Justice Steven --- "Defamation: where the reforms have taken us uniform national laws and the Federal Court of Australia" (FCA) [2006] FedJSchol 33
- Last
year marked a watershed in the law of defamation in this country. Each of the
States and Territories agreed to introduce substantially
uniform defamation laws
with effect from 1 January
2006[2]. All the States
have passed a Defamation Act 2005 in substantially similar form
(“the Uniform Acts”).
- I
will refer to provisions in the New South Wales legislation for the purposes of
this paper. Of course, there are some differences,
such as in South Australia
and the Australian Capital Territory where there is no provision equivalent to
ss. 21 and 22 of the New South Wales, Victorian, Tasmanian, Western Australian
and Queensland Uniform Acts for the hearing of the matters by a
The Uniform Defamation Laws
- The
Uniform Acts seek to ensure that whenever there is an intranational or
interstate publication of substantially the same matter, there will be
a trial
under a single law selected in accordance with s. 11 of the Uniform
- I
will not attempt to analyse in detail the operation of the various defences and
damages provisions. Given the novelty of these
provisions, it would not be
appropriate to do so, although a large drafting debt is evident in relation to
the now repealed Defamation Act 1974 (NSW).
- Most
importantly however, the experiment which the Defamation Act 1974 (NSW)
made by introducing the concept that imputations conveyed by the matter
complained of constituted the cause of action, rather
than the publication of
the matter complained of itself, has been seen to be inappropriate. The new
Uniform Acts do away with the concept of the imputation being the cause
of action. Nonetheless, there are references to this concept, particularly
the important defences of offers to
amend[3] and contextual
truth[4]. I will return
to these matters later.
Offers to Make Amends
- Division
1 of Part 3 of the Uniform Acts provides for an early resolution
procedure by way of an offer to make amends, when a plaintiff notifies a
publisher of the alleged
making of the defamatory imputations in a publication.
The Uniform Acts prescribe the circumstances in which an offer of amends
may be made and what its contents must be. The key concept in an offer to
amends is that it must include an offer to publish or join in publishing a
reasonable correction of the matter in question or,
if the offer is limited, of
any particular defamatory imputations to which the offer is
- It
has become a commonplace event that newspapers, in particular, now publish
corrections, rather than what in earlier days were more
sought after, namely
apologies. It may well be a question for the jury or judge hearing an action as
to whether the correction either
offered or spontaneously published by a
publisher, has a palliative effect on the damage which may have been done by the
- By
s. 20 of the Uniform Acts, an apology is expressly excepted from being an
express or implied admission of fault or liability by the maker of the apology
its making is not relevant to the determination of fault or liability in
connection with the publication of the matter complained
of. Of course, the
defendant can still lead evidence in mitigation of the fact that it has made an
apology [6] or has
published a
correction[7], each of
which fall outside the effect of the new s. 20(1) and
– Generally
- It
is important to appreciate that the defences provided under the Uniform
Acts are, in effect, in addition to the common law defences which generally
continue to be available where their continued existence is
not inconsistent
with the new Uniform
- The
principal statutory defences are
contextual truth[11],
privilege[13] and
honest opinion[14].
There are also defences of innocent
dissemination[15] and
triviality[16]. This
paper will address the developments in relation to these defences in turn.
Defence of Justification
- The
Uniform Acts provide for a defence to the publication of defamatory
matter if the defendant proves that the defamatory imputations carried by
matter complained of are substantially
true[17]. Gone is any
requirement that the publication either relate to a matter of public interest,
as under the old Defamation Act 1974 (NSW) or that it be for the public
benefit, as under other now defunct statutory defences in some other
Thus s. 25 restores the original position under the common law.
- Accordingly,
there is no filter mechanism which might prevent the resuscitation or bringing
to light of embarrassing episodes in a
person’s life when he or she was
young, or issues relating to his or her own private life. The way has now been
open for what
some might call robust reporting, and others might call
“a smut
Hunt J evidently believed that this latter phrase, sourced to the alleged
paramour of Greg Chappell, accurately depicted the activities
in which she had
by then engaged, namely, the publication in the epynomous Melbourne
“Truth” of “the sleazy gutter journalism by
which those articles are
- Although
the English Courts have now sought to develop, under the aegis of the Human
Rights Act 1998 (Imp) and its enactment into English law of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, a notion
Australian law has not yet embraced such a
notion[22]. In
England, truth alone is a defence to a defamation claim. Some, but not all, of
the media there have exercised a degree of restraint
in what they publish
following these developments.
- It
is likely that life as we know it will continue, although perhaps more along
Victorian lines. I speak not of the late monarch,
but of the fact that in
Victoria, as in England, truth alone has been a defence for many years. It may
be no accident that the Melbourne
“Truth” has been published
in that jurisdiction. Some may hope that the media maintain a vigorous sense of
individuality and independence
in what individual outlets select for
Defence of Contextual Truth
- Probably
the most significant reform in the Uniform Acts has been the acceptance
by all of the jurisdictions of the innovation pioneered in New South Wales of
the defence of contextual
truth[23]. This
defence enables the tribunal of fact to come to a commonsense result if the
matter complained of conveyed a number of defamatory
meanings only one or some
of which becomes or become the subject of complaint by the plaintiff in the
proceedings. Where the other
imputations are of such significance that those
about which the plaintiff wishes to complain do not further harm his or her
then because of the substantial truth of the contextual imputations,
the plaintiff’s case will
- The
way in which the Uniform Acts have used the expression
“imputation” may revive the bewildering notions utilized by
the courts in the construction of the now repealed Defamation Act 1974
(NSW). And, it is of some concern that the form of s. 26 may allow the previous
interpretation of s. 16 of the Defamation Act 1974 (NSW) to continue in
respect of the new defence of contextual truth. That could entail acceptance of
the construction adopted by
the majority of the New South Wales Court of Appeal
in John Fairfax Publications Pty Ltd v
Blake[25] where
Spigelman CJ, with whom Rolfe A-JA agreed, said that for the purposes of
determining whether the defence of contextual truth
was capable of being made
“... the court must focus on the facts, matters and
circumstances said to establish the truth of the contextual imputation,
than on the terms of the contextual imputation itself”.
This construction may not be applicable to the new defence because the
wording of s. 16(2)(c) of the repealed Act was framed in a significantly
different way to s. 26. In particular, the textual signposts on which
CJ focused in s. 16(2)(c), are not present in the new
legislation. His Honour justified this approach thus
‘Section 16(2)(c) does not focus attention on a contextual imputation
as such but on the proposition that such an imputation is a “matter
of substantial truth”. It is “by reason” of such
“substantial truth” that a defence to an imputation pleaded by a
plaintiff can be made out on the basis that the plaintiff’s
does not “further injure the reputation of the plaintiff”’.
- Section
16(2)(c) did not focus its attention on a contextual imputation “as
such” but on the proposition that such an imputation is a
“matter of substantial truth”. It is “by
reason” of such “substantial truth” that a defence
to an imputation pleaded by a plaintiff can be made out on the basis that the
plaintiff’s imputation
does not “further injure the reputation of
the plaintiff”.
- The
new defence under s. 26 of the Uniform Acts creates an exculpation if the
contextual imputation is “substantially true” and the
imputations on which the plaintiff relies do not further harm his or her
reputation “because of the substantial truth of the contextual
- As
a matter of statutory construction, the result reached in John Fairfax
Publications Pty Ltd v
Blake[27] may be
difficult to sustain. How the particulars relied upon could have any bearing on
the harm to the reputation of the plaintiff
in a case where, for example, the
particulars rely on facts quite extraneous to the matter complained of is
difficult to understand.
The reason why both the repealed s. 16 and the new s.
26 can operate as defences is because when a reader of the matter complained
understands what was published (note that particulars that might be given
in a proceeding or pleading many months or years later) that understanding of
the contextual
imputation injured the plaintiff’s reputation more than
those imputations which the plaintiff chose as his or her cause of
action or
cause of complaint.
- The
way in which a defence of contextual truth works is illustrated by considering
the common law defence of partial justification.
In Plato Films Limited v
Speidel[28] Lord
Denning discussed the issue of partial justification by reference to a
submission made by counsel for the defendant, Gerald
Gardiner QC, as he then
was. Mr Gardiner had suggested that a defence of partial justification may not
be open to a defendant because
of the way the plaintiff had framed his
“He took this case. Suppose a newspaper said of a
man: ‘He has murdered his father, stolen from his mother and does not
to church on Sundays,’ and the plaintiff brings a libel action complaining
only of the imputation that he does not go to
church. The defendants, said Mr
Gardiner, cannot justify the major charges of murder and theft, because the
plaintiff has not complained
of them. They cannot give evidence of them in
mitigation of damages because they are only specific instances. What is, then,
position? It would, says Mr Gardiner, be most unjust that the plaintiff
should get damages for the minor matter when, if the jury
had had the whole
before them, they would have given him nothing. I agree it would. But the
answer is that the defendants, who
had produced such a piece of bathos, would
be entitled, in the apt words of Lord Coke, to ‘have showed all the
and the coherence of them,” see Brittridge’s
Case[29] : and
the jury would no doubt only have given one farthing, as they did in Cooke v
Hughes [30]. In
those cases the words so “cohered together” that it was necessary
for the jury to see all the words in order to
make a correct appreciation of
their impact. Whether the present is such a case, the judge will say at the
- In
Whelan v John Fairfax Publications Pty
Ltd[31] Levine J
said that this passage pointed to the effect of the repealed s. 16. It should
be noted that in that case his Honour provided
a detailed explanation of the
defence of partial justification at common law which will be relevant in the
regime established by
the Uniform Act which, of course, preserves the
common law.
- In
the Uniform Acts the availability of common law defences of privilege is
somewhat expanded by ss. 27-30. A defence of absolute privilege is provided
s. 27. That provision covers publications made to or by parliamentary bodies,
courts or tribunals established by law and publications
in the course of
proceedings within such entities.
Defences for Publication of
Public Documents and Fair Report
- This
defence is curiously worded. In the operative provision, s. 28(1) of the
Uniform Acts, it is said to be a defence to the publication of a
defamatory matter
“... if the defendant proves that the
matter was contained in:
(a) a public document, or a fair copy of the public document, or
(b) a fair summary of, or a fair extract from, a public document.”
- It
would appear that the reference to a fair summary or fair extract must have been
intended to provide a defence to the publication
of a fair report which amounts
to such a fair summary or a fair extract, as is the case at common law and under
previous enactments:
see e.g. Rogers v Nationwide News Pty
Ltd[32]. As
Gleeson CJ and Gummow J there
The policy of the common law's protection of fair reports of court proceedings,
and of the legislative extension of the
common law in s 24 of the Act, is that
it is in the public interest that there should be open administration of
justice. That interest
is served by protecting persons who publish fair and
accurate reports of court proceedings so that a reader of the report will see
substantially correct record of what was said and done in
- Since
s. 24 provides that the defences in Pt 4 Div 2 of the Uniform Acts are
intended to be in addition to the common law defences, it is likely that the
Courts will not construe s. 28(1)(b) as narrowing
the ordinary common law
incidents of the defence of fair report. However, the exact nature of the
defence provided by s. 28(1)(b)is
not easily discernible and awaits
interpretation by the Courts.
- In
contrast, s. 29(2) encapsulates the common law concept of a fair report as
extending to a fair summary or fair extract from a fair
Qualified Privilege
- Section
30 provides for a statutory defence of qualified privilege, which is modelled on
the repealed provisions of s. 22 of the Defamation Act 1974 (NSW). The
concept of reasonableness embodied as an essential ingredient in the new s.
30, as with its statutory predecessor, is also an essential element in the
Australian common law defence of qualified privilege as extended
by the High
Court in Lange v Australian Broadcasting
The Court had drawn upon its earlier decisions in Theophanous v Herald &
and Stephens v West Australian Newspapers
Ltd[37] for the
requirement of reasonableness in the making of a publication in order for the
defendant to rely upon the common law defence
of qualified privilege. That
defence has to be conformable with the implied constitutional freedom of
communication on government
- Prescribing
a criterion of reasonableness in the common law defence of qualified privilege
will obviously limit the circumstances
in which the defence may be available. In
an earlier emanation, I once described the element of reasonableness (required
to conform
to the implied constitutional freedom) as “a millstone
around the new defence’s
- In
the 30 odd year history of s. 22 of the Defamation Act 1974 (NSW), a
defence under the section has succeeded rarely. I am personally aware of only
one such occasion which was in the extraordinary
case of Barbaro v
Amalgamated Television Services Pty
There, a television station was found to be entitled to rely on s. 22 in
publishing a current affairs program from an independent producer which was
transmitted live. The circumstances were that the
plaintiff, Dominic Barbaro,
sued on imputations asserting, in substance, that he was one of the murderers of
the late Donald Mackay,
the anti-drugs campaigner from Griffith, New South
Wales. Justice Woodward, in a Royal Commission report, had named Dominic Sergi
as one of the murderers. Part of the entertainment of the case was that Dominic
Sergi was in fact the plaintiff’s father-in-law
and the plaintiff had
originally commenced the proceedings in that name. He subsequently applied to
change the description of his
name in the title of the proceedings during their
course. The plaintiff was identified when a reporter attended, unannounced, at
a farm with a camera crew. The reporter said to the plaintiff “We are
looking for Dominic”, to which the plaintiff replied: “Yes,
I Dominic”. The reporter then asked: “Dominic
Sergi?” to which the plaintiff replied: “Yes, what do you
- Samuels
JA continued the story as
reporter then said: “You are the one that was in the Royal
Commission”. The [plaintiff] ... then, to quote the words of his
counsel when opening the case to the jury, “became upset and
angry” and attacked the camera, repeatedly telling the cameraman to
put it down, then to put it in the car, and finally to go, using
language of a
more pungent kind.”
This interchange demonstrated why it was reasonable in the circumstances to
misidentify the plaintiff as the person whom he incorrectly
said he was.
- In
general, the difficulty of a media defendant in establishing reasonableness in
the publication of untrue matter is exemplified
in decisions such as Austin v
Mirror Newspapers
Ltd[42] and
Morosi v Mirror Newspapers
- The
ordinary common law of qualified privilege, not involving any question of the
implied constitutional freedom of communication
of government or political
matter, was described by Gleeson CJ, Hayne and Heydon JJ in Bashford v
Information Australia Pty
Ltd[44] as
“Qualified privilege gives no licence to defame. It denies the
inference of malice that ordinarily follows from showing that
false and
injurious words have been published. If the occasion is privileged the further
question which arises is whether the defendant
“has fairly and properly
conducted himself in the exercise of
- It
can be seen that the inclusion of the requirement of reasonableness both under
s. 30 and at common law in cases involving the implied constitutional freedom
thus serves as an important protection for plaintiffs against
the publication of
false and injurious words, in what will usually be publication to a large
readership or audience.
Defence of Honest Opinion
- The
Uniform Acts provide in s. 31 a defence to the publication of defamatory
matter if the defendant proves that:
the matter was an expression of opinion of the defendant rather than a
statement of fact, and
(b) the opinion related to a matter of public interest, and
(c) the opinion is based on proper material.”
- One
ambiguity in this formulation is that during the course of the second reading
debate on the Defamation Bill 2005 in the New South Wales Legislative
Assembly[46] the
referred to concerns which the New South Wales Bar Association had raised about
the operation of what was then cl 31 in the Bill.
That concern related to
circumstances where the defamatory matter which was published was not
exclusively an opinion that also included
statements of fact. The Attorney
“By way of clarification I affirm that clause 31 was not
intended to alter the position at common law in regard to the pleading
defences or the kinds of facts that can be relied upon to support defamatory
opinion. The equivalent defence at common law is
the defence of fair
By way of clarification, I affirm that clause 31 is not intended to alter the
position at common law in regard to the pleading of
defences or the kinds of
facts that can be relied on to support a defamatory opinion. The equivalent
defence at common law is the
defence of fair comment.
At common law, as I understand it, the defence of fair comment is available
in respect of such defamatory imputations or defamatory
meanings carried by the
matter concerned that can be said to be opinions rather than a statement of
fact. An imputation is basically
an accusation or charge about someone, whether
express or implied. At common law the opinion must be based on proper material,
statements of fact that are true or statements that are privileged.
Statements of fact may be set out in the matter that expresses
the opinion, but
facts can be relied on even if they are not set out with the opinion if they are
notorious or widely known. An opinion
may be based on facts that are either
defamatory or non-defamatory. However, where a publication of matter includes
both defamatory
statements of fact and a defamatory opinion, it is appropriate
at common law for the plea to be limited to fair comment and not to
include a
plea of justification. This kind of pleading is conventionally called a
rolled-up plea.
Nothing in clause 31 is intended to affect pleadings of this kind.”
- The
Attorney-General’s remarks indicate that, consistent with s. 24 of the
Uniform Acts, the effect of s. 31, as drafted, is that it will not
interfere with the common law defences of fair comment on a matter of public
interest. Whether this will be the way the Courts interpret the defences under
s. 31 and at common law must await further
- In
all jurisdictions, damages will be assessed by the trial judge
alone[48]. By
operation of s. 34, the amount of damages awarded must reflect an appropriate
and rational relationship between the harm sustained
by the plaintiff and the
quantum of the
award[49]. The
maximum amount which a court can award for compensatory damages, other than an
element for aggravated
damages[50], is
$250,000[51]. That
amount will be adjusted upwards each year by publications in the
- The
Court is empowered to award a sum exceeding the maximum set pursuant to s. 35(1)
if, and only if:
“... the court is satisfied that the
circumstances of the publication of the defamatory matter to which the
proceedings relate
are such as to warrant an award of aggravated damages.”
- The
Court is not able to make any orders for exemplary or punitive
damages[53] and must
disregard malice or other state of mind of the defendant at the time of
publication or at any other time, except to the
extent that the malice or other
state of mind affects the harm sustained by the
Forum Shopping Dead?
- The
effect of the choice of law provision for interstate or intranational
publications contained in s. 11(2) of the Uniform Acts may be to create
federal jurisdiction.
- In
the past, it was notorious that plaintiffs who did not wish juries to decide
their matters would select a forum where there was
no provision for jury trials.
Thus, plaintiffs, who one would ordinarily expect to sue in the Supreme Court of
New South Wales for
publications in that State’s mass media, such as the
daily newspapers published principally for circulation in Sydney or for
electronic broadcasts principally within the Sydney area, frequently would
resort to the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital
Territory, where the
matter complained of would also have been published, but to a far smaller
audience or readership.
- Following
the decision in BHP Billiton Ltd v
Schultz[55], the
effect of the Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987 of each of
the States, Territories and the Commonwealth has been to require the Court in
which the proceedings have been initiated
to consider the interests of justice
without proceeding from a predisposition in favour of the forum selected by the
The question for decision under the analogues of s. 5(2)(b)(iii)
will be whether the Court nominated by the applicant for transfer is a more
appropriate forum in the interests of justice than the
one in which the
proceedings were commenced.
- Thus,
Gleeson CJ, McHugh and Heydon JJ
is not necessary that it should appear that the first court is a “clearly
inappropriate” forum. It is both
necessary and sufficient that, in the
interests of justice, the second court is more appropriate.”
Their Honours further observed that “[t]he justice referred to in s.
5 is not disembodied, or divorced from practical
However, there may be aspects raised in particular cases which affect where the
interests of justice lie and one new issue, which
is discussed below, involves
considering whether the proceedings could or should be heard in the Federal
Court of Australia.
A New Forum?
- One
new thought which may be worthy of consideration is whether it is possible to
bring defamation proceedings in the Federal Court.
However, before commencing
proceedings in the Federal Court, it is important to satisfy oneself that the
Court will have jurisdiction
to hear the matter. The views which I express in
this paper, and which I elaborated in a paper given last
week[58], are personal
views which have not been tested in litigation but which may afford some
guidance as to matters worthy of consideration.
- The
fundamental source of the Federal Court’s original jurisdiction in any
matter[59] is
statutory[60]. By s.
5(2) of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth), the Court is a
superior court of record and a court of law and equity. Since the enactment of
s. 39B of the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth), the court can now be seen as a
court of general jurisdiction in civil matters, although it will always be
necessary to ensure
that the matter sought to be litigated is within federal
jurisdiction. Once the jurisdiction of the Court has been effectively invoked
it has “accrued jurisdiction” to determine the whole
“matter” or controversy between the parties: Re Wakim;
Ex parte
- Provided
that a matter is properly commenced in the Federal Court, because it is within
the jurisdiction of that court pursuant to
s. 39B(1A) of the Judiciary
Act or otherwise, it may be difficult to argue that it is in the interests
of justice to transfer the matter to a Supreme Court of the
State or Territory
in which a second action has been commenced and vice versa. The Supreme Courts,
of course, are able to exercise
federal jurisdiction by force of s. 39(2) of the
Judiciary Act 1993.
- The
jurisdiction of the Federal Court to hear defamation actions without the
addition of any other cause of action may be available
in the following classes
of case:
(a) where the publication involves the implied
constitutional freedom of communication on government and political matter;
(b) where there is an interstate or, possibly other intranational,
publication. An argument may be available to suggest that where
there are
interstate or intranational multiple publications within the meaning given in s.
11(5), the operation of s. 118 of the Constitution is engaged so as to enable
each jurisdiction to recognize and apply the provisions of s. 11 of the
Uniform Acts as substantive modifications of the laws of each
jurisdiction and the common law of Australia.
- If
there be jurisdiction in the Federal Court, then depending on where the
proceedings are heard and which substantive law is chosen
under s 11 of the
Uniform Acts , consideration may need to be given as to whether to have a
- Factors
which may be relevant to the exercise of the Federal Court’s discretion
under ss. 39 and 40 of its Act and s. 21 of the Uniform Acts as to jury
trial are:
(a) the fact that the Court has a national character,
which s. 48 of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 recognizes, to sit
in one or more venues as is
(b) the desirability that the mode of trial favoured by the relevant
legislature whose law, by force of s. 11 of the Uniform Acts, is the
substantive law to decide all causes of action arising from the multiple
publications, should be given effect. Of course, this consideration would be
relevant the other way in those jurisdictions like South Australia and
the two mainland Territories where there is no provision for
jury trial of
defamation actions;
(c) the fact that since at least the time of the passage of Fox’s
Libel Act in 1792, it has been recognized that a jury is an appropriate
tribunal of fact to decide the question of libel or no libel. As Brennan
speaking for the Court, said in Reader’s Digest Services Pty Ltd v
“But the moral or social standard by which the defamatory character of
an imputation is determined is not amenable to evidentiary
proof; it is
pre-eminently a matter for the jury to give effect to a standard which they
consider to accord with the attitude of society generally.” (emphasis
- The
new reforms have opened a number of interesting areas for consideration while at
the same time reviving the old common law. That
should enable defamation
practitioners to further hone their skills though perhaps not as imaginatively
as the owners of “Blackie the Talking Cat” were able to
achieve. In Miles v City Council of Augusta
Georgia[64] the
plaintiffs sought to have a local council ordinance, which required them to pay
a tax, declared invalid as infringing Blackie’s
First Amendment
“right” to freedom of speech. The plaintiffs represented
themselves and Blackie. Both Judge Bowen’s and the Court of
judgments repay careful reading as models of entertaining legal
- In
dealing with the constitutional issue the Court of Appeals said:
“This Court will not hear a claim that Blackie’s right
to free speech has been infringed. First, although Blackie arguably
possesses a
very unusual ability, he cannot be considered a “person” and is
therefore not protected by the Bill of Rights.
Second, even if Blackie had such
a right, we see no need for appellants to assert his right jus tertii.
Blackie can clearly speak for himself.”
* Paper presented at the College of Law City 2006 Autumn Intensive on 29
March 2006
1 A judge of the Federal Court of
2 This happened in New South Wales (Defamation
Act 2005), Victoria (Defamation Act 2005), Queensland (Defamation
Act 2005), South Australia (Defamation Act 2005), Western Australia
(Defamation Act 2005), Tasmania (Defamation Act 2005) and the
Australian Capital Territory (Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 as amended by
the Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2006) ; as at 23 March 2006 only
the Northern Territory had not enacted the new legislation, but a Bill had been
introduced into
the Legislative
[3] s. 14
of the Uniform
[4] s. 26
of the NSW Uniform
[5] s.
[6] s.
38(1)(a) of the Uniform Act
[7] s.
38(1)(b) of the Uniform Act
[8] s. 20(3)
of the Uniform Act (NSW); see also Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW)
Pt 10 esp s. 69
s. 24(1) of the Uniform Act
[10] s.
[11] s.
[12] s.
[13] ss. 27-30
[14] s.
[15] s.
[16] s.
[17] s. 25 of
the Uniform Act (NSW)
[18] see Howden
v “Truth” and “Sportsman” Ltd [1937] HCA 74; (1937) 58 CLR 416 as
to this test under s. 7 of the Defamation Act 1912 (NSW)
[19] cp
Chappell v TCN Channel 9 Pty Limited (1988) 14 NSWLR 153 at p 157 F;
[20] 14 NSWLR 153
at p 156 E
see e.g. A v B plc [2002] EWCA Civ 337; [2003] QB 195; Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] UKHL 22; [2004] 2
AC 457
[22] see
e.g. Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd
(2001) 208 CLR
[23] s. 16 of
the Defamation Act 1974
[24] see s.
26 of the Uniform Act
[2001] NSWCA 434; (2001) 53 NSWLR 541 at 543
[26] [2001] NSWCA 434; 53 NSWLR
541 at 543 [5]
[2001] NSWCA 434; (2001) 53 NSWLR
[28] [1961] AC
1090 at pp
[1602] EngR 6; (1602) 4 Co Rep 18b,
[30] (1824) Ry
& M 112
[2002] NSWSC 1028; (2002) 56 NSWLR 89 at 106-107
[32] [2003] HCA 52; (2003)
216 CLR 327
[2003] HCA 52; 216 CLR 327 at 335 [15]
Chakravarti v Advertiser Newspapers Ltd (1998) 193 CLR 519; Anderson
v Nationwide News Pty Ltd (1970) 72 SR (NSW) 313 at 324 per Mason JA;
Waterhouse v Broadcasting Station 2GB Pty Ltd (1985) 1 NSWLR 58 at 63 per
Hunt J
[35] [1997] HCA 25; (1997)
189 CLR 520 at pp
[1994] HCA 46; (1994) 182 CLR 104 at p
[37] [1994] HCA 45; (1994)
182 CLR 211 at pp
[38] see
[1997] HCA 25; 189 CLR 520 at p
Rares: Free Speech in the Law (1995) 13 Australian Bar Review 209 at p
[40] (1985)
1 NSWLR 30 (Hunt J); (1989) 20 NSWLR 493
[41] 20 NSWLR
493 at p 495 C-D
[42] [1986] AC 299
at p 313; (1985) 3 NSWLR 354 at p 360
[43] [1977] 2
NSWLR 749 at pp 796,
(2004) 218 CLR 366 at p 377 [22]
[45] Guise v
Kouvelis [1947] HCA 13; (1947) 74 CLR 102 at p 117 per Dixon J quoting Dickson v Earl of
Wilton [1859] EngR 26; (1859) 1 F&F 419 at 426 [175 ER 790 at 793] per Lord Campbell
[46] Hansard on 12
October 2005. The Attorney was referring to the common law principles
established in the authorities referred to
by Jordan CJ in Goldsborough v
John Fairfax & Sons Ltd [1934] NSWStRp 43; (1934) 34 SR (NSW) 524 at pp 530.3-534.7;
Gardiner v Joh Fairfax & Sons Pty Ltd (1942) SR (NSW) 171 at p
[47] The Hon
Bob Debus MP
[48] In the
jurisdictions in which juries determine all other issues, s. 22(3) of the
Uniform Acts so provides.
[49] cp:
Carson v John Fairfax & Sons Ltd [1993] HCA 31; (1993) 178 CLR 44 at p 66.7-.10 per
Mason CJ, Deane, Dawson and Gaudron JJ
[50] see s.
[51] s.
[52] s.
[53] s.
[54] s.
[55] (2004) 79
ALJR 348; 211 ALR 523; [2004] HCA 61
[56] [2004] HCA 61; 79 ALJR 348
at 352 [14]; see also at 363 [77] per Gummow J, 378 [164]-[165] per Kirby J,
380 [177] per Hayne J agreeing with Gummow J, 388 [222], 395 [258]-[259]
Callinan J
[57] [2004] HCA 61; 79 ALJR
348 at 352
[58] Rares:
Uniform National Law and the Federal Court of Australia : Paper presented
at the
University of New South Wales law faculty “Defamation & Media
Law Update 2006” seminar on 23 March 2006
[59] see In Re
Judiciary and Navigation Acts [1921] HCA 20; (1921) 29 CLR 257: Re Wakim; Ex parte
McNally (1999) 198 CLR 511
[60] s. 19 (as to
original jurisdiction) and s. 24 (as to appellate jurisdiction) of the
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976
[61] (1999)
198 CLR 511 at 584-588
National Mutual Holdings Pty Ltd v The Sentry Corporation [1988] FCA 133; (1988) 19 FCR
155 at 162
[1982] HCA 4; (1982) 150 CLR 500 at
[64] 551 F.
Supp 349 (1982): [1983] USCA11 929; 710 F 2d 1542 (1983; CA 11)
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