(1) The copyright in a work that is kept in the collection of an archives covered by subparagraph (a)(i) or paragraph (aa) of the definition of archives in subsection 10(1), where it is open to public inspection, is not infringed by the making or communication by, or on behalf of, the officer in charge of the archives:
(a) of a single working copy of the work; or
(b) of a single reference copy of the work for supply to the central office of the National Archives of Australia; or
(c) on the written request for a reference copy of the work by an officer of the National Archives of Australia in a regional office of the Archives, where the officer in charge is satisfied that a reference copy of the work has not been previously supplied to that regional office--of a single reference copy of the work for supply to that regional office; or
(d) where the officer in charge is satisfied that a reference copy of the work supplied to a regional office of the National Archives of Australia is lost, damaged or destroyed and an officer of the Archives in that regional office makes a written request for a replacement copy of the work--of a single replacement copy of the work for supply to that regional office; or
(e) where the officer in charge is satisfied that a reference copy of the work supplied to the central office of the National Archives of Australia is lost, damaged or destroyed--of a single replacement copy of the work for supply to that central office.
(2) In this section:
"reference copy" , in relation to a work, means a reproduction of the work made from a working copy for supply to the central office, or to a regional office, of the National Archives of Australia for use by that office in providing access to the work to members of the public.
"replacement copy" , in relation to a work, means a reproduction of the work made from a working copy for the purpose of replacing a reference copy of the work that is lost, damaged or destroyed.
"working copy" , in relation to a work, means a reproduction of the work made for the purpose of enabling the National Archives of Australia to retain the copy and use it for making reference copies and replacement copies of the work.