(1) The Accreditation Registrar may delegate any or all of the Accreditation Registrar's functions or powers to:
(a) an SES employee, or an acting SES employee, in the Department, in the Commission or in the Commonwealth entity appointed under paragraph 56CK(1)(b) (if any); or
(b) an APS employee who is holding or performing the duties of a specified office or position that:
(i) is in the Department, in the Commission or in the Commonwealth entity appointed under paragraph 56CK(1)(b) (if any); and
(ii) is an office or position that the Accreditation Registrar is satisfied is sufficiently senior for the APS employee to perform the function or exercise the power.
Note: For the Registrar's functions and powers, see section 56CE.
(2) In doing anything under a delegation under this section, the delegate must comply with any directions of the Accreditation Registrar.