In this Act:
4 yearly review of modern awards : see subsection 156(1).
"access period" for a proposed enterprise agreement: see subsection 180(4).
"action" includes an omission.
"adoption-related leave" : see subsection 67(5).
"adverse action" : see section 342.
"affected employees" for a variation of an enterprise agreement: see subsection 207(2).
(a) in relation to an entry under Subdivision A of Division 2 of Part 3‑4: see subsection 482(2); and
(aa) in relation to an entry under section 483A other than a designated outworker terms entry: see paragraph 483B(3)(a); and
(ab) in relation to a designated outworker terms entry under section 483A: see paragraph 483B(3)(b); and
(b) in relation to an entry in accordance with Division 3 of Part 3‑4: see paragraph 495(2)(a); and
(c) in relation to a State or Territory OHS right to inspect or otherwise access an employee record: see paragraph 495(2)(b).
"affected member certificate" : see subsection 520(1).
"agreed terms" for a workplace determination: see section 274.
"agreed to" in relation to a termination of an enterprise agreement: see section 221.
"annual rate" of an employee's guaranteed annual earnings: see subsection 330(3).
"annual wage review" : see subsection 285(1).
"anti-discrimination law" : see subsection 351(3).
"applicable agreement-derived long service leave terms" : see subsection 113(5).
"applicable award-derived long service leave terms" : see subsection 113(3).
"application or complaint under another law" : see subsection 732(2).
(a) in relation to a modern award: see section 47; and
(b) in relation to an enterprise agreement: see section 52.
"applies to employment generally" : see subsection 26(4).
"appointment" of a bargaining representative means an appointment of a bargaining representative under paragraph 176(1)(c) or (d).
"appropriate safe job" : see subsection 81(4).
"approved by FWA" , in relation to an enterprise agreement, means approved by FWA under section 186 or 189.
"associated entity" has the meaning given by section 50AAA of the Corporations Act 2001 .
"Australian-based employee" : see subsections 35(2) and (3).
"Australian employer" : see subsection 35(1).
"Australian ship" means a ship that has Australian nationality under section 29 of the Shipping Registration Act 1981 .
"authority documents" : see subsection 489(3).
"available parental leave period" : see subsection 75(2).
"award/agreement free employee" means a national system employee to whom neither a modern award nor an enterprise agreement applies.
"award covered employee" for an enterprise agreement: see subsection 193(4).
"award modernisation process " means the process of making modern awards under Part 10A of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 , as in force immediately before the commencement of Part 2-3 of this Act (which deals with modern awards).
"bargaining order" : see subsection 229(1).
"bargaining related workplace determination" : see subsection 269(1).
"bargaining representative" for a proposed enterprise agreement: see section 176.
"bargaining services" : see subsection 353(3).
"bargaining services fee" : see subsection 353(2).
"base rate of pay" : see section 16.
"birth-related leave" : see subsection 67(4).
"child" of a person: see subsection 17(1).
"civil remedy provision" : see subsection 539(1).
"Commissioner" means a Commissioner of FWA.
"common requirements" in relation to industrial action: see section 413.
"Commonwealth authority" means:
(a) a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth; or
(b) a body corporate:
(i) incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or a Territory; and
(ii) in which the Commonwealth has a controlling interest.
"Commonwealth place" means a place referred to in paragraph 52(i) of the Constitution, other than the seat of government.
"compassionate leave" means compassionate leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 104.
"compliance powers" : see section 703.
"compliance purposes" : see subsection 706(1).
"conduct" includes an omission.
"conduct" of a protected action ballot: see subsection 458(5).
"consent low-paid workplace determination" : see subsection 260(2).
"consistent with the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code" : see subsection 388(2).
"constitutional corporation" means a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies.
"constitutionally-covered entity" : see subsection 338(2).
"constitutional trade or commerce" means trade or commerce:
(a) between Australia and a place outside Australia; or
(b) among the States; or
(c) between a State and a Territory; or
(d) between 2 Territories; or
(e) within a Territory.
"continental shelf" means the continental shelf (as defined in the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 ) of Australia (including its external Territories).
"continuous service" has a meaning affected by section 22.
"coverage terms" in relation to a modern award: see subsection 143(1).
(a) in relation to a modern award: see section 48; and
(b) in relation to an enterprise agreement: see section 53; and
(c) in relation to a workplace determination: see section 277.
"day of placement" : see subsection 67(6).
de facto partner of a national system employee:
(a) means a person who, although not legally married to the employee, lives with the employee in a relationship as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (whether the employee and the person are of the same sex or different sexes); and
(b) includes a former de facto partner of the employee.
"Deputy President" means a Deputy President of FWA.
designated outworker term of a modern award, enterprise agreement, workplace determination or other instrument, means any of the following terms, so far as the term relates to outworkers in the textile, clothing or footwear industry:
(a) a term that deals with the registration of an employer or outworker entity;
(b) a term that deals with the making and retaining of, or access to, records about work to which outworker terms of a modern award apply;
(c) a term imposing conditions under which an arrangement may be entered into by an employer or an outworker entity for the performance of work, where the work is of a kind that is often performed by outworkers;
(d) a term relating to the liability of an employer or outworker entity for work undertaken by an outworker under such an arrangement, including a term which provides for the outworker to make a claim against an employer or outworker entity;
(e) a term that requires minimum pay or other conditions, including the National Employment Standards, to be applied to an outworker who is not an employee;
(f) any other terms prescribed by the regulations.
"designated outworker terms entry" : see subsection 483A(5).
"discriminatory term" of an enterprise agreement: see section 195.
"dismissal remedy bargaining order application" : see subsection 726(2).
"dismissed" : see section 386.
"earnings" : see subsections 332(1) and (2).
"eligible community service activity" : see section 109.
"eligible State or Territory court" means one of the following courts:
(a) a District, County or Local Court;
(b) a magistrates court;
(c) the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia;
(d) any other State or Territory court that is prescribed by the regulations.
"employee" is defined in the first Division of each Part (other than Part 1-1) in which the term appears.
Note 1: The definition in the Part will define employee either as a national system employee or as having its ordinary meaning. However, there may be particular provisions in the Part where a different meaning for the term is specified.
Note 2: If the term has its ordinary meaning, see further subsection 15(1).
"employee claim action" : see section 409 and paragraph 471(4A)(c).
"employee couple" : 2 national system employees are an employee couple if each of the employees is the spouse or de facto partner of the other.
"employee organisation" means an organisation of employees.
"employee record" , in relation to an employee, has the meaning given by the Privacy Act 1988 .
"employee response action" : see section 410 and paragraph 471(4A)(d).
"employee with a disability" means a national system employee who is qualified for a disability support pension as set out in section 94 or 95 of the Social Security Act 1991 , or who would be so qualified but for paragraph 94(1)(e) or 95(1)(c) of that Act.
"employer" is defined in the first Division of each Part (other than Part 1-1) in which the term appears.
Note 1: The definition in the Part will define employer either as a national system employer or as having its ordinary meaning. However, there may be particular provisions in the Part where a different meaning for the term is specified.
Note 2: If the term has its ordinary meaning, see further subsection 15(2).
"employer organisation" means an organisation of employers.
"employer response action" : see section 411.
"employing authority" : see subsection 795(6).
"engages in industrial activity" : see section 347.
"enterprise" means a business, activity, project or undertaking.
(a) a single‑enterprise agreement; or
(b) a multi‑enterprise agreement.
"entry notice" : see subsection 487(2).
"entry permit" : see section 512.
"equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value" : see subsection 302(2).
"equal remuneration order" : see subsection 302(1).
"exclusive economic zone" means the exclusive economic zone (as defined in the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 ) of Australia (including its external Territories).
"exemption certificate" : see subsection 519(1).
"extended notice of termination provisions" : see subsection 759(3).
"extended parental leave provisions" : see subsection 744(3).
"Fair Work Australia or FWA" means the body established by section 575.
"Fair Work Information Statement" : see subsection 124(1).
(a) a person appointed as a Fair Work Inspector under section 700; or
(b) the Fair Work Ombudsman in his or her capacity as a Fair Work Inspector under section 701.
(a) a modern award; or
(b) an enterprise agreement; or
(c) a workplace determination; or
(d) an FWA order.
"Federal Court" means the Federal Court of Australia.
"first employer" , in relation to a transfer of employment: see subsection 22(7).
"fixed platform" means an artificial island, installation or structure permanently attached to the sea-bed for the purpose of exploration for, or exploitation of, resources or for other economic purposes.
(a) in relation to a modern award--see subsection 144(1); and
(b) in relation to an enterprise agreement--see subsection 202(1).
"flight crew officer" means a person who performs (whether with or without other duties) duties as a pilot, navigator or flight engineer of aircraft, and includes a person being trained for the performance of such duties.
"franchise" has the meaning given by the Corporations Act 2001 .
"Full Bench" means a Full Bench of FWA constituted under section 618.
"full rate of pay" : see section 18.
"FWA" : see Fair Work Australia .
"FWA Member" means the President, a Deputy President, a Commissioner or a Minimum Wage Panel Member.
"General Manager" means the General Manager of FWA.
"general protections court application" : see subsection 370(2).
"general protections FWA application" : see subsection 727(2).
"general State industrial law" : see subsection 26(3).
"genuinely agreed" in relation to an enterprise agreement: see section 188.
"genuine redundancy" : see section 389.
"good faith bargaining requirements" : see section 228.
"greenfields agreement" : see subsection 172(4).
"guaranteed period" for a guarantee of annual earnings: see section 331.
"guarantee of annual earnings" : see subsection 330(1).
"high income employee" : see section 329.
"high income threshold" : see section 333.
"ILO" means the International Labour Organization.
"immediate family" of a national system employee means:
(a) a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee; or
(b) a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of the employee.
"independent advisor" for a protected action ballot means the person (if any) specified in the protected action ballot order as the independent advisor for the ballot.
"independent contractor" is not confined to an individual.
"individual flexibility arrangement" :
(a) in relation to a modern award--see subsection 144(1); and
(b) in relation to an enterprise agreement--see paragraph 202(1)(a).
"industrial action" : see section 19.
"industrial action related workplace determination" : see subsection 266(1).
"industrial association" means:
(a) an association of employees or independent contractors, or both, or an association of employers, that is registered or recognised as such an association (however described) under a workplace law; or
(b) an association of employees, or independent contractors, or both (whether formed formally or informally), a purpose of which is the protection and promotion of their interests in matters concerning their employment, or their interests as independent contractors (as the case may be); or
(c) an association of employers a principal purpose of which is the protection and promotion of their interests in matters concerning employment and/or independent contractors;
and includes:
(d) a branch of such an association; and
(e) an organisation; and
(f) a branch of an organisation.
(a) FWA; or
(b) a court or commission (however described) performing or exercising, under an industrial law, functions and powers corresponding to those conferred on FWA by this Act; or
(c) a court or commission (however described) performing or exercising, under a workplace law, functions and powers corresponding to those conferred on FWA by Schedule 1 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 .
(a) this Act; or
(b) Schedule 1 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 ; or
(c) a law of the Commonwealth, however designated, that regulates the relationships between employers and employees; or
(d) a State or Territory industrial law.
"industry-specific redundancy scheme" means redundancy or termination payment arrangements in a modern award that are described in the award as an industry-specific redundancy scheme.
"inspector" means a Fair Work Inspector.
"involved in" : see section 550.
"irregularity" , in relation to the conduct of a protected action ballot: see subsection 458(6).
"junior employee" means a national system employee who is under 21.
"jury service pay" : see subsection 111(6).
"jury service summons" : see subsection 111(7).
"lawyer" means a person who is admitted to the legal profession by a Supreme Court of a State or Territory.
"lock out" : see subsection 19(3).
"long term casual employee" : a national system employee of a national system employer is a long term casual employee at a particular time if, at that time:
(a) the employee is a casual employee; and
(b) the employee has been employed by the employer on a regular and systematic basis for a sequence of periods of employment during a period of at least 12 months.
"low-paid authorisation" : see subsection 242(1).
"low-paid workplace determination" means:
(a) a consent low‑paid workplace determination; or
(b) a special low‑paid workplace determination.
(a) in relation to an enterprise agreement: see section 182; and
(b) in relation to a variation of an enterprise agreement: see section 209.
(a) a court constituted by a police, stipendiary or special magistrate; or
(b) a court constituted by an industrial magistrate.
"majority support determination" : see subsection 236(1).
"maritime employee" means a person who is, or whose occupation is that of, a master as defined in section 6 of the Navigation Act 1912 , a seaman as so defined or a pilot as so defined.
"medical certificate" means a certificate signed by a medical practitioner.
"medical practitioner" means a person registered, or licensed, as a medical practitioner under a law of a State or Territory that provides for the registration or licensing of medical practitioners.
"membership action" : see subsection 350(3).
"minimum employment period" : see section 383.
"Minimum Wage Panel" means the Minimum Wage Panel of FWA constituted under section 620.
"Minimum Wage Panel Member" means a Minimum Wage Panel Member of FWA.
"minimum wages objective" : see subsection 284(1).
"miscellaneous modern award" : see subsection 163(4).
"model consultation term" : see subsection 205(3).
"model flexibility term" : see subsection 202(5).
"modern award" means a modern award made under Part 2-3.
"modern award minimum wages" : see subsection 284(3).
"modern award powers" : see subsection 134(2).
"modern awards objective" : see subsection 134(1).
"modifications" includes additions, omissions and substitutions.
"multi-enterprise agreement" means an enterprise agreement made as referred to in subsection 172(3).
"named employer award" : see subsection 312(2).
"National Employment Standards" : see subsection 61(3).
"national minimum wage order" means a national minimum wage order made in an annual wage review.
"national system employee" : see section 13.
"national system employer" : see section 14.
"new employer" , in relation to a transfer of business: see subsection 311(1).
(a) of an enterprise agreement approved under section 186, means the date specified in the agreement as its nominal expiry date; or
(b) of an enterprise agreement approved under section 189 (which deals with agreements that do not pass the better off overall test): see subsection 189(4); or
(c) of a workplace determination, means the date specified in the determination as its nominal expiry date.
"non-excluded matters" : see subsection 27(2).
"non-member record or document" : see subsection 482(2A).
"non-monetary benefits" : see subsection 332(3).
"non-national system employee" means an employee who is not a national system employee.
"non-national system employer" means an employer that is not a national system employer.
"non-transferring employee" of a new employer, in relation to a transfer of business: see subsection 314(2).
"notification time" for a proposed enterprise agreement: see subsection 173(2).
"objectionable term" means a term that:
(a) requires, has the effect of requiring, or purports to require or have the effect of requiring; or
(b) permits, has the effect of permitting, or purports to permit or have the effect of permitting;
either of the following:
(c) a contravention of Part 3‑1 (which deals with general protections);
(d) the payment of a bargaining services fee.
"occupier , " of premises, includes a person in charge of the premises.
"office" , in an industrial association, means:
(a) an office of president, vice president, secretary or assistant secretary of the association; or
(b) the office of a voting member of a collective body of the association, being a collective body that has power in relation to any of the following functions:
(i) the management of the affairs of the association;
(ii) the determination of policy for the association;
(iii) the making, alteration or rescission of rules of the association;
(iv) the enforcement of rules of the association, or the performance of functions in relation to the enforcement of such rules; or
(c) an office the holder of which is, under the rules of the association, entitled to participate directly in any of the functions referred to in subparagraphs (b)(i) and (iv), other than an office the holder of which participates only in accordance with directions given by a collective body or another person for the purpose of implementing:
(i) existing policy of the association; or
(ii) decisions concerning the association; or
(d) an office the holder of which is, under the rules of the association, entitled to participate directly in any of the functions referred to in subparagraphs (b)(ii) and (iii); or
(e) the office of a person holding (whether as trustee or otherwise) property:
(i) of the association; or
(ii) in which the association has a beneficial interest.
"Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman" means the body established by section 696.
"officer" , of an industrial association, means:
(a) an official of the association; or
(b) a delegate or other representative of the association.
"official" , of an industrial association, means a person who holds an office in, or is an employee of, the association.
"old employer" , in relation to a transfer of business: see subsection 311(1).
"ordinary hours of work" of an award/agreement free employee: see section 20.
"organisation" means an organisation registered under Schedule 1 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 .
(a) an employee who, for the purpose of the business of his or her employer, performs work at residential premises or at other premises that would not conventionally be regarded as being business premises; or
(b) an individual who, for the purpose of a contract for the provision of services, performs work:
(i) in the textile, clothing or footwear industry; and
(ii) at residential premises or at other premises that would not conventionally be regarded as being business premises.
"outworker entity" means any of the following entities, other than in the entity's capacity as a national system employer:
(a) a constitutional corporation;
(b) the Commonwealth;
(c) a Commonwealth authority;
(d) a body corporate incorporated in a Territory;
(e) a person who carries on an activity (whether of a commercial, governmental or other nature) in a Territory in Australia, so far as:
(i) the person arranges for work to be performed for the person (either directly or indirectly); and
(ii) the work is of a kind that is often performed by outworkers; and
(iii) the work is, or is reasonably likely, to be performed in the Territory or in connection with the activity carried on in the Territory.
Note: In this context, Australia includes the Territory of Christmas Island and the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (see paragraph 17(a) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 ).
"outworker terms" : see subsection 140(3).
"paid agent" , in relation to a matter before FWA, means an agent (other than a bargaining representative) who charges or receives a fee to represent a person in the matter.
"paid annual leave" means paid annual leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 87.
"paid no safe job leave" means paid no safe job leave to which a national system employee is entitled under paragraph 81(3)(b).
"paid personal/carer's leave" means paid personal/carer's leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 96.
"partial work ban" : see subsection 470(3).
"passes the better off overall test" :
(a) in relation to an enterprise agreement that is not a greenfields agreement: see subsection 193(1); and
(b) in relation to a greenfields agreement: see subsection 193(3).
"pattern bargaining" : see section 412.
"peak council means a national or State council or federation that is effectively representative of a significant number of organisations " (within the ordinary meaning of the term) representing employers or employees in a range of industries.
"pecuniary penalty order" means an order under subsection 546(1).
"penalty unit" has the meaning given by section 4AA of the Crimes Act 1914 .
"period of employment" : see section 384.
"permissible occasion" : see sections 102 and 104.
"permit holder" means a person who holds an entry permit.
"permit qualification matters" : see subsection 513(1).
"permitted matters" in relation to an enterprise agreement: see subsection 172(1).
"pieceworker" : see section 21.
"pilot" , in relation to an aircraft, includes a pilot in command, co-pilot or pilot of any other description.
"post-declaration negotiating period" : see subsection 269(2).
"post-industrial action negotiating period" : see subsection 266(3).
(a) any land, building, structure, mine, mine working, aircraft ship, vessel, vehicle or place; and
(b) a part of premises (including premises referred to in paragraph (a)).
"pre-parental leave position" : see subsection 83(2).
"prescribed State industrial authority" means a State board, court, tribunal, body or official prescribed by the regulations.
"President" means the President of FWA.
"procedural rules" means the procedural rules of FWA made under section 609.
"process or proceedings under a workplace law or workplace instrument" : see subsection 341(2).
"prospective award covered employee" for an enterprise agreement: see subsection 193(5).
"protected action ballot" means a ballot conducted under Division 8 of Part 3-3.
"protected action ballot agent" for a protected action ballot means the person that conducts the protected action ballot.
"protected action ballot order" : see subsection 437(1).
"protected from unfair dismissal" : see section 382.
"protected industrial action" : see section 408.
"public holiday" : see section 115.
"public sector employment" : see subsections 795(4) and (5).
"public sector employment law" : see subsection 40(3).
"recognised emergency management body" : see subsection 109(3).
"registered employee association" means:
(a) an employee organisation; or
(b) an association of employees or independent contractors, or both, that is registered or recognised as such an association (however described) under a State or Territory industrial law.
"reinstatement" includes appointment by an associated entity in the circumstances provided for in an order to which subsection 391(1A) applies.
"related body corporate" has the meaning given by the Corporations Act 2001 .
"relevant employee organisation , in relation to a greenfields agreement, means an employee organisation that " is entitled to represent the industrial interests of one or more of the employees who will be covered by the agreement, in relation to work to be performed under the agreement.
"safety net contractual entitlement" means an entitlement under a contract between an employee and an employer that relates to any of the subject matters described in:
(a) subsection 61(2) (which deals with the National Employment Standards); or
(b) subsection 139(1) (which deals with modern awards).
"school age" , for a child, means the age at which the child is required by a law of the State or Territory in which the child lives to start attending school.
"school-based apprentice" means a national system employee who is an apprentice to whom a school-based training arrangement applies.
"school-based trainee" means a national system employee (other than a school-based apprentice) to whom a school-based training arrangement applies.
"school-based training arrangement" means a training arrangement undertaken as part of a course of secondary education.
"scope order" : see subsection 238(1).
"second employer" , in relation to a transfer of employment: see subsection 22(7).
"serious breach declaration" : see section 234.
"serious misconduct" has the meaning prescribed by the regulations.
"setting" modern award minimum wages: see subsection 284(4).
"Sex Discrimination Commissioner" means the Sex Discrimination Commissioner appointed under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 .
"ship" includes a barge, lighter, hulk or other vessel.
"single-enterprise agreement" means an enterprise agreement made as referred to in subsection 172(2).
"single interest employer authorisation" : see subsection 248(1).
"small business employer" : see section 23.
"Small Business Fair Dismissal Code" means the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code declared under subsection 388(1).
"special low-paid workplace determination" : see subsection 260(4).
"spouse" includes a former spouse.
"State industrial instrument" means an award, an agreement (whether individual or collective), or another industrial instrument or order, that:
(a) is made under, or recognised by, a law of a State that is a State or Territory industrial law; and
(b) determines terms and conditions of employment.
"state of mind" : see subsection 793(3).
"State or Territory industrial law" : see subsection 26(2).
"State or Territory OHS law" : see subsection 494(3).
"State or Territory OHS right" : see subsection 494(2).
"step-child" : without limiting who is a step-child of a person, someone who is a child of the person's de facto partner is a step-child of a person, if he or she would be the person's step-child except that the person is not legally married to the de facto partner.
"TCF award" means an instrument prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.
"TCF outworker" means an outworker in the textile, clothing or footwear industry whose work is covered by a TCF award.
"termination of industrial action instrument" : see subsection 266(2).
"territorial sea" , in relation to Australia, has the meaning given by Division 1 of Part II of the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 .
"Territory employer" : see subsection 338(4).
"test time" : see subsection 193(6).
"this Act" includes the regulations.
"trade and commerce employer" : see subsection 338(3).
"training arrangement" means a combination of work and training that is subject to a training agreement, or a training contract, that takes effect under a law of a State or Territory relating to the training of employees.
"transferable instrument" : see subsection 312(1).
"transfer of business" : see subsection 311(1).
"transfer of employment" : see subsection 22(7).
"transfer of employment between associated entities" : see paragraph 22(8)(a).
"transfer of employment between non-associated entities" : see paragraph 22(8)(b).
"transferring employee" , in relation to a transfer of business: see subsection 311(2).
"transferring work" , in relation to a transfer of business: see paragraph 311(1)(c).
"unfair dismissal application" : see subsection 729(2).
"unfairly dismissed" : see section 385.
"unlawful term" of an enterprise agreement: see section 194.
"unlawful termination court application" : see subsection 778(2).
"unlawful termination FWA application" : see subsection 730(2).
"unpaid carer's leave" means unpaid carer's leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 102.
"unpaid parental leave" means unpaid parental leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 70 .
"unpaid pre-adoption leave" means unpaid pre-adoption leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 85 .
"unpaid special maternity leave" means unpaid special maternity leave to which a national system employee is entitled under section 80 .
"varying" modern award minimum wages: see subsection 284(4).
"vocational placement" means a placement that is:
(a) undertaken with an employer for which a person is not entitled to be paid any remuneration; and
(b) undertaken as a requirement of an education or training course; and
(c) authorised under a law or an administrative arrangement of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory.
"voluntary emergency management activity" : see subsection 109(2).
"waters above the continental shelf" means any part of the area in, on or over the continental shelf.
"waterside worker" has the meaning given by clause 1 of Schedule 2 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 as in force immediately before the commencement of this section.
"working day" means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday.
"workplace determination" means:
(a) a low‑paid workplace determination; or
(b) an industrial action related workplace determination; or
(c) a bargaining related workplace determination.
"workplace instrument" means an instrument that:
(a) is made under, or recognised by, a workplace law; and
(b) concerns the relationships between employers and employees.
(a) this Act; or
(b) Schedule 1 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 ; or
(c) the Independent Contractors Act 2006 ; or
(d) any other law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory that regulates the relationships between employers and employees (including by dealing with occupational health and safety matters).
"workplace right" : see subsection 341(1).
"work value reasons" : see subsection 156(4).