New South Wales Bills

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                                    New South Wales

Superannuation Administration Amendment
(Investment Management and Other Matters)
Bill 2015

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.
This Bill is cognate with the Treasury Corporation Amendment Bill 2015.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Superannuation Administration Act 1996 to make provision
with respect to the investment management of the public sector superannuation schemes under
that Act (STC funds or STC schemes) and the fiduciary and other obligations and powers of the
SAS Trustee Corporation (STC), which administers those schemes.
The amendments made by this Bill:
(a) authorise the Treasurer to require STC to appoint an investment manager approved by the
      Treasurer (a mandated investment manager) to provide investment management services
      in relation to an STC fund subject to any terms and conditions determined by the Treasurer
      and consistently with STC's investment strategies, reserves strategy and custodial policies
      for the STC fund, and
(b) clarify that a mandated or other investment manager appointed by STC may engage other
      investment managers to provide the relevant investment management services, and
(c) enable the Minister to declare prudential standards, or reporting and auditing requirements,
      and to require STC to comply with them, and
(d) enable, at the request of STC, the transfer of accumulation-style components of benefits
      under a STC scheme to a successor fund.

Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Superannuation Administration
                       Act 1996 No 39
Schedule 1 [1] inserts definitions of terms used in the other proposed amendments. The proposed
amendment transfers, from section 59 to the general definition section, the definition of
superannuation investment management services and expands the definition to include
providing services in relation to the custody of the assets and securities of a superannuation fund.
Schedule 1 [3], [4], [6] and [11] make consequential amendments on the extension of that
Schedule 1 [2] requires STC to have regard to the role of employers under STC schemes in
funding benefits under those schemes when exercising its functions.
Schedule 1 [5] ensures that an investment manager appointed by STC to carry out the function of
providing superannuation investment management services on behalf of STC may engage another
investment manager to provide those services.
Schedule 1 [7] enables the Minister to waive the obligation to obtain the Minister's consent to a
contract or arrangement for the appointment of an investment or scheme administration manager.
Schedule 1 [9] requires STC to ensure that any investment manager providing superannuation
investment management services on its behalf complies with the investment strategy determined
by STC for the fund concerned.
Schedule 1 [10] requires an investment manager who carries out all superannuation investment
management services for a superannuation fund of STC to engage a separate person to undertake
services relating to the custody of assets and securities.
Schedule 1 [13] inserts proposed section 60 to enable the Treasurer, by order given to STC, to
require the investment of the whole or any part of the STC funds to be managed by one or more
investment managers approved by the Treasurer (a mandated investment manager). The order of
the Treasurer may be given only with the approval of the Minister administering the principal Act.
A mandated investment manager may, subject to any terms and conditions set out or described in
the order and any investment or reserves strategy or custodial policy determined by STC, invest
the STC funds concerned in any investment that is authorised or permitted by the principal Act or
any other applicable legislation.
Under the proposed section, the terms and conditions that may be set out or described in the order,
may, for example, relate to any or all of the following matters:
(a) the kind and extent of superannuation investment management services to be provided,
(b) the period during which the STC funds are to be managed by the mandated investment
(c) the engagement by the mandated investment manager of a person to provide custodial
      services and the kind and extent of such custodial services,
(d) the circumstances in which the contract or arrangement may be varied or terminated.
The proposed amendment also provides that STC is taken to have discharged the obligations and
duties imposed on it in relation to the investment and management of the relevant STC funds, if a
mandated investment manager provides superannuation investment management services in
respect of the relevant STC funds on behalf of STC, or engages another person to provide them,
under a contract or arrangement entered into by STC in accordance with section 59.
Schedule 1 [6] and [12] make consequential amendments.

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Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Schedule 1 [14] omits provisions relating to services for the custody of the assets and securities
of an STC scheme as a result of the extension of the meaning of "superannuation investment
management services" to cover such custodial services.
Schedule 1 [15] enables STC to request, and the Minister to approve, the transfer of part of the
benefits of all or some members of an STC fund to a successor superannuation fund. Any
successor fund must provide for the maintenance of existing rights of persons whose benefits are
transferred and the transfer and successor fund must comply with Commonwealth legislation
regulating such transfers. Any part of benefits that are transferred cannot consist of defined benefit
Schedule 1 [16] enables the Minister, by order published in the Gazette, to declare that specified
prudential standards, or reporting or auditing requirements, apply to STC (and those engaged by
STC) in the exercise of the principal functions of STC specified in the order. Schedule 1 [8] makes
a consequential amendment.
Schedule 1 [17] provides for the making of savings and transitional regulations consequent on the
enactment of any Act that amends the Superannuation Administration Act 1996.

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                                                                              First print

                                 New South Wales

Superannuation Administration Amendment
(Investment Management and Other Matters)
Bill 2015

              1   Name of Act                                                         2
              2   Commencement                                                        2
     Schedule 1   Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39           3

                                New South Wales

Superannuation Administration Amendment
(Investment Management and Other Matters)
Bill 2015

No     , 2015

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Superannuation Administration Act 1996 in relation to the investment
management of superannuation funds, and to other matters.
Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                          1

 1    Name of Act                                                                                   2
             This Act is the Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment                    3
             Management and Other Matters) Act 2015.                                                4

 2    Commencement                                                                                  5
             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.                   6

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Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39

Schedule 1             Amendment of Superannuation Administration                                      1
                       Act 1996 No 39                                                                  2

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                            3
      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                                    4
                    investment manager means a person who provides superannuation investment           5
                    management services for a superannuation fund or funds or part of any such         6
                    fund under a contract or an arrangement with STC, and includes any other           7
                    person engaged by that person to provide all or any of those superannuation        8
                    investment management services.                                                    9
                    mandated investment manager--see section 60.                                        10
                    superannuation investment management services include (but are not limited         11
                    to) the following:                                                                 12
                     (a) managing investments for any superannuation fund or funds or part of          13
                           any such fund,                                                              14
                    (b) advising on investments and investment strategies and other related            15
                           strategies for any superannuation fund or funds or part of any such fund,   16
                     (c) providing services in relation to the custody of the assets and securities    17
                           of any superannuation fund or funds or part of any such fund.               18

[2]   Section 51 Duties relating to functions                                                          19
      Insert at the end of section 51 (2) (d):                                                         20
                           , and                                                                       21
                     (e) the role of employers under STC schemes in funding benefits under             22
                           those schemes.                                                              23

[3]   Section 53 Power to enter into contracts or arrangements                                         24
      Insert "all or any" before "superannuation investment management services" in                    25
      section 53 (1) (a).                                                                              26

[4]   Section 53 (1) (c)                                                                               27
      Omit the paragraph.                                                                              28

[5]   Section 53 (1A)                                                                                  29
      Insert after section 53 (1):                                                                     30

           (1A)    An investment manager who enters into a contract or arrangement with STC            31
                   to provide superannuation investment management services may (subject to            32
                   the terms of that contract or arrangement) engage another investment manager        33
                   to provide any such service. In that case, a reference in this section to the       34
                   person who enters into or makes the contract or arrangement with STC                35
                   includes a reference to any such other investment manager engaged to provide        36
                   the service.                                                                        37

[6]   Section 54 Minister's consent required                                                           38
      Omit "section 53 (1) (a), (b) or (c)".                                                           39

      Insert instead "section 53 (1) (a) or (b) with a person other than a mandated investment         40
      manager".                                                                                        41

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Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39

 [7]   Section 54 (2)                                                                                       1
       Insert at the end of section 54:                                                                     2

               (2)   The Minister may, by notice in writing given to STC, waive the requirement             3
                     for consent generally or in such circumstances as may be specified by the              4
                     Minister.                                                                              5

 [8]   Section 58 Investment strategy                                                                       6
       Insert ", subject to this Part and section 129A," after "STC must" in section 58 (1).                7

 [9]   Section 59 Investment manager to be appointed                                                        8
       Omit section 59 (2). Insert instead:                                                                 9
               (2)   STC must ensure that any such investment manager (and others the investment            10
                     manager engages to provide the relevant services) operates within the                  11
                     investment powers of STC and complies with the investment strategy                     12
                     determined by STC and notified to the investment manager.                              13

[10]   Section 59 (3A)                                                                                      14
       Insert after section 59 (3):                                                                         15

              (3A)   A contract or arrangement under which an investment manager undertakes to              16
                     provide all superannuation investment management services for a                        17
                     superannuation fund or part of a fund is to make provision for the engagement          18
                     of a separate person to provide services in relation to the custody of assets and      19
                     securities.                                                                            20

[11]   Section 59 (5)                                                                                       21
       Omit the subsection.                                                                                 22

[12]   Section 59, note                                                                                     23
       Omit the note. Insert instead:                                                                       24
                     Note. The Minister's consent is required to any such contract or arrangement that is   25
                     entered into with a person other than a mandated investment manager unless that        26
                     requirement is waived (see section 54).                                                27

[13]   Section 60                                                                                           28
       Insert after section 59:                                                                             29

         60    Mandated investment managers                                                                 30
               (1)   The Treasurer may, with the approval of the Minister, by order in writing              31
                     given to STC, require:                                                                 32
                     (a) the investment of the whole or any part of the STC funds to be managed             33
                           by one or more investment managers approved by the Treasurer                     34
                           (a mandated investment manager), and                                             35
                     (b) STC to enter into a contract or arrangement referred to in section 59              36
                           with any such mandated investment manager with respect to                        37
                           superannuation investment management services for the whole or that              38
                           part of the STC funds subject to the terms and conditions set out or             39
                           described in the order.                                                          40

               (2)   Subsection (1) does not prevent STC from entering into a contract or                   41
                     arrangement containing additional terms or conditions that are not inconsistent        42
                     with the terms and conditions set out or described in the order.                       43

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Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39

               (3)   The Treasurer must consult with STC and the proposed mandated investment                   1
                     manager before giving an order under this section.                                         2

               (4)   A mandated investment manager (or an investment manager engaged by a                       3
                     mandated investment manager to provide relevant services):                                 4
                     (a) may invest the whole or part of the STC funds concerned only in any                    5
                          investment that is authorised or permitted by this Act or any other                   6
                          applicable legislation, and                                                           7
                     (b) must carry out the superannuation investment management services                       8
                          concerned subject to the applicable terms and conditions and                          9
                          consistently with any relevant investment strategy or policy.                         10

               (5)   STC is taken to have discharged the obligations and duties imposed on it under             11
                     this and any other law (written or unwritten) in relation to the investment and            12
                     management of the whole or part of the STC funds, if a mandated investment                 13
                     manager (or an investment manager engaged by a mandated investment                         14
                     manager) provides superannuation investment management services in                         15
                     respect of the STC funds or part of the STC funds on behalf of STC in                      16
                     accordance with subsection (4).                                                            17
                     Note. Under section 69 (6) any act, matter or thing done in the name of, or on behalf      18
                     of, STC by the STC Board is taken to have been done by STC. Section 80 protects            19
                     persons such as the chief executive officer (who is subject to the control and direction   20
                     of the Board) from personal and other liability.                                           21
               (6)   An order under this section takes effect on the day specified in the order.                22

               (7)   In this section:                                                                           23

                     relevant investment strategy or policy, in relation to the whole or any part of            24
                     the STC funds, means an investment strategy or reserves strategy determined                25
                     by STC under section 58, or custodial policy determined by STC under this                  26
                     Act, in relation to the whole or that part of the STC funds.                               27

[14]    Section 61 Custodian to be appointed                                                                    28
        Omit the section.                                                                                       29

[15]    Section 127A                                                                                            30
        Insert after section 127:                                                                               31

       127A   Transfers to successor funds                                                                      32
               (1)   The Minister may, at the request of STC, approve the transfer of part of the               33
                     benefits of all or some members of an STC scheme to a successor fund.                      34

               (2)   The Minister must not approve the transfer of a part of the benefit of a member            35
                     of an STC scheme if that part consists of or includes a defined benefit interest           36
                     within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations                37
                     1994 of the Commonwealth.                                                                  38

               (3)   The Minister must not approve a transfer unless the Minister is satisfied that             39
                     the transfer complies with the requirements of the Superannuation Industry                 40
                     (Supervision) Act 1993 of the Commonwealth and any regulations or other                    41
                     instruments under that Act that would apply to the transfer to a successor fund            42
                     if the STC scheme was not an exempt public sector superannuation scheme                    43
                     under that Act.                                                                            44

               (4)   Without limiting subsection (3), the trust deed of any successor fund must                 45
                     include provisions to ensure that a right that a contributor to, or a member of,           46
                     the STC scheme had immediately before the transfer to the successor fund is                47

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Superannuation Administration Amendment (Investment Management and Other Matters) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39

                     not removed or restricted. The rules included in the deed may, however, confer     1
                     additional rights on a contributor or member.                                      2

               (5)   Regulations may be made for or with respect to the following matters, in           3
                     relation to a transfer to a successor fund:                                        4
                      (a) the transfer of benefits of members of, or contributors to, an STC            5
                            scheme from that scheme to the successor fund,                              6
                     (b) the transfer of assets and liabilities of an STC scheme, in respect of         7
                            transferred benefits of members or contributors or former members or        8
                            contributors, to the successor fund,                                        9
                      (c) the payment of benefits transferred to the successor fund,                    10
                     (d) the funds and reserves to be established in respect of the successor fund,     11
                      (e) the preservation or deferral of benefits transferred to the successor fund,   12
                      (f) the entitlements, rights and obligations of a member of, or contributor       13
                            to, an STC scheme whose benefit is transferred to the successor fund,       14
                     (g) the deeming of employers to be no longer employers under an STC                15
                            scheme where all the benefits of the relevant employees are transferred     16
                            from the STC scheme to the successor fund.                                  17

[16]    Section 129A                                                                                    18
        Insert after section 129:                                                                       19

       129A   Prudential standards or reporting and auditing requirements                               20
               (1)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare that prudential       21
                     standards, or reporting and auditing requirements, specified or described in the   22
                     order are standards or requirements that apply to STC in the exercise of any       23
                     principal function of STC described in the order.                                  24

               (2)   Before making an order under this section, the Minister is to consult STC on       25
                     the proposed standards or requirements.                                            26

               (3)   An order under this section takes effect on the day specified in the order.        27

               (4)   STC, and any person carrying out a principal function on behalf of STC, must       28
                     comply with any standard or requirement applied to STC under this section.         29

[17]    Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                                  30
        Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                              31
                         any other Act that amends this Act                                             32

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