New South Wales Bills

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                            New South Wales

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008


              1    Name of Act                                               2
              2    Commencement                                              2
              3    Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157            2
              4    Other amendments                                          2
              5    Repeal of Act                                             2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997                   3
     Schedule 2    Other amendments                                          9

                             New South Wales

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Security Industry Act 1997 to provide for visitor permits and to
make further provision with respect to the regulation of persons in the security
industry; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Security Industry Amendment Act 2008.                      3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.       5

 3    Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                                      6

               The Security Industry Act 1997 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.        7

 4    Other amendments                                                                    8

               The Act and regulation specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out      9
               in that Schedule.                                                         10

 5    Repeal of Act                                                                      11

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the     12
               provisions of this Act have commenced.                                    13

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   14
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    15

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997                                   Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Security Industry Act                                   1
                       1997                                                                 2

                                                                             (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                 4

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                        5
                    visitor permit means a visitor permit in force under this Act.          6

[2]   Section 7 Offence of carrying on unauthorised security activities                     7

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                     8

             (3)    The holder of a visitor permit does not commit an offence under         9
                    this section while acting under and in accordance with the             10
                    authority conferred by the visitor permit.                             11

[3]   Section 10 Master licences                                                           12

      Insert "or is a corporation holding a visitor permit authorising its holder to       13
      carry on security activities of a kind authorised by a master licence" after "a      14
      master licence" in section 10 (3).                                                   15

[4]   Section 14 Application for licence                                                   16

      Insert after section 14 (5):                                                         17

             (6)    Section 12 of the Criminal Records Act 1991 does not apply in          18
                    relation to an application for a licence.                              19

[5]   Section 23D                                                                          20

      Insert after section 23C:                                                            21

      23D    Special conditions--dog handling security services                            22

             (1)    It is a condition of every master licence that the master licensee     23
                    must not employ any person to provide dog handling security            24
                    services unless the master licensee is approved to provide such        25
                    services.                                                              26

             (2)    It is a condition of every class P1D licence that the licensee must,   27
                    before carrying on any security activity authorised by the licence,    28
                    successfully complete approved training provided by the                29
                    licensee's employer (being a master licensee approved to provide       30
                    dog handling security services).                                       31

             (3)    The Commissioner must revoke a class P1D licence if the                32
                    Commissioner is satisfied that the licensee has failed to comply       33
                    with a condition under this section.                                   34

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                Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1         Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997

[6]   Section 29B Certain licensees must be employed by other licensees or                    1
      visitor permit holders                                                                  2

      Insert "or the holder of a visitor permit authorising the holder to carry out           3
      security activities of a kind authorised by a master licence" after "master             4
      licensee" in section 29B (1) (a).                                                       5

[7]   Section 29B (2)                                                                         6

      Insert "or the holder of a visitor permit authorising the holder to carry out           7
      security activities of a kind authorised by a master licence" after "master             8
      licensee" in section 29B (2).                                                           9

[8]   Part 3A                                                                                10

      Insert after Part 3:                                                                   11

      Part 3A Visitor permits                                                                12

      39C    Special events                                                                  13

             (1)      The Commissioner may, by order published in the Gazette or on          14
                      the website maintained by the Security Industry Registry within        15
                      the NSW Police Force (or both), declare any event or class of          16
                      events that the Commissioner considers to be of regional, State or     17
                      national significance to be a special event for the purposes of this   18
                      Part.                                                                  19

             (2)      For the purposes of this section, the period of a special event        20
                      includes such periods immediately before or after a special event      21
                      as the Commissioner considers necessary.                               22

      39D    Visitor permits                                                                 23

             (1)      A person may apply to the Commissioner for the grant of a visitor      24
                      permit to carry on one or more kinds of security activity specified    25
                      in the application during the period of one or more special events     26
                      so specified.                                                          27

             (2)      The application must be in the approved form and be                    28
                      accompanied by the fee, and information and particulars,               29
                      prescribed by the regulations.                                         30

             (3)      The applicant must supply evidence to the Commissioner's               31
                      satisfaction of the following requirements (referred to in this Part   32
                      as the visitor permit eligibility requirements):                       33
                      (a) if the applicant is an individual--that the applicant:             34
                              (i) is ordinarily resident in another State or Territory,      35
                                    and                                                      36

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997                                     Schedule 1

                           (ii)    is licensed or otherwise authorised in that State or        1
                                   Territory to carry on the activity or activities of the     2
                                   kind proposed to be authorised by the visitor permit,       3
                    (b)    if the applicant is a corporation--that:                            4
                            (i) the applicant's registered office and, if the address          5
                                   of that office is not the address of its principal place    6
                                   of business, its principal place of business is in          7
                                   another State or Territory, and                             8
                           (ii) the applicant is licensed or otherwise authorised in           9
                                   that State or Territory to carry on the activity or        10
                                   activities of the kind proposed to be authorised by        11
                                   the visitor permit.                                        12

             (4)    The Commissioner may require the applicant to verify any                  13
                    relevant information by a statutory declaration or to provide             14
                    proof of identity (or both) and may require the applicant to              15
                    provide additional information or particulars.                            16

             (5)    The Commissioner may carry out all such investigations and                17
                    enquiries as the Commissioner considers necessary to enable the           18
                    Commissioner to consider the application properly.                        19

             (6)    Without limiting subsection (5), the Commissioner may have                20
                    regard to any criminal intelligence report or other criminal              21
                    information held (whether in this State or elsewhere) in relation         22
                    to the applicant.                                                         23

             (7)    Section 12 of the Criminal Records Act 1991 does not apply in             24
                    relation to an application for a visitor permit.                          25

     39E     Grant and authority conferred by visitor permit                                  26

             (1)    The Commissioner may, after considering an application for a              27
                    visitor permit:                                                           28
                    (a) grant the permit, or                                                  29
                    (b) refuse to grant the permit.                                           30

             (2)    The Commissioner may refuse to grant a visitor permit if:                 31
                    (a) the applicant fails to supply evidence to the                         32
                         Commissioner's satisfaction that the applicant satisfies the         33
                         visitor permit eligibility requirements or any additional            34
                         information or particulars required under section 39D (4),           35
                         or                                                                   36
                    (b) the Commissioner is satisfied that the applicant is not a fit         37
                         and proper person to hold a visitor permit, or                       38

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                Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1         Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997

                      (c)   the Commissioner considers that the special event to which       1
                            the application relates does not warrant or require              2
                            provision of security activities of the kind specified in the    3
                            application.                                                     4

             (3)      A visitor permit is to be in a form approved by the Commissioner.      5

             (4)      A visitor permit authorises the holder of the permit to carry on       6
                      each kind of security activity specified in the permit during the      7
                      period of each special event specified in the permit.                  8

             (5)      A visitor permit is subject:                                           9
                      (a) to such conditions as may be imposed by the                       10
                             Commissioner (whether at the time the permit is granted or     11
                             at any later time), and                                        12
                      (b) to such other conditions as are imposed by this Act or            13
                             prescribed by the regulations.                                 14

     39F     Contravention of visitor permit conditions                                     15

                      A holder of a visitor permit must not contravene any condition of     16
                      the visitor permit.                                                   17
                      Maximum penalty:                                                      18
                       (a) in the case of a corporation--200 penalty units, or              19
                      (b) in the case of an individual--100 penalty units or                20
                             imprisonment for 6 months, or both.                            21

     39G     Revocation of visitor permit                                                   22

                      The Commissioner may revoke a visitor permit:                         23
                      (a) if the permit was granted on the basis of false or                24
                           misleading information, or                                       25
                      (b) if the holder of the permit contravenes a condition of the        26
                           permit, or                                                       27
                      (c) if the holder of the permit ceases to satisfy the visitor         28
                           permit eligibility requirements, or                              29
                      (d) for any other reason prescribed by the regulations.               30

     39H     Visitor permit to be produced on demand                                        31

                      The holder of a visitor permit must produce the visitor permit for    32
                      inspection on demand by:                                              33
                       (a) a police officer or any other member of the NSW Police           34
                            Force, or                                                       35

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997                                    Schedule 1

                     (b) any person with whom the holder has dealings when                   1
                         carrying on a security activity.                                    2
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                       3

 [9]   Section 41 Payment of fees charged by unauthorised persons                            4

       Insert "or visitor permit" after "licence" in section 41 (1).                         5

[10]   Section 48 Regulations                                                                6

       Insert after section 48 (2) (i):                                                      7
                      (j) any matter relating to visitor permits.                            8

[11]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                        9

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   10

                    Security Industry Amendment Act 2008                                    11

[12]   Schedule 2, Part 5                                                                   12

       Insert after clause 16 of Schedule 2:                                                13

       Part 5       Provisions consequent on enactment of                                   14
                    Security Industry Amendment Act 2008                                    15

       17    Definition                                                                     16

                    In this Part, amending Act means the Security Industry                  17
                    Amendment Act 2008.                                                     18

       18    Special condition--class P1D licences                                          19

              (1)   Section 23D (2), as inserted by the amending Act, extends to a          20
                    licence in force immediately before the commencement of the             21
                    insertion as if it required the licensee to successfully complete the   22
                    approved training referred to in that section within such period        23
                    after the commencement as is determined by the Commissioner             24
                    and notified to the licensee.                                           25

              (2)   Section 23D (3) does not operate to require the Commissioner to         26
                    revoke a licence referred to in subclause (1) unless the licensee       27
                    fails to successfully complete the approved training within the         28
                    period determined by the Commissioner.                                  29

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                Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1       Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997

         19   Applications for licences                                                    1
                    Section 14 (6), as inserted by the amending Act, does not apply        2
                    to or in respect of an application for a licence that was lodged but   3
                    was not finally determined before the commencement of that             4
                    subsection.                                                            5

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Other amendments                                                          Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Other amendments                                                     1

                                                                             (Section 4)    2

2.1 Firearms Act 1996 No 46                                                                 3

[1]   Section 24 Revocation of licence                                                      4

      Insert "or a visitor permit authorising the licensee to carry out security            5
      activities of a kind authorised by a P1F licence" after "class P1F licence" in        6
      section 24 (1A) (b).                                                                  7

[2]   Section 24 (1A) (b)                                                                   8

      Insert "or visitor permit" after "the P1F licence".                                   9

[3]   Section 42A Inspections of storage of firearms held by security guard                10
      employers                                                                            11

      Insert after section 42A (3):                                                        12

             (4)    A reference in this section to a master licensee under the Security    13
                    Industry Act 1997 includes a reference to the holder of a visitor      14
                    permit authorised under that Act to carry out security activities of   15
                    a kind authorised by a master licence.                                 16

2.2 Security Industry Regulation 2007                                                      17

[1]   Clause 18 Offences and civil penalties that disqualify applicants                    18

      Omit "Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2002, in respect of which             19
      the maximum penalty imposed is imprisonment for 6 months or more, or a               20
      penalty of $2,200 or more, or both" from clause 18 (1) (b).                          21

      Insert instead "Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008, in respect of         22
      which the maximum penalty imposed is any term of imprisonment, or a                  23
      penalty of $500 or more, or both".                                                   24

[2]   Part 3A                                                                              25

      Insert after Part 3:                                                                 26

      Part 3A Visitor permits                                                              27

      38A    Fee to accompany permit application                                           28

                    For the purposes of section 39D (2) of the Act, the prescribed fee     29
                    to accompany an application for a visitor permit is as follows:        30

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               Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 2         Other amendments

                      (a)   if the applicant is an individual--$40,                           1
                      (b)   if the applicant is a corporation--$100.                          2

     38B     Information and particulars to accompany permit application                      3

             (1)     Visitor permit--individuals                                              4

                     For the purposes of section 39D (2) of the Act, an application for       5
                     a visitor permit that is made by an individual must include the          6
                     following information:                                                   7
                      (a) the applicant's name and residential address,                       8
                     (b) the applicant's date of birth,                                       9
                      (c) particulars of the licence or other authority in the               10
                            applicant's State or Territory of residence authorising the      11
                            applicant to carry on the activity or activities of the kind     12
                            proposed to be authorised by the visitor permit.                 13

             (2)     Visitor permit--corporations                                            14

                     For the purposes of section 39D (2) of the Act, an application for      15
                     a visitor permit that is made by a corporation must include the         16
                     following information:                                                  17
                      (a) the name of the applicant,                                         18
                     (b) the applicant's Australian Business Number and                      19
                            Australian Company Number and each business name                 20
                            (within the meaning of the Business Names Act 2002)              21
                            under which the applicant carries on business,                   22
                      (c) the address of the applicant's registered office and, if that      23
                            address is not the address of its principal place of business,   24
                            the address of its principal place of business,                  25
                     (d) the security activities in respect of which the applicant           26
                            proposes to carry on business under the visitor permit,          27
                      (e) particulars of the licence or other authority of the other         28
                            State or Territory authorising the corporation to carry on       29
                            the activity or activities of the kind proposed to be            30
                            authorised by the visitor permit.                                31

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2008

Other amendments                                                       Schedule 2

[3]   Clause 47A                                                                     1
      Insert after clause 47:                                                        2

      47A    Offences and civil penalties that disqualify applicants                 3

                    Clause 18 (1) (b), as amended by the Security Industry           4
                    Amendment Act 2008, applies only to an offence committed after   5
                    the commencement of that amendment.                              6

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