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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Security Industry Act 1997 to make further provision for the
licensing and regulation of persons in the security industry; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                   1

 1    Name of Act                                                                            2

               This Act is the Security Industry Amendment Act 2012.                         3

 2    Commencement                                                                           4

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as               5
               provided by subsection (2).                                                   6

         (2)   Schedule 1 (other than Schedule 1 [3], [10], [11], [25], [26], [39], [40],    7
               [54], [61], [69], [70], [73], [75], [76] and [78]), Schedule 2 (other than    8
               Schedule 2.1 [2] and 2.3) and Schedule 3 commence on 1 November               9
               2012.                                                                        10

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                           Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Security Industry Act                                  1
                       1997 No 157                                                         2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                3

      Omit "or P1F" from paragraph (b) of the definition of armed security guard           4
      in section 3 (1).                                                                    5

[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "employ"                                                6

      Omit the definition.                                                                 7

[3]   Section 3 (1)                                                                        8

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                        9
                    enforcement officer means:                                            10
                    (a) a police officer, or                                              11
                    (b) any other member of the NSW Police Force who is                   12
                          authorised by the Commissioner in writing to exercise the       13
                          functions of an enforcement officer under this Act.             14

[4]   Section 3 (1)                                                                       15

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                       16
                    providing persons includes employing or subcontracting another        17
                    person (or arranging by contract, franchise or otherwise with         18
                    another person) for the purpose of that other person employing or     19
                    providing persons.                                                    20
                    renewed licence means a licence that is renewed under                 21
                    section 17.                                                           22
                    temporary excess provision of services permit means a                 23
                    temporary excess provision of services permit in force under          24
                    section 40A.                                                          25

[5]   Section 3 (1), definition of "security equipment" and sections 4 (1) (c),           26
      (d) (ii), (e) (ii) and (i) and 11                                                   27

      Omit "or watching", ",watch" and ", watching" wherever occurring.                   28

[6]   Section 3 (1A)                                                                      29

      Insert after section 3 (1):                                                         30

           (1A)     In this Act, a reference to a class of licence includes a reference   31
                    to a subclass of that class of licence.                               32

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Schedule 1          Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157

 [7]   Section 4 Carrying on a "security activity"                                             1
       Omit "in any one or more of the following circumstances" from                           2
       section 4 (1) (c).                                                                      3

       Insert instead "including, but not limited to, in any one or more of the                4
       following circumstances".                                                               5

 [8]   Section 4 (1) (l)                                                                       6

       Omit the paragraph.                                                                     7

 [9]   Section 4 (1) (m)                                                                       8

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                     9
                   (m) providing persons to carry on any security activity referred           10
                         to in this section,                                                  11

[10]   Section 6 Application of Act                                                           12

       Omit section 6 (2) and (2A). Insert instead:                                           13

              (2)      Any person who is employed in any of the following capacities          14
                       does not carry on a security activity while, and to the extent that,   15
                       the person is performing official duties in that capacity or in the    16
                       course of that employment:                                             17
                        (a) a police officer or other member of the NSW Police Force,         18
                       (b) a police officer of the Commonwealth, another State or a           19
                             Territory,                                                       20
                        (c) a member of the armed forces of the Commonwealth,                 21
                       (d) a special constable appointed under Part 4 of the Police           22
                             (Special Provisions) Act 1901 and employed by the                23
                             Commissioner.                                                    24

             (2A)      A person does not carry on a security activity while, and to the       25
                       extent that, the person is performing official duties in the course    26
                       of his or her employment by or in any of the following:                27
                       (a) the New South Wales Crime Commission,                              28
                       (b) the Australian Crime Commission,                                   29
                       (c) the Police Integrity Commission,                                   30
                       (d) the Independent Commission Against Corruption,                     31

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Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                           Schedule 1

                     (e)    the Department of Attorney General and Justice as a           1
                            correctional officer (within the meaning of the Crimes        2
                            (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999) or a juvenile         3
                            justice officer,                                              4
                     (f)    any other agency responsible for the enforcement of           5
                            criminal laws of the State, of the Commonwealth or of         6
                            another State or Territory.                                   7

[11]   Section 6A                                                                         8

       Insert after section 6:                                                            9

       6A     Application of Commonwealth National Vocational Education and              10
              Training Regulator Act 2011                                                11

              (1)    In this section:                                                    12
                     Commonwealth Act means the National Vocational Education            13
                     and Training Regulator Act 2011 of the Commonwealth.                14
                     State security industry regulation provisions means the             15
                     provisions of this Act and the regulations:                         16
                      (a) regulating organisations providing training, assessment or     17
                            instruction in relation to any security activity, and        18
                     (b) providing for the approval by or under this Act of training,    19
                            assessment or instruction provided by organisations, and     20
                      (c) providing for the exercise of investigative powers,            21
                            sanctions and enforcement by or under this Act in relation   22
                            to such matters.                                             23

              (2)    The State security industry regulation provisions are declared to   24
                     be an excluded matter for the purposes of section 10 of the         25
                     Commonwealth Act in relation to section 9 (Immunity from State      26
                     and Territory laws) of the Commonwealth Act to the extent only      27
                     that that section prevents the application of the State security    28
                     industry regulation provisions to an NVR registered training        29
                     organisation (within the meaning of the Commonwealth Act)           30
                     providing training, assessment or instruction in relation to        31
                     security activities regulated by this Act.                          32

              (3)    This section is taken to have had effect from 1 July 2011.          33

[12]   Section 7 Offence of carrying on unauthorised security activities                 34

       Omit "employ or" from section 7 (1).                                              35

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[13]   Section 7 (1) (b)                                                                    1
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                  2
                    (b) the person provides no more persons on any one day than             3
                         the number of persons authorised by the master licence.            4

[14]   Section 7 (2)                                                                        5

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                 6

              (2)      A person must not carry on a security activity (other than           7
                       providing persons to carry on security activities) unless the        8
                       person is the holder of a class 1 licence or class 2 licence that    9
                       authorises the person to carry on the security activity.            10
                       Maximum penalty: 500 penalty units or imprisonment for              11
                       2 years, or both.                                                   12

[15]   Section 7 (4)                                                                       13

       Insert after section 7 (3):                                                         14

              (4)      The holder of a temporary excess provision of services permit       15
                       granted under section 40A does not commit an offence under          16
                       subsection (1) while acting under and in accordance with the        17
                       authority conferred by the temporary excess provision of services   18
                       permit.                                                             19

[16]   Section 9 Classes of licences                                                       20

       Omit section 9 (1) (d).                                                             21

[17]   Section 10 Master licences                                                          22

       Omit section 10 (1) (b)-(d). Insert instead:                                        23
                    (b) class MB--authorises the holder to provide no more than            24
                          3 persons on any one day to carry on security activities,        25
                          each of whom must be the holder of a class 1 or class 2          26
                          licence,                                                         27
                    (c) class MC--authorises the holder to provide between 4 and           28
                          14 persons on any one day to carry on security activities,       29
                          each of whom must be the holder of a class 1 or class 2          30
                          licence,                                                         31

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                    (d)    class MD--authorises the holder to provide between              1
                           15 and 49 persons on any one day to carry on security           2
                           activities, each of whom must be the holder of a class 1 or     3
                           class 2 licence,                                                4
                    (e)    class ME--authorises the holder to provide 50 or more           5
                           persons on any one day to carry on security activities, each    6
                           of whom must be the holder of a class 1 or class 2 licence.     7

[18]   Section 10 (3)                                                                      8

       Omit "employing or".                                                                9

[19]   Section 11 Class 1 licences                                                        10

       Omit section 11 (1) (g).                                                           11

[20]   Section 12 Class 2 licences                                                        12

       Omit section 12 (1) (c). Insert instead:                                           13
                    (c) class 2C--authorises the licensee to sell, install, maintain,     14
                          repair and service, and provide advice in relation to,          15
                          security equipment (including electronic security               16
                          equipment and barrier equipment) and to act as a                17
                          locksmith,                                                      18

[21]   Section 12 (1) (e) and (f)                                                         19

       Omit the paragraphs.                                                               20

[22]   Section 12A Provisional licences                                                   21

       Omit the section.                                                                  22

[23]   Section 14 Application for licence                                                 23

       Omit section 14 (3)-(5).                                                           24

[24]   Section 15 Restrictions on granting licence--general suitability criteria          25

       Omit section 15 (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                       26

             (1)    The Commissioner must refuse to grant an application for a            27
                    licence if the Commissioner is not satisfied that the applicant:      28
                     (a) is a fit and proper person to hold the class of licence sought   29
                          by the applicant, or                                            30
                    (b) is of or above the age of 18, or                                  31
                     (c) has the competencies and experience approved by the              32
                          Commissioner, or                                                33

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                       (d)    has undertaken and completed the requisite training,            1
                              assessment and instruction for the class of licence sought      2
                              by the applicant, or                                            3
                       (e)    is competent to carry on the security activity to which the     4
                              proposed licence relates, or                                    5
                        (f)   is an Australian citizen or a permanent Australian resident.    6

              (2)      For the purposes of subsection (1) (d), the requisite training,        7
                       assessment and instruction for a class of licence is training,         8
                       assessment and instruction in relation to the carrying on of           9
                       security activities under a licence of that class:                    10
                       (a) that is of a kind approved, and to a standard required, by        11
                              the Commissioner, and                                          12
                       (b) is provided by such persons or organisations as are               13
                              approved by the Commissioner for the purposes of this          14
                              section.                                                       15

             (2A)      The Commissioner may impose conditions with respect to the            16
                       provision of training, assessment and instruction by any person or    17
                       organisation approved by the Commissioner for the purposes of         18
                       this section.                                                         19

             (2B)      A person or organisation approved by the Commissioner for the         20
                       purposes of this section must comply with any conditions              21
                       imposed by the Commissioner under subsection (2A).                    22
                       Maximum penalty:                                                      23
                        (a) in the case of a corporation--100 penalty units, or              24
                       (b) in the case of an individual--50 penalty units.                   25

             (2C)      The Commissioner must also refuse to grant an application for a       26
                       licence if the applicant has supplied information that is (to the     27
                       applicant's knowledge) false or misleading in a material              28
                       particular in, or in connection with, the application.                29

[25]   Section 16 Restrictions on granting licence--criminal and other related               30
       history                                                                               31

       Insert after section 16 (1):                                                          32

              (2)      Without limiting subsection (1), the Commissioner may refuse to       33
                       grant an application for a licence if the Commissioner is satisfied   34
                       that the applicant has a conviction that is not capable of becoming   35
                       spent.                                                                36

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                     Note. Under section 7 of the Criminal Records Act 1991, certain                1
                     convictions are not capable of becoming spent. For example,                    2
                     convictions for which a prison sentence of more than 6 months has been         3
                     imposed, convictions for certain sexual offences and convictions               4
                     prescribed by the Criminal Records Regulation 2004.                            5

[26]   Section 16 (5)                                                                               6

       Insert "(2)," after "(1),".                                                                  7

[27]   Section 17                                                                                   8

       Insert after section 16A:                                                                    9

       17     Renewal of licence                                                                   10

              (1)    An application for the renewal of a licence may be lodged with                11
                     the Commissioner by the holder of the licence no earlier than                 12
                     8 weeks before the licence ceases (otherwise than by revocation)              13
                     to be in force (its expiry).                                                  14

              (2)    The application is to be:                                                     15
                     (a) in the approved form, and                                                 16
                     (b) lodged electronically, by post or in any other approved                   17
                           manner, and                                                             18
                     (c) accompanied by a fee prescribed by the regulations.                       19
                     Note. See sections 18, 21 and 24 in relation to the grant, conditions and     20
                     terms of renewed licences.                                                    21

              (3)    Subsection (1) does not prevent the Commissioner from granting                22
                     an application for the renewal of a licence lodged no later than              23
                     90 days after its expiry on payment of the late fee prescribed by             24
                     the regulations.                                                              25

              (4)    The Commissioner may refuse an application to renew a licence                 26
                     if the Commissioner is satisfied that, if the applicant were                  27
                     applying for a new licence, the application would be required by              28
                     this Act to be refused.                                                       29
                     Note. For example, under section 15 (1) of this Act the Commissioner          30
                     must refuse an application for a new licence if the Commissioner is not       31
                     satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold the licence   32
                     or is not competent to carry on the security activity to which the licence    33
                     relates.                                                                      34

              (5)    For the purposes of subsection (4), section 15 (6) and (7) apply to           35
                     an application for renewal of a licence in the same way as they               36
                     apply to an application for a licence.                                        37

              (6)    Without limiting section 18, the Commissioner may request an                  38
                     applicant for the renewal of a licence to demonstrate, in the                 39
                     manner required by the Commissioner and to the satisfaction of                40

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Schedule 1          Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157

                       the Commissioner, continuing knowledge and competency in               1
                       relation to the security activity authorised by the licence before     2
                       renewal of the licence is granted.                                     3

              (7)      Without limiting section 21 (3), the Commissioner may grant an         4
                       application for renewal of a licence on the condition that the         5
                       applicant undertake and complete to the satisfaction of the            6
                       Commissioner any requisite training, assessment or instruction         7
                       required by the Commissioner to ensure the licensee has                8
                       continuing knowledge and competency in relation to the security        9
                       activity authorised by the licence.                                   10

              (8)      Section 15 (2) and (2A) apply to the requisite training,              11
                       assessment and instruction under subsection (7) required in           12
                       relation to an application for the renewal of a licence in the same   13
                       way as they apply to an application for a licence.                    14

              (9)      A licence may be renewed under this section on more than one          15
                       occasion.                                                             16

             (10)      Section 12 of the Criminal Records Act 1991 does not apply in         17
                       relation to an application for the renewal of a licence.              18

[28]   Section 18 Investigation of licence and renewal applications                          19

       Insert "or for the renewal of a licence" after "licence" in section 18 (1).           20

[29]   Section 18 (2) (a)                                                                    21

       Insert "or palm prints, or both," after "fingerprints".                               22

[30]   Section 18 (2) (b)                                                                    23

       Omit "been fingerprinted".                                                            24

       Insert instead "provided fingerprints or palm prints".                                25

[31]   Section 18 (3) (a)                                                                    26

       Insert "or for the renewal of a licence" after "licence".                             27

[32]   Section 18 (3) (b)                                                                    28

       Insert "or renew" after "grant".                                                      29

[33]   Section 18 (4)                                                                        30

       Insert ", palm print" after "fingerprint".                                            31

[34]   Section 18 (5) (a)                                                                    32

       Insert "or palm prints" after "fingerprints".                                         33

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Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                           Schedule 1

[35]   Section 20 Commissioner may require further information                             1
       Insert "or for the renewal of a licence" after "applicant for a licence" in         2
       section 20 (1).                                                                     3

[36]   Section 20 (1) (b1)                                                                 4

       Omit "or a provisional licence".                                                    5

[37]   Section 20 (4) and (8)                                                              6

       Insert "or for the renewal of a licence" after "licence" wherever occurring.        7

[38]   Section 21                                                                          8

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                   9

       21    Grant and conditions of licence and renewal of licence                       10

              (1)   The Commissioner may, after considering an application for the        11
                    grant or renewal of a licence:                                        12
                    (a) grant a licence to, or renew the licence of, the person           13
                           making the application and nominate a place where the          14
                           person is to collect the licence or renewed licence, or        15
                    (b) refuse to grant a licence or to renew the licence.                16

              (2)   A licence confers no right of property and is incapable of being      17
                    transferred, assigned or mortgaged, charged or otherwise              18
                    encumbered.                                                           19

              (3)   A licence is subject:                                                 20
                    (a) to such conditions as may be imposed by the                       21
                          Commissioner (whether at the time the licence is granted        22
                          or renewed or at any later time), and                           23
                    (b) to such other conditions as are imposed by this Act or            24
                          prescribed by the regulations.                                  25

              (4)   A licence is granted or renewed subject to the condition that the     26
                    person making the application collect the licence or renewed          27
                    licence from the place nominated by the Commissioner under            28
                    subsection (1) (a) within 60 days of being notified of the grant or   29
                    renewal.                                                              30

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[39]   Section 21A                                                                                1
       Insert after section 21:                                                                   2

       21A   Continuing training, assessment and instruction                                      3

              (1)      It is a condition of every class 1 or class 2 licence that the licensee    4
                       undertake and complete, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner,           5
                       such training, assessment and instruction as may be required by            6
                       the Commissioner to ensure the licensee has continuing                     7
                       knowledge and competency in relation to the security activity              8
                       authorised by the licence.                                                 9

              (2)      Subsection (1) extends to licences granted before the                     10
                       commencement of this section.                                             11

[40]   Section 22 Form of licence                                                                12

       Omit section 22 (2). Insert instead:                                                      13

              (2)      A licence must:                                                           14
                       (a) contain the name of the licensee, and                                 15
                       (b) specify the class (or subclass) of licence, and                       16
                       (c) contain the number of the licence, and                                17
                       (d) contain such other details as may be prescribed by the                18
                             regulations.                                                        19

              (3)      In addition, the Commissioner may determine that a particular             20
                       class or subclass of licence is:                                          21
                        (a) to contain a recent photograph of the person to whom it is           22
                              granted (such photograph being obtained in accordance              23
                              with arrangements determined by the Commissioner), or              24
                       (b) to bear the signature of the licensee,                                25
                       or both.                                                                  26

[41]   Section 23 Master licence--condition relating to provision of certain                     27
       persons                                                                                   28

       Omit "employ or".                                                                         29

[42]   Section 23AA Special conditions--authority to carry firearms                              30

       Omit "or P1F" wherever occurring.                                                         31

[43]   Section 23A Special conditions--uniforms must be worn when carrying                       32
       firearms                                                                                  33

       Omit "or P1F" wherever occurring.                                                         34

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[44]   Section 23B Special conditions--storage of firearms in certain                     1
       residential premises                                                               2

       Omit "or P1F" wherever occurring.                                                  3

[45]   Section 23C Special conditions--class P1F licences                                 4

       Omit the section.                                                                  5

[46]   Section 23D Special conditions--dog handling security services                     6

       Omit "employ any person to provide" from section 23D (1).                          7

       Insert instead "provide any person to carry out".                                  8

[47]   Section 23D (2) and (3)                                                            9

       Omit the subsections.                                                             10

[48]   Section 23E                                                                       11

       Insert after section 23D:                                                         12

       23E    Special conditions--class 1 licences                                       13

                     A class 1 licence that is granted on application by a person who    14
                     has not, during the 3 years immediately before the application,     15
                     been authorised by a class 1 licence to carry on the security       16
                     activity to which the proposed licence relates is subject to the    17
                     condition that the person undertake and complete, to the            18
                     satisfaction of the Commissioner, such training, assessment or      19
                     instruction as may be required by the Commissioner, within          20
                     6 months (or such longer period as the Commissioner allows) of      21
                     the grant of the licence.                                           22

[49]   Section 24 Term of licence                                                        23

       Insert "other than a renewed licence" after "licence" in section 24 (1A).         24

[50]   Section 24 (1B)                                                                   25

       Insert after section 24 (1A):                                                     26

             (1B)    The renewal of a licence comes into force:                          27
                     (a) if the application for renewal is lodged under section 17       28
                           before its expiry and the Commissioner grants the             29
                           application--on the expiry of the licence, or                 30
                     (b) if the application for renewal is lodged after its expiry--on   31
                           the day the Commissioner grants the application for           32
                           renewal of the licence.                                       33

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[51]   Section 24 (2)                                                                        1
       Omit the subsection.                                                                  2

[52]   Section 24 (3)                                                                        3

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                  4

              (3)      Despite subsection (1), if the person who made the application for    5
                       a licence or for the renewal of a licence (the applicant) fails to    6
                       collect the licence in accordance with the condition set out in       7
                       section 21 (4):                                                       8
                       (a) the licence does not come into force and is taken to have         9
                              not been granted or renewed, and                              10
                       (b) for the purposes of section 18 (5), the applicant is taken to    11
                              be a person who was an applicant for, but was never           12
                              granted, a licence.                                           13

[53]   Section 26 Revocation of licence                                                     14

       Insert "or the renewal of the licence" after "licence" in section 26 (1) (b) (i).    15

[54]   Section 26 (5) and (6)                                                               16

       Insert after section 26 (4):                                                         17

              (5)      For the purpose of determining whether a licence should be           18
                       revoked under subsection (1A), the Commissioner may have             19
                       regard to any criminal intelligence report or other criminal         20
                       information held in relation to the licensee that:                   21
                        (a) is relevant to the activities carried on under the class of     22
                             licence held by the licensee, or                               23
                       (b) causes the Commissioner to conclude that improper                24
                             conduct is likely to occur if the licensee continues to hold   25
                             the licence, or                                                26
                        (c) causes the Commissioner not to have confidence that             27
                             improper conduct will not occur if the licensee continues      28
                             to hold the licence.                                           29

              (6)      The Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law,         30
                       required to give any reasons for revoking a licence if the giving    31
                       of those reasons would disclose the existence or content of any      32
                       criminal intelligence report or other criminal information as        33
                       referred to in subsection (5).                                       34

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[55]   Section 27 Variation of licence                                                             1
       Omit "class 1, class 2 or provisional licence" from section 27 (1).                         2

       Insert instead "class 1 or class 2 licence".                                                3

[56]   Section 29 Right to seek review from Administrative Decisions Tribunal                      4

       Insert after section 29 (1) (a):                                                            5
                     (a1) the refusal or failure of the Commissioner to renew a                    6
                            licence (other than by operation of section 24 (3)),                   7

[57]   Section 29 (2)                                                                              8

       Insert "or renewal" after "grant".                                                          9

[58]   Section 29 (2)                                                                             10

       Insert "or renewed" after "granted".                                                       11

[59]   Section 29 (3)                                                                             12

       Omit "or to revoke". Insert instead ", to renew a licence or to revoke".                   13

[60]   Section 29 (3) (a)                                                                         14

       Omit "section 15 (6)". Insert instead "section 15 (6), 17 (5) or 26 (5)".                  15

[61]   Section 29, note                                                                           16

       Omit the note at the end of the section. Insert instead:                                   17
                    Note. Sections 15 (7), 17 (5) and 26 (6) of this Act provide that the         18
                    Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law, required to give     19
                    any reasons for not granting or renewing a licence or revoking a licence      20
                    if the giving of those reasons would disclose the existence or content of     21
                    any criminal intelligence report or other criminal information referred to    22
                    in section 15 (6) or 26 (5). Accordingly, Part 2 of Chapter 5 of the          23
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 does not apply to any              24
                    decision to refuse to grant (or renew) or revoke a licence based on such      25
                    information to the extent that it would require disclosure of the existence   26
                    or content of any criminal intelligence report or other criminal              27
                    information.                                                                  28

[62]   Section 29A Offence of permitting employee who is provisional licensee                     29
       to carry on unsupervised security activity                                                 30

       Omit the section.                                                                          31

[63]   Section 29B Certain licensees must be employed by other licensees or                       32
       visitor permit holders                                                                     33

       Omit section 29B (2).                                                                      34

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[64]   Section 35 Licence to be produced on demand                                           1
       Insert at the end of the section:                                                     2

              (2)      Subsection (1) does not require a licensee to produce a licence       3
                       that has been lost, stolen, destroyed, defaced or mutilated during    4
                       the period in which the licensee is waiting for the issue of a        5
                       replacement licence after notifying the Commissioner of that          6
                       occurrence, and applying for a replacement licence within             7
                       14 days after giving that notification, in accordance with the        8
                       regulations.                                                          9

[65]   Section 36 Licence to be worn by licensee                                            10

       Omit "class 1, class 2 or provisional licence" from section 36 (1).                  11

       Insert instead "class 1 or class 2 licence".                                         12

[66]   Section 36 (3)                                                                       13

       Insert after section 36 (2):                                                         14

              (3)      Subsection (1) does not require a licensee to wear a licence that    15
                       has been lost, stolen, destroyed, defaced or mutilated during the    16
                       period in which the licensee is waiting for the issue of a           17
                       replacement licence after notifying the Commissioner of that         18
                       occurrence, and applying for a replacement licence within            19
                       14 days after giving that notification, in accordance with the       20
                       regulations.                                                         21

[67]   Section 38 Prohibition of delegation of functions                                    22

       Omit section 38 (2).                                                                 23

[68]   Section 38A                                                                          24

       Insert after section 38:                                                             25

       38A   Prohibition on unauthorised subcontracting                                     26

              (1)      A master licensee (the principal) who enters into a contract to      27
                       provide persons to carry on any relevant security activity with a    28
                       person (the client) on or after the commencement of this section     29
                       must not engage another master licensee (the subcontractor) to       30
                       provide those persons on behalf of the principal unless:             31
                       (a) the client has expressly agreed in the contract to the           32
                             provision of the persons by a subcontractor, and               33

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                    (b)  the principal provides the requisite subcontracting               1
                         particulars in relation to any subcontractor engaged by the       2
                         principal to the client before requiring payment by the           3
                         client for the work of such a subcontractor.                      4
                    Maximum penalty:                                                       5
                    (a) in the case of a corporation--200 penalty units, or                6
                    (b) in the case of an individual--100 penalty units or                 7
                         imprisonment for 6 months, or both.                               8

             (2)    A subcontractor providing persons on behalf of the principal           9
                    must not engage another master licensee (further subcontractor)       10
                    to provide any of the persons to carry on security activities that    11
                    the principal has engaged the subcontractor to provide unless:        12
                     (a) the principal has expressly agreed in the contract with the      13
                           subcontractor to the provision of the persons by a further     14
                           subcontractor, and                                             15
                    (b) the subcontractor provides the requisite subcontracting           16
                           particulars in relation to any further subcontractor engaged   17
                           by the subcontractor to the principal before requiring         18
                           payment by the principal for the work of the further           19
                           subcontractor.                                                 20
                    Maximum penalty:                                                      21
                     (a) in the case of a corporation--200 penalty units, or              22
                    (b) in the case of an individual--100 penalty units or                23
                           imprisonment for 6 months, or both.                            24

             (3)    The regulations may exempt any principal or class of principals       25
                    or relevant security activity from the operation of                   26
                    subsection (1) (b) in such circumstances as may be specified in       27
                    the regulations.                                                      28

             (4)    In this section:                                                      29
                    relevant security activity does not include the provision of a        30
                    restricted security keying system.                                    31
                    requisite subcontracting particulars, in relation to a                32
                    subcontractor or further subcontractor, means:                        33
                     (a) the name and master licence number of the subcontractor          34
                           or further subcontractor, and                                  35
                    (b) any other particulars prescribed by the regulations.              36

[69]   Section 38B Supervising or monitoring licensees                                    37

       Omit the section.                                                                  38

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[70]   Section 38C                                                                             1
       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                       2

       38C   Rostering or scheduling of licensed persons to carry on security                  3
             activities and monitoring of their performance                                    4

                       A person (the relevant person) must not, for fee or reward, roster      5
                       or schedule the carrying on of any security activity by a person        6
                       who holds a class 1 or class 2 licence, or monitor the performance      7
                       of such a person in carrying on a security activity, if the relevant    8
                       person is not eligible to hold a licence because of section 16.         9
                       Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or imprisonment for                 10
                       6 months, or both.                                                     11

[71]   Section 39                                                                             12

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                      13

        39   Master licensee not to provide unlicensed persons                                14

              (1)      Without limiting the operation of section 30, the holder of a          15
                       master licence must not provide any person to carry on any             16
                       security activity if that person is not the holder of a licence that   17
                       authorises the person to carry on a security activity of that kind.    18
                       Maximum penalty:                                                       19
                       (a) in the case of a corporation--1,000 penalty units, or              20
                       (b) in the case of an individual--500 penalty units or                 21
                              imprisonment for 2 years, or both.                              22

              (2)      It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under this section if    23
                       the master licensee satisfies the court that the master licensee did   24
                       not know, and could not reasonably have been expected to know,         25
                       that the person provided by the master licensee did not hold a         26
                       licence that authorised the person to carry on a security activity     27
                       of the kind concerned.                                                 28

[72]   Section 39B Master licensee to have "fitness for work" policy                          29

       Omit "employ or" and "employed or".                                                    30

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[73]   Part 3B                                                                              1
       Insert after Part 3A:                                                                2

       Part 3B Enforcement                                                                  3

       Division 1          Powers of entry and search of premises                           4

       39I   Powers of enforcement officers to enter premises without warrant               5

              (1)   An enforcement officer may enter any premises at which a                6
                    security activity (or an activity ancillary to the carrying on of a     7
                    security activity) is being carried on, or at which the enforcement     8
                    officer reasonably believes such an activity is being carried on, at    9
                    any reasonable time for the following purposes:                        10
                    (a) for determining whether there has been compliance with,            11
                           or a contravention of, this Act or the regulations,             12
                    (b) generally for administering this Act.                              13

              (2)   This section does not confer a power to enter any premises or part     14
                    of premises that is used only for residential purposes without the     15
                    permission of the occupier or the authority of a search warrant.       16

       39J   Powers of enforcement officers to enter premises with warrant                 17

              (1)   An enforcement officer may apply to an authorised officer for the      18
                    issue of a search warrant if the enforcement officer believes on       19
                    reasonable grounds that any provision of this Act or the               20
                    regulations is being or has been contravened on any premises.          21

              (2)   An authorised officer to whom any such application is made may,        22
                    if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for doing so, issue a   23
                    search warrant authorising any enforcement officer to enter and        24
                    search the premises.                                                   25

              (3)   An enforcement officer executing a search warrant issued under         26
                    this section may:                                                      27
                     (a) enter the premises specified in the warrant, and                  28
                    (b) search the premises for evidence of a contravention of this        29
                           Act or the regulations, and                                     30
                     (c) exercise any other function of an enforcement officer             31
                           under this Part.                                                32

              (4)   Division 4 of Part 5 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and                33
                    Responsibilities) Act 2002 applies to a search warrant issued          34
                    under this section.                                                    35

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             (5)      In this section:                                                      1
                      authorised officer has the same meaning as it has in the Law          2
                      Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002.                   3

     39K     Powers that can be exercised by enforcement officers on entry                  4

             (1)      An enforcement officer may, at any premises lawfully entered          5
                      under this Act for a purpose referred to in section 39I, do any or    6
                      all of the following:                                                 7
                      (a) examine any registers, books, records or other documents          8
                              on the premises,                                              9
                      (b) make a copy on the premises of any registers, books,             10
                              records or other documents and retain that copy,             11
                      (c) require any person to make a copy on the premises of any         12
                              registers, books, records or other documents and give that   13
                              copy to the enforcement officer to retain,                   14
                      (d) take such photographs, films, audio, video or other              15
                              recordings as the enforcement officer considers necessary,   16
                      (e) require any person to produce any registers, books, records      17
                              or other documents on the premises,                          18
                       (f) require any person to answer any question relating to any       19
                              registers, books, records or other documents or any other    20
                              relevant matter,                                             21
                      (g) take any registers, books, records or other documents from       22
                              the premises for the purposes of copying them,               23
                      (h) seize any registers, books, records or other documents, or       24
                              any other thing that the enforcement officer believes on     25
                              reasonable grounds is connected with an offence against      26
                              this Act or the regulations.                                 27

             (2)      The power to seize anything connected with an offence includes       28
                      a power to seize anything that will provide evidence of the          29
                      commission of an offence.                                            30

             (3)      Any registers, books, records or other documents taken only for      31
                      the purpose of copying them must be returned when that copying       32
                      is completed.                                                        33

     39L     Obstruction                                                                   34

             (1)      A person must not:                                                   35
                      (a) obstruct, hinder or interfere with an enforcement officer in     36
                            the exercise of a function under this Part, or                 37

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                    (b)  fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any              1
                         requirement made of the person by an enforcement officer         2
                         in the exercise of a function under this Part.                   3
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                   4

             (2)    A person is not guilty of an offence of failing to comply with a      5
                    requirement made of the person by an enforcement officer unless       6
                    the person was warned on that occasion that a failure to comply       7
                    is an offence.                                                        8

     39M     Identification of certain enforcement officers                               9

             (1)    Every enforcement officer, who is not a police officer, is to be     10
                    provided with an identification card as an enforcement officer by    11
                    the Commissioner.                                                    12

             (2)    In the course of exercising the functions of an enforcement          13
                    officer under this Act, an enforcement officer who is not a police   14
                    officer must, if requested to do so by any person affected by the    15
                    exercise of any such function, produce to the person the officer's   16
                    identification card.                                                 17

      Division 2           Power to obtain information or records                        18

     39N     Application of Division                                                     19

                    This Division applies whether or not a power of entry under this     20
                    Part is being or has been exercised.                                 21

     39O     Requirement to provide information and records                              22

             (1)    An enforcement officer may, by notice in writing given to a          23
                    person, require the person to furnish to the officer such            24
                    information or records (or both) as the officer requires by the      25
                    notice for the following purposes:                                   26
                     (a) for determining whether there has been compliance with,         27
                           or a contravention of, this Act or the regulations,           28
                    (b) generally for administering this Act.                            29

             (2)    A notice under this section must specify the manner in which         30
                    information or records are required to be furnished and a            31
                    reasonable time by which the information or records are required     32
                    to be furnished.                                                     33

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     39P     Provisions relating to requirement under section 39O to furnish                  1
             records                                                                          2

             (1)      A notice under section 39O may only require a person to furnish         3
                      existing records that are in the person's possession or that are        4
                      within the person's power to obtain lawfully.                           5

             (2)      The person to whom any record is furnished under section 39O            6
                      may take copies of it.                                                  7

             (3)      If any record required to be furnished under section 39O is in          8
                      electronic, mechanical or other form, the record must, unless the       9
                      notice otherwise provides, be furnished in written form.               10

     39Q     Power of enforcement officers to require answers and record                     11
             evidence                                                                        12

             (1)      An enforcement officer may require a person whom the                   13
                      enforcement officer suspects on reasonable grounds to have             14
                      knowledge of matters in respect of which information is                15
                      reasonably required for a purpose referred to in section 39O to        16
                      answer questions in relation to those matters.                         17

             (2)      The Commissioner may require a corporation to nominate a               18
                      director or officer of the corporation who is authorised to            19
                      represent the corporation for the purpose of answering questions       20
                      under this section.                                                    21

             (3)      An enforcement officer may, by notice in writing, require a            22
                      person to attend at a specified place and time to answer questions     23
                      under this section if attendance at that place is reasonably           24
                      required in order that the questions can be properly put and           25
                      answered.                                                              26

             (4)      The place and time at which a person may be required to attend         27
                      under subsection (3) is to be:                                         28
                      (a) a place or time nominated by the person, or                        29
                      (b) if the place and time nominated is not reasonable in the           30
                            circumstances or a place and time is not nominated by the        31
                            person, a place and time nominated by the enforcement            32
                            officer that is reasonable in the circumstances.                 33

             (5)      An enforcement officer may cause any questions and answers to          34
                      questions given under this section to be recorded if the officer has   35
                      informed the person who is to be questioned that the record is to      36
                      be made.                                                               37

             (6)      A record may be made using sound recording apparatus or audio          38
                      visual apparatus, or any other method determined by the                39
                      enforcement officer.                                                   40

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              (7)   A copy of any such record must be provided by the enforcement        1
                    officer to the person who is questioned as soon as practicable       2
                    after it is made.                                                    3

              (8)   A record may be made under this section despite the provisions       4
                    of any other law.                                                    5

[74]   Section 40A                                                                       6

       Insert after section 40:                                                          7

       40A   Temporary excess provision of services permits                              8

              (1)   A master licensee may apply to the Commissioner for the grant        9
                    of a permit (a temporary excess provision of services permit)       10
                    authorising the holder of the permit to provide more persons than   11
                    the number of persons authorised by the master licence on any       12
                    specified day or on each day within a period specified in the       13
                    permit.                                                             14

              (2)   The application must be in the approved form and be                 15
                    accompanied by the fee and any information and particulars          16
                    prescribed by the regulations.                                      17

              (3)   The Commissioner may, after considering an application for a        18
                    temporary excess provision of services permit:                      19
                     (a) grant the permit, or                                           20
                    (b) refuse to grant the permit.                                     21

              (4)   A permit is to be in the approved form.                             22

              (5)   A permit is subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the     23
                    Commissioner (whether at the time the permit is granted or at any   24
                    later time).                                                        25

              (6)   The Commissioner may revoke a permit if the holder contravenes      26
                    any condition to which the permit is subject.                       27

[75]   Sections 42 and 42A                                                              28

       Omit the sections.                                                               29

[76]   Section 43A Security Industry Council                                            30

       Omit the section.                                                                31

[77]   Section 47 Certificate and other evidence                                        32

       Omit section 47 (1) (c).                                                         33

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Schedule 1       Amendment of Security Industry Act 1997 No 157

[78]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                      1
       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                  2

                     Security Industry Amendment Act 2012                                  3

[79]   Schedule 2, Part 8                                                                  4

       Insert after Part 7:                                                                5

       Part 8        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 6
                     Security Industry Amendment Act 2012                                  7

       23     Definitions                                                                  8

                     In this Part:                                                         9
                     amending Act means the Security Industry Amendment Act 2012.         10
                     converted licence means a licence that is taken by the operation     11
                     of this Part to be a licence of a different class or subclass of     12
                     licence.                                                             13

       24     Conversion of certain existing subclasses of master licence to              14
              new subclasses of master licence                                            15

                     On the commencement of this clause, a master licence that,           16
                     immediately before the amendment made to section 10 (1) by the       17
                     amending Act, was:                                                   18
                      (a) a class MB licence--is taken to be, and to have the             19
                          authority conferred by, a class MC licence granted under        20
                          this Act (as amended by the amending Act), and                  21
                     (b) a class MC licence--is taken to be, and to have the              22
                          authority conferred by, a class MD licence granted under        23
                          this Act (as amended by the amending Act), and                  24
                      (c) a class MD licence--is taken to be, and to have the             25
                          authority conferred by, a class ME licence granted under        26
                          this Act (as amended by the amending Act).                      27

       25     Conversion of existing class 1G licence to new class 1A licence             28

                     On the commencement of this clause, a licence that was a             29
                     class 1G licence immediately before the repeal of                    30
                     section 11 (1) (g) by the amending Act is taken to be, and to have   31
                     the authority conferred by, a class 1A licence.                      32

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       26    Conversion of existing class 2E licence to class 2C licence                   1
                    On the commencement of this clause, a licence that was a               2
                    class 2E licence immediately before the repeal of                      3
                    section 12 (1) (e) by the amending Act is taken to be, and to have     4
                    the authority conferred by, a class 2C licence.                        5

       27    Conversion of existing class 2F licence to class 2C licence                   6

                    On the commencement of this clause, a licence that was a               7
                    class 2F licence immediately before the repeal of                      8
                    section 12 (1) (f) by the amending Act is taken to be, and to have     9
                    the authority conferred by, a class 2C licence.                       10

       28    Conversion of existing provisional licences to class 1 licences              11

             (1)    On the commencement of this clause, a licence that, immediately       12
                    before the repeal of section 12A by the amending Act, was:            13
                    (a) a class P1A licence--is taken to be, and to have the              14
                          authority conferred by, a class 1A licence granted under        15
                          this Act, and                                                   16
                    (b) a class P1B licence--is taken to be, and to have the              17
                          authority conferred by, a class 1B licence granted under        18
                          this Act, and                                                   19
                    (c) a class P1C licence--is taken to be, and to have the              20
                          authority conferred by, a class 1C licence granted under        21
                          this Act, and                                                   22
                    (d) a class P1D licence--is taken to be, and to have the              23
                          authority conferred by, a class 1D licence granted under        24
                          this Act, and                                                   25
                    (e) a class P1E licence--is taken to be, and to have the              26
                          authority conferred by, a class 1E licence granted under        27
                          this Act, and                                                   28
                     (f) a class P1F licence--is taken to be, and to have the             29
                          authority conferred by, a class 1F licence granted under        30
                          this Act, and                                                   31
                    (g) a class P1G licence--is taken to be, and to have the              32
                          authority conferred by, a class 1A licence granted under        33
                          this Act.                                                       34

             (2)    The holder of a licence referred to in subclause (1) is taken to be   35
                    a person who has not previously been authorised by a class 1          36
                    licence to carry on the security activity to which the licence        37
                    relates and, accordingly, is subject to section 23E as inserted by    38
                    the amending Act.                                                     39

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             (3)      The holder must comply with the conditions set out in                   1
                      section 23E within 12 months of the commencement of that                2
                      section.                                                                3

      29     Duration of converted licence                                                    4

             (1)      A licence converted by the operation of this Part to another class      5
                      or subclass of licence remains in force (unless sooner                  6
                      surrendered, suspended or revoked) until the end of the period          7
                      that it would have remained in force under section 24 but for the       8
                      conversion.                                                             9

             (2)      The holder of a converted licence may renew the converted              10
                      licence in accordance with section 17.                                 11

      30     Form of converted licence                                                       12

             (1)      Section 22 (2) (b), as inserted by the amending Act, does not          13
                      apply to a converted licence.                                          14

             (2)      The Commissioner may reissue any converted licence with such           15
                      alterations or endorsements as the Commissioner considers              16
                      appropriate having regard to the provisions and operation of the       17
                      amending Act.                                                          18

      31     References to converted licences                                                19

             (1)      A reference in any Act (other than this Act) or statutory              20
                      instrument, or in any other instrument, or in any contract or          21
                      agreement, to a licence of a particular class or subclass of licence   22
                      is to be construed as a reference to the class or subclass of the      23
                      licence as converted by the operation of this Part.                    24

             (2)      The conditions to which a converted licence is subject are,            25
                      subject to the regulations, taken to be conditions imposed by the      26
                      Commissioner under this Act (as amended by the amending Act)           27
                      applicable to the class or subclass of the licence on conversion       28
                      and any such condition may be varied or revoked in accordance          29
                      with this Act.                                                         30

      32     Proceedings for abolished offences relating to provisional                      31
             licensees                                                                       32

                      Any proceedings for an offence under a provision of this Act           33
                      repealed by the amending Act that have been commenced but not          34
                      finally determined before the repeal of the provision may              35
                      continue to be dealt with as if the provision had not been             36
                      repealed.                                                              37

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       33    Restriction on granting licence to applicant providing false or            1
             misleading information                                                     2

                    Section 15 (2C), as inserted by the amending Act, applies to        3
                    applications that have been made but not yet determined by the      4
                    Commissioner before the insertion of that subsection.               5

       34    Investigation of licence applications--taking of palm prints               6

                    Anything done or omitted to be done by the Commissioner that        7
                    would have been validly done or omitted had the amendments          8
                    made to section 18 of this Act by the amending Act been in force    9
                    at the time that the thing was done or omitted, is taken to have   10
                    been validly done or omitted.                                      11

       35    Licence renewals                                                          12

                    Section 17, as inserted by the amending Act, extends to licences   13
                    granted before the insertion of that section.                      14

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Schedule 2         Amendment of other legislation

Schedule 2               Amendment of other legislation                                       1

2.1 Firearms Act 1996 No 46                                                                   2

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                   3

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                          4
                    approved means approved by the Commissioner from time to                  5
                    time.                                                                     6
                    approved master licensee means a holder of a master licence               7
                    under the Security Industry Act 1997 who provides uniformed               8
                    armed security services and is approved by the Commissioner for           9
                    the purposes of this definition.                                         10
                    category H (business/employment) licence means a category H              11
                    licence that is issued for the purposes of business or employment.       12
                    provisional pistol (business/employment) licence means a                 13
                    category H (business/employment) licence of the kind referred to         14
                    in section 16C.                                                          15

[2]   Section 6AA                                                                            16

      Insert after section 6:                                                                17

      6AA    Application of Commonwealth National Vocational Education and                   18
             Training Regulator Act 2011                                                     19

             (1)      In this section:                                                       20
                      Commonwealth Act means the National Vocational Education               21
                      and Training Regulator Act 2011 of the Commonwealth.                   22
                      State firearms regulation provisions means the provisions of this      23
                      Act and the regulations:                                               24
                       (a) regulating organisations providing training, assessment or        25
                             instruction in relation to possession or use of firearms, and   26
                      (b) providing for the approval by or under this Act of training,       27
                             assessment or instruction provided by organisations, and        28
                       (c) providing for the exercise of investigative powers,               29
                             sanctions and enforcement by or under this Act in relation      30
                             to such matters.                                                31

             (2)      The State firearms regulation provisions are declared to be an         32
                      excluded matter for the purposes of section 10 of the                  33
                      Commonwealth Act in relation to section 9 (Immunity from State         34
                      and Territory laws) of the Commonwealth Act to the extent only         35
                      that that section prevents the application of the State firearms       36
                      regulation provisions to an NVR registered training organisation       37

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Amendment of other legislation                                          Schedule 2

                    (within the meaning of the Commonwealth Act) providing               1
                    training, assessment or instruction in relation to the use and       2
                    possession of firearms regulated by this Act.                        3

              (3)   This section is taken to have had effect from 1 July 2011.           4

[3]   Section 16 Category H licences--restrictions on issue                              5

      Insert after section 16 (1):                                                       6

            (1A)    For the purposes of subsection (1), business or employment           7
                    includes work undertaken voluntarily but only with respect to the    8
                    static guarding of approved premises.                                9

[4]   Section 16 (4) and (5)                                                            10

      Insert after section 16 (3):                                                      11

              (4)   The Commissioner must not issue a category H                        12
                    (business/employment) licence (other than a provisional pistol      13
                    (business/employment) licence) to a person who has never held       14
                    such a licence unless:                                              15
                     (a) the person has previously been issued with a provisional       16
                          pistol (business/employment) licence, and                     17
                    (b) the provisional pistol (business/employment) licence has        18
                          expired.                                                      19

              (5)   The Commissioner must not issue a provisional pistol                20
                    (business/employment) licence to a person unless:                   21
                     (a) the person indicates that he or she intends to be employed     22
                          by an approved master licensee specified in the application   23
                          for the licence for the term of the licence, and              24
                    (b) the approved master licensee has verified to the                25
                          satisfaction of the Commissioner that the master licensee     26
                          intends the employment to continue for the term of the        27
                          licence.                                                      28

[5]   Section 16C                                                                       29

      Insert after section 16B:                                                         30

      16C    Provisional pistol (business/employment) licences                          31

              (1)   A category H (business/employment) licence that is issued to a      32
                    person who has never held such a licence is to be issued as a       33
                    provisional pistol (business/employment) licence.                   34

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Schedule 2     Amendment of other legislation

             (2)   Without limiting section 19, a provisional pistol                      1
                   (business/employment) licence is subject to the following              2
                   conditions:                                                            3
                    (a) the licensee must, before possessing or using a pistol,           4
                         complete to the satisfaction of the Commissioner an              5
                         approved firearms training course conducted by the               6
                         employer,                                                        7
                   (b) the licensee must, in addition to the training referred to in      8
                         paragraph (a), complete:                                         9
                           (i) such further training within 3 months of being            10
                               granted the licence as is determined by the               11
                               Commissioner, and                                         12
                          (ii) such other training as may be required by the             13
                               Commissioner during the term of the licence,              14
                    (c) the licensee must hold a class 1F licence issued under           15
                         section 11 of the Security Industry Act 1997,                   16
                   (d) for the first 6 months of the term of the licence, the licensee   17
                         must not possess or use a pistol unless the licensee is under   18
                         the direct supervision of a natural person who has              19
                         continuously held, for a period of more than 12 months:         20
                           (i) a category H (business/employment) licence that is        21
                               not a provisional pistol (business/employment)            22
                               licence, and                                              23
                          (ii) a class 1F licence under the Security Industry Act        24
                               1997.                                                     25
                   Note. The licence may also be subject to other conditions--see        26
                   section 19.                                                           27

             (3)   The Commissioner must revoke a provisional pistol                     28
                   (business/employment) licence if the Commissioner is satisfied        29
                   that the licensee has failed to comply with a condition under this    30
                   section.                                                              31

             (4)   If the holder of a provisional pistol (business/employment)           32
                   licence contravenes the condition referred to in                      33
                   subsection (2) (d), the person who is (at the time of the             34
                   contravention) the master licensee who is the employer of the         35
                   licensee is guilty of an offence.                                     36
                   Maximum penalty:                                                      37
                    (a) in the case of a corporation--200 penalty units, or              38
                   (b) in the case of an individual--100 penalty units.                  39

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of other legislation                                         Schedule 2

              (5)   If:                                                                  1
                     (a)  the holder of a provisional pistol (business/employment)       2
                          licence applies for a category H (business/employment)         3
                          licence before the term of the provisional pistol              4
                          (business/employment) licence expires, and                     5
                    (b) the application has not been dealt with by the time the          6
                          provisional pistol (business/employment) licence expires,      7
                    the authority conferred by the provisional pistol                    8
                    (business/employment) licence continues until such time as the       9
                    person is notified of the issue of, or refusal of, the category H   10
                    (business/employment) licence.                                      11

              (6)   A provisional pistol (business/employment) licence is               12
                    automatically revoked if the licensee ceases to be employed         13
                    during the term of the licence by the approved master licensee      14
                    specified in the application for the licence as required by         15
                    section 16 (5).                                                     16

[6]   Section 21 Term of licence                                                        17

      Omit section 21 (3). Insert instead:                                              18

              (3)   The following types of licence continue in force for a period of    19
                    12 months from the time the licence is issued unless the licence    20
                    is sooner surrendered or revoked or otherwise ceases to be in       21
                    force:                                                              22
                     (a) provisional pistol (business/employment) licence,              23
                    (b) probationary pistol licence.                                    24

[7]   Section 24 Revocation of licence                                                  25

      Omit "P1F licence" wherever occurring in section 24 (1A).                         26

      Insert instead "1F licence".                                                      27

2.2 Firearms Regulation 2006                                                            28

[1]   Clause 3, definition of "security guard"                                          29

      Omit "or P1F".                                                                    30

[2]   Clause 8 Term of licence                                                          31

      Insert ", a provisional pistol (business/employment) licence" after "Act" in      32
      clause 8 (1).                                                                     33

[3]   Clause 83 Additional requirements relating to security guards                     34

      Omit "or P1F" from clause 83 (1) (b).                                             35

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                Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2      Amendment of other legislation

2.3 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002                            1
    No 103                                                                            2

      Schedule 2 Search warrants under other Acts                                     3

      Omit "section 42" from the matter relating to the Security Industry Act 1997.   4

      Insert instead "Part 3B".                                                       5

2.4 Weapons Prohibition Regulation 2009                                               6

      Schedule 1 Persons exempt from requirement for permit                           7

      Omit ", 1F or P1F" from clause 3 (1) (i).                                       8

      Insert instead "or 1F".                                                         9

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Security Industry Amendment Bill 2012

Repeal of Security Industry Amendment Act 2005 No 63    Schedule 3

Schedule 3             Repeal of Security Industry Amendment         1
                       Act 2005 No 63                                2

The Security Industry Amendment Act 2005 is repealed.                3

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