New South Wales Bills

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                         New South Wales

Superannuation Legislation
Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001


            1 Name of Act                                             2
            2 Commencement                                            2
            3 Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992
              No 100                                                  2
            4 Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory
              Superannuation Act 1987 No 212                          2
            5 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996
              No 39                                                   2

            1 Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992        3
            2 Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory
              Superannuation Act 1987                                 7
            3 Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996    10
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, has

                                              Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                              Legislative Assembly,
                                              Sydney,                       , 2001

                               New South Wales

Superannuation Legislation
Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001
Act No     , 2001

An Act to amend various public sector superannuation Acts with respect to the
transfer of certain preserved benefits under the State Authorities Non-contributory
Superannuation Scheme to the First State Superannuation Fund, salary for the
purposes of contributions to that Fund and the application of certain Government
trust deed schemes; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

   1     Name of Act
             This Act is the Superannuation                Legislation     Amendment
             (Miscellaneous) Act 2001.

   2     Commencement
             This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.

   3     Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100
             The First State Superannuation Act 1992 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 1.

   4     Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act
         1987 No 212
             The State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987 is
             amended as set out in Schedule 2.

   5     Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996 No 39
             The Superannuation Administration Act 1996 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 3.

Page 2
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992                       Schedule 1

Schedule 1           Amendment of First State Superannuation
                     Act 1992
                                                                            (Section 3)

 [1]   Section 3A Meaning of "salary or wages"

       Omit section 3A (1) (a). Insert instead:
                     (a)     in the case of a member who is not an executive officer,
                             the total of:
                             (i)     earnings in respect of ordinary hours of work,
                             (ii)    earnings consisting of over-award payments,
                                     shift-loading or commission, and
                             (iii) allowances and other payments of a kind
                                     prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of
                                     this subsection, and
                             (iv) if employment benefits of a kind prescribed by
                                     the regulations for the purposes of this
                                     subsection are provided to the member, the cost
                                     of providing the employment benefits, or

 [2]   Section 3A (1A)

       Insert after section 3A (1):
              (1A) A regulation made for the purposes of subsection (1) (a) (iii) or
                   (a)   may only be made with the concurrence of the
                         Treasurer, and
                   (b)   may apply to all members who are not executive
                         officers, or to specified members or classes of members
                         who are not executive officers.

                                                                               Page 3
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Schedule 1          Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992

 [3]     Section 3A (10)

         Insert at the end of section 3A:
               (10) In this section:
                    employment benefit means a benefit provided to a member at
                    the cost of the member's employer (being a benefit of a private

 [4]     Part 5A

         Insert after Part 5:

         Part 5A Preserved benefits transferred under State
                 Authorities Non-contributory
                 Superannuation Act 1987 to First State
                 Superannuation Fund
          37     Definitions
                      In this Part:
                      eligible preserved benefit has the same meaning as it has in
                      Part 4B of the State Authorities Non-contributory
                      Superannuation Act 1987.
                      transfer day means the day on which the eligible preserved
                      benefits are transferred by STC under Part 4B of the State
                      Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987.
                      transferred member means a person whose eligible preserved
                      benefit is transferred under section 27AD of the State
                      Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987.
                      STC means the SAS Trustee Corporation.

          38     Transfer to First State Superannuation Fund
                 (1) On and from the transfer day, a person whose benefit is
                     transferred to FTC for crediting to the Fund under section
                     27AD of the State Authorities Non-contributory
                     Superannuation Act 1987, and who is not already a member of
                     the superannuation scheme established under this Act and the
                     trust deed, is transferred as an inactive member of the Fund.

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Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992                       Schedule 1

                (2) FTC must establish in the Fund an account in respect of any
                    such inactive member.
                (3) FTC must credit to the Fund the amount transferred to FTC
                    under section 27AD of the State Authorities Non-contributory
                    Superannuation Act 1987.
                (4) FTC must credit to the account of each transferred member an
                    amount equal to the amount of the eligible preserved benefit of
                    the transferred member immediately before the transfer day.
                (5) Any such amount is taken to have been credited to the account
                    on the day following the transfer day.
                (6) An amount credited under this section to an account of a
                    transferred member is, for the purposes of this Act and the trust
                    deed, to be treated as if it were contributed or preserved under
                    this Act and the trust deed by or on behalf of the transferred

         39    Matters to be dealt with by trust deed
                     Without limiting section 13, 14, 18 or 20, the trust deed and the
                     rules under the trust deed may make provision for or with
                     respect to the following:
                     (a)    the establishment of accounts in respect of transferred
                     (b)    the crediting of amounts to accounts of transferred
                     (c)    the investment of amounts held in accounts of
                            transferred members.

         40    Rights, liabilities and other matters
                (1) Nothing in the Superannuation Legislation Amendment
                    (Miscellaneous) Act 2001 affects the following:
                    (a)   any rights, liabilities or obligations of STC relating to
                          eligible preserved benefits under the State Authorities
                          Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987 in existence
                          immediately before the transfer day,

                                                                               Page 5
                   Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Schedule 1         Amendment of First State Superannuation Act 1992

                      (b)    any rights, liabilities or obligations of a transferred
                             member arising under the State Authorities Non-
                             contributory Superannuation Act 1987 and in existence
                             immediately before the transfer day.
                (2) A provision of the trust deed or a rule may not detrimentally
                    affect any right, liability or obligation referred to in subsection
                    (1) and is void to the extent to which it purports to do so.

 [5]     Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions

         Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                      Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act

 [6]     Schedule 3, clause 11

         Insert after clause 10:

          11    Validation
                      (a)   that was done or omitted to be done for the purposes of
                            Part 5A before the date of assent to the Superannuation
                            Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act 2001, and
                      (b)   that would have been lawful if Part 5A had been in
                            force when the thing was done or omitted to be done,
                      is as valid as it would have been had that Part been in force
                      when the thing was done or omitted to be done.

 [7]     Dictionary

         Insert at the end of the definition of inactive member:
                             , or
                      (c)    who becomes an inactive member by operation of Part
                             5A and who has a preserved benefit in the Fund.

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Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act      Schedule 2

Schedule 2           Amendment of State Authorities Non-
                     contributory Superannuation Act 1987
                                                                            (Section 4)

 [1]    Section 9 Funds etc

        Insert at the end of section 9 (3):
                               , and
                     (d)       any other amount payable from any such Fund under
                               this or any other Act.

 [2]    Section 10 Reserves for employers

        Insert after 10 (4):
              (4A) Despite any other provision of this Act, there is to be debited
                   to the Crown employer reserve such amount of the
                   administration costs incurred by STC in respect of the transfer
                   of a preserved benefit under Part 4B as is approved by the

 [3]    Section 11A Source of administration costs payments

        Insert ", except as provided by section 10 (4A)" after "Act" in section 11A

 [4]    Part 4B

        Insert after Part 4AA:

        Part 4B Transfer of certain preserved benefits
       27AD     Transfer of eligible preserved benefits
                (1) In this section:
                    eligible preserved benefit means:
                    (a)     a benefit preserved under section 26I, or

                                                                               Page 7
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Schedule 2          Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act

                      (b)   any other benefit preserved under this Act on or before
                            9 December 2001 by or on behalf of a person who is
                            not a contributor to, or who does not have a benefit
                            preserved or deferred under, any other STC fund or
                      FTC means the FSS Trustee Corporation established under the
                      Superannuation Administration Act 1996.
                      STC fund or scheme has the same meaning as it has in the
                      Superannuation Administration Act 1996.
                 (2) STC must on 9 December 2001, or as soon as practicable after
                     that day, transfer the amount of any eligible preserved benefit
                     preserved in respect of a person to FTC for crediting to the First
                     State Superannuation Fund.
                 (3) On the transfer of an eligible preserved benefit, the person in
                     respect of whom the benefit was preserved ceases to be entitled
                     to payment of the benefit under this Act.

 [5]     Schedule 5 Savings and transitional provisions

         Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                      Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act

 [6]     Schedule 5, Part 5

         Insert after Part 4:

         Part 5 Superannuation Legislation Amendment
                (Miscellaneous) Act 2001
             5   Validation
                      (a)   that was done or omitted to be done for the purposes of
                            Part 4B before the date of assent to the Superannuation
                            Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act 2001, and

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Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act   Schedule 2

                     (b)     that would have been lawful if Part 4B had been in
                             force when the thing was done or omitted to be done,
                     is as valid as it would have been had that Part been in force
                     when the thing was done or omitted to be done.

                                                                            Page 9
                 Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Schedule 3       Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996

Schedule 3         Amendment of Superannuation
                   Administration Act 1996
                                                                             (Section 5)

 [1]   Section 127 Additional State public sector superannuation schemes

       Omit section 127 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) The Minister may approve the preparation of a trust deed
                  providing for a superannuation scheme (a trust deed scheme)
                  for the benefit of any one or more of the following:
                  (a)     State public sector employees,
                  (b)     a class or classes of State public sector employees
                          (including employees of a local authority or a public
                  (c)     employees, or a class or classes of employees, or former
                          employees, of employers or former employers under
                          FTC or STC schemes,
                  (d)     other employees, or a class or classes of other
                          employees, approved by the Minister.
             (1A) The Minister may approve the extension of the application of
                  a trust deed scheme to additional employees or classes of
                  employees, being employees or a class or classes of employees
                  of a kind referred to in subsection (1).

 [2]   Section 127 (3)

       Omit "superannuation scheme". Insert instead "trust deed scheme".

 [3]   Section 128A Mobility between public sector schemes and EISS and

       Omit "127" from section 128A (3) (a). Insert instead "128 or 128B".

Page 10
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996                  Schedule 3

 [4]   Section 128B

       Insert after section 128A:

       128B    Provisions consequent on extension of superannuation
               schemes to additional employees
                (1) Regulations may be made for or with respect to the following
                    matters, in relation to the extension of the application of a
                    superannuation scheme established under a trust deed
                    approved by the Minister under section 127 (the trust deed
                    scheme) to additional persons:
                    (a)    the transfer of any such persons who are members or
                           former members of, or contributors or former
                           contributors to, an FTC scheme or an STC scheme from
                           that scheme to the trust deed scheme,
                    (b)    the rights of the persons (if any) to remain as members
                           of, or contributors to, an FTC scheme or an STC
                    (c)    the transfer of assets and liabilities of an FTC Scheme
                           or an STC scheme, in respect of any such persons who
                           are transferred members or contributors or former
                           members or contributors, to the trust deed scheme,
                    (d)    the payment of pensions and other benefits in respect of
                           any such persons who are former members of, or
                           former contributors to, an FTC scheme or an STC
                           scheme under the trust deed scheme,
                    (e)    the preservation or deferral of benefits of persons
                           transferring to the trust deed scheme,
                    (f)    the entitlements, rights and obligations of any such
                           persons who are members or former members of, or
                           contributors or former contributors to, an FTC scheme
                           or an STC scheme.
                (2) A regulation made under this section has effect despite any
                    provision of an Act under which an FTC scheme or an STC
                    scheme is constituted.

                                                                           Page 11
                 Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Schedule 3       Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996

 [5]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions

       Omit "this Act and the Superannuation (Axiom Funds Management
       Corporation) Act 1996" from clause 1 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    this Act and the following Acts:
                    Superannuation (Axiom Funds Management Corporation)
                    Act 1996
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous)
                    Act 2001 (but only to the extent that it amends this Act)

 [6]   Schedule 3, clause 25

       Insert after clause 24:

          25   Extension of trust deed schemes during transitional period
               (1) The Minister may approve of the extension of a trust deed
                   scheme under section 127 (as amended by the 2001 amending
                   Act) to an employee or class of employees on and from a date
                   that is earlier than the commencement of the 2001 amending
               (2) Any such extension may only be in respect of an employee or
                   class of employees referred to in section 127 (1) (as inserted by
                   the 2001 amending Act).
               (3) A regulation made for the purposes of section 128B with
                   respect to any such employee or class of employees may take
                   effect from the date on which the trust deed is taken to have
                   been extended to the employee or class of employees and may
                   contain any necessary savings or transitional provisions.
               (4) This clause ceases to have effect 6 months after the
                   commencement of the 2001 amending Act.

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Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2001

Amendment of Superannuation Administration Act 1996              Schedule 3

                (5) In this clause:
                    2001 amending Act means the Superannuation Legislation
                    Amendment (Miscellaneous) Act 2001.

                                                                       Page 13


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