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                            New South Wales

Superannuation Legislation
Amendment Bill 2010


              1    Name of Act                                                  2
              2    Commencement                                                 2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Police Regulation (Superannuation)
                   Act 1906 No 28                                               3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory
                   Superannuation Act 1987 No 212                               5
     Schedule 3    Amendment of State Authorities Superannuation Act
                   1987 No 211                                                  7
     Schedule 4    Amendment of Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                  11

                             New South Wales

Superannuation Legislation
Amendment Bill 2010
No     , 2010

A Bill for

An Act to amend various superannuation Acts with respect to death and disability
benefits for ambulance officers, deferred superannuation benefits and reductions and
increases in benefits for tax purposes; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2010.         3

 2    Commencement                                                                4

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

Page 2
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 No 28         Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Police Regulation                                    1
                       (Superannuation) Act 1906 No 28                                   2

[1]    Section 14AAA Restoration of death benefit previously reduced to offset           3
       contribution tax liabilities                                                      4

       Omit "section 279D of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936" from                    5
       section 14AAA (1).                                                                6

       Insert instead "section 295-485 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997".           7

[2]    Section 14AAA (2)                                                                 8

       Omit section 14AAA (2) and (3). Insert instead:                                   9

             (2)   The amount of the increase is to be the amount determined by         10
                   STC, after obtaining actuarial advice, as the amount of increase     11
                   required to obtain the deduction referred to in subsection (1).      12

[3]    Section 14AB Power of STC to adjust benefits to comply with certain              13
       standards relating to superannuation                                             14

       Insert "or 14AD" after "section 14AA" in section 14AB (10) (a).                  15

[4]    Section 14AC Commutation of pensions for adjustment of benefits                  16

       Omit "determination reducing a benefit that may be taken in the form of a        17
       pension is made under section 14AA" from section 14AC (1).                       18

       Insert instead "benefit that may be taken in the form of a pension is reduced    19
       under section 14AA or 14AD".                                                     20

[5]    Section 14AD                                                                     21

       Insert after section 14AC:                                                       22

      14AD   Power of STC to reduce benefits for no-TFN tax                             23

             (1)   This section applies to a benefit if:                                24
                   (a) a right to the benefit accrues under this Act to or in respect   25
                         of a contributor or former contributor, and                    26
                   (b) STC has paid or is liable to pay no-TFN tax in respect of        27
                         employer contributions to the Fund, and                        28
                   (c) a portion of that tax is referable to the employer-financed      29
                         portion of that benefit, and                                   30
                   (d) the benefit is of a kind prescribed by the regulations for the   31
                         purposes of this section.                                      32

                                                                             Page 3
                   Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1         Amendment of Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 No 28

             (2)      The amount of the benefit is reduced by the amount necessary to          1
                      offset STC's liability to pay no-TFN tax so far as it is referable to    2
                      the employer-financed portion of that benefit.                           3

             (3)      The amount of the reduced benefit is to be determined by STC             4
                      after obtaining actuarial advice.                                        5

             (4)      A contributor or former contributor may elect to have his or her         6
                      SANCS benefit reduced instead of the benefit to which this               7
                      section applies if the SANCS benefit is payable to the contributor       8
                      or former contributor. On an election being made, the SANCS              9
                      benefit is reduced accordingly and the benefit to which this            10
                      section applies is reduced only if it is necessary to do so to meet     11
                      any shortfall in the amount of offset.                                  12

             (5)      The regulations may provide for the establishment of debt               13
                      accounts in respect of contributors or former contributors for the      14
                      purposes of this section.                                               15

             (6)      In this section:                                                        16
                      employer contribution includes a salary sacrifice contribution.         17
                      employer-financed portion of a benefit includes any part of the         18
                      benefit financed by a salary sacrifice contribution.                    19
                      no-TFN tax means an amount equal to the difference between              20
                      the amount of:                                                          21
                       (a) income tax payable by STC under the Income Tax                     22
                             Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth on employer              23
                             contributions to the Fund for a contributor if there is a        24
                             failure by the contributor to provide information about his      25
                             or her tax file number to STC, and                               26
                      (b) income tax that would be so payable if the information              27
                             about the tax file number was provided.                          28
                      SANCS benefit means a benefit that accrues to or in respect of a        29
                      contributor or former contributor who is an employee or former          30
                      employee under the State Authorities Non-contributory                   31
                      Superannuation Act 1987.                                                32

[6]   Schedule 6 Savings and transitional provisions                                          33

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                      34
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2010                             35

Page 4
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987    Schedule 2
No 212

Schedule 2             Amendment of State Authorities                                        1
                       Non-contributory Superannuation Act                                   2
                       1987 No 212                                                           3

[1]    Section 26AA Restoration of death benefit previously reduced to offset                4
       contribution tax liabilities                                                          5

       Omit "section 279D of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936" from                        6
       section 26AA (1).                                                                     7

       Insert instead "section 295-485 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997".               8

[2]    Section 26AA (2)                                                                      9

       Omit section 26AA (2) and (3). Insert instead:                                       10

             (2)    The amount of the increase is to be the amount determined by            11
                    STC, after obtaining actuarial advice, as the amount of increase        12
                    required to obtain the deduction referred to in subsection (1).         13

[3]    Section 26AB                                                                         14

       Insert after section 26AA:                                                           15

      26AB   Power of STC to reduce benefits for no-TFN tax                                 16

             (1)    This section applies to a benefit if:                                   17
                    (a) a right to the benefit accrues under this Act to or in respect      18
                          of an employee or former employee, and                            19
                    (b) STC has paid or is liable to pay no-TFN tax in respect of           20
                          employer contributions to the Fund, and                           21
                    (c) a portion of that tax is referable to that benefit, and             22
                    (d) the benefit is of a kind prescribed by the regulations for the      23
                          purposes of this section.                                         24

             (2)    The amount of the benefit is reduced by the amount necessary to         25
                    offset STC's liability to pay no-TFN tax so far as it is referable to   26
                    that benefit.                                                           27

             (3)    The amount of the reduced benefit is to be determined by STC            28
                    after obtaining actuarial advice.                                       29

             (4)    The regulations may provide for the establishment of debt               30
                    accounts in respect of employees or former employees for the            31
                    purposes of this section.                                               32

                                                                                Page 5
               Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 2     Amendment of State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987
               No 212

             (5)   In this section:                                                         1
                   no-TFN tax means an amount equal to the difference between               2
                   the amount of:                                                           3
                    (a) income tax payable by STC under the Income Tax                      4
                          Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth on employer               5
                          contributions to the Fund for an employee if there is a           6
                          failure by the employee to provide information about his or       7
                          her tax file number to STC, and                                   8
                   (b) income tax that would be so payable if the information               9
                          about the tax file number was provided.                          10
                   Note. An employee or former employee may also elect to have a benefit   11
                   under this Act reduced, instead of having a benefit in the Police       12
                   Superannuation Scheme, the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme      13
                   or the State Superannuation Scheme reduced.                             14

[4]   Schedule 5 Savings and transitional provisions                                       15

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   16
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2010                          17

Page 6
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211             Schedule 3

Schedule 3             Amendment of State Authorities                                       1
                       Superannuation Act 1987 No 211                                       2

[1]   Section 45AA Restoration of death benefit previously reduced to offset                3
      contribution tax liabilities                                                          4

      Omit "section 279D of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936" from                        5
      section 45AA (1).                                                                     6

      Insert instead "section 295-485 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997".               7

[2]   Section 45AA (2)                                                                      8

      Omit section 45AA (2) and (3). Insert instead:                                        9

             (2)   The amount of the increase is to be the amount determined by            10
                   STC, after obtaining actuarial advice, as the amount of increase        11
                   required to obtain the deduction referred to in subsection (1).         12

[3]   Section 45B                                                                          13

      Insert after section 45AA:                                                           14

      45B    Power of STC to reduce benefits for no-TFN tax                                15

             (1)   This section applies to a benefit if:                                   16
                   (a) a right to the benefit accrues under this Act to or in respect      17
                         of a contributor or former contributor, and                       18
                   (b) STC has paid or is liable to pay no-TFN tax in respect of           19
                         employer contributions to the Fund, and                           20
                   (c) a portion of that tax is referable to the employer-financed         21
                         portion of that benefit, and                                      22
                   (d) the benefit is of a kind prescribed by the regulations for the      23
                         purposes of this section.                                         24

             (2)   The amount of the benefit is reduced by the amount necessary to         25
                   offset STC's liability to pay no-TFN tax so far as it is referable to   26
                   the employer-financed portion of that benefit.                          27

             (3)   The amount of the reduced benefit is to be determined by STC            28
                   after obtaining actuarial advice.                                       29

             (4)   A contributor or former contributor may elect to have his or her        30
                   SANCS benefit reduced instead of the benefit to which this              31
                   section applies if the SANCS benefit is payable to the contributor      32
                   or former contributor. On an election being made, the SANCS             33
                   benefit is reduced accordingly and the benefit to which this            34
                   section applies is reduced only if it is necessary to do so to meet     35
                   any shortfall in the amount of offset.                                  36

                                                                               Page 7
               Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 3     Amendment of State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211

             (5)   The regulations may provide for the establishment of debt             1
                   accounts in respect of contributors or former contributors for the    2
                   purposes of this section.                                             3

             (6)   In this section:                                                      4
                   employer contribution includes a salary sacrifice contribution.       5
                   employer-financed portion of a benefit includes any part of the       6
                   benefit financed by a salary sacrifice contribution.                  7
                   no-TFN tax means an amount equal to the difference between            8
                   the amount of:                                                        9
                    (a) income tax payable by STC under the Income Tax                  10
                          Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth on employer           11
                          contributions to the Fund for a contributor if there is a     12
                          failure by the contributor to provide information about his   13
                          or her tax file number to STC, and                            14
                   (b) income tax that would be so payable if the information           15
                          about the tax file number was provided.                       16
                   SANCS benefit means a benefit that accrues to or in respect of a     17
                   contributor or former contributor who is an employee or former       18
                   employee under the State Authorities Non-contributory                19
                   Superannuation Act 1987.                                             20

[4]   Part 5B, heading                                                                  21

      Omit "Transfer". Insert instead "Retention or payment".                           22

[5]   Section 46AE Retention or payment of eligible deferred benefits                   23

      Omit section 46AE (2). Insert instead:                                            24

             (2)   An eligible person who reaches the retirement age may:               25
                   (a) elect to retain the eligible deferred benefit in the Fund, or    26
                   (b) elect to have the eligible deferred benefit paid or              27
                         transferred to the First State Superannuation Fund or          28
                         another complying superannuation fund, complying               29
                         approved deposit fund or retirement savings account (the       30
                         nominated fund or account).                                    31

[6]   Section 46AE (3)                                                                  32

      Insert "to transfer an eligible deferred benefit" after "eligible person" where   33
      firstly occurring.                                                                34

[7]   Section 46AE (4)                                                                  35

      Omit the subsection.                                                              36

Page 8
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211              Schedule 3

[8]    Part 5E                                                                               1
       Insert after Part 5D:                                                                 2

       Part 5E Death or incapacity benefits for ambulance                                    3
               officers                                                                      4

      46AL   Definitions                                                                     5

                    In this Part:                                                            6
                    ambulance officer means a member of the NSW Health Service               7
                    who is an officer within the meaning of the ambulance officers           8
                    award.                                                                   9
                    ambulance officers award means a State industrial instrument            10
                    prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.      11
                    amending Act means the Superannuation Legislation                       12
                    Amendment Act 2010.                                                     13
                    death or incapacity benefit means a benefit payable to or in            14
                    respect of an ambulance officer under an ambulance officers             15
                    award (whether provided for in that award or by or under any Act,       16
                    law or instrument) if:                                                  17
                     (a) the ambulance officer dies, or                                     18
                    (b) the ambulance officer suffers total and permanent                   19
                           incapacity or partial and permanent incapacity.                  20

      46AM   Application of Part                                                            21

                    This Part has effect despite any other provision of this Act or the     22
                    regulations.                                                            23

      46AN   Provision to be made with respect to death or incapacity benefits              24
             for ambulance officers                                                         25

              (1)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the           26
                    following:                                                              27
                     (a) the effect on coverage under this Act for an additional            28
                          benefit, and liability to pay the additional benefit levy, of a   29
                          contributor or former contributor who is or was an                30
                          ambulance officer and who is covered for a death or               31
                          incapacity benefit,                                               32
                    (b) preventing the repayment of any additional benefit levy             33
                          paid by a contributor or former contributor who is or was         34
                          an ambulance officer,                                             35

                                                                                Page 9
               Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 3     Amendment of State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211

                   (c)    any other matter that is necessary or convenient for the           1
                          purposes of complying with or giving effect to an                  2
                          ambulance officers award or this Part.                             3

             (2)   Any such regulations may take effect from the date of                     4
                   commencement of this Part, as inserted by the amending Act, or            5
                   the date on which an ambulance officers award first applies to an         6
                   ambulance officer (whichever is earlier).                                 7

             (3)   Without limiting section 46AM, regulations may be made under              8
                   this Part that are inconsistent with Part 3, 4, 5 or 6 of this Act, or    9
                   any regulations made under those Parts, but only to the extent that      10
                   the inconsistency with any of those provisions is necessary for          11
                   the purpose of compliance with or giving effect to an ambulance          12
                   officers award.                                                          13

[9]   Schedule 6 Savings and transitional provisions                                        14

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                    15
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2010                           16

Page 10
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                 Schedule 4

Schedule 4             Amendment of Superannuation Act 1916                                  1
                       No 28                                                                 2

[1]    Section 61RAA Restoration of death benefit previously reduced to offset               3
       contribution tax liabilities                                                          4

       Omit "section 279D of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936" from                        5
       section 61RAA (1).                                                                    6

       Insert instead "section 295-485 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997".               7

[2]    Section 61RAA (2)                                                                     8

       Omit section 61RAA (2) and (3). Insert instead:                                       9

             (2)    The amount of the increase is to be the amount determined by            10
                    STC, after obtaining actuarial advice, as the amount of increase        11
                    required to obtain the deduction referred to in subsection (1).         12

[3]    Section 61RB Power of STC to adjust benefits to comply with certain                  13
       Commonwealth standards relating to superannuation                                    14

       Insert "or 61RC" after "section 61RA" in section 61RB (10) (a).                      15

[4]    Section 61RC                                                                         16

       Insert after section 61RB:                                                           17

      61RC   Power of STC to reduce benefits for no-TFN tax                                 18

             (1)    This section applies to a benefit if:                                   19
                    (a) a right to the benefit accrues under this Act to or in respect      20
                          of a contributor or former contributor, and                       21
                    (b) STC has paid or is liable to pay no-TFN tax in respect of           22
                          employer contributions to the Fund, and                           23
                    (c) a portion of that tax is referable to the employer-financed         24
                          portion of that benefit, and                                      25
                    (d) the benefit is of a kind prescribed by the regulations for the      26
                          purposes of this section.                                         27

             (2)    The amount of the benefit is reduced by the amount necessary to         28
                    offset STC's liability to pay no-TFN tax so far as it is referable to   29
                    the employer-financed portion of that benefit.                          30

             (3)    The amount of the reduced benefit is to be determined by STC            31
                    after obtaining actuarial advice.                                       32

             (4)    A contributor or former contributor may elect to have his or her        33
                    SANCS benefit reduced instead of the benefit to which this              34
                    section applies if the SANCS benefit is payable to the contributor      35

                                                                               Page 11
               Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 4     Amendment of Superannuation Act 1916 No 28

                   or former contributor. On an election being made, the SANCS            1
                   benefit is reduced accordingly and the benefit to which this           2
                   section applies is reduced only if it is necessary to do so to meet    3
                   any shortfall in the amount of offset.                                 4

             (5)   The regulations may provide for the establishment of debt              5
                   accounts in respect of contributors or former contributors for the     6
                   purposes of this section.                                              7

             (6)   In this section:                                                       8
                   employer contribution includes a salary sacrifice contribution.        9
                   employer-financed portion of a benefit includes any part of the       10
                   benefit financed by a salary sacrifice contribution.                  11
                   no-TFN tax means an amount equal to the difference between            12
                   the amount of:                                                        13
                    (a) income tax payable by STC under the Income Tax                   14
                          Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth on employer            15
                          contributions to the Fund for a contributor if there is a      16
                          failure by the contributor to provide information about his    17
                          or her tax file number to STC, and                             18
                   (b) income tax that would be so payable if the information            19
                          about the tax file number was provided.                        20
                   SANCS benefit means a benefit that accrues to or in respect of a      21
                   contributor or former contributor who is an employee or former        22
                   employee under the State Authorities Non-contributory                 23
                   Superannuation Act 1987.                                              24

[5]   Section 61RE Commutation of pensions for adjustment of benefits                    25

      Omit "determination reducing a benefit that may be taken in the form of a          26
      pension is made under section 61RA" from section 61RE (1).                         27

      Insert instead "benefit that may be taken in the form of a pension is reduced      28
      under section 61RA or 61RC".                                                       29

Page 12
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                          Schedule 4

[6]   Schedule 25 Savings and transitional provisions                            1
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                         2
                    Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2010                3

                                                                       Page 13


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