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Statute Law (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to repeal certain Acts and to amend certain other Acts and instruments in
various respects and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision; and to make
certain savings.
Clause 1          Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009.           3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

         (1)   This Act commences on 17 July 2009, except as provided by this             5
               section.                                                                   6

         (2)   The amendments made by Schedules 1 and 2 commence on the day or            7
               days specified in those Schedules in relation to the amendments            8
               concerned.                                                                 9

 3    Repeal of provisions of Act                                                        10

         (1)   A subschedule of Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 is repealed on the day following   11
               the day on which all of the provisions of the subschedule have            12
               commenced.                                                                13

         (2)   The repeal of any such subschedule does not, because of the operation     14
               of section 30 of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment        15
               made by those subschedules.                                               16

 4    Explanatory notes                                                                  17

               The matter appearing under the heading "Explanatory note" in any of       18
               the Schedules does not form part of this Act.                             19

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Minor amendments                                                             1

1.1 Adoption Act 2000 No 75                                                                           2

[1]    Section 54 When consent of parent or person who has parental                                   3
       responsibility not required                                                                    4

       Omit "and the Director-General or appropriate principal officer has given                      5
       reasonable notice, or used their best endeavours to give reasonable notice, of                 6
       the application for the adoption order to the parent or person who has parental                7
       responsibility whose consent would otherwise be required" from section                         8
       54 (1) (c).                                                                                    9

[2]    Section 54 (3) and (4)                                                                        10

       Insert after section 54 (2) before the note:                                                  11

              (3)     However, the Court must not make an adoption order in relation                 12
                      to a child who is less than 18 years of age who gives sole consent             13
                      to his or her adoption, unless:                                                14
                       (a) the Court is satisfied that at least 14 days' notice of the               15
                             application for the adoption order has been given by the                16
                             Director-General or appropriate principal officer to the                17
                             parent or person who has parental responsibility whose                  18
                             consent would otherwise be required, or                                 19
                      (b) the Court dispenses with the giving of notice.                             20

              (4)     The regulations may prescribe the particulars to be contained in               21
                      a notice under this section.                                                   22

[3]    Dictionary                                                                                    23

       Omit "3 years'" from paragraph (b) of the definition of spouse.                               24

       Insert instead "2 years'".                                                                    25

[4]    Dictionary, definition of "step parent"                                                       26

       Omit "3 or more years" from paragraph (b).                                                    27

       Insert instead "2 or more years".                                                             28
       Explanatory note                                                                              29
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments to the Adoption Act 2000 (the Act) specifies the          30
       type of notice of an adoption application that must be given to the birth parent of a child   31
       before the child is permitted to give sole consent to his or her adoption. Under the          32
       amendments, a child aged between 12 and 18 years of age may give sole consent to              33
       his or her adoption if at least 14 days' notice of the application for the adoption order     34
       (containing the prescribed particulars) has been given to his or her birth parents or if      35
       the Court dispenses with the giving of notice. At present, the Act requires such notice       36

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

      to be given but does not specify the period for giving the notice or the particulars to be    1
      included in the notice. Item [1] is a consequential amendment.                                2
      The Adoption Amendment Act 2008 reduced the length of time that a step parent and             3
      a child must live together before the step parent can adopt the child from 3 years to         4
      2 years. Item [4] makes a consequential amendment to the definition of step parent so         5
      that a person is a step parent if the person has been in a de facto relationship (that is,    6
      a relationship between a man and a woman who live together as husband and wife but            7
      who are not married) with a child's birth parent or adoptive parent for 2 years (rather       8
      than 3 years, as is currently the case). Item [3] makes a similar amendment to the            9
      definition of spouse that, for consistency with the provisions relating to step parents,     10
      reduces the required length of a de facto relationship from at least 3 years to at least     11
      2 years.                                                                                     12

1.2 Adoption Amendment Act 2008 No 103                                                             13

[1]   Schedule 1 Amendments                                                                        14

      Insert "(including prescribed information relating to the adopted person's birth             15
      parents, siblings and adopted brothers and sisters)" after "information source"              16
      in proposed section 133C (1) (c) in Schedule 1 [23].                                         17

[2]   Schedule 1 [27]                                                                              18

      Omit proposed section 136A (7). Insert instead:                                              19

             (7)     The Director-General cannot delegate his or her functions under               20
                     this section to any person other than an officer of the Department.           21
      Explanatory note                                                                             22
      The Adoption Amendment Act 2008 (the Act) establishes arrangements for more open             23
      access to adoption information. Under the new provisions, which have not yet                 24
      commenced, an adopted person may obtain prescribed information relating to the               25
      adopted person. Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act makes it clear that           26
      the type of information relating to an adopted person that may be obtained includes          27
      prescribed information relating to the adopted person's family members. This puts            28
      beyond doubt that the type of information that is made available to adopted persons          29
      under existing access arrangements (which includes information relating to birth             30
      parents and siblings) can also be made available under the new access arrangements.          31
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments allows the Director-General of the Department            32
      of Community Services to delegate certain functions relating to the supply of adoption       33
      information, but only to an officer of the Department. At present, the functions             34
      concerned cannot be delegated by the Director-General.                                       35

1.3 Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2005                                                   36

      Clause 5 Additional matters for inclusion in annual reports                                  37

      Insert after clause 5 (c):                                                                   38
                    (c1) a statement of the action taken by the Department in                      39
                           complying with the requirements of the Privacy and                      40
                           Personal Information Protection Act 1998, and                           41

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                               Schedule 1

                    (c2)    statistical details of any review conducted by or on behalf           1
                            of the Department under Part 5 of the Privacy and                     2
                            Personal Information Protection Act 1998, and                         3
       Explanatory note                                                                           4
       The proposed amendment to the Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2005                 5
       inserts a provision (omitted from the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act      6
       1998 by a proposed amendment elsewhere in this Schedule) requiring the annual              7
       reports of Government Departments to include a statement of their compliance with the      8
       Act and statistical details of internal reviews they conduct under the Act.                9

1.4 Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2005                                            10

       Clause 8 Additional matters for inclusion in annual reports                               11

       Insert at the end of the clause:                                                          12

              (3)    For the purposes of section 7 (1) (a) (v) of the Act, the following         13
                     matters are prescribed as matters that the annual report of a               14
                     statutory body must comprise:                                               15
                     (a) a statement of the action taken by the body in complying                16
                            with the requirements of the Privacy and Personal                    17
                            Information Protection Act 1998,                                     18
                     (b) statistical details of any review conducted by or on behalf             19
                            of the body under Part 5 of the Privacy and Personal                 20
                            Information Protection Act 1998.                                     21
       Explanatory note                                                                          22
       The proposed amendment to the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2005           23
       inserts a provision (omitted from the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act     24
       1998 by a proposed amendment elsewhere in this Schedule) requiring the annual             25
       reports of statutory bodies to include a statement of their compliance with the Act and   26
       statistical details of internal reviews they conduct under the Act.                       27

1.5 Australian Museum Trust Act 1975 No 95                                                       28

[1]    Schedule 1 Composition and procedure of the Trust                                         29

       Omit "for 3 years" from clause 3 (1).                                                     30

       Insert instead "for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the            31
       trustee's instrument of appointment".                                                     32

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

[2]   Schedule 3 Savings and other provisions                                                      1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                           2

         7   Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law                                      3
             (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009                                                   4

                     The amendment to clause 3 (1) of Schedule 1 made by the Statute               5
                     Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 does not affect the                   6
                     term of office that a person holds as a trustee immediately before            7
                     the amendment took effect.                                                    8
      Explanatory note                                                                             9
      Currently, the Australian Museum Trust Act 1975 (the Act) provides that (subject to         10
      various provisions of the Act) a trustee of the Australian Museum Trust is to hold office   11
      for 3 years. Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act instead requires a trustee      12
      to hold office for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the trustee's     13
      instrument of appointment. The amendment is consistent with provision made for the          14
      term of office of trustees under the Art Gallery of New South Wales Act 1980 and the        15
      Historic Houses Act 1980 and for the term of like offices under the Film and Television     16
      Office Act 1988.                                                                            17
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments inserts a savings and transitional provision            18
      relating to the amendment proposed to be made by item [1].                                  19

1.6 Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13                                                             20

[1]   Section 55B Requirement for coastal zone management plans                                   21

      Insert after section 55B (3):                                                               22

             (4)     A coastal zone management plan may be made in relation to the                23
                     whole, or any part, of the area included within the coastal zone.            24

[2]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                       25

      Insert after Part 2:                                                                        26

      Part 3         Provisions consequent on enactment of                                        27
                     Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                       28
                     Act 2009                                                                     29

         4   Coastal zone management plans applying to only part of a coastal                     30
             zone                                                                                 31

                     A coastal zone management plan that was made by a council or                 32
                     councils under section 55B before the commencement of section                33
                     55B (4) (as inserted by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                       34
                     Provisions) Act 2009), that would have been validly made had                 35
                     that subsection been in force, is taken to have been validly made.           36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

       Explanatory note                                                                            1
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Coastal Protection Act 1979 (the Act)            2
       makes it clear that a coastal zone management plan made under the Act in relation to        3
       a coastal zone within a local council's area may be made in relation to the whole or any    4
       part of the coastal zone.                                                                   5
       Item [2] validates any coastal zone management plan made before the commencement            6
       of the proposed amendment in item [1] that would have been validly made had the             7
       provision been in force.                                                                    8

1.7 Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202                                                      9

       Section 109B Functions of Director-General                                                 10

       Omit section 109B (2) (a)-(c). Insert instead:                                             11
                    (a) investigating and carrying out research into matters                      12
                         relating to or affecting community schemes,                              13
                    (b) investigating and attempting to resolve complaints and                    14
                         disputes relating to community schemes and taking such                   15
                         action as the Director-General thinks appropriate,                       16
                    (c) prosecuting any offence under this Act or the regulations,                17
       Explanatory note                                                                           18
       The proposed amendment to the Community Land Management Act 1989 (the Act)                 19
       makes it clear that the Director-General may investigate and carry out research into       20
       matters relating to community schemes, investigate complaints and disputes relating to     21
       community schemes and may prosecute any offence under the Act or the regulations           22
       made under the Act.                                                                        23

1.8 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)                                       24
    Act 1993 No 2                                                                                 25

       Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions                                             26

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                         27

                     Children  Legislation     Amendment          (Wood       Inquiry             28
                     Recommendations) Act 2009, to the extent that it amends this Act             29
       Commencement                                                                               30
       The amendment commences on the date of assent to this Act.                                 31
       Explanatory note                                                                           32
       The Children Legislation Amendment (Wood Inquiry Recommendations) Act 2009 (the            33
       amending Act) amends the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and                       34
       Monitoring) Act 1993 (the principal Act) and various other Acts and legislation to give    35
       effect to certain recommendations in the Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry       36
       into Child Protection Services in NSW (also known as the Wood Report).                     37

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                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

      The proposed amendment allows regulations of a savings or transitional nature to be        1
      made as a consequence of the (as yet uncommenced) amendments made by the                   2
      amending Act to the principal Act (consistent with amendments made by the amending         3
      Act to other Acts, that enable such regulations to be made as a consequence of its         4
      amendment of those Acts).                                                                  5

1.9 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80                                       6

      Section 84 Review and appeal provisions concerning making etc of                           7
      apprehended violence orders                                                                8

      Insert "or the Children's Court" after "Local Court" in section 84 (5B).                   9
      Explanatory note                                                                          10
      Section 84 allows, among other things, appeals to be made to the District Court against   11
      decisions of the Local Court or Children's Court to refuse to annul an apprehended        12
      violence order made by the Court. Section 84 (5B) refers to the District Court allowing   13
      such an appeal and remitting the matter to the Local Court. The proposed amendment        14
      to the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 inserts a missing reference       15
      to the Children's Court in this context.                                                  16

1.10 Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Act 2008 No 95                                   17

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                     18

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                            19
                    consign--see subsection (1A).                                               20

[2]   Section 4 (1A)                                                                            21

      Insert after section 4 (1):                                                               22

             (1A)      For the purposes of this Act, a person consigns goods if they are        23
                       the consignor of the goods.                                              24

[3]   Section 6 Licensing of vehicles transporting dangerous goods                              25

      Omit "500 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both, for an individual           26
      or 2,500 penalty units for a body corporate" from section 6 (2).                          27

      Insert instead "100 penalty units for an individual or 500 penalty units for a            28
      body corporate".                                                                          29

[4]   Section 53 Supervisory intervention orders                                                30

      Omit "500 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both, for an individual           31
      or 2,500 penalty units for a body corporate" from section 53 (9).                         32

      Insert instead "100 penalty units for an individual or 500 penalty units for a            33
      body corporate".                                                                          34
      Explanatory note                                                                          35
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments to the Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail        36
      Transport) Act 2008 (the Act) insert a definition of the verb consign into the Act. The   37

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

       amendment is consistent with the national uniform approach to the regulation of               1
       transport of dangerous goods across Australia and from overseas as contained in the           2
       model provisions prepared by the National Transport Commission.                               3
       Items [3] and [4] of the proposed amendments reduce the penalty for an offence under          4
       sections 6 (2) and 53 (9). Currently the sections provide that the maximum penalty is         5
       500 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both, for an individual or 2,500 penalty    6
       units for a body corporate. The proposed amendments bring the penalties into line with        7
       the model provisions.                                                                         8

1.11 District Court Act 1973 No 9                                                                    9

       Section 15 Remuneration                                                                      10

       Insert after section 15 (2):                                                                 11

              (3)    However, a Judge is not entitled to the remuneration referred to               12
                     in subsection (1) for any period for which the Judge is on leave               13
                     without pay (being leave that is agreed to by the Judge).                      14
       Explanatory note                                                                             15
       Section 15 of the District Court Act 1973 (the Act) provides that the remuneration           16
       referred to in that section that is payable to a Judge of the District Court is to be paid   17
       so long as the Judge continues to hold office as such. The proposed amendment to the         18
       Act clarifies that Judges are not entitled to such remuneration for any period for which     19
       they are on leave without pay (being leave that they have agreed to take).                   20

1.12 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94                                                              21

[1]    Sections 97AB, definition of "market customer" and 105A (1), (3) and (4)                     22

       Omit "NEMMCO" wherever occurring. Insert instead "AEMO".                                     23

[2]    Section 97AB                                                                                 24

       Omit the definition of NEMMCO. Insert in alphabetical order:                                 25
                   AEMO means the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited                         26
                   ACN 072 010 327.                                                                 27

[3]    Dictionary                                                                                   28

       Omit the definition of NEMMCO. Insert in alphabetical order:                                 29
                   AEMO has the same meaning as it has in Part 8A.                                  30
       Commencement                                                                                 31
       The amendments to the Electricity Supply Act 1995 commence, or are taken to have             32
       commenced, on the commencement of section 17 of the National Electricity (South              33
       Australia) (National Electricity Law--Australian Energy Market Operator) Amendment           34
       Act 2009 of South Australia.                                                                 35
       Explanatory note                                                                             36
       The Council of Australian Governments has agreed to establish a national energy              37
       market operator, Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) which is to                38
       replace the National Electricity Market Management Company Limited. AEMO is to               39

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                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

      have its statutory functions conferred on it by way of amendments to the National          1
      Electricity Law (the Schedule to the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 of    2
      South Australia) and the National Gas Law (the Schedule to the National Gas (South         3
      Australia) Act 2008 of South Australia). Those laws apply as laws of NSW by virtue of      4
      the National Electricity (New South Wales) Act 1997 and the National Gas (New South        5
      Wales) Act 2008, respectively.                                                             6
      The proposed amendments to the Electricity Supply Act 1995 replace references to           7
      NEMMCO with AEMO as a consequence of those changes.                                        8

1.13 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203                                       9

[1]   Section 72I Application of Division                                                       10

      Insert after section 72I (2):                                                             11

              (3)      A reference in this Division to the appropriate amendment of an          12
                       environmental planning instrument includes a reference to the            13
                       making of an appropriate principal environmental planning                14
                       instrument.                                                              15

[2]   Section 72K Joint exhibition of instrument and advertising of application                 16

      Insert "if that is practicable or, if that is not practicable, as closely together as     17
      is practicable" after "same notice" in section 72K (1).                                   18

[3]   Section 72K (2)                                                                           19

      Insert "the subject of the same notice" after "development application".                  20

[4]   Section 94EC Contributions plans--complying development                                   21

      Insert after section 94EC (1):                                                            22

             (1A)      The imposition of a condition by an accredited certifier as              23
                       authorised by a contributions plan is subject to compliance with         24
                       any directions given under section 94E (1) (a), (b) or (d) with          25
                       which a council would be required to comply if issuing the               26
                       complying development certificate concerned.                             27

[5]   Section 94EE Minister to determine development contributions                              28

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                         29

              (7)      Subsection (3A) does not limit any payments being made out of            30
                       the Fund to a council or the Department under section                    31
                       94EL (1) (a).                                                            32

[6]   Section 109H Restrictions on issue of occupation certificates                             33

      Insert ", or any requirements of a planning agreement referred to in section 93F          34
      that, by its terms, are required to be complied with before such a certificate is         35
      issued," after "complying development certificate" in section 109H (2).                   36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

[7]    Sections 109H and 109J                                                                      1
       Omit "section 93F" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 116T".                       2

[8]    Section 109J Restriction on issue of subdivision certificates                               3

       Insert after section 109J (1) (c):                                                          4
                     (c1) in the case of subdivision of land to which a planning                   5
                            agreement referred to in section 93F applies, all the                  6
                            requirements of the agreement that, by its terms, are                  7
                            required to be complied with before a subdivision                      8
                            certificate is issued in relation to the plan of subdivision           9
                            have been complied with, and                                          10

[9]    Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                      11

       Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:              12

       Part          Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                       13
                     Act 2009                                                                     14

          Restrictions on the issue of occupation or subdivision certificate                      15

              The amendments made by Schedule 1.13 [6] and [8] to the Statute Law                 16
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 apply only in relation to an                    17
              application for an occupation certificate or a subdivision certificate              18
              made on or after the commencement of those amendments.                              19
       Commencement                                                                               20
       Items [6], [8] and [9] of the amendments commence on a day or days to be appointed         21
       by proclamation.                                                                           22
       Item [7] of the amendments commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the                23
       commencement of Schedule 3.1 [6] to the Environmental Planning and Assessment              24
       Amendment Act 2008.                                                                        25
       Explanatory note                                                                           26
       Development applications and new or amending environmental planning                        27
       instruments                                                                                28
       Sections 72I-72K of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the EP&A           29
       Act) allow for the making, and consideration by a consent authority, of development        30
       applications related to development that may only be carried out if an environmental       31
       planning instrument applying to the land is appropriately amended, and require the joint   32
       notification of such a development application and the draft environmental planning        33
       instrument allowing the development.                                                       34
       The effect of item [1] of the proposed amendments to the EP&A Act is to allow these        35
       provisions to operate where the development will be allowed by a principal (and not just   36
       an amending) environmental planning instrument.                                            37

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

      The effect of item [2] of the proposed amendments is to require joint notification of the       1
      relevant development application and environmental planning instrument only if that is          2
      practicable and, if that is not practicable, to require the separate notification of each to    3
      be given as closely together as is practicable. Item [3] makes a consequential                  4
      amendment.                                                                                      5
      Ministerial directions to accredited certifiers about development contributions                 6
      Under the EP&A Act, both local councils and accredited certifiers may, when issuing             7
      complying development certificates, impose conditions requiring contributions for local         8
      infrastructure. Section 94E of the EP&A Act authorises the Minister to direct a consent         9
      authority (which is defined to include a local council in this context, but not an             10
      accredited certifier) as to various matters in relation to such contributions, including the   11
      matters in relation to which they may be imposed and the maximum amount of any                 12
      such contribution.                                                                             13
      The effect of item [4] of the proposed amendments is to extend the application of the          14
      Minister's directions under section 94E that are relevant to accredited certifiers and that    15
      relate to complying development, to accredited certifiers.                                     16
      Special infrastructure contributions                                                           17
      The EP&A Act enables the State to require development contributions for the provision          18
      of infrastructure in relation to development on land within a special contributions area.      19
      In determining the level and nature of such a contribution, the Minister is required by        20
      section 94EE (3A) of the EP&A Act to identify what part (if any) of the contribution is for    21
      the provision of infrastructure by a local council or for the provision of certain             22
      infrastructure by the Minister, the Department or the Director-General. Those parts that       23
      are so identified are not required to be paid into the Special Contributions Areas             24
      Infrastructure Fund (the Fund) established under the Act and are instead to be paid to         25
      the local council or the Department as the case requires.                                      26
      Item [5] of the proposed amendments inserts a provision to clarify that section                27
      94EE (3A) does not limit any payments being made out of the Fund to a local council            28
      or the Department for the provision of infrastructure in relation to development.              29
      Prerequisites to issue of subdivision or occupation certificates                               30
      The EP&A Act provides for voluntary agreements between planning authorities and                31
      developers (planning agreements), under which the developer is required to provide             32
      a development contribution for a public purpose.                                               33
      Section 109J of the EP&A Act sets out requirements that must be satisfied before a             34
      subdivision certificate may be issued. Item [8] of the proposed amendments includes a          35
      requirement that all the requirements of a planning agreement that, by its terms, are          36
      required to be complied with before such a certificate is issued, have been met. Item [6]      37
      of the proposed amendments makes a parallel amendment to section 109H of the                   38
      EP&A Act, which provides for requirements that must be satisfied before an occupation          39
      certificate may be issued. (Similar requirements exist in relation to conditions of a          40
      development consent (including any condition requiring a development contribution to           41
      be made) that are required to be met before a subdivision or occupation certificate may        42
      be issued.) Item [9] inserts a consequential savings and transitional provision.               43
      Updating references                                                                            44
      Item [7] of the proposed amendments updates a cross-reference as a consequence of              45
      (uncommenced) amendments to the EP&A Act by the Environmental Planning and                     46
      Assessment Amendment Act 2008.                                                                 47

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                     Schedule 1

1.14 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act                                                 1
     2008 No 36                                                                                          2

[1]    Schedule 3 Amendments relating to development contributions                                       3

       Omit "a direct contribution that requires" from proposed clause 10 (1) (b) of                     4
       Schedule 1 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in                               5
       Schedule 3.1 [7].                                                                                 6

[2]    Schedule 3.1 [7]                                                                                  7

       Insert after proposed clause 10 (1) of Schedule 1 to the Environmental                            8
       Planning and Assessment Act 1979:                                                                 9

             (1A)     The imposition of a condition by an accredited certifier as                       10
                      authorised by a contributions plan is subject to compliance with                  11
                      any directions given under section 116L (1) (a), (b), (c) or (e)                  12
                      with which a council would be required to comply if issuing the                   13
                      complying development certificate concerned.                                      14

[3]    Schedule 3.1 [7]                                                                                 15

       Insert at the end of proposed clause 18 of Schedule 1 to the Environmental                       16
       Planning and Assessment Act 1979:                                                                17

               (3)    Subclause (1) does not limit any payments being made out of the                   18
                      Fund to a council or the Department under section 116ZF (1) (a).                  19
       Explanatory note                                                                                 20
       The proposed amendments amend uncommenced provisions of the Environmental                        21
       Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the EP&A Act) as proposed to be inserted by the                22
       Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 (the 2008 Act).                         23
       References in this explanatory note to proposed provisions of the EP&A Act are                   24
       references to those provisions as proposed to be inserted by the 2008 Act.                       25
       Accredited certifiers' authority to impose indirect contributions                                26
       Proposed clause 10 (1) (a) of Schedule 1 to the EP&A Act requires a contributions plan           27
       under that Act to specify whether or not an accredited certifier must impose a condition         28
       requiring a community infrastructure contribution when issuing a complying                       29
       development certificate. A community infrastructure contribution is defined to mean              30
       a direct contribution (being a monetary or other contribution the equivalent of a                31
       section 94 contribution) or an indirect contribution (being a monetary contribution the          32
       equivalent of a section 94A contribution).                                                       33
       Proposed clause 10 (1) (b) of Schedule 1 to the EP&A Act provides that a contributions           34
       plan can only authorise the imposition by an accredited certifier of a condition requiring       35
       a direct contribution that requires the payment of a monetary contribution. The intended         36
       effect of this subclause is to limit the direct contributions that an accredited certifier may   37
       impose to monetary contributions. However, the subclause is capable of being                     38
       interpreted as limiting, generally, the type of contributions that an accredited certifier       39
       may impose to direct contributions that are monetary contributions. Accordingly,                 40
       item [1] of the proposed amendments omits the words in the subclause that give rise              41
       to this ambiguity and, in so doing, confirms that a contributions plan can only authorise        42
       the imposition by an accredited certifier of a condition requiring payment of a monetary         43
       contribution (whether by way of a direct or an indirect contribution).                           44

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

      Parallel amendments                                                                      1
      Items [2] and [3] make the same amendments as those made elsewhere in this               2
      Schedule to provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to the     3
      provisions that will replace them when Schedule 3.1 [7] to the 2008 Act commences.       4

1.15 Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192                                                             5

      Section 80 Information to policy holders                                                 6

      Insert at the end of section 80 (2) (b):                                                 7
                           , and                                                               8
                     (c) any contribution required under the State Emergency                   9
                           Service Act 1989.                                                  10
      Commencement                                                                            11
      The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on 1 July 2009, the date        12
      of commencement of Part 5A of the State Emergency Service Act 1989, as inserted by      13
      Schedule 6.3 to the State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget               14
      Measures) Act 2008.                                                                     15
      Explanatory note                                                                        16
      Schedule 6.3 to the State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget               17
      Measures) Act 2008 commences on 1 July 2009 and inserts Part 5A into the State          18
      Emergency Service Act 1989. That Part requires local government councils and            19
      insurance companies to contribute, along with the State Government, to the costs of     20
      State Emergency Service expenditure.                                                    21
      The object of the proposed amendment to the Fire Brigades Act 1989 is to require an     22
      insurance company that issues a person with an invoice or other statement in relation   23
      to property, home or contents insurance to provide that person with a statement that    24
      estimates the amount of the premium that is attributable to any contribution required   25
      under the State Emergency Service Act 1989. This is consistent with the statement       26
      already required to be provided by insurance companies with respect to similar          27
      contributions paid under the Rural Fires Act 1997.                                      28

1.16 Firearms Act 1996 No 46                                                                  29

[1]   Section 25 Surrender and seizure of firearms when licence suspended or                  30
      revoked                                                                                 31

      Insert "or otherwise ceases to be in force" after "suspended or revoked"                32
      wherever occurring.                                                                     33

[2]   Section 36 Unregistered firearms                                                        34

      Insert after section 36 (3):                                                            35

             (4)     A person who is a resident of another State or Territory does not        36
                     commit an offence under this section of possessing or using an           37
                     unregistered firearm if the firearm is registered under a law in         38
                     force in that other State or Territory.                                  39

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

       Explanatory note                                                                            1
       The effect of item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Firearms Act 1996 (the Act)        2
       is to require a person whose licence under the Firearms Act 1996 expires or ceases to       3
       be in force for any other reason (other than just by suspension or revocation, as at        4
       present) to immediately surrender to a police officer the licence and any firearm in the    5
       person's possession.                                                                        6
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments provides that a person who is a resident of a           7
       State or Territory other than New South Wales will not commit an offence under              8
       section 36 of the Act of possessing or using an unregistered firearm if the firearm is      9
       registered in that other State or Territory.                                               10

1.17 Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38                                                                    11

       Section 33K Market operations rules                                                        12

       Omit section 33K (1) (d).                                                                  13
       Commencement                                                                               14
       The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement                15
       of section 14 of the National Gas (South Australia) (National Gas Law--Australian          16
       Energy Market Operator) Amendment Act 2009 of South Australia.                             17
       Explanatory note                                                                           18
       The Council of Australian Governments has agreed to establish a national energy            19
       market operator, Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) which is to have         20
       its statutory functions conferred on it by way of amendments to the National Electricity   21
       Law (the Schedule to the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 of South          22
       Australia) and the National Gas Law (the Schedule to the National Gas (South               23
       Australia) Act 2008 of South Australia). Those laws apply as laws of NSW by virtue of      24
       the National Electricity (New South Wales) Act 1997 and the National Gas (New South        25
       Wales) Act 2008, respectively.                                                             26
       The proposed amendment to the Gas Supply Act 1996 omits a power for the Minister           27
       for Energy to approve rules for or with respect to the establishment and operation of      28
       retail market business systems for the natural gas industry. These matters are now to      29
       be the responsibility of AEMO.                                                             30

1.18 Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act 2002                                         31
     No 88                                                                                        32

[1]    Sections 26 (2), 32 (3), 34 (5) and 35 (5)                                                 33

       Omit the subsections.                                                                      34

[2]    Section 33 Right of park owner to compensation where occupant                              35
       abandons site                                                                              36

       Omit "in the form prescribed by the regulations" from section 33 (3).                      37
       Explanatory note                                                                           38
       The proposed amendments to the Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act             39
       2002 omit the requirement that an application to the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy          40
       Tribunal (the Tribunal) under that Act must be made using the form prescribed by the       41

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1      Minor amendments

      regulations. This requirement is redundant because section 24 (2) of the Consumer,    1
      Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001 requires an application to be made to the        2
      Tribunal in accordance with the regulations made under that Act.                      3

1.19 Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Regulation                                 4
     2003                                                                                   5

      Part 2 and Schedule 1                                                                 6

      Omit the Part and the Schedule.                                                       7
      Explanatory note                                                                      8
      The proposed amendment to the Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation)             9
      Regulation 2003 is consequential on the proposed amendments to the Holiday Parks     10
      (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act 2002 made elsewhere in this Schedule.              11

1.20 Innovation Council Act 1996 No 77                                                     12

[1]   Section 6 Membership and procedure of Council                                        13

      Omit "16 members" from section 6 (1).                                                14

      Insert instead "no fewer than 10, and no more than 16, members".                     15

[2]   Section 6 (2)                                                                        16

      Omit "is to be" where secondly occurring. Insert instead "may be".                   17

[3]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to members of Council                                 18

      Omit clauses 1 and 2 (2).                                                            19

[4]   Schedule 1, clause 6 (1) (d)                                                         20

      Omit "Part 8 of the Public Sector Management Act 1988".                              21

      Insert instead "Chapter 5 of the Public Sector Employment and Management             22
      Act 2002".                                                                           23

[5]   Schedule 1, clause 8 (1)                                                             24

      Omit "Part 2 of the Public Sector Management Act 1988".                              25

      Insert instead "Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management             26
      Act 2002".                                                                           27

[6]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to procedure of Council                               28

      Omit "at least 12 of the members" from clause 1.                                     29

      Insert instead "a simple majority of the members".                                   30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                               Schedule 1

[7]    Schedule 2, clause 3                                                                       1
       Omit "9 members". Insert instead "a simple majority of members".                           2

[8]    Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                             3

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                       4

       Part 3        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                        5
                     Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                       6
                     Act 2009                                                                     7

         7    Definition                                                                          8

                     In this Part:                                                                9
                     amending Act means the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                           10
                     Provisions) Act 2009.                                                       11

         8    Continuation of office of members                                                  12

              (1)    A person who, immediately before the commencement of the                    13
                     amendments to section 6 made by the amending Act, held office               14
                     as a member of the Council is taken to have been appointed as               15
                     such under section 6 as amended by the amending Act.                        16

              (2)    A person who, immediately before the commencement of the                    17
                     amendments to section 6 made by the amending Act, held office               18
                     as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Council is taken to             19
                     have been appointed as such under section 6 as amended by the               20
                     amending Act.                                                               21

              (3)    Subject to this Act, each person referred to in subclause (1) or (2)        22
                     holds the relevant office for the residue of the term for which he          23
                     or she was appointed to that office under section 6 as in force             24
                     immediately before its amendment by the amending Act.                       25
       Explanatory note                                                                          26
       Currently, section 6 of the Innovation Council Act 1996 (the Act) provides that the New   27
       South Wales Innovation Council (the Innovation Council) established under the Act         28
       is to consist of 16 members appointed by the Governor. Item [1] of the proposed           29
       amendments to the Act instead provides for the Innovation Council to consist of no        30
       fewer than 10, and no more than 16, members so appointed.                                 31
       Section 6 of the Act also requires the appointment of one of the members of the           32
       Innovation Council as a Deputy Chairperson. Item [2] of the proposed amendments           33
       makes this requirement discretionary.                                                     34
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments omits spent provisions relating to the terms of       35
       office of first members of the Innovation Council.                                        36
       Items [4] and [5] of the proposed amendments update references to a repealed Act.         37
       Item [7] of the proposed amendments changes the quorum for a meeting of the               38
       Innovation Council from 9 members of the Council to a simple majority of members of       39

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

      the Council. Similarly, item [6] of the proposed amendments changes (from at least 12     1
      of the members, to a simple majority of the members) the number of members who are        2
      required to agree to an additional meeting of the Innovation Council (beyond its first    3
      6 meetings in a year) before such an additional meeting may be held. These                4
      amendments are consequential on that made by item [1].                                    5
      Item [8] of the proposed amendments inserts savings and transitional provisions           6
      consequent on the amendments made by items [1] and [2].                                   7

1.21 Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991                                        8
     No 22                                                                                      9

[1]   Section 43A                                                                              10

      Insert after section 43:                                                                 11

      43A    Amendment or rescission of compensation notice                                    12

             (1)     An authority of the State may, by a further notice, amend a               13
                     compensation notice to correct a clerical error or obvious                14
                     mistake.                                                                  15

             (2)     An authority of the State must, by a further notice, amend a              16
                     compensation notice to correct the amount of compensation                 17
                     offered if the Valuer-General changes his or her determination of         18
                     the amount of compensation to be offered.                                 19

             (3)     A further notice under this section is to be given in the same            20
                     manner as the compensation notice concerned was given.                    21

             (4)     A compensation notice cannot be amended under this section                22
                     after the offer of compensation in the notice has been accepted.          23

             (5)     An amendment of a compensation notice by a further notice                 24
                     under this section has effect:                                            25
                     (a) from the date of the original notice (or a later date specified       26
                           in the further notice) if there has been no change in the           27
                           amount of compensation offered, or                                  28
                     (b) from the date of the further notice if there has been such a          29
                           change.                                                             30

             (6)     If an amendment made to a compensation notice under this                  31
                     section takes effect on a day other than the day on which the             32
                     original notice was received by the former owner, the notice is           33
                     taken, for the purposes of sections 45 and 66, to have been               34
                     received by the former owner on the day on which the                      35
                     amendment takes effect.                                                   36

             (7)     If an acquisition notice is rescinded, the compensation notice            37
                     relating to the acquisition is also rescinded.                            38

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

[2]    Section 70 Compensation for rescission of acquisition notice                                1
       Omit "compensation notice" wherever occurring in section 70 (3) and (4).                    2

       Insert instead "acquisition notice".                                                        3
       Explanatory note                                                                            4
       Section 47 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (the Act)             5
       provides for the Valuer-General to determine the amount of compensation to be offered       6
       to a former owner of land for the compulsory acquisition of the land. A compensation        7
       notice is given under section 42 of that Act which offers the affected land owner           8
       compensation of the amount determined by the Valuer-General. Section 45 of that Act         9
       provides that an offer of compensation in a compensation notice is deemed to be            10
       accepted following 90 days after the compensation notice is given unless it is rejected    11
       and proceedings are taken by the owner of the land.                                        12
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act requires an authority of the State to       13
       amend a compensation notice if the Valuer-General redetermines the amount of               14
       compensation that is to be offered to the former owner and authorises the authority of     15
       the State to amend a compensation notice for the purpose of correcting a clerical error    16
       or an obvious mistake in the notice. If any such amendment alters the amount of            17
       compensation offered to the former owner, the compensation notice is taken to have         18
       been received on the date that the amendment to the notice takes effect. The proposed      19
       amendment also provides that a compensation notice may not be amended after the            20
       offer of compensation in the notice has been accepted.                                     21
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments amends section 70 of the Act to remove an              22
       incorrect reference to a `compensation notice', and to replace it with a reference to an   23
       `acquisition notice'.                                                                      24

1.22 Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997 No 136                                      25

[1]    Section 10 Variation of authority                                                          26

       Insert after section 10 (9):                                                               27

             (10)    If an authority to conduct a controlled operation is varied, it is a         28
                     sufficient defence to criminal or disciplinary proceedings arising           29
                     from conduct that is engaged in by the defendant in reliance on              30
                     the authority as in force prior to that variation if the defendant           31
                     satisfies the court or tribunal before which the proceedings are             32
                     being heard:                                                                 33
                      (a) that the defendant engaged in the conduct in good faith for             34
                            the purposes of, and in the course of, the controlled                 35
                            operation, and                                                        36
                     (b) that, had the authority not been varied, the conduct would               37
                            have been lawful by operation of section 16, and                      38
                      (c) that the defendant was unaware, and could not reasonably                39
                            be expected to have been aware, that the authority had                40
                            been varied.                                                          41

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

[2]   Section 20O Effect of being unaware of variation or cancellation of                          1
      authority                                                                                    2

      Omit "Section 12 (3) does" from section 20O (4).                                             3

      Insert instead "Sections 10 (10) and 12 (3) do".                                             4

[3]   Section 20S Mutual recognition of corresponding authorities                                  5

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                            6
                     (h) section 20O (Effect of being unaware of variation or                      7
                           cancellation of authority).                                             8
      Explanatory note                                                                             9
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations)          10
      Act 1997 (the Act) provides for a defence to criminal or disciplinary proceedings arising   11
      from certain conduct engaged in the course of a controlled operation in circumstances       12
      where the authority to conduct the controlled operation was varied and the defendant        13
      was not aware of the variation. Item [2] is a consequential amendment.                      14
      Item [3] of the proposed amendments extends the provisions of the Act, which provide        15
      protection to a participant in a cross-border controlled operation authorised under a       16
      corresponding law, to cases where the participant was unaware of a variation or             17
      cancellation of an authority.                                                               18

1.23 Library Act 1939 No 40                                                                       19

[1]   Schedule 1 Composition and procedure of the Council                                         20

      Omit "for 3 years" from clause 3 (1).                                                       21

      Insert instead "for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the              22
      member's instrument of appointment".                                                        23

[2]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                              24

      Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                          25

          2   Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law                                    26
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009                                                 27

                    The amendment to clause 3 (1) of Schedule 1 made by the Statute               28
                    Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 does not affect the                   29
                    term of office that a person holds as a member of the Council                 30
                    immediately before the amendment took effect.                                 31
      Explanatory note                                                                            32
      Currently, the Library Act 1939 (the Act) provides that (subject to various provisions of   33
      the Act) a member of the Library Council of New South Wales is to hold office for           34
      3 years. Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act instead requires a member to        35
      hold office for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the member's         36
      instrument of appointment. The amendment is consistent with provision made for the          37
      term of office of trustees under the Art Gallery of New South Wales Act 1980 and the        38
      Historic Houses Act 1980 and for the term of like offices under the Film and Television     39
      Office Act 1988.                                                                            40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

       Item [2] of the proposed amendments inserts a savings and transitional provision              1
       relating to the amendment proposed to be made by item [1].                                    2

1.24 Local Courts Act 1982 No 164                                                                    3

       Section 24 Remuneration                                                                       4

       Insert after section 24 (4):                                                                  5

              (5)    However, a Magistrate is not entitled to the remuneration and                   6
                     allowances referred to in this section for any period for which the             7
                     Magistrate is on leave without pay (being leave that is agreed to               8
                     by the Magistrate).                                                             9
       Explanatory note                                                                             10
       Section 24 of the Local Courts Act 1982 (the Act) provides that the remuneration and         11
       allowances referred to in that section and payable to a Magistrate appointed under the       12
       Act are to be paid so long as the Magistrate continues to hold office as such. The           13
       proposed amendment to the Act clarifies that Magistrates are not entitled to such            14
       remuneration and allowances for any period for which they are on leave without pay           15
       (being leave that they have agreed to take).                                                 16

1.25 Mental Health Act 2007 No 8                                                                    17

[1]    Section 32 Detention on order of Magistrate or bail officer                                  18

       Omit "police officer" from section 32 (2) and where firstly occurring in                     19
       section 32 (3).                                                                              20

       Insert instead "relevant person".                                                            21

[2]    Section 32 (7)                                                                               22

       Insert after section 32 (6):                                                                 23

              (7)    In subsections (2) and (3):                                                    24
                     relevant person means:                                                         25
                      (a) if the detained person was taken to the mental health                     26
                           facility on an order under section 33 of the Mental Health               27
                           (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990, any person (including a                  28
                           police officer) charged by the order with taking the person              29
                           from the facility, or                                                    30
                     (b) in any other case, a police officer.                                       31
       Explanatory note                                                                             32
       The proposed amendments to the Mental Health Act 2007 update provisions for the              33
       release of a person following a mental illness assessment to provide for their release       34
       into the custody of any person (not just a police officer) who is responsible for bringing   35
       the person before a magistrate or justice following the assessment. The amendments           36
       are consequential on recent changes to the procedures for the transporting of persons        37
       to and from mental illness assessments that enable persons other than police officers        38
       to be assigned that role.                                                                    39

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

1.26 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10                                       1

[1]   Section 33 Mentally ill persons                                                         2

      Omit "a person authorised to take persons to or from a mental health facility           3
      under this Act who is" from section 33 (5A) (b).                                        4

[2]   Section 76E Transfer and transport of patients                                          5

      Omit "or correctional patient" from section 76E (4).                                    6

      Insert instead ", a correctional patient or a person the subject of a transfer order    7
      under section 55 who has not yet been transferred".                                     8

[3]   Section 76E (5)                                                                         9

      Omit "or correctional patient".                                                        10

      Insert instead ", a correctional patient or a person the subject of a transfer order   11
      under section 55 who has not yet been transferred,".                                   12

[4]   Section 76J Exchange of information                                                    13

      Omit section 76J (1). Insert instead:                                                  14

             (1)     The Director-General, the Commissioner of Corrective Services           15
                     and the Director-General of the Department of Juvenile Justice          16
                     may enter into arrangements (an information sharing protocol)           17
                     with each other to enable information held by their Departments         18
                     and (in the case of the Director-General of the Department of           19
                     Health) associated agencies to be shared or exchanged between           20
                     those Departments and agencies.                                         21

[5]   Section 76J (3)                                                                        22

      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                   23

             (3)     Under an information sharing protocol, each Department and              24
                     associated agency the subject of the arrangement is authorised:         25
                      (a) to request and receive information held by any other               26
                            Department or associated agency the subject of the               27
                            arrangement, and                                                 28
                     (b) to disclose information to any of those Departments or              29
                            associated agencies,                                             30
                     and without the consent of any person concerned, but only to the        31
                     extent that the information is reasonably necessary to assist in the    32
                     exercise of functions under this Act or the functions of the            33
                     relevant Departments or associated agencies concerned.                  34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                     Schedule 1

[6]    Section 76J (4)                                                                                   1
       Insert "or associated agency" after "Department".                                                 2

[7]    Section 76J (6)                                                                                   3

       Insert after section 76J (5):                                                                     4

               (6)    In this section:                                                                   5
                      associated agency means any of the following:                                      6
                       (a) an area health service (within the meaning of the Health                      7
                             Services Act 1997),                                                         8
                      (b) a statutory health corporation (within the meaning of the                      9
                             Health Services Act 1997).                                                 10
       Explanatory note                                                                                 11
       Persons who may transport defendants to a mental health facility under                           12
       section 33                                                                                       13
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act               14
       1990 (the Act) relates to restrictions on the kinds of persons who can be assigned to            15
       transport a defendant to a mental health facility for a mental illness assessment. The           16
       existing requirement is that the person be a kind of person prescribed by the                    17
       regulations with an additional requirement that the person be authorised under the Act           18
       to do so. The amendment omits the additional requirement for authorisation under the             19
       Act on the basis that it is an unintended duplication of the requirement for authorisation       20
       by the regulations.                                                                              21
       Application of section 76E to persons the subject of section 55 transfer orders                  22
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that when a prisoner in a                     23
       correctional centre is ordered to be transferred to a mental health facility, the existing       24
       arrangements for the transfer of patients of mental health facilities (which currently only      25
       apply to prisoners once they have been transferred to and become patients of those               26
       facilities) will apply to the transport of the prisoner even though the prisoner is not (until   27
       transferred) a patient of a mental health facility. Item [3] makes a consequential               28
       amendment to the provision that deals with the powers and responsibilities of persons            29
       who transport patients to and from a mental health facility.                                     30
       Parties to information sharing protocols under section 76J                                       31
       Item [4] of the proposed amendments requires the existing powers of the Departments              32
       of Health, Corrective Services and Juvenile Justice to enter into information sharing            33
       protocols with each other to be exercised by the heads of those Departments and also             34
       allows associated agencies of the Department of Health to share and exchange                     35
       information under those protocols. Item [7] defines associated agencies to mean area             36
       health services and statutory health corporations (within the meaning of the Health              37
       Services Act 1997). Item [6] makes a consequential amendment.                                    38
       Persons whose consent is not required before information may be shared under                     39
       section 76J                                                                                      40
       Item [5] of the proposed amendments allows information to be shared and exchanged                41
       by Departments and associated agencies under an information sharing protocol                     42
       without the consent of any person concerned (not just any patient concerned, as at               43
       present) to allow for the fact that information sharing protocols need not be limited to         44
       information about patients and can relate to information about other persons (as a               45
       result of the regulations extending the information to which they can relate).                   46

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

1.27 Mining Amendment Act 2008 No 19                                                               1

[1]   Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992                                                      2

      Omit "must be" where secondly and thirdly occurring in proposed section                      3
      163 (6A) in Schedule 1 [109].                                                                4

[2]   Schedule 1 [215]                                                                             5

      Insert at the end of proposed section 248C (1) (b):                                          6
                           , and                                                                   7
                     (c) any premises where the inspector reasonably believes that                 8
                           documents that relate to any activity referred to in                    9
                           paragraph (a) or (b) are kept--at any time.                            10

[3]   Schedule 1 [215]                                                                            11

      Omit proposed section 248E (2) (g). Insert instead:                                         12
                  (g) take extracts from, or a copy of, any records,                              13
      Explanatory note                                                                            14
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Mining Amendment Act 2008 (the Act)              15
      omits words that are repeated unnecessarily.                                                16
      The Act makes various amendments to the Mining Act 1992, including to provisions            17
      that confer powers on inspectors. On the commencement of those amendments,                  18
      proposed sections 248C and 248E will replace sections 247 and 247A, which currently         19
      set out the powers of inspectors and royalty officers.                                      20
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments enables an inspector to enter at any time any           21
      premises where the inspector reasonably believes that documents that relate to              22
      prospecting operations, mining operations or mining purposes are being kept.                23
      (Section 248D makes it clear that the power of entry in the amended section 248C does       24
      not entitle an inspector to enter any part of premises used only for residential purposes   25
      unless the inspector has the permission of the occupier or has a search warrant.)           26
      Item [3] enables inspectors to take extracts from (not only copies of) records at           27
      premises entered by the inspectors.                                                         28
      The powers conferred on inspectors by the sections amended by items [2] and [3] are         29
      similar to those currently exercisable by a royalty officer under section 247A.             30

1.28 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act 1945 No 31                                           31

[1]   Section 4 Appointment of trustees                                                           32

      Omit "for 3 years" from section 4 (3).                                                      33

      Insert instead "for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the              34
      trustee's instrument of appointment".                                                       35

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                               Schedule 1

[2]    Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                      1
       Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                         2

         2    Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law                                    3
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009                                                 4

                     The amendment to section 4 (3) made by the Statute Law                       5
                     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 does not affect the term of              6
                     office that a person holds as a trustee immediately before the               7
                     amendment took effect.                                                       8
       Explanatory note                                                                           9
       Currently, the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act 1945 (the Act) provides that       10
       (subject to various provisions of the Act) a trustee of the Museum of Applied Arts and    11
       Sciences is to hold office for 3 years. Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act    12
       instead requires a trustee to hold office for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is   13
       specified in the trustee's instrument of appointment. The amendment is consistent with    14
       provision made for the term of office of trustees under the Art Gallery of New South      15
       Wales Act 1980 and the Historic Houses Act 1980 and for the term of like offices under    16
       the Film and Television Office Act 1988.                                                  17
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments inserts a savings and transitional provision          18
       relating to the amendment proposed to be made by item [1].                                19

1.29 Pesticides Act 1999 No 80                                                                   20

[1]    Section 22 Fee                                                                            21

       Insert "(if any)" after "prescribed fee" in section 22 (2).                               22

[2]    Section 27 Fee                                                                            23

       Insert "(if any)" after "prescribed fee" in section 27 (2).                               24

[3]    Section 46 Application for licence                                                        25

       Insert "if required by the regulations--" before "be accompanied" in                      26
       section 46 (3) (b).                                                                       27

[4]    Section 50 Licence fees                                                                   28

       Omit ", before the date prescribed by the regulations for the purpose," from              29
       section 50 (1).                                                                           30

[5]    Section 50 (1A)                                                                           31

       Insert after section 50 (1):                                                              32

             (1A)    The annual licence fee must be paid:                                        33
                     (a) within the time prescribed by the regulations, or                       34

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

                       (b)   if no such time is prescribed, within the time determined             1
                             by the Environment Protection Authority and notified to               2
                             the holder of the licence.                                            3

[6]   Section 56 Application for certificate of competency                                         4

      Insert "(if any)" after "fee" in section 56 (2) (b).                                         5
      Explanatory note                                                                             6
      Items [1], [2] and [6] of the proposed amendments to the Pesticides Act 1999 (the Act)       7
      make it clear that the regulations may, but need not necessarily, prescribe the fees         8
      referred to in sections 22 (2), 27 (2) and 56 (2) (b).                                       9
      Item [3] of the proposed amendments provides that applications for an aircraft              10
      (pesticide applicator) licence must be accompanied by evidence relating to insurance        11
      only if the regulations require it.                                                         12
      Items [4] and [5] of the proposed amendments provide that an annual licence fee under       13
      the Act must be paid within the time prescribed by the regulations or, if no such time is   14
      prescribed, within the time determined by the Environment Protection Authority and          15
      notified to the holder of the licence. Currently such annual licence fees must be paid      16
      before the date prescribed by the regulations.                                              17

1.30 Police Act 1990 No 47                                                                        18

      Section 8 Commissioner to manage and control NSW Police Force                               19

      Insert after section 8 (4):                                                                 20

             (4A)     The Commissioner (on behalf of the Crown) may make or enter                 21
                      into contracts or arrangements with any person for the carrying             22
                      out of works or the performance of services or the supply of                23
                      goods or materials in connection with the exercise of the                   24
                      functions of the NSW Police Force.                                          25
      Explanatory note                                                                            26
      The proposed amendment to the Police Act 1990 puts beyond doubt the authority of            27
      the Commissioner of Police to enter into commercial contracts or arrangements with          28
      any person for the carrying out of works or services or the supply of goods or materials    29
      that involves the NSW Police Force.                                                         30

1.31 Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998                                         31
     No 133                                                                                       32

      Section 33 Preparation and implementation of privacy management                             33
      plans                                                                                       34

      Omit section 33 (3).                                                                        35
      Explanatory note                                                                            36
      The proposed amendment to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998          37
      (the Act) removes a provision requiring public sector agencies to include in their annual   38
      reports a statement of their compliance with the Act and statistical details of internal    39
      reviews they conduct under the Act. The provision is transferred to more appropriate        40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

       locations (namely, the Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2005 and the Annual            1
       Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2005) by proposed amendments elsewhere in               2
       this Schedule.                                                                                3

1.32 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156                                        4

[1]    Section 104 Compliance cost notices                                                           5

       Omit "(other than the EPA)" from section 104 (3).                                             6

[2]    Section 212A Revocation or variation                                                          7

       Omit section 212A (4). Insert instead:                                                        8

              (4)    A notice may only be revoked or varied by:                                      9
                     (a) the authority that gave the notice, or                                     10
                     (b) the authorised officer who gave the notice, or                             11
                     (c) another authorised officer who is a member of staff of the                 12
                           authority that appointed the officer who gave the notice.                13
       Explanatory note                                                                             14
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Protection of the Environment Operations          15
       Act 1997 (the Act) amends section 104 of the Act so as to enable the EPA to recover          16
       all or any reasonable costs incurred by the EPA in connection with a prevention notice       17
       from the person to whom the notice was given. Currently section 104 excludes the EPA         18
       from recovering such costs.                                                                  19
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments provides that a notice given under Chapter 7             20
       (Investigation) of the Act may be revoked or varied by an authorised officer who is a        21
       member of staff of the authority who gave the notice. Currently section 212A (4) of the      22
       Act enables only the authority or the authorised officer who gave the notice to revoke       23
       or vary the notice.                                                                          24

1.33 Real Property Act 1900 No 25                                                                   25

       Section 47 Recording, variation and release of easements etc                                 26

       Omit "transfer registered under this Act and altered as the circumstances of the             27
       case may require" from section 47 (6).                                                       28

       Insert instead "registered dealing in the approved form".                                    29
       Explanatory note                                                                             30
       The proposed amendment updates section 47 of the Real Property Act 1900 (the Act)            31
       to make provision for an easement, profit à prendre or restriction on the use of land that   32
       is recorded in the Register to be released by a registered dealing in the approved form      33
       (rather than only by way of a transfer registered under the Act).                            34

1.34 Registered Clubs Act 1976 No 31                                                                35

       Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                        36

       Omit clause 94 (3) and (4).                                                                  37

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

      Commencement                                                                                  1
      The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on 30 June 2009.                      2
      Explanatory note                                                                              3
      When the Liquor Act 2007 was enacted, a transitional arrangement was included in the          4
      Registered Clubs Act 1976 to allow an existing registered club (that is, a club in respect    5
      of which a certificate of registration was in force before the commencement of the new        6
      liquor licensing scheme on 1 July 2008) that was already operating under unrestricted         7
      trading hours to continue to trade on that basis after that date. The transitional            8
      arrangement as enacted is conditional on the club providing the Casino, Liquor and            9
      Gaming Control Authority, within 12 months of the commencement of the new licensing          10
      scheme, with a statement (verified by statutory declaration) of its current trading hours.   11
      Failure to provide the statement by 1 July 2009 results in the trading hours of the club     12
      reverting to the standard trading period under the Liquor Act 2007 (that is, midnight        13
      closing time) which applies to new clubs licensed under that Act.                            14
      The proposed amendment to the Registered Clubs Act 1976 removes the requirement              15
      for an existing registered club that was operating under unrestricted on-premises            16
      trading hours before 1 July 2008 to provide a statement of its current trading hours in      17
      order to be able to continue to trade on that basis after 1 July 2009.                       18

1.35 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142                                                             19

[1]   Section 137 Functions of Director-General                                                    20

      Omit ", including prosecution," from section 137 (b).                                        21

[2]   Section 137 (b1)                                                                             22

      Insert after section 137 (b):                                                                23
                   (b1) to prosecute any offence under this Act or the regulations,                24
      Explanatory note                                                                             25
      The proposed amendments to the Residential Parks Act 1998 (the Act) make it clear            26
      that the Director-General may prosecute any offence under the Act or regulations made        27
      under the Act, without the need for such prosecution to follow on from the investigation     28
      and attempted resolution of a complaint by a park owner or resident.                         29

1.36 Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26                                                          30

[1]   Section 118 Functions of Tenancy Commissioner                                                31

      Omit ", including prosecution," from section 118 (b).                                        32

[2]   Section 118 (b1)                                                                             33

      Insert after section 118 (b):                                                                34
                   (b1) to prosecute any offence under this Act or the regulations,                35
      Explanatory note                                                                             36
      The proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (the Act) make it              37
      clear that the Tenancy Commissioner may prosecute any offence under the Act or the           38
      regulations made under the Act, without the need for the prosecution to follow on from       39
      the investigation or resolution of a complaint by a landlord or tenant.                      40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                      Schedule 1

1.37 State Property Authority Act 2006 No 40                                           1

[1]    Schedule 1 Property transferred to Authority                                    2

       Omit the following matter from under the heading "Miscellaneous                 3
       properties":                                                                    4

                     Lot 112 in Deposited Plan 48439                                   5

                     Lot 701 in Deposited Plan 96508                                   6

                     Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 738477                                    7

                     Lot 4, Section 79 in Deposited Plan 758536                        8

[2]    Schedule 1                                                                      9

       Omit the following matter from under the heading "Miscellaneous                10
       properties":                                                                   11

                     Lot 7, Section 5 in Deposited Plan 759003                        12

[3]    Schedule 1                                                                     13

       Omit "AB382627" from the matter relating to the lease of suite 3A (including   14
       small store room) and suite 3B, 490 David Street, Albury, under the heading    15
       "Leases" wherever occurring.                                                   16

       Insert instead "AE216673".                                                     17

[4]    Schedule 1                                                                     18

       Omit "8789017" from the matter relating to the lease of Lots 4, 5 and 6 in     19
       Strata Plan 65943 at 1 Darling Street, Tamworth, under the heading "Leases".   20

       Insert instead "AE117231".                                                     21

[5]    Schedule 1                                                                     22

       Omit "AC207393" wherever occurring in the matter relating to the lease of      23
       area 3, 3rd floor, 43 Burelli Street, Wollongong under the heading "Leases".   24

       Insert instead "AE133390".                                                     25

[6]    Schedule 1                                                                     26

       Omit "6215606" from the matter relating to the lease of Level 24, Governor     27
       Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney under the heading "Leases".            28

       Insert instead "9215606".                                                      29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

[7]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                    1
      Insert before clause 1:                                                                  2

      Part 1          General                                                                  3

[8]   Schedule 2, Part 2, heading                                                              4

      Insert after clause 1:                                                                   5

      Part 2          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                    6
                      Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                   7
                      Act 2008                                                                 8

[9]   Schedule 2, Part 3                                                                       9

      Insert after clause 2:                                                                  10

      Part 3          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                   11
                      Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                  12
                      Act 2009                                                                13

          3   Transfer of certain property removed from Schedule 1                            14

              (1)     This clause applies to Lot 7, Section 5 in Deposited Plan 759003.       15

              (2)     On the transfer date, the property to which this clause applies         16
                      vests in the original owner for an estate in fee simple:                17
                      (a) without the need for any further conveyance, transfer,              18
                             assignment or assurance, and                                     19
                      (b) subject to any trusts, estates, interests, dedications,             20
                             conditions, restrictions and covenants to which the land         21
                             was subject immediately before the transfer date.                22

              (3)     Sections 18 (2) and 20 (1)-(4) apply, with any necessary                23
                      modifications, to, and in respect of, the transfer of the property by   24
                      the operation of this clause in the same way as those provisions        25
                      apply to and in respect of the transfer of property under Part 4.       26

              (4)     For the avoidance of doubt, in section 18 (2), as applied:              27
                      (a) a reference to the transfer date is taken to be a reference to      28
                            the transfer date within the meaning of this clause, and          29
                      (b) a reference to the Authority is taken to be a reference to the      30
                            original owner, and                                               31

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Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

                      (c)    a reference to the transferor is taken to be a reference to the        1
                             Authority.                                                             2

              (5)    In this clause:                                                                3
                     original owner means the government agency which held the                      4
                     property to which this clause applies immediately before it was                5
                     vested in the Authority by this Act.                                           6
                     transfer date means the date on which the description of the                   7
                     property to which this clause applies was omitted from                         8
                     Schedule 1 by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act                   9
                     2009.                                                                         10

         4    Transfer date of amended descriptions                                                11

                     For the avoidance of doubt, the amendment of the description of               12
                     a lease listed in Schedule 1 by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                13
                     Provisions) Act 2009 does not affect the date on which the                    14
                     transfer of that lease was purported to occur.                                15
       Explanatory note                                                                            16
       Schedule 1 to the State Property Authority Act 2006 (the Act) describes property for        17
       the purpose of effecting its transfer under the Act to the State Property Authority.        18
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act removes from that Schedule                   19
       references to certain properties that do not meet the criteria specified in section 19 of   20
       the Act for inclusion in that Schedule.                                                     21
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments removes a reference to a property that was              22
       mistakenly included in Schedule 1 to the Act. Item [9] of the proposed amendments           23
       provides for the transfer of that property from the State Property Authority back to the    24
       government agency that held the property immediately before the property was listed         25
       in Schedule 1 to the Act. Items [7] and [8] of the proposed amendments make                 26
       consequential amendments.                                                                   27
       Items [3]-[6] of the proposed amendments correct dealing numbers in respect of              28
       certain leases.                                                                             29
       Item [9] of the proposed amendments also makes it clear that the corrections made to        30
       Schedule 1 by items [3]-[6] do not affect the date on which the transfers concerned         31
       were purported to have occurred.                                                            32

1.38 Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 No 138                                                     33

       Section 212 Functions of Director-General                                                   34

       Omit section 212 (2) (a)-(c). Insert instead:                                               35
                    (a) investigating and carrying out research into matters                       36
                          relating to or affecting strata schemes,                                 37
                    (b) investigating and attempting to resolve complaints and                     38
                          disputes relating to strata schemes and taking such action               39
                          as the Director-General thinks appropriate,                              40
                    (c) prosecuting any offence under this Act or the regulations,                 41

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                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

      Explanatory note                                                                               1
      The proposed amendment to the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (the Act)                     2
      makes it clear that the Director-General may investigate and carry out research into           3
      matters relating to strata schemes, investigate complaints and disputes relating to            4
      strata schemes and prosecute any offence under the Act or the regulations made under           5
      the Act.                                                                                       6

1.39 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146                                                         7

[1]   Section 10 Staged repeal of statutory rules                                                    8

      Omit section 10 (4) (a) and (c).                                                               9

[2]   Section 10 (4A) and (4B)                                                                      10

      Insert after section 10 (4):                                                                  11

             (4A)      Despite the other provisions of this Part, the following                     12
                       regulations remain in force until 1 September 2010, unless sooner            13
                       repealed:                                                                    14
                        (a) the Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999,                         15
                       (b) the Day Procedure Centres Regulation 1996,                               16
                        (c) the Motor Vehicle Repairs Regulation 1999,                              17
                       (d) the Private Hospitals Regulation 1996.                                   18

             (4B)      Despite the other provisions of this Part, the Occupational Health           19
                       and Safety Regulation 2001 remains in force until 1 September                20
                       2012, unless sooner repealed.                                                21

[3]   Section 11 Postponement of repeal in specific cases                                           22

      Insert ", (4A) or (4B)" after "section 10 (4)" in section 11 (6).                             23
      Explanatory note                                                                              24
      The Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 (the Act) provides for the automatic repeal of           25
      statutory rules. The repeal takes effect on the fifth anniversary of the date on which the    26
      statutory rule was published (in the case of a statutory rule published on 1 September        27
      in any year) or on 1 September following the fifth anniversary of the date on which it        28
      was published (in any other case)--see section 10 (2) of the Act. Unless it is intended       29
      to allow the statutory rule to lapse, a statutory rule that is due for repeal under the Act   30
      is usually remade in advance of the repeal date.                                              31
      Section 11 of the Act permits the repeal of a statutory rule to be postponed, by order of     32
      the Governor, for a period of one year. However, the repeal of a particular statutory rule    33
      cannot be postponed on more than 5 occasions.                                                 34
      The repeal of each of the Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999, the Day                 35
      Procedure Centres Regulation 1996, the Motor Vehicle Repairs Regulation 1999 and              36
      the Private Hospitals Regulation 1996 has been postponed on 5 occasions. These                37
      Regulations are now due to be repealed on 1 September 2009. However,                          38
      uncommenced legislative reforms involving the repeal and re-enactment of the                  39
      Associations Incorporation Act 1984 and the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure               40
      Centres Act 1988 will have a substantial impact on the matters dealt with by the              41

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

       Regulations made under those Acts. Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Repairs Act               1
       1980 that may impact on the Motor Vehicle Repairs Regulation 1999 are also likely as         2
       a result of a recent review of that Act by the Better Regulation Office.                     3
       The repeal of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 has been                    4
       postponed on 3 occasions. The Regulation is now due to be repealed on 1 September            5
       2009. However, national model occupational health and safety legislation is currently        6
       being developed, the implementation of which is likely to have a substantial impact on       7
       the content of State occupational health and safety legislation. Currently, the national     8
       timetable for the model legislation requires its implementation by December 2011.            9
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments will keep the current regulatory schemes of the         10
       Regulations in place until such time as replacement provisions come into force under        11
       new or revised legislation. The Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999, the Day         12
       Procedure Centres Regulation 1996, the Motor Vehicle Repairs Regulation 1999 and            13
       the Private Hospitals Regulation 1996 will be kept in force for a further period of one     14
       year after the date on which they would otherwise be repealed by the Act and the            15
       Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 will be kept in force for a further          16
       period of 3 years after the date on which it would otherwise be repealed by the Act.        17
       However, any of the Regulations may be sooner repealed by other legislation.                18
       Items [1] and [3] make consequential amendments.                                            19

1.40 Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52                                                                  20

       Section 29 Remuneration                                                                     21

       Insert after section 29 (2):                                                                22

              (3)    However, a Judge is not entitled to the remuneration referred to              23
                     in subsection (1) for any period for which the Judge is on leave              24
                     without pay (being leave that is agreed to by the Judge).                     25
       Explanatory note                                                                            26
       Section 29 of the Supreme Court Act 1970 (the Act) provides that the remuneration           27
       referred to in that section that is payable to a Judge of the Supreme Court is to be paid   28
       so long as the Judge's commission continues in force. The proposed amendment to             29
       the Act clarifies that Judges are not entitled to such remuneration for any period for      30
       which they are on leave without pay (being leave that they have agreed to take).            31

1.41 Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 No 9                                                        32

[1]    Section 6 Trustees                                                                          33

       Omit "for 3 years" from section 6 (3).                                                      34

       Insert instead "for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the              35
       trustee's instrument of appointment".                                                       36

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

[2]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                              1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                          2

          2   Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law                                    3
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009                                                 4

                    The amendment to section 6 (3) made by the Statute Law                        5
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 does not affect the term of               6
                    office that a person holds as a trustee immediately before the                7
                    amendment took effect.                                                        8
      Explanatory note                                                                            9
      Currently, the Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 (the Act) provides that (subject to       10
      various provisions of the Act) a trustee of The Sydney Opera House Trust is to hold        11
      office for 3 years. Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Act instead requires a      12
      trustee to hold office for such period, not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the      13
      trustee's instrument of appointment. The amendment is consistent with provision made       14
      for the term of office of trustees under the Art Gallery of New South Wales Act 1980       15
      and the Historic Houses Act 1980 and for the term of like offices under the Film and       16
      Television Office Act 1988.                                                                17
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments inserts a savings and transitional provision           18
      relating to the amendment proposed to be made by item [1].                                 19

1.42 Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101                                             20

[1]   Section 36B Publication of determination                                                   21

      Omit section 36B (4).                                                                      22

[2]   Section 127H Variation of agreements                                                       23

      Insert before section 127H (2) (a):                                                        24
                  (a1) if the land is subject to a residential tenancy agreement or              25
                          other lease, the tenant or the lessee has consented in                 26
                          writing to the variation, and                                          27
      Explanatory note                                                                           28
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Threatened Species Conservation Act             29
      1995 (the Act) omits a redundant definition from section 36B of the Act.                   30
      Item [2] amends section 127H (2) of the Act to require the Minister administering the      31
      Act to obtain written consent from the tenant or lessee of any land that is subject to a   32
      biobanking agreement prior to agreeing to vary that agreement. This proposed               33
      amendment is consistent with the general requirements imposed on the Minister when         34
      agreeing to enter into a biobanking agreement under section 127F (1) of the Act.           35

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                            Schedule 1

1.43 Water Act 1912 No 44                                                                      1

       Section 4G Proceedings for offences                                                     2

       Omit section 4G (3). Insert instead:                                                    3

              (3)    If proceedings referred to in subsection (2) are taken before a           4
                     Local Court, the maximum monetary penalty that may be                     5
                     imposed by the court is 200 penalty units or the maximum                  6
                     monetary penalty for the offence, whichever is the lesser.                7
       Explanatory note                                                                        8
       Currently, the maximum monetary penalty that may be imposed by a Local Court in         9
       proceedings for an offence under the Water Act 1912 (the Act) is 50 penalty units      10
       ($5,500) for a corporation and 40 penalty units ($4,400) for any other person.         11
       The proposed amendment increases the maximum monetary penalty that may be              12
       imposed by a Local Court for an offence under the Act to 200 penalty units ($22,000)   13
       or the maximum monetary penalty for the offence, whichever is the lesser amount. The   14
       proposed amendment will bring the maximum monetary penalty that a Local Court may      15
       impose into line with the maximum monetary penalty that a Local Court may impose       16
       under, for example, the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.             17

1.44 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                                          18

[1]    Section 59 Available water determinations                                              19

       Omit "section 60 (2)" from section 59 (1) (b). Insert instead "section 49A (1)".       20

[2]    Section 60G Minister may charge for water illegally taken                              21

       Insert "may do either or both of the following" after "Minister" in section            22
       60G (1).                                                                               23

[3]    Section 60G (1)                                                                        24

       Omit "and" from section 60G (1) (a) and omit "may" where firstly occurring             25
       in section 60G (1) (a) and (b).                                                        26

[4]    Section 71N Term transfers of entitlements under access licences                       27

       Omit section 71N (5) (e). Insert instead:                                              28
                    (e) Division 1A of this Part,                                             29

[5]    Section 85A Authorisation to take water from uncontrolled flows                        30

       Omit "section 323" from section 85A (7). Insert instead "section 324".                 31

[6]    Section 91I Taking water when metering equipment not working                           32

       Insert "or is not operating" after "is not operating properly" wherever                33
       occurring in section 91I (1)-(3).                                                      34

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

 [7]   Sections 91K (5) and 326 (4)                                                            1
       Insert ", skills and experience" after "qualifications" wherever occurring.             2

 [8]   Section 326 Directions to install and maintain metering equipment                       3

       Insert "to take specified measures" after "landholder or person" in                     4
       section 326 (1).                                                                        5

 [9]   Section 326 (2)                                                                         6

       Insert "take specified measures to" after "direction to".                               7

[10]   Sections 327 (2), 328 (2) and 329 (2)                                                   8

       Insert "to take specified measures" after "direct the person" wherever                  9
       occurring.                                                                             10

[11]   Section 327 Stop work order regarding unlawful construction or use of                  11
       water management work                                                                  12

       Omit section 327 (3). Insert instead:                                                  13

              (3)     Without limiting subsection (2), the landholder on whose land the       14
                      water management work is situated, or is proposed to be situated,       15
                      is taken to have control and management of the work.                    16

[12]   Section 328 Stop work order regarding unlawful controlled activity or                  17
       aquifer interference activity                                                          18

       Omit section 328 (3). Insert instead:                                                  19

              (3)     Without limiting subsection (2), the landholder on whose land a         20
                      controlled activity or aquifer interference activity is being carried   21
                      out, or is proposed to be carried out, is taken to be carrying out      22
                      that activity.                                                          23

[13]   Section 329 Removal of unlawful water management works                                 24

       Insert "work" before "approval" in section 329 (1).                                    25

[14]   Section 329 (2)                                                                        26

       Insert ", modify" after "remove".                                                      27

[15]   Section 330 Temporary stop work order to protect public interest                       28

       Insert "or specified measures" after "restrictions" in section 330 (1).                29

[16]   Section 333 Directions to protect water sources                                        30

       Omit "the carrying out of" from section 333 (1) (b).                                   31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                         Schedule 1

[17]   Section 333 (2) (b)                                                                1
       Omit "carrying out".                                                               2

       Insert instead "who has carried out, is carrying out or proposes to carry out".    3

[18]   Section 333 (4)                                                                    4

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                               5

              (4)    Without limiting subsection (2):                                     6
                     (a) the person who, at the time of the construction or use of a      7
                          water management work to which this section applies, was        8
                          the landholder on whose land the work was situated is           9
                          taken to have control and management of the work, and          10
                     (b) the landholder on whose land a water management work is         11
                          situated, or is proposed to be situated, is taken to have      12
                          control and management of the work, and                        13
                     (c) the person who, at the time a controlled activity or aquifer    14
                          interference activity to which this section applies, was the   15
                          landholder on whose land the activity was carried out is       16
                          taken to be carrying out the activity, and                     17
                     (d) the landholder on whose land a controlled activity or           18
                          aquifer interference activity is carried out, or is proposed   19
                          to be carried out, is taken to be carrying out the activity.   20

[19]   Sections 334 (1) and 339B (1) and (2) (j)                                         21

       Omit "Division" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Part".                        22

[20]   Section 345 Harm to aquifers and waterfront land                                  23

       Omit "Tier 1 offence" from section 345 (1).                                       24

       Insert instead "Tier 1 penalty".                                                  25

[21]   Section 345 (2)                                                                   26

       Omit "Tier 2 offence". Insert instead "Tier 2 penalty".                           27

[22]   Section 364 Proceedings for offences                                              28

       Omit section 364 (6) (a) (i). Insert instead:                                     29
                          (i) 200 penalty units,                                         30

[23]   Schedule 10 Conversion of former entitlements to access licences and              31
       approvals                                                                         32

       Omit clauses 28-31.                                                               33

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                  Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 1        Minor amendments

[24]   Dictionary                                                                                     1
       Omit "that is for the time being nominated under section 71W" from the                         2
       definition of nominated water supply work.                                                     3

       Insert instead "nominated or specified in an access licence".                                  4
       Explanatory notes                                                                              5
       Updating references and omitting redundant provisions                                          6
       Items [1], [4] and [5] of the proposed amendments to the Water Management Act 2000             7
       (the Act) update references to repealed provisions.                                            8
       Items [13], [20] and [21] of the proposed amendments correct incorrect references.             9
       Item [23] of the proposed amendments omits redundant provisions.                              10
       Water illegally taken                                                                         11
       Section 60G (1) of the Act empowers the Minister, if satisfied on the balance of              12
       probabilities that water has been unlawfully taken, to charge the offender with an            13
       amount of up to 5 times the value of the water so taken and, if the person holds an           14
       access licence, to debit water allocations from the account for that licence of up to         15
       5 times the quantity of water so taken. Items [2] and [3] of the proposed amendments          16
       make it clear that the Minister may take either or both of the actions that the Act           17
       currently authorises the Minister to take in respect of a person who takes water illegally.   18
       This change will make section 60G of the Act consistent with the section of the Act that      19
       it replaced (former section 85B).                                                             20
       Section 91I of the Act makes it an offence to take water from certain water sources           21
       using metering equipment that is not operating properly and to intentionally or               22
       negligently fail to ascertain whether it is operating properly. Item [6] of the proposed      23
       amendments applies the offences contained in that provision to circumstances where            24
       the metering equipment is either not operating properly or is not operating.                  25
       Requirements for qualified person in relation to metering equipment                           26
       Item [7] of the proposed amendments enables regulations to prescribe the                      27
       qualifications, skills and experience that are required for a person to be a duly qualified   28
       person to maintain, repair, replace or seal metering equipment.                               29
       Minister's power to direct a person to take specified measures                                30
       Specified measures is defined in Part 1 of Chapter 7 of the Act to include measures           31
       that involve doing, or refraining from doing, any act. The Act also makes it clear that a     32
       power to direct a person to take specified measures includes a power to direct in what        33
       circumstances, in what order and in what manner those measures are to be taken.               34
       Items [8]-[10] and [15] of the proposed amendments ensure that the Minister's power           35
       to make certain directions in relation to unlawful works and activities, and the              36
       installation and maintenance of metering equipment, includes the power to direct a            37
       person to take specified measures.                                                            38
       Directions to landholders and other persons                                                   39
       Currently, for the purposes of a stop work order under sections 327 and 328 of the Act        40
       or a direction to protect a water source under section 333 of the Act, the landholder on      41
       whose land a water management work is situated is taken to have control and                   42
       management of the work and the landholder on whose land a controlled activity or              43
       aquifer interference activity is carried out is taken to be carrying out the activity.        44
       Item [11] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that, for the purposes of a stop          45
       work order, the landholder on whose land the water management work is proposed to             46
       be situated is taken to have control and management of the work. Item [12] of the             47
       proposed amendments makes it clear that the landholder on whose land a controlled             48
       activity or aquifer interference activity is proposed to be carried out is taken to be        49

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Minor amendments                                                                      Schedule 1

       carrying out that activity. Item [18] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that, for          1
       the purposes of a direction to protect a water source, the person who at the relevant              2
       time was the owner of the land on which the water management work was situated, is                 3
       taken to have control of that water management work, and the person who at the                     4
       relevant time was the owner of the land on which the controlled activity or aquifer                5
       interference activity was carried out, is taken to be carrying out that activity. Item [18]        6
       of the proposed amendments also makes the amendments proposed in items [11] and                    7
       [12] for the purposes of a direction to protect a water source.                                    8
       Item [14] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that the Minister may direct a                 9
       person to modify a water management work for which no water management approval                   10
       is in force.                                                                                      11
       Section 333 of the Act provides that the Minister may make certain directions by order            12
       on a person if the Minister is of the opinion that an activity is having, has had, or is likely   13
       to have, an adverse effect on a water source or waterfront land. Items [16] and [17] of           14
       the proposed amendments make it clear that the Minister may serve an order on a                   15
       person who has carried out, is carrying out or proposes to carry out a controlled activity        16
       or aquifer interference activity.                                                                 17
       Item [19] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that a direction served on a                  18
       person under Part 1 of Chapter 7 of the Act, rather than Division 5 of that Part, may             19
       require the preparation of reports and also ensures that an authorised officer may, at            20
       any premises lawfully entered, do anything that, in the opinion of the authorised officer,        21
       is necessary to be done for the purposes of Part 2 (Other enforcement powers) of                  22
       Chapter 7 of the Act.                                                                             23
       Jurisdictional limit of Local Court                                                               24
       Item [22] of the proposed amendments increases the maximum monetary penalty that                  25
       a Local Court may impose in proceedings for an offence against the Act or the                     26
       regulations from 100 penalty units ($11,000) in the case of a corporation or 50 penalty           27
       units ($5,500) in any other case to 200 penalty units (currently $22,000) in both cases.          28
       Definition of "nominated water supply work"                                                       29
       Currently, nominated water supply work is defined in the Dictionary to the Act as a               30
       water supply work, or group of water supply works, that is for the time being nominated           31
       under section 71W as a work, or group of works, by means of which water credited to               32
       an access licence may be taken from a particular water source. Item [24] of the                   33
       proposed amendments extends that definition to a water supply work, or group of                   34
       works, nominated or specified in an access licence.                                               35

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2         Amendments by way of statute law revision

Schedule 2               Amendments by way of statute law                        1
                         revision                                                2

2.1 Baulkham Hills Local Environmental Plan 2005                                 3

      Schedule 1, Part 2                                                         4

      Omit "leterophylla" from the matter relating to Englart Place.             5

      Insert instead "heterophylla".                                             6
      Explanatory note                                                           7
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                     8

2.2 Camden Local Environmental Plan No 47                                        9

      Clause 6 (3)                                                              10

      Insert at the end of clause 6:                                            11

             (3)      Notes in this plan do not form part of this plan.         12
      Explanatory note                                                          13
      The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.                     14

2.3 Camden Local Environmental Plan No 74--Harrington Park                      15

      Clause 6 (3)                                                              16

      Insert at the end of clause 6:                                            17

             (3)      Notes in this plan do not form part of this plan.         18
      Explanatory note                                                          19
      The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.                     20

2.4 Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 No 42                    21

      Sections 3 (1), definitions of "forensic patient", "government custody"   22
      and "sentence" and (2) (e) and 3G (1)                                     23

      Omit "Mental Health (Criminal Procedure) Act 1990" wherever occurring.    24

      Insert instead "Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990".            25
      Explanatory note                                                          26
      The proposed amendment updates references.                                27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                  Schedule 2

2.5 Coffs Harbour City Local Environmental Plan 2000                                         1

       Dictionary, definition of "investigation area"                                        2

       Omit the definition.                                                                  3
       Explanatory note                                                                      4
       The proposed amendment omits a redundant definition.                                  5

2.6 Constitution Amendment (Governor's Salary) Act 2003                                      6
    No 66                                                                                    7

       Schedule 2 [3]                                                                        8

       Insert before proposed clause 3:                                                      9

       Part 3         Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 10
                      Constitution Amendment (Governor's                                    11
                      Salary) Act 2003                                                      12
       Explanatory note                                                                     13
       The proposed amendment inserts a heading.                                            14

2.7 Cowra Local Environmental Plan 1990                                                     15

[1]    Clause 5 (1)                                                                         16

       Omit "coastal waters of the state".                                                  17

       Insert instead "coastal waters of the State".                                        18

[2]    Clause 5 (3)                                                                         19

       Insert at the end of clause 5:                                                       20

              (3)     Notes in this plan do not form part of this plan.                     21

[3]    Schedule 3                                                                           22

       Renumber paragraph (b) where secondly occurring in subclause (2) of the              23
       matter relating to Fences on residential premises (other than swimming pool          24
       fences) as paragraph (c).                                                            25

[4]    Schedule 3                                                                           26

       Renumber paragraphs (b) (where secondly occurring) and (c) in subclause (3)          27
       of the matter relating to Poultry houses in rural areas as paragraphs (c) and (d),   28
       respectively.                                                                        29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

      Explanatory note                                                                   1
      Items [1], [3] and [4] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors.    2
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments clarifies the status of notes.                 3

2.8 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93                                  4

      Section 260 (a1)                                                                   5

      Insert "or" at the end of the paragraph.                                           6
      Explanatory note                                                                   7
      The proposed amendment clarifies the operation of a list.                          8

2.9 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Regulation 2008                                 9

[1]   Schedule 6, clause 2 (d)                                                          10

      Insert ", 108A, 108B" after "108".                                                11

[2]   Schedule 6, clause 2 (e)                                                          12

      Omit "clause 108". Insert instead "clauses 108 and 108A".                         13
      Explanatory note                                                                  14
      The proposed amendments update cross-references.                                  15

2.10 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6                              16

      Section 39 (5)                                                                    17

      Omit "Commisssioner". Insert instead "Commissioner".                              18
      Explanatory note                                                                  19
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                            20

2.11 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209                                                 21

      Section 283 (1) (b)                                                               22

      Insert "clause" before "27 or 29".                                                23
      Explanatory note                                                                  24
      The proposed amendment inserts a missing word.                                    25

2.12 Defamation Act 2005 No 77                                                          26

      Schedule 1, clause 13                                                             27

      Omit the clause.                                                                  28
      Explanatory note                                                                  29
      The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of an Act by Schedule 5.    30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                               Schedule 2

2.13 Dungog Local Environmental Plan 2006                                                1

       Clause 26 (4)                                                                     2

       Omit "eco-systems". Insert instead "ecosystems".                                  3
       Explanatory note                                                                  4
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                            5

2.14 Duties Act 1997 No 123                                                              6

       Section 166 (3)                                                                   7

       Omit "referrable". Insert instead "referable".                                    8
       Explanatory note                                                                  9
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           10

2.15 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203                              11

       Section 34 (5) (b) and (5B)                                                      12

       Omit "take effect" wherever occurring. Insert instead "commence".                13
       Explanatory note                                                                 14
       The proposed amendment replaces references to "take effect" with references to   15
       "commence", which is the expression used in connection with Acts.                16

2.16 Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2002                                     17

[1]    Clause 14A, note                                                                 18

       Omit "prinicipally". Insert instead "principally".                               19

[2]    Schedule 2                                                                       20

       Omit "degress" from the matter relating to Budgewoi Lake--All Methods.           21

       Insert instead "degrees".                                                        22

[3]    Schedule 2                                                                       23

       Omit "33°48.016S, 151°17.933E" from the matter relating to Shelly Beach          24
       Headland.                                                                        25

       Insert instead "33°48.016S, 151°17.933E".                                        26
       Explanatory note                                                                 27
       The proposed amendments correct typographical errors.                            28

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.17 Fisheries Management (Ocean Trawl Share Management                   1
     Plan) Regulation 2006                                                2

      Appendix, Schedule 3                                                3

      Omit "(ranina ranina)". Insert instead "(Ranina ranina)".           4
      Explanatory note                                                    5
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.              6

2.18 Forestry Act 1916 No 55                                              7

[1]   Section 32A                                                         8

      Omit "sections 32B and 32C". Insert instead "section 32C".          9

[2]   Section 40 (1) (b)                                                 10

      Omit the paragraph.                                                11
      Explanatory note                                                   12
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a cross-reference.    13
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant provision.   14

2.19 Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009                     15

      Schedule 5, Part 1, item No 212                                    16

      Omit "Nissan" from the second column. Insert instead "Nissen".     17
      Explanatory note                                                   18
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.             19

2.20 Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009                     20
     (Amendment No 1)                                                    21

      Schedule 1 [3]                                                     22

      Omit "clause 4A (2) (d)". Insert instead "clause 4.2A (2) (d)".    23
      Commencement                                                       24
      The amendment is taken to have commenced on 13 March 2009.         25
      Explanatory note                                                   26
      The proposed amendment corrects an incorporation direction.        27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                  Schedule 2

2.21 Great Lakes Local Environmental Plan 1996                                               1

       Clause 6 (3)                                                                          2

       Insert at the end of clause 6:                                                        3

              (3)     Notes in this plan do not form part of this plan.                      4
       Explanatory note                                                                      5
       The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.                                 6

2.22 Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 1989                                                7

       Clause 9C (3) (f)                                                                     8

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                   9
                    (f) is significantly contaminated land within the meaning of            10
                         the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997, or                      11
       Commencement                                                                         12
       The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement          13
       of Schedule 1 [8] to the Contaminated Land Management Amendment Act 2008.            14
       Explanatory note                                                                     15
       The proposed amendment updates terminology.                                          16

2.23 Higher Education Act 2001 No 102                                                       17

       Schedule 1, Part 1                                                                   18

       Omit "Australian William E. Simon University".                                       19
       Explanatory note                                                                     20
       The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of an Act by Schedule 5.       21

2.24 Home Building Act 1989 No 147                                                          22

       Schedule 4, clause 81 (3)                                                            23

       Insert after clause 81 (2):                                                          24

              (3)     A reference in clause 73A of the Home Building Regulation 2004        25
                      to section 93 (3) of the Act is taken for all purposes to have been   26
                      a reference to section 99 (3) of the Act on and from the              27
                      commencement of that clause.                                          28
       Explanatory note                                                                     29
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                   30

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.25 Interpretation Act 1987 No 15                                                        1

[1]   Section 39 (1) (b)                                                                  2

      Omit "shall take effect". Insert instead "commences".                               3

[2]   Section 39 (2A)                                                                     4

      Omit "to take effect". Insert instead "to commence".                                5

[3]   Section 39 (2A)                                                                     6

      Omit "take effect from the day the statutory rule is published on the NSW           7
      legislation website, instead of from".                                              8

      Insert instead "commence on the day the statutory rule is published on the          9
      NSW legislation website, instead of on".                                           10
      Explanatory note                                                                   11
      The proposed amendments replace references to "take effect" with references to     12
      "commence", which is the expression used in connection with Acts.                  13

2.26 Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 1987                                               14

      Clause 5 (3)                                                                       15

      Insert after clause 5 (2):                                                         16

             (3)     Notes in this plan are provided for guidance and do not form part   17
                     of this plan.                                                       18
      Explanatory note                                                                   19
      The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.                              20

2.27 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004                                        21

      Schedule 1, clause 2 (1) (r)                                                       22

      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                23
                   (r) is significantly contaminated land within the meaning of          24
                        the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.                       25
      Commencement                                                                       26
      The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement        27
      of Schedule 1 [8] to the Contaminated Land Management Amendment Act 2008.          28
      Explanatory note                                                                   29
      The proposed amendment updates terminology.                                        30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                  Schedule 2

2.28 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002                                1
     No 103                                                                                2

[1]    Part 12, note                                                                       3

       Omit "Road Transport (General) Act 1999".                                           4

       Insert instead "Road Transport (General) Act 2005".                                 5

[2]    Schedule 2                                                                          6

       Omit the matter relating to the following:                                          7

                      Physiotherapists Registration Act 1945                               8

                      Revenue Laws (Reciprocal Powers) Act 1987                            9
       Explanatory note                                                                   10
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a cross-reference.                     11
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits references to repealed Acts.             12

2.29 Leeton Local Environmental Plan No 4                                                 13

       Clause 5 (1), definition of "item of the environmental heritage"                   14

       Omit "clause 31 (1)" from paragraph (b) of the definition.                         15

       Insert instead "clause 32 (1)".                                                    16
       Explanatory note                                                                   17
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                 18

2.30 Legal Profession Act 2004 No 112                                                     19

       Section 14 (2) (f)                                                                 20

       Omit the paragraph.                                                                21
       Explanatory note                                                                   22
       The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of an Act by Schedule 5.     23

2.31 Legal Profession Regulation 2005                                                     24

       Clause 5 (a)                                                                       25

       Omit "Legal Profession Act 2004".                                                  26

       Insert instead "Legal Profession Act 2007".                                        27
       Explanatory note                                                                   28
       The proposed amendment updates a reference.                                        29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.32 Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2000                                      1

      Schedule 2, Table                                                            2

      Omit "MSW&DB aquaduct" from the matter relating to Piper Street,             3
      Annandale.                                                                   4

      Insert instead "MWS&DB aqueduct".                                            5
      Explanatory note                                                             6
      The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.                        7

2.33 Marine Safety (General) Regulation 2009                                       8

      Schedule 5, Part 1, Key                                                      9

      Omit "s to be". Insert instead "Is to be".                                  10
      Explanatory note                                                            11
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                      12

2.34 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10                           13

      Schedule 2                                                                  14

      Omit "Mental Health (Criminal Procedure) Act 1990".                         15

      Insert instead "Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990".              16
      Explanatory note                                                            17
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to an Act.                       18

2.35 Mental Health Regulation 2007                                                19

      Clause 12                                                                   20

      Omit "Parkinsons Disease". Insert instead "Parkinson's disease".            21
      Explanatory note                                                            22
      The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.                       23

2.36 Miscellaneous Acts (Local Court) Amendment Act 2007                          24
     No 94                                                                        25

[1]   Schedule 1.43                                                               26

      Omit the Subschedule.                                                       27

[2]   Schedule 2                                                                  28

      Omit the matter relating to the Farm Produce Act 1983 and the Land Agents   29
      Act 1927.                                                                   30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                  Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                  1
       The proposed amendments are consequential on the repeal of Acts by Schedule 5.    2

2.37 Motor Dealers Regulation 2004                                                       3

       Clause 64                                                                         4

       Omit "the motor vehicle depreciation limit under section 57AF of the Income       5
       Tax Assessment Act 1936 of the Commonwealth".                                     6

       Insert instead "the car limit under section 40-230 of the Income Tax              7
       Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth".                                         8
       Explanatory note                                                                  9
       The proposed amendment updates terminology and a cross-reference.                10

2.38 Muswellbrook Local Environmental Plan 2009                                         11

       Schedule 1, clause 3 (1)                                                         12

       Omit "Muswellbroook". Insert instead "Muswellbrook".                             13
       Explanatory note                                                                 14
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           15

2.39 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80                                         16

[1]    Section 69A (1), definition of "statutory authority"                             17

       Omit paragraph (b).                                                              18

[2]    Schedule 13, Part 1, Group 5                                                     19

       Omit "spp." wherever occurring in the matter relating to Macrozamia              20
       pauli-guilielmi and Phebalium glandulosum.                                       21

       Insert instead "ssp.".                                                           22
       Explanatory note                                                                 23
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant provision.                 24
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments corrects abbreviations.                      25

2.40 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment Act                              26
     2006 No 68                                                                         27

[1]    Schedule 19.4, heading                                                           28

       Omit "Banana Industry Regulation 2003".                                          29

       Insert instead "Banana Industry Regulation 2008".                                30

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

 [2]   Schedule 19.4 [1]                                                                1
       Omit "5" wherever occurring. Insert instead "4".                                 2

 [3]   Schedule 19.4 [2]                                                                3

       Omit "Clauses 15 (a) and 41 (a)".                                                4

       Insert instead "Clauses 14 (a) and 40 (a)".                                      5

 [4]   Schedule 19.4 [3]                                                                6

       Omit "Clauses 21 (2) (a) and 48 (2) (a)".                                        7

       Insert instead "Clauses 20 (2) (a) and 47 (2) (a)".                              8

 [5]   Schedule 19.7, 19.15, 19.18 and 19.19                                            9

       Omit the Subschedules.                                                          10

 [6]   Schedule 19.14, heading                                                         11

       Omit "Nurses and Midwives Regulation 2003".                                     12

       Insert instead "Nurses and Midwives Regulation 2008".                           13

 [7]   Schedule 19.14 [1]                                                              14

       Omit "Clause 3 Definitions".                                                    15

       Insert instead "Schedule 1 Election of Board members".                          16

 [8]   Schedule 19.14 [1]                                                              17

       Omit "clause 3 (1)". Insert instead "clause 1".                                 18

 [9]   Schedule 19.14 [2] and [3]                                                      19

       Omit the items.                                                                 20

[10]   Schedule 19.16                                                                  21

       Omit the Subschedule. Insert instead:                                           22

       19.16 Physiotherapists Regulation 2008                                          23

             Schedule 1 Election of Board members                                      24

             Omit the definition of returning officer from clause 1. Insert instead:   25
                         returning officer means an accredited election service        26
                         provider (referred to in Part 6A of the Parliamentary         27
                         Electorates and Elections Act 1912) appointed by the          28
                         Board for the purpose of exercising the functions of a        29
                         returning officer at an election.                             30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                    Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                         1
       Items [1]-[4], [6]-[8] and [10] of the proposed amendments update cross-references to    2
       replaced instruments.                                                                    3
       Items [5] and [9] of the proposed amendments omit redundant provisions.                  4

2.41 Parliamentary Evidence Act 1901 No 43                                                      5

       Section 11 (1)                                                                           6

       Omit "sergeant-at-arms". Insert instead "serjeant-at-arms".                              7
       Explanatory note                                                                         8
       The proposed amendment corrects a reference to an office holder.                         9

2.42 Plant Diseases Act 1924 No 38                                                             10

       Section 18A (12)                                                                        11

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                    12

             (12)    Where a prescribed fee for the purposes of this section is paid by        13
                     a person who is not the owner of the coverings or fruit or                14
                     vegetables in respect of which the payment is made, an amount             15
                     equal to the amount of that fee may be recovered from the owner           16
                     by that person in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due       17
                     and owing by the owner to the extent to which it has not been             18
                     waived or remitted in accordance with subsection (13).                    19
       Explanatory note                                                                        20
       The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of Acts by Schedule 5.            21

2.43 Port Macquarie-Hastings (Area 13 Thrumster) Local                                         22
     Environmental Plan 2008                                                                   23

[1]    Schedule 2                                                                              24

       Omit "in an exempt development code. The Policy will have State-wide                    25
       application and commences on 27 February 2009" from Note 1 at the                       26
       beginning of the Schedule.                                                              27

       Insert instead ". The Policy has State-wide application".                               28

[2]    Schedule 2                                                                              29

       Omit "2Kw" from subclause (3) of the matter relating to Wind energy                     30
       generating works.                                                                       31

       Insert instead "2kW".                                                                   32

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 2       Amendments by way of statute law revision

[3]   Schedule 3, Part 1                                                               1
      Omit "in a complying development code. The Policy will have State-wide           2
      application and commences on 27 February 2009" from the note at the              3
      beginning of the Part.                                                           4

      Insert instead ". The Policy has State-wide application.".                       5

[4]   Schedule 3, Part 1                                                               6

      Omit "100w" and "150w" from subclause (4) (b) of the matter relating to          7
      Recreation facilities (swimming pools and spa pools).                            8

      Insert instead "100W" and "150W", respectively.                                  9
      Explanatory note                                                                10
      Items [1] and [3] of the proposed amendments update references.                 11
      Items [2] and [4] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors.      12

2.44 Poultry Meat Industry Act 1986 No 101                                            13

      Section 13, definition of "inspector"                                           14

      Omit the definition. Insert instead:                                            15
                  inspector means a person authorised in writing by the Minister to   16
                  exercise the functions of an inspector under this Part.             17
      Explanatory note                                                                18
      The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of Acts by Schedule 5.    19

2.45 Poultry Meat Industry Regulation 2008                                            20

      Clause 2                                                                        21

      Omit "3 October". Insert instead "9 October".                                   22
      Explanatory note                                                                23
      The proposed amendment corrects a commencement date.                            24

2.46 Powers of Attorney Act 2003 No 53                                                25

      Section 19 (2)                                                                  26

      Omit "Conveyancers Licensing Act 1995".                                         27

      Insert instead "Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003".                               28
      Explanatory note                                                                29
      The proposed amendment updates a cross-reference.                               30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                 Schedule 2

2.47 Probate and Administration Act 1898 No 13                                           1

       Section 3 (2)                                                                     2

       Insert at the end of section 3:                                                   3

              (2)    Notes in this Act do not form part of this Act.                     4
       Explanatory note                                                                  5
       The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.                             6

2.48 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43                              7

       Schedule 2, Part 3                                                                8

       Omit "section 6 (1A)". Insert instead "section 6B".                               9
       Explanatory note                                                                 10
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                               11

2.49 Rail Safety Act 2008 No 97                                                         12

       Section 167 (7)                                                                  13

       Omit "statutory instruments". Insert instead "statutory rules".                  14
       Explanatory note                                                                 15
       The proposed amendment corrects a reference.                                     16

2.50 Registered Clubs Act 1976 No 31                                                    17

       Schedule 2, clause 34 (1)                                                        18

       Omit "of the Regulation" where secondly occurring.                               19

       Insert instead "of the Regulation)".                                             20
       Explanatory note                                                                 21
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           22

2.51 Rice Marketing Act 1983 No 176                                                     23

       Section 52 (2)                                                                   24

       Omit the subsection.                                                             25
       Explanatory note                                                                 26
       The proposed amendment is consequential on the repeal of Acts by Schedule 5.     27

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Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.52 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99                               1

[1]   Section 25 (3), note                                                          2

      Omit "Section 26 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999".                   3

      Insert instead "Section 189 of the Road Transport (General) Act 2005".        4

[2]   Section 25A (5)                                                               5

      Omit "(3A) (a) (ii)". Insert instead "(3A) (b) (i)".                          6
      Commencement                                                                  7
      Item [2] of the amendments is taken to have commenced on 9 March 2009.        8
      Explanatory note                                                              9
      The proposed amendments correct cross-references.                            10

2.53 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2008                             11

      Clause 102 (2)                                                               12

      Omit "(3A) (a) (ii)". Insert instead "(3A) (b) (i)".                         13
      Commencement                                                                 14
      The amendment is taken to have commenced on 9 March 2009.                    15
      Explanatory note                                                             16
      The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                           17

2.54 Road Transport (General) Regulation 2005                                      18

      Clause 18 (3)                                                                19

      Insert "clause" after "under".                                               20
      Explanatory note                                                             21
      The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                           22

2.55 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999                       23
     No 20                                                                         24

      Section 9, note                                                              25

      Omit "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999".        26

      Insert instead "Division 1 of Part 5.4 of the Road Transport (General) Act   27
      2005".                                                                       28
      Explanatory note                                                             29
      The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                           30

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Amendments by way of statute law revision                                Schedule 2

2.56 Roads Regulation 2008                                                                1

       Clause 2                                                                           2

       Omit "1 June". Insert instead "3 June".                                            3
       Explanatory note                                                                   4
       The proposed amendment corrects a commencement date.                               5

2.57 Security Industry Regulation 2007                                                    6

       Clause 37 (1) (a)                                                                  7

       Omit "forceable". Insert instead "forcible".                                       8
       Explanatory note                                                                   9
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                            10

2.58 Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004                                    11

       Clause 49 (1) (b)                                                                 12

       Omit "from that Director-General".                                                13
       Explanatory note                                                                  14
       The proposed amendment removes a redundant reference.                             15

2.59 Sporting Venues (Pitch Invasions) Regulation 2006                                   16

       Clause 3                                                                          17

       Omit "know". Insert instead "known".                                              18
       Explanatory note                                                                  19
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                            20

2.60 Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order                               21
     2006                                                                                22

[1]    Standard instrument, clause 5.4 (3)                                               23

       Omit "light industry". Insert instead "home industry".                            24

[2]    Standard instrument, Dictionary                                                   25

       Omit paragraph (b) of the note to the definition of place of public               26
       entertainment.                                                                    27

       Insert instead:                                                                   28
                     (b)    any premises the subject of a licence under the Liquor Act   29
                            2007 that are used or intended to be used for the purpose    30
                            of    providing    entertainment,      including    public   31

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Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

                          entertainment, but not including amusement by means of     1
                          an approved gaming machine within the meaning of the       2
                          Gaming Machines Act 2001, or                               3
      Explanatory note                                                               4
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a reference.                      5
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments updates a definition.                      6

2.61 State Environmental Planning Policy No 4--Development                           7
     Without Consent and Miscellaneous Exempt and Complying                          8
     Development                                                                     9

      Clause 4 (1)                                                                  10

      Omit "(Western Parklands)".                                                   11

      Insert instead "(Western Sydney Parklands)".                                  12
      Explanatory note                                                              13
      The proposed amendment corrects a reference to an instrument.                 14

2.62 State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and                                15
     Complying Development Codes) 2008                                              16

[1]   Clause 3.10 (2)                                                               17

      Renumber paragraphs (a) and (b) (both where secondly occurring) and (c)-(e)   18
      of the definition of floor area as paragraphs (c)-(g), respectively.          19

[2]   Clause 3.11 (3)                                                               20

      Renumber paragraphs (a) and (b) (both where secondly occurring) and (c) of    21
      the definition of floor area as paragraphs (c)-(e), respectively.             22
      Explanatory note                                                              23
      The proposed amendments correct duplicated paragraph numbering.               24

2.63 State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005                      25

[1]   Schedule 3, Part 29, clause 14 (1)                                            26

      Omit "subdivison". Insert instead "subdivision".                              27

[2]   Schedule 3, Part 29, clause 14 (2) (b)                                        28

      Omit "opporunity". Insert instead "opportunity".                              29

[3]   Schedule 3, Part 34, clause 9 (2)                                             30

      Omit "environmental protection works;".                                       31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                    Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                        1
       Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors.              2
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments omits duplicated words.                             3

2.64 State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney                                       4
     Parklands) 2009                                                                           5

       Clause 9 (1)                                                                            6

       Omit "Subsection". Insert instead "Subclause".                                          7
       Explanatory note                                                                        8
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                                  9

2.65 Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 No 68                                     10

[1]    Section 37A (6) (b)                                                                    11

       Omit "subdivision". Insert instead "conversion".                                       12

[2]    Section 91                                                                             13

       Omit the section.                                                                      14
       Explanatory note                                                                       15
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a typographical error.                    16
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant provision.                       17

2.66 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986 No 219                                   18

[1]    Section 66A (6) (b)                                                                    19

       Omit "subdivision". Insert instead "conversion".                                       20

[2]    Section 123                                                                            21

       Omit the section.                                                                      22
       Explanatory note                                                                       23
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a typographical error.                    24
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant provision.                       25

2.67 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Regulation 2007                                   26

       Schedule 2, clause 1 (2)                                                               27

       Omit "a plan". Insert instead "A plan".                                                28
       Explanatory note                                                                       29
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                                 30

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Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.68 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146                                          1

[1]   Schedule 4, items 4, 7, 10, 13 and 30                                           2

      Omit the items.                                                                 3

[2]   Schedule 4, item 23                                                             4

      Omit "Banks". Insert instead "Bank".                                            5
      Explanatory note                                                                6
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits redundant provisions.                 7
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments corrects a cross-reference.                 8

2.69 Supreme Court Rules 1970                                                         9

      Schedule J, Part 1                                                             10

      Renumber clause 5 (1) (d) (where secondly occurring) and (e) in the matter     11
      relating to the Succession Act 2006 as paragraphs (e) and (f), respectively.   12
      Explanatory note                                                               13
      The proposed amendment corrects duplicated numbering.                          14

2.70 Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2006                                  15

[1]   Clause 57, table                                                               16

      Omit the following from under the heading "Trees" where firstly occurring:     17

      Pinus radiata                             Radiata pine

[2]   Clause 57, table                                                               18

      Omit the following from under the heading "Trees" where firstly occurring:     19

      Syagrus romanzoffiana                     Cocos Palm

      Explanatory note                                                               20
      The proposed amendments omit duplicated provisions.                            21

2.71 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 19--Rouse Hill                            22
     Development Area                                                                23

      Clause 3 (2) (a)                                                               24

      Omit "clause 275". Insert instead "clause 276".                                25

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                   Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                   1
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                 2

2.72 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 24--Homebush                                   3
     Bay Area                                                                             4

[1]    Clause 9A (2) (i)                                                                  5

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                6
                    (i) it relates to significantly contaminated land within the          7
                         meaning of the Contaminated Land Management Act                  8
                         1997, the development complies with the terms of an              9
                         approved voluntary management proposal under that Act,          10
                         and                                                             11

[2]    Clause 9A (2) (j) and (k)                                                         12

       Omit "if" wherever occurring.                                                     13
       Commencement                                                                      14
       Item [1] of the amendments commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the       15
       commencement of Schedule 1 [8] to the Contaminated Land Management Amendment      16
       Act 2008.                                                                         17
       Explanatory note                                                                  18
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates terminology.                          19
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a superfluous word.                     20

2.73 Trade Measurement Regulation 2007                                                   21

[1]    Clause 2 (1), definition of "paint"                                               22

       Omit "(other than in Part 2 and Schedules 1-3)".                                  23

[2]    Clause 2 (2)                                                                      24

       Omit "Schedules 1-3". Insert instead "Schedule 1".                                25

[3]    Clause 2 (3)                                                                      26

       Insert at the end of clause 2:                                                    27

              (3)     Notes in this Regulation do not form part of this Regulation.      28
       Explanatory note                                                                  29
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits redundant words.                        30
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments updates cross-references.                     31
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments clarifies the status of notes.                32

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Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.74 Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2000                                          1

[1]   Clause 48                                                                       2

      Insert "(1)" before "The consent authority".                                    3

[2]   Clause 48                                                                       4

      Insert "(2)" before "Consent for development".                                  5

[3]   Clause 48                                                                       6

      Omit "within an investigation area".                                            7

      Insert instead "specified in a preliminary investigation order under the        8
      Contaminated Land Management Act 1997".                                         9

[4]   Clause 48 (2) (as renumbered by item [2])                                      10

      Omit ", and" wherever occurring.                                               11

[5]   Schedule 9, clause 2 (2) and Dictionary, definition of "category A             12
      remediation work"                                                              13

      Omit "remediation order" wherever occurring.                                   14

      Insert instead "management order".                                             15

[6]   Dictionary, definitions of "investigation area" and "remediation site"         16

      Omit the definitions.                                                          17
      Commencement                                                                   18
      Items [3], [5] and [6] commence, or are taken to have commenced, on the        19
      commencement of Schedule 1 [8] to the Contaminated Land Management Amendment   20
      Act 2008.                                                                      21
      Explanatory note                                                               22
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments insert missing numbering.         23
      Items [3] and [5] of the proposed amendments update terminology.               24
      Item [4] of the proposed amendments omits incorrect conjunctions.              25
      Item [6] of the proposed amendments omits redundant definitions.               26

2.75 Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated                     27
     and Alluvial Water Sources 2008                                                 28

      Schedule 4, paragraph (b)                                                      29

      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                            30
                   (b) any significantly contaminated land within the meaning of     31
                        the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997,                   32

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                    Schedule 2

       Commencement                                                                            1
       The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement             2
       of Schedule 1 [8] to the Contaminated Land Management Amendment Act 2008.               3
       Explanatory note                                                                        4
       The proposed amendment updates terminology.                                             5

2.76 Water Sharing Plan for the Coopers Creek Water Source                                     6
     2003                                                                                      7

[1]    Clause 17 (2) (d)                                                                       8

       Omit "Class". Insert instead "C Class".                                                 9

[2]    Clause 32 (2)                                                                          10

       Omit "clasue 19". Insert instead "clause 19".                                          11

[3]    Clause 47 (3)                                                                          12

       Renumber paragraphs (c) and (d) as paragraphs (a) and (b), respectively.               13
       Explanatory note                                                                       14
       Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors.             15
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments corrects incorrect numbering.                      16

2.77 Wilderness Act 1987 No 196                                                               17

[1]    Section 2 (1), definition of "statutory authority"                                     18

       Omit paragraph (b).                                                                    19

[2]    Section 8 (5)                                                                          20

       Omit "or section 59 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 does not,              21
       except as otherwise provided by any agreement under this Act or that Act".             22

       Insert instead "does not, except as otherwise provided by any agreement under          23
       this Act".                                                                             24
       Explanatory note                                                                       25
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant provision.                       26
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant cross-reference.                 27

2.78 Wyong Local Environmental Plan 1991                                                      28

       Clauses 2 (2) (j) (iii) and 28 (4) (b) (ii)                                            29

       Omit "eco-systems" wherever occurring. Insert instead "ecosystems".                    30
       Explanatory note                                                                       31
       The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.                                  32

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 3      Amendments consequential on enactment of Legal Profession Act 2004

Schedule 3              Amendments consequential on                                              1
                        enactment of Legal Profession Act 2004                                   2
      Explanatory note                                                                           3
      The Legal Profession Act 2004 introduced new terms to distinguish between different        4
      types of lawyers. In particular, the Act introduced the concept of an Australian lawyer    5
      (a person who is admitted to the legal profession under the Act or a corresponding law)    6
      and an Australian legal practitioner (an Australian lawyer who holds a current local       7
      practising certificate or a current interstate practising certificate). Currently, the     8
      meanings of Australian legal practitioner and Australian lawyer are contained in the       9
      Interpretation Act 1987 for ease of reference in other Acts.                              10

3.1 Consumer Credit Administration Act 1995 No 69                                               11

      Sections 30 (2), 36 (1), 38 (a), 39 (1) and 42 (3)                                        12

      Omit "a legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                                           13

      Insert instead "an Australian legal practitioner".                                        14
      Explanatory note                                                                          15
      The proposed amendments provide that the existing references to a legal practitioner      16
      in those provisions of the Consumer Credit Administration Act 1995 dealing with           17
      representation during an inquiry under that Act, or representation in any proceedings     18
      arising under the consumer credit legislation before a court or the Consumer, Trader      19
      and Tenancy Tribunal, are references to an Australian lawyer who holds a current          20
      practising certificate.                                                                   21

3.2 Conveyancing Act 1919 No 6                                                                  22

[1]   Sections 66P (1) and 66Z (1)                                                              23

      Omit the definition of barrister wherever occurring. Insert instead:                      24
                  barrister has the same meaning as it has in the Legal Profession              25
                  Act 2004.                                                                     26

[2]   Sections 66P (1) and 66Z (1)                                                              27

      Omit the definition of solicitor wherever occurring. Insert instead:                      28
                  solicitor has the same meaning as it has in the Legal Profession              29
                  Act 2004, and includes a licensed conveyancer.                                30
      Explanatory note                                                                          31
      The proposed amendments update the current definitions of barrister and solicitor         32
      contained in the Conveyancing Act 1919 by defining these terms with reference to the      33
      Legal Profession Act 2004.                                                                34

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Amendments consequential on enactment of Legal Profession Act 2004            Schedule 3

3.3 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209                                                           1

[1]    Sections 76 (4) (b) and note, 185, note and 306V (2) and (3) (b)                          2

       Omit "lawyer" wherever occurring.                                                         3

       Insert instead "Australian legal practitioner".                                           4

[2]    Section 306ZL Vulnerable persons have a right to alternative                              5
       arrangements for giving evidence when accused is unrepresented                            6

       Omit "a lawyer" from section 306ZL (1).                                                   7

       Insert instead "an Australian legal practitioner".                                        8

[3]    Section 306ZL (7) (b)                                                                     9

       Omit "Australian lawyer". Insert instead "Australian legal practitioner".                10
       Explanatory note                                                                         11
       Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments provide that certain recorded evidence      12
       given by a child or a cognitively impaired person may be admitted or used as evidence    13
       in proceedings if the accused person and his or her Australian legal practitioner have   14
       been given a reasonable opportunity to listen to or view the recording.                  15
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments makes provision for a child or a cognitively         16
       impaired person to be examined by a person appointed by the court instead of by the      17
       accused or the defendant (in circumstances where the accused or defendant is not         18
       represented by an Australian legal practitioner).                                        19
       Item [4] of the proposed amendments makes a consequential amendment.                     20

3.4 Evidence on Commission Act 1995 No 26                                                       21

       Sections 7 (2) (b) and 21 (2) (b)                                                        22

       Omit "the lawyer of" wherever occurring.                                                 23

       Insert instead "the Australian legal practitioner representing".                         24
       Explanatory note                                                                         25
       The proposed amendments make it clear that a superior court may, when making an          26
       order for taking evidence abroad or outside of the State under the Evidence on           27
       Commission Act 1995, include a request for the attendance of the Australian legal        28
       practitioner representing each party to a proceeding.                                    29

3.5 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002                                      30
    No 103                                                                                      31

[1]    Section 117 Certain times to be disregarded in calculating investigation                 32
       period                                                                                   33

       Insert "Australian" before "legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                      34

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 3      Amendments consequential on enactment of Legal Profession Act 2004

[2]   Sections 123 (1) (b), (5) and (8) and 127 (1) (a)                                         1
      Omit "a legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                                           2

      Insert instead "an Australian legal practitioner".                                        3

[3]   Section 123 Right to communicate with friend, relative, guardian or                       4
      independent person and Australian legal practitioner                                      5

      Omit "that legal practitioner" from section 123 (1) (b).                                  6

      Insert instead "that Australian legal practitioner".                                      7

[4]   Section 123 (1) (b) (i), (5) and (6)                                                      8

      Omit "the legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                                         9

      Insert instead "the Australian legal practitioner".                                      10

[5]   Section 123 (7) and (8)                                                                  11

      Omit "or legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                                         12

      Insert instead "or Australian legal practitioner".                                       13
      Explanatory note                                                                         14
      The proposed amendments provide that the existing references to a legal practitioner     15
      in those provisions of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002        16
      dealing with the detention of persons after arrest for the purposes of questioning and   17
      the safeguards relating to those persons in custody are references to an Australian      18
      lawyer who holds a current practising certificate.                                       19

3.6 Loan Fund Companies Act 1976 No 94                                                         20

[1]   Section 51 Procedure with respect to holding of inquiry                                  21

      Omit "A duly qualified legal practitioner" from section 51 (4).                          22

      Insert instead "An Australian legal practitioner".                                       23

[2]   Sections 52 (6) and 54                                                                   24

      Omit "a duly qualified legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                           25

      Insert instead "an Australian legal practitioner".                                       26
      Explanatory note                                                                         27
      The proposed amendments provide that the existing references to a duly qualified legal   28
      practitioner in those provisions of the Loan Fund Companies Act 1976 dealing with        29
      inquiries into the affairs and activities of loan fund companies are references to an    30
      Australian lawyer who holds a current practising certificate.                            31

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Amendments consequential on enactment of Legal Profession Act 2004      Schedule 3

3.7 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 No 40                                        1

       Sections 126 (1) and 127 (1)                                                      2

       Omit "a legal practitioner" wherever occurring.                                   3

       Insert instead "an Australian legal practitioner".                                4
       Explanatory note                                                                  5
       The proposed amendments make provision for an Australian legal practitioner to    6
       appear as a representative in proceedings under section 125 of the Occupational   7
       Health and Safety Act 2000 on an application for a guideline judgment.            8

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Schedule 4       On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

Schedule 4              On-line notification of the making of                                     1
                        statutory instruments                                                     2
      Explanatory note                                                                            3
      This Schedule contains amendments that relate to the official notification of the making    4
      of certain statutory instruments on the NSW legislation website that is maintained by       5
      the Parliamentary Counsel.                                                                  6
      Generally, the amendments require that certain statutory instruments such as                7
      proclamations, orders and notices that directly amend Acts be published on the NSW          8
      legislation website instead of in the Gazette.                                              9
      Subschedules 4.25 and 4.38 confirm that the rules of the Guardianship Tribunal and         10
      the Medical Tribunal are rules of court for the purposes of the Interpretation Act 1987    11
      and are therefore required to be published on the NSW legislation website rather than      12
      in the Gazette.                                                                            13
      In addition, some amendments (Subschedules 4.2, 4.11, 4.14, 4.32-4.35, 4.50-4.53,          14
      4.69, 4.71 and 4.74) confirm that court practice notes and certain other instruments,      15
      which apply the statutory rule provisions of the Interpretation Act 1987 relating to       16
      parliamentary tabling and disallowance, continue to be required to be published in the     17
      Gazette.                                                                                   18

4.1 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42                                                        19

      Section 93 Regions                                                                         20

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 93 (2).                                                 21

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                           22

4.2 Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 No 76                                             23

      Section 91A Practice notes                                                                 24

      Omit section 91A (2). Insert instead:                                                      25

             (2)    A practice note must be published in the Gazette.                            26

             (3)    Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a                 27
                    practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.             28

4.3 AGL Corporate Conversion Act 2002 No 16                                                      29

      Section 34 Part 4 of Gas Industry Restructuring Act 1986 ceases to have                    30
      effect on registration day                                                                 31

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 34 (4).                                                 32

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                           33

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments            Schedule 4

4.4 Apiaries Act 1985 No 16                                                           1

[1]    Section 48 Certain orders to be published in Gazette                           2

       Insert "(other than an order made under section 51)" after "An order".         3

[2]    Section 51 Amendment of Schedules 1, 2 and 3                                   4

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 51 (1) and (2), wherever occurring.         5

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               6

4.5 Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Act 2008 No 91                           7

       Section 7 Existing Society Act and rules cease to have effect on               8
       registration day                                                               9

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 7 (3).                                     10

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                              11

4.6 Botany Cemetery and Crematorium Act 1972 No 6                                    12

       Section 16 Amendment of Schedules                                             13

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 16 (1).                                    14

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                              15

4.7 Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act                            16
    2005 No 56                                                                       17

[1]    Section 16 Future additions to zones of Community Conservation Area           18

       Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in     19
       section 16 (1).                                                               20

[2]    Section 22 Adjustment of description of transferred land                      21

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 22 (3).                                    22

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                              23

4.8 Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003 No 104                                 24

       Section 11 Abolition, establishment or change of name or area of              25
       operations of authorities                                                     26

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 11 (1).                                    27

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                              28

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4     On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.9 Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006 No 105                                    1

      Schedule 7.2 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                     2

      Omit "in the Gazette" from proposed section 286 (6) in Schedule 7.2 [1].         3

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                 4

4.10 Chipping Norton Lake Authority Act 1977 No 38                                     5

      Section 23 Extension or restriction of development area                          6

      Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".          7

4.11 Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28                                                    8

      Section 15 Practice notes                                                        9

      Omit section 15 (2). Insert instead:                                            10

             (2)   A practice note must be published in the Gazette.                  11

             (3)   Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       12
                   practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.   13

4.12 Dams Safety Act 1978 No 96                                                       14

      Section 27 Amendment etc of Schedule 1                                          15

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 27 (1) and (2), wherever occurring.          16

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                17

4.13 Discharged Servicemen's Badges Act 1964 No 49                                    18

      Section 2 Interpretation                                                        19

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 2 (2).                                       20

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                21

4.14 District Court Act 1973 No 9                                                     22

[1]   Section 161 Civil procedure rules                                               23

      Omit "is taken to be a statutory rule for the purposes of Part 6 of the         24
      Interpretation Act 1987. This subsection does not apply to a practice note      25
      issued before the commencement of this subsection" from section 161 (7).        26

      Insert instead "must be published in the Gazette".                              27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments              Schedule 4

[2]    Section 161 (8)                                                                    1
       Insert after section 161 (7):                                                      2

               (8)    Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a        3
                      practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.    4

[3]    Section 188 References to District Court judges in existing instruments            5

       Omit "Sections 39," from section 188 (4). Insert instead "Sections".               6

4.15 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 No 7                                             7

       Section 54 Amendment of Schedule 1 (Substances)                                    8

       Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".            9

4.16 Dust Diseases Tribunal Act 1989 No 63                                               10

       Section 35 Power to add diseases to Schedule 1                                    11

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 35 (1) and (2), wherever occurring.            12

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  13

4.17 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203                               14

[1]    Sections 75R (3A), 94EG (1) and (3) and 118AA (11)                                15

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                        16

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  17

[2]    Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             18

       Omit "in the Gazette" from clause 91 (1).                                         19

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  20

4.18 Fair Trading Act 1987 No 68                                                         21

[1]    Section 31 Order (other than interim order) prohibiting or restricting the        22
       supply of goods                                                                   23

       Insert after section 31 (1):                                                      24

             (1A)     An order made under this section must be published in the          25
                      Gazette.                                                           26

[2]    Section 31 (2)                                                                    27

       Omit "Sections 39,". Insert instead "Sections".                                   28

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4     On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.19 Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192                                                 1

      Section 55 Advance payment by insurance companies                            2

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 55 (5).                                   3

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                             4

4.20 First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100                                    5

      Section 7 Employers may be changed                                           6

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 7 (1).                                    7

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                             8

4.21 Fisheries Management Act 1994 No 38                                           9

[1]   Sections 7B (2) and 42 (2)                                                  10

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation",     11
      wherever occurring.                                                         12

[2]   Section 220D Amendment of lists                                             13

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 220D (1) and (2), wherever occurring.    14

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                            15

4.22 Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 No 163                            16

      Section 11 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park   17
      estate                                                                      18

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 11 (4).                                  19

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                            20

4.23 Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act                         21
     1980 No 39                                                                   22

      Section 4 Definitions                                                       23

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 4 (6) and (9), wherever occurring.       24

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                            25

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments               Schedule 4

4.24 Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974 No 49                               1

       Section 5 Amendment of Schedule 1 (Growth centres and development                    2
       corporations)                                                                        3

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 5 (1) and (7), wherever occurring.                4

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                     5

4.25 Guardianship Act 1987 No 257                                                           6

       Section 75 Rules                                                                     7

       Omit section 75 (2). Insert instead:                                                 8

               (2)    A rule made under this section is a rule of court for the purposes    9
                      of the Interpretation Act 1987.                                      10

4.26 Hawkesbury Racecourse Act 1996 No 74                                                  11

       Section 9 Repeals                                                                   12

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 9 (1).                                           13

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                    14

4.27 Health Services Act 1997 No 154                                                       15

       Sections 19 (1), 20 (1) and (2), 42, 43 (1) and (2), 62 (2), 64 (1) and (3) and     16
       131 (1) and (2)                                                                     17

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                          18

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                    19

4.28 Higher Education Act 2001 No 102                                                      20

       Section 4 Australian universities                                                   21

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 4 (1).                                           22

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                    23

4.29 Imperial Acts Application Act 1969 No 30                                              24

       Section 11 Revival of repealed enactments                                           25

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 11 (1).                                          26

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                    27

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                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4          On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.30 Interpretation Act 1987 No 15                                                         1

      Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                       2

      Insert after clause 9:                                                               3

      10      Operation of applied parliamentary disallowance provisions for               4
              instruments published in Gazette                                             5

                       Where section 40 (Notice of statutory rules to be tabled) is        6
                       applied to an instrument that is required to be published in the    7
                       Gazette, a reference in that section to the NSW legislation         8
                       website is to be construed as a reference to the Gazette.           9

4.31 Lake Illawarra Authority Act 1987 No 285                                             10

[1]   Section 5 Interpretation                                                            11

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 5 (3).                                           12

[2]   Section 24 Extension or restriction of development area                             13

      Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".             14

4.32 Land and Environment Court Act 1979 No 204                                           15

      Section 76 Practice notes                                                           16

      Omit section 76 (2). Insert instead:                                                17

              (2)      A practice note must be published in the Gazette.                  18

             (2A)      Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       19
                       practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.   20

4.33 Legal Profession Act 2004 No 112                                                     21

[1]   Section 38 Admission rules                                                          22

      Omit section 38 (4) and the note. Insert instead:                                   23

              (4)      The rules must be published in the Gazette.                        24

              (5)      Sections 40 (Notice of statutory rules to be tabled) and 41        25
                       (Disallowance of statutory rules) of the Interpretation Act 1987   26
                       apply to the rules in the same way as they apply to a statutory    27
                       rule.                                                              28

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments               Schedule 4

[2]    Section 394 Rules of procedure for applications                                    1
       Omit section 394 (6) and the note. Insert instead:                                 2

               (6)    The rules must be published in the Gazette.                         3

               (7)    Sections 40 (Notice of statutory rules to be tabled) and 41         4
                      (Disallowance of statutory rules) of the Interpretation Act 1987    5
                      apply to the rules in the same way as they apply to a statutory     6
                      rule.                                                               7

4.34 Local Court Act 2007 No 93                                                           8

       Section 27 Practice notes                                                          9

       Omit section 27 (2). Insert instead:                                              10

               (2)    A practice note must be published in the Gazette.                  11

               (3)    Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       12
                      practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.   13

4.35 Local Courts Act 1982 No 164                                                        14

[1]    Section 28B Tabling and disallowance of practice notes                            15

       Omit "is taken to be a statutory rule for the purposes of Part 6 of the           16
       Interpretation Act 1987".                                                         17

       Insert instead "must be published in the Gazette".                                18

[2]    Section 28B (2)                                                                   19

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                 20

               (2)    Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       21
                      practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.   22

4.36 Local Government Associations Incorporation Act 1974                                23
     No 20                                                                               24

[1]    Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             25

       Omit "in the Gazette" from clause 3 (1).                                          26

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  27

[2]    Schedule 1, clause 3 (3)                                                          28

       Omit "in the Gazette".                                                            29

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4     On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.37 Lord Howe Island Act 1953 No 39                                                     1

      Section 19A Lord Howe Island Permanent Park Preserve                               2

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 19A (2).                                        3

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                   4

4.38 Medical Practice Act 1992 No 94                                                     5

      Section 158 Rules of practice and procedure for the Tribunal                       6

      Omit section 158 (2). Insert instead:                                              7

             (2)   A rule made under this section is a rule of court for the purposes    8
                   of the Interpretation Act 1987.                                       9

4.39 Nation Building and Jobs Plan (State Infrastructure Delivery)                      10
     Act 2009 No 1                                                                      11

      Section 31 Repeal of Act                                                          12

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in         13
      section 31 (3).                                                                   14

4.40 National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region Reservations)                            15
     Act 2006 No 90                                                                     16

      Section 10 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park         17
      estate                                                                            18

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 10 (3).                                        19

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  20

4.41 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002 No 137                                21

      Section 11 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park         22
      estate                                                                            23

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 11 (3).                                        24

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  25

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments           Schedule 4

4.42 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2003 No 24                                1

       Section 9 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park        2
       estate                                                                          3

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 9 (3).                                       4

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                5

4.43 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005 No 84                                6

       Section 10 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park       7
       estate                                                                          8

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 10 (3).                                      9

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               10

4.44 National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act                          11
     2000 No 103                                                                      12

       Section 10 Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park      13
       estate                                                                         14

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 10 (3).                                     15

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               16

4.45 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80                                       17

       Sections 71U (3), (4) and (6), 93, 94 and 115 (1) and (2)                      18

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                     19

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               20

4.46 National Rail Corporation (Agreement) Act 1991 No 82                             21

       Section 3 Definitions                                                          22

       Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in      23
       section 3 (2).                                                                 24

4.47 New South Wales Retirement Benefits Act 1972 No 70                               25

[1]    Section 64 Amendment of Schedules 2 and 2A                                     26

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 64 (1), (1A) and (2), wherever occurring.   27

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               28

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4      On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

[2]   Section 64 (2) and (5)                                                         1
      Insert "or (1A)" after "subsection (1)", wherever occurring.                   2

4.48 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                                        3

[1]   Section 14 Amendment of Schedule                                               4

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 14 (1).                                     5

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               6

[2]   Section 41 Definitions                                                         7

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in      8
      section 41 (3).                                                                9

4.49 Parramatta Park Trust Act 2001 No 17                                           10

      Section 8 Vesting of principal trust lands at Parramatta in the Trust         11

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 8 (3) and (4), wherever occurring.         12

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                              13

4.50 Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39                                             14

      Section 15 Fees for applications for, and renewals of, accreditations and     15
      authorities                                                                   16

      Omit "Sections 39," from section 15 (4). Insert instead "Sections".           17

4.51 Plant Diseases Act 1924 No 38                                                  18

[1]   Section 5A Treatment and eradication of diseases and pests                    19

      Insert "published in the Gazette" after "by order" in section 5A (1).         20

[2]   Section 5A (3)                                                                21

      Omit "Sections 39,". Insert instead "Sections".                               22

[3]   Section 28A Orders                                                            23

      Insert after section 28A (1):                                                 24

             (1A)   An order under this section must be published in the Gazette.   25

[4]   Section 28A (4)                                                               26

      Omit "section 31". Insert instead "section 30".                               27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments              Schedule 4

[5]    Section 28A (4)                                                                    1
       Omit "· section 39 (the making of statutory rules)".                               2

4.52 Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 No 31                                         3

[1]    Section 8 Poisons List                                                             4

       Insert "and published in the Gazette" after "Minister" in section 8 (6).           5

[2]    Section 37 Prohibition on supply etc of any poison, restricted substance           6
       or drug of addiction                                                               7

       Insert "published in the Gazette" after "by order" in section 37 (1).              8

[3]    Section 46                                                                         9

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                 10

        46    Tabling and disallowance of proclamations and orders                       11

                      Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to:        12
                       (a) a proclamation made under section 8, and                      13
                      (b) an order made under section 37,                                14
                      in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.                 15

4.53 Professional Standards Act 1994 No 81                                               16

       Section 13 Gazettal, tabling and disallowance of schemes                          17

       Omit section 13 (2). Insert instead:                                              18

               (2)    Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       19
                      scheme published in the Gazette under this section in the same     20
                      way as they apply to a statutory rule.                             21

4.54 Public Authorities Superannuation Act 1985 No 41                                    22

       Section 52 Employers and employees                                                23

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 52 (1).                                        24

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  25

4.55 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152                                            26

       Sections 40 (1) and 45B (1)                                                       27

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                        28

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4      On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.56 Public Notaries Act 1997 No 98                                                    1

      Section 9A                                                                       2

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                3

      9A     Provisions applying to admission rules                                    4

             (1)   A rule made under section 9 must be published in the Gazette.       5

             (2)   Sections 40 (Notice of statutory rules to be tabled) and 41         6
                   (Disallowance of statutory rules) of the Interpretation Act 1987    7
                   apply to a rule made under section 9 in the same way as they        8
                   apply to a statutory rule.                                          9

4.57 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43                           10

[1]   Section 66 Amendment or substitution of Schedule 2                              11

      Insert ", by order published on the NSW legislation website," after "the        12
      Governor may" in section 66 (1) and (2), wherever occurring.                    13

[2]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                           14

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in       15
      clause 16 (2).                                                                  16

4.58 Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004 No 107                                       17

      Section 27 Redfern-Waterloo Plan                                                18

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 27 (7) (b).                                  19

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                20

4.59 Roman Catholic Church Communities' Lands Act 1942 No 23                          21

[1]   Sections 2 (2) and 26                                                           22

      Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                      23

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                24

[2]   Section 8 Vesting of Communities' land                                          25

      Omit "gazettal" from section 8 (5), wherever occurring.                         26

      Insert instead "publication".                                                   27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments             Schedule 4

4.60 Royal Blind Society (Merger) Act 2005 No 87                                       1

       Section 5 Repeal                                                                2

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 5 (1).                                       3

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                4

4.61 Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Act 1980 No 19                             5

       Section 19 Vesting of certain land in Trust                                     6

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 19 (1B).                                     7

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                8

4.62 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65                                                        9

       Section 112 Advance payment by insurance companies                             10

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 112 (5).                                    11

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               12

4.63 Sporting Venues Authorities Act 2008 No 65                                       13

[1]    Sections 16, 17 (1) and (2) and 24 (1)                                         14

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                     15

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               16

[2]    Section 22 Definitions                                                         17

       Omit "in the Gazette" from paragraph (a) of the definition of transfer date.   18

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               19

4.64 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act                            20
     1987 No 212                                                                      21

       Section 27 Employers and employees                                             22

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 27 (1).                                     23

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               24

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4     On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.65 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211                                 1

      Sections 46AA (1) and 46 (1) and (1A)                                           2

      Omit "in the Gazette, wherever occurring.                                       3

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                4

4.66 State Emergency Service Act 1989 No 164                                          5

      Section 24M Advance payment by insurance companies                              6

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 24M (5).                                     7

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                8

4.67 State Property Authority Act 2006 No 40                                          9

[1]   Section 17 Definitions                                                         10

      Omit "in the Gazette" from paragraph (a) of the definition of transfer date.   11

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               12

[2]   Section 19 Transfer of additional property to Authority--amendment of          13
      Schedule 1                                                                     14

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 19 (1).                                     15

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               16

4.68 State Public Service Superannuation Act 1985 No 45                              17

      Section 51 Employers and employees                                             18

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 51 (1).                                     19

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               20

4.69 Stock Diseases Act 1923 No 34                                                   21

[1]   Section 17A Orders to prevent spread of disease in artificial breeding         22
      material                                                                       23

      Insert "published in the Gazette" after "by order" in section 17A (1).         24

[2]   Section 17A (6)                                                                25

      Omit "Sections 39,". Insert instead "Sections".                                26

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments              Schedule 4

4.70 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                                        1

       Sections 20E (3), 62 (1) and 92 (1) and (1A)                                       2

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                         3

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                   4

4.71 Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52                                                         5

[1]    Section 24 Court to have powers of Judges etc                                      6

       Insert "published in the Gazette" after "direct by proclamation" in section        7
       24 (7).                                                                            8

[2]    Section 24 (8)                                                                     9

       Omit "Sections 39,". Insert instead "Sections".                                   10

[3]    Section 124 Rule-making power                                                     11

       Omit "is taken to be a statutory rule for the purposes of Part 6 of the           12
       Interpretation Act 1987. This subsection does not apply to a practice note        13
       issued before the commencement of this subsection, but extends to a practice      14
       note so issued if it commences on or after 19 November 1993 (whether or not       15
       published in the Gazette)" from section 124 (11).                                 16

       Insert instead "must be published in the Gazette".                                17

[4]    Section 124 (12)                                                                  18

       Insert after section 124 (11):                                                    19

             (12)     Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a       20
                      practice note in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.   21

4.72 Sydney Hospital (Trust Property) Act 1984 No 133                                    22

       Section 7 Transfer of property and amendment of Schedules 1 and 2 by              23
       proclamation                                                                      24

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 7 (1).                                         25

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  26

4.73 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88                                                         27

       Section 67 Exemptions from service charges                                        28

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 67 (2).                                        29

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                  30

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 4     On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments

4.74 Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998 No 171                             1

      Section 20 Area of operations                                                2

      Omit "Sections 39," from section 20 (3). Insert instead "Sections".          3

4.75 Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97                                        4

      Section 80A Investigations for the purposes of recognised revenue laws       5

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in    6
      section 80A (6).                                                             7

4.76 Technical Education Trust Funds Act 1967 No 95                                8

      Section 4 Order specifying trust fund to be a Fund                           9

      Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".     10

4.77 Transport Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1967 No 96                       11

      Section 59 Extension of application of Act                                  12

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 59 (2).                                  13

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                            14

4.78 Trustee Companies Act 1964 No 6                                              15

      Section 36AA Extension of section 36A to other trustee companies            16

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in   17
      section 36AA (1).                                                           18

4.79 Water Act 1912 No 44                                                         19

      Section 187 Definitions                                                     20

      Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation" in   21
      section 187 (2).                                                            22

4.80 Water Industry Competition Act 2006 No 104                                   23

      Section 22 Part apples only to scheduled areas                              24

      Omit "in the Gazette" from section 22 (2).                                  25

      Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                            26

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

On-line notification of the making of statutory instruments             Schedule 4

4.81 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                                   1

[1]    Sections 121 (2) and (3) and 281 (2)                                            2

       Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "proclamation",         3
       wherever occurring.                                                             4

[2]    Sections 286 (1) and 287 (1)                                                    5

       Omit "in the Gazette", wherever occurring.                                      6

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                7

4.82 Western Sydney Parklands Act 2006 No 92                                           8

[1]    Section 33 Definitions                                                          9

       Omit "in the Gazette" from paragraph (b) of the definition of transfer date.   10

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               11

[2]    Section 35 Transfer of additional land to Trust--amendment of                  12
       Schedule 3                                                                     13

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 35 (1).                                     14

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               15

4.83 Wollongong Sportsground Act 1986 No 174                                          16

       Section 8 Vesting and dedication of Brandon Park                               17

       Omit "in the Gazette" from section 8 (2).                                      18

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                               19

4.84 Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning--Broken Hill)                             20
     Act 1922 No 31                                                                   21

       Section 16 Repeal of Act                                                       22

       Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".        23

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 5      Repeals

Schedule 5             Repeals                                                           1

 1    Acts and instrument that are redundant                                             2

             The following Acts and instrument are repealed:                             3
             Australian William E. Simon University Act 1988 No 89                       4
             Cinematograph Films (Further Suspension) Act 1985 No 31                     5
             Farm Produce Act 1983 No 30                                                 6
             Farm Produce (Repeal) Act 1996 No 134                                       7
             Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place                    8
             Restriction) Act 2001 No 100                                                9
             Land Agents Act 1927 No 3                                                  10
             Local Government (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1993                11
             Poultry Meat Industry Amendment (Prevention of National Competition        12
             Policy Penalties) Act 2005 No 48                                           13
             Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 No 62                      14

 2    Redundant provisions of Acts                                                      15

             The following provisions of the following Acts are repealed:               16

             Act                                    Provisions repealed
             Centennial Park and Moore Park         Section 28
             Trust Act 1983 No 145
             Graffiti Control Act 2008 No 100       Section 22 and Schedule 2
             Insurance Act 1902 No 49               Parts 2 and 3
             Public Sector Employment and           Clause 17 (2) of Schedule 4
             Management Act 2002 No 43
             Rice Marketing Act 1983 No 176         Section 161 and Schedule 1
             Wagga Wagga Racecourse Act 1993        Section 8
             No 109

 3    Provisions of Acts that contain only amendments that have commenced               17

             The following provisions of the following Acts are repealed:               18

             Act                                    Provisions repealed
             Adoption Amendment Act 2008            Schedule 1 [1]-[21] and [32]-[34]
             No 103

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Repeals                                                                     Schedule 5

              Act                                  Provisions repealed
              Contaminated Land Management         Schedule 1 [5], [10], [13], [27],
              Amendment Act 2008 No 111            [29]-[31], [34], [36], [37], [40], [42],
                                                   [44], [45], [48]-[55] and [57]-[61]
              Courts and Crimes Legislation     Schedules 1-3, 5, 6, 7 [1]-[10] and
              Further Amendment Act 2008 No 107 [12], 8-15, 18-23 and 25-29
              Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Schedules 1 [1]-[27] and [32]-[39]
              Amendment Act 2008 No 108            and 2
              Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail       Sections 73 and 74 and Schedule 2
              Transport) Act 2008 No 95
              Fines Further Amendment Act 2008     Schedules 1 [2], [9], [20], [24]-[28]
              No 110                               and [34]-[36], 2.1, 2.2 [1]-[3] and
                                                   [5]-[8], 2.3 and 2.4
              Fisheries Management and Planning Section 4 and Schedules 1 [1]-[3]
              Legislation Amendment (Shark      and [5] and 2
              Meshing) Act 2008 No 86
              Hemp Industry Act 2008 No 58         Section 49 and Schedule 2
              Rail Safety Act 2008 No 97           Section 178 and Schedule 4
              Rural Lands Protection Amendment     Schedules 1-3, 4 [3], 5, 6.1 [2], [3]
              Act 2008 No 112                      and [6], 6.2-6.18, 6.19 [3] and
              Security Industry Amendment Act      Schedules 1 [4] and [11] and 2.2 [1]
              2008 No 113                          and [3]
              Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act     Schedule 1 [1]-[6], [9], [12], [13]
              2008 No 83                           and [16]-[20]
              Vexatious Proceedings Act 2008       Section 21 and Schedule 2
              No 80
              Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act      Section 9 and Schedule 2
              2008 No 69
              Water Management Amendment Act       Section 4 and Schedules 1-3 and 5-7
              2008 No 73

  4    Repeal of amending SEPPs that have commenced                                           1

       (1)    Each amending SEPP that was made before the commencement of this                2
              clause and that has fully commenced is repealed.                                3

       (2)    The repeal by this clause of an amending SEPP does not, because of the          4
              operation of section 30 of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any              5
              amendment or repeal made by the amending SEPP or the operation of               6
              any savings or transitional provision in the amending SEPP.                     7

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Schedule 5       Repeals

      (3)    In this clause:                                                                      1
             amending SEPP means a State environmental planning policy (or                        2
             deemed State environmental planning policy) that directly amends or                  3
             repeals other environmental planning instruments and that contains no                4
             other provisions apart from ancillary provisions.                                    5
             ancillary provision of an amending SEPP means any of the following:                  6
              (a) a provision that specifies the name or citation of the amending                 7
                    SEPP,                                                                         8
             (b) a provision that provides for the commencement of the amending                   9
                    SEPP,                                                                        10
              (c) a provision that specifies the aims, objectives, objects, policies or          11
                    strategies of the amending SEPP,                                             12
             (d) a provision that specifies the land to which the amending SEPP                  13
                    applies,                                                                     14
              (e) a provision that provides for the relationship between the                     15
                    amending SEPP and other environmental planning instruments,                  16
              (f) a provision that declares that notes in the amending SEPP do not               17
                    form part of the amending SEPP,                                              18
             (g) a provision that defines a word or expression used in the                       19
                    amending SEPP,                                                               20
             (h) a savings or transitional provision consequent on the making of                 21
                    the amending SEPP,                                                           22
              (i) a provision that amends or replaces maps adopted by another                    23
                    environmental planning instrument,                                           24
              (j) a provision that gives effect to or describes a schedule to the                25
                    amending SEPP.                                                               26
      Explanatory note                                                                           27
      Clause 1 repeals Acts and an instrument that are redundant.                                28
      Clause 2 repeals redundant provisions of Acts.                                             29
      Clause 3 repeals provisions of Acts that contain only amendments to other Acts or          30
      instruments. All of the amendments have commenced.                                         31
      Clause 4 repeals State environmental planning policies that contain only amendments        32
      and ancillary provisions.                                                                  33
      In relation to the repeal of amending provisions, it should be noted that the provisions   34
      are repealed simply to rationalise the legislation in force and that the repeals have no   35
      substantive effect on the amendments made by the provisions, or any associated             36
      provisions. The Acts and instruments that were amended by the provisions being             37
      repealed are up-to-date on the NSW legislation website maintained by the                   38
      Parliamentary Counsel's Office (                               39
      Section 30 (2) of the Interpretation Act 1987 ensures that the following matters are not   40
      affected when an Act or statutory rule is amended or repealed:                             41
       (a)    the proof of any past act or thing,                                                42

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Repeals                                                                          Schedule 5

       (b)    any right, privilege, obligation or liability saved by the operation of the Act or   1
              statutory rule,                                                                      2
        (c)   any amendment or validation made by the Act or statutory rule,                       3
        (d)   the operation of any savings or transitional provision contained in the Act or       4
              statutory rule.                                                                      5
       Section 5 (6) of the Interpretation Act 1987 provides that the provisions of section 30     6
       that apply to a statutory rule also apply to an environmental planning instrument.          7

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 6      General savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 6              General savings, transitional and other                                  1
                        provisions                                                               2

 1    Effect of amendment of amending provisions                                                 3

      (1)    An amendment made by Schedule 1 or 2 to an amending provision                       4
             contained in an Act is, if the amending provision has commenced before              5
             the Schedule 1 or 2 amendment concerned, taken to have effect as from               6
             the commencement of the amending provision (whether or not the                      7
             amending provision has been repealed).                                              8

      (2)    In this clause:                                                                     9
             amending provision means a provision of an Act that makes a direct                 10
             amendment to an Act by:                                                            11
              (a) the repeal or omission of matter contained in the amended Act                 12
                    without the insertion of any matter instead of the repealed or              13
                    omitted matter, or                                                          14
             (b) the omission of matter contained in the amended Act and the                    15
                    insertion of matter instead of the omitted matter, or                       16
              (c) the insertion into the amended Act of matter, not being matter                17
                    inserted instead of matter omitted from the Act.                            18
      Explanatory note                                                                          19
      This clause ensures that certain amendments, including amendments correcting errors       20
      in technical provisions (for example, headings indicating the section to be amended or    21
      directions as to where a new section is to be inserted) and rectifying minor drafting     22
      errors (for example, corrections in numbering of provisions, correction or insertion of   23
      cross-references, omission of unnecessary matter or insertion of omitted matter), will    24
      be taken to have commenced on the date the amendments to which they relate                25
      commenced.                                                                                26

 2    Effect of amendment or repeal on acts done or decisions made                              27

             Except where it is expressly provided to the contrary, if this Act:                28
             (a) amends a provision of an Act or an instrument, or                              29
             (b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modification) a provision               30
                    of an Act or an instrument,                                                 31
             any act done or decision made under the provision amended or repealed              32
             has effect after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made            33
             under the provision as so amended or repealed.                                     34
      Explanatory note                                                                          35
      This clause ensures that the amendment or repeal of a provision will not, unless          36
      expressly provided, vitiate any act done or decision made under the provision as in       37
      force before the amendment or repeal.                                                     38

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

General savings, transitional and other provisions                              Schedule 6

  3    Effect of amendment on instruments                                                          1
              Except where expressly provided to the contrary, any instrument made                 2
              under an Act amended by this Act, that is in force immediately before                3
              the commencement of the amendment, is taken to have been made                        4
              under the Act as amended.                                                            5
       Explanatory note                                                                            6
       This clause ensures that, unless expressly provided, any instrument that is in force and    7
       made under a provision of an Act that is amended or substituted by the proposed Act         8
       will be taken to have been made under the Act as amended.                                   9

  4    Revocation of repeal                                                                       10

       (1)    The Governor may by proclamation published on the NSW legislation                   11
              website revoke the repeal of any Act or instrument effected by the                  12
              following:                                                                          13
              this Act                                                                            14
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2007                              15
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008                                     16

       (2)    Any Act or instrument the subject of a proclamation under subclause (1)             17
              is taken not to be, and never to have been, repealed by any such Act.               18

       (3)    Subclause (2) does not operate in respect of any Act or instrument so as:           19
              (a) to affect in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the                 20
                    State or an authority of the State) the rights of that person existing        21
                    before the date of publication on the NSW legislation website of              22
                    the proclamation under subclause (1) in respect of that Act or                23
                    instrument, or                                                                24
              (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an                 25
                    authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to             26
                    be done before the date of publication of that proclamation.                  27

       (4)    A reference in this clause to an Act or instrument includes a reference             28
              to a provision of any Act or instrument.                                            29
       Explanatory note                                                                           30
       This clause enables the Governor, by proclamation, to revoke the repeal of any Act or      31
       instrument or the provision of any Act or instrument repealed by this Act or any of the    32
       other statute law revision Acts listed. The Act or instrument or provision of an Act or    33
       instrument the subject of the revocation of repeal is taken not to be, and never to have   34
       been, repealed.                                                                            35

  5    Regulations                                                                                36

       (1)    The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a savings                37
              or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.                     38

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009

Schedule 6       General savings, transitional and other provisions

      (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from                 1
             the date of assent to this Act or a later date.                                         2

      (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that                 3
             is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,             4
             the provision does not operate so as:                                                   5
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the                   6
                     State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person                  7
                     existing before the date of its publication, or                                 8
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an                     9
                     authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to              10
                     be done before the date of its publication.                                    11
      Explanatory note                                                                              12
      This clause enables the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature having      13
      a short term effect and relating to incidental matters arising out of the proposed Act with   14
      regard to which no specific, or sufficient, provision has been made in the proposed Act.      15

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009


Notes                                                                      1

Index of Acts and Instruments amended by Schedules 1-4                     2
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42--Schedule 4                          3
Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 No 76--Schedule 4               4
Adoption Act 2000 No 75--Schedule 1                                        5
Adoption Amendment Act 2008 No 103--Schedule 1                             6
AGL Corporate Conversion Act 2002 No 16--Schedule 4                        7
Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2005--Schedule 1                   8
Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2005--Schedule 1              9
Apiaries Act 1985 No 16--Schedule 4                                       10
Australian Museum Trust Act 1975 No 95--Schedule 1                        11
Baulkham Hills Local Environmental Plan 2005--Schedule 2                  12
Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Act 2008 No 91--Schedule 4       13
Botany Cemetery and Crematorium Act 1972 No 6--Schedule 4                 14
Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005 No 56--        15
Schedule 4                                                                16
Camden Local Environmental Plan No 47--Schedule 2                         17
Camden Local Environmental Plan No 74--Harrington Park--Schedule 2        18
Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003 No 104--Schedule 4              19
Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006 No 105--Schedule 4               20
Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 No 42--Schedule 2      21
Chipping Norton Lake Authority Act 1977 No 38--Schedule 4                 22
Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28--Schedule 4                                23
Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13--Schedule 1                             24
Coffs Harbour City Local Environmental Plan 2000--Schedule 2              25
Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202--Schedule 1                     26
Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 No 2--   27
Schedule 1                                                                28
Constitution Amendment (Governor's Salary) Act 2003 No 66--Schedule 2     29
Consumer Credit Administration Act 1995 No 69--Schedule 3                 30
Conveyancing Act 1919 No 6--Schedule 3                                    31
Cowra Local Environmental Plan 1990--Schedule 2                           32
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93--Schedule 2           33
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Regulation 2008--Schedule 2          34
Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6--Schedule 2         35
Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80--Schedule 1        36

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              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009


Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209--Schedules 2 and 3                          1
Dams Safety Act 1978 No 96--Schedule 4                                         2
Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Act 2008 No 95--Schedule 1           3
Defamation Act 2005 No 77--Schedule 2                                          4
Discharged Servicemen's Badges Act 1964 No 49--Schedule 4                      5
District Court Act 1973 No 9--Schedules 1 and 4                                6
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 No 7--Schedule 4                           7
Dungog Local Environmental Plan 2006--Schedule 2                               8
Dust Diseases Tribunal Act 1989 No 63--Schedule 4                              9
Duties Act 1997 No 123--Schedule 2                                            10
Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94--Schedule 1                                 11
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203--Schedules 1, 2 and 4   12
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 No 36--Schedule 1    13
Evidence on Commission Act 1995 No 26--Schedule 3                             14
Fair Trading Act 1987 No 68--Schedule 4                                       15
Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192--Schedules 1 and 4                              16
Firearms Act 1996 No 46--Schedule 1                                           17
First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100--Schedule 4                        18
Fisheries Management Act 1994 No 38--Schedule 4                               19
Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2002--Schedule 2                    20
Fisheries Management (Ocean Trawl Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006--    21
Schedule 2                                                                    22
Forestry Act 1916 No 55--Schedule 2                                           23
Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 No 163--Schedule 4                 24
Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38--Schedule 1                                         25
Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009--Schedule 2                   26
Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009 (Amendment No 1)--            27
Schedule 2                                                                    28
Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980 No 39--Schedule 4   29
Great Lakes Local Environmental Plan 1996--Schedule 2                         30
Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974 No 49--Schedule 4          31
Guardianship Act 1987 No 257--Schedule 4                                      32
Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 1989--Schedule 2                          33
Hawkesbury Racecourse Act 1996 No 74--Schedule 4                              34
Health Services Act 1997 No 154--Schedule 4                                   35
Higher Education Act 2001 No 102--Schedules 2 and 4                           36
Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act 2002 No 88--Schedule 1        37

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009


Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Regulation 2003--Schedule 1          1
Home Building Act 1989 No 147--Schedule 2                                        2
Imperial Acts Application Act 1969 No 30--Schedule 4                             3
Innovation Council Act 1996 No 77--Schedule 1                                    4
Interpretation Act 1987 No 15--Schedules 2 and 4                                 5
Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 1987--Schedule 2                                6



ake Illawarra Authority Act 1987 No 285--Schedule 4 7



ake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004--Schedule 2 8



and Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 No 22--Schedule 1 9



and and Environment Court Act 1979 No 204--Schedule 4 10



aw Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997 No 136--Schedule 1 11



aw Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103--Schedules 2 12 and 3 13



eeton Local Environmental Plan No 4--Schedule 2 14



egal Profession Act 2004 No 112--Schedules 2 and 4 15



egal Profession Regulation 2005--Schedule 2 16



eichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2000--Schedule 2 17



ibrary Act 1939 No 40--Schedule 1 18



oan Fund Companies Act 1976 No 94--Schedule 3 19



ocal Court Act 2007 No 93--Schedule 4 20



ocal Courts Act 1982 No 164--Schedules 1 and 4 21



ocal Government Associations Incorporation Act 1974 No 20--Schedule 4 22



ord Howe Island Act 1953 No 39--Schedule 4 23 Marine Safety (General) Regulation 2009--Schedule 2 24 Medical Practice Act 1992 No 94--Schedule 4 25 Mental Health Act 2007 No 8--Schedule 1 26 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10--Schedules 1 and 2 27 Mental Health Regulation 2007--Schedule 2 28 Mining Amendment Act 2008 No 19--Schedule 1 29 Miscellaneous Acts (Local Court) Amendment Act 2007 No 94--Schedule 2 30 Motor Dealers Regulation 2004--Schedule 2 31 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act 1945 No 31--Schedule 1 32 Muswellbrook Local Environmental Plan 2009--Schedule 2 33 Nation Building and Jobs Plan (State Infrastructure Delivery) Act 2009 No 1-- 34 Schedule 4 35 National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region Reservations) Act 2006 No 90-- 36 Schedule 4 37 Page 93 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009 Notes National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002 No 137--Schedule 4 1 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2003 No 24--Schedule 4 2 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005 No 84--Schedule 4 3 National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000 No 103--Schedule 4 4 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80--Schedules 2 and 4 5 National Rail Corporation (Agreement) Act 1991 No 82--Schedule 4 6 New South Wales Retirement Benefits Act 1972 No 70--Schedule 4 7 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 No 40--Schedule 3 8 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68--Schedule 4 9 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment Act 2006 No 68--Schedule 2 10 Parliamentary Evidence Act 1901 No 43--Schedule 2 11 Parramatta Park Trust Act 2001 No 17--Schedule 4 12 Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39--Schedule 4 13 Pesticides Act 1999 No 80--Schedule 1 14 Plant Diseases Act 1924 No 38--Schedules 2 and 4 15 Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 No 31--Schedule 4 16 Police Act 1990 No 47--Schedule 1 17 Port Macquarie-Hastings (Area 13 Thrumster) Local Environmental Plan 2008-- 18 Schedule 2 19 Poultry Meat Industry Act 1986 No 101--Schedule 2 20 Poultry Meat Industry Regulation 2008--Schedule 2 21 Powers of Attorney Act 2003 No 53--Schedule 2 22 Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 No 133--Schedule 1 23 Probate and Administration Act 1898 No 13--Schedule 2 24 Professional Standards Act 1994 No 81--Schedule 4 25 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156--Schedule 1 26 Public Authorities Superannuation Act 1985 No 41--Schedule 4 27 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152--Schedule 4 28 Public Notaries Act 1997 No 98--Schedule 4 29 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43--Schedules 2 and 4 30 Rail Safety Act 2008 No 97--Schedule 2 31 Real Property Act 1900 No 25--Schedule 1 32 Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004 No 107--Schedule 4 33 Registered Clubs Act 1976 No 31--Schedules 1 and 2 34 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142--Schedule 1 35 Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26--Schedule 1 36 Page 94 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009 Notes Rice Marketing Act 1983 No 176--Schedule 2 1 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99--Schedule 2 2 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2008--Schedule 2 3 Road Transport (General) Regulation 2005--Schedule 2 4 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 No 20--Schedule 2 5 Roads Regulation 2008--Schedule 2 6 Roman Catholic Church Communities' Lands Act 1942 No 23--Schedule 4 7 Royal Blind Society (Merger) Act 2005 No 87--Schedule 4 8 Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Act 1980 No 19--Schedule 4 9 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65--Schedule 4 10 Security Industry Regulation 2007--Schedule 2 11 Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004--Schedule 2 12 Sporting Venues Authorities Act 2008 No 65--Schedule 4 13 Sporting Venues (Pitch Invasions) Regulation 2006--Schedule 2 14 Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006--Schedule 2 15 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987 No 212--Schedule 4 16 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211--Schedule 4 17 State Emergency Service Act 1989 No 164--Schedule 4 18 State Environmental Planning Policy No 4--Development Without Consent and 19 Miscellaneous Exempt and Complying Development--Schedule 2 20 State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 21 2008--Schedule 2 22 State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005--Schedule 2 23 State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Parklands) 2009-- 24 Schedule 2 25 State Property Authority Act 2006 No 40--Schedules 1 and 4 26 State Public Service Superannuation Act 1985 No 45--Schedule 4 27 Stock Diseases Act 1923 No 34--Schedule 4 28 Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 No 68--Schedule 2 29 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986 No 219--Schedule 2 30 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Regulation 2007--Schedule 2 31 Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 No 138--Schedule 1 32 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146--Schedules 1 and 2 33 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28--Schedule 4 34 Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52--Schedules 1 and 4 35 Supreme Court Rules 1970--Schedule 2 36 Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2006--Schedule 2 37 Page 95 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009 Notes Sydney Hospital (Trust Property) Act 1984 No 133--Schedule 4 1 Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 No 9--Schedule 1 2 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 19--Rouse Hill Development Area-- 3 Schedule 2 4 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 24--Homebush Bay Area--Schedule 2 5 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88--Schedule 4 6 Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998 No 171--Schedule 4 7 Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97--Schedule 4 8 Technical Education Trust Funds Act 1967 No 95--Schedule 4 9 Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101--Schedule 1 10 Trade Measurement Regulation 2007--Schedule 2 11 Transport Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1967 No 96--Schedule 4 12 Trustee Companies Act 1964 No 6--Schedule 4 13 Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2000--Schedule 2 14 Water Act 1912 No 44--Schedules 1 and 4 15 Water Industry Competition Act 2006 No 104--Schedule 4 16 Water Management Act 2000 No 92--Schedules 1 and 4 17 Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water 18 Sources 2008--Schedule 2 19 Water Sharing Plan for the Coopers Creek Water Source 2003--Schedule 2 20 Western Sydney Parklands Act 2006 No 92--Schedule 4 21 Wilderness Act 1987 No 196--Schedule 2 22 Wollongong Sportsground Act 1986 No 174--Schedule 4 23 Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning--Broken Hill) Act 1922 No 31-- 24 Schedule 4 25 Wyong Local Environmental Plan 1991--Schedule 2 26 Index of Acts and Instruments wholly repealed by Schedule 5 27 Australian William E. Simon University Act 1988 No 89 28 Cinematograph Films (Further Suspension) Act 1985 No 31 29 Farm Produce Act 1983 No 30 30 Farm Produce (Repeal) Act 1996 No 134 31 Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2001 32 No 100 33



and Agents Act 1927 No 3 34



ocal Government (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1993 35 Page 96 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009 Notes Poultry Meat Industry Amendment (Prevention of National Competition Policy 1 Penalties) Act 2005 No 48 2 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 No 62 3 Index of Acts partly repealed by Schedule 5 4 Adoption Amendment Act 2008 No 103 5 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Act 1983 No 145 6 Contaminated Land Management Amendment Act 2008 No 111 7 Courts and Crimes Legislation Further Amendment Act 2008 No 107 8 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act 2008 No 108 9 Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Act 2008 No 95 10 Fines Further Amendment Act 2008 No 110 11 Fisheries Management and Planning Legislation Amendment (Shark Meshing) Act 12 2008 No 86 13 Graffiti Control Act 2008 No 100 14 Hemp Industry Act 2008 No 58 15 Insurance Act 1902 No 49 16 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43 17 Rail Safety Act 2008 No 97 18 Rice Marketing Act 1983 No 176 19 Rural Lands Protection Amendment Act 2008 No 112 20 Security Industry Amendment Act 2008 No 113 21 Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act 2008 No 83 22 Vexatious Proceedings Act 2008 No 80 23 Wagga Wagga Racecourse Act 1993 No 109 24 Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2008 No 69 25 Water Management Amendment Act 2008 No 73 26 Page 97


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