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Statute Law (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Bill 2013
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to repeal certain Acts and to amend certain other Acts and instruments in
various respects and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision; and to make
certain savings.
Clause 1          Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013.           3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

         (1)   This Act commences on 5 July 2013.                                         5

         (2)   However, the amendments made by the Schedules to this Act                  6
               commence on the day or days specified in those Schedules in relation to    7
               the amendments concerned. If a commencement day is not specified,          8
               the amendments commence in accordance with subsection (1).                 9

 3    Explanatory notes                                                                  10

               The matter appearing under the heading "Explanatory note" in any of       11
               the Schedules does not form part of this Act.                             12

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Minor amendments                                                          1

1.1 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42                                                          2

       Section 89 Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities                                       3

       Insert after section 89 (6):                                                                4

              (7)    An order under this section must, if the Aboriginal Land Council              5
                     from which the assets, rights or liabilities are to be transferred            6
                     under this section is a deductible gift recipient, provide for the            7
                     transfer of the assets, rights or liabilities to an Aboriginal Land           8
                     Council that is also a deductible gift recipient.                             9

              (8)    In this section, an Aboriginal Land Council is a deductible gift             10
                     recipient if the Council is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient          11
                     under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of the                              12
                     Commonwealth.                                                                13
       Explanatory note                                                                           14
       The proposed amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (the Act) provides           15
       that if the Minister makes an order under section 87 of the Act dissolving or changing     16
       the name or area of a Local Aboriginal Land Council (an LALC) that is a deductible gift    17
       recipient, any assets, rights and liabilities of the LALC that are transferred by a        18
       subsequent order under section 89 of the Act must be transferred to another LALC that      19
       is also a deductible gift recipient. The proposed amendment ensures that the               20
       provisions relating to the transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of an LALC that is   21
       endorsed as a deductible gift recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of        22
       the Commonwealth are consistent with the requirements for endorsement as a                 23
       deductible gift recipient under that Act.                                                  24

1.2 Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002                                                        25

       Schedule 2 Model rules for Local Aboriginal Land Councils                                  26

       Insert after clause 23:                                                                    27

       24     Revocation of endorsement as deductible gift recipient                              28

                     The Council must, if the Council ceases to be endorsed as a                  29
                     deductible gift recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act                30
                     1997 of the Commonwealth, transfer to another Local Aboriginal               31
                     Land Council that is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient under           32
                     that Act any gifts, contributions or other money as required by              33
                     section 30-125 (6) of that Act.                                              34
       Explanatory note                                                                           35
       The proposed amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002 amends the            36
       model rules for Local Aboriginal Land Councils to provide that if a Council that is        37
       endorsed as a deductible gift recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of        38
       the Commonwealth ceases to be so endorsed, certain gifts, contributions and other          39
       money received by the Council must be transferred to another Local Aboriginal Land         40

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Minor amendments

      Council that is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient. The proposed amendment           1
      ensures that the rules of Local Aboriginal Land Councils that are endorsed as             2
      deductible gift recipients are consistent with the requirements of the Income Tax         3
      Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth for endorsement as a deductible gift              4
      recipient. A related amendment is made to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 in          5
      Schedule 1.1.                                                                             6

1.3 Anatomy Act 1977 No 126                                                                     7

      Section 4 Definitions                                                                     8

      Insert at the end of paragraph (b) of the definition of forensic institution in           9
      section 4 (1):                                                                           10
                          or                                                                   11
                     (c) an institution that is under the control of the Health                12
                          Administration Corporation,                                          13
      Explanatory note                                                                         14
      The proposed amendment to the Anatomy Act 1977 extends the definition of forensic        15
      institution to reflect the change in institutions providing forensic pathology and       16
      medicine services. Those services were formerly provided by institutions under the       17
      control of a public health organisation but are now provided by institutions under the   18
      control of the Health Administration Corporation.                                        19

1.4 Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                                                    20

      Section 24 Expert Panel                                                                  21

      Omit section 24 (1) (a2). Insert instead:                                                22
                 (a2) the Chairperson of the Environment Protection Authority                  23
                         or the Chairperson's nominee,                                         24
      Explanatory note                                                                         25
      The object of the proposed amendment to the Biofuels Act 2007 is to include in the       26
      Expert Panel established under that Act the Chairperson of the Environment Protection    27
      Authority (or the Chairperson's nominee) in place of the Chief Executive of the Office   28
      of Environment and Heritage (or the Chief Executive's nominee). The amendment is         29
      consequential on the transfer of certain staff from the Office of Environment and        30
      Heritage to the Office of the Environment Protection Authority by the Public Sector      31
      Employment and Management (Office of the Environment Protection Authority) Order         32
      2012.                                                                                    33

1.5 Building Professionals Act 2005 No 115                                                     34

[1]   Section 97 Review of Act                                                                 35

      Omit "as soon as possible after the period of 7 years from the date of assent to         36
      this Act" from section 97 (2).                                                           37

      Insert instead "before the beginning of December 2015".                                  38

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

[2]    Section 97 (3)                                                                                1
       Omit "within 12 months after the end of the period of 7 years".                               2

       Insert instead "before the beginning of December 2016".                                       3
       Explanatory note                                                                              4
       The proposed amendments to the Building Professionals Act 2005 (the Act) provide              5
       that the statutory review of the Act (being the review to determine whether the policy        6
       objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate        7
       for securing those objectives) is to be undertaken before the beginning of December           8
       2015, rather than as soon as possible after the period of 7 years after the date of assent    9
       to the Act (which occurred on 7 December 2005). The report on the outcome of the             10
       review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament before the beginning of                   11
       December 2016.                                                                               12

1.6 Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76                                                         13

[1]    Section 30 Seal of University                                                                14

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                            15
                      Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                  16
                      authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         17
                      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                      18

[2]    Schedule 3 Duties of Council members                                                         19

       Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after              20
       "section 24G" in clause 5 (7).                                                               21
       Explanatory note                                                                             22
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 (the Act)       23
       inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be               24
       sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the           25
       Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                     26
       Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member         27
       of the Council of Charles Sturt University (the Council) from taking part in any             28
       deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has     29
       a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent        30
       the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to       31
       the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                    32

1.7 Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202                                                       33

       Section 109G Annual report of Director-General                                               34

       Omit the section.                                                                            35
       Explanatory note                                                                             36
       The proposed amendment to the Community Land Management Act 1989 (the Act)                   37
       removes the requirement for the Commissioner for Fair Trading to prepare an annual           38
       report for the Minister for Fair Trading of the operations of the Commissioner under         39
       Part 5A of the Act (which sets out the functions of the Commissioner under the Act).         40
       The report on the operations of the Commissioner will instead be included in the annual      41

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

      report of the Department of Finance and Services prepared under the Annual Reports          1
      (Departments) Act 1985.                                                                     2

1.8 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)                                       3
    Act 1993 No 2                                                                                 4

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                       5

      Omit "the Minister for Community Services" from paragraph (f) of the                        6
      definition of service provider in section 4 (1).                                            7

      Insert instead "a Minister of the State of New South Wales".                                8

[2]   Section 8 Functions of Official Community Visitors                                          9

      Omit "provided by the Department of Community Services or the Department                   10
      of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, or by a funded agency" from                           11
      paragraph (a) of the definition of visitable service in section 8 (6).                     12

[3]   Section 35 Application of Part                                                             13

      Omit "and authorised or funded under the Disability Services Act 1993" from                14
      section 35 (1) (f).                                                                        15
      Commencement                                                                               16
      The amendments to the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)              17
      Act 1993 commence on 1 July 2013.                                                          18
      Explanatory note                                                                           19
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Community Services (Complaints,                 20
      Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 extends the definition of service provider to include     21
      a person or organisation that is covered by an arrangement between a Minister of the       22
      State of New South Wales and a State or Commonwealth Minister, under which                 23
      arrangement that State or Commonwealth Minister agrees to the person or                    24
      organisation being a service provider for the purposes of that Act. This amendment         25
      ensures that the intergovernmental agreement for the National Disability Insurance         26
      Scheme (made between the Premier of New South Wales and the Prime Minister) is             27
      captured by that definition. This amendment will enable the NSW Ombudsman to               28
      monitor and review any service provider for people with disability and investigate         29
      complaints about a person or organisation who is a service provider.                       30
      Item [2] extends the definition of visitable service to any accommodation service          31
      where a person using the service is in the full-time care of the service provider.         32
      Currently, a visitable service is defined to include an accommodation service provided     33
      by the Department of Community Services or the Department of Ageing, Disability and        34
      Home Care, or by a funded agency where a person using the service is in the full-time      35
      care of the service provider. The amendment has the effect of enabling an Official         36
      Community Visitor to exercise functions and powers (including powers of entry and          37
      inspection) with respect to any accommodation service where a person using the             38
      service is in the full-time care of the service provider (whether or not the               39
      accommodation service is provided by a Department or funded agency).                       40
      Item [3] extends the application of Part 6 (Reviews of deaths of children in care and      41
      certain other children and persons with disabilities in care) to a person who was living   42
      in, or temporarily absent from, residential care provided by any service provider.         43
      Currently, Part 6 applies only to deaths of persons who were living in, or temporarily     44

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                               Schedule 1

       absent from, residential care provided by a service provider if the residential care is    1
       authorised or funded under the Disability Services Act 1993.                               2

1.9 Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 No 3                                                          3

       Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions                                             4

       Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                         5

       Part 4        Provision consequent on enactment of                                         6
                     Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                       7
                     Act 2008                                                                     8

       20     Displacement provision                                                              9

                     The declaration of a provision of Part 8 of this Act as a                   10
                     Corporations legislation displacement provision for the purposes            11
                     of section 5G of the Corporations Act extends to a provision of             12
                     that Part as amended by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                      13
                     Provisions) Act 2008.                                                       14
       Explanatory note                                                                          15
       The proposed amendment to the Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) ensures           16
       that a provision of Part 8 of the Act, as amended by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous       17
       Provisions) Act 2008, is a Corporations legislation displacement provision for the        18
       purposes of section 5G of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth (the              19
       Corporations Act). Section 5G of the Corporations Act provides that if a State law        20
       declares a provision of a State law to be a Corporations legislation displacement         21
       provision, any provision of the Corporations legislation with which the State provision   22
       would otherwise be inconsistent does not apply to the extent necessary to avoid the       23
       inconsistency.                                                                            24

1.10 Conveyancing Act 1919 No 6                                                                  25

[1]    Sections 66V (9) and 66ZE (9)                                                             26

       Omit "Stamp duty", "stamp duty" and "Stamp Duties Act 1920" wherever                      27
       occurring.                                                                                28

       Insert instead "Duty", "duty" and "Duties Act 1997" respectively.                         29

[2]    Section 165 Stamping of documents not to give notice of trust or written                  30
       contract                                                                                  31

       Omit "Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of Stamp Duties".                            32

       Insert instead "Chief Commissioner or Commissioner of State Revenue".                     33

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

[3]   Section 195A Lodgment of plans and related documents with                                   1
      Registrar-General                                                                           2

      Omit "The plan must be lodged with a separate document in the approved form                 3
      relating to the plan." from section 195A (1).                                               4

[4]   Section 195A (4)                                                                            5

      Insert after section 195A (3):                                                              6

             (4)     A plan lodged under this section must be lodged with a separate              7
                     document in the approved form relating to the plan.                          8

[5]   Section 195E Recording of plans which are not to be registered                              9

      Omit "pursuant to" from section 195E (2). Insert instead "under".                          10
      Explanatory note                                                                           11
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments to the Conveyancing Act 1919 (the Act)        12
      update certain references as a consequence of the repeal of the Stamp Duties Act           13
      1920.                                                                                      14
      Items [3] and [4] make it clear that a separate document in an approved form (known        15
      as an administration sheet) must accompany all plans lodged in the office of the           16
      Registrar-General for registration or recording under Division 3 of Part 23 of the Act.    17
      Item [5] makes the language of section 195E consistent with that of section 195A.          18

1.11 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94                                                           19

      Section 107 Liable acquisitions                                                            20

      Omit "a person who is" from section 107 (1).                                               21

      Insert instead "any other person, whether or".                                             22
      Explanatory note                                                                           23
      The proposed amendment to the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (the Act) amends a               24
      provision relating to the energy savings scheme established under the Act. Under that      25
      scheme, a participant in the scheme is required to meet an individual energy savings       26
      target by surrendering energy savings certificates (the total value of which must meet     27
      or exceed the individual energy savings target). The individual energy savings target is   28
      equivalent to a defined percentage (specified in Schedule 5 to the Act) of the scheme      29
      participant's liable acquisitions, as defined in Part 9 of the Act. The proposed           30
      amendment extends the definition of liable acquisition to include a purchase of            31
      electricity by a scheme participant from any person, whether or not a registered           32
      participant under the National Electricity (NSW) Law. Currently, a purchase of             33
      electricity by a scheme participant from a person who is a registered participant under    34
      the National Electricity (NSW) Law is excluded from that definition (and, consequently,    35
      from the calculation of the scheme participant's individual energy savings target).        36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                              Schedule 1

1.12 Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 No 103                                         1

[1]    Section 3 Definitions                                                                     2

       Insert after paragraph (a) of the definition of State water agency in                     3
       section 3 (1):                                                                            4
                    (a1) Gosford City Council, or                                                5
                    (a2) Wyong Shire Council, or                                                 6

[2]    Section 3 (1), definition of "water savings area"                                         7

       Insert after paragraph (a) of the definition:                                             8
                    (a1) the local government area of Gosford City Council under                 9
                           the Local Government Act 1993, or                                    10
                    (a2) the local government area of Wyong Shire Council under                 11
                           the Local Government Act 1993, or                                    12
       Explanatory note                                                                         13
       The proposed amendments to the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 (the         14
       Act) extend the definitions of State water agency and water savings area to include      15
       Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council, and their respective local government      16
       areas, which are currently prescribed as State water agencies and water savings areas    17
       for the purposes of the Act by the Energy and Utilities Administration Regulation 2006   18
       (which is due to be repealed on 1 September 2013).                                       19

1.13 Health Administration Act 1982 No 135                                                      20

       Schedule 2A Health professional councils                                                 21

       Insert in alphabetical order:                                                            22

                     Chinese Medicine Council of New South Wales established                    23
                     under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW)                24

                     Medical Radiation Practice Council of New South Wales                      25
                     established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National              26
                     Law (NSW)                                                                  27

                     Occupational Therapy Council of New South Wales established                28
                     under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW)                29
       Explanatory note                                                                         30
       The proposed amendment to the Health Administration Act 1982 updates the list of         31
       health professional councils for which the Health Administration Corporation is to       32
       manage accounts, to make it consistent with the Health Practitioner Regulation           33
       National Law (NSW).                                                                      34

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

1.14 Home Care Service Act 1988 No 6                                              1

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                      2

       Omit "Department of Community Services" from the definition of             3
       Department in section 3 (1).                                               4

       Insert instead "Department of Family and Community Services".              5

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Hostel and Care Program"                     6

       Omit the definition.                                                       7

 [3]   Section 5 The Board                                                        8

       Omit "General Manager" from section 5 (1) (b).                             9

       Insert instead "Executive Director".                                      10

 [4]   Section 5 (1) (c)                                                         11

       Omit "9". Insert instead "7".                                             12

 [5]   Section 5 (1A)                                                            13

       Omit the subsection.                                                      14

 [6]   Section 5 (2) (b)                                                         15

       Omit "Director-General, and". Insert instead "Director-General.".         16

 [7]   Section 5 (2) (c)                                                         17

       Omit the paragraph.                                                       18

 [8]   Section 6 Objects of the Service                                          19

       Omit "who are ill, disabled or" from section 6 (1) (a) (i).               20

       Insert instead "with disability, or who are ill or".                      21

 [9]   Part 3A Hostel and Care Program                                           22

       Omit the Part.                                                            23

[10]   Section 11 Power to accept gifts etc                                      24

       Omit "Stamp Duties Act 1920" from section 11 (3).                         25

       Insert instead "Duties Act 1997".                                         26

[11]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to the constitution and procedure of the   27
       Board                                                                     28

       Omit "6 members" from clause 8 (1). Insert instead "5 members".           29

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                               Schedule 1

[12]   Schedule 1, clause 8 (2)                                                                   1
       Omit the subclause.                                                                        2
       Explanatory note                                                                           3
       Item [9] of the proposed amendments to the Home Care Service Act 1988 repeals              4
       provisions relating to the Hostel and Care Program, which is no longer part of the Home    5
       Care Service. Items [2], [4]-[7], [11] and [12] make consequential amendments.             6
       Items [1], [3] and [10] update obsolete references.                                        7
       Item [8] updates obsolete terminology.                                                     8

1.15 Human Tissue Act 1983 No 164                                                                 9

 [1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                     10

       Insert at the end of paragraph (b) of the definition of forensic institution in           11
       section 4 (1):                                                                            12
                           or                                                                    13
                      (c) an institution that is under the control of the Health                 14
                           Administration Corporation,                                           15

 [2]   Section 4 (1), definition of "governing body"                                             16

       Insert at the end of paragraph (b) (ii):                                                  17
                                  , or                                                           18
                           (iii) in the case of a forensic institution that is controlled        19
                                  by the Health Administration Corporation--the                  20
                                  Director-General.                                              21
       Explanatory note                                                                          22
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Human Tissue Act 1983 (the Act) extends        23
       the definition of forensic institution to reflect the change in institutions providing    24
       forensic pathology and medicine services. Those services were formerly provided by        25
       institutions under the control of a public health organisation but are now provided by    26
       institutions under the control of the Health Administration Corporation.                  27
       Item [2] amends the definition of governing body to provide that, for the purposes of     28
       the Act, the governing body of a forensic institution that is under the control of the    29
       Health Administration Corporation is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health.      30

1.16 Impounding Act 1993 No 31                                                                   31

       Dictionary                                                                                32

       Insert after the matter relating to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority in             33
       the definition of area of operations:                                                     34
                 · in the case of an impounding officer appointed by the Western                 35
                     Sydney Parklands Trust, Trust land within the meaning of the                36
                     Western Sydney Parklands Act 2006.                                          37

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

      Explanatory note                                                                          1
      The proposed amendment to the Impounding Act 1993 (the Act) provides that, for the        2
      purposes of the Act, the area of operations of the Western Sydney Parklands Trust (the    3
      Trust) is land vested in or owned by the Trust. Impounding officers appointed by the      4
      Trust may exercise their powers to impound certain animals and articles under the Act     5
      in the Trust's area of operations. The amendment is consequent on the enactment of        6
      the Western Sydney Parklands Act 2006, which made the Trust an impounding                 7
      authority under the Act.                                                                  8

1.17 Interpretation Act 1987 No 15                                                              9

[1]   Section 21 Meanings of commonly used words and expressions                               10

      Omit the definition of Gazette from section 21 (1). Insert instead:                      11
                  Gazette or Government Gazette means the New South Wales                      12
                  Government Gazette published in print or on the NSW legislation              13
                  website.                                                                     14

[2]   Section 23 Commencement of Acts                                                          15

      Omit "in the Gazette or" from section 23 (8).                                            16

[3]   Section 44 Publication of certain miscellaneous statutory instruments                    17
      on NSW legislation website                                                               18

      Omit the section.                                                                        19

[4]   Section 45C Publication on NSW legislation website                                       20

      Insert after section 45C (1) (a):                                                        21
                    (a1) the Gazette (as individual gazette notices or as a collection         22
                           of gazette notices), and                                            23

[5]   Section 45C (2), (3) and (4)                                                             24

      Insert ", the Gazette" before "or other matter" wherever occurring.                      25

[6]   Section 45C (5)                                                                          26

      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                     27

             (5)     The Parliamentary Counsel is to compile and maintain a database           28
                     of legislation or Gazettes published on the NSW legislation               29
                     website, and may certify the form of legislation or Gazettes so           30
                     published that is correct.                                                31

[7]   Section 45C (6) (b)                                                                      32

      Insert "or form" after "drafting".                                                       33

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                   Schedule 1

 [8]   Section 45D Publication of paper reprints of legislation                                        1
       Omit the section.                                                                               2

 [9]   Section 67 Citation of instruments etc                                                          3

       Omit "published in the Gazette" from section 67 (1) (b) (i).                                    4

       Insert instead "published in a printed copy of the Gazette".                                    5

[10]   Section 67 (1) (b) (ia)                                                                         6

       Insert after section 67 (1) (b) (i):                                                            7
                            (ia) in the case of an instrument that has been published                  8
                                   on the NSW legislation website--the date of its                     9
                                   publication on that website, or                                    10

[11]   Section 75 Publication of statutory notices                                                    11

       Omit "or journals" and "or journal". Insert instead "or other location".                       12

[12]   Section 75                                                                                     13

       Omit "the number, date and page or pages of the Gazette".                                      14

       Insert instead "the date of publication of the Gazette".                                       15

[13]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                                 16

       Omit clause 10.                                                                                17
       Explanatory note                                                                               18
       The proposed amendments to the Interpretation Act 1987 authorise the NSW                       19
       Government Gazette to be published on the NSW legislation website (item [4]) and give          20
       official status to the online version of the Gazette (item [6]). The Gazette will be able to   21
       be published on that website as individual gazette notices or as a collection of gazette       22
       notices (with a facility to search over those gazette notices and any previous editions        23
       of the printed Gazette made available on that website). Apart from consequential               24
       amendments, the amendments also repeal existing provisions relating to the                     25
       production of paper reprints of legislation which has now ceased.                              26

1.18 Local Government Act 1993 No 30                                                                  27

       Section 54L Payment of environmental upgrade charge                                            28

       Omit "must" from section 54L (3). Insert instead "may".                                        29
       Explanatory note                                                                               30
       The proposed amendment to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) will enable a                31
       council to hold money paid to it in respect of an environmental upgrade charge, pending        32
       its payment to a finance provider, in its consolidated fund in accordance with                 33
       section 409 of the Act. Currently, such money is required to be held in the council's trust    34
       fund in trust for the finance provider.                                                        35

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

1.19 Macquarie University Act 1989 No 126                                                         1

[1]   Section 27 Seal of University                                                               2

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                           3
                    Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                  4
                    authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         5
                    Interpretation Act 1987.                                                      6

[2]   Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                       7

      Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after             8
      "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                              9
      Explanatory note                                                                           10
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Macquarie University Act 1989 (the Act)         11
      inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be             12
      sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         13
      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                   14
      Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member       15
      of the Council of Macquarie University (the Council) from taking part in any               16
      deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has   17
      a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent      18
      the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to     19
      the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                  20

1.20 Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 No 59                                                        21

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                      22

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                             23
                    county council has the same meaning as in the Local                          24
                    Government Act 1993.                                                         25

[2]   Section 4 Plumbing and drainage work--meaning                                              26

      Omit "or local council" from section 4 (5) (c).                                            27

      Insert instead ", local council or county council".                                        28

[3]   Section 16 Supply of plans                                                                 29

      Insert ", or county council of the area of operations," after "local council of the        30
      area" where firstly occurring in section 16 (3).                                           31

[4]   Section 16 (3)                                                                             32

      Omit "the local council of the area".                                                      33

      Insert instead "that local council or county council".                                     34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                              Schedule 1

 [5]   Section 21 Delegation                                                                     1
       Insert "or county council" after "local council" in section 21 (1) (a).                   2

 [6]   Section 21 (2)                                                                            3

       Insert "or county council" after "local council" where firstly occurring.                 4

 [7]   Section 21 (2) (b)                                                                        5

       Omit "local".                                                                             6

 [8]   Section 22 Appointment of inspectors                                                      7

       Insert "or county council" after "local council" in section 22 (2) (b).                   8

 [9]   Section 23 Appointment of enforcement officers                                            9

       Insert "or county council" after "local council" in section 23 (2) (b).                  10

[10]   Section 47 Certain information may be provided to and by plumbing                        11
       regulator                                                                                12

       Insert "or county council" after "local council" where firstly occurring in              13
       section 47 (1) (a).                                                                      14

[11]   Section 47 (1) (a)                                                                       15

       Omit "local" where secondly and thirdly occurring.                                       16

[12]   Section 47 (2)                                                                           17

       Insert ", county council" after "local council".                                         18

[13]   Section 48 Exclusion of liability                                                        19

       Insert "or county council" after "local council" in paragraph (c) of the                 20
       definition of protected person in section 48 (2).                                        21

[14]   Section 52 Regulations                                                                   22

       Insert "or county councils" after "local councils" in section 52 (3).                    23
       Explanatory note                                                                         24
       The proposed amendments to the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 (the Act) extend           25
       certain functions, powers and exclusions under the Act that apply in respect of local    26
       councils so that they also apply in respect of county councils established under the     27
       Local Government Act 1993.                                                               28
       Item [5] enables the Commissioner for Fair Trading to delegate certain functions under   29
       the Act to county councils. Items [6] and [7] enable a county council to subdelegate     30
       functions to the general manager of the council or to certain contractors engaged by     31
       the council. Items [3] and [4] make consequential amendments.                            32

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

      Items [8] and [9] enable the Commissioner for Fair Trading to appoint county council           1
      officers or employees as inspectors and enforcement officers for the purposes of the           2
      Act.                                                                                           3
      Items [10]-[12] enable the Commissioner for Fair Trading and county councils to share          4
      information that is obtained in connection with the administration of the Act or that is       5
      necessary to enable the Commissioner to exercise functions under the Act.                      6
      Item [13] provides that county councils are not protected persons for the purpose of a         7
      provision that excludes such persons from liability for things done or omitted in the          8
      exercise of functions under the Act. This is consistent with the existing position of local    9
      councils under the Act.                                                                       10
      Item [14] enables regulations to be made providing for the setting of fees, by county         11
      councils, for the exercise of functions delegated to the county councils.                     12
      Items [1] and [2] make consequential amendments.                                              13

1.21 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66                                             14

      Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions                                                15

      Insert after Part 3:                                                                          16

      Part 3A Provision consequent on enactment of                                                  17
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                                18
              Act 2008                                                                              19

      23A    Displacement provision                                                                 20

                     The declaration of a provision of Part 9 of this Act as a                      21
                     Corporations legislation displacement provision for the purposes               22
                     of section 5G of the Corporations Act extends to a provision of                23
                     that Part as amended by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                         24
                     Provisions) Act 2008.                                                          25
      Explanatory note                                                                              26
      The proposed amendment to the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 (the               27
      Act) ensures that a provision of Part 9 of the Act, as amended by the Statute Law             28
      (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008, is a Corporations legislation displacement               29
      provision for the purposes of section 5G of the Corporations Act 2001 of the                  30
      Commonwealth (the Corporations Act). Section 5G of the Corporations Act provides              31
      that if a State law declares a provision of a State law to be a Corporations legislation      32
      displacement provision, any provision of the Corporations legislation with which the          33
      State provision would otherwise be inconsistent does not apply to the extent necessary        34
      to avoid the inconsistency.                                                                   35

1.22 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152                                                       36

[1]   Section 28 Appointment etc                                                                    37

      Omit "7 years" from section 28 (1). Insert instead "8 years".                                 38

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                              Schedule 1

[2]    Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                     1
       Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                        2

       Part 7        Provision consequent on enactment of                                        3
                     Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                      4
                     Act 2013                                                                    5

       15     Term of appointment of Auditor-General                                             6

                     The amendment made to section 28 by the Statute Law                         7
                     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013 does not apply in respect of            8
                     an appointment made before the commencement of that                         9
                     amendment.                                                                 10
       Explanatory note                                                                         11
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983
       extends, from 7 years to 8 years, the term of appointment of the Auditor-General under   12
       that Act. Item [2] provides that the new term of appointment does not apply in respect   14
       of an appointment made before the commencement of the amendment.                         15

1.23 Radiation Control Act 1990 No 13                                                           16

[1]    Section 25 Proceedings for offences                                                      17

       Omit "under this Act" wherever occurring in section 25 (1) and (3).                      18

       Insert instead "against this Act".                                                       19

[2]    Section 25 (5)                                                                           20

       Omit "under this Act". Insert instead "against this Act or the regulations".             21

[3]    Section 29 Radiation Advisory Council                                                    22

       Omit section 29 (2) (k). Insert instead:                                                 23
                    (k) a person nominated by the Director-General of the                       24
                          Ministry of Health, and                                               25

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

[4]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                              1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:               2

      Part          Provision consequent on enactment of                                          3
                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                        4
                    Act 2013                                                                      5

             Ministry of Health member of Radiation Advisory Council                              6

                    The member of the Radiation Advisory Council who was                          7
                    appointed under section 29 (2) (k), as in force immediately before            8
                    its substitution by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                9
                    Act 2013, is taken have been appointed on the same terms under               10
                    that paragraph as substituted.                                               11
      Explanatory note                                                                           12
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments to the Radiation Control Act 1990 (the Act)            13
      makes it clear that a provision of the Act that specifies the time limit for commencing    14
      proceedings for an offence against the Act applies to proceedings for an offence           15
      against regulations made under the Act. The time limit for commencing proceedings is       16
      12 months after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed or         17
      evidence of the alleged offence first came to the attention of an authorised officer.      18
      Item [1] changes the terminology used in reference to proceedings for offences to make     19
      it consistent with other provisions of the Act that relate to offences.                    20
      Item [3] removes a paragraph that provides that the Minister administering the Act is to   21
      appoint an officer of the Ministry of Health to the Radiation Advisory Council and         22
      instead provides for the appointment of a person nominated by the Director-General of      23
      the Ministry of Health. Item [4] inserts a transitional provision consequent on the        24
      amendment made by item [3].                                                                25

1.24 Radiation Control Amendment Act 2010 No 91                                                  26

[1]   Schedule 1 Amendment of Radiation Control Act 1990 No 13                                   27

      Omit "An authorised officer may serve a notice under this section on a person              28
      if the authorised officer" from proposed section 18 (1) in Schedule 1 [6].                 29

      Insert instead "The Authority, or person authorised by the Authority, may                  30
      serve a notice under this section on a person if the Authority, or person                  31
      authorised by the Authority,".                                                             32

[2]   Schedule 1 [6], proposed section 18 (3)                                                    33

      Omit "authorised officer issues". Insert instead "service of".                             34

[3]   Schedule 1 [6], proposed section 18 (6)                                                    35

      Omit "of the Authority". Insert instead "to serve a notice".                               36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

       Commencement                                                                                1
       The amendments to the Radiation Control Amendment Act 2010 commence, or are                 2
       taken to have commenced, immediately before the commencement of Schedule 1 [6]              3
       to the Radiation Control Amendment Act 2010.                                                4
       Explanatory note                                                                            5
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Radiation Control Amendment Act 2010             6
       (the amending Act) amends Schedule 1 [6] to the amending Act (which inserts a               7
       proposed new section 18 into the Radiation Control Act 1990 (the Principal Act)) to         8
       provide that the Environment Protection Authority (the Authority) or a person               9
       authorised by the Authority may serve a notice on a person if the Authority or person      10
       authorised believes on reasonable grounds that the person is, or is likely to become,      11
       responsible for certain contraventions. Currently, only an authorised officer may serve    12
       such a notice under that section. Item [2] makes a consequential amendment.                13
       Item [3] makes it clear that a person on whom a notice is served under proposed new        14
       section 18 of the Principal Act may appeal to the District Court against the decision to   15
       serve the notice, whether the decision is made by the Authority, or a person authorised    16
       by the Authority, or by a public body authorised to exercise the functions of the          17
       Authority under section 5A of the Principal Act (as inserted by Schedule 1 [4] to the      18
       amending Act).                                                                             19

1.25 Real Property Act 1900 No 25                                                                 20

[1]    Section 56C Confirmation of identity of mortgagor                                          21

       Omit "the following" from section 56C (3).                                                 22

[2]    Section 56C (3) (a)                                                                        23

       Insert "or" after "subsection (1),".                                                       24

[3]    Section 61 Application for foreclosure order                                               25

       Insert after section 61 (1):                                                               26

            (1A)     Prior to making an application under subsection (1), and subject             27
                     to subsection (2A), a notice in writing of the intention of the              28
                     mortgagee or covenant chargee to make the application must be                29
                     served in accordance with the provisions of section 170 (1) of the           30
                     Conveyancing Act 1919 on:                                                    31
                      (a) the mortgagor or covenant charger, and                                  32
                     (b) all registered mortgagees, chargees or covenant chargees                 33
                            under registered mortgages, charges or covenant charges               34
                            which have less priority than that of the applicant, and              35
                      (c) each caveator (if any) who claims as an unregistered                    36
                            mortgagee or chargee to be entitled to an estate or interest          37
                            in the land mortgaged or charged.                                     38

[4]    Section 61 (2) (b)                                                                         39

       Insert "(unless dispensed with under section 58A)" after "notice was given".               40

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

[5]   Section 61 (2) (d)                                                                           1
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                          2
                   (d) that notice in writing of the intention of the mortgagee or                 3
                        covenant chargee to make the application has been served                   4
                        in accordance with this section.                                           5

[6]   Section 61 (5)                                                                               6

      Omit the subsection.                                                                         7

[7]   Section 74N Service of notices on caveators for purposes of Part                             8

      Omit section 74N (1) (b) (i). Insert instead:                                                9
                         (i) the address for service of notices specified in the                  10
                               caveat under section 74B (2) (b) (vi) or 74F (5) (b)               11
                               (viii), or                                                         12
      Explanatory note                                                                            13
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments to the Real Property Act 1900 provide          14
      that a mortgagee will satisfy a certain record-keeping requirement if the mortgagee         15
      keeps for 7 years from the date of registration of a mortgage either a written record of    16
      the steps taken, or a copy of any document obtained, by the mortgagee to confirm the        17
      identity of the mortgagor. It amends the current requirement to keep both, in line with     18
      the record-keeping requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism          19
      Financing Act 2006 of the Commonwealth.                                                     20
      Item [3] makes it clear that a notice of a mortgagee's or covenant chargee's intention      21
      to make an application for a foreclosure order must be served on various parties in         22
      accordance with the Conveyancing Act 1919. Item [5] makes a consequential                   23
      amendment.                                                                                  24
      Items [4] and [6] together restate an existing exception relating to the giving of notice   25
      of intended foreclosure.                                                                    26
      Item [7] clarifies that the correct address for service of a notice on a caveator is an     27
      address specified in the caveat lodged with the Registrar-General at which notices may      28
      be served on the caveator.                                                                  29

1.26 Residential Tenancies Act 2010 No 42                                                         30

[1]   Section 102 Termination of agreement or co-tenancies by Tribunal                            31

      Insert "or former co-tenant" after "co-tenant" wherever occurring in                        32
      section 102 (1) and (4).                                                                    33

[2]   Section 102 (3)                                                                             34

      Insert "or former co-tenants" after "co-tenants".                                           35

[3]   Section 126 Application and interpretation                                                  36

      Insert "(other than section 134 (2A))" after "Division" in section 126 (1).                 37

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

[4]    Section 134 Orders by Tribunal relating to goods                                               1
       Insert after section 134 (2):                                                                  2

             (2A)     The Tribunal may, on application by a former co-tenant, make an                 3
                      order requiring a tenant or co-tenant, or a tenant or co-tenant's               4
                      agent, to deliver goods left behind on residential premises by the              5
                      former co-tenant after the co-tenant vacated the premises (in                   6
                      circumstances where one or more other tenants or co-tenants                     7
                      continue to occupy the premises) into the former co-tenant's                    8
                      possession.                                                                     9
       Explanatory note                                                                              10
       Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010            11
       (the Act) extend to former co-tenants the right to apply to the Consumer, Trader and          12
       Tenancy Tribunal for an order terminating the tenancy of the former co-tenant, or             13
       another co-tenant or former co-tenant, under a residential tenancy agreement, an order        14
       terminating the residential tenancy agreement or any necessary ancillary order. At            15
       present, only a current co-tenant has those rights under section 102 of the Act.              16
       Items [3] and [4] provide that the Tribunal may make an order requiring a tenant or           17
       co-tenant, or a tenant or co-tenant's agent, to deliver to a former co-tenant goods left      18
       behind on residential premises by the former co-tenant after vacating the premises (in        19
       circumstances where one or more other tenants or co-tenants continue to occupy the            20
       premises). A similar provision currently exists in relation to goods left by former tenants   21
       on abandoned premises.                                                                        22

1.27 Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81                                                              23

[1]    Section 102A                                                                                  24

       Insert before section 103:                                                                    25

      102A    Meaning of "prescribed CPI variation"                                                  26

              (1)     In relation to a proposed variation in recurrent charges that is the           27
                      first variation under a village contract, the prescribed CPI                   28
                      variation is, for the purposes of this Division, the variation that            29
                      would result from the recurrent charges being increased in                     30
                      proportion to the difference between:                                          31
                       (a) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before                   32
                             the village contract was entered into, and                              33
                      (b) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before                    34
                             the written notice of the proposed variation is given,                  35
                      rounded to the nearest dollar.                                                 36

              (2)     In relation to a proposed variation in recurrent charges that is not           37
                      the first variation under a village contract, the prescribed CPI               38
                      variation is, for the purposes of this Division, the variation that            39
                      would result from the recurrent charges being increased in                     40
                      proportion to the difference between:                                          41

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Minor amendments

                   (a)   the Consumer Price Index published most recently before                1
                         those charges were last varied, and                                    2
                   (b) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before                  3
                         the written notice of the proposed variation is given,                 4
                   rounded to the nearest dollar.                                               5

[2]   Section 105A Recurrent charges varied otherwise than by a fixed                           6
      formula--not exceeding variation in CPI                                                   7

      Omit section 105A (1) (b). Insert instead:                                                8
                   (b) the variation does not exceed the prescribed CPI variation.              9

[3]   Section 105A (2)                                                                         10

      Omit the subsection.                                                                     11

[4]   Section 106 Recurrent charges varied otherwise than by a fixed                           12
      formula--exceeding variation in CPI                                                      13

      Omit section 106 (1) (b). Insert instead:                                                14
                   (b) the variation exceeds the prescribed CPI variation.                     15

[5]   Section 106 (1A)                                                                         16

      Omit the subsection.                                                                     17

[6]   Section 106 (2) (c)                                                                      18

      Omit "variation in the Consumer Price Index".                                            19

      Insert instead "prescribed CPI variation".                                               20

[7]   Section 180 Payments to former occupants who were registered interest                    21
      holders                                                                                  22

      Insert before section 180 (1):                                                           23
                   Note. This section deals with payments to such former occupants of          24
                   residential premises following the sale of the premises. The sale of        25
                   premises includes:                                                          26
                    (a)   in the case where the former occupant was the registered             27
                          proprietor of land, the owner of a lot in a strata scheme or the     28
                          proprietor of a lot in a community land scheme and as such had       29
                          a residence right in respect of residential premises--the sale of    30
                          that land or interest in that land, and                              31
                    (b)   in the case where the former occupant was the owner of shares        32
                          in a company title scheme that gave rise to a residence right in     33
                          respect of residential premises-- the sale of that residence right   34
                          (see section 4 (3)), and                                             35

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

                      (c)    in the case where the former occupant's residence contract was          1
                             in the form of a registered long term lease that included a             2
                             provision that entitled the former occupant to at least 50% of any      3
                             capital gain--the sale of that residence right (see section 150).       4

[8]    Schedule 1 Consent of residents                                                               5

       Omit "(including a measure or action that requires a special resolution)" from                6
       clause 3 (1).                                                                                 7

       Insert instead "other than a measure or action that requires a special                        8
       resolution".                                                                                  9
       Explanatory note                                                                             10
       Items [1]-[6] of the proposed amendments to the Retirement Villages Act 1999 provide         11
       for the calculation of the CPI variation in recurrent charges payable under a village        12
       contract in circumstances where there has not previously been a variation. In such           13
       cases, movements in the Consumer Price Index since the village contract was entered          14
       into will be taken into account. (The current provisions only specify how to calculate the   15
       CPI variation in cases where there has been a previous variation of recurrent charges.)      16
       Item [7] clarifies the meaning of the expression "sale of the premises" in a provision       17
       about payments to former occupants who were registered interest holders. The                 18
       proposed amendment inserts a note that the sale of premises includes the sale of             19
       shares in a company title scheme or the sale of a residence right under a registered         20
       long term lease that included a provision that entitled the holder of the residence right    21
       to at least 50% of any capital gain.                                                         22
       Item [8] amends a provision that incorrectly provides that a vote in relation to a measure   23
       or action that requires a special resolution may be taken by a show of hands. (Clause 5      24
       of Schedule 1 sets out the correct procedure, which is that a special resolution requires    25
       a ballot conducted in accordance with the regulations.)                                      26

1.28 Southern Cross University Act 1993 No 69                                                       27

[1]    Section 28 Seal of University                                                                28

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                            29
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                   30
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the          31
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                       32

[2]    Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                        33

       Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after              34
       "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                               35
       Explanatory note                                                                             36
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Southern Cross University Act 1993 (the           37
       Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be          38
       sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the           39
       Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                     40
       Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member         41
       of the Council of Southern Cross University (the Council) from taking part in any            42
       deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has     43
       a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent        44

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

      the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to    1
      the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                 2

1.29 Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 No 138                                                  3

      Section 216 Annual report of Director-General                                             4

      Omit the section.                                                                         5
      Explanatory note                                                                          6
      The proposed amendment to the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 removes the              7
      requirement for the Commissioner for Fair Trading to prepare an annual report for the     8
      Minister for Fair Trading of the operations of the Commissioner under that Act. The       9
      report on the operations of the Commissioner will instead be included in the annual      10
      report of the Department of Finance and Services prepared under the Annual Reports       11
      (Departments) Act 1985.                                                                  12

1.30 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146                                                   13

[1]   Section 10A Certain statutory rules to remain in force                                   14

      Omit section 10A (1A). Insert instead:                                                   15

              (1)     Despite the other provisions of this Part, unless sooner repealed,       16
                      a statutory rule listed in Schedule 5 remains in force until the date    17
                      specified in that Schedule for the rule or, if more than one date is     18
                      so specified, the later of those dates.                                  19

[2]   Section 10A (3)                                                                          20

      Omit the subsection.                                                                     21

[3]   Schedule 5                                                                               22

      Insert after Schedule 4:                                                                 23

      Schedule 5                Further postponement of repeal of                              24
                                certain statutory rules                                        25

                                                                          (Section 10A (1))    26

          1   Postponement of statutory rules due for repeal in 2013                           27

                      The following statutory rules remain in force until 1 September          28
                      2014, unless sooner repealed:                                            29
                      (a) Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002,                              30
                      (b) Adoption Regulation 2003,                                            31
                      (c) Electricity Supply (General) Regulation 2001,                        32
                      (d) Employment Protection Regulation 2001,                               33

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

                      (e)    Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation                       1
                             2000,                                                                  2
                      (f)    Gas Supply (Natural Gas Retail Competition) Regulation                 3
                             2001,                                                                  4
                      (g)    Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2001,                        5
                      (h)    Property, Stock and Business Agents Regulation 2003,                   6
                       (i)   Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)                         7
                             Regulation 1999.                                                       8
       Commencement                                                                                 9
       Item [2] of the amendments commences on 2 September 2013.                                   10
       Explanatory note                                                                            11
       The proposed amendments to the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 (the Act) have the          12
       effect of keeping a number of regulations in force for a further period of one year after   13
       the date on which they would otherwise be repealed by the Act. However, any of the          14
       regulations may be repealed sooner by other legislation.                                    15
       This is necessary as the regulations have each been postponed on at least 5 occasions       16
       and are now due to be repealed by the Act on 1 September 2013.                              17
       Each of the regulations continues to be required and the repeal of each of the              18
       regulations is to be further postponed until 1 September 2014 for the following reasons:    19
        (a)    The Department of Education and Communities is currently undertaking a              20
               review of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 that may result in amendments         21
               to that Act. It is proposed to await the outcome of that review before remaking     22
               the Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002.                                         23
        (b)    The Department of Family and Community Services is undertaking a review of          24
               child protection legislation and it is anticipated that consequential amendments    25
               to the Adoption Act 2000 may be required. It is proposed to await the outcome       26
               of that review before remaking the Adoption Regulation 2003.                        27
        (c)    The Ministerial Council on Energy is currently undertaking a national energy        28
               market reform program which is expected to result in significant regulatory         29
               changes to areas that are dealt with by the Electricity Supply (General)            30
               Regulation 2001 and the Gas Supply (Natural Gas Retail Competition)                 31
               Regulation 2001. It is therefore proposed to await these changes before             32
               remaking these regulations.                                                         33
        (d)    The Department of Finance and Services is proposing to undertake a full review      34
               of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and the Employment Protection Act 1982 as      35
               a consequence of the operation of the Fair Work Act 2009 of the                     36
               Commonwealth and the referral of certain matters relating to industrial relations   37
               to the Commonwealth. In light of this, it is considered to be premature to remake   38
               the Employment Protection Regulation 2001 and the Industrial Relations              39
               (General) Regulation 2001.                                                          40
        (e)    The Department of Planning and Infrastructure is currently preparing a new          41
               planning bill to repeal and replace the Environmental Planning and Assessment       42
               Act 1979 (and consequently repeal the Environmental Planning and                    43
               Assessment Regulation 2000). It is therefore proposed to postpone the repeal        44
               of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 under the              45
               Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 pending the replacement regime taking effect.      46

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                  Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1        Minor amendments

          (f) Proposed national regulations under the Occupational Licensing National Law          1
              relating to property occupations are due to be made later in 2013. It is proposed    2
              to postpone remaking the Property, Stock and Business Agents Regulation              3
              2003 until after those national regulations are made.                                4
       (g)    The Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 1999 is due            5
              to be repealed on the commencement of Schedule 1 to the Road Transport               6
              Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Act 2013.                                         7
      The proposed amendments also simplify the structure of the Act by placing these              8
      postponements in a new schedule to the Act (rather than in section 10A of the Act, as        9
      is currently the case) and by repealing spent provisions.                                   10

1.31 Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 No 72                                              11

[1]   Schedule 4                                                                                  12

      Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                           13

      Schedule 4                Savings, transitional and other                                   14
                                provisions                                                        15

[2]   Schedule 4, Part 4                                                                          16

      Insert after Part 3:                                                                        17

      Part 4         Rugby League Central                                                         18

      11        Granting of lease                                                                 19

                     The Trust may lease to National Rugby League Limited                         20
                     approximately 1,200 square metres of land, consisting of that part           21
                     of the designated land described as the "Site" in the licence                22
                     granted by the Trust to National Rugby League Limited on                     23
                     31 August 2010, for a total period (including any option for the             24
                     grant of a further term after an initial term has expired) not               25
                     exceeding 80 years.                                                          26
      Explanatory note                                                                            27
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments will enable the Sydney Cricket and Sports               28
      Ground Trust to lease land for a total period not exceeding 80 years to National Rugby      29
      League Limited in respect of the National Rugby League headquarters at Moore Park.          30
      Item [1] is a consequential amendment.                                                      31

1.32 Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998 No 171                                            32

[1]   Section 35 Definition                                                                       33

      Omit "Department of Health" from paragraph (a) of the definition of                         34
      regulatory agencies.                                                                        35

      Insert instead "Ministry of Health".                                                        36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

[2]    Section 35, paragraph (b) of the definition of "regulatory agencies"                         1
       Omit "Director-General of the Department of Environment and Climate                          2
       Change".                                                                                     3

       Insert instead "Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage".                  4

[3]    Section 35, paragraph (b) of the definition of "regulatory agencies"                         5

       Omit "Department of Industry and Investment".                                                6

       Insert instead "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure                  7
       and Services".                                                                               8

[4]    Section 43 Definitions                                                                       9

       Omit "Director-General of the Department of Environment and Climate                         10
       Change" from the definition of joint sponsors.                                              11

       Insert instead "Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage".                 12

[5]    Section 72                                                                                  13

       Insert after section 71:                                                                    14

       72     Delegation                                                                           15

                     The Minister may delegate the exercise of any function of the                 16
                     Minister under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:             17
                     (a) the Chief Executive or any member of staff of the Sydney                  18
                           Catchment Authority Division, or                                        19
                     (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the                   20
                           purposes of this section by the regulations.                            21
       Explanatory note                                                                            22
       Item [5] of the proposed amendments to the Sydney Water Catchment Management                23
       Act 1998 (the Act) allows the Minister administering the Act (currently the Minister for    24
       Regional Infrastructure and Services jointly with the Minister for Primary Industries) to   25
       delegate the exercise of any of the Minister's functions under the Act (other than this     26
       power of delegation) to the Chief Executive of the Sydney Catchment Authority, any          27
       member of staff of the Sydney Catchment Authority Division or certain persons               28
       authorised by regulations made under the Act.                                               29
       Items [1]-[4] update references to Government agencies and heads of agencies as a           30
       consequence of departmental restructuring.                                                  31

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

1.33 Tattoo Parlours Act 2012 No 32                                                                 1

      Section 36A                                                                                   2

      Insert after section 36:                                                                      3

     36A     Certificate evidence                                                                   4

             (1)     A certificate purporting to have been signed by the                            5
                     Director-General and stating any of the following is admissible in             6
                     evidence in any proceedings and is evidence of the matters stated:             7
                     (a) that on a specified day, or during a specified period, a                   8
                           specified person was, or was not, the holder of a licence,               9
                     (b) that on a specified day a licence formerly held by a                      10
                           specified person had been cancelled or surrendered,                     11
                     (c) that on a specified day, or during a specified period, a                  12
                           licence held by a specified person was suspended,                       13
                     (d) that on a specified day, or during a specified period, a                  14
                           licence held by a specified person was subject to specified             15
                           conditions,                                                             16
                     (e) that on a specified day, or during a specified period,                    17
                           specified premises were, or were not, licensed premises,                18
                      (f) that on a specified day, or during a specified period, a                 19
                           specified person was, or was not, the holder of a permit                20
                           issued under the regulations,                                           21
                     (g) that on a specified day a permit issued under the                         22
                           regulations that was formerly held by a specified person                23
                           had been revoked or had expired,                                        24
                     (h) that on a specified day, or during a specified period, a                  25
                           permit issued under the regulations and held by a specified             26
                           person was subject to specified conditions.                             27

             (2)     A certificate purporting to have been signed by the                           28
                     Commissioner and stating that on a specified day, or during a                 29
                     specified period, specified premises were, or were not, subject to            30
                     an interim closure order, is admissible in evidence in any                    31
                     proceedings and is evidence of the matters stated.                            32
      Explanatory note                                                                             33
      The proposed amendment to the Tattoo Parlours Act 2012 provides that the                     34
      Commissioner for Fair Trading or Commissioner of Police may issue certificates               35
      (relating to licences, permits and interim closure orders) that are admissible in evidence   36
      in any proceedings as evidence of the truth of the statements they contain.                  37
      The admission of such certificates into evidence means that those matters will not need      38
      to be proven in any court or tribunal proceedings, unless a doubt is raised about a          39

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

       matter stated in the certificate. The proposed amendment is consistent with evidentiary     1
       provisions of other Acts that create a licensing or registration regime.                    2

1.34 Travel Agents Act 1986 No 5                                                                   3

       Section 57 Regulations                                                                      4

       Insert "(including any substitution of the trust deed)" after "trust deed" in               5
       section 57 (2) (c).                                                                         6
       Explanatory note                                                                            7
       The proposed amendment to the Travel Agents Act 1986 (the Act) clarifies a                  8
       regulation-making power relating to the amendment of the trust deed that establishes        9
       a scheme for compensation under the Act. The scheme, which is set out in Schedule 1        10
       to the Travel Agents Regulation 2011, compensates persons who suffer pecuniary loss        11
       as a result of the acts or omissions of travel agents. The amendment makes it clear that   12
       the amendments of the trust deed which may be incorporated from time to time (by           13
       regulations amending that Schedule) include any substitution of the trust deed.            14

1.35 University of New England Act 1993 No 68                                                     15

[1]    Section 27 Seal of University                                                              16

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                          17
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                 18
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the        19
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                     20

[2]    Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                      21

       Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after            22
       "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                             23
       Explanatory note                                                                           24
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of New England Act 1993 (the         25
       Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be        26
       sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         27
       Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                   28
       Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member       29
       of the Council of the University of New England (the Council) from taking part in any      30
       deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has   31
       a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent      32
       the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to     33
       the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                  34

1.36 University of New South Wales Act 1989 No 125                                                35

[1]    Section 26 Seal of University                                                              36

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                          37
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                 38
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the        39
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                     40

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

[2]   Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                       1
      Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after             2
      "section 20G" in clause 5 (7).                                                              3
      Explanatory note                                                                            4
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of New South Wales Act 1989           5
      (the Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may       6
      be sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the       7
      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                    8
      Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member        9
      of the Council of the University of New South Wales (the Council) from taking part in      10
      any deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member   11
      has a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not          12
      prevent the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with        13
      respect to the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.       14

1.37 University of Newcastle Act 1989 No 68                                                      15

[1]   Section 27 Seal of University                                                              16

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                          17
                    Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                 18
                    authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the        19
                    Interpretation Act 1987.                                                     20

[2]   Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                      21

      Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after            22
      "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                             23
      Explanatory note                                                                           24
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of Newcastle Act 1989 (the Act)      25
      inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be             26
      sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         27
      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                   28
      Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member       29
      of the Council of the University of Newcastle (the Council) from taking part in any        30
      deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has   31
      a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent      32
      the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to     33
      the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                  34

1.38 University of Sydney Act 1989 No 124                                                        35

[1]   Section 35 Seal of University                                                              36

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                          37
                    Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                 38
                    authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the        39
                    Interpretation Act 1987.                                                     40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

[2]    Schedule 2A Duties of Fellows                                                                1
       Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after              2
       "section 26G" in clause 5 (7).                                                               3
       Explanatory note                                                                             4
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of Sydney Act 1989 (the Act)           5
       inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be               6
       sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the           7
       Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                     8
       Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member         9
       of the Senate of the University of Sydney (the Senate) from taking part in any              10
       deliberation or decision of the Senate with respect to a matter in which the member has     11
       a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent       12
       the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to      13
       the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                   14

1.39 University of Technology, Sydney, Act 1989 No 69                                              15

[1]    Section 27 Seal of University                                                               16

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                           17
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                  18
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         19
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                      20

[2]    Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                       21

       Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after             22
       "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                              23
       Explanatory note                                                                            24
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of Technology, Sydney, Act            25
       1989 (the Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication      26
       may be sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the   27
       Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                    28
       Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member        29
       of the Council of the University of Technology, Sydney (the Council) from taking part       30
       in any deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the        31
       member has a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does        32
       not prevent the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with     33
       respect to the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.        34

1.40 University of Western Sydney Act 1997 No 116                                                  35

[1]    Section 39 Seal of University                                                               36

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                           37
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                  38
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         39
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                      40

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 1         Minor amendments

[2]   Schedule 2A Duties of Board members                                                         1
      Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 11 of Schedule 1" after             2
      "section 32G" in clause 5 (7).                                                              3
      Explanatory note                                                                            4
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of Western Sydney Act 1997            5
      (the Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may       6
      be sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the       7
      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                    8
      Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member        9
      of the Board of Trustees of the University of Western Sydney (the Board) from taking       10
      part in any deliberation or decision of the Board with respect to a matter in which the    11
      member has a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does       12
      not prevent the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with    13
      respect to the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 11 of Schedule 1 to the Act.       14

1.41 University of Wollongong Act 1989 No 127                                                    15

[1]   Section 27 Seal of University                                                              16

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                          17
                     Note. Documents requiring authentication may be sufficiently                18
                     authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the       19
                     Interpretation Act 1987.                                                    20

[2]   Schedule 2A Duties of Council members                                                      21

      Insert "or the person's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1" after            22
      "section 21G" in clause 5 (7).                                                             23
      Explanatory note                                                                           24
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the University of Wollongong Act 1989 (the          25
      Act) inserts a note to make it clear that documents requiring authentication may be        26
      sufficiently authenticated without a seal in accordance with section 50 (3) of the         27
      Interpretation Act 1987.                                                                   28
      Item [2] makes a clarifying amendment to a provision of the Act prohibiting a member       29
      of the Council of the University of Wollongong (the Council) from taking part in any       30
      deliberation or decision of the Council with respect to a matter in which the member has   31
      a material interest. The amendment makes it clear that the provision does not prevent      32
      the member from taking part in any consideration, discussion or voting with respect to     33
      the member's remuneration pursuant to clause 10 of Schedule 1 to the Act.                  34

1.42 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (New South                                         35
     Wales) Act 2005 No 12                                                                       36

      Section 10 Object of this Part                                                             37

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                          38

             (3)     For the purposes of this Part, offences include contraventions for          39
                     which a civil penalty may be imposed.                                       40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

       Explanatory note                                                                            1
       The proposed amendment to the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (New South           2
       Wales) Act 2005 (the Act) provides, for the purposes of Part 4 of the Act, that an          3
       offence includes a contravention for which a civil penalty may be imposed. Part 4 of the    4
       Act provides for an offence against the provisions of the Water Efficiency Labelling and    5
       Standards Act 2005 of the Commonwealth (the Commonwealth Act), which is applied             6
       by the Act as a law of New South Wales, to be treated as if it were an offence against      7
       a law of the Commonwealth. Since the enactment of the Commonwealth Act, the                 8
       Commonwealth has enacted the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards                       9
       Amendment (Scheme Enhancements) Act 2012, which introduces civil penalties as an           10
       alternative to criminal offences.                                                          11

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

Schedule 2             Amendments by way of statute law                                   1
                       revision                                                           2

2.1 Adoption Act 2000 No 75                                                               3

[1]   Section 124A (3), definition of "Guardian Ad Litem Panel"                           4

      Omit "Department of Justice and Attorney General".                                  5

      Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                        6

[2]   Dictionary, definitions of "Department", "designated person" and                    7
      "information source"                                                                8

      Omit "Department of Community Services" wherever occurring.                         9

      Insert instead "Department of Family and Community Services".                      10

[3]   Dictionary, paragraph (d) of definition of "designated person" and                 11
      paragraph (b) of definition of "information source"                                12

      Omit "Department of Health" and "of the Department" wherever occurring.            13

      Insert instead "Ministry of Health" and "of the Ministry", respectively.           14

[4]   Dictionary, definition of "Director-General"                                       15

      Omit "of Community Services".                                                      16
      Explanatory note                                                                   17
      The proposed amendments update references to Government Departments.               18

2.2 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act                               19
    1984 No 4                                                                            20

      Section 4 (1), definition of "deacon"                                              21

      Omit "by the Baptist Union" wherever occurring.                                    22
      Commencement                                                                       23
      The amendment to the Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984   24
      commences on the date of assent to the Baptist Churches of New South Wales         25
      Property Trust Amendment Act 2013 or 5 July 2013, whichever is the later.          26
      Explanatory note                                                                   27
      The proposed amendment corrects inconsistent terminology.                          28

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                              Schedule 2

2.3 Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012                                            1

       Schedule 5, Part 2                                                            2

       Omit "heritage map" from the heading to the second column.                    3

       Insert instead "Heritage Map".                                                4
       Explanatory note                                                              5
       The proposed amendment corrects a reference to a defined map.                 6

2.4 Boarding Houses Act 2012 No 74                                                   7

       Schedule 2, clause 5 (4) (a)                                                  8

       Omit "the YSC Act". Insert instead "the YCS Act".                             9
       Explanatory note                                                             10
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                       11

2.5 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998                       12
    No 157                                                                          13

[1]    Section 3, definition of "Department"                                        14

       Omit "Department of Community Services".                                     15

       Insert instead "Department of Family and Community Services".                16

[2]    Section 27A (1), paragraph (d) of the definition of "relevant agency"        17
       and (11)                                                                     18

       Omit "Department of Health" wherever occurring.                              19

       Insert instead "Ministry of Health".                                         20

[3]    Section 27A, paragraph (g) of the definition of "relevant agency"            21

       Omit "Department of Human Services".                                         22

       Insert instead "Department of Family and Community Services".                23

[4]    Section 78A (4) (e)                                                          24

       Omit "Minister for Community Services".                                      25

       Insert instead "Minister for Family and Community Services".                 26

[5]    Section 101A (3), definition of "Guardian Ad Litem Panel"                    27

       Omit "Department of Justice and Attorney General".                           28

       Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                 29

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2       Amendments by way of statute law revision

      Explanatory note                                                                             1
      The proposed amendments update references to Government Departments and a                    2
      Minister.                                                                                    3

2.6 Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan 2011                                                  4

      Schedule 5, matter relating to item I412                                                     5

      Omit "Calyspso". Insert instead "Calypso".                                                   6
      Explanatory note                                                                             7
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                                       8

2.7 Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001 No 82                                           9

[1]   Section 5 (2), note                                                                         10

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                               11
                    Boarding Houses Act 2012                                                      12

[2]   Schedule 1 Divisions of the Tribunal                                                        13

      Insert after clause 1 (a) (iA):                                                             14
                          (iB) occupancy principles disputes under the Boarding                   15
                                  Houses Act 2012, and                                            16
      Explanatory note                                                                            17
      The proposed amendments make changes consequential on the enactment of the                  18
      Boarding Houses Act 2012. Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a note                19
      listing the Acts that confer jurisdiction on the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal      20
      (the Tribunal), to include the Boarding Houses Act 2012 (which confers jurisdiction on      21
      the Tribunal).                                                                              22
      Item [2] makes it clear that the Tribunal's jurisdiction in respect of disputes under the   23
      Boarding Houses Act 2012 is to be exercised in the General Division of the Tribunal.        24

2.8 Coonabarabran Local Environmental Plan 1990                                                   25

      Clause 17 (2) (b)                                                                           26

      Omit "reasonbly". Insert instead "reasonably".                                              27
      Explanatory note                                                                            28
      The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error.                                           29

2.9 Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66                                                               30

      Section 25 Failure of witnesses to attend and answer questions etc                          31

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                           32
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years,                33
                    or both.                                                                      34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                     Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                          1
       The proposed amendment specifies the penalty for an existing offence. The penalty is      2
       the penalty that applied to the same offence under section 18 of the New South Wales      3
       Crime Commission Act 1985 (when that Act was in force). When that Act was replaced        4
       by the Crime Commission Act 2012, section 18 was divided into 2 provisions                5
       (sections 25 and 37). Due to a drafting oversight, the penalty was moved to section 37    6
       and not replicated in section 25.                                                         7

2.10 Dams Safety Act 1978 No 96                                                                  8

       Schedule 1, matter relating to Horningsea Park Detention Basin                            9

       Omit "Tributory". Insert instead "Tributary".                                            10
       Explanatory note                                                                         11
       The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error.                                        12

2.11 Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000                                      13

       Clause 136E (1) (a)                                                                      14

       Omit "clause 318 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001".                 15

       Insert instead "clause 458 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011".               16
       Explanatory note                                                                         17
       The proposed amendment updates a cross-reference.                                        18

2.12 Government Property NSW Act 2006 No 40                                                     19

       Schedule 1, matter relating to 79 George Street under the heading                        20
       Leases                                                                                   21

       Omit "Parrarnatta". Insert instead "Parramatta".                                         22
       Explanatory note                                                                         23
       The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error.                                        24

2.13 Guyra Local Environmental Plan 2012                                                        25

       Schedule 2, clause relating to Signage--business identification signs in                 26
       industrial zones                                                                         27

       Omit "centerline" from paragraph (d). Insert instead "centreline".                       28
       Explanatory note                                                                         29
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                                   30

2.14 Holroyd Local Environmental Plan 2013                                                      31

       Clause 4.4 (2B)                                                                          32

       Omit "where:". Insert "where:" after the formula.                                        33

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

      Explanatory note                                                                    1
      The proposed amendment inserts a missing word.                                      2

2.15 Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 2012                                             3

      Schedule 2, clause relating to Signage--all signs                                   4

      Omit "Codes 2008" from paragraph (d). Insert instead "Codes) 2008".                 5
      Explanatory note                                                                    6
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                              7

2.16 Interpretation Act 1987 No 15                                                        8

      Section 21 (1), definition of "ASIC Regulations"                                    9

      Insert "of the Commonwealth" after "2001" in paragraph (b).                        10
      Explanatory note                                                                   11
      The proposed amendment clarifies a reference to a Commonwealth Act.                12

2.17 Kogarah Local Environmental Plan 2012                                               13

      Schedule 5, matter relating to item I55                                            14

      Insert "Local" in the column headed "Significance".                                15
      Explanatory note                                                                   16
      The proposed amendment inserts a missing word.                                     17

2.18 Land and Environment Court Act 1979 No 204                                          18

[1]   Section 20 (1) (cg)                                                                19

      Omit "section 176A". Insert instead "section 193".                                 20

[2]   Section 20 (1) (ck)                                                                21

      Omit "section 147". Insert instead "section 141F".                                 22
      Explanatory note                                                                   23
      The proposed amendments update references to sections that have been renumbered.   24

2.19 Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013                                                 25

      Schedule 5, Part 2                                                                 26

      Omit "heritage map" from the heading to the second column.                         27

      Insert instead "Heritage Map".                                                     28
      Explanatory note                                                                   29
      The proposed amendment corrects a reference to a defined map.                      30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                  Schedule 2

2.20 Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012                                                 1

[1]    Clause 7.10                                                                           2

       Renumber clause 7.10 (3)-(7) as clause 7.10 (2)-(6).                                  3

[2]    Clause 7.10 (2) (a) (as renumbered by item [1])                                       4

       Omit "subclause (2)". Insert instead "subclause (1)".                                 5

[3]    Clause 7.10 (2) (c) (as renumbered by item [1])                                       6

       Omit "subclause (6)". Insert instead "subclause (5)".                                 7

[4]    Clause 7.10 (5) (as renumbered by item [1])                                           8

       Omit "subclauses (2)-(5)". Insert instead "subclauses (1)-(4)".                       9
       Explanatory note                                                                     10
       The proposed amendments correct numbering and related cross-references.              11

2.21 Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 2012                                               12

[1]    Clause 4.2B, note                                                                    13

       Omit "Development) Codes". Insert instead "Development Codes)".                      14

[2]    Schedule 5, Part 1, matter relating to item I18                                      15

       Omit "Steet". Insert instead "Street".                                               16
       Explanatory note                                                                     17
       The proposed amendments correct typographical errors.                                18

2.22 Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                                                      19

[1]    Section 12 (3), note                                                                 20

       Omit "Firearms (General) Regulation 1997".                                           21

       Insert instead "Firearms Regulation 2006".                                           22

[2]    Section 39C (1)                                                                      23

       Omit "Security Industry Registry".                                                   24

       Insert instead "Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate".                     25
       Explanatory note                                                                     26
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a Regulation.             27
       Item [2] updates a reference to a body.                                              28

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.23 Shellharbour Local Environmental Plan 2013                                            1

      Dictionary, definition of "Additional Permitted Uses Map"                            2

      Omit "uses". Insert instead "Uses".                                                  3
      Explanatory note                                                                     4
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                               5

2.24 State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and                                       6
     Complying Development Codes) 2008                                                     7

      Clause 7.6 (2)                                                                       8

      Omit "Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001".                               9

      Insert instead "Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011".                            10
      Explanatory note                                                                    11
      The proposed amendment updates a cross-reference.                                   12

2.25 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007                            13

      Clause 129 (2) (c), note                                                            14

      Omit "Emergency". Insert instead "Temporary".                                       15
      Explanatory note                                                                    16
      The proposed amendment updates a reference relating to the Coastal Protection Act   17
      1979.                                                                               18

2.26 State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region                                   19
     Growth Centres) 2006                                                                 20

      Clause 21 (4)                                                                       21

      Renumber paragraph (g) (as inserted by State Environmental Planning Policy          22
      (Sydney Region Growth Centres) Amendment (The Hills Growth Centre                   23
      Precincts) 2013) as paragraph (j).                                                  24
      Explanatory note                                                                    25
      The proposed amendment corrects duplicated provision numbering.                     26

2.27 State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney                                  27
     Parklands) 2009                                                                      28

      Clause 14A (4)                                                                      29

      Omit "clause" where lastly occurring. Insert instead "Policy".                      30
      Explanatory note                                                                    31
      The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                  32

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                               Schedule 2

2.28 Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012                                          1

       Clause 4.4C, table                                                               2

       Omit "> 1,000". Insert instead " 1,000".                                         3
       Explanatory note                                                                 4
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           5

2.29 Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012                                               6

       Schedule 5, matter relating to Dawes Point                                       7

       Omit "Street)" including" wherever occurring in the matters relating to 82-86    8
       and 82-88 Windmill Street.                                                       9

       Insert instead "Street) including".                                             10
       Explanatory note                                                                11
       The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.                           12

2.30 Tenterfield Local Environmental Plan 2013                                         13

       Schedule 2, matter relating to Signage--signs on business or industrial         14
       premises                                                                        15

       Omit "and" from subclause (2) (d).                                              16
       Explanatory note                                                                17
       The proposed amendment removes an unnecessary word.                             18

2.31 The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012                                           19

[1]    Clause 7.7 (1)                                                                  20

       Omit "architectual". Insert instead "architectural".                            21

[2]    Schedule 5, Part 3, heading                                                     22

       Omit "Archaelogical". Insert instead "Archaeological".                          23
       Explanatory note                                                                24
       The proposed amendments correct spelling errors.                                25

2.32 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109                                          26

       Schedule 7, clauses 188 (4) and 189 (4)                                         27

       Omit "Transport for New South Wales" wherever occurring.                        28

       Insert instead "Transport for NSW".                                             29
       Explanatory note                                                                30
       The proposed amendment corrects a reference to a Government agency.             31

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.33 Transport Administration (General) Regulation 2005                                   1

[1]   Clause 35                                                                           2

      Omit "the RTA" wherever occurring. Insert instead "RMS".                            3

[2]   Clause 35 (1) (f)                                                                   4

      Omit "ANVIS agreement". Insert instead "DVRS agreement".                            5

[3]   Clause 35 (2)                                                                       6

      Omit "ANVIS agreement" and "Authorised New Vehicle Inspection                       7
      Scheme".                                                                            8

      Insert instead "DVRS agreement" and "Dealer Vehicle Registration Scheme",           9
      respectively.                                                                      10
      Explanatory note                                                                   11
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates references to a body.                  12
      Items [2] and [3] update the name of an agreement authorising the performance of   13
      functions relating to vehicle registration.                                        14

2.34 Walcha Local Environmental Plan 2012                                                15

      Schedule 5, Parts 2 and 4                                                          16

      Omit "heritage map" wherever occurring in the headings to the second               17
      columns.                                                                           18

      Insert instead "Heritage Map".                                                     19
      Explanatory note                                                                   20
      The proposed amendment corrects references to a defined map.                       21

2.35 Water Sharing Plan for the Barwon-Darling Unregulated and                           22
     Alluvial Water Sources 2012                                                         23

      Clause 73 (2) (c) (ii)                                                             24

      Omit ", 2003".                                                                     25
      Explanatory note                                                                   26
      The proposed amendment removes redundant matter.                                   27

2.36 Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated                         28
     and Alluvial Water Sources 2008                                                     29

      Clause 76 (2)                                                                      30

      Omit "Part 11 of Division 4". Insert instead "Division 4 of Part 11".              31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                   Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                    1
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                  2

2.37 Water Sharing Plan for the Central Coast Unregulated Water                            3
     Sources 2009                                                                          4

[1]    Clause 47 (11)                                                                      5

       Omit "amend".                                                                       6

[2]    Clause 78 (1) (e)                                                                   7

       Omit "add an". Insert instead "add a".                                              8
       Explanatory note                                                                    9
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes a redundant word.                      10
       Item [2] corrects a typographical error.                                           11

2.38 Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Unregulated and Alluvial                           12
     Water Sources 2012                                                                   13

       Appendix 5                                                                         14

       Omit "Pox". Insert instead "Box".                                                  15
       Explanatory note                                                                   16
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                             17

2.39 Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial                           18
     Water Sources 2009                                                                   19

[1]    Clause 38, note                                                                    20

       Omit "applying a minimum". Insert instead "applying minimum".                      21

[2]    Clause 68 (2)                                                                      22

       Omit "shall be subject to the same mandatory condition(s) imposed under            23
       clause 76 of this Plan on an unregulated river access licence in the same water    24
       source or management zone as the aquifer access licence."                          25

       Insert instead "shall, from year six of this Plan, be subject to the same access   26
       rules as unregulated river access licences for the corresponding water source      27
       or management zone specified in clause 19 of this Plan."                           28
       Explanatory note                                                                   29
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant word.                        30
       Item [2] corrects an error in the form in which a previous amendment was made.     31

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.40 Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Unregulated and Alluvial                        1
     Water Sources 2012                                                                 2

[1]   Clause 4 (5) (d)                                                                  3

      Omit "Murray-Darling". Insert instead "Murray Darling".                           4

[2]   Clause 49 (3) (b) and (f)                                                         5

      Omit "and" wherever occurring.                                                    6

[3]   Clause 53 (2), note                                                               7

      Omit "clauses". Insert instead "clause".                                          8

[4]   Clause 57 (1) (c)                                                                 9

      Omit "meters". Insert instead "metres".                                          10

[5]   Clause 63 (k)                                                                    11

      Omit "access that". Insert instead "access licence that".                        12

[6]   Clause 66 (1) (d), (h) and (i)                                                   13

      Omit "or" wherever lastly occurring.                                             14

[7]   Clause 66 (1) (j)                                                                15

      Omit "nominates" where firstly occurring. Insert instead "nominate".             16

[8]   Clause 72 (2) (c) (ii)                                                           17

      Omit ", 2003".                                                                   18

[9]   Dictionary, definition of "Aboriginal person"                                    19

      Omit "Lands Rights". Insert instead "Land Rights".                               20
      Explanatory note                                                                 21
      The proposed amendments correct spelling and grammar, correct the citations of   22
      instruments, remove redundant words and insert missing words.                    23

2.41 Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Unregulated and                           24
     Alluvial Water Sources 2012                                                       25

      Clause 37 (6) (a)                                                                26

      Omit "Country". Insert instead "County".                                         27
      Explanatory note                                                                 28
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           29

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                Schedule 2

2.42 Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Murray Darling Basin                                 1
     Fractured Rock Groundwater Sources 2011                                             2

       Clause 4 (13) (j)                                                                 3

       Omit "Water Sharing Plan for the Murray Darling Basin Porous Rock                 4
       Groundwater Sources 2011".                                                        5

       Insert instead "Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Murray Darling Basin Porous        6
       Rock Groundwater Sources 2011".                                                   7
       Explanatory note                                                                  8
       The proposed amendment corrects the citation of an instrument.                    9

2.43 Wellington Local Environmental Plan 2012                                           10

       Land Use Table, Zone RU5, item 4                                                 11

       Omit "gounds". Insert instead "grounds".                                         12
       Explanatory note                                                                 13
       The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                           14

2.44 Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70                                                15

[1]    Sections 163A (3) and 163B (1)-(3)                                               16

       Omit "authorised officer" wherever occurring.                                    17

       Insert instead "inspector".                                                      18

[2]    Section 163B (5)                                                                 19

       Omit "authorised officer". Insert instead "inspector".                           20
       Explanatory note                                                                 21
       The proposed amendments update references to persons authorised as inspectors.   22

2.45 Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation                               23
     Act 1998 No 86                                                                     24

[1]    Section 49 (2)                                                                   25

       Omit "section 43A". Insert instead "section 32A".                                26

[2]    Section 54 (4) (a)                                                               27

       Omit "section 152 (Recovery of excess from employer)".                           28

       Insert instead "section 160 (Recovery of excess from employer) of the 1987       29
       Act".                                                                            30

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

[3]   Sections 273 and 277                                                        1
      Omit "and section 152 of this Act apply" wherever occurring.                2

      Insert instead "applies".                                                   3

[4]   Sections 273 and 277                                                        4

      Omit "those sections" wherever occurring. Insert instead "that section".    5
      Explanatory note                                                            6
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments update cross-references.       7
      Items [3] and [4] remove references to a repealed section.                  8

2.46 Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54                                               9

      Schedule 3                                                                 10

      Renumber Part 4 and clause 7 (as inserted by the Crimes Legislation        11
      Amendment Act 2012) as Part 5 and clause 8, respectively.                  12
      Explanatory note                                                           13
      The proposed amendment corrects duplicated numbering.                      14

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Repeals                                                                   Schedule 3

Schedule 3              Repeals                                                        1

  1    Repeal of redundant Acts and provision of instrument                            2

              The following Acts and provision of an instrument are repealed:          3

              Act or instrument                        Provisions repealed
              Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)    Clause 95
              Regulation 2007
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Whole Act
              (No 2) 2009 No 106
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Whole Act
              (No 2) 2012 No 95

  2    Repeal of amending instrument that has commenced                                4

              The following instrument is repealed:                                    5

              Instrument                               Provisions repealed
              State Environmental Planning Policy      Whole instrument
              (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment
              (Group Homes) 2012

  3    Repeal of provision of instrument that amends instrument that has since         6
       been repealed                                                                   7

              The following provision of an instrument is repealed:                    8

              Instrument                               Provisions repealed
              State Environmental Planning Policy      Schedule 3.14
              (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 4       General savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 4              General savings, transitional and other                                   1
                        provisions                                                                2

 1    Effect of amendment of amending provisions                                                  3

      (1)    An amendment made by Schedule 1 or 2 to an amending provision                        4
             contained in an Act or instrument is, if the amending provision has                  5
             commenced before the Schedule 1 or 2 amendment concerned, taken to                   6
             have effect as from the commencement of the amending provision                       7
             (whether or not the amending provision has been repealed).                           8

      (2)    In this clause:                                                                      9
             amending provision means a provision of an Act or instrument that                   10
             makes a direct amendment to an Act or instrument by:                                11
              (a) the repeal or omission of matter contained in the amended Act or               12
                    instrument without the insertion of any matter instead of the                13
                    repealed or omitted matter, or                                               14
             (b) the omission of matter contained in the amended Act or                          15
                    instrument and the insertion of matter instead of the omitted                16
                    matter, or                                                                   17
              (c) the insertion into the amended Act or instrument of matter, not                18
                    being matter inserted instead of matter omitted from the Act or              19
                    instrument.                                                                  20
      Explanatory note                                                                           21
      This clause ensures that certain amendments, including amendments correcting errors        22
      in technical provisions (for example, headings indicating the section to be amended or     23
      directions as to where a new section is to be inserted) and rectifying minor drafting      24
      errors (for example, corrections in numbering of provisions, correction or insertion of    25
      cross-references, omission of unnecessary matter or insertion of omitted matter) will be   26
      taken to have commenced on the date the amendments to which they relate                    27
      commenced.                                                                                 28

 2    Effect of amendment on or repeal on acts done or decisions made                            29

             Except where it is expressly provided to the contrary, if this Act:                 30
             (a) amends a provision of an Act or an instrument, or                               31
             (b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modification) a provision                32
                  of an Act or an instrument,                                                    33

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

General savings, transitional and other provisions                              Schedule 4

              any act done or decision made under the provision amended or repealed                1
              has effect after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made              2
              under the provision as so amended or repealed.                                       3
       Explanatory note                                                                            4
       This clause ensures that the amendment or repeal of a provision will not, unless            5
       expressly provided, vitiate any act done or decision made under the provision as in         6
       force before the amendment or repeal.                                                       7

  3    Effect of amendment on instruments                                                          8

              Except where expressly provided to the contrary, any instrument made                 9
              under an Act amended by this Act, that is in force immediately before               10
              the commencement of the amendment, is taken to have been made                       11
              under the Act as amended.                                                           12
       Explanatory note                                                                           13
       This clause ensures that, unless expressly provided, any instrument that is in force and   14
       made under a provision of an Act that is amended or substituted by the proposed Act        15
       will be taken to have been made under the Act as amended.                                  16

  4    Revocation of repeal                                                                       17

              Section 29A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies to the repeal of Acts            18
              or instruments, or provisions of Acts or instruments, by this Act.                  19
       Explanatory note                                                                           20
       The effect of this clause is to enable the Governor, by proclamation, to revoke the        21
       repeal by the proposed Act of any Act or instrument or any provision of an Act or          22
       instrument. The Act, instrument or provision the subject of the revocation of repeal is    23
       taken not to be, and never to have been, repealed.                                         24

  5    Regulations                                                                                25

       (1)    The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a savings                26
              or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.                     27

       (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from             28
              the date of assent to this Act or a later date.                                     29

       (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that             30
              is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,         31
              the provision does not operate so as:                                               32
               (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the               33
                      State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person              34
                      existing before the date of its publication, or                             35

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013

Schedule 4         General savings, transitional and other provisions

             (b)      to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an               1
                      authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to             2
                      be done before the date of its publication.                                   3
      Explanatory note                                                                              4
      This clause enables the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature having      5
      a short term effect and relating to incidental matters arising out of the proposed Act with   6
      regard to which no specific, or sufficient, provision has been made in the proposed Act.      7

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