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                              New South Wales

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Bill 2017

             1   Name of Act                                                     2
             2   Commencement                                                    2
             3   Explanatory notes                                               2
Schedule 1       Minor amendments                                                3
Schedule 2       Amendments by way of statute law revision                      27
Schedule 3       Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment
                 (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act 2016                          36
Schedule 4       Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders
                 and enactment of Government Sector Employment Act 2013         78
Schedule 5       Repeals                                                        92
Schedule 6       General savings, transitional and other provisions             93
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                                   , 2017

                                    New South Wales

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Bill 2017

Act No      , 2017

An Act to repeal certain Acts and to amend certain other Acts and instruments in various respects
and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision; and to make certain savings.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
  1   Name of Act
               This Act is the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017.
  2   Commencement
         (1)   This Act commences 7 days after the date of assent to this Act, except as provided
               by this section.
         (2)   The amendments made by Schedule 1 to this Act commence on the day or days
               specified in that Schedule in relation to the amendments concerned. If a
               commencement day is not specified, the amendments commence in accordance with
               subsection (1).
         (3)   Schedules 2 and 3 commence on 7 July 2017.
         (4)   Schedule 6 commences on the date of assent to this Act.
  3   Explanatory notes
               The matter appearing under the heading "Explanatory note" in any of the Schedules
               does not form part of this Act.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

Schedule 1              Minor amendments
1.1 Barangaroo Delivery Authority Act 2009 No 2
[1]   Whole Act (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Barangaroo Headland Park" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Barangaroo Reserve".
[2]   Section 4 Definitions
      Omit the definition of Barangaroo Headland Park from section 4 (1). Insert instead:
                     Barangaroo Reserve means land identified as the Barangaroo Reserve on the
                     Barangaroo Reserve and Public Domain Map.
[3]   Section 24 Regulation of Barangaroo Reserve and public domain
      Omit "the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority" and "Sydney Harbour Foreshore
      Authority Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Place Management NSW" and "Place Management NSW Act 1998",
[4]   Section 24A
      Insert after section 24:
      24A    Ministerial approval and consent
                     The approval or consent of the Minister under this Division may be given
                     generally or be limited to a particular case or class of cases and may be
                     withdrawn at any time.
[5]   Schedule 1 Members and procedure of Board
      Omit "facsimile or other transmission of the information in the papers concerned" from
      clause 16 (5).
      Insert instead "email or other electronic means".
      Explanatory note
      Items [1] and [2] of the proposed amendments update references to the Barangaroo Headland Park
      in line with a decision of the Geographical Names Board of NSW to assign to the park the name of
      Barangaroo Reserve.
      Item [3] updates references to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and the Sydney Harbour
      Foreshore Authority Act 1998 as a consequence of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
      changing its name to Place Management NSW.
      Item [4] makes it clear that any approval or consent given by the Premier in relation to certain ancillary
      functions of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority (including the power to grant easements over land
      vested in the Authority) may be given generally or may be limited to a particular case or class of cases.
      Item [5] makes it clear that the Board of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority may circulate papers by
      email or any other electronic means for the purpose of transacting its business.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

1.2 Biofuels Act 2007 No 23
      Section 24 Expert Panel
      Omit section 24 (1) (a1). Insert instead:
                 (a1) a person employed in the Department of Industry with expertise in
                         regional industry development nominated by the Secretary of that
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a provision as a consequence of recent administrative changes
      to ensure that the membership of the Expert Panel (which advises the Minister on exemptions from
      minimum biofuels requirements) continues to include a person with regional industry development
      expertise who is employed in the Department of Industry.

1.3 Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 No 20
[1]   Section 7 Obligations of public sector agencies
      Insert "carers or" before "bodies" in section 7 (2).
[2]   Section 11 Membership and procedure of Carers Advisory Council
      Omit section 11 (1). Insert instead:
              (1)   The Carers Advisory Council is to consist of persons appointed as members
                    by the Minister who, in the opinion of the Minister, have relevant knowledge
                    of and experience in matters relevant to carers (the appointed members).
             (1A)   Of the appointed members of the Council, 1 is to be appointed as Chair of the
                    Council and 1 is to be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Council.
[3]   Section 11 (2)
      Omit "primary".
[4]   Section 11 (3)
      Omit the subsection.
[5]   Section 11 (4)
      Insert "and ex-officio members" after "deputies of members".
[6]   Section 11 (4)
      Insert at the end of the subsection:
                    Note. Certain incidental powers to remove members are implied in the powers of
                    appointment in this section (see section 47 of the Interpretation Act 1987).

[7]   Schedule 1
      Omit the Schedule. Insert instead:

      Schedule 1               NSW Carers Charter
                                                                                           (Section 6)
         1    Carers make a valuable contribution to the community
              (a)   NSW recognises the valuable social and economic contribution that carers
                    make to the community.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

              (b)   Carers should have the same rights, choices and opportunities as other
              (c)   Carers' unique knowledge and experience should be acknowledged and
              (d)   The relationship between carers and the people they care for should be
         2   Carers' health and well-being is important
              (a)   Carers should be supported to enjoy optimum health and well-being and to
                    participate in family, social and community life, employment and education.
              (b)   Carers should be supported to balance their caring role with other roles, such
                    as work and education.
         3   Carers are diverse and have individual needs within and beyond their caring
              (a)   The diverse needs of carers should be acknowledged and recognised in policy,
                    programs and service delivery, taking into consideration culture and language,
                    age, disability, religion, socio-economic status, place of residence, gender
                    identity and sexual orientation.
              (b)   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values, heritage and concepts of caring
                    should be respected and valued.
              (c)   The additional challenges faced by carers who live in rural and remote areas
                    should be acknowledged and recognised.
              (d)   Children and young people who are carers should be supported to reach their
                    full potential.
         4   Carers are partners in care
              (a)   The choices, views and needs of carers and of the people they care for should
                    be taken into account in the assessment, planning, delivery and review of
                    services provided to the people they care for.
              (b)   Carers should be referred to, and assisted to access, appropriate supports and
              (c)   Support for carers should be timely, responsive, appropriate and accessible.
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments provides that public sector agencies must consult with such
      carers (or bodies representing carers) as the agency considers appropriate when developing policies
      that impact on carers. There is currently only a requirement to consult with bodies representing carers.
      Item [2] removes the requirement that the membership of the Carers Advisory Council (which advises
      the Minister for Disability Services (the Minister) on matters relating to carers) include the Minister
      and other Ministers responsible for the provision of support services to carers. Instead, the Council is
      required to comprise persons who have relevant knowledge of and experience in matters relevant to
      carers (the appointed members). Item [2] also provides that the Minister must appoint 2 of the
      appointed members as Chair and Deputy Chair of the Council. Item [4] makes a consequential
      amendment to remove the requirement for co-chairing by members of the Council who are Ministers.
      Item [3] provides that the majority of the members appointed to the Council must be persons who the
      Minister considers are carers, rather than primary carers.
      Item [5] provides that the Minister may determine the procedure for the appointment of ex-officio
      members to the Council.
      Item [6] inserts a note referring to certain incidental powers to remove members that are provided for
      in the Interpretation Act 1987.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

      Item [7] updates the NSW Carers Charter (which sets out principles for recognition of carers to be
      observed by public sector agencies) to reflect current terminology and social context.
      The proposed amendments are in line with the recommendations of the Report of the statutory review
      of the Carers (Recognition) Act 2010, tabled in Parliament on 8 November 2016.

1.4 Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76
[1]   Section 19 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 19 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 19 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 21 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 21 (2).
[4]   Schedule 4 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 51:

      Part 9        Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
         52   Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 (the Act) that confer powers on the Council of the University (the Council) with
      respect to the control and management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition
      and management of property. The powers concerned are exercisable by the Council subject to the
      duties imposed on the Council under Schedule 3 to the Act. Similar amendments are being made to
      university Acts in general.
      Item [1] makes it clear that the existing power of the Council to oversee risk management and risk
      assessment across the University includes the power to effect financial adjustments for the
      management of financial risks.
      Item [2] makes it clear that the Council may obtain any form of financial accommodation and do all
      things necessary or convenient to be done in connection with obtaining any financial accommodation.
      Item [3] puts beyond doubt that the Council may dispose of personal property of the University by
      removing any implication from the specific reference to land in section 21 (2) of the Act that the
      Council may not (despite the broad powers conferred by section 21 (1) of the Act to dispose of any
      property in the name and on behalf of the University) dispose of personal property of the University.
      Item [4] is a savings provision consequent on the proposed amendments.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

1.5 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94
[1]   Section 142 Scheme Administrator may require surrender of certificates
      Omit the Note to section 142 (3).
[2]   Section 143 Creation of certificate must be registered
      Omit "Scheme Regulator" from section 143 (7). Insert instead "Scheme Administrator".
[3]   Section 156 Provision of information, documents and evidence
      Omit "by the Chairperson of the Tribunal at any meeting of the Tribunal, acting as Scheme
      Regulator or Scheme Administrator," from section 156 (3) (b).
      Insert instead "at any meeting of the Tribunal".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits a note relating to orders requiring the surrender of energy
      savings certificates.
      Item [2] provides that the Scheme Administrator for the energy savings scheme established by the
      Electricity Supply Act 1995 (rather than the Scheme Regulator, as is currently the case) is responsible
      for publishing notice of the fees payable to the Scheme Administrator for applications for registration
      of the creation of an energy savings certificate.
      Item [3] makes it clear that a requirement to answer a question of the Chairperson of the Independent
      Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal at any meeting of the Tribunal (when acting as Scheme Regulator or
      Scheme Administrator) extends to questions of any other member of the Tribunal.

1.6 Energy Services Corporations Act 1995 No 95
[1]   Schedule 1 Energy services corporations
      Omit "TransGrid" from Part 1A.
[2]   Schedule 1, Part 2
      Omit "Ausgrid".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments remove redundant references to corporations constituted as energy
      services corporations by the Energy Services Corporations Act 1995. The corporations have ceased
      to be energy services corporations under that Act as a consequence of corporate conversion
      directions given by the Treasurer under the Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act
      2015 (in respect of TransGrid on 16 December 2015 and Ausgrid on 1 December 2016).

1.7 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203
      Section 94F Conditions requiring land or contributions for affordable housing
      Omit section 94F (6). Insert instead:
              (6)   A condition is not to be imposed under this section in relation to development
                    that is within a special contributions area (within the meaning of Division 6)
                    if a determination under section 94EE that applies to the area identifies
                    affordable housing as a class of infrastructure for which development
                    contributions may be required in accordance with the determination.
      Explanatory note
      Currently, local affordable housing contributions under environmental planning instruments cannot be
      imposed in connection with proposed development on land that is within a special contributions area.
      The proposed amendment ensures that this exclusion of local contributions only applies if the Minister
      has made a determination in relation to that area that identifies affordable housing as a class of
      infrastructure for which special infrastructure contributions determined by the Minister may be

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

1.8 Fisheries Management Act 1994 No 38
[1]   Section 162 Permit area to be maintained in tidy condition
      Insert after section 162 (2):
            (2A)    The Minister may, either on the application of the permit holder concerned or
                    on the Minister's own initiative, vary or revoke a notice under subsection (2)
                    by serving the variation or revocation, in writing, on the permit holder
[2]   Section 162 (3) and (4)
      Omit "such a notice" wherever occurring. Insert instead "a notice under this section".
[3]   Section 171 Improvements on an expired lease
      Omit section 171 (3). Insert instead:
              (3)   The Minister may, within 1 year after the termination of a lease, require the
                    former lessee to remove any such improvements within the period notified in
                    writing to the former lessee.
            (3A)    The Minister may, either on the application of the former lessee or on the
                    Minister's own initiative, vary or revoke a notice under subsection (3) by
                    serving the variation or revocation, in writing, on the former lessee.
            (3B)    A former lessee who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a notice
                    under this section is guilty of an offence.
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
[4]   Section 171 (4)
      Omit "under subsection (3)". Insert instead "under this section".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments enables the Minister to vary or revoke a notice requiring the
      holder of an aquaculture permit to carry out work or remove things from land to maintain the permit
      area or certain other land in a tidy condition. Item [2] makes consequential amendments.
      Item [3] enables the Minister to vary or revoke a notice requiring the former lessee of an aquaculture
      lease to remove certain improvements from the area to which the lease applied. The Minister is
      required to give notice in writing of any such variation or revocation to the former lessee. Item [4]
      makes a consequential amendment.

1.9 Funeral Funds Act 1979 No 106
[1]   Section 9 Delegation
      Omit "with the approval of the Minister and" from section 9 (1).
[2]   Section 9 (2)
      Omit "Minister or the".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes the requirement for Ministerial approval for the
      delegation of functions of the Commissioner for Fair Trading under the Funeral Funds Act 1979 (in
      line with the Commissioner's powers of delegation under other Acts in the portfolio of the Minister for
      Innovation and Better Regulation). Item [2] makes a consequential amendment to remove the
      Minister's power to revoke a delegation of those functions.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

1.10 Health Practitioner Regulation (Adoption of National Law) Act 2009
     No 86
      Schedule 1 Modification of Health Practitioner Regulation National Law
      Omit "appointed by the Minister" from clause 2 of Schedule 5E in Schedule 1 [25].
      Insert instead "appointed by the Council".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment modifies the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (in its application
      as a law of New South Wales) to provide that the Chairperson of an Assessment Committee that deals
      with complaints about registered health practitioners in a health profession is to be appointed by the
      health professional Council for that health profession (rather than by the Minister for Health, as is
      currently the case). The amendment will make the provision dealing with the appointment of the
      Chairperson consistent with a provision dealing with the appointment of members of an Assessment

1.11 Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997 No 136
      Section 3 Definitions
      Omit paragraph (e) (iii) of the definition of law enforcement agency in section 3 (1).
      Insert instead:
                           (iii)   the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to the former Australian Customs Service to enable
      regulations under the Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997 to prescribe the
      Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection as a law enforcement agency for
      the purposes of that Act. In 2009, the Australian Customs Service was renamed as the Australian
      Customs and Border Protection Service, and in 2015 it was integrated with the Commonwealth
      Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The functions formerly exercised by officers of the
      Australian Customs Service are now exercised by officers of that Department.

1.12 Macquarie University Act 1989 No 126
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

[4]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 16:
       17    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the Macquarie University
      Act 1989 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

1.13 Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013 No 107
[1]   Section 187 Delegation
      Omit section 187 (a). Insert instead:
                   (a) any person employed in the Department of Finance, Services and
                         Innovation, or
[2]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:

      Part 3        Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       14    Existing delegations
                    The amendment made to section 187 by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect any delegation made under that section
                    and in force immediately before the commencement of that amendment.
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments makes a change consequent on a recent amendment to the
      Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013, which transferred functions under that Act from the Secretary
      of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation to the Commissioner for Fair Trading. The
      amendment will ensure that those functions can continue to be delegated to employees of the
      Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Item [2] makes a consequential amendment to
      provide that the amendment does not affect any delegation made before the commencement of the

1.14 NSW Lotteries (Authorised Transaction) Act 2009 No 60
[1]   Section 11 Establishment of Lotteries Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation
      Omit the section.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

[2]   Section 26A
      Insert after section 26:
      26A    Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous
             Provisions) Act 2017
                    The Lotteries Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation (constituted under
                    section 11 before its repeal by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
                    2017) is dissolved.
[3]   Schedule 1 Interpretative provisions
      Omit the definition of Lotteries Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation from clause 1.
[4]   Schedule 1, clause 1, definition of "public sector agency"
      Omit paragraph (e).
      The amendments to the NSW Lotteries (Authorised Transaction) Act 2009 commence on 30 June
      Explanatory note
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments dissolves the Lotteries Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation,
      which has not exercised any functions under the NSW Lotteries (Authorised Transaction) Act 2009
      since it was established in connection with the transfer of the business of the New South Wales
      Lotteries Corporation to the private sector. Items [1], [3] and [4] make consequential amendments.

1.15 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13
      Section 39A
      Insert after section 39:
      39A    Delegation
                    The Secretary may delegate the exercise of any function of the Secretary under
                    this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:
                     (a) any person employed in the Department of Finance, Services and
                          Innovation, or
                    (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this
                          section by the regulations.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment will provide for a power to delegate the functions of the Commissioner for
      Fair Trading under the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996. Currently, the
      Commissioner may delegate those functions only under a general power of delegation contained in
      section 8 of the Fair Trading Act 1987.

1.16 Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991 No 60
      Section 34A Environment Protection Authority Fund
      Omit "1990, and" from section 34A (3) (b) (vi). Insert instead:
                       (vii) the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001, and
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment provides that application and approval fees payable to the Environment
      Protection Authority in connection with the container deposit scheme established by the Waste
      Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 are to be paid into the Environment Protection Authority
      Fund. This arrangement is consistent with the allocation to that Fund of fees payable under other
      legislation administered by the Authority.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

1.17 Southern Cross University Act 1993 No 69
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
                        accommodation, and
[3]   Section 16 (1) (f)
      Insert "and" at the end of the paragraph.
[4]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).
[5]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 43:

      Part 11 Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       44    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the Southern Cross
      University Act 1993 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act. Item [3] is an additional amendment, which corrects a list.

1.18 State Owned Corporations Act 1989 No 134
      Schedule 5 Statutory SOCs
      Omit "Ausgrid", "Superannuation Administration Corporation" and "TransGrid".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment removes redundant references to statutory State owned corporations. The
      corporations have ceased to be statutory State owned corporations for the purposes of the State
      Owned Corporations Act 1989 as a consequence of corporate conversion directions given by the
      Treasurer under the Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015 and the

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Minor amendments

      Superannuation Administration Corporation (Pillar) (Authorised Transaction) Act 2016. The directions
      were given in respect of TransGrid on 16 December 2015, Ausgrid on 1 December 2016 and
      Superannuation Administration Corporation on 1 December 2016.

1.19 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 No 51
      Section 115 Readjustment of strata scheme for purposes of resumption
      Insert "amending the existing schedule of unit entitlement or" before "substituting" in
      section 115 (4) (a).
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment makes it clear that the power of the Supreme Court to order the
      substitution of a strata scheme's unit of entitlement in connection with the compulsory acquisition of
      land forming part of a strata scheme extends to an order for the amendment of the unit of entitlement.

1.20 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146
      Schedule 5 Further postponement of repeal of certain statutory rules
      Insert after clause 6:
          7   Postponement of repeal of other statutory rules due for repeal in 2017
                    The following statutory rules remain in force until 1 September 2018, unless
                    sooner repealed:
                    (a) Building Professionals Regulation 2007,
                    (b) Commons Management Regulation 2006,
                    (c) Community Land Development Regulation 2007,
                    (d) Community Land Management Regulation 2007,
                    (e) Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Regulation 2006,
                     (f) Crown Lands (General Reserves) By-law 2006,
                    (g) Crown Lands Regulation 2006,
                    (h) Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000,
                     (i) Hay Irrigation Regulation 2007,
                     (j) Local Government (General) Regulation 2005,
                    (k) Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks,
                          Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2005,
                     (l) Wentworth Irrigation Regulation 2007.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment keeps a number of statutory rules in force for a further period of 1 year
      after the date on which they would otherwise be repealed by the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.
      However, any of the statutory rules may be repealed sooner by other legislation.
      The proposed amendment is necessary as the statutory rules have each been postponed on at least
      5 occasions and are due to be repealed by the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 on 1 September
      Each of the statutory rules continues to be required and the repeal of each of the statutory rules is to
      be further postponed until 1 September 2018 for the following reasons:
       (a)    The statutory review of the Building Professionals Act 2005 has proposed new legislation to
              replace that Act with a new Act. It is therefore proposed to postpone the repeal of the Building
              Professionals Regulation 2007 pending the enactment of that new legislation.
       (b)    The Community Land Development Act 1989 and the Community Land Management Act 1989
              are currently under review. It is considered that it would be premature to remake the
              Community Land Development Regulation 2007 and the Community Land Management
              Regulation 2007 at this time.

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Schedule 1 Minor amendments

       (c)      The Crown Land Management Act 2016 will, on commencement, repeal the Crown Lands
                (Continued Tenures) Regulation 2006, the Crown Lands (General Reserves) By-law 2006, the
                Crown Lands Regulation 2006, the Hay Irrigation Regulation 2007 and the Wentworth
                Irrigation Regulation 2007 and the principal Acts under which they are made. It is therefore
                proposed to postpone the repeal of these regulations and the by-law pending the
                commencement of those repeals.
       (d)      The Commons Management Act 1989 and the Commons Management Regulation 2006 are
                to be reviewed in light of the enactment of the new legal regime enacted under the Crown Land
                Management Act 2016. It is therefore proposed to postpone the repeal of the Commons
                Management Regulation 2006 pending the conclusion of that review.
       (e)      The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and its related legislation is under
                ongoing review. It is considered that it would be premature to remake the Environmental
                Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 until the results of the review are clear.
          (f)   The Local Government Act 1993 is currently under comprehensive review. It is considered that
                it would be premature to remake the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 before the
                conclusion of that review.
       (g)      A review is being undertaken to determine whether the Local Government (Manufactured
                Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2005
                should be remade or replaced and whether to align it with the outcome of the current review
                of the Local Government Act 1993. It is considered that it would be premature to remake the
                Regulation before the conclusion of that review.

1.21 Superannuation Administration Corporation (Pillar) (Authorised
     Transaction) Act 2016 No 19
[1]   Sections 13 and 14
      Omit the sections.
[2]   Schedule 1 Interpretative provisions
      Omit paragraph (d) of the definition of public sector agency in clause 1.
[3]   Schedule 1, clause 1, definition of "Superannuation Administration Assets
      Ministerial Holding Corporation"
      Omit the definition.
[4]   Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert after clause 2:

      Part 3           Provisions consequent on enactment of Statute
                       Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
           3    Definitions
                       In this Part:
                       the amending Act means the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
           4    Dissolution of Ministerial Holding Corporation
                       The Superannuation Administration Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation
                       (constituted under section 13 of this Act before its repeal by the amending Act)
                       is dissolved.

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          5   Abolition of fund for Ministerial Holding Corporation
                    The Special Deposits Account fund for the Superannuation Administration
                    Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation (established under section 14 of this
                    Act before its repeal by the amending Act) is abolished.
      The amendments to the Superannuation Administration Corporation (Pillar) (Authorised Transaction)
      Act 2016 commence on 30 June 2017.
      Explanatory note
      Item [4] of the proposed amendments dissolves the Superannuation Administration Assets Ministerial
      Holding Corporation (which has not exercised any functions under the Superannuation Administration
      Corporation (Pillar) (Authorised Transaction) Act 2016 since it was established in connection with the
      transfer of the business of the Superannuation Administration Corporation to the private sector) and
      abolishes a redundant fund established under the Act for the holding corporation. Items [1]-[3] make
      consequential amendments.

1.22 Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111
[1]   Whole Act (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "RMS" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the Secretary".
[2]   Section 3 Definitions
      Omit the definitions of authorised officer and RMS from section 3 (1).
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                    authorised officer means a person employed in the Public Service or the
                    Transport Service who is authorised in writing by the Secretary as an
                    authorised officer for the purposes of this Act.
                    Department means the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.
                    Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.
[3]   Sections 16, 18 (1) and (6), 19, 21 (1), 24, 26 (1) and (3A), 27, 30 (1), 33 (1) (where firstly
      occurring) and (4) (where firstly occurring), 34 (1) (where firstly occurring) and (5)
      (where firstly occurring), 35 (1), (2) (where firstly occurring) and (5), 37 (2) (where
      firstly and secondly occurring), 39 (1) and (4), 41 (6), 42 (1) (where firstly occurring)
      and (2) (where firstly occurring), 43 (2A) and (6), 77, 78 (1) (where firstly occurring),
      80 (1), 84, 90 (3), 92 (where firstly occurring), 95 (1) (where firstly occurring) and 96
      Omit "RMS" wherever occurring. Insert instead "The Secretary".
[4]   Part 2 Functions of RMS in relation to tow truck industry
      Omit the Part.
[5]   Section 33 Investigation of application for licence or drivers certificate
      Omit "enable it" from section 33 (1). Insert instead "enable the Secretary".
[6]   Section 38 Duplicate licence or drivers certificate
      Omit "it may". Insert instead "the Secretary may".
[7]   Section 39 Register of licences and drivers certificates
      Omit "it determines" from section 39 (1). Insert instead "the Secretary determines".
[8]   Part 3, Division 4, heading
      Omit "RMS". Insert instead "Secretary".

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 [9]   Section 41 Disciplinary action
       Omit ", in its administrative capacity," from section 41 (1).
[10]   Section 43 Procedure for implementing disciplinary action
       Omit "RMS's" from section 43 (2). Insert instead "the Secretary's".
[11]   Section 57 Tow Truck number-plates
       Omit "RMS may issue distinctive number-plates for tow trucks that are" from
       section 57 (1).
       Insert instead "Roads and Maritime Services may issue distinctive number-plates for tow
       trucks that are, according to the advice of the Secretary,".
[12]   Section 80 Inquiries
       Omit "it may" from section 80 (3). Insert instead "the Secretary may".
[13]   Section 92 Investment of money in Fund
       Omit "RMS" from section 92 (b). Insert instead "the Department".
[14]   Section 93
       Insert after section 92:
       93    Delegation by Secretary
              (1)   The Secretary may delegate to an authorised delegate any of the Secretary's
                    functions under this Act or the regulations, other than this power of delegation.
              (2)   A delegate may sub-delegate to another authorised delegate any of the
                    functions delegated by the Secretary if the delegate is authorised in writing to
                    do so by the Secretary.
              (3)   In this section:
                    authorised delegate means:
                     (a) any person employed in the Department, or
                    (b) any person, or any person belonging to a class of persons, prescribed by
                           the regulations.
[15]   Section 101 Evidence
       Omit "Chief Executive of RMS, or by a member of staff of RMS authorised by the Chief
       Executive" from section 101 (2).
       Insert instead "Secretary, or by an employee of the Department authorised by the
[16]   Section 102 Service of documents
       Omit section 102 (3).
[17]   Section 102 (4)
       Omit "or RMS".
[18]   Section 105 Regulations
       Omit "made or information supplied by RMS" from section 105 (2) (i).
       Insert instead "required or information supplied by the Secretary".

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[19]   Section 107 Repeals
       Omit the section.
[20]   Section 2 Savings and transitional provisions
       Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering:

       Part          Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
              Existing authorised officers
              (1)    A person who was, immediately before the commencement of this clause,
                     authorised by Roads and Maritime Services as an authorised officer, is taken
                     to have been authorised by the Secretary as an authorised officer.
              (2)    An identification card issued to the person by Roads and Maritime Services
                     under section 98 is taken to be an identification card issued by the Secretary.
       The amendments to the Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 commence on 1 July 2017.
       Explanatory note
       Items [1]-[3], [6], [7] and [12] of the proposed amendments confer on the Secretary of the Department
       of Finance, Services and Innovation (the Department) functions under the Tow Truck Industry Act
       1998 (the Act) that are currently conferred on Roads and Maritime Services. Item [2] also enables
       the Secretary to authorise any person employed in the Public Service or the Transport Service as an
       authorised officer for the purposes of the Act. Items [5], [8]-[11], [13], [15]-[18] and [20] make
       consequential amendments.
       Item [14] enables the Secretary of the Department to delegate and authorise the sub-delegation of
       the functions of the Secretary under the Act.
       Item [4] makes a consequential amendment to remove a provision conferring on Transport for NSW
       certain functions under the Act (including the determination of certain regulatory policy, the making of
       reports, the provision of information to the public and the undertaking of research with respect to the
       tow truck industry).
       Item [19] omits a redundant provision.

1.23 Tow Truck Industry Regulation 2008
 [1]   Whole Regulation (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
       Omit "RMS" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the Secretary".
 [2]   Clauses 6 (2), 8 (1), 10 (2), 15 (2), 17 (1), 21, 25D (where firstly occurring), 25E (1)
       and (3), 25G, 25K, 33 (1), 36 (2), 46 (1) (where firstly occurring) and 54 (3) (where firstly
       Omit "RMS" wherever occurring. Insert instead "The Secretary".
 [3]   Clause 55 Exemption relating to interstate tow truck drivers and operators
       Omit the note.
       The amendments to the Tow Truck Industry Regulation 2008 commence on 1 July 2017.
       Explanatory note
       The proposed amendments are consequent on the proposed amendments to the Tow Truck Industry
       Act 1998 in this Schedule.

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1.24 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Omit paragraph (f) of the definition of transport legislation in section 3 (1).
[2]   Section 78 Payments into RMS Fund
      Omit section 78 (1) (b) (v).
      The amendments to the Transport Administration Act 1988 commence on 1 July 2017.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments are consequent on the proposed amendments to the Tow Truck Industry
      Act 1998 in this Schedule.
      Item [1] ensures that functions under or in connection with that Act are no longer conferred on
      Transport for NSW or Roads and Maritime Services.
      Item [2] removes a redundant reference to money received by Roads and Maritime Services under
      that Act from a provision relating to the Roads and Maritime Services Fund.

1.25 University of New England Act 1993 No 68
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
                        accommodation, and
[3]   Section 16 (1) (f)
      Insert "and" at the end of the paragraph.
[4]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).
[5]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 47:

      Part 11 Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       48    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any

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                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the University of New
      England Act 1993 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act. Item [3] is an additional amendment, which corrects a list.

1.26 University of New South Wales Act 1989 No 125
[1]   Section 15 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 15 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 15 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 17 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 17 (2).
[4]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 16:
       17    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the University of New
      South Wales Act 1989 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the control
      and management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of
      property. Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

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1.27 University of Newcastle Act 1989 No 68
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).
[4]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 26:

      Part 7        Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       27    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the University of
      Newcastle Act 1989 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

1.28 University of Sydney Act 1989 No 124
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Senate
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and

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[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 18 Powers of Senate relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).
[4]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 18:
       19    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the University of Sydney
      Act 1989 that confer powers on the Senate of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

1.29 University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 No 69
[1]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[3]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).

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[4]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 25:

      Part 7        Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       26    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the University of
      Technology Sydney Act 1989 that confer powers on the Council of the University with respect to the
      control and management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management
      of property. Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

1.30 University of Wollongong Act 1989 No 127
[1]   Section 11
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       11    Deputy Chancellors
              (1)   The Council must elect one or more of its members to be Deputy Chancellors
                    of the University.
              (2)   Whenever a vacancy in the office of a Deputy Chancellor occurs, the Council
                    must elect one of its members to fill the vacancy. The Council is not required
                    to do so if there is another Deputy Chancellor.
              (3)   A Deputy Chancellor, unless he or she sooner resigns or is removed from
                    office as a Deputy Chancellor or ceases to be a member of the Council, holds
                    office for 2 years from the date of election and on the conditions (if any) that
                    are prescribed by the by-laws.
              (4)   In the absence of the Chancellor, or during a vacancy in the office of
                    Chancellor or during the inability of the Chancellor to act, the Deputy
                    Chancellor or (if more than one) a Deputy Chancellor appointed from time to
                    time by the Council has all the functions of the Chancellor.
              (5)   No more than one Deputy Chancellor may be appointed under this section at
                    any one time to exercise the functions of the Chancellor.
[2]   Section 11A Removal from office of Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor
      Insert "a" before "Deputy Chancellor" wherever occurring in section 11A (1) and (3).
[3]   Section 11A (4)
      Omit "those offices". Insert instead "the office of Chancellor or a Deputy Chancellor".

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[4]   Section 16 Functions of Council
      Insert after section 16 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[5]   Section 16 (1) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
[6]   Section 18 Powers of Council relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 18 (2).
[7]   Section 28 By-laws
      Omit "the Deputy Chancellor" from section 28 (1) (i). Insert instead "a Deputy Chancellor".
[8]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to members and procedure of the Council
      Omit clause 7 (2). Insert instead:
              (2)   At any meeting of the Council at which the Chancellor is not present:
                     (a) the Deputy Chancellor who has the functions of the Chancellor under
                           section 11 (4), or
                    (b) if any such Deputy Chancellor is not present at the meeting--a member
                           elected by and from the members present,
                    is to preside at the meeting.
[9]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 18:
       19    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Items [1]-[3], [7] and [8] of the amendments to the University of Wollongong Act 1989 commence on
      the date of assent to this Act.
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments substitutes section 11 of the Act to enable the Council of the
      University of Wollongong to elect one or more persons as Deputy Chancellors of the University (rather
      than one person, as is currently the case) and to make consequential changes to the existing
      provision. Items [2], [3], [7] and [8] also make consequential amendments.
      Items [4]-[6] more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the Act that confer powers on the
      Council with respect to control and management of the financial affairs of the University and the
      acquisition and management of property. Item [9] contains a consequential savings and transitional
      provision. Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general. Each of the amendments

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      set out in items [4]-[6] and [9] is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act.

1.31 University of Wollongong By-law 2005
[1]   Part 2, heading
      Omit "Deputy Chancellor". Insert instead "Deputy Chancellors".
[2]   Clause 4 Election of Chancellor or Deputy Chancellors
      Insert "a" before "Deputy Chancellor".
[3]   Clause 5 Nomination of Chancellor or Deputy Chancellors
      Insert "a" before "Deputy Chancellor".
[4]   Clause 6 Authority
      Insert "a" before "Deputy Chancellor".
[5]   Clause 16 Nomination procedures relating to appointed members
      Omit clause 16 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                  (b) at least one Deputy Chancellor,
[6]   Clause 16 (1A)
      Insert after clause 16 (1):
            (1A)    Despite subclause (1), the Committee may be differently constituted if the
                    Council so determines.
[7]   Clauses 23 (a) and 30 (2)
      Omit "the Deputy Chancellor" wherever occurring. Insert instead "a Deputy Chancellor".
[8]   Clause 29 Honorary Awards Committee
      Omit "a Ceremonial and" from clause 29 (1). Insert instead "an".
[9]   Clause 29 (2)
      Omit "Ceremonial and".
      The amendments to the University of Wollongong By-law 2005 commence on the date of assent to
      this Act.
      Explanatory note
      Items [1]-[5] and [7] of the proposed amendments are consequent on a proposed amendment to the
      University of Wollongong Act 1989 in this Schedule that enables the Council of the University of
      Wollongong to elect one or more persons as Deputy Chancellors of the University, rather than only
      one person.
      Item [6] gives the Council a discretion to constitute the Council Nominations Committee differently
      from its constitution as provided for in the By-law.
      Item [8] alters the name of a committee established by the Council and item [9] makes a consequential

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1.32 Water Management Act 2000 No 92
[1]   Section 60D Taking water otherwise than by or from water supply work or extraction
      point nominated in access licence
      Omit "a nominated water supply work for that water source".
      Insert instead "a water supply work, or from an extraction point, that is nominated in an
      access licence".
[2]   Section 71G Minister may require production or surrender of access licence
      certificate before recording matters in Access Register
      Insert at the end of the section:
              (2)   The Minister may require the access licence certificate for an access licence to
                    be surrendered to the Minister before the Minister records the surrender of the
                    access licence to which that certificate relates in the Access Register.
[3]   Dictionary
      Omit the definition of nominated water supply work.
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments modifies a prohibition on taking water from a water source.
      Currently, water must not be taken from a water source unless it is taken by means of a water supply
      work nominated in an access licence for that water source. The amendment will modify the prohibition
      to enable a person to take water from a water source by means of any water supply work or extraction
      point nominated in an access licence (whether or not it is nominated for that water source). The
      amendment is consequent on changes made by the Water Management Amendment Act 2014
      (which enable the holder of an access licence to nominate for any water source a water supply point
      or extraction point from which water may be taken under the licence). Item [3] makes a consequential
      Item [2] enables the Minister for Regional Water to require an access licence certificate for an access
      licence under that Act to be surrendered before recording the surrender of the access licence in the
      Water Access Licence Register.

1.33 Western Sydney University Act 1997 No 116
[1]   Section 22 Functions of Board
      Insert after section 22 (1B) (e):
                    (e1) without limiting paragraph (e), to enter into or participate in
                           arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or
                           transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of
                           financial risks, and
[2]   Section 22 (1) (e)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (e) obtain financial accommodation (including, without limitation, by the
                        borrowing or raising of money) and do all things necessary or
                        convenient to be done in connection with obtaining financial
                        accommodation, and
[3]   Section 22 (1) (g)
      Insert "and" at the end of the paragraph.
[4]   Section 24 Powers of Board relating to property
      Insert "and may dispose of or otherwise deal with any other property of the University"
      after "University" in section 24 (2).

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[5]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert after clause 35:

      Part 7        Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017
       36    Financial accommodation and risk management
                    An amendment made to this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous
                    Provisions) Act 2017 does not affect the validity of any financial
                    accommodation made by or on behalf of the University, any transaction or
                    arrangement entered into or participated in to manage a financial risk, or any
                    disposal or other dealing with property of the University, before the
                    commencement of the amendment.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments more clearly delineate the ambit of provisions of the Western Sydney
      University Act 1997 that confer powers on the Board of the University with respect to the control and
      management of the financial affairs of the University and the acquisition and management of property.
      Similar amendments are being made to university Acts in general.
      Each of the above amendments is explained in the explanatory note to Schedule 1.4 (Charles Sturt
      University Act 1989 No 76) to this Act. Item [3] is an additional amendment, which corrects a list.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

Schedule 2              Amendments by way of statute law revision
2.1 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (NMRB) Act 1991
    No 35
      Section 26 (1) and (2)
      Omit "Australian Securities Commission" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Australian Securities and Investments Commission".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Commonwealth agency.

2.2 Australian Jockey and Sydney Turf Clubs Merger Act 2010 No 93
      Sections 4 (1) (definition of "racecourse"), 12 (1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of
      "transferable regulatory authorisations") and 40
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

2.3 Biofuels (Registration) Order 2016
[1]   Clause 3 (2)
      Insert at the end of clause 3:
             (2)     Notes included in this Order do not form part of this Order.
[2]   Clause 4 (2)
      Omit "Schedule 1 of" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Schedule 1 to".
[3]   Clause 4 (4)
      Renumber paragraph (g) as paragraph (f).
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments clarifies the status of notes. Item [2] corrects a reference.
      Item [3] corrects numbering.

2.4 Canberra Advance Bank Limited (Merger) Act 1992 No 17
      Section 25
      Omit "Australian Securities Commission".
      Insert instead "Australian Securities and Investments Commission".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Commonwealth agency.

2.5 Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 No 105
      Section 54 (1)
      Insert "," after "fee".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment inserts missing punctuation.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.6 Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 No 55
      Section 48W (n)
      Omit "the the". Insert instead "the".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment omits a duplicated word.

2.7 Duties Act 1997 No 123
[1]   Sections 65 (9), 81 and 85 (1) (b)
      Insert "(New Homes)" after "First Home Owner Grant" wherever occurring.
[2]   Schedule 2
      Omit "Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority". Insert instead "Place Management NSW".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates references to a renamed Act. Item [2] updates a
      reference to a renamed statutory body.

2.8 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78
[1]   Schedule 1, clause 5 (2)
      Omit "25 cents". Insert instead "56 cents".
[2]   Schedule 1, clause 5 (2)
      Omit "0.01 cent" wherever occurring. Insert instead "$0.01".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a reference to an amount adjusted for inflation. Item [2]
      updates a reference to the rounding of an amount adjusted for inflation to reflect the practice of
      rounding off to a whole cent (rather than a fraction of a cent).

2.9 Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015 No 5
      Section 3, paragraph (b) of definition of "associated electricity network land"
      Omit "Government Property NSW". Insert instead "Property NSW".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed statutory body.

2.10 Fair Trading Amendment (Commercial Agents) Act 2016 No 52
      Schedule 1 [1], proposed section 60E (4) (g)
      Insert "of" after "holder".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment inserts a missing word.

2.11 Fines Act 1996 No 99
      Section 117A (1) (a2) (i)
      Insert "(New Homes)" after "First Home Owner Grant".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Act.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.12 Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192
      Section 44, definition of "State Revenue Commissioner"
      Omit "--means". Insert instead "means".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment omits redundant punctuation.

2.13 Forbes Local Environmental Plan 2013
      Clause 4.1AA
      Renumber clause 4.1AA (4) as clause 4.1AA (3A).
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects numbering.

2.14 Gambling (Two-up) Act 1998 No 115
      Section 7 (2)
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998". Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Act.

2.15 Gloucester Local Environmental Plan 2010
      Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 1
      Omit "eco tourism". Insert instead "eco-tourism".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects terminology.

2.16 Greater Taree Local Environmental Plan 2010
      Schedule 5, item I249
      Omit "and Lot 16". Insert instead "; Lot 16".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects punctuation.

2.17 Hairdressers Act 2003 No 62
[1]   Section 4 (2), paragraph (a) of definition of "authorised qualification"
      Omit "(WRH30100) Certificate". Insert instead "Certificate".
[2]   Section 4 (2), definition of "registered training organisation"
      Omit "Vocational Education and Training Act 2005".
      Insert instead "National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 of the
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes a reference to an obsolete course code. Item [2]
      updates a reference to an Act.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.18 Harness Racing Act 2009 No 20
      Sections 3 (1) (definition of "harness racing meeting") and 19 (9) (definition of
      "racecourse licensed for harness racing")
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

2.19 Hemp Industry Act 2008 No 58
      Section 5
      Insert at the end of the section:
                     Note. See the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 of the Commonwealth for provisions relating to
                     the regulation of the cultivation of cannabis (including low-THC hemp) for medicinal and
                     related scientific purposes.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment inserts a note referring to a Commonwealth Act that provides for the
      regulation of the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal and related scientific purposes.

2.20 Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35
      Section 35 (4A)
      Omit "the the". Insert instead "the".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment omits a duplicated word.

2.21 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014
      Schedule 5, Part 1, item 41
      Omit "Almora Close 180". Insert instead "Almora Close, 180".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment inserts missing punctuation.

2.22 Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 No 22
      Section 4 (2) (b)
      Omit "Public Works Act 1912". Insert instead "Public Works and Procurement Act 1912".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Act.

2.23 Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26
[1]   Section 10 (1) (b)
      Omit "Marketing of Primary Products Act 1983".
      Insert instead "Rice Marketing Act 1983".

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

[2]   Section 10CA Taxation of land owned by Place Management NSW
      Omit "the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority" wherever occurring in section 10CA (1).
      Insert instead "Place Management NSW".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a renamed Act. Item [2] updates
      references to a renamed statutory body.

2.24 Liquor Act 2007 No 90
      Section 36 (6) (a)
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998". Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Act.

2.25 Liquor Regulation 2008
      Clause 26 (2)
      Omit "with 20 kms". Insert instead "within 20 km".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.

2.26 Local Government Act 1993 No 30
      Section 650A (2) (c)
      Omit "free".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment removes a redundant word.

2.27 Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
      Clause 419 (1) (b)
      Omit "clause 121 (3A)". Insert instead "clause 121 (3)".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.

2.28 Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961 No 22
      Section 13 (1AB) and (1AC)
      Omit "Public Works Act 1912" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Public Works and Procurement Act 1912".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

2.29 Nambucca Local Environmental Plan 2010
      Land Use Table, Zone R5, item 2
      Omit "childcare". Insert instead "child care".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects terminology.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.30 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NSW Enabling) Act 2013 No 104
      Schedule 2, clause 7 (1) and (2)
      Omit "transferor" wherever occurring. Insert instead "transferee".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects references.

2.31 Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989 No 160
      Schedule 1
      Omit the following:

               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 1 of the Legislative Council
               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 2 of the Legislative Council
               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 3 of the Legislative Council
               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 4 of the Legislative Council
               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 5 of the Legislative Council
               Chair of the General Purpose Standing Committee No 6 of the Legislative Council

      Insert instead:

               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 1--Premier and Finance
               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 2--Health and Community Services
               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 3--Education
               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 4--Legal Affairs
               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 5--Industry and Transport
               Chair of the Portfolio Committee No 6--Planning and Environment

      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to the titles of certain recognised office holders under
      the Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989 in line with a resolution of the Legislative Council to rename
      certain committees of the Council.

2.32 Photo Card Regulation 2014
      Clause 3
      Insert at the end of the clause:
             (2)    Notes included in this Regulation do not form part of this Regulation.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.33 Place Management NSW Act 1998 No 170
      Section 17 (2) and (3)
      Omit "Public Works Act 1912" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Public Works and Procurement Act 1912".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

2.34 Ports Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2012 No 101
      Section 3, paragraph (b) of definition of "associated port land"
      Omit "State Property Authority". Insert instead "Property NSW".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed statutory body.

2.35 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156
      Dictionary, definition of "marine authority"
      Omit "the Maritime Authority of NSW". Insert instead "Roads and Maritime Services".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates a reference to a statutory body as a consequence of the Transport
      Legislation Amendment Act 2011.

2.36 Social and Affordable Housing NSW Fund Act 2016 No 51
      Section 3
      Insert at the end of the section:
             (2)    Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment clarifies the status of notes.

2.37 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007
[1]   Clause 48B (2) (c)
      Insert "of" after "74E".
[2]   Clause 78 (1), definition of "Interim Rail Link Corridor"
      Omit paragraphs (b) and (c).
[3]   Clause 78 (1), definition of "rail corridors map"
      Omit paragraph (b).
[4]   Clause 113, definition of "ancillary facilities", paragraph (i)
      Omit "anti climbing". Insert instead "anti-climbing".
[5]   Clause 121 (3)
      Omit "as defined by". Insert instead "within the meaning of Schedule 1 to".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments inserts a missing word. Items [2] and [3] omit references relating
      to a proposed rail line, which have become redundant because the relevant rail line (the South West

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

      Rail Link) has been constructed. Item [4] inserts a missing hyphen. Item [5] corrects a

2.38 Superannuation (Axiom Funds Management Corporation) Act 1996
     No 40
      Section 4, definition of "SAA"
      Omit the definition.
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment omits a redundant definition.

2.39 Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015
      Clause 6.14 (5)
      Omit "childcare centre". Insert instead "child care centre".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment corrects terminology.

2.40 Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97
[1]   Section 82 (b) (ii)
      Insert "(New Homes)" after "First Home Owner Grant".
[2]   Section 82 (k) (ii)
      Insert "Archives and" after "State".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a renamed Act. Item [2] updates a
      reference to a renamed statutory body.

2.41 Teacher Accreditation Regulation 2015
[1]   Clause 17 (1) (a)
      Omit "President". Insert instead "Chief Executive Officer".
[2]   Clause 39 (4) (c)
      Omit "office". Insert instead "officer".
      Explanatory note
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to an office holder. Item [2] corrects a
      typographical error.

2.42 Thoroughbred Racing Act 1996 No 37
      Section 14A (9) (definitions of "meeting for horse racing" and "racecourse licensed
      for horse racing")
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.43 Totalizator Act 1997 No 45
      Sections 5 (1) (definitions of "authorised betting auditorium" and "racecourse"),
      12 (1) (b), 13 (2) (b), 14 (1) (b) and 15 (1) (b) and clauses 11 (5) (c) and 21 of Schedule 2
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

2.44 Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 No 113
      Sections 9 (2) (b) and 49
      Omit "Racing Administration Act 1998" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Betting and Racing Act 1998".
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendment updates references to a renamed Act.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

Schedule 3              Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines
                        Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act
      Explanatory note
      The proposed amendments in this Schedule update the provisions of various Acts providing for the
      issue of penalty notices consequent on the enactment of the Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty
      Notices) Act 2016. That Act amended the Fines Act 1996 to consolidate and standardise provisions
      relating to penalty notices, including by transferring to the Fines Act 1996 the substance of provisions
      found in specific sections of other Acts providing for the issue of penalty notices. The proposed
      amendments remove provisions of those sections of certain other Acts that are now duplicated in the
      Fines Act 1996 and consolidate and standardise the remaining provisions of those sections (which
      provide for matters such as who may issue penalty notices, the offences for which penalty notices
      may be issued and the amount of penalty payable).

3.1 Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007 No 69
      Section 64
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       64    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means:
                     (a) an inspector, or
                    (b) a person who is declared by the regulations to be an authorised officer
                           for the purposes of this section or who belongs to a class of persons so

3.2 Associations Incorporation Act 2009 No 7
      Section 93
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       93    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.3 Barangaroo Delivery Authority Act 2009 No 2
      Section 45
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       45   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                   Authority as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.4 Biofuels Act 2007 No 23
      Section 29
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       29   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person employed in the Department
                    who is authorised in writing by the Secretary as an authorised officer for the
                    purposes of this section.

3.5 Biosecurity Act 2015 No 24
[1]   Section 303
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
      303   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
[2]   Schedule 8 Amendment of other legislation
      Omit Schedule 8.16.

3.6 Boarding Houses Act 2012 No 74
      Section 98
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       98   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) a police officer, and
                   (b) in relation to an offence against a provision of Part 2 or regulations for
                          that Part--a person who:
                           (i) is employed by a council or subject to its control or direction, and
                          (ii) is an authorised person (within the meaning of the Local
                                 Government Act 1993) for the purposes of section 679 (Penalty
                                 notices for certain offences) of that Act, and
                    (c) in relation to an offence against a provision of Part 4 or regulations for
                          that Part--an enforcement officer within the meaning of that Part, and
                   (d) a person (or a person belonging to a class) prescribed by the regulations
                          for the purposes of this paragraph.

3.7 Building Professionals Act 2005 No 115
      Section 92
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       92   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                    Board as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.8 Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 No 105
      Section 111
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     111    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.9 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157
      Section 259A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
    259A    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means:
                     (a) a police officer, or

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

                    (b)   a person employed in the Department who is authorised in writing by
                          the Secretary as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section, or
                    (c)   a person employed in the Office of the Children's Guardian who is
                          authorised in writing by the Children's Guardian as an authorised
                          officer for the purposes of this section.

3.10 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)
     Enforcement Act 1995 No 63
      Section 61A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     61A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means, in relation to a particular offence, a person
                   belonging to a class of persons specified in the regulations in relation to that

3.11 Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004 No 70
      Section 28
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       28   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised inspector may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to
                   the inspector that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.12 Companion Animals Act 1998 No 87
      Section 92
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       92   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.13 Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 No 3
      Section 158
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     158    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a

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             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                   Secretary as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.14 Court Security Act 2005 No 1
      Section 29
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       29   Penalty notices
             (1)   A security officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.15 Dams Safety Act 2015 No 26
      Section 46
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       46   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a

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             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.16 Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Act 2008 No 95
      Section 48
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       48   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.17 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78
      Section 111A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
    111A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

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             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means an inspector within the meaning of
                    section 110.

3.18 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94
      Section 187
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     187    Penalty notices
             (1)    An enforcement officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to
                    the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, enforcement officer means:
                     (a) a police officer, or
                    (b) a person employed in a government sector agency (within the meaning
                           of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013) who is authorised in
                           writing by the Minister to act as an enforcement officer for the purposes
                           of this section.

3.19 Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 No 103
      Section 46A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     46A    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding

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                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                   Corporation or the Secretary as an authorised officer for the purposes of this

3.20 Entertainment Industry Act 2013 No 73
      Section 35
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       35   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.21 Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 No 123
      Section 46A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     46A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding

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                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) an inspector (other than a member who is deemed to be an inspector
                          under section 9 (2)), or
                   (b) a person of a class prescribed by the regulations as a class of persons
                          who may issue penalty notices under this section.

3.22 Explosives Act 2003 No 39
      Section 34
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       34   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) an inspector, or
                   (b) a police officer, or
                    (c) a person belonging to a class of persons specified in the regulations.

3.23 Fair Trading Act 1987 No 68
      Section 67
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       67   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   For the avoidance of doubt, a reference to any further proceedings for the
                   alleged offence in section 22A (1) of the Fines Act 1996 (being an offence
                   against this Act or the regulations) includes a reference to any further
                   proceedings under section 224 of the ACL for a contravention of a provision
                   of the ACL that has the same elements as the elements for the alleged offence.
             (7)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) the Secretary, or
                   (b) an investigator, or
                    (c) a person who is appointed in writing by the Secretary as an authorised
                          officer for the purposes of this section.

3.24 Firearms Act 1996 No 46
      Section 85A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     85A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act (other than an offence
                   referred to in section 84 (2) or (3)) or the regulations that is prescribed by the
                   regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means:
                    (a) a police officer, or

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                    (b)    any other member of the NSW Police Force authorised in writing by the
                           Commissioner for the purposes of this section.

3.25 Fisheries Management Act 1994 No 38
      Section 276
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     276    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a police officer or, in relation to a
                    particular offence, a person belonging to a class of persons specified in the
                    regulations in relation to that offence.

3.26 Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2010
      Clause 348
      Omit "section 276 (9)" from clause 348 (3). Insert instead "section 276 (6)".

3.27 Food Act 2003 No 43
      Section 120
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     120    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a police officer, the Chief Executive
                   Officer or an authorised officer as defined in section 4 (1).

3.28 Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64
      Section 57
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       57   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means:
                    (a) an inspector, or
                   (b) a person who is declared by the regulations to be an authorised officer
                          for the purposes of this section or who belongs to a class of persons so

3.29 Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91
      Section 46
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       46   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means a police officer or an inspector.

3.30 Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Act 2003 No 12
      Section 35
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       35   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means:
                    (a) an inspector, or
                   (b) a person who is declared by the regulations to be an authorised officer
                          for the purposes of this section or who belongs to a class of persons so

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3.31 Graffiti Control Act 2008 No 100
      Section 16
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       16   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed an offence against section 7 or 8 of this
             (2)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (3)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (4)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (5)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) a police officer, or
                   (b) a person of a class prescribed by the regulations as a class of persons
                          who may issue penalty notices under this section.

3.32 Graffiti Control Regulation 2014
      Clause 11
      Omit "section 16 (2)" from clause 11 (1). Insert instead "section 16 (3)".

3.33 Hemp Industry Act 2008 No 58
      Section 45
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       45   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a

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             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section:
                   authorised officer means a police officer or an inspector.

3.34 Home Building Act 1989 No 147
      Section 138A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
    138A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means:
                    (a) the Secretary, or
                   (b) a person authorised in writing by the Secretary as an authorised officer
                          for the purposes of this section, or
                    (c) an investigator appointed under the Fair Trading Act 1987.

3.35 Hunter Water Act 1991 No 53
      Section 31A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     31A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person of a class prescribed by the
                   regulations for the purposes of this section.

3.36 Impounding Act 1993 No 31
      Section 36
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       36   Penalty notices
             (1)   An impounding officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to
                   the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.37 Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 No 33
      Section 10
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       10   Penalty notices
             (1)   A police officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the police
                   officer that the person has committed an offence against this Act.
             (2)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (3)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a

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             (4)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.38 Inclosed Lands Protection Regulation 2013
      Clause 4
      Omit "section 10 (2) and (6)". Insert instead "section 10 (3)".

3.39 Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17
      Section 396
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     396    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means an inspector appointed under this Act
                    or the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 or any other person of a class
                    prescribed by the regulations.

3.40 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103
      Section 235
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     235    Penalty notices
             (1)    A police officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.41 Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 No 16
      Section 165
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     165    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act, the local regulations or
                    the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) that is prescribed by the regulations
                    as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person who is designated by the
                    local regulations as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.42 Local Land Services Act 2013 No 51
      Section 189
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     189    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.43 Lord Howe Island Act 1953 No 39
      Section 37B
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     37B    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a member of staff of the Board who
                   is authorised by the Board to exercise powers, authorities, duties and functions
                   under this section, and includes a police officer.

3.44 Major Events Act 2009 No 73
      Section 73
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       73   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means any of the following who have been
                    authorised in writing by the responsible authority for the major event
                    concerned for the purposes of this section:
                     (a) a police officer,
                    (b) an officer or employee of a government agency,
                     (c) a person, or a member of a class of persons, prescribed by the
                           regulations for the purposes of this definition.

3.45 Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121
      Section 126
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     126    Penalty notices
             (1)    A law enforcement officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears
                    to the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, law enforcement officer means a police officer or, in relation
                    to a particular offence, a person belonging to a class of persons specified in the
                    regulations in relation to that offence.

3.46 Marine Safety Regulation 2016
      Clause 135 Penalty notice offences and penalties
      Omit "section 126 (9)" wherever occurring in clause 135 (4) and (4A).
      Insert instead "section 126 (6)".

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3.47 Meat Industry Act 1978 No 54
      Section 76A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     76A    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means:
                     (a) an inspector, or
                    (b) a member of the NSW Police Force.

3.48 Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013 No 107
      Section 158
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     158    Penalty notices
             (1)    A penalty notice officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to
                    the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

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             (6)    In this section, penalty notice officer means a person prescribed by the
                    regulations for the purposes of this section.

3.49 Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014
      Clause 56 Penalty notice officers
      Omit "section 158 (10)". Insert instead "section 158 (6)".

3.50 Passenger Transport Act 2014 No 46
[1]   Section 166
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
      166   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section:
                    authorised officer means:
                     (a) a police officer, or
                    (b) another authorised officer authorised in writing by TfNSW or RMS as
                           an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.
[2]   Schedule 4 Amendment of Acts
      Omit Schedule 4.2.

3.51 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13
      Section 26
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       26   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.52 Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84
      Section 125N
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
    125N    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person employed in the Department
                   who exercises functions under this Act or the Mining Act 1992 authorised in
                   writing by the Secretary as an authorised officer for the purposes of this

3.53 Photo Card Act 2005 No 20
      Section 34
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       34   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.54 Place Management NSW Act 1998 No 170
      Section 43A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     43A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by
                   Place Management NSW as an authorised officer for the purposes of this

3.55 Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 No 97
      Section 62
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       62   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.

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                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.56 Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 No 59
      Section 41
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       41   Penalty notices
             (1)    An enforcement officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to
                    the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.57 Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995 No 13
      Section 100
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     100    Penalty notices
             (1)    A law enforcement officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears
                    to the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, law enforcement officer means a police officer or, in relation
                    to a particular offence, a person belonging to a class of persons specified in the
                    regulations in relation to that offence.

3.58 Ports and Maritime Administration Regulation 2012
      Clause 70 Law enforcement officers
      Omit "section 100 (9)". Insert instead "section 100 (6)".

3.59 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200
      Section 33E
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     33E    Penalty notices
             (1)    An inspector (within the meaning of Division 2 of Part 2A) may issue a penalty
                    notice to a person if it appears to the inspector that the person has committed
                    a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.60 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66
      Section 216
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     216    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section:
                    authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the Secretary as an
                    authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.61 Public Health Act 2010 No 127
      Section 118
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     118    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.62 Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 No 94
      Section 50
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       50   Penalty notices
             (1)    An inspector may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    inspector that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, inspector includes a police officer.

3.63 Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 No 97
      Section 177
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     177    Penalty notices
             (1)    An investigator may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    investigator that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.64 Residential Tenancies Act 2010 No 42
      Section 203
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     203    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                    Secretary as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.65 Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81
      Section 184
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     184    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means:
                     (a) the Secretary, or
                    (b) a person appointed in writing by the Secretary as an authorised officer
                           for the purposes of this section, or
                     (c) an investigator.

3.66 Roads Act 1993 No 33
      Section 243
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     243    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed (or is, by virtue of section 244, guilty of)
                    a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.

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             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.67 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65
      Section 131
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
      131   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means, in relation to a particular offence, a
                    person belonging to a class of persons specified in the regulations in relation
                    to that offence.

3.68 Rural Fires Regulation 2013
[1]   Clause 48
      Omit "section 131 (6)" from clause 48 (1). Insert instead "section 131".
[2]   Clause 48 (2)
      Omit "section 131 (9)". Insert instead "section 131 (6)".

3.69 Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69
      Section 20A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

     20A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An inspector may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   inspector that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.70 Sporting Venues Authorities Act 2008 No 65
      Section 38
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       38   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a police officer or a ranger.

3.71 Sporting Venues (Invasions) Act 2003 No 44
      Section 12
      Omit sections 12 and 13. Insert instead:
       12   Penalty notices
             (1)   A police officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed an offence against a provision of Part 2.

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             (2)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (3)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is:
                    (a) the amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not
                         exceeding the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for
                         the offence by a court), or
                    (b) if no amount is prescribed--$500.
             (4)    This section does not affect a ban under Part 2, such a ban remaining in force
                    notwithstanding the payment of an amount payable under this section.
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.72 Stock Medicines Act 1989 No 182
      Section 60A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     60A    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                    Secretary of the Department of Industry as an authorised officer for the
                    purposes of this section, and includes a police officer.

3.73 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 No 50
      Section 250
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     250    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person employed in the Department
                   of Finance, Services and Innovation authorised in writing by the Secretary as
                   an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.74 Swimming Pools Act 1992 No 49
      Section 35
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       35   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount (not exceeding 5 penalty units) prescribed for the alleged offence by
                   the regulations.
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.75 Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 No 72
      Section 30A
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     30A    Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the by-laws that is
                   prescribed by the by-laws as a penalty notice offence.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the by-laws (not exceeding the
                   maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a court).
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised by the Trust for
                   the purposes of this section, a police officer or any other person of a class
                   prescribed by the by-laws.

3.76 Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 No 57
      Section 79
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       79   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against section 67, or an offence against
                   the regulations, being an offence that is prescribed by the regulations as a
                   penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                   Authority as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

3.77 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88
      Section 50
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       50   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised person may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   authorised person that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.
             (6)   In this section, authorised person means a person appointed in writing by the
                   Minister as an authorised person for the purposes of this section.

3.78 Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111
      Section 89
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       89   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer or a police officer may issue a penalty notice to a person
                   if it appears to the officer that the person has committed a penalty notice
             (2)   A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                   is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)   The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                   Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                   not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                   specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)   The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                   amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                   the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                   under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                   respect of offences.

3.79 Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 No 113
      Section 52
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       52   Penalty notices
             (1)   An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                   officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.

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             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section:
                    authorised officer means, in relation to a particular offence, a person
                    belonging to a class of persons specified in the regulations in relation to that

3.80 Unlawful Gambling Regulation 2016
      Clause 4 Penalty notice offences
      Omit "section 52 (9)" from clause 4 (2). Insert instead "section 52 (6)".

3.81 Veterinary Practice Act 2003 No 87
      Section 101
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     101    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person authorised in writing by the
                    Board as an authorised officer for the purposes of this section or a police

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

3.82 Water Industry Competition Act 2006 No 104
      Section 82
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       82   Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised official may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    official that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised official means a person appointed in writing by the
                    Minister as an authorised official for the purposes of this section.

3.83 Water NSW Act 2014 No 74
      Section 102
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     102    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations, or an
                    offence against another Act or regulations under another Act (being an offence
                    committed within the Sydney catchment area), that is prescribed by the
                    regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

3.84 Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 No 127
      Section 42
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       42   Penalty notices
             (1)    A police officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.85 Western Sydney Parklands Act 2006 No 92
      Section 48
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
       48   Penalty notices
             (1)    A ranger may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the ranger that
                    the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against the regulations that is prescribed
                    by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.

3.86 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10
      Section 243
      Omit the section. Insert instead:

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Schedule 3 Amendments consequent on enactment of Fines Amendment (Electronic Penalty Notices) Act

     243    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that
                    is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    20% of the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence
                    by a court).
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a member of staff of the regulator
                    authorised in writing by the regulator as an authorised officer for the purposes
                    of this section.

3.87 Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998
     No 86
      Section 246
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
     246    Penalty notices
             (1)    An authorised officer may issue a penalty notice to a person if it appears to the
                    officer that the person has committed a penalty notice offence.
             (2)    A penalty notice offence is an offence against this Act or the 1987 Act (or the
                    regulations under those Acts) that is prescribed by the regulations as a penalty
                    notice offence.
             (3)    The Fines Act 1996 applies to a penalty notice issued under this section.
                    Note. The Fines Act 1996 provides that, if a person issued with a penalty notice does
                    not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the person may pay the amount
                    specified in the notice and is not liable to any further proceedings for the alleged
             (4)    The amount payable under a penalty notice issued under this section is the
                    amount prescribed for the alleged offence by the regulations (not exceeding
                    the maximum amount of penalty that could be imposed for the offence by a
             (5)    This section does not limit the operation of any other provision of, or made
                    under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings that may be taken in
                    respect of offences.
             (6)    In this section, authorised officer means a person declared by the regulations
                    to be an authorised officer for the purposes of this section.

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

Schedule 4             Amendments consequent on administrative
                       arrangements orders and enactment of
                       Government Sector Employment Act 2013
      Explanatory note.
      The proposed amendments in this Schedule update terminology and references relating to Public
      Service agencies, heads of agencies and Public Service employees as a consequence of the
      Government Sector Employment Act 2013. The Schedule also includes other miscellaneous
      amendments that are consequent on the enactment of that Act and the making of past administrative
      changes orders.

4.1 Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 No 80
[1]   Sections 4 (1), 59 (2) and 78 and clauses 2 and 5 of Schedule 1
      Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively.
[2]   Section 78 Delegation by Secretary
      Omit "any public servant employed within the Department".
      Insert instead "any person employed in the Department".
[3]   Dictionary, definitions of "Department" and "Director-General"
      Omit the definitions. Insert in alphabetical order:
                  Department means the Department of Industry.
                  Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.

4.2 Betting and Racing Act 1998 No 114
[1]   Section 6 (2) (d)
      Omit "Department of Gaming and Racing". Insert instead "Department of Industry".
[2]   Sections 26G (1) and (2), 26GA and 26GB
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Gaming and Racing" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Industry".
[3]   Section 26G (3)
      Omit "Director-General". Insert instead "Secretary".

4.3 Boarding Houses Act 2012 No 74
[1]   Whole Act (except Schedule 2 and where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively.
[2]   Sections 4 (1) (paragraph (a) of definition of "Commissioner"), 7 (3), 15 (2) and 27 (2)
      Omit "Department of Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[3]   Section 4 (1), paragraph (b) of definition of "Commissioner"
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the
                        Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.
[4]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Director-General"
      Omit the definition. Insert in alphabetical order:
                   Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of Family and Community
[5]   Section 15 (2) and 85 (2)
      Omit "officer or" wherever occurring.

4.4 Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act
    2010 No 104
[1]   Section 5 (2) (d)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (d) the Government Sector Employment Act 2013.
[2]   Sections 9 and 10 (2)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Education and Communities" wherever
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Education".
[3]   Section 14
      Omit "Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 and the regulations".
      Insert instead "Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and the regulations and rules".

4.5 Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202
[1]   Whole Act (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Director-General" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary".
[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Director-General"
      Omit the definition. Insert in alphabetical order:
                   Secretary means:
                   (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of Finance, Services
                         and Innovation, or
                   (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the
                         Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.
[3]   Section 97E (2) (b) and (c)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Fair Trading" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[4]    Section 97E (3)
       Omit "Director-General for payment into the Department of Fair Trading".
       Insert instead "Secretary for payment into the Department of Finance, Services and
[5]    Section 109D
       Omit the section. Insert instead:
      109D   Staff
                     Persons may be employed under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013
                     to enable the Secretary to exercise the Secretary's functions under this Act.
[6]    Section 109E
       Omit "and subject to the provisions of the Public Sector Management Act 1988".
       Insert instead "the Government Sector Employment Act 2013".

4.6 Criminal Appeal Act 1912 No 16
       Section 4 (1)
       Omit "under Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002".
       Insert instead "in the Public Service under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013".

4.7 Defamation Act 2005 No 77
       Schedule 1, clause 9 (1) (d)
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                    (d) to a person employed in the Public Service under the Government
                         Sector Employment Act 2013 to assist in the execution or administration
                         of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, or

4.8 Destination NSW Act 2011 No 21
       Section 7 (2) (d)
       Omit "Director-General of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
       Infrastructure and Services or a person nominated by the Director-General".
       Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Industry or a person nominated by the

4.9 Education Act 1990 No 8
[1]    Section 26C (1) (b)
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                    (b) the Department,
[2]    Section 26C (1) (f) and (g)
       Omit section 26C (1) (f)-(h1). Insert instead:
                    (f) the Department of Family and Community Services,
                    (g) the Department of Justice,

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[3]   Section 26C (2) (c)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (c) the Department,

4.10 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94
[1]   Schedule 6, clause 71A (7), definition of "Code for Safe Meter Installation" and
      Dictionary (definition of "connection point")
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".
[2]   Dictionary, definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.11 Electricity Supply (Corrosion Protection) Regulation 2014
      Clause 3 (1), definition of "Secretary"
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.12 Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 No 103
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.13 Explosives Regulation 2013
      Clauses 6, 102 and 103 (1) (note)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
      Infrastructure and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment".

4.14 Fines Act 1996 No 99
[1]   Section 11 (8)
      Omit "Department of Attorney General and Justice".
      Insert instead "Department of Justice".
[2]   Sections 19A (3) (paragraph (a) of definition of "guidelines") and 22 (2) (b) (i)
      Omit "Department of Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[3]   Section 80 (4) (b)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Juvenile Justice, whichever is appropriate,
      and is to be kept by the Commissioner or Director-General".
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Justice, whichever is appropriate, and is to
      be kept by the Commissioner or Secretary".
[4]   Section 99A, paragraph (a) of definition of "approved organisation"
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (a) the Secretary of the Department of Justice, or
[5]   Section 99A, paragraph (b) of definition of "approved organisation"
      Omit "Department of Attorney General and Justice to whom the Director-General".
      Insert instead "Department of Justice to whom the Secretary".
[6]   Section 101A (1) (a)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (a) the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation,
[7]   Section 101A (1) (c)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (c) the Secretary of the Department of Justice.

4.15 Firearms Act 1996 No 46
[1]   Section 6 (2) (b)
      Omit "the Department of Corrective Services".
      Insert instead "Corrective Services NSW, Department of Justice".
[2]   Section 12, Table
      Omit "of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Department of Lands" from the
      matter relating to the genuine reason of recreational hunting/vermin control.
      Insert instead "or employee of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Department of
[3]   Section 12, Table
      Omit "Primary Industries" from the matter relating to the genuine reason of animal welfare.
      Insert instead "Industry".
[4]   Section 81 (3) (b)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) a Public Service employee, or

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.16 Gaming Machine Tax Act 2001 No 72
[1]   Section 17A (2)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
      Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Industry".
[2]   Section 19 (1) (c)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Gaming and Racing (or a senior officer of the
      Department appointed by the Director-General)".
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Industry (or a Public Service senior
      executive employed in the Department appointed by the Secretary)".
[3]   Section 19 (1) (d) and (2)
      Omit "Gaming and" wherever occurring.

4.17 Gaming Machines Act 2001 No 127
[1]   Section 48 (5)
      Omit "the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Department of Trade and
      Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Liquor and Gaming NSW, Department of Industry".
[2]   Section 204A (1)
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Industry".

4.18 Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38
      Dictionary, definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.19 Gas Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2013
[1]   Whole Regulation (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively.
[2]   Clause 3 (1), definition of "Director-General"
      Omit the definition. Insert in alphabetical order:
                   Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.

4.20 General Government Liability Management Fund Act 2002 No 60
      Section 6 (2) (d)
      Omit "Attorney General's Department". Insert instead "Department of Justice".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.21 Government Advertising Act 2011 No 35
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Government agency"
      Omit paragraph (a). Insert instead:
                  (a) a Public Service agency within the meaning of the Government Sector
                        Employment Act 2013, or

4.22 Health Administration Act 1982 No 135
[1]   Section 8 (2) (g)
      Omit "Government Department". Insert instead "Public Service agency".
[2]   Section 13A (3A)
      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
           (3A)    For the purposes of section 60 (1) of the Government Sector Employment Act
                   2013, the Corporation is taken to be the statutory body in respect of which
                   persons are employed under Part 4 of that Act to enable a health professional
                   council referred to in Schedule 2A to exercise its functions. Accordingly, the
                   Corporation is authorised to pay out of an account under this section any
                   employment-related costs that the Corporation is directed to pay under
                   section 60 (1) of that Act.
[3]   Section 20C (1) and Schedule 4, clause 10 (2)
      Omit "officers" wherever occurring. Insert instead "employees".

4.23 Higher Education Act 2001 No 102
[1]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "Department" and "Director-General"
      Omit the definitions. Insert in alphabetical order:
                  Department means the Department of Education.
                  Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.
[2]   Whole Act (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively.

4.24 Home Building Act 1989 No 147
      Sections 48D (1), 114 (1), 119 (b), 128 (1) (a) and 131
      Omit "Office of Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".

4.25 Mine and Petroleum Site Safety (Cost Recovery) Act 2005 No 116
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.26 Mine Safety (Cost Recovery) Regulation 2013
      Clause 4, note
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services"
      wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.27 Mining Act 1992 No 29
      Dictionary, definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.28 Offshore Minerals Regulation 2013
[1]   Clause 4 (a)
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".
[2]   Clause 4 (a)
      Omit "another Division of the Government Service".
      Insert instead "another Public Service agency (within the meaning of the Government
      Sector Employment Act 2013)".
[3]   Clause 5, definition of "delegate"
      Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                     delegate means an employee or agent of the Department of Planning and
                     Environment who is authorised by the Secretary of that Department to conduct
                     a drawing of lots under this Part.

4.29 Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "and Communities".

4.30 Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989 No 160
      Section 6B (5)
      Omit "member of the Government Service (other than a benefit that is only available to
      executive officers within the meaning of Part 3.1 of the Public Sector Employment and
      Management Act 2002)".
      Insert instead "Public Service employee (other than a benefit that is only available to Public
      Service senior executives within the meaning of the Government Sector Employment Act

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.31 Partnership Act 1892 No 12
[1]   Section 49, paragraph (a) of definition of "Registrar"
      Omit "Department of Finance and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".
[2]   Section 49, paragraph (b) of definition of "Registrar"
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the
                        Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

4.32 Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.33 Pipelines Act 1967 No 90
[1]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".
[2]   Section 4 (4), paragraph (a) of the definition of "authorised person"
      Omit "member of staff of a Department of the Public Service".
      Insert instead "Public Service employee".

4.34 Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 No 59
[1]   Section 3 (1), paragraph (a) of definition of "plumbing regulator"
      Omit "Department of Finance and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".
[2]   Section 3 (1), paragraph (b) of definition of "plumbing regulator"
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the
                        Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

4.35 Public Works and Procurement Act 1912 No 45
[1]   Section 165 (1) (a) and (2)
      Omit "and Services" wherever occurring. Insert instead ", Services and Innovation".
[2]   Section 165 (1) (b)
      Omit "Departments" wherever occurring. Insert instead "agencies".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.36 Radiation Control Act 1990 No 13
      Section 5A (2) and (2A) (a)
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.37 Radiation Control Regulation 2013
      Clause 47 Exercise of certain functions by Secretary of Department of Planning and
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
      Infrastructure and Services" wherever occurring in clause 47 (3) and (4).
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment".

4.38 Real Property Act 1900 No 25
[1]   Section 3 (1) (a), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Land and Property Management Authority".
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".
[2]   Sections 13F (1) (c) and 13KA (1) (c)
      Omit "Department of Industry and Investment" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Industry".

4.39 Registered Clubs Act 1976 No 31
[1]   Whole Act (except where otherwise amended by this Subschedule)
      Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's" respectively.
[2]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Director-General"
      Omit the definition. Insert in alphabetical order:
                   Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of Industry.

4.40 Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 No 97
[1]   Sections 4 (1), paragraph (a) of definition of "Commissioner", and 20 (2)
      Omit "Department of Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".
[2]   Section 4 (1), paragraph (b) of definition of "Commissioner"
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the
                        Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.41 Roads Act 1993 No 33
      Section 149 (2) and (3)
      Omit "Director of Planning" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment".

4.42 Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Act 2013
     No 39
      Section 3 (1), definition of "Government agency"
      Omit paragraph (b). Insert instead:
                  (b) a Public Service agency within the meaning of the Government Sector
                        Employment Act 2013, or

4.43 Sheriff Act 2005 No 6
[1]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "Sheriff" and "sheriff's officer"
      Omit the definitions. Insert in alphabetical order:
                  Sheriff means the person employed in the Public Service as Sheriff.
                  sheriff's officer means a person employed in the Public Service as a sheriff's
[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Sheriff's alternate"
      Omit "Director-General of the Attorney General's Department".
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Justice".
[3]   Section 5 (b)
      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b) to any person employed in the Department of Justice, or
[4]   Section 12, including the note
      Omit "Director-General" and "Department of Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary" and "Department of Finance, Services and Innovation",

4.44 Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52
[1]   Section 113
      Omit "Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Government Sector Employment Act 2013".
[2]   Section 113 (2)
      Omit "an officer". Insert instead "a Public Service employee".
[3]   Section 120
      Omit "under Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002".
      Insert instead "in the Public Service under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[4]   Section 120A (4), definition of "court officer"
      Omit "a member of staff of the Attorney General's Department" from paragraph (b).
      Insert instead "an employee of the Department of Justice who is".

4.45 Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97
[1]   Section 65
      Omit "appointed under Part 2 of the Public Sector Management Act 1988".
      Insert instead "employed under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013".
[2]   Section 82 (k) (vi)
      Omit "a member of the Public Service". Insert instead "a Public Service employee".
[3]   Section 82 (k) (ix)
      Omit "the Head of a Department of the Public Service".
      Insert instead "the head of a Public Service agency within the meaning of the Government
      Sector Employment Act 2013".
[4]   Section 82 (k) (xi) and (xia)
      Omit the subparagraphs. Insert instead:
                        (xi) the Secretary of the Department of Education,
                       (xia) the Secretary of the Department of Industry,
[5]   Section 82 (k) (xiii)
      Omit "Director-General". Insert instead "Secretary".

4.46 Teaching Service Act 1980 No 23
[1]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "and Training".
[2]   Section 79 (2)
      Omit "Schedule 3A to the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002" wherever
      Insert instead "Schedule 2 to the Government Sector Employment Regulation 2014".

4.47 Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 No 118
[1]   Section 8 (3) and (4) (a1)
      Omit "public servant employed in the Department of Education and Training" wherever
      Insert instead "person employed in the Department of Industry".
[2]   Section 11 (2) (b)
      Omit "a senior public servant employed in the Department of Education and Training".
      Insert instead "a Public Service senior executive employed in the Department of Industry".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

[3]   Section 11 (2) (e)
      Omit "Minister for School Education and Youth Affairs".
      Insert instead "Minister for Education".
[4]   Section 11 (3)
      Omit "the senior public servant employed in the Department of Education and Training".
      Insert instead "the Public Service senior executive employed in the Department of

4.48 Technical Education Trust Funds Act 1967 No 95
      Sections 6B (1) (b) and (2), 6C (2) and (3) and 6E
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Education and Training" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Industry".

4.49 Totalizator Act 1997 No 45
      Section 70B (6)
      Omit "Department of Justice". Insert instead "Department of Industry".

4.50 Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010
     No 131
[1]   Schedule 3, clause 5
      Omit "The Director-General of the Department of Education and Training".
      Insert instead "The Secretary of the Department of Industry".
[2]   Schedule 3, clause 5
      Omit "the Director-General" and "the Director-General's" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "the Secretary" and "the Secretary's", respectively.

4.51 Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation (Authorised
     Transaction) Act 2010 No 8
[1]   Sections 7, 16 (2) and 20 (2) and clauses 3 (3) and 5 (2) and (3) of Schedule 5
      Omit "Minister for Finance and Services" wherever occurring.
      Insert instead "Minister for Finance, Services and Property".
[2]   Section 20 (2)
      Omit "Director-General of the Department of Finance and Services".
      Insert instead "Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation".

4.52 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10
      Section 4, paragraph (b) of definition of "member of staff"
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

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Schedule 4 Amendments consequent on administrative arrangements orders and enactment of
Government Sector Employment Act 2013

4.53 Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013 No 54
      Section 5 (1), definition of "Department"
      Omit "Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

4.54 Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2014
      Schedule 10, clause 13 (2)
      Omit "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services".
      Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment".

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 5 Repeals

Schedule 5              Repeals
  1   Repeal of redundant Act and provisions
             The following Act and provisions of an Act or instrument are repealed:

              Act or instrument                                     Provisions repealed
              Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 Sections 11 (3) and 15 (4)
              No 39
              Passenger Transport Regulation 2014                   Clauses 5 and 6 (2)
              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2)     Whole Act
              2016 No 55

  2   Repeal of amending Act and provisions that have commenced
             The following Act or provisions of an Act are repealed:

              Act                                                   Provisions repealed
              Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121                         Schedule 2
              Water Management Amendment Act 2008 No 73             Whole Act

  3   Repeal of amending provisions that have been superseded
             The following provisions of Acts are repealed:

              Act                                                   Provisions repealed
              Fisheries Management Amendment Act 2015 No 59         Schedule 2
              Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016           Schedule 6.23
              No 61

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 6 General savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 6              General savings, transitional and other
  1   Effect of amendment of amending provisions
       (1)   An amendment made by Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 to an amending provision contained in
             an Act or instrument is, if the amending provision has commenced before the
             Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 amendment concerned, taken to have effect as from the
             commencement of the amending provision (whether or not the amending provision
             has been repealed).
       (2)   In this clause:
             amending provision means a provision of an Act or instrument that makes a direct
             amendment to an Act or instrument by:
              (a) the repeal or omission of matter contained in the amended Act or instrument
                    without the insertion of any matter instead of the repealed or omitted matter, or
             (b) the omission of matter contained in the amended Act or instrument and the
                    insertion of matter instead of the omitted matter, or
              (c) the insertion into the amended Act or instrument of matter, not being matter
                    inserted instead of matter omitted from the Act or instrument.
      Explanatory note
      This clause ensures that an amendment made by the proposed Act to a repealing or amending
      provision of an Act or instrument will (if the repealing or amending provision commences before the
      amendment made by the proposed Act) be taken to have commenced on the date the repealing or
      amending provision commences.

  2   Effect of amendment or repeal on acts done or decisions made
             Except where it is expressly provided to the contrary, if this Act:
             (a) amends a provision of an Act or an instrument, or
             (b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modification) a provision of an Act or
                    an instrument,
             any act done or decision made under the provision amended or repealed has effect
             after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made under the provision as
             so amended or repealed.
      Explanatory note
      This clause ensures that the amendment or repeal of a provision will not, unless expressly provided,
      vitiate any act done or decision made under the provision as in force before the amendment or repeal.

  3   Effect of amendment on instruments
             Except where expressly provided to the contrary, any instrument made under an Act
             amended by this Act, that is in force immediately before the commencement of the
             amendment, is taken to have been made under the Act as amended.
      Explanatory note
      This clause ensures that, unless expressly provided, any instrument that is in force and made under
      a provision of an Act that is amended or substituted by the proposed Act will be taken to have been
      made under the Act as amended.

  4   Revocation of repeal
             Section 29A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies to the repeal of Acts or
             instruments, or provisions of Acts or instruments, by this Act.
      Explanatory note
      The effect of this clause is to enable the Governor, by proclamation, to revoke the repeal of any Act
      or instrument, or any provision of any Act or instrument, by the proposed Act. The Act or provision the
      subject of the revocation of repeal is taken not to be, and never to have been, repealed.

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 6 General savings, transitional and other provisions

  5   Regulations
       (1)   The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a savings or
             transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.
       (2)   Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of
             assent to this Act or a later date.
       (3)   To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than
             the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website, the provision does not
             operate so as:
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an
                   authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its
                   publication, or
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the
                   State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its
      Explanatory note
      This clause enables the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature relating to incidental
      matters arising out of the proposed Act.

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