New South Wales Bills

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                              New South Wales

Service NSW (One-stop Access to
Government Services) Bill 2013

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The objects of this Bill are as follows:
(a) to enable Service NSW (by conferring functions on its Chief Executive Officer
      (the CEO)) to provide one-stop access to customer services for NSW
      government agencies and for other agencies or persons,
(b) to facilitate the provision of information by and about customers for that
(c) to enact consequential provisions relating to access to government information
      and State records.

Outline of provisions
Part 1         Preliminary
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent
to the proposed Act.

Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Explanatory note

Clause 3 defines certain words and expressions used in the proposed Act. Among
other things, it defines Government agency as including State government agencies
(such as the Government Service, the NSW Police Force and the NSW Health
Service) as well as statutory bodies representing the Crown and councils and county

Part 2       One-stop access to Government services
Clause 4 confers on the CEO customer service functions that are delegated to the
CEO under other Acts or given to the CEO under agreements.
Clause 5 lists the functions that are customer service functions. They include
functions relating to applications for and the issue of licences and other authorities,
giving information about Government services or legislation, receiving and making
payments, the provision of other Government services, acting as an agent for
agencies of other Governments and persons and other ancillary functions.
Clause 6 enables the CEO to disclose information about a person to a Government
agency other than the agency for which a customer service is being provided to the
person if the person consents to that disclosure.
Clause 7 extends the operation of a power to delegate a customer service function
that is conferred on a Government agency under another Act or an instrument so that
it is taken to confer a power to also delegate that function to the CEO. That other Act
or instrument will also be extended so as to authorise the CEO to sub-delegate that
Clause 8 empowers the CEO to enter into agreements with Government agencies to
exercise non-statutory customer service functions of the agency concerned and with
respect to the exercise of customer service functions delegated or sub-delegated to
the CEO. The CEO is given the power to exercise any such function. The proposed
section expressly permits the CEO, under an agreement, to exercise penalty notice
functions of the State Debt Recovery Office.
Clause 9 empowers the CEO to exercise customer service functions delegated or
sub-delegated to the CEO under legislation of the Commonwealth or another State
or Territory and to sub-delegate such a function if otherwise permitted to do so. The
functions must be functions prescribed by the regulations. The proposed section also
empowers the CEO to enter into agreements with agencies of the Commonwealth
Government, Governments of other States or Territories or Governments of other
countries to exercise customer service functions of the agency concerned. The CEO
is given the power to exercise any such function.
Clause 10 empowers the CEO to enter into agreements with non-government
entities to exercise customer service functions of the entities concerned. The CEO is
given the power to exercise any such function.

Explanatory note page 2
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Explanatory note

Clause 11 enables the CEO to collect, maintain and use records of information about
customer transactions and preferences and other information about customers for
whom services are provided for the internal administrative purposes of Service
NSW, including for the purposes of its interactions with those customers.
Clause 12 empowers the CEO to appoint persons to act as agents for the CEO for the
provision of customer service functions.

Part 3       Privacy and access to and disclosure of
Clause 13 defines service agency, for the purposes of the proposed Part, to mean a
Government agency and any other agency or person for whom the CEO is exercising
customer service functions.
Clause 14 authorises the CEO to disclose information that is obtained while
exercising customer service functions to the relevant Government agency, the
customer, any person to whom the Government agency may disclose the information
or other persons or classes of persons prescribed by the regulations. A Government
agency is authorised to disclose information to the CEO for customer service
function purposes and also for purposes related to certain statutory obligations. The
CEO may also disclose information obtained in connection with the exercise of
customer service functions for a service agency (other than a Government agency).
The disclosure of information by and to the CEO for the purpose of updating, with
consent, a person's information is also authorised. The use of the information for the
purpose for which it is disclosed is also authorised. The purpose of the proposed
section is to overcome restrictions contained in other Acts on the disclosure and use
of the information.
Clause 15 modifies the application of one of the information protection principles
under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 to the CEO. The
CEO will be permitted to give a general notice alerting a customer to information
provided by the service agency about the collection of personal or health information
instead of having to give the customer the more detailed information that would
otherwise be required when collecting information for customer service purposes. In
the case of collecting information for updating purposes or for internal records
purposes, the CEO will be permitted to give a general notice that refers to
information on the Service NSW website or held at the relevant service centre.
Clause 16 enables a delegation or sub-delegation, or an agreement, that confers
customer service functions on the CEO to also provide for the CEO to exercise, and
for the CEO to exercise, associated statutory functions relating to access to
government information and State records. Any such delegation, sub-delegation or
agreement may also authorise a Government agency to exercise such functions for
the CEO.
Clause 17 makes it clear that the proposed Act does not restrict or prevent any other
lawful collection, disclosure or use of information.

                                                                 Explanatory note page 3
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Explanatory note

Part 4       Miscellaneous
Clause 18 enables the CEO to delegate functions under the proposed Act.
Clause 19 enables a Government agency to transfer assets, rights or liabilities to the
Crown if the transfer is for the purpose of enabling the CEO to exercise customer
service functions for the Government agency. Such a transfer must be consented to
by the Minister administering the proposed Act and the Minister responsible for the
Government agency. The proposed section also contains provisions relating to the
operation and effect of any such transfer, including a provision providing that the
transfer does not constitute a breach of any contractual provision.
Clause 20 exempts the CEO, a member of staff of Service NSW, or a person acting
under the direction of the CEO or such a member of staff, from personal liability for
acts or omissions done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purposes of
executing the proposed Act. Any such liability will instead attach to the Crown.
Clause 21 enables the Governor to make regulations for the purposes of the
proposed Act.
Clause 22 provides for the review of the proposed Act after 5 years from the date of
assent to the proposed Act.

Schedule 1                Savings, transitional and other
Schedule 1 contains savings, transitional and other provisions consequent on the
enactment of the proposed Act.

Schedule 2                Amendment of Acts and instrument
Schedule 2 amends the Acts and instrument specified in the Schedule.

Explanatory note page 4
                                                                           First print

                                New South Wales

Service NSW (One-stop Access to
Government Services) Bill 2013


Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                                  2
                   2   Commencement                                                 2
                   3   Definitions                                                  2

Part 2         One-stop access to Government services
                   4   Functions of CEO relating to one-stop access by
                       customers to Government services                             4
                   5   Customer service functions                                   4
                   6   Updating customer information with other agencies            4
                   7   Delegation of customer service functions to CEO
                       under other Acts or instruments                              5
                   8   CEO may enter agreements to exercise customer
                       service functions                                            5

Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013


               9   Customer service functions of agencies of other
                   jurisdictions                                                6
             10    Customer service agreements with non-government
                   entities                                                     6
             11    Internal records                                             7
             12    Agreements authorising agents to act for Service NSW         7

Part 3       Privacy and access to and disclosure of information
             13    Meaning of "service agency"                                  8
             14    Disclosure and use of information for purposes of functions 8
             15    Collection of information                                    9
             16    Access to information and State records management          10
             17    Other lawful collection, disclosure or use of information
                   not affected                                                11

Part 4       Miscellaneous
             18    Delegation                                                  12
             19    Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of Government
                   agencies in connection with transfer of customer
                   service functions                                           12
             20    Personal liability                                          13
             21    Regulations                                                 13
             22    Review of Act                                               13

Schedule 1         Savings, transitional and other provisions                  14
Schedule 2         Amendment of Acts and instrument                            15

Contents page 2
                            New South Wales

Service NSW (One-stop Access to
Government Services) Bill 2013
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to facilitate the provision by Service NSW of one-stop access to government
services; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                2

  1      Name of Act                                                                      3

               This Act is the Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services)       4
               Act 2013.                                                                  5

  2      Commencement                                                                     6

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                      7

  3      Definitions                                                                      8

         (1)   In this Act:                                                               9
               authority means a licence, permit, approval or any other authorisation.   10
               Chief Executive Officer or CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of       11
               Service NSW.                                                              12
               customer service function--see section 5.                                 13
               delegate includes sub-delegate.                                           14
               function includes a power, authority or duty, and exercise a function     15
               includes perform a duty.                                                  16
               Government agency means:                                                  17
                (a) a Minister, or                                                       18
               (b) a Division of the Government Service within the meaning of the        19
                      Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002, or               20
                (c) a statutory body representing the Crown, or                          21
               (d) a body (whether incorporated or unincorporated) established or        22
                      continued for a public purpose by or under the provisions of a     23
                      statutory instrument, or                                           24
                (e) the NSW Police Force, or                                             25
                (f) the Teaching Service, or                                             26
               (g) the NSW Health Service, or                                            27
               (h) a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Crown in right of the State or       28
                      of a Government agency, or                                         29
                (i) a council or a county council within the meaning of the Local        30
                      Government Act 1993, or                                            31
                (j) the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue, or                          32
               (k) a person or body declared by the regulations to be a Government       33
                      agency.                                                            34

Page 2
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013           Clause 3

Preliminary                                                              Part 1

              information includes personal information, and health information        1
              within the meaning of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act     2
              2002.                                                                    3
              personal information has the same meaning as it has in the Privacy and   4
              Personal Information Protection Act 1998.                                5
              Service NSW means the Service NSW Division of the Government             6
              Service.                                                                 7

       (2)    Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                 8

                                                                              Page 3
Clause 4          Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 2            One-stop access to Government services

Part 2         One-stop access to Government services                                      1

  4      Functions of CEO relating to one-stop access by customers to                      2
         Government services                                                               3

               The Chief Executive Officer has the following functions:                    4
               (a) customer service functions delegated to or otherwise conferred          5
                    on the CEO under this or any other Act,                                6
               (b) any other function conferred or imposed on the CEO by or under          7
                    this or any other Act.                                                 8

  5      Customer service functions                                                        9

               The following functions are customer service functions:                    10
               (a) receipt of applications or fees for, or related to, authorities        11
                     granted under an Act, or otherwise obtained from a Government        12
                     agency,                                                              13
               (b) issue of authorities and other functions relating to authorities       14
                     granted under an Act, or otherwise obtained from a Government        15
                     agency,                                                              16
               (c) provision of information or advice about Government services or        17
                     State legislation or any other matter,                               18
               (d) receipt of payments or claims for payments, or making of               19
                     payments,                                                            20
               (e) any other function that involves the provision of a service to a       21
                     person by a Government agency,                                       22
               (f) any function of an agency of the Commonwealth Government, an           23
                     agency of the Government of another State or Territory or an         24
                     agency of the Government of another country, as referred to in       25
                     section 9,                                                           26
               (g) any function of a person (other than a Government agency or an         27
                     agency referred to in paragraph (f)) as referred to in section 10,   28
               (h) any other function prescribed by the regulations for the purposes      29
                     of this section,                                                     30
                (i) any function that is ancillary to a customer service function.        31

  6      Updating customer information with other agencies                                32

         (1)   The CEO may disclose information about a person, that is obtained in       33
               the course of providing customer service functions to that person for a    34
               Government agency, to another Government agency.                           35

Page 4
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013         Clause 7

One-stop access to Government services                                 Part 2

      (2)    The CEO may disclose the information to the other Government agency         1
             only if the person consents to the disclosure of the information to that    2
             other agency.                                                               3

      (3)    The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the provision     4
             of consent for the purposes of this section.                                5

      (4)    The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under           6
             subsection (3) unless the Minister has certified that the Privacy           7
             Commissioner has been consulted on the proposed regulation.                 8

  7   Delegation of customer service functions to CEO under other Acts or                9
      instruments                                                                       10

      (1)    A Government agency or any other person may, under a provision of an       11
             Act or an instrument that permits the delegation of a customer service     12
             function by the agency or person (a delegation provision), delegate the    13
             customer service function to the CEO.                                      14

      (2)    A delegation provision of any such Act or instrument extends to the        15
             CEO as if the CEO were a person to whom functions could be delegated       16
             under that provision.                                                      17

      (3)    A delegation provision under which a customer service function is          18
             delegated to the CEO extends so as to authorise the CEO to sub-delegate    19
             the function under that provision to any of the following persons:         20
              (a) a member of staff of Service NSW,                                     21
             (b) a person, or a member of a class of persons, prescribed by the         22
                    regulations.                                                        23

      (4)    Subsection (3) and any sub-delegation by the CEO under a delegation        24
             provision are subject to the terms of the delegation to the CEO,           25
             including any restriction on sub-delegation in those terms.                26

  8   CEO may enter agreements to exercise customer service functions                   27

      (1)    The CEO and a Government agency, or a person authorised on behalf          28
             of a Government agency, may enter into an agreement:                       29
             (a) for the CEO to exercise a non-statutory customer service function      30
                   of the agency, or                                                    31
             (b) with respect to the exercise of a customer service function            32
                   delegated to the CEO.                                                33

      (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), the CEO may enter into an agreement       34
             under that subsection with the State Debt Recovery Office with respect     35
             to the exercise of a penalty notice function. This subsection has effect   36
             whether or not any arrangement entered into under section 114 (1A) of      37
             the Fines Act 1996 permits such an agreement to be made.                   38

                                                                             Page 5
Clause 9          Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 2            One-stop access to Government services

         (3)   The CEO may exercise a customer service function or other function            1
               conferred under an agreement under this section in accordance with that       2
               agreement.                                                                    3

         (4)   In this section:                                                              4
               penalty notice function means:                                                5
                (a) a function exercisable under an arrangement entered into by the          6
                      State Debt Recovery Office under section 114 (1A) of the Fines         7
                      Act 1996, or                                                           8
               (b) any function conferred on the State Debt Recovery Office under            9
                      section 114 of the Fines Act 1996.                                    10

  9      Customer service functions of agencies of other jurisdictions                      11

         (1)   This section applies to a function of an agency of the Commonwealth          12
               Government, an agency of the Government of another State or Territory        13
               or an agency of a Government of another country that is prescribed as a      14
               customer service function, or is of a class of functions prescribed by the   15
               regulations as customer service functions, for the purposes of this          16
               section.                                                                     17

         (2)   The CEO may exercise a customer service function that is delegated to        18
               the CEO under an Act of the Commonwealth or another State or                 19
               Territory or under an instrument made under any such Act.                    20

         (3)   The CEO may sub-delegate a customer service function delegated to the        21
               CEO under any such Act, if permitted to do so by or under the Act.           22

         (4)   The CEO may enter into an agreement with an agency of the                    23
               Commonwealth Government or of the Government of another State or             24
               Territory, or any other person authorised to do so under a law of the        25
               Commonwealth or the State or Territory, with respect to the exercise of      26
               a customer service function of the agency.                                   27

         (5)   The CEO may enter into an agreement with an agency of the                    28
               Government of another country, or a person authorised by that                29
               Government to do so, with respect to the exercise of a customer service      30
               function of the agency.                                                      31

         (6)   Without limiting subsections (4) and (5), any such agreement may             32
               provide for the collection, disclosure and use of information.               33

         (7)   The CEO may exercise a customer service function conferred under an          34
               agreement under this section in accordance with that agreement.              35

10       Customer service agreements with non-government entities                           36

         (1)   This section applies to a function of a person (other than a Government      37
               agency or an agency of another Government) that is prescribed as a           38

Page 6
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013            Clause 11

One-stop access to Government services                                    Part 2

             customer service function, or is of a class of functions prescribed by the     1
             regulations as customer service functions, for the purposes of this            2
             section.                                                                       3

      (2)    The CEO may enter into an agreement with a person with respect to the          4
             exercise of a customer service function of the person.                         5

      (3)    Without limiting subsection (2), any such agreement may provide for            6
             the following:                                                                 7
              (a) the collection, disclosure and use of information,                        8
             (b) joint arrangements for the exercise of customer service functions          9
                    and related matters.                                                   10

      (4)    The CEO may exercise a customer service function conferred under an           11
             agreement under this section in accordance with the agreement.                12

11    Internal records                                                                     13

             The CEO may collect, maintain and use records of the following                14
             information for the internal administrative purposes of Service NSW,          15
             including for the purposes of its interactions with customers for whom        16
             customer service functions are exercised:                                     17
              (a) details of transactions between customers and Service NSW,               18
             (b) the preferences of customers for transacting matters with Service         19
                   NSW and agencies for which it acts,                                     20
              (c) other information about customers.                                       21

12    Agreements authorising agents to act for Service NSW                                 22

      (1)    The CEO may enter into an agreement with an approved person for the           23
             person to act as an agent for the CEO in providing customer service           24
             functions on behalf of the CEO.                                               25

      (2)    An approved person is a person, or a person who is a member of a class        26
             of persons, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section.   27

                                                                               Page 7
Clause 13         Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 3            Privacy and access to and disclosure of information

Part 3         Privacy and access to and disclosure of                                       1
               information                                                                   2

13       Meaning of "service agency"                                                         3

               In this Part:                                                                 4
               service agency means a Government agency or other agency or person            5
               for whom the CEO is exercising customer service functions.                    6

14       Disclosure and use of information for purposes of functions                         7

         (1)   The CEO may disclose information obtained in connection with the              8
               exercise of customer service functions and other functions conferred on       9
               the CEO by or under this Act to the following:                               10
                (a) a Government agency, if the information is obtained in                  11
                     connection with the exercise by the CEO of customer service            12
                     functions for that agency,                                             13
               (b) a Government agency, if the disclosure is for the purposes of, or        14
                     for purposes related to, section 16,                                   15
                (c) the person to whom the customer service functions are provided,         16
                     if the information relates to the person or the service provided,      17
               (d) if the information is obtained in connection with the exercise by        18
                     the CEO of customer service functions for a Government agency,         19
                     any person to whom the Government agency is authorised or              20
                     required to disclose the information,                                  21
                (e) any person or agency, or class of persons or agencies, prescribed       22
                     by the regulations, but only for the purpose specified by the          23
                     regulations in relation to that person, agency or class.               24

         (2)   The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under            25
               subsection (1) (e) unless the Minister has certified that the Privacy        26
               Commissioner has been consulted on the proposed regulation.                  27

         (3)   The CEO may disclose information obtained in connection with the             28
               exercise of customer service functions for a service agency (other than      29
               a Government agency) if:                                                     30
               (a) the information is obtained in connection with the exercise by the       31
                     CEO of customer service functions for the service agency, and          32
               (b) the disclosure is permitted under the delegation or agreement that       33
                     confers the power to exercise the function, and                        34
               (c) in the case of a service agency that is an agency of the                 35
                     Commonwealth Government or of the Government of another                36
                     State or Territory, the disclosure is permitted under any law of the   37

Page 8
Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013                     Clause 15

Privacy and access to and disclosure of information                                Part 3

                     Commonwealth or of another State or Territory that applies to the                 1
                     exercise of the function.                                                         2

       (4)    A Government agency may disclose information to the CEO for the                          3
              following purposes:                                                                      4
               (a) the exercise by the CEO of customer service functions for the                       5
                    agency or other related functions,                                                 6
              (b) the purposes of, or for purposes related to, section 16.                             7

       (5)    Information may be disclosed by, and to, the CEO for the purposes of,                    8
              and in accordance with, section 6.                                                       9

       (6)    A person to whom information is authorised to be disclosed under this                   10
              section may use the information for the purpose for which it was                        11
              disclosed.                                                                              12

       (7)    This section applies to a person acting as an agent of the CEO under                    13
              section 12 in the same way as it applies to the CEO.                                    14

       (8)    This section has effect despite the provisions of any other Act (whether                15
              enacted before or after this Act).                                                      16
              Note. Section 62 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998            17
              makes it an offence for a public sector official to disclose personal information       18
              obtained in the exercise of official functions unless it is disclosed in the exercise   19
              of those functions.                                                                     20

15     Collection of information                                                                      21

       (1)    It is sufficient compliance with section 10 of the Privacy and Personal                 22
              Information Protection Act 1998 or clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Health                 23
              Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 in relation to the collection                  24
              of information from a person by the CEO in connection with customer                     25
              service functions, if:                                                                  26
               (a) the CEO gives a notice to the person that refers the person to                     27
                      information provided by the service agency in relation to the                   28
                      collection of that information, and                                             29
              (b) the information provided by the service agency contains the                         30
                      matters about which the person is required to be made aware                     31
                      under those provisions or, in the case of an agency of the                      32
                      Government of the Commonwealth or of another State or                           33
                      Territory, contains information that substantially meets the                    34
                      requirements of those provisions.                                               35

       (2)    It is sufficient compliance with section 10 of the Privacy and Personal                 36
              Information Protection Act 1998 or clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Health                 37
              Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 in relation to the collection                  38

                                                                                         Page 9
Clause 16         Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 3            Privacy and access to and disclosure of information

               of information from a person by the CEO for the purposes of section 6        1
               of this Act, if:                                                             2
               (a) the CEO gives a notice to the person that contains a statement that      3
                      information given by the person is to be used for the purposes of     4
                      updating information about the person held by a Government            5
                      agency other than the agency for which customer services are          6
                      provided to the person, and                                           7
               (b) the statement refers the person to information provided by the           8
                      CEO that is available on the website of Service NSW or at the         9
                      place where the information is collected and that contains the       10
                      matters about which the person is required to be made aware          11
                      under those provisions.                                              12

         (3)   It is sufficient compliance with section 10 of the Privacy and Personal     13
               Information Protection Act 1998 or clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Health     14
               Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 in relation to the collection      15
               of information from a person by the CEO for the purposes of section 11      16
               of this Act, if:                                                            17
                (a) the CEO gives a notice to the person that contains a statement that    18
                       information given by the person may be used for the purposes set    19
                       out in that section, and                                            20
               (b) the statement refers the person to information provided by the          21
                       CEO that is available on the website of Service NSW or at the       22
                       place where the information is collected and that contains the      23
                       matters about which the person is required to be made aware         24
                       under those provisions.                                             25

16       Access to information and State records management                                26

         (1)   An agreement entered into under this Act, or a delegation of a customer     27
               service function, may provide for the exercise by the CEO of the            28
               following functions of a Government agency:                                 29
                (a) functions relating to access to information under the Government       30
                     Information (Public Access) Act 2009, if the information is           31
                     obtained or arises in connection with the exercise of functions for   32
                     that agency,                                                          33
               (b) functions relating to State records under the State Records Act         34
                     1998, if the State records relate to or are made in connection with   35
                     the exercise of functions for that agency.                            36

         (2)   Any such agreement or delegation may also provide for the exercise by       37
               a Government agency of functions of the CEO of a kind referred to in        38
               subsection (1) (a) or (b).                                                  39

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Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013         Clause 17

Privacy and access to and disclosure of information                    Part 3

       (3)    The CEO or a Government agency may exercise a function conferred          1
              on the CEO or the Government agency under this section despite any        2
              provision of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, the     3
              State Records Act 1998, the Privacy and Personal Information              4
              Protection Act 1998 or the Health Records and Information Privacy Act     5
              2002.                                                                     6

17     Other lawful collection, disclosure or use of information not affected           7

              Nothing in this Act restricts or prevents any other lawful collection,    8
              disclosure or use of information by the CEO, a Government agency or       9
              any other person or agency.                                              10

                                                                           Page 11
Clause 18         Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Part 4            Miscellaneous

Part 4         Miscellaneous                                                                 1

18       Delegation                                                                          2

         (1)   The CEO may delegate the exercise of any function of the CEO under            3
               this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:                            4
                (a) any member of staff of Service NSW, or                                   5
               (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes          6
                     of this section by the regulations.                                     7

         (2)   This section does not apply to a function that is delegated to the CEO by     8
               a Government agency or any other person.                                      9

19       Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of Government agencies in               10
         connection with transfer of customer service functions                             11

         (1)   A Government agency may transfer any assets, rights or liabilities of the    12
               Government agency to the Crown, with the consent of the Minister and         13
               the Minister who administers the Act under which the Government              14
               agency is constituted or who is otherwise responsible for the agency, if     15
               the transfer is for the purposes of enabling the CEO to exercise customer    16
               service functions for the Government agency.                                 17

         (2)   A transfer authorised by this section is not to be regarded:                 18
               (a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil            19
                     wrong, or                                                              20
               (b) as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting, restricting or     21
                     regulating the assignment or transfer of assets, rights or             22
                     liabilities, or                                                        23
               (c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as          24
                     causing or permitting the termination of any instrument, because       25
                     of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of any asset, right   26
                     or liability.                                                          27

         (3)   A transfer authorised by this section is not to be regarded as an event of   28
               default under any contract or other instrument.                              29

         (4)   No attornment to the Crown by a lessee from the Government agency is         30
               required.                                                                    31

         (5)   In this section:                                                             32
               assets means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or   33
               future, whether vested or contingent and whether personal or                 34
               assignable) in real or personal property of any description (including       35
               money), and includes securities, choses in action and documents.             36
               instrument means an instrument (other than this Act) that creates,           37
               modifies or extinguishes rights or liabilities (or would do so if lodged,    38

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Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013            Clause 20

Miscellaneous                                                             Part 4

             filed or registered in accordance with any law), and includes any              1
             judgment, order or process of a court.                                         2
             liabilities means any liabilities, debts or obligations (whether present or    3
             future, whether vested or contingent and whether personal or                   4
             assignable).                                                                   5
             rights means any rights, powers, privileges or immunities (whether             6
             present or future, whether vested or contingent and whether personal or        7
             assignable).                                                                   8

20    Personal liability                                                                    9

      (1)    A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the CEO, a member of          10
             staff of Service NSW, or a person acting under the direction of the CEO       11
             or a member of staff of Service NSW, does not, if the matter or thing         12
             was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purposes of              13
             executing this Act, subject the CEO, member of staff or person so acting      14
             personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.                         15

      (2)    However, any such liability attaches instead to the Crown.                    16

21    Regulations                                                                          17

             The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for        18
             or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to    19
             be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for         20
             carrying out or giving effect to this Act.                                    21

22    Review of Act                                                                        22

      (1)    The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy            23
             objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act           24
             remain appropriate for securing those objectives.                             25

      (2)    The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of        26
             5 years from the date of assent to this Act.                                  27

      (3)    A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of        28
             Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.           29

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                Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 1             Savings, transitional and other                                      1
                       provisions                                                           2

Part 1       General                                                                        3

 1    Regulations                                                                           4

      (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional            5
             nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends          6
             this Act.                                                                      7

      (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from        8
             the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.                       9

      (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that       10
             is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,   11
             the provision does not operate so as:                                         12
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the         13
                     State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person        14
                     existing before the date of its publication, or                       15
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an           16
                     authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to     17
                     be done before the date of its publication.                           18

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Service NSW (One-stop Access to Government Services) Bill 2013

Amendment of Acts and instrument                                    Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of Acts and instrument                              1

2.1 Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009                           2

      Clause 11A                                                                     3

      Insert after clause 11:                                                        4

     11A     Declaration of Service NSW as government agency                         5

                   For the purposes of clause 5 (1) of Schedule 4 to the Act, the    6
                   Service NSW Division of the Government Service is declared to     7
                   be an agency.                                                     8

2.2 Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71                            9

      Section 4 Definitions                                                         10

      Insert after paragraph (e) of the definition of public sector agency in       11
      section 4 (1):                                                                12
                   (e1) Service NSW Division of the Government Service,             13

2.3 Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998                            14
    No 133                                                                          15

      Section 3 Definitions                                                         16

      Insert after paragraph (e) of the definition of public sector agency in       17
      section 3 (1):                                                                18
                   (e1) Service NSW Division of the Government Service,             19

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