New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Summary Offences Amendment (Safe
Access to Reproductive Health Clinics)
Bill 2017

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to provide for safe access zones around reproductive health clinics at
which abortions are provided so as to protect the safety and well-being of, and respect the privacy
and dignity of, those accessing the services provided at those premises as well as those who need
to access those premises in the course of their employment.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988
                       No 25
Schedule 1 inserts the following provisions into the Summary Offences Act 1988:
(a) Proposed section 11I inserts definitions used in the other proposed provisions. The term
     safe access zone is defined to mean an area within a radius of 150 metres of a reproductive
     health clinic at which abortions are provided or within a radius of 150 metres of a pedestrian
     access point to a building that houses a reproductive health clinic at which abortions are

Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Explanatory note

(b)   Proposed section 11J provides that:
      (i)   it is the intention of Parliament that the fact that the public is entitled to access health
            services, including abortions, should be respected and that the public should be able
            to enter and leave reproductive health clinics at which abortions are provided without
            interference, and in a manner that protects their safety and well-being and respects
            their privacy and dignity, as should employees and other persons who need to access
            such clinics in the course of their duties and responsibilities, and
      (ii) accordingly, the objects of the proposed Division are to provide for safe access zones
            around such reproductive health clinics so as to protect the safety and well-being of,
            and respect the privacy and dignity of, those accessing the services provided at those
            premises and those who need to access those premises in the course of their duties
            and responsibilities, and to prohibit the publication and distribution of certain
            recordings of those persons in those safe access zones.
(c)   Proposed section 11K makes it an offence for a person who is in a safe access zone to
      harass, intimidate, interfere with, threaten, hinder, obstruct or impede any person accessing,
      leaving, or attempting to access or leave, any reproductive health clinic at which abortions
      are provided. The maximum penalty is 150 penalty units (currently $16,500) or
      imprisonment for 12 months.
(d)   Proposed section 11L makes it an offence for a person who is in a safe access zone to
      obstruct or block a footpath or road leading to any reproductive health clinic at which
      abortions are provided. The maximum penalty is 150 penalty units or imprisonment for
      12 months.
(e)   Proposed section 11M makes it an offence for a person who is in a safe access zone to
      communicate in relation to abortions in a manner that is able to be seen or heard by a person
      accessing, leaving, attempting to access or leave, or inside, a reproductive health clinic at
      which abortions are provided and that is reasonably likely to cause distress or anxiety to any
      such person. The maximum penalty is 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.
(f)   Proposed section 11N makes it an offence for a person to:
      (i)   intentionally capture visual data of another person, without that other person's
            consent, if that other person is in a safe access zone and is accessing, leaving, or
            attempting to access or leave, or is inside, a reproductive health clinic at which
            abortions are provided, or
      (ii) publish or distribute a recording of another person without that other person's
            consent if the recording was made while that other person was in a safe access zone
            and was accessing, leaving, attempting to access or leave, or inside, a reproductive
            health clinic at which abortions are provided if the recording contains particulars
            likely to lead to the identification of that other person.
      The maximum penalty for either offence is 150 penalty units or imprisonment for
      12 months.
(g)   Proposed section 11O provides for the seizure of things that a police office suspects on
      reasonable grounds may provide evidence of the commission of an offence under the
      proposed Division.
(h)   Proposed section 11P provides that the proposed Division does not apply so as to prohibit
      conduct occurring in the forecourt of, or on the footpath or road outside, Parliament House
      in Macquarie Street, Sydney or to prohibit the carrying out of any survey or opinion poll by
      or with the authority of a candidate, or the distribution of any handbill or leaflet by or with
      the authority of a candidate, during the course of a Commonwealth, State or local
      government election, referendum or plebiscite. The provision also provides that the
      proposed Division applies despite anything to the contrary in other statutory provisions
      about public assemblies or protests.

Page 2
Introduced by the Hon P G Sharpe, MLC                              First print

                                 New South Wales

Summary Offences Amendment (Safe
Access to Reproductive Health Clinics)
Bill 2017

                1   Name of Act                                            2
                2   Commencement                                           2
Schedule 1          Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25           3

                                    New South Wales

Summary Offences Amendment (Safe
Access to Reproductive Health Clinics)
Bill 2017

No     , 2017

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to provide for safe access zones around
reproductive health clinics at which abortions are performed and to prohibit certain behaviour in
those zones.
Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2017 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                    1

 1    Name of Act                                                                             2

             This Act is the Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health   3
             Clinics) Act 2017.                                                               4

 2    Commencement                                                                            5

             This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                            6

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Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25

Schedule 1              Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988                                           1
                        No 25                                                                            2

      Part 2, Division 2C                                                                                3

      Insert after section 11H:                                                                          4

      Division 2C            Prohibited behaviour around reproductive health                             5
                             clinics where abortions are provided                                        6

         11I   Definitions                                                                               7

                     In this Division:                                                                   8
                     abortion means the administration of a drug, or the use of an instrument or any     9
                     other means, with intent to procure a miscarriage.                                 10
                     reproductive health clinic means any premises where medical services               11
                     relating to aspects of human reproduction or maternal health are provided, but     12
                     does not include a pharmacy.                                                       13
                     safe access zone means an area within a radius of 150 metres of:                   14
                      (a) a reproductive health clinic at which abortions are provided, or              15
                     (b) a pedestrian access point to a building that houses a reproductive health      16
                            clinic at which abortions are provided.                                     17

     11J       Objects of Division                                                                      18

               (1)   It is the intention of Parliament that:                                            19
                      (a) the fact that the public is entitled to access health services, including     20
                             abortions, should be respected, and                                        21
                     (b) the public should be able to enter and leave reproductive health clinics       22
                             at which abortions are provided without interference, and in a manner      23
                             that protects their safety and well-being and respects their privacy and   24
                             dignity, as should employees and other persons who need to access such     25
                             clinics in the course of their duties and responsibilities.                26

               (2)   Accordingly, the objects of this Division are:                                     27
                     (a) to provide for safe access zones around reproductive health clinics at         28
                          which abortions are provided so as to protect the safety and well-being       29
                          of, and respect the privacy and dignity of, those accessing the services      30
                          provided at those premises, and those who need to access those                31
                          premises in the course of their duties and responsibilities, and              32
                     (b) to prohibit the publication and distribution of certain recordings of those    33
                          persons in those safe access zones.                                           34

     11K       Interfering with access of persons to reproductive health clinics                        35

                     A person who is in a safe access zone must not harass, intimidate, interfere       36
                     with, threaten, hinder, obstruct or impede, by any means, any person               37
                     accessing, leaving, or attempting to access or leave, any reproductive health      38
                     clinic at which abortions are provided.                                            39
                     Maximum penalty: 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.                  40

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Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25

     11L     Obstructing, blocking or impeding footpaths or roads providing access to                  1
             reproductive health clinics                                                               2

                   A person who is in a safe access zone must not, without reasonable excuse,          3
                   obstruct or block a footpath or road leading to any reproductive health clinic      4
                   at which abortions are provided.                                                    5
                   Maximum penalty: 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.                   6

     11M     Causing actual or potential distress or anxiety to persons in safe access zones           7

             (1)   A person who is in a safe access zone must not make a communication that            8
                   relates to abortions, by any means, in a manner:                                    9
                    (a) that is able to be seen or heard by a person accessing, leaving,              10
                          attempting to access or leave, or inside, a reproductive health clinic at   11
                          which abortions are provided, and                                           12
                   (b) that is reasonably likely to cause distress or anxiety to any such person.     13
                   Maximum penalty: 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.                  14

             (2)   This section does not apply to an employee or other person who provides            15
                   services at the reproductive health clinic.                                        16

     11N     Capturing and distributing visual data of persons in safe access zone                    17

             (1)   A person must not intentionally capture visual data of another person, by any      18
                   means, without that other person's consent, if that other person is in a safe      19
                   access zone and is accessing, leaving, or attempting to access or leave, or is     20
                   inside, a reproductive health clinic at which abortions are provided.              21
                   Maximum penalty: 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.                  22

             (2)   A person must not publish or distribute a recording of another person without      23
                   that other person's consent if:                                                    24
                    (a) the recording was made while that other person was in a safe access           25
                          zone and was accessing, leaving, attempting to access or leave, or          26
                          inside, a reproductive health clinic at which abortions are provided, and   27
                   (b) the recording contains particulars likely to lead to the identification of     28
                          that other person.                                                          29
                   Maximum penalty: 150 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months.                  30

             (3)   In this section:                                                                   31
                   capture visual data of another person means to capture moving or still images      32
                   of the other person by a camera or any other means in such a way that:             33
                    (a) a recording is made of the images, or                                         34
                   (b) the images are capable of being transmitted in real time with or without       35
                          retention or storage in a physical or electronic form, or                   36
                    (c) the images are otherwise capable of being distributed.                        37
                   distribute means:                                                                  38
                    (a) communicate, exhibit, send, supply or transmit, whether to a particular       39
                          person or not, or                                                           40
                   (b) make available for access, whether by a particular person or not, or           41
                    (c) enter into an agreement or arrangement to do any thing mentioned in           42
                          this definition, or                                                         43
                   (d) attempt to distribute (within the meaning of paragraphs (a)-(c)).              44

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Summary Offences Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2017 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25

     11O     Seizure of things providing evidence of offence                                          1
             (1)   A police officer may seize all or part of a thing that the officer suspects on     2
                   reasonable grounds may provide evidence of the commission of an offence            3
                   under this Division.                                                               4

             (2)   If a person is convicted or found guilty of an offence under this Division, any    5
                   item seized under this section is forfeited to the Crown and is to be destroyed    6
                   or disposed of in a manner approved by the Minister.                               7

     11P     Application of Division                                                                  8

             (1)   This Division does not apply so as to prohibit:                                    9
                   (a) conduct occurring in the forecourt of, or on the footpath or road outside,    10
                         Parliament House in Macquarie Street, Sydney, or                            11
                   (b) the carrying out of any survey or opinion poll by or with the authority       12
                         of a candidate, or the distribution of any handbill or leaflet by or with   13
                         the authority of a candidate, during the course of a Commonwealth,          14
                         State or local government election, referendum or plebiscite.               15

             (2)   This Division applies despite anything to the contrary in:                        16
                   (a) Part 4 of this Act, or                                                        17
                   (b) Part 14 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act              18
                         2002.                                                                       19

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