New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Sydney Opera House Trust
Amendment Bill 2004


           1   Name of Act                                             2
           2   Commencement                                            2
           3   Amendment of Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 No 9     2
           4   Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209         2
  Schedule 1   Amendments to Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961
               relating to Opera House security                        3
  Schedule 2   Miscellaneous amendments to Sydney Opera House
               Trust Act 1961                                          5
  Schedule 3   Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986                7
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2004

                            New South Wales

Sydney Opera House Trust
Amendment Bill 2004

Act No       , 2004

An Act to amend the Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 to provide for offences
with respect to trespass and damaging the Opera House and to make further
provision for by-laws and staff; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1     Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
           This Act is the Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Act 2004.
 2    Commencement
           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by
 3    Amendment of Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 No 9
           The Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 is amended as set out in
           Schedules 1 and 2.
 4    Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209
           The Criminal Procedure Act 1986 is amended as set out in
           Schedule 3.

Page 2
Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

Amendments to Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 relating to Opera   Schedule 1
House security

Schedule 1 Amendments to Sydney Opera House
           Trust Act 1961 relating to Opera House
                                                                      (Section 3)

      Sections 28A-28E
      Insert after section 28:
     28A     Trespassing at Opera House
                   A person who enters, or remains at, any part of the Opera
                   House as a trespasser is guilty of an offence.
                   Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units or imprisonment for
                   2 years, or both.
     28B     Trespassing at Opera House with intent
                   A person who enters, or remains at, any part of the Opera
                   House as a trespasser with intent to:
                   (a) cause damage to the Opera House, or
                   (b) seriously disrupt the operations of the Opera House, or
                   (c) commit any offence punishable by imprisonment or
                        arising under the Summary Offences Act 1988,
                   is guilty of an offence.
                   Maximum penalty on indictment: imprisonment for 7 years.
     28C     Damage to Opera House
                   A person who intentionally or recklessly damages the Opera
                   House is guilty of an offence.
                   Maximum penalty on indictment: imprisonment for 5 years.
     28D     Penalty for attempt
                   A person who attempts to commit an offence under
                   section 28B or 28C is liable to the penalty provided for the
                   offence concerned.

                                                                         Page 3
                   Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

Schedule 1         Amendments to Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961 relating to Opera
                   House security

     28E     Proceedings for offences
             (1)      Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the by-laws,
                      except sections 28B and 28C, are to be dealt with summarily
                      before a Local Court.
             (2)      Chapter 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (which relates
                      to the summary disposal of certain indictable offences unless
                      an election is made to proceed on indictment) applies to and
                      in respect of an offence under section 28B or 28C.

Page 4
Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

Miscellaneous amendments to Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961       Schedule 2

Schedule 2 Miscellaneous amendments to Sydney
           Opera House Trust Act 1961
                                                                       (Section 3)

[1]   Section 12 Delegation to committees, and other persons
      Omit "Any officer or employee appointed pursuant to section 16 may,
      where the delegation has been approved by the Governor," from
      section 12 (4).
      Insert instead "Any member of staff of the Trust may".
[2]   Section 12 (4)
      Omit "the officer or employee". Insert instead "the member of staff".
[3]   Section 15 Common seal
      Omit "officer" from section 15 (2). Insert instead "member of staff".
[4]   Section 16
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
      16    Staff of Trust
            (1)    Such staff as may be necessary to enable the Trust to exercise
                   and perform its powers, authorities, duties and functions are
                   to be employed under Chapter 2 of the Public Sector
                   Employment and Management Act 2002.
            (2)    The Trust may arrange for the use of the services of any staff
                   (by secondment or otherwise) or facilities of a government
                   department or public or local authority.
            (3)    For the purposes of this Act, a person employed under
                   subsection (1) or whose services are made use of under this
                   section is a member of staff of the Trust.
[5]   Section 17 Sydney Opera House Management Account
      Omit "officers and employees referred to in section 16" from
      section 17 (4).
      Insert instead "members of staff of the Trust".

                                                                         Page 5
               Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

Schedule 2     Miscellaneous amendments to Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961

[6]   Section 28 By-laws
      Omit "10 penalty units" from section 28 (2).
      Insert instead "50 penalty units".
[7]   Section 28 (2A)
      Omit the subsection.

Page 6
Sydney Opera House Trust Amendment Bill 2004

Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986                             Schedule 3

Schedule 3 Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act
                                                                        (Section 4)

[1]   Section 268 Maximum penalties for Table 2 offences
      Insert "or 3" after "Part 2" in section 268 (2) (c).
[2]   Schedule 1 Indictable offences triable summarily
      Insert after clause 23A in Table 1 (Indictable offences that are to be dealt
      with summarily unless prosecutor or person charged elects otherwise):
      23B   Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961
                   An offence under section 28B of the Sydney Opera House
                   Trust Act 1961, or an offence under section 28C of that Act
                   where the value of the damage exceeds $5,000.
[3]   Schedule 1
      Insert as Part 3 in Table 2 (Indictable offences that are to be dealt with
      summarily unless prosecutor elects otherwise):

      Part 3       Offences under Sydney Opera House Trust
                   Act 1961
        5   Offence of damaging Opera House
                   An offence under section 28C of the Sydney Opera House
                   Trust Act 1961 where the value of the damage does not exceed

                                                                          Page 7


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