New South Wales Bills

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                          New South Wales

State Revenue Legislation Amendment
Bill 2000


            1   Name of Act                                             2
            2   Commencement                                            2
            3   Amendment of Debits Tax Act 1990 No 112                 2
            4   Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                     2
            5   Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26         2
            6   Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 No 22                2
            7   Amendment of Premium Property Tax Act 1998 No 79        2
            8   Amendment of Roads Act 1993 No 33                       3
            9   Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97     3

            1   Amendment of Debits Tax Act 1990                        4
            2   Amendment of Duties Act 1997                            5
            3   Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956              21
            4   Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971                     23
            5   Amendment of Premium Property Tax Act 1998             25
            6   Amendment of Roads Act 1993                            26
            7   Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996          27
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, has

                                              Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                              Legislative Assembly,
                                              Sydney,                       , 2000

                               New South Wales

State Revenue Legislation Amendment
Bill 2000
Act No     , 2000

An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain State revenue legislation;
and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1         State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

  1      Name of Act
             This Act is the State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000.

  2      Commencement
         (1) This Act commences on the date of assent, except as provided by this
         (2) The following provisions commence, or are taken to have
             commenced, on the dates indicated:
             Schedule 1 on 4 February 2000
             Schedule 2 [6]-[16], [44] and [54] on 1 July 2000
             Schedule 2 [17]-[43], [53] and [55] on 1 March 2000
             Schedule 2 [45] on 1 February 2000
             Schedule 2 [47] on 11 November 1999
             Schedule 2 [48] on 1 December 1999
             Schedule 2 [46] and [50] on 23 May 2000
             Schedule 2 [51] on 22 September 1999

  3      Amendment of Debits Tax Act 1990 No 112
             The Debits Tax Act 1990 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

  4      Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123
             The Duties Act 1997 is amended as set out in Schedule 2.

  5      Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26
             The Land Tax Management Act 1956 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 3.

  6      Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 No 22
             The Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 is amended as set out in Schedule 4.

  7      Amendment of Premium Property Tax Act 1998 No 79
             The Premium Property Tax Act 1998 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 5.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000                     Clause 8

   8   Amendment of Roads Act 1993 No 33
            The Roads Act 1993 is amended as set out in Schedule 6.

   9   Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97
            The Taxation Administration Act 1996 is amended as set out in
            Schedule 7.

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 1        Amendment of Debits Tax Act 1990

Schedule 1           Amendment of Debits Tax Act 1990
                                                                             (Section 3)

 [1]     Section 3 Definitions

         Insert "or a non-profit organisation having as one of its objects a charitable,
         benevolent, philanthropic or patriotic purpose," after "institution," in
         paragraph (a) (v) (A) of the definition of excluded debit in section 3 (1).

 [2]     Section 3 (1)

         Insert "organisation," after "institution," where secondly occurring in
         paragraph (a) (v) of the definition of excluded debit in section 3 (1).

 [3]     Section 3 (1)

         Insert "organisation," after "institution," where secondly occurring in
         paragraph (a) (vi) of the definition of excluded debit in section 3 (1).

 [4]     Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions

         Insert "State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000" at the end of
         clause 1A (1) of Schedule 3.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                            Schedule 2

Schedule 2         Amendment of Duties Act 1997
                                                                           (Section 4)

 [1]   Section 54 Change in trustees

       Omit section 54 (3). Insert instead:
               (3) Duty of $10 is chargeable in respect of a transfer of dutiable
                   property to a person other than a special trustee as a
                   consequence of the retirement of a trustee or the appointment
                   of a new trustee, if the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that, as
                   the case may be:
                   (a)    none of the continuing trustees remaining after the
                          retirement of a trustee is or can become a beneficiary
                          under the trust, and
                   (b)    none of the trustees of the trust after the appointment of
                          a new trustee is or can become a beneficiary under the
                          trust, and
                   (c)    the transfer is not part of a scheme for conferring an
                          interest, in relation to the trust property, on a new
                          trustee or any other person, whether as a beneficiary or
                          otherwise, to the detriment of the beneficial interest or
                          potential beneficial interest of any person.
                    If the Chief Commissioner is not so satisfied, the transfer is
                    chargeable with the same duty as a transfer to a beneficiary
                    under and in conformity with the trusts subject to which the
                    property is held, unless subsection (3A) applies.
             (3A) Duty of $10 is chargeable in respect of a transfer of property as
                  a consequence of the retirement of a responsible entity of a
                  managed investment scheme or the appointment of a new
                  responsible entity of a managed investment scheme if the Chief
                  Commissioner is satisfied that the only beneficial interest
                  acquired by a person in relation to the property as a result of the
                  transfer is a beneficial interest acquired by the replacement or
                  new responsible entity solely because of its appointment as
                  responsible entity for the scheme.

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2        Amendment of Duties Act 1997

 [2]     Section 64 Conversion of lots to strata title

         Insert at the end of section 64 (b):
                              , and
                      (c)     ad valorem duty was paid at the time that the land use
                              entitlement was acquired by the transferee.

 [3]     Section 65 Exemptions from duty

         Insert "or transfer" after "vesting" wherever occurring in section 65 (7) (b).

 [4]     Section 65 (7) (b)

         Omit "that occurs by or as a consequence of a decision of the Liquor
         Administration Board or order of the Licensing Court".

 [5]     Section 68 Exemptions--break-up of marriages and domestic

         Insert at the end of section 68 (2) (b) (ii):
                                     , or
                              (iii) a purchase at public auction of property that,
                                     immediately before the auction, was relationship
                                     property where the public auction is held to
                                     comply with any such order or agreement.

 [6]     Division 1 of Part 8, heading

         Omit "First home purchase scheme". Insert instead "First Home Plus".

 [7]     Sections 69 and 70

         Omit the sections. Insert instead:

          69    The nature of the scheme
                      This scheme is intended to help people who are buying their
                      first home. Under the scheme, the purchase and any mortgage
                      given to assist the financing of the purchase is subject to a
                      concession or exemption from duty.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                                  Schedule 2

         70   Commencement
                    The following transactions and instruments are eligible for
                    consideration under the scheme:
                    (a)   agreements for sale or transfer entered into on or after
                          1 July 2000,
                    (b)   transfers that occur on or after 1 July 2000,
                    (c)   mortgages over land the subject of those agreements or

 [8]   Section 72 Eligible persons--net taxable income

       Omit the section.

 [9]   Section 74 Eligible agreements or transfers

       Omit section 74 (3). Insert instead:
               (3) The total consideration payable under the agreement or transfer
                   (that is, the amount paid for the house or unit, or the land and
                   the construction of a house or unit on the land, and any
                   furnishings and other items acquired under the agreement or
                   transfer or any related document) must be less than:
                   (a)     $300,000 if the property is located in the Metropolitan
                           Area and has a private dwelling built on it, or
                   (b)     $250,000 if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                           Metropolitan Area and has a private dwelling built on it,
                   (c)     $140,000 if the property is located in the Metropolitan
                           Area and comprises a vacant block of residential land,
                   (d)     $110,000 if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                           Metropolitan Area and comprises a vacant block of
                           residential land.
                    Note. "Metropolitan Area" is defined in the Dictionary.

[10]   Section 74 (5) and (6)

       Omit the subsections.

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2        Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[11]     Section 76 Other qualifications

         Omit section 76 (2).

[12]     Section 80

         Omit the section. Insert instead:

          80    Duty payable if application approved
                (1) If an application concerning an eligible agreement or transfer
                    is approved and the consideration payable under the agreement
                    or transfer is not more than the following amounts, no duty is
                    chargeable on the agreement or transfer:
                    (a)    $200,000 if the property is located in the Metropolitan
                           Area and has a private dwelling built on it, or
                    (b)    $175,000 if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                           Metropolitan Area and has a private dwelling built on it,
                    (c)    $95,000 if the property is located in the Metropolitan
                           Area and comprises a vacant block of residential land,
                    (d)    $80,000 if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                           Metropolitan Area and comprises a vacant block of
                           residential land.
                (2) If an application concerning an eligible agreement or transfer
                    is approved and subsection (1) does not apply to the agreement
                    or transfer, duty is chargeable on the agreement or transfer as
                    (a)    if the property is located in the Metropolitan Area and
                           has a private dwelling built on it--at the rate of 8.99%
                           of the total consideration payable under the agreement
                           or transfer, less $17,980.00, or
                    (b)    if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                           Metropolitan Area and has a private dwelling built on
                           it--at the rate of 9.65% of the total consideration
                           payable under the agreement or transfer, less
                           $16,885.00, or

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                                  Schedule 2

                    (c)     if the property is located in the Metropolitan Area and
                            comprises a vacant block of residential land--at the rate
                            of 7.53% of the total consideration payable under the
                            agreement or transfer, less $7,152.00, or
                    (d)     if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                            Metropolitan Area and comprises a vacant block of
                            residential land--at the rate of 7.8% of the total
                            consideration payable under the agreement or transfer,
                            less $6,240.00.
                    Note. "Metropolitan Area" is defined in the Dictionary.

[13]   Section 80A

       Insert after section 80:

       80A    Definitions
                    In this Subdivision:
                    couple means any 2 people residing together or who intend to
                    reside together in the home or on the land the subject of the
                    group self help scheme means a scheme under which the
                    participants contribute labour to a housing project instead of a
                    cash deposit in order to obtain finance to purchase a house and
                    land at a price that is lower than the current full market value.
                    single person means a person residing alone (whether or not
                    with children) or who intends to so reside in the home or on the
                    land the subject of the application.

[14]   Part 8, Division 1, Subdivision 1A

       Insert before section 81:

       Subdivision 1A Payment of instalments under First Home
                      Purchase Scheme prior to 1 August 1998

[15]   Section 85 Definitions

       Omit the section.

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2        Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[16]   Section 92

       Omit the section. Insert instead:

          92    Other provisions
                (1) Sections 76 and 79 apply to this scheme in the same way as
                    they apply to First Home Plus.
                (2) Sections 78 and 81-84 apply to this scheme in the same way as
                    they applied to the First Home Purchase Scheme before 1
                    August 1998.

[17]   Section 145 Imposition of duty

       Insert at the end of section 145 (1) (d):
                            , and
                     (e)    on a sale or purchase of marketable securities on a
                            RIOT's own account, if the sale or purchase is effected
                            in New South Wales, and
                     (f)    on an associated transaction with a RIOT (being a
                            transaction referred to in section 149 (1) (d)).

[18]   Section 145 (3AA)

       Insert after section 145 (3):
             (3AA) For the purposes of subsection (1) (e), a sale or purchase on a
                   RIOT's own account is effected in New South Wales if:
                   (a)    it arises from a manual RIOT order that an individual,
                          being the RIOT or an employee or agent of the RIOT,
                          who is present in New South Wales, instructed a
                          SEATS operator to put into the market, or
                   (b)    it arises from an automated RIOT order that was put by
                          the RIOT into SEATS from New South Wales, or
                   (c)    it did not a arise from a manual RIOT order or an
                          automated RIOT order, and an individual, being the
                          RIOT or an employee or agent of the RIOT, who is
                          present in New South Wales, instructed a SEATS
                          operator to report a trade to the market.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                               Schedule 2

[19]   Section 145 (4)

       Insert in alphabetical order:
                    automated RIOT order means an order that is submitted into
                    SEATS on a RIOT's own account without being keyed or
                    rekeyed by an individual.
                    manual RIOT order means an order that is submitted into
                    SEATS on a RIOT's own account by being keyed or rekeyed
                    by an individual.

[20]   Section 145

       Omit note (3) to section 145.

[21]   Section 147 Who is a "broker"?

       Omit the note to the section. Insert instead:
                    Note. The meaning of "broker" in the Business Rules of the Australian
                    Stock Exchange does not include a RIOT.

[22]   Section 148 Presumptions relating to transactions of brokers and

       Insert "or RIOT" after "a broker" wherever occurring.

[23]   Section 148

       Insert "RIOT," after "the broker," wherever occurring.

[24]   Section 148

       Insert "or RIOT" after "broker" wherever occurring in the note to
       section 148.

[25]   Section 151 Duty at general rate

       Insert "or RIOT" after "broker".

[26]   Section 151A Duty at concessional rate--New Zealand and Papua New
       Guinea corporations

       Insert "or RIOT" after "broker".

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2      Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[27]   Section 153 Marketable securities held on account of RIOTS and
       futures brokers

       Omit "registered independent options trader" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "RIOT".

[28]   Section 153 (1) (a) and (c)

       Omit "an options trader" wherever occurring. Insert instead "a RIOT".

[29]   Section 153

       Omit "the options trader" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "the RIOT".

[30]   Section 153A

       Insert after section 153:

       153A   Marketable securities held by RIOT on its own account
                   Duty is payable by a RIOT at the concessional rate on:
                   (a)    a purchase by a RIOT of marketable securities on its
                          own account in its capacity as a RIOT if:
                          (i)     it intends to sell marketable securities of the
                                  same type during the period of 3 months after
                                  the purchase, and
                          (ii)    the purchase is made for the purpose of hedging
                                  risk in respect of an options contract over
                                  marketable securities of a type in respect of
                                  which options are traded or the price of which is
                                  included in the calculation of an index in respect
                                  of which options are traded, and
                   (b)    a sale by a RIOT of marketable securities of the same
                          type as those purchased by it during the period of 3
                          months before the sale on which duty was payable
                          under paragraph (a), and
                   (c)    a sale by a RIOT of marketable securities held on its
                          own account in its capacity as a RIOT if:
                          (i)     it intends to purchase marketable securities of
                                  the same type during the period of 3 months
                                  after the sale, and

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                          Schedule 2

                           (ii)   the sale is made for the purpose of hedging risk
                                  in respect of an options contract over marketable
                                  securities of a type in respect of which options
                                  are traded or the price of which is included in
                                  the calculation of an index in respect of which
                                  options are traded, and
                    (d)    a purchase by a RIOT of marketable securities of the
                           same type as those sold by it during the period of 3
                           months before the purchase on which duty was payable
                           under paragraph (c).

[31]   Section 155 Additional duty on marketable securities held otherwise
       than for short terms

       Omit "registered independent options trader" wherever occurring in section
       155 (2).
       Insert instead "RIOT".

[32]   Section 155 (2A)

       Insert after section 155 (2):
             (2A) Duty is payable by a RIOT at the differential rate on:
                  (a)    a purchase, on the RIOT's own account, of marketable
                         securities on which concessional duty was paid under
                         section 153A (a) if marketable securities of the same
                         type were not sold by the RIOT during the period of 3
                         months after the purchase, and
                  (b)    a sale by the RIOT, on the RIOT's own account, of
                         marketable securities on which concessional duty was
                         paid under section 153A (c) if marketable securities of
                         the same type were not purchased by the RIOT during
                         the period of 3 months after the sale.

[33]   Section 155 (4)

       Insert ", 153A" after "153".

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2      Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[34]   Section 157 Records of sales, purchases and transactions--generally

       Omit ", the broker (pursuant to an order received by the broker or effected
       by the broker on the broker's own account)" from section 157 (1).
       Insert instead "(on the broker's own account or pursuant to an order
       received by the broker), the broker".

[35]   Section 157 (3)

       Insert after section 157 (2):
              (3) Immediately after a sale or purchase of, or a transaction that
                  transfers, marketable securities that is dutiable under this
                  Chapter, or that is exempt from duty under this Chapter, is
                  made by a RIOT on the RIOT's own account, the RIOT must
                  make a record of the sale, purchase or transaction that shows
                  the following:
                  (a)     its date,
                  (b)     the name of the broker or RIOT on the other side of the
                          transaction (if relevant),
                  (c)     the quantity and full description of the marketable
                  (d)     the selling or purchase price,
                  (e)     the amount of duty chargeable,
                  (f)     in the case of a sale, purchase or transaction that is
                          dutiable at the concessional rate or that is exempt from
                          duty, such particulars as are required to establish that the
                          sale, purchase or transaction is dutiable at the
                          concessional rate or is exempt from duty.

[36]   Section 158 Records of sales, purchases and transactions--RIOTS,
       futures brokers and warrant-issuers

       Omit "registered independent options trader" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "RIOT".

[37]   Section 158 (1)

       Omit "the options trader". Insert instead "the RIOT".

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                          Schedule 2

[38]   Section 159 Lodgment of returns and payment of duty by brokers and

       Insert after section 159 (2):
               (3) A RIOT must, not later than Thursday of each week, lodge
                   with the Chief Commissioner a return in the approved form of
                   the sales, purchases and transactions required to be recorded
                   under section 157 that have been made by the RIOT during the
                   week ending on the preceding Saturday, and pay to the Chief
                   Commissioner the appropriate amount of duty calculated in
                   accordance with Part 2 in respect of the sales, purchases and
                   transactions required to be included in the return (other than
                   exempt transactions).
               (4) Not later than 7 days after the end of a month in which a RIOT
                   becomes liable to pay duty under section 155, the RIOT must
                   lodge with the Chief Commissioner a return in the approved
                   form of the sales, purchases and transactions for which duty is
                   payable, and pay to the Chief Commissioner the appropriate
                   amount of duty calculated in accordance with Part 2 in respect
                   of the sales, purchases and transactions required to be included
                   in the return (other than exempt transactions).

[39]   Section 160 Lodging of returns--RIOTS, futures brokers and warrant-

       Omit "registered independent options trader".
       Insert instead "RIOT".

[40]   Section 160

       Omit "the options trader". Insert instead "the RIOT".

[41]   Section 161 Endorsement of transfer as to payment of duty

       Insert "or RIOT" after "broker" wherever occurring.

[42]   Section 161

       Insert "or RIOT's" after "broker's" wherever occurring.

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2      Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[43]   Section 161 (5)

       Omit "157 (1)". Insert instead "157".

[44]   Section 221 Eligible mortgages under First Home Plus

       Omit section 221 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) Duty is payable in accordance with the following paragraphs on
                  an advance secured by an eligible mortgage under Division 1
                  of Part 8 of Chapter 2 or a mortgage in support of such an
                  eligible mortgage, but only to the extent that the amount of the
                  advances qualifies under section 77 (3) or (4):
                  (a)     if the property is located in the Metropolitan Area and
                          has a private dwelling built on it:

                   Consideration payable under the                          Discount on duty
                   agreement or transfer
                   Not more than $200,000                                   100%
                   More than $200,000 but not more than
                   $235,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   75%
                   More than $235,000 but not more than
                   $265,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50%
                   More than $265,000 but less than
                   $300,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   25%

                   (b)        if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                              Metropolitan Area and has a private dwelling built on it:

                   Consideration payable under the                          Discount on duty
                   agreement or transfer
                   Not more than $175,000 . . . . . . . . . . .             100%
                   More than $175,000 but not more than
                   $200,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   75%
                   More than $200,000 but not more than
                   $225,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50%
                   More than $225,000 but less than
                   $250,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   25%

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                                            Schedule 2

                    (c)        if the property is located in the Metropolitan Area and
                               comprises a vacant block of residential land:

                    Consideration payable under the                           Discount on duty
                    agreement or transfer
                    Not more than $95,000 . . . . . . . . . . . .             100%
                    More than $95,000 but not more than
                    $110,00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   75%
                    More than $110,000 but not more than
                    $125,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    50%
                    More than $125,000 but less than
                    $140,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25%

                    (d)        if the property is located elsewhere than in the
                               Metropolitan Area and comprises a vacant block of

                    Consideration payable under the                           Discount on duty
                    agreement or transfer
                    Not more than $80,000 . . . . . . . . . . . .             100%
                    More than $80,000 but not more than
                    $90,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   75%
                    More than $90,000 but not more than
                    $100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    50%
                    More than $100,000 but less than
                    $110,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25%

                    Note. "Metropolitan Area" is defined in the Dictionary.

[45]   Section 233 Classes of general insurance

       Insert at the end of section 233 (4) (b):
                               , or
                    (c)        until 1 February 2005, insurance under the Debtor
                               Insurance Scheme of the Stock and Station Agents

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2      Amendment of Duties Act 1997

[46]   Section 234 What duty is payable?

       Omit "11.5%" from section 234 (1). Insert instead "10%".

[47]   Section 267 Exemptions

       Omit section 267 (7A). Insert instead:
             (7A) Vehicles purchased by war veterans
                   Duty under this Chapter is not chargeable in respect of an
                   application to register a motor vehicle in the name of a veteran
                   who is:
                   (a)    eligible for 70 % or more of the general rate of pension
                          specified in section 22 (3) of the Commonwealth
                          Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986, or
                   (b)    eligible for the rate of pension determined in accordance
                          with section 22 (4) of that Act, or
                   (c)    eligible for the rate of pension determined in accordance
                          with section 23 of that Act, or
                   (d)    eligible for the rate of pension under section 24 of that
                   Note. The rates of pension referred to in subsection (7A) (b), (c) and (d)
                   are known, respectively, as the extreme disablement adjustment rate of
                   pension, the intermediate rate of pension and the special rate of pension
                   for total and permanent incapacity.

[48]   Section 278 Department of Housing and Aboriginal Housing Office

       Omit section 278 (a). Insert instead:
                   (a)     is a tenant:
                           (i)     of the Department of Housing, or
                           (ii)    under the Community Tenancy Scheme
                                   administered within that Department, or
                           (iii) of the Aboriginal Housing Office,
                           at the date of the transaction or the date of the first
                           execution of the instrument, and

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Duties Act 1997                                            Schedule 2

[49]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000

[50]   Schedule 1

       Insert at the end of Schedule 1 (with appropriate Part and clause numbers):

       Part       Provisions consequent on enactment of State
                  Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000
              Insurance duty
                    The amendments made to section 234 (1) by the State Revenue
                    Legislation Amendment Act 2000 have effect only in relation to
                    premiums paid on or after 23 May 2000 for contracts of
                    insurance and renewals of contracts of insurance that take effect
                    after 1 October 2000.

[51]   Dictionary, definition of "index trust"

       Insert after paragraph (g) of the definition of index trust:
                    (h)    Barclays Investment Funds Australian Equity Index

[52]   Dictionary, definition of "mortgage"

       Insert "sections 282 and 284 and" after "purposes of".

[53]   Dictionary, definition of "registered independent options trader"

       Omit the definition.

[54]   Dictionary

       Insert in alphabetical order:
                    Metropolitan Area means the following:
                    County of Cumberland
                    local government area of Wollondilly

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               State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 2     Amendment of Duties Act 1997

                    City of Wollongong
                    City of Shellharbour
                    City of Gosford
                    local government area of Wyong
                    City of Blue Mountains.

[55]   Dictionary

       Insert in alphabetical order:
                    RIOT has the same meaning as a registered independent
                    options trader has in the Business Rules of the Australian
                    Stock Exchange.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956                           Schedule 3

Schedule 3         Amendment of Land Tax Management Act
                                                                      (Section 5)

 [1]   Section 10 Land exempted from tax

       Omit "Education Reform Act" from section 10 (1) (g) (ii).
       Insert instead "Education Act".

 [2]   Section 10 (1) (q)

       Insert after section 10 (1) (p1):
                    (q)     land used solely as a police station,

 [3]   Section 21A Company title units taken to be strata lots

       Insert "or one of 2 or more buildings on the land" after "on the land" in
       section 21A (1) (a).

 [4]   Section 21A (1) (b)

       Insert "or buildings" after "building".

 [5]   Section 21A (2) (a)

       Insert "or that building" after "building".

 [6]   Section 21A (2) (b)

       Insert ", or each such building," after "building".

 [7]   Section 21A (3)

       Insert ", or a building," after "building".

                                                                        Page 21
                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 3      Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956

 [8]   Section 21A (4)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (4) The Chief Commissioner's redetermination is to be by
                  reference to:
                  (a)    the proportion that the floor area of the deemed lot
                         bears to the total floor area that is separately occupied,
                         or capable of being used for separate occupation, in the
                         building, or
                  (b)    in the case of an entitlement to occupy one of 2 or more
                         buildings, the proportion that the floor area of the
                         deemed lot bears to the total floor area that is separately
                         occupied, or capable of being used for separate
                         occupation, in all of those buildings.

 [9]   Section 47 Land tax to be first charge on land

       Omit "of $15" from section 47 (1A) (b).
       Insert instead "determined by the Chief Commissioner".

[10]   Section 65A Alteration of strata unit entitlements

       Omit section 65A (6). Insert instead:
              (6) For that purpose, the Chief Commissioner may make an
                  assessment, reassessment or compromise assessment of land
                  tax in accordance with Part 3 of the Taxation Administration
                  Act 1996.

[11]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions

       Insert "State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000" at the end of
       clause 1A (1) of Schedule 2.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971                                Schedule 4

Schedule 4         Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971
                                                                     (Section 6)

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of corporation from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  corporation has the same meaning as in the Corporations Law.

 [2]   Section 3 (1)

       Omit the definition of voting share. Insert instead:
                  voting share has the same meaning as in section 9 of the
                  Corporations Law.

 [3]   Section 10 Exemption from pay-roll tax

       Omit "Department of Training and Education" from section 10 (1) (m).
       Insert instead "Department of Education and Training".

 [4]   Section 16D Grouping of commonly controlled businesses

       Omit "section 7 (5) of the Companies (New South Wales) Code" from
       section 16D (4).
       Insert instead "section 50 of the Corporations Law".

 [5]   Section 16D (4)

       Omit "that Code". Insert instead "that Law".

 [6]   Section 25 Liquidator to give notice

       Omit "Companies (New South Wales) Code" from section 25 (7) (b).
       Insert instead "Corporations Law".

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 4      Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Act 1971

 [7]   Schedule 2 Calculation of pay-roll tax liability from 1 July 1996

       Omit paragraph (b) (i) of the definition of R in clause 13 (1) of Part 4.
       Insert instead:
                         (i)      commencing on 1 July 1999--6.4, or
                         (ia) commencing on 1 July 2000--6.4 for the first 2
                                  quarters of the financial year and 6.2 for the last
                                  2 quarters of the financial year, or

 [8]   Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert "State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000" at the end of clause
       1 (1) of Schedule 6.

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Premium Property Tax Act 1998                          Schedule 5

Schedule 5         Amendment of Premium Property Tax Act
                                                                      (Section 7)

       Section 5 Definitions

       Omit "Valuation of Land Act 1916" wherever occurring in the definition of
       land value.
       Insert instead "Part 7 of the Land Tax Management Act 1956".

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               State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Schedule 6     Amendment of Roads Act 1993

Schedule 6        Amendment of Roads Act 1993
                                                                  (Section 8)

       Section 196 Compensation provided in form of land

       Omit "No stamp duty is payable under the Stamp Duties Act 1920" from
       section 196 (2).
       Insert instead "No duty is payable under the Duties Act 1997".

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996                            Schedule 7

Schedule 7          Amendment of Taxation Administration
                    Act 1996
                                                                            (Section 9)

 [1]   Section 9 Reassessment

       Insert "and, as a result, the tax liability was assessed at a lower amount than
       the Chief Commissioner would otherwise have assessed it" after "Chief
       Commissioner" in section 9 (3) (b).

 [2]   Section 37 Approval of special tax return arrangements

       Insert after section 37 (3):
               (4) The calculation of tax by a person other than the Chief
                   Commissioner in accordance with a special arrangement
                   approved under this section is not an assessment.

 [3]   Section 42 Stamping of instruments

       Insert after section 42 (2):
               (3) Despite subsection (1), the endorsing of an instrument as
                   referred to in subsection (1) (b) is not evidence of an
                   assessment of the duty payable under the Duties Act 1997 in
                   respect of the instrument.

 [4]   Section 82 Permitted disclosures--to particular persons

       Insert after section 82 (e) (viiib):
                            (viiic) the Commissioner for the New South Wales
                                    Crime Commission, or

 [5]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert "State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2000" at the end of
       clause 1 (1) of Schedule 1.

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