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State Revenue Legislation Amendment
(Defence Force Concessions) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 and the Duties Act 1997 to
make provision for grants and duty concessions in respect of Defence Force
              State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Defence Force Concessions)
Clause 1      Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                            1

 1    Name of Act                                                                     2

           This Act is the State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Defence Force         3
           Concessions) Act 2009.                                                     4

 2    Commencement                                                                    5

           This Act is taken to have commenced on the day the Bill for this Act was   6
           introduced into the Legislative Assembly.                                  7

Page 2
State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Defence Force Concessions)
Bill 2009

Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21                     Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Amendment of First Home Owner Grant                                1
                      Act 2000 No 21                                                     2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              3

      Omit "a grant" from the definition of first home owner grant.                      4

      Insert instead "a first home owner grant".                                         5

[2]   Section 7 Entitlement to grant                                                     6

      Omit section 7 (2) and (3). Insert instead:                                        7

             (2)   An applicant need not comply with the eligibility criteria to the     8
                   extent the applicant is exempted from compliance with the             9
                   eligibility criteria by this Act.                                    10

             (3)   A first home owner grant is payable before completion of the         11
                   relevant eligible transaction if payment is authorised under         12
                   section 20.                                                          13

[3]   Section 43A                                                                       14

      Insert before section 44:                                                         15

      43A   Special grant for ADF personnel                                             16

             (1)   A grant (an ADF home buyer's grant) is payable on an                 17
                   application under this Act if:                                       18
                   (a) the applicant or, if there are 2 or more of them, at least one   19
                         of the applicants is a member of the Defence Force on the      20
                         commencement date of the eligible transaction, and             21
                   (b) the applicant or, if there are 2 or more of them, each of the    22
                         applicants:                                                    23
                          (i) complies with the eligibility criteria for a first home   24
                                owner grant (except for the residence requirement),     25
                                and                                                     26
                         (ii) is enrolled to vote in State elections (under the         27
                                Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912)       28
                                on the commencement date of the eligible                29
                                transaction, and                                        30
                   (c) the transaction for which the grant is sought:                   31
                          (i) is an eligible transaction, and                           32
                         (ii) has been completed.                                       33

             (2)   Subject to this section, this Act applies in relation to an ADF      34
                   home buyer's grant in the same way as it applies to a first home     35
                   owner grant, with any necessary modifications, as if a reference     36

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               State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Defence Force Concessions)
               Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21

                      in this Act to a first home owner grant included a reference to an    1
                      ADF home buyer's grant.                                               2

             (3)      The residence requirement does not apply to an ADF home               3
                      buyer's grant.                                                        4

             (4)      An ADF home buyer's grant is payable in respect of an eligible        5
                      transaction only if a first home owner grant is not payable in        6
                      respect of the same eligible transaction.                             7

             (5)      In this section, a member of the Defence Force means a member         8
                      of the Permanent Forces of the Australian Defence Force (within       9
                      the meaning of the Defence Act 1903 of the Commonwealth).            10

[4]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                11

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   12
                    State Revenue Legislation          Amendment     (Defence    Force     13
                    Concessions) Act 2009                                                  14

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Defence Force Concessions)
Bill 2009

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                     Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                1

[1]   Section 76 Residence requirement                                                    2

      Insert after section 76 (5):                                                        3

             (6)   The residence requirement does not apply to an application under       4
                   the scheme if, on the date of the agreement or transfer:               5
                    (a) the applicant or, if there are 2 or more of them, at least one    6
                          of the applicants is a member of the Permanent Forces of        7
                          the Australian Defence Force (within the meaning of the         8
                          Defence Act 1903 of the Commonwealth), and                      9
                   (b) the applicant or, if there are 2 or more of them, each of the     10
                          applicants is enrolled to vote in State elections (under the   11
                          Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912).             12

[2]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                              13

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 14
                    State Revenue Legislation       Amendment      (Defence    Force     15
                    Concessions) Act 2009                                                16

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