New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

State Water Corporation Bill 2004


Part 1   Preliminary
          1   Name of Act                                               2
          2   Commencement                                              2
          3   Definitions                                               2

Part 2   State Water Corporation
         Division 1    Constitution of State Water Corporation as
                       statutory SOC
          4   Establishment of State Water Corporation as statutory
              State owned corporation                                   4
         Division 2    Objectives and functions of State Water
          5   Objectives of Corporation                                 4
          6   Functions of Corporation                                  5
State Water Corporation Bill 2004


             Division 3        Management of State Water Corporation
                7   Board of directors of Corporation                          6
                8   Chief executive officer                                    6
                9   Acting chief executive officer                             7

             Division 4        Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities
              10    Transfer of specified assets, rights and liabilities       8

             Division 5        Operating licence
              11    Grant of operating licence                                 8
              12    Terms and conditions of operating licence                  9
              13    Amendment of operating licence                            10
              14    Term of operating licence                                 10
              15    Area covered by operating licence                         10
              16    Contravention of operating licence                        11
              17    Contravention of operating licence: action by Tribunal    11
              18    Review of certain decisions of Tribunal concerning
                    operating licence                                         13
              19    Cancellation of operating licence                         13

             Division 6        General
              20    Foundation charter of Corporation                         14

Part 3       Powers of State Water Corporation
              21    Ownership of works                                        15
              22    Acquisition of land for purposes of this Act              15
              23    Entry on land                                             16
              24    Power to break up roads                                   16
              25    Altering position of conduits                             17
              26    Corporation may use water management works to
                    generate hydro-electricity                                17
              27    Obstruction of water management works                     18
              28    Finding source of pollution of water supply               18
              29    Corporation may impose fees and charges                   18

Part 4       Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
              30    Regulatory functions of Tribunal                          20
              31    Operational and other audits                              20

Part 5       Miscellaneous
              32    Authorised officers                                       22
              33    Obstruction of authorised officers                        22
              34    Exclusion of personal liability                           22

Contents page 2
State Water Corporation Bill 2004


              35    Nature of proceedings for offences                       23
              36    Transfer of staff                                        23
              37    Regulations                                              23
              38    Amendment of Acts and regulations                        23
              39    Savings, transitional and other provisions               23
              40    Review of Act                                            23

Schedule 1          Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities               25
Schedule 2          Transfer of staff                                        28
Schedule 3          Amendment of Acts and regulations                        30
Schedule 4          Savings, transitional and other provisions               38

                                                                 Contents page 3
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2004

                            New South Wales

State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Act No       , 2004

An Act to establish State Water Corporation as a statutory State owned
corporation to exercise functions relating to the capture, storage and release of
water and other functions; to make consequential amendments to other Acts; and
for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1            Preliminary
  1      Name of Act
               This Act is the State Water Corporation Act 2004.
  2      Commencement
               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by
  3      Definitions
         (1)   In this Act:
               area of operations of the Corporation means the area of operations
               of the Corporation within the meaning of section 15.
               authorised officer means a person to whom a certificate of authority
               is issued under section 32.
               board means the board of directors of the Corporation.
               Corporation means State Water Corporation.
               Department means the Department of Energy, Utilities and
               estuary has the same meaning as in the Water Management Act
               exercise a function includes perform a duty.
               Fish River water supply scheme means the water management
               work comprising the concrete dam on Fish River at Oberon and
               Duckmaloi Weir, together with:
               (a) its associated gravitation main, concrete reservoirs,
                    reticulation systems and treatment works, and
               (b) the pumping station at Oberon, and
               (c) all incidental and connected works, and
               (d) all additions, amplifications, improvements and extensions to
                    that scheme.
               function includes a power, authority or duty.
               lake has the same meaning as in the Water Management Act 2000.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                        Clause 3

Preliminary                                                              Part 1

              Ministerial Corporation means the Water Administration
              Ministerial Corporation constituted by the Water Management Act
              operating licence means the operating licence granted under section
              11 or any renewal of it.
              operational audit means an operational audit of the Corporation
              that is required to be prepared under the operating licence.
              river has the same meaning as in the Water Management Act 2000.
              Tribunal means the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
              established under the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
              Act 1992.
              water management work, water source and water supply authority
              have the same meaning as in the Water Management Act 2000.
       (2)    Subject to subsection (1), words and expressions used in this Act
              have the same meanings as they have in the State Owned
              Corporations Act 1989.
       (3)    Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.

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Clause 4          State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

Part 2            State Water Corporation
Division 1            Constitution of State Water Corporation as
                      statutory SOC
  4      Establishment of State Water Corporation as statutory State owned
         (1)   There is constituted by this Act a corporation with the corporate
               name of State Water Corporation.
         (2)   The State Owned Corporations Act 1989 is amended by inserting in
               Schedule 5, in alphabetical order, the words "State Water
               Note. The State Owned Corporations Act 1989 contains many provisions that
               apply to State Water Corporation as a statutory State owned corporation. In
               particular, Part 3 contains provisions relating to their status, the application of
               the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth, the issue of shares to the
               Treasurer and another Minister, the board of directors, the chief executive
               officer, the employment of staff, the giving of directions by the portfolio Minister
               (including directions as to the performance of non-commercial activities or the
               carrying out of public sector policies), the constitution, tax-equivalent payments,
               government guarantees, the sale or disposal of assets and legal capacity. Part
               4 deals with the accountability of State owned corporations (including
               requirements for statements of corporate intent, annual reports and accounts).
               Part 5 deals with miscellaneous matters (including the duties and liabilities of
               directors and the application of public sector legislation).

Division 2            Objectives and functions of State Water
  5      Objectives of Corporation
         (1)   The principal objectives of the Corporation are to capture, store and
               release water in an efficient, effective, safe and financially
               responsible manner.
         (2)   The other objectives of the Corporation are as follows:
               (a) to be a successful business and, to that end:
                     (i) to operate at least as efficiently as any comparable
                           business, and
                    (ii) to maximise the net worth of the State's investment in
                           the Corporation,
               (b) to exhibit a sense of social responsibility by having regard to
                    the interests of the community in which it operates,

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                     Clause 6

State Water Corporation                                               Part 2

              (c)   where its activities affect the environment, to conduct its
                    operations in compliance with the principles of ecologically
                    sustainable development contained in section 6 (2) of the
                    Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991,
              (d)   to exhibit a sense of responsibility towards regional
                    development and decentralisation in the way in which it
       (3)   The other objectives of the Corporation are of equal importance, but
             are not as important as the principal objectives of the Corporation.
       (4)   Section 20E of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 does not
             apply to the Corporation.
  6   Functions of Corporation
       (1)   The principal functions of the Corporation are as follows:
             (a) to capture and store water and to release water:
                    (i) to persons entitled to take the water, including release
                         to regional towns, and
                   (ii) for the purposes of flood management, and
                  (iii) for any other lawful purpose, including the release of
                         environmental water,
             (b) to construct, maintain and operate water management works,
             (c) any other functions conferred or imposed on it by the
                   operating licence or by or under this or any other Act or law.
       (2)   The Corporation may:
             (a) provide facilities or services that are necessary, ancillary or
                  incidental to its principal functions, and
             (b) conduct any business or activity (whether or not related to its
                  principal functions) that it considers will further its
       (3)   The exercise by the Corporation of any of its functions is subject to
             the operating licence and any applicable requirements under the
             Water Management Act 2000 or the Water Act 1912.
       (4)   This section does not limit the functions of the Corporation apart
             from this section, but is subject to the provisions of the State Owned
             Corporations Act 1989, this Act and any other Act or law.

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Clause 7          State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

Division 3           Management of State Water Corporation
  7      Board of directors of Corporation
         (1)   The board of directors of the Corporation is to consist of not fewer
               than 3 and not more than 8 directors appointed by the voting
               shareholders. The voting shareholders are to consult with the
               portfolio Minister on the persons recommended for appointment as
         (2)   The person for the time being holding office as chief executive
               officer of the Corporation is to be a director of the board.
         (3)   Of the directors, one is to be a person who is selected from a panel
               of 3 persons nominated by the Labor Council of New South Wales
               by a selection committee consisting of 2 persons nominated by the
               voting shareholders and 2 persons nominated by the Labor Council
               of New South Wales.
         (4)   The procedures for constituting the selection committee, for making
               nominations and for determining other matters relating to the
               selection process are to be determined by regulations under this Act
               or (subject to any such regulations) by the voting shareholders.
         (5)   Schedule 8 to the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 (clause 4
               excepted) and section 20J (subsections (2)-(5) and (7) excepted) of
               that Act apply with respect to the board.
         (6)   The persons appointed as directors are, between them, to have the
               necessary expertise, skills and knowledge that will enable the
               Corporation to meet its objectives.
  8      Chief executive officer
         (1)   The chief executive officer of the Corporation is to be appointed by
               the board after consultation with the voting shareholders and the
               portfolio Minister.
         (2)   The board may remove a person from office as chief executive
               officer, at any time, for any or no reason and without notice, but only
               after consultation with the voting shareholders and the portfolio
         (3)   The chief executive officer is entitled to be paid such remuneration
               (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as the board may
               determine after consultation with the voting shareholders.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                      Clause 9

State Water Corporation                                                Part 2

       (4)   The board may, after consultation with the voting shareholders and
             the portfolio Minister, fix the conditions of employment of the chief
             executive officer in so far as they are not fixed by or under any other
             Act or law.
       (5)   The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 (Chapter
             5 included) does not apply to the chief executive officer.
       (6)   Clauses 1 and 4 of Schedule 9 to the State Owned Corporations Act
             1989 have effect with respect to the chief executive officer.
       (7)   The provisions of section 20K (2) and (4) of the State Owned
             Corporations Act 1989 do not apply to the chief executive officer.
       (8)   The provisions of this section are in addition to and (except to the
             extent to which this section provides) do not derogate from the
             provisions of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989.
  9   Acting chief executive officer
       (1)   The board may, from time to time, appoint a person to act in the
             office of chief executive officer during the illness or absence of the
             chief executive officer of the Corporation.
       (2)   The board may remove a person from office as acting chief
             executive officer, at any time, for any or no reason and without
       (3)   A person, while acting in the office of chief executive officer:
             (a) has all the functions of the chief executive officer and is taken
                  to be the chief executive officer, and
             (b) is entitled to be paid such remuneration (including travelling
                  and subsistence allowances) as the board may determine.
       (4)   For the purposes of this section, a vacancy in the office of a chief
             executive officer is regarded as an absence from office of the chief
             executive officer.
       (5)   The board is not to appoint a person to act in the office of chief
             executive officer during any vacancy in that office without the
             concurrence of the voting shareholders and the portfolio Minister.
       (6)   The provisions of this section are in addition to and (except to the
             extent to which this section provides) do not derogate from the
             provisions of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989.

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Clause 10         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

Division 4           Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities
10       Transfer of specified assets, rights and liabilities
         (1)   The Minister may, with the concurrence of the voting shareholders,
               by order in writing, transfer to the Corporation such of the assets,
               rights and liabilities of the Ministerial Corporation, the State or a
               public or local authority as are specified or referred to in the order.
         (2)   The Minister may, with the concurrence of the voting shareholders,
               by order in writing, transfer to the Ministerial Corporation or to any
               other person or body on behalf of the State such of the assets, rights
               and liabilities of the Corporation, as are specified or referred to in
               the order.
         (3)   The Minister is not to make an order under subsection (1) or (2)
               unless the relevant person or body from whom, or to whom, the
               assets, rights or liabilities are to be transferred has consented to the
         (4)   The fee simple in land that comprises the bed of any river, lake or
               estuary is not to be transferred to the Corporation under this section
               unless the Minister administering the Crown Lands Act 1989 has
               been consulted in relation to the transfer.
         (5)   Subsection (4) does not prevent the transfer to the Corporation of
               the ownership of any works installed in or on the bed of any river,
               lake or estuary.
         (6)   An order under this section may be made on such terms and
               conditions as are specified or referred to in the order.
         (7)   Schedule 1 applies to any transfer of assets, rights or liabilities under
               this section.
         (8)   Section 20C of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 does not
               apply to the transfer of assets, rights or liabilities to the Corporation.

Division 5           Operating licence
11       Grant of operating licence
         (1)   The Governor, on the recommendation of the portfolio Minister,
               may grant an operating licence to the Corporation to enable the
               Corporation, in accordance with this Act, to carry out its functions.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                     Clause 12

State Water Corporation                                               Part 2

       (2)   Except to the extent to which this Act expressly provides, nothing in
             the operating licence limits the requirements imposed by or under
             any other Act or law with respect to the functions referred to in
             subsection (1).
12    Terms and conditions of operating licence
       (1)   The operating licence is subject to the terms and conditions
             determined by the Governor, on the recommendation of the
             portfolio Minister, but must include terms or conditions under
             which the Corporation is required:
             (a) to provide, construct, operate, manage and maintain efficient,
                   co-ordinated and commercially viable systems and services to
                   capture, store and release water, and
             (b) to ensure that the systems and services meet the performance
                   standards specified in the operating licence in relation to
                   water delivery and any other applicable requirements set out
                   in the operating licence.
       (2)   The terms and conditions of the operating licence are to make
             provision for the preparation of operational audits by the Tribunal.
       (3)   The terms and conditions of the operating licence may confer on the
             Corporation any specified functions of:
             (a) the Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000
                   under that Act or the Water Act 1912, or
             (b) the Ministerial Corporation under any Act or law.
       (4)   A function is not to be conferred under subsection (3) unless the
             Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000 or the
             Premier provides his or her concurrence to the conferral of the
       (5)   A function of the Minister referred to in subsection (3) (a) or of the
             Ministerial Corporation conferred on the Corporation under
             subsection (3) may also be exercised by the Minister or the
             Ministerial Corporation (as the case requires) despite that conferral.
             However, a function may be conferred exclusively on the
             Corporation if the Minister administering the Water Management
             Act 2000 or the Premier provides his or her concurrence to the
             exclusive conferral of the function.
       (6)   The conferral of functions under subsection (3) has effect according
             to its tenor.

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Clause 13         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

13       Amendment of operating licence
         (1)   The Governor, on the recommendation of the portfolio Minister,
               may amend or substitute the operating licence or impose, amend or
               revoke conditions of the operating licence.
         (2)   The portfolio Minister is to consult with the Corporation before
               making a recommendation to the Governor under subsection (1).
14       Term of operating licence
         (1)   The initial term of the operating licence is to be for a maximum of
               3 years, as determined by the Governor.
         (2)   After the initial term, the Governor may renew the operating licence
               for a maximum of 5 years at a time.
         (3)   The operating licence may be renewed even if its term has expired.
15       Area covered by operating licence
         (1)   The area of operations of the Corporation is the whole of the State,
               other than the following areas:
               (a) the area of operations of Sydney Water Corporation within
                     the meaning of the Sydney Water Act 1994,
               (b) the area of operations of Sydney Catchment Authority within
                     the meaning of the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act
               (c) the area of operations of Hunter Water Corporation within the
                     meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991,
               (d) the area of operations of a water supply authority.
         (2)   Despite subsection (1) (b) and (d), the area of operations of the
               Corporation includes the area of operations of the Corporation in its
               capacity as a water supply authority in relation to the Fish River
               water supply scheme.
         (3)   Despite subsection (1), the operating licence may authorise the
               Corporation to carry out any of its functions:
               (a) outside the State, or
               (b) in any of the areas referred to in subsection (1) (a)-(d) with
                    the agreement of Sydney Water Corporation, Sydney
                    Catchment Authority, Hunter Water Corporation or the water
                    supply authority, respectively (the relevant body).

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                    Clause 16

State Water Corporation                                              Part 2

       (4)   If, under subsection (3) (b), the Corporation is to carry out its
             functions in more than one of the areas referred to in subsection (1)
             (a)-(d), the Corporation is to obtain the agreement of each relevant
             body in relation to the exercise of those functions.
       (5)   Nothing in this Act affects the area of operations of Sydney Water
             Corporation, Sydney Catchment Authority or Hunter Water
       (6)   In this section, a reference to the area of operations of a water
             supply authority means the area of operations prescribed for that
             water supply authority by regulations made under section 289 (1) of
             the Water Management Act 2000.
16    Contravention of operating licence
       (1)   If, in the opinion of the portfolio Minister, the Corporation
             contravenes the operating licence, the portfolio Minister may cause
             a notice to be served on the Corporation requiring it to rectify the
             contravention within a specified period.
       (2)   If, in the opinion of the portfolio Minister, the Corporation
             contravenes the operating licence, and whether or not a notice has
             been served under subsection (1) or the period specified in the
             notice has ended, the Governor may direct that the Corporation is to
             pay a monetary penalty of an amount to be determined by the
       (3)   The fact that the Governor has directed that action be taken under
             this section does not prevent the Governor directing that the same or
             other action under this section be taken if the contravention
             continues or a fresh contravention occurs.
       (4)   The operating licence may make provision for advice to be
             furnished to the portfolio Minister in connection with the exercise
             of the portfolio Minister's functions under this section.
       (5)   A penalty imposed under this section may be recovered in any court
             of competent jurisdiction as if it were a debt due to the State.
17    Contravention of operating licence: action by Tribunal
       (1)   The Tribunal may impose a monetary penalty on the Corporation if
             the Corporation contravenes the operating licence.
       (2)   The Tribunal may, instead of imposing a monetary penalty, require
             the Corporation to take such action as the Tribunal considers
             appropriate in the circumstances, including (for example) requiring

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Clause 17         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

               the sending of information to customers or the publication of notices
               in newspapers.
         (3)   The Tribunal may not require action to be taken under subsection
               (2) by the Corporation if the cost of that action would exceed the
               monetary penalty that the Tribunal could impose under this section
               on the Corporation.
         (4)   If the Tribunal requires information to be sent to a customer under
               subsection (2), the Corporation may satisfy that requirement by
               sending the information to the customer with the next account or bill
               to be sent to the customer by the Corporation or, if the Corporation
               is sending other information to that customer before the next
               account or bill, with that other information.
         (5)   Action may be taken under this section only if the Corporation has
               knowingly contravened the operating licence.
         (6)   The monetary penalty that the Tribunal may impose under this
               section must not exceed $10,000 for the first day on which the
               contravention concerned occurs and a further $1,000 for each
               subsequent day (not exceeding 30 days) on which the contravention
         (7)   The Tribunal must not take action under this section unless:
               (a) the Tribunal has considered whether the contravention has
                    been or is likely to be the subject of any other penalty or action
                    or any claim for compensation, and is satisfied that it is
                    nevertheless appropriate to take action under this section, and
               (b) the Tribunal has considered the action that the Corporation
                    has taken or is likely to take in respect of the contravention
                    and the cost to the Corporation in taking that action, and is
                    satisfied that it is nevertheless appropriate to take action under
                    this section.
         (8)   The Tribunal is required to consider the seriousness of the
               contravention concerned in determining whether to impose a
               monetary penalty under this section.
         (9)   The Tribunal must not take action under this section unless:
               (a) notice of the proposed action has been given to the
                    Corporation, and
               (b) the Corporation has been given a reasonable opportunity to
                    make submissions with respect to the proposed action, and

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                    Clause 18

State Water Corporation                                              Part 2

              (c)   the Tribunal has given due consideration to any such
     (10)    The Tribunal must not take action under this section in respect of a
             contravention if any action has already been taken under section 16
             in respect of the contravention.
     (11)    Nothing in this section affects any powers under section 16 in
             respect of a contravention, whether or not the Tribunal has already
             taken action under this section in respect of the contravention.
     (12)    A penalty imposed under this section may be recovered in any court
             of competent jurisdiction as if it were a debt due to the State.
18    Review of certain decisions of Tribunal concerning operating
       (1)   The Corporation, if aggrieved by a decision of the Tribunal to take
             action under section 17 in relation to the Corporation, may apply to
             the Administrative Decisions Tribunal for a review of the decision.
       (2)   Section 53 (Internal reviews) of the Administrative Decisions
             Tribunal Act 1997 does not apply to such a decision of the Tribunal.
19    Cancellation of operating licence
       (1)   The operating licence may be cancelled by the Governor, but only
             (a) the Corporation ceases, otherwise than as authorised by the
                  operating licence, to carry out its functions in accordance with
                  the operating licence in the area of operations of the
                  Corporation for any reason, or
             (b) the Corporation:
                   (i) is, in the opinion of the portfolio Minister, in material
                         default in complying with the operating licence, viewed
                         in terms of the operation of the operating licence as a
                         whole, and
                  (ii) has not, within the time specified by the portfolio
                         Minister in a notice to the Corporation, either rectified
                         the default or shown cause, to the satisfaction of the
                         portfolio Minister, why the operating licence should not
                         be cancelled, or
             (c) the Corporation has been convicted on more than 3 occasions
                  within a period of 12 months of offences that are punishable

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Clause 20         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 2            State Water Corporation

                      by a fine of at least $10,000 or, if the Corporation were a
                      natural person, imprisonment for 12 months or more.
         (2)   A notice under section 16 (1) can be regarded also as a notice for the
               purposes of subsection (1) (b) (ii).
         (3)   If the operating licence is cancelled under this section, the Governor
               may, by order published in the Gazette, transfer to the Ministerial
               Corporation, the State or a public or local authority (as specified in
               the order), from a date specified in the order, the assets and rights of
               the Corporation that are specified in the order and that, in the
               opinion of the portfolio Minister, are necessary to enable the
               Ministerial Corporation, the State or the public or local authority to
               exercise such of the functions exercisable (or formerly exercisable)
               by the Corporation as appear to be necessary in the public interest.
         (4)   An order under this section may provide for:
               (a) the Ministerial Corporation, the State or a public or local
                    authority to assume those liabilities of the Corporation that
                    the Governor considers appropriate and specifies in the order,
               (b) the Ministerial Corporation, the State or a public or local
                    authority to pay the whole or any part of the liabilities of the
         (5)   Schedule 1 applies to any transfer of assets, rights or liabilities under
               this section.

Division 6            General
20       Foundation charter of Corporation
               For the purposes of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989, the
               foundation charter of the Corporation is this Part (but not the
               remainder of this Act).
               Note. Section 3 of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 defines the
               foundation charter of a statutory State owned corporation (SOC) as the whole
               of any Act by which a SOC is established for the purposes of the State Owned
               Corporations Act 1989 and, in particular, for the purpose of the provisions
               relating to the legal capacity of statutory SOCs and assumptions that they have
               complied with that Act and their foundation charter.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                     Clause 21

Powers of State Water Corporation                                     Part 3

Part 3           Powers of State Water Corporation
21    Ownership of works
       (1)   The Corporation is the owner of all works installed by, vested in or
             transferred to the Corporation in or on any land (including the bed
             of any river, lake or estuary) whether or not the land is owned by the
       (2)   The Corporation may, subject to this and any other Act or law and
             for purposes consistent with its objectives:
             (a) build and install works, and
             (b) operate, repair, replace, maintain, remove, extend, expand,
                   connect, disconnect, improve or do any other things that are
                   necessary or appropriate to any of its works, and
             (c) sell, demolish or otherwise deal with any of its works.
       (3)   Part 3 and section 91 (b) and (c) of the Public Works Act 1912 do
             not apply in respect of works owned by the Corporation.
22    Acquisition of land for purposes of this Act
       (1)   The Corporation may acquire land (including an interest in land) for
             the purposes of this Act.
       (2)   Other purposes for which land may be acquired under this section
             include the purposes of a future sale, lease or disposal, that is, to
             enable the Corporation to exercise its functions in relation to land
             under this Act.
       (3)   Land that the Corporation is authorised to acquire under this section
             may be acquired by agreement or by compulsory process in
             accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation)
             Act 1991.
       (4)   For the purposes of the Public Works Act 1912:
             (a) an acquisition in accordance with this section is taken to be
                   for an authorised work, and
             (b) the Corporation is, in relation to that work, taken to be the
                   Constructing Authority, and
             (c) Part 3 and section 91 (b) and (c) of that Act do not apply in
                   respect of that work.
       (5)   The Corporation may not give a proposed acquisition notice under
             the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the

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Clause 23         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 3            Powers of State Water Corporation

               purposes of this or any other Act, without the approval of the
               portfolio Minister.
         (6)   Any such acquisition is not void merely because it is expressed to
               be for the purposes of the Corporation or for the purposes of this
23       Entry on land
         (1)   The Corporation has, for the purposes of exercising its functions
               under this or any other Act, the powers of entry on land that a water
               supply authority has under sections 296 and 297 of the Water
               Management Act 2000.
         (2)   For the purposes of this section, the reference in section 297 (1) (d)
               of the Water Management Act 2000 to an offence against that Act is
               taken to include a reference to an offence under this Act.
24       Power to break up roads
         (1)   The Corporation may, on giving reasonable notice to persons likely
               to be affected, open and break up:
               (a) the soil and pavement of a public road or public reserve, and
               (b) any sewer, drain or tunnel in or under a public road or public
               for the purpose of exercising its functions under this or any other
         (2)   The statutory body having the control and management of a public
               road or public reserve may, as prescribed by the regulations, require
               the Corporation to comply with conditions in exercising its powers
               under subsection (1), including conditions for restoration of the
               surface and removal of rubbish.
         (3)   If a public road or public reserve is damaged by a leakage from, or
               a bursting of, the Corporation's water main, the statutory body
               having the control and management of the public road or public
               reserve may require the Corporation to make good the damage
               without delay.
         (4)   If the Corporation fails:
               (a) to comply with a condition in force under subsection (2), or
               (b) to comply with a requirement under subsection (3),

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                   Clause 25

Powers of State Water Corporation                                   Part 3

             the statutory body affected by the failure may remedy it and recover
             the cost of doing so in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt
             owed to the statutory body by the Corporation.
25    Altering position of conduits
       (1)   If:
             (a)    the Corporation, in order to exercise its functions, needs an
                    alteration to be made in the position of a conduit owned by
                    another person, and
              (b)   the alteration would not permanently damage the conduit or
                    adversely affect its operation,
             the Corporation may serve on the person a written notice that
             complies with subsection (2).
       (2)   A notice must:
             (a) specify the alteration needed, and
             (b) require the alteration to be made within a reasonable time
                   stated in the notice, and
             (c) include an undertaking by the Corporation to pay the
                   reasonable cost of the alteration.
       (3)   If the alteration is not made as required by the notice, the
             Corporation may make the alteration in such a manner as not to
             damage the conduit permanently or adversely affect its operation on
             completion of the alteration.
       (4)   In this section, conduit means anything that is in or under a public
             road (or any other land on which no building or other structure is
             located) and is used for the conveyance of a substance, energy or
26    Corporation may use water management works to generate hydro-
             The Corporation may authorise devices for generating electricity
             from water released in the exercise of the Corporation's functions
             under this Act to be placed on or in any of its water management

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Clause 27         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 3            Powers of State Water Corporation

27       Obstruction of water management works
         (1)   If a person places a structure or other thing in or near any of the
               Corporation's water management works in such a manner as to
               interfere with the work, the Corporation may:
               (a) demolish and remove the structure or other thing, and
               (b) repair the work, and
               (c) recover the cost of doing so in a court of competent
                      jurisdiction as a debt owing to the Corporation by the person
                      who placed the structure or other thing there.
         (2)   The Corporation may apply for and obtain an injunction to prevent
               a structure or other thing being placed as referred to in subsection
28       Finding source of pollution of water supply
         (1)   If water captured, stored or released by the Corporation is being
               polluted, the Corporation may, after giving reasonable notice to
               persons likely to be affected by its action, dig up the ground and try
               to find the source of the pollution.
         (2)   If it is found that a person given notice under this section is   not
               responsible for the pollution, the Corporation must bear          the
               expenses of:
               (a) the digging, examination, repair and reinstatement of         the
                      broken ground, and
               (b) the repair of any damage caused by the Corporation to         the
                      property of the person.
         (3)   The Corporation may recover the expenses incurred by it in a court
               of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Corporation by any
               person responsible for the pollution.
29       Corporation may impose fees and charges
         (1)   The Corporation may impose fees and charges on any person to
               whom the Corporation provides a service in the exercise of its
               functions, including any person to whom the Corporation makes
               water available.
         (2)   The Corporation may impose different fees and charges according
               to specified factors or circumstances.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                  Clause 29

Powers of State Water Corporation                                  Part 3

       (3)   Any fee or charge imposed under this section is taken to be a debt
             due to the Corporation and is recoverable in a court of competent
       (4)   A fee or charge levied under this Act on the holder of an access
             licence (within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000)
             and any costs awarded to the Corporation by a court in proceedings
             to recover the fee or charge are a charge on the access licence and
             may be registered in accordance with the Water Management Act

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Clause 30         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 4            Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal

Part 4            Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
30       Regulatory functions of Tribunal
         (1)   The regulatory functions of the Tribunal under this Act are as
               (a) the function of making recommendations under subsection
               (b) the function of monitoring and reporting under subsection (3),
               (c) the auditing functions of the Tribunal under subsection (4),
               (d) the function of determining the operating licence fee (if any),
               (e) the function of imposing monetary penalties or requiring
                     other action to be taken under section 17,
                (f) such other functions of the Tribunal under this Act as are
                     specified by the regulations for the purposes of this section.
         (2)   The Tribunal has the function of making recommendations to the
               portfolio Minister for or with respect to:
               (a) the granting, amendment or cancellation of the operating
                     licence, and
               (b) the imposition, amendment or cancellation of conditions in
                     relation to the operating licence, and
               (c) action to be taken, and sanctions to be applied, in respect of a
                     contravention of the operating licence, and
               (d) remedial action that may be warranted as a result of a
                     contravention of the operating licence.
         (3)   The Tribunal has the function of monitoring and reporting to the
               portfolio Minister on compliance by the Corporation with the
               operating licence.
         (4)   The Tribunal has such functions as may be conferred or imposed on
               it by the operating licence in connection with operational audits of
               the Corporation.
31       Operational and other audits
         (1)   The Tribunal is to prepare operational audits of the Corporation at
               the times directed by the portfolio Minister.
         (2)   The portfolio Minister may direct the Tribunal to prepare an
               operational audit of specified matters only.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                 Clause 31

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal                       Part 4

       (3)   The Tribunal is to ensure that each operational audit of the
             Corporation is prepared in accordance with the operating licence.

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Clause 32         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 5            Miscellaneous

Part 5            Miscellaneous
32       Authorised officers
         (1)   The Corporation may appoint authorised officers for the purposes of
               exercising its functions under this or any other Act.
         (2)   On appointing an authorised officer under subsection (1), the
               Corporation must issue to the officer a certificate of authority.
         (3)   A certificate of authority must:
               (a) state that it is issued under the State Water Corporation Act
                     2004, and
               (b) give the name of the person to whom it is issued, and
               (c) state the date, if any, on which it expires, and
               (d) describe the nature of the functions conferred and the source
                     of the functions.
         (4)   An authorised officer may exercise such of the Corporation's
               functions under this or any other Act as are described in the officer's
               certificate of authority.
         (5)   A certificate of authority may appoint the authorised officer to be an
               authorised officer for the purposes of section 365 of the Water
               Management Act 2000, but only in relation to penalty notice
               offences, within the meaning of that section, that occur in the area
               of operations of the Corporation.
         (6)   If an authorised officer serves a penalty notice under section 365 of
               the Water Management Act 2000, a reference to the Ministerial
               Corporation in section 365 (7) of that Act is taken to be a reference
               to the Corporation.
33       Obstruction of authorised officers
               A person must not obstruct or hinder an authorised officer in the
               exercise of the authorised officer's functions.
               Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)
               and 50 penalty units (in any other case).
34       Exclusion of personal liability
               An act or omission of any of the following:
               (a) the Minister, the Corporation, or a director of the Corporation,
               (b) a member of staff of the Department or of the Corporation,

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004                                      Clause 35

Miscellaneous                                                          Part 5

                (c)   a person acting under the direction of a person referred to in
                      paragraph (a) or (b),
             does not subject a director, member of staff or person so acting
             personally to any action, liability, claim or demand if the act or
             omission was done, or omitted to be done, in good faith for the
             purpose of executing this or any other Act.
35    Nature of proceedings for offences
             Proceedings for an offence under this Act or the regulations may be
             dealt with summarily before a Local Court.
36    Transfer of staff
             Schedule 2 has effect.
37    Regulations
       (1)   The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act,
             for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or
             permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be
             prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
       (2)   The regulations may create offences punishable by a penalty not
             exceeding 50 penalty units (in the case of an individual) and 100
             penalty units (in any other case).
38    Amendment of Acts and regulations
             Each Act and regulation specified in Schedule 3 is amended as set
             out in that Schedule.
39    Savings, transitional and other provisions
             Schedule 4 has effect.
40    Review of Act
       (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy
             objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act
             remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
       (2)   The Minister is to make arrangements for public comment on the
             Act and consider those comments as part of the review.
       (3)   The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period
             of 5 years from the date of assent to this Act.

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Clause 40         State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Part 5            Miscellaneous

         (4)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House
               of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities                                 Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities
                                                              (Sections 10 (7) and 19 (5))

  1    Application and interpretation
       (1)     This Schedule applies to any transfer of assets, rights or liabilities:
               (a) by order under section 10 or 19, or
               (b) under clause 9 of Schedule 4.
       (2)     In this Schedule, the person or body from which any assets, rights
               or liabilities are transferred is called the transferor and the person
               or body to which they are transferred is called the transferee.
  2    Vesting of undertaking in transferee
       (1)     When any assets, rights or liabilities are transferred by a transfer to
               which this Schedule applies, the following provisions have effect:
               (a) the assets of the transferor vest in the transferee by virtue of
                    this clause and without the need for any further conveyance,
                    transfer, assignment or assurance,
               (b) the rights or liabilities of the transferor become by virtue of
                    this Schedule the rights or liabilities of the transferee,
               (c) all proceedings relating to the assets, rights or liabilities
                    commenced before the transfer by or against the transferor or
                    a predecessor of the transferor and pending immediately
                    before the transfer are taken to be proceedings pending by or
                    against the transferee,
               (d) any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done in relation
                    to the assets, rights or liabilities before the transfer by, to or in
                    respect of the transferor or a predecessor of the transferor is
                    (to the extent to which that act, matter or thing has any force
                    or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in
                    respect of the transferee,
               (e) a reference in any Act, in any instrument made under any Act
                    or in any document of any kind to:
                     (i) the transferor, or
                    (ii) any predecessor of the transferor,
                    to the extent to which the reference relates to those assets,
                    rights or liabilities, is taken to be, or include, a reference to the
       (2)     The operation of this Schedule is not to be regarded:

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                   State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 1         Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities

             (a)      as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil
                      wrong, or
             (b)      as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting,
                      restricting or regulating the assignment or transfer of assets,
                      rights or liabilities, or
             (c)      as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as
                      causing or permitting the termination of any instrument,
                      because of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of
                      any asset, right or liability, or
             (d)      as an event of default under any contract or other instrument.
      (3)    No attornment to the transferee by a lessee from the transferor is
      (4)    A transfer is subject to the terms and conditions of the order by
             which it is effected.
 3    No compensation payable
      (1)    No compensation is payable to any person or body in connection
             with a transfer to which this Schedule applies except to the extent (if
             any) to which the order giving rise to the transfer so provides.
      (2)    Despite subclause (1), if the transferor or transferee is a local
             authority, compensation may be paid in relation to any asset or right
             the subject of the transfer.
      (3)    Despite clause 6, the amount of any compensation payable under
             subclause (2) in relation to any such asset or right is to be
             determined by the Valuer-General.
 4    Transfer of interests in land
      (1)    An order under section 10 or 19 may transfer an interest in respect
             of land vested in the transferor without transferring the whole of the
             interests of the transferor in that land.
      (2)    If the interest transferred is not a separate interest, the order operates
             to create the interest transferred in such terms as are specified in the
      (3)    This clause does not limit any other provision of this Act.
 5    Date of vesting
      (1)    An order under section 10 or 19 takes effect on the date specified in
             the order.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities                               Schedule 1

       (2)     A transfer under clause 9 of Schedule 4 takes effect on the
               commencement of Schedule 3.21 [1].
  6    Consideration for vesting
               The Minister may, by order in writing, specify the consideration on
               which a transfer to which this Schedule applies is made and the
               value or values at which the assets, rights or liabilities are
  7    State taxes not chargeable
       (1)     State tax is not chargeable in respect of:
               (a) a transfer to which this Schedule applies, or
               (b) anything certified by the Minister as having been done in
                      consequence of such a transfer (for example, the transfer or
                      conveyance of an interest in land).
       (2)     In this clause:
               State tax includes application or registration fees or any other tax,
               rate, levy, duty, fee or charge imposed by any Act or other law of
               the State.
  8    Confirmation of vesting
       (1)     The Minister may, by notice in writing, confirm a transfer of
               particular assets, rights or liabilities by operation of this Schedule.
       (2)     Such a notice is conclusive evidence of that transfer.

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                State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 2      Transfer of staff

Schedule 2 Transfer of staff
                                                                        (Section 36)

 1    Definitions
             In this Schedule:
             relevant agency means the Department of Infrastructure, Planning
             and Natural Resources, the Department of Commerce, the
             Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability or the Ministerial
 2    Transfer of staff to Corporation
      (1)    The Minister may, by order in writing, transfer to the Corporation
             such of the staff of a relevant agency as are specified or referred to
             in the order.
      (2)    The members of staff of a relevant agency who are transferred to the
             Corporation by such an order are to be regarded for all purposes as
             having become employees of the Corporation, in accordance with
             the terms of the order, on a day specified in the order as being the
             day on which the transfer takes effect.
      (3)    The Minister is to consult with the Minister for Natural Resources
             before making an order transferring staff of the Department of
             Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources or the Ministerial
      (4)    The Minister is to consult with the Minister for Commerce before
             making an order transferring staff of the Department of Commerce.
 3    General saving of conditions of employment
      (1)    A person who is transferred under this Schedule is (until other
             provision is duly made under any Act or law) to be continued to be
             employed in accordance with any awards, agreements and
             determinations that would have applied to the person if the person
             had not been transferred but had instead remained as a member of
             the staff of the relevant agency from which they were transferred.
      (2)    However, nothing in this clause affects the application of section 36
             (1) of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 to the Corporation.
             Accordingly, the Government and Related Employees Appeal
             Tribunal Act 1980 does not apply to the Corporation or any
             subsidiary of the Corporation.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Transfer of staff                                                     Schedule 2

  4    Saving of leave
               A person who is transferred under this Schedule retains any rights
               to annual leave, extended service leave, sick leave, and other forms
               of leave, accrued or accruing in his or her employment with the
               relevant agency from which the person was transferred.
  5    No payment out on transfer or dual benefits
       (1)     A person who is transferred under this Schedule is not entitled to
               receive any payment or other benefit merely because the person
               ceases to be a member of staff of the relevant agency from which the
               person was transferred.
       (2)     A person who is transferred under this Schedule is not entitled to
               claim, both under this Act and under any other Act, dual benefits of
               the same kind for the same period of service.

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               State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 3     Amendment of Acts and regulations

Schedule 3 Amendment of Acts and regulations
                                                                  (Section 38)

3.1 Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003 No 104
      Schedule 4 Catchment contributions
      Insert ", State Water Corporation" after "the Hunter Water Corporation"
      in clause 9 (1) (b).
3.2 Conveyancing (General) Regulation 2003
[1]   Clause 51 Easements in gross
      Insert after clause 51 (1) (b):
                  (b1) State Water Corporation,
[2]   Clause 52 Imposition of restrictions or public positive covenants
      on certain land vested in prescribed authorities
      Insert after clause 52 (d):
                  (d1) State Water Corporation,
[3]   Clause 53 Regulation of use of land not held by a prescribed
      Insert after clause 53 (h):
                    (i) State Water Corporation.
3.3 Dams Safety Act 1978 No 96
[1]   Section 8 Members
      Omit section 8 (2) (c). Insert instead:
                  (c) a person nominated by State Water Corporation
                        constituted under the State Water Corporation Act
[2]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to the constitution and procedure
      of the Committee
      Omit "4" from clause 9. Insert instead "5".

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Amendment of Acts and regulations                                   Schedule 3

3.4 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203
      Section 109J Restriction on issue of subdivision certificates
      Omit "constituted under the Water Supply Authorities Act 1987" from
      paragraph (a) of the definition of water supply authority in section 109J
      Insert instead "within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000".
3.5 First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100
      Schedule 1 Employers
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:
                    State Water Corporation
3.6 Heritage Act 1977 No 136
      Section 123 Definitions
      Omit paragraph (e) of the definition of rating or taxing authority.
      Insert instead:
                   (e)     a water supply authority within the meaning of the
                           Water Management Act 2000,
3.7 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 No 39
[1]   Section 4 Government monopoly services
      Insert after section 4 (6):
              (7)   To avoid doubt, the services for which fees and charges are
                    payable under the State Water Corporation Act 2004 are
                    capable of being declared to be government monopoly
                    services. State Water Corporation is taken to be the supplier
                    of any such service.
[2]   Section 24F Regulatory functions of Tribunal
      Insert at the end of section 24F (e):
                           , and
                     (f)   section 30 of the State Water Corporation Act 2004.

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                   State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 3         Amendment of Acts and regulations

[3]   Section 24FC Licence auditing functions of Tribunal
      Insert at the end of section 24FC (1) (d):
                             , and
                      (e)    its functions in connection with operational audits
                             under the State Water Corporation Act 2004.
[4]   Schedule 1 Government agencies for which Tribunal has standing
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:
                      State Water Corporation
3.8 Local Government Act 1993 No 30
[1]   Section 555 What land is exempt from all rates?
      Omit "within the meaning of the Water Supply Authorities Act 1987" from
      section 555 (1) (d).
      Insert instead "as declared by an order under section 302 of the Water
      Management Act 2000".
[2]   Section 555 (1) (c2)
      Insert after section 555 (1) (c1):
                   (c2) land that is vested in or owned by State Water
                          Corporation and in, on or over which water supply
                          works (within the meaning of the Water Management
                          Act 2000) are installed,
[3]   Section 611 Annual charge on rails, pipes etc
      Insert ", State Water Corporation" after "the Hunter Water Corporation"
      in section 611 (6) (b).
[4]   Section 741 Exemption from taxes
      Omit section 741 (2). Insert instead:
             (2)      This section does not extend to any rate, charge or assessment
                      made or levied by the following:
                      (a) another council,
                      (b) the Sydney Water Corporation,

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Amendment of Acts and regulations                                   Schedule 3

                     (c)   the Hunter Water Corporation,
                     (d)   State Water Corporation,
                     (e)   a water supply authority,
                     (f)   the Director-General of New South Wales Fire
                     (g)   a person prescribed by the regulations.
3.9 Murray-Darling Basin Act 1992 No 65
      Section 4 Definitions
      Omit the definition of relevant water authority from section 4 (1).
      Insert instead:
                    relevant water authority means State Water Corporation
                    constituted under the State Water Corporation Act 2004 or
                    such other body declared by the Minister by notice published
                    in the Gazette to be the relevant water authority for the
                    purposes of this Act.
3.10 Pipelines Act 1967 No 90
      Section 3 Definitions
      Insert "State Water Corporation," after "Hunter Water Board
      (Corporatisation) Act 1991," in the definition of statutory body
      representing the Crown in section 3 (1).
3.11 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152
      Schedule 2 Statutory bodies
      Omit "Administrator of the Fish River Water Supply".
3.12 Public Health Act 1991 No 10
[1]   Section 10A Definitions
      Omit paragraph (c) of the definition of supplier of drinking water (or
      Insert instead:
                   (c)     a water supply authority within the meaning of the
                           Water Management Act 2000,

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               State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 3     Amendment of Acts and regulations

[2]   Section 10A definition of "supplier of drinking water" (or
      Omit paragraph (f) of the definition.
[3]   Section 10I Closure of water supply
      Omit section 10I (3) (c). Insert instead:
                  (c) a water supply authority within the meaning of the
                        Water Management Act 2000 (other than State Water
                        Corporation)--the Minister administering the Water
                        Management Act 2000,
                 (c1) State Water Corporation--the Minister administering
                        the State Water Corporation Act 2004,
[4]   Section 10I (3) (d)
      Omit "Water Supply Authorities Act 1987".
      Insert instead "Water Management Act 2000".
3.13 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142
      Section 34 Definitions
      Omit "constituted under the Water Supply Authorities Act 1987" from
      paragraph (a) of the definition of water supply authority.
      Insert instead "within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000".
3.14 Roads (General) Regulation 2000
      Clause 78
      Omit the clause. Insert instead:
      78     Public authorities
                  For the purposes of the definition of public authority in the
                  Dictionary to the Act, each of the following is prescribed as a
                  public authority for the purposes of the Act:
                  (a) the Hunter Water Corporation,
                  (b) the Sydney Water Corporation,
                  (c) State Water Corporation,

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Amendment of Acts and regulations                                   Schedule 3

                     (d)   an energy services corporation within the meaning of
                           the Energy Services Corporations Act 1995,
                     (e)   Rail Infrastructure Corporation.
3.15 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act
     1987 No 212
      Schedule 1 Employers
      Insert at the end of Part 1:
                    State Water Corporation
3.16 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211
      Schedule 1 Employers
      Insert at the end of Part 1:
                    State Water Corporation
3.17 Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 No 68
      Section 5 Definitions
      Omit "constituted under the Water Supply Authorities Act 1987" from
      paragraph (a) of the definition of water supply authority in section 5 (1).
      Insert instead "within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000".
3.18 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986 No 219
      Section 4 Definitions
      Omit "constituted under the Water Supply Authorities Act 1987" from
      paragraph (a) of the definition of water supply authority in section 4 (1).
      Insert instead "within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000".
3.19 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28
      Schedule 3 List of employers
      Insert at the end of Part 1:
                    State Water Corporation

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                   State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 3         Amendment of Acts and regulations

3.20 Water Act 1912 No 44
      Schedule 3 Water management authorities
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:
                      State Water Corporation
3.21 Water Management Act 2000 No 92
[1]   Chapter 5 Public works
      Omit Part 1.
[2]   Section 309 Connections
      Insert after section 309 (7):
             (8)      Nothing in this section requires a water supply authority to
                      allow a person to connect premises with the water supply
                      authority's water main or sewer main.
[3]   Section 398 Exclusion of Crown liability
      Insert "or the State Water Corporation Act 2004" after "this Act"
      wherever occurring in section 398 (1) and (2).
[4]   Section 398 (3) (c)
      Insert at the end of section 398 (3) (b):
                             , or
                      (c)    State Water Corporation.
[5]   Schedule 2 Major utilities
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                      State Water Corporation
[6]   Schedule 3 Water supply authorities
      Insert at the end of Part 3:
                      State Water Corporation (but only in relation to the Fish River
                      water supply scheme within the meaning of the State Water
                      Corporation Act 2004)

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Amendment of Acts and regulations                                   Schedule 3

[7]   Schedule 8.30 Water Management Act 2000
      Omit item [1].
[8]   Schedule 9 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    State Water Corporation Act 2004 (but only in relation to the
                    amendments made to this Act)

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                State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 4      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions
                                                                       (Section 39)

Part 1       General
 1    Regulations
      (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional
             nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:
             this Act
      (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect
             from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.
      (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date
             that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the
             provision does not operate so as:
             (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the
                    State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person
                    existing before the date of its publication, or
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an
                    authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted
                    to be done before the date of its publication.

Part 2       Provisions consequent on enactment of this
 2    Previous acts, matters or things
      (1)    Any act, matter or thing done before the commencement of this
             (a) by the Ministerial Corporation, the Department of
                   Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources or the
                   Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability in respect
                   of the capture, storage or release of water or any other
                   function of the Corporation in the area of operations of the
                   Corporation, or
             (b) by the Minister administering the Fish River water supply
                   scheme in respect of the supply of water from that scheme,
             or any associated functions, continues to have effect after that
             commencement as if the act, matter or thing were done by the

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Savings, transitional and other provisions                             Schedule 4

       (2)    The Corporation may vary or revoke (if otherwise permitted under
              this Act or the regulations or any other applicable Act or law) any
              act, matter or thing continued under this clause.
  3    Prices for bulk water
       (1)    In this clause:
              IPART determination means determination No 3, 2001 made by the
              Tribunal and published in Gazette No 30 of 25 January 2002 at
              pages 563-577.
       (2)    For the purposes of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory
              Tribunal Act 1992, the IPART determination continues to apply to
              water released by the Corporation until a replacement determination
              is issued.
       (3)    Despite subclause (2), the prices in the IPART determination that
              applied to water supplied immediately before 30 June 2004 are to be
              increased by 2% in relation to water supplied on or after 1 July 2004.
       (4)    Nothing in this clause prevents the IPART determination being
              replaced, or a further determination being issued for the
  4    Prices for water from Fish River water supply scheme
       (1)    In this clause:
              order of the Minister means the order of the Minister under section
              243 (3) of the Water Management Act 2000 that had effect
              immediately before the repeal of section 243 of that Act by
              Schedule 3.21 [1].
       (2)    The order of the Minister continues to apply to water supplied from
              the Fish River water supply scheme until a determination under
              section 315 of the Water Management Act 2000 in respect of that
              scheme takes effect.
  5    Timetable for first statement of corporate intent
              A period within which any matter is required to be done under this
              Act or the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 in relation to a
              statement of corporate intent, in connection with the first statement
              of corporate intent of the Corporation, may be extended by the
              voting shareholders of the Corporation.

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Schedule 4      Savings, transitional and other provisions

 6    Existing development applications and other matters
      (1)    This clause applies to development or an activity relating to:
             (a) water management works or other infrastructure or assets
                   transferred to the Corporation from the Ministerial
                   Corporation, the State or a public or local authority under this
                   Act, or
             (b) a function conferred on the Corporation under this Act that
                   was, immediately before its conferral, conferred on the
                   Ministerial Corporation, the State or a public or local
      (2)    A development application or environmental impact statement
             relating to a matter referred to in subclause (1) made or prepared by
             the Ministerial Corporation, the State or a public or local authority
             under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 before
             its conferral, and not finally determined (in the case of a
             development application) or considered (in the case of an
             environmental impact statement) before that commencement, is
             taken to have been made or prepared by the Corporation.
 7    Licences and other authorisations
      (1)    This clause applies to an authorisation granted to the Ministerial
             Corporation, the State or a public or local authority under any of the
             following Acts or under a regulation under any of those Acts, and in
             force immediately before the commencement of this clause:
             (a) Dangerous Goods Act 1975,
             (b) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
             (c) Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000,
             (d) Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997,
             (e) Water Act 1912,
              (f) Water Management Act 2000,
             (g) any other Act prescribed by the regulations.
      (2)    An authorisation is, to the extent that it relates to transferred
             functions or assets, taken to be held by the Corporation on the same
             terms and conditions as the Ministerial Corporation, the State or the
             public or local authority held the authorisation immediately before
             the commencement of this clause.
      (3)    The regulations may exempt an authorisation from the operation of
             this clause.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Savings, transitional and other provisions                               Schedule 4

       (4)    Nothing in this clause prevents an authorisation from being varied,
              cancelled or replaced.
       (5)    In this clause:
              authorisation includes a licence, permit or approval.
              transferred functions or assets means functions conferred on, or
              assets, rights or liabilities vested in, the Corporation by or under this
              Act, that were, immediately before the conferral or vesting,
              conferred on, or vested in, the Ministerial Corporation, the State or
              a public or local authority.
  8    Deemed licences and approvals
       (1)    For the purposes of Part 9 of the Water Act 1912, the Corporation is
              taken, at the time of transfer, to have been granted a water
              management licence under section 188 of that Act, for each water
              management work transferred to the Corporation by or under this
              Act (a deemed water management licence).
       (2)    A deemed water management licence (other than a deemed water
              management licence for the Fish River water supply scheme) does
              not authorise the Corporation to take and use water from any water
       (3)    The Ministerial Corporation is not required to comply with section
              189 (3) of the Water Act 1912 in relation to any condition that it
              imposes on a deemed water management licence within 6 months
              after the date that the licence is taken to have been granted.
       (4)    If water management works are transferred to the Corporation by or
              under this Act, the Corporation is taken on the date of the transfer to
              have been granted all relevant approvals under Part 3 of Chapter 3
              of the Water Management Act 2000 required to allow the
              Corporation to use those works in accordance with the
              Corporation's functions (a deemed approval).
       (5)    A deemed approval is subject to the provisions of the Water
              Management Act 2000 as if the approval had been granted under
              Division 2 of Part 3 of Chapter 3 of that Act at the time of the
              transfer of the relevant water management works, and accordingly
              it may be subjected to conditions, suspended or cancelled in
              accordance with that Act.

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                State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Schedule 4      Savings, transitional and other provisions

      (6)    The Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000 is not
             required to comply with section 102 (1) of that Act in relation to any
             discretionary condition imposed on a deemed approval within 6
             months after the date that the approval is taken to have been granted.
      (7)    Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 does
             not apply to or in respect of a deemed water management licence or
             a deemed approval.
      (8)    The Corporation is taken to hold any other licence or approval
             necessary under the Water Management Act 2000 or the Water Act
             1912 to allow it to take and use water in the exercise of its functions.
      (9)    Any licence or approval under subclause (8) is taken to have effect
             for a period of 12 months commencing on the date of
             commencement of this clause or for such longer period as may be
             prescribed by the regulations.
 9    Fish River water supply scheme assets
      (1)    All assets, rights and liabilities of the Ministerial Corporation, the
             State or a public or local authority comprising the Fish River water
             supply scheme are transferred to the Corporation on the
             commencement of Schedule 3.21 [1].
      (2)    Any money in, or required to be paid into, the Fish River Water
             Supply Account immediately before the commencement of
             Schedule 3.21 [1], less any amount required, at that time, to be
             repaid to the Treasurer under section 251 (2) of the Water
             Management Act 2000, is to be paid to the Corporation.
      (3)    Any amount owing to the Minister immediately before the
             commencement of Schedule 3.21 [1] in relation to the supply of
             water from the Fish River water supply scheme, is to be paid to the
             Corporation and may be recovered by the Corporation as a debt in a
             court of competent jurisdiction.
      (4)    On and after the commencement of Schedule 3.21 [1], the
             Corporation is entitled to the benefit and subject to the burden of,
             and taken to be a party to, any contract or arrangement in relation to
             the Fish River water supply scheme entered into by the Minister (or
             by a person on behalf of the Minister) with any person and having
             force immediately before the commencement of Schedule 3.21 [1].
      (5)    Schedule 1 applies to any transfer of assets, rights or liabilities under
             this clause.

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State Water Corporation Bill 2004

Savings, transitional and other provisions                             Schedule 4

       (6)    In this clause:
              Fish River Water Supply Account has the same meaning as in
              Division 4 of Part 1 of Chapter 5 of the Water Management Act
              2000, before the repeal of that Division by Schedule 3.21 [1].
              Minister means the Minister administering the Fish River water
              supply scheme immediately before the commencement of Schedule
              3.21 [1].
10     Transferred easements
              For the purposes of any easement, the benefit of which is transferred
              to the Corporation by or under this Act, the Corporation is taken to
              be a body representing the Crown.
11     Existing hydro-electric works
              Any device for generating electricity from water released in
              accordance with this Act, that was on or in any water management
              work immediately before that work was transferred to the
              Corporation by or under this Act, is taken to have been authorised
              under section 26.
12     Interim operating licence
       (1)    Despite any other provision of this Act, the Governor may, on the
              recommendation of the portfolio Minister, grant an interim
              operating licence to the Corporation.
       (2)    The interim operating licence is subject to the terms and conditions
              determined by the Governor.
       (3)    Subject to subclause (4), the interim operating licence is taken to be
              an operating licence and the provisions of this Act apply
       (4)    Section 12 (1) and (2) and section 14 do not apply in relation to the
              interim operating licence.

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Schedule 4      Savings, transitional and other provisions

      (5)    The interim operating licence ceases to have effect:
             (a) on the granting of an operating licence under section 11, or
             (b) 1 year after the date of assent to this Act,
             whichever occurs first.

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