(cf DL Act, s 17A)
If the holder of a learner licence or a provisional licence incurs the
threshold number of demerit points within the 3-year period ending on the day
on which the person last committed an offence for which demerit points have
been recorded against the person, Transport for NSW may--
(a) issue a notice of suspension or cancellation of licence under section 40, or
(b) if the person subsequently applies for a driver licence--(i) refuse the application and issue a notice of licence ineligibility under section 41, or(ii) where the driver licence applied for is a learner or provisional licence--grant the licence and issue a notice of suspension or cancellation of licence under section 40.
Note--: The expression
"threshold number of demerit points" for the holder of a learner licence or the holder of a provisional licence is defined in section 4(1).