(cf VR Act, s 21A)
A person must not--
(a) if the person is not the manufacturer--stamp or affix or cause or permit any person to stamp or affix any identification number on or to the engine, engine block or any other part prescribed by the statutory rules of a motor vehicle or trailer without the written authority of Transport for NSW and except as prescribed by the statutory rules, or
(b) except as required or permitted by or under this Act--alter, deface, remove or obliterate any identification number stamped on or otherwise affixed to the engine, engine block or any other part prescribed by the statutory rules of a motor vehicle or trailer, or
(c) without lawful authority or excuse, have in the person's possession any engine, engine block, or other part of a motor vehicle or trailer prescribed by the statutory rules, knowing that the identification number stamped on or otherwise affixed to it has been altered, defaced, removed or obliterated otherwise than as required or permitted by or under this Act.
: Maximum penalty--20 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months, or both.