(1) A cemetery manager must ensure that all human remains interred in the cemetery, otherwise than in a vault, are interred (a) so that the remains are completely covered by soil that is at least one metre deep at its shallowest point; or(b) if it is not possible to inter the remains as required by paragraph (a) so that the remains are completely covered by (i) at least a 50 millimetre thick layer of stone, concrete or similar durable material placed directly over the remains; and(ii) soil that is at least 500 millimetres deep at its shallowest point; or(c) in another manner approved by the Director of Public Health.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.(2) The cemetery manager must ensure that the manner of interment utilised under subregulation (1) is not one which is prejudicial to public health or public safety.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.