(1) A medical practitioner who attends a place of death under regulation 6(1)(a) or in accordance with an arrangement under regulation 6(1)(b) is to (a) issue a medical certificate, if satisfied that (i) the person who has been notified as dead is in fact dead; and(ii) the death is not a reportable death; and(iii) an identification tag is attached to the human remains in accordance with regulation 13 ; or(b) issue a declaration of life extinct, if satisfied that (i) the person who has been notified as dead is in fact dead; and(ii) an identification tag is attached to the human remains in accordance with regulation 13 ; or(c) notify a police officer or a coroner of the death, if the medical practitioner believes that the death (i) is a reportable death; or(ii) may not have been due to natural causes.(2) On issuing a declaration of life extinct under subregulation (1)(b) , a medical practitioner is to (a) issue a medical certificate, if satisfied that the death is not a reportable death; or(b) specify in the declaration of life extinct the name of another medical practitioner who has agreed to issue a medical certificate.