Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4
| Item No. | Family | Specific name | Common name | 1. | Acestrorhynchidae
| Acestrorhynchus microlepis | Smallscale characin | 2. | Acipenseridae
| Acipenser fulvescens | Lake sturgeon | 3. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser
brevirostrum | Shortnose sturgeon | 4. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser persicus
| Persian sturgeon | 5. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser sinensis | Chinese sturgeon
| 6. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser sturio | European sturgeon | 7.
| Acipenseridae | Acipenser ruthenus | Sterlet | 8. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser
dabryanus | Yangtze sturgeon | 9. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser medirostris | Green
sturgeon | 10. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser mikadoi | Sakhalin sturgeon | 11.
| Acipenseridae | Acipenser naccarii | Adriatic sturgeon | 12. | Acipenseridae
| Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus | Atlantic sturgeon | 13. | Acipenseridae
| Acipenser baerii baicalensis | Baikal sturgeon | 14. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser
nudiventris | Fringebarbel sturgeon | 15. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser schrenckii
| Amur sturgeon | 16. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser multiscutatus | Japanese
sturgeon | 17. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser oxyrinchus destotoi | Gulf sturgeon
| 18. | Acipenseridae | Huso huso | Beluga | 19. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser
stellatus | Starry sturgeon | 20. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser baerii baerii
| Siberian sturgeon | 21. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | Russian
sturgeon | 22. | Acipenseridae | Acipenser transmontanus | White sturgeon |
23. | Alestiidae | Hydrocynus spp. | Pike characin and giant tigerfish
| 24. | Amiidae | Amia calva | Bowfin | 25. | Anabantidae | Anabas cobojius
| Gangetic climbing perch | 26. | Anabantidae | Anabas testudineus | Climbing
perch | 27. | Anabantidae | Ctenopoma argentoventer | Silverbelly ctenopoma
| 28. | Anabantidae | Ctenopoma kingsleyae | Tailspot ctenopoma | 29.
| Anabantidae | Ctenopoma multispine | Manyspined ctenopoma | 30. | Anabantidae
| Ctenopoma muriei | Ocellated labyrinth fish | 31. | Anabantidae | Ctenopoma
nigropannosum | Twospot climbing perch | 32. | Anabantidae | Ctenopoma ocellatum
| Eyespot ctenopoma | 33. | Anabantidae | Ctenopoma weeksii | Mottled ctenopoma
| 34. | Bagridae | Anaspidoglanis macrostoma | Flatnose catfish | 35.
| Bagridae | Bagrus ubangensis | Ubangi shovelnose catfish | 36. | Cambaridae
| Procambarus clarkii | Red swamp crayfish | 37. | Centrarchidae (entire family)
| Lepomis spp. and Micropterus spp. | Sunfish, basses and bluegills | 38.
| Centropomidae | Centropomus spp. (12) | Snooks | 39. | Centropomidae | Lates
microlepis | Forktail lates | 40. | Centropomidae | Lates niloticus | Nile perch
| 41. | Chacidae | Chaca bankanensis | Angler catfish | 42. | Chacidae | Chaca
chaca | Angler catfish, frogmouth catfish and squareheaded catfish | 43.
| Chacidae | Chaca burmensis | Burmensis frogmouth catfish | 44. | Channidae
| Channa spp. | Snake head | 45. | Characidae | Astyanax aeneus | Banded tetra
| 46. | Characidae | Astyanax fasciatus | Banded astyanax | 47. | Characidae
| Colossoma spp. | Tambaqui | 48. | Characidae | Serrasalmus spp. | Redeye piranha
| 49. | Characidae | Pygocentrus spp. | Red piranha | 50. | Cichlidae
| Boulengerochromis microlepis | Giant cichlid and yellow belly cichlid | 51.
| Cichlidae | Oreochromis spp. | Tilapia | 52. | Cichlidae | Hemichromis fasciatus
| Banded jewelfish | 53. | Cichlidae | Sargochromis spp. | Happys | 54.
| Cichlidae | Sarotherodon spp. | Tilapias | 55. | Cichlidae | Serranochromis spp.
| Largemouths and happys | 56. | Cichlidae | Tilapia spp. (all except T.
buttikoferi ) | Redbelly tilapia | 57. | Citharinidae | Ichthyborinae (entire
subfamily) | African pike-characin, tubenose poacher and fin eater | 58.
| Clariidae | Clarias spp. | Walking catfish | 59. | Cobitidae | Misgurnus
anguillicaudatus | Weatherloach | 60. | Cyprinidae | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis
| Bighead carp | 61. | Cyprinidae | Neolissochilus hexagonolepis | Copper mahseer
| 62. | Cyprinidae | Gibelion catla | Catla | 63. | Cyprinidae | Catlocarpio
siamensis | Giant barb | 64. | Cyprinidae | Cirrhinus cirrhosus | Mrigal | 65.
| Cyprinidae | Ctenopharyngodon idella | Grass carp | 66. | Cyprinidae | Cyprinus
carpio | European carp | 67. | Cyprinidae | Labeo calbasu and L. rohita | Orange fin labeo, rohu | 68. | Cyprinidae | Rutilus rutilus | Roach
| 69. | Cyprinidae | Zacco platypus | Freshwater minnow | 70. | Cyprinidae
| Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | Silver carp | 71. | Cyprinidae | Tor spp. (17)
| Mahseers and river carp | 72. | Cyprinidae | Notropis spp. | Shiners | 73.
| Cyprinidae | Phoxinus erythrogaster | Southern redbelly dace | 74. | Dasyatidae
| Himantura kittipongi | | 75. | Dasyatidae | Himantura krempfi | Marbled
freshwater whip ray | 76. | Dasyatidae | Himantura oxyrhyncha | Marbled whipray
| 77. | Doradidae | Oxydoras spp. (4) | Ripsaw catfish, black doras and black
shielded catfish | 78. | Elassomatidae | Elassoma spp. | Pygmy sunfish | 79.
| Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris marmorata | Marble goby | 80. | Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris
heterodon | Sentani gudgeon | 81. | Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris urophthalmoides
| | 82. | Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris siamensis | | 83. | Eleotridae
| Gobiomorphus gobioides | Giant bully | 84. | Eleotridae | Allomogurnda nesolepis
| Yellowbelly gudgeon | 85. | Eleotridae | Dormitator maculatus | Fat sleeper
| 86. | Eleotridae | Gobiomorus dormitory | Bigmouth sleeper | 87.
| Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris urophthalmus | | 88. | Eleotridae | Gobiomorphus
huttoni | Redfin bully | 89. | Eleotridae | Gobiomorus maculatus | Pacific sleeper
| 90. | Eleotridae | Hypseleotris cyprinoides | Tropical carp-gudgeon | 91.
| Eleotridae | Hypseleotris tohizonae | | 92. | Eleotridae | Dormitator
latifrons | Pacific fat sleeper | 93. | Eleotridae | Oxyeleotris marmorata
| Marble goby | 94. | Eleotridae | Dormitator lebretonis | | 95.
| Eleotridae | Eleotris amblyopsis | Large scaled spiny cheek sleeper | 96.
| Eleotridae | Eleotris sandwicensis | Sandwich Island sleeper | 97.
| Erythrinidae | Erythrinus spp. | Trahiras | 98. | Erythrinidae | Hoplerythrinus
spp. | Aimara | 99. | Erythrinidae | Hoplias spp. | Trahira | 100. | Esocidae
| Esox spp. | Pikes | 101. | Gasterosteidae | Pungitius pungitius | Ninespine
stickleback | 102. | Gasterosteidae | Apeltes quadracus | Four-spined
stickleback | 103. | Gasterosteidae | Culaea inconstans | Brook stickleback
| 104. | Gobiidae | Acanthogobius flavimanus | Yellow fin goby | 105.
| Gobiidae | Tridentiger trigonocephalus | Chameleon goby and striped goby
| 106. | Gymnarchidae | Gymnarchus niloticus | Aba aba | 107. | Gymnotidae
| Electrophorus electricus | Electric eel | 108. | Hepsetidae | Hepsetus odoe
| African pike | 109. | Heteropneustidae | Heteropneustes fossilis | Stinging
catfish | 110. | Ictaluridae | Icatalurus punctatus | Channel catfish | 111.
| Ictaluridae | Ameiurus brunneus | Snail bullhead | 112. | Ictaluridae | Ameiurus
catus | White catfish | 113. | Ictaluridae | Ameiurus meas | Black bullhead
| 114. | Ictaluridae | Ameiurus natalis | Yellow bullhead | 115. | Ictaluridae
| Ameiurus nebulosus | Brown bullhead | 116. | Ictaluridae | Ameiurus
platycephalus | Flat bullhead | 117. | Ictaluridae | Ameiurus serracanthus
| Spotted bullhead | 118. | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus balsanus | Balsas catfish
| 119. | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus dugesii | Lerma catfish | 120. | Ictaluridae
| Ictalurus furcatus | Blue catfish | 121. | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus lupus
| Headwater catfish | 122. | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus mexicanus | Rio Verde catfish
| 123. | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus ochoterenai | Chapala catfish | 124.
| Ictaluridae | Ictalurus pricei | Yaqui catfish | 125. | Ictaluridae | Noturus
albater | Ozark madtom | 126. | Ictaluridae | Noturus baileyi | Smoky madtom
| 127. | Ictaluridae | Noturus crypticus | Chucky madtom | 128. | Ictaluridae
| Noturus elegans | Elegant madtom | 129. | Ictaluridae | Noturus eleutherus
| Mountain madtom | 130. | Ictaluridae | Noturus exilis | Slender madtom
| 131. | Ictaluridae | Noturus fasciatus | Saddled madtom | 132. | Ictaluridae
| Noturus flavater | Checkered madtom | 133. | Ictaluridae | Noturus flavipinnis
| Yellowfin madtom | 134. | Ictaluridae | Noturus flavus | Stonecat | 135.
| Ictaluridae | Noturus funebris | Black madtom | 136. | Ictaluridae | Noturus
furiosus | Carolina madtom | 137. | Ictaluridae | Noturus gilberti | Orangefin
madtom | 138. | Ictaluridae | Noturus gladiator | | 139. | Ictaluridae
| Noturus gyrinus | Tadpole madtom | 140. | Ictaluridae | Noturus hildebrandi
hildebrandi | Least madtom | 141. | Ictaluridae | Noturus hildebrandi lautus
| | 142. | Ictaluridae | Noturus insignis | Margined madtom | 143.
| Ictaluridae | Noturus lachneri | Ouachita madtom | 144. | Ictaluridae | Noturus
leptacanthus | Speckled madtom | 145. | Ictaluridae | Noturus maydeni | Blackriver
madtom | 146. | Ictaluridae | Noturus miurus | Brindled madtom | 147.
| Ictaluridae | Noturus munitus | Frecklebelly madtom | 148. | Ictaluridae | Noturus
nocturnus | Freckled madtom | 149. | Ictaluridae | Noturus phaeus | Brown madtom
| 150. | Ictaluridae | Noturus placidus | Neosho madtom | 151. | Ictaluridae
| Noturus stanauli | Pygmy madtom | 152. | Ictaluridae | Noturus stigmosus
| Northern madtom | 153. | Ictaluridae | Noturus taylori | Caddo madtom | 154.
| Ictaluridae | Noturus trautmani | Scioto madtom | 155. | Ictaluridae | Pylodictis
olivaris | Flathead catfish | 156. | Lebiasinidae | Lebiasina bimaculata | Twospot
lebiasina | 157. | Lepidosirenidae | Leipidosirej paradoxa | South American
lungfish | 158. | Lepisosteidae | Atractosteus spp. (3.)
| Alligator gar, tropical gar and Cuban gar | 159. | Lepisosteidae | Lepisosteus
spp (4.) | Florida gar, longnose gar, shortnose gar and spotted gar | 160.
| Malapteruridae | Malapterurus spp. | Electric catfish | 161. | Mormyridae
| Mormyrops anguilloides | Cornish jack and bottlenose | 162. | Pangasiidae
| Pangasius elongatus | | 163. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius nieuwenhuisii
| | 164. | Pangasiidae | Pangasianodon gigas | Mekong giant catfish
| 165. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius conchophilus | | 166. | Pangasiidae
| Pangasius krempfi | | 167. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius kunyit |
| 168. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius pangasius | Yellowtailed catfish | 169.
| Pangasiidae | Pangasius nasutus | | 170. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius
larnaudii | Spot pangasius | 171. | Pangasiidae | Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
| Sutchi catfish | 172. | Pangasiidae | Pangasius macronema | | 173.
| Pangasiidae | Helicophagus leptorhynchus | | 174. | Pangasiidae
| Helicophagus waandersii | | 175. | Parastacidae | Cherax spp. | Freshwater
crayfish or yabby of the genus Cherax | 176. | Poeciliidae | Belonesox
belizanus | Pike minnow and pike killifish | 177. | Poeciliidae | Gambusia
holbrooki | Eastern gambusia | 178. | Poeciliidae | Gambusia spp. | Mosquito fish
| 179. | Poeciliidae | Tomeurus gracilis | | 180. | Poeciliidae | Alfaro
cultratus | Knife-edged livebearer | 181. | Poeciliidae | Heterandria bimaculata
| Twospot livebearer | 182. | Poeciliidae | Alfaro huberi | | 183.
| Polyodontidae | Polyodon spathula | Mississippi paddlefish | 184.
| Polyodontidae | Psephurus gladius | Chinese swordfish | 185. | Polypteridae
| Erpetoichthys calabaricus | Reedfish | 186. | Potamotrygonidae | Paratrygon
aiereba | Discus ray | 187. | Protopteridae | Protopterus annectens | African
lungfish | 188. | Protopteridae | Protopterus dolloi | Slender lungfish
| 189. | Protopteridae | Protopterus aethiopicus | Marbled lungfish | 190.
| Protopteridae | Protopterus amphibious | Gilled lungfish | 191. | Rivulidae
| Leptolebias opalescens | Opal pearlfish | 192. | Rivulidae | Leptolebias
aureoguttatus | | 193. | Rivulidae | Leptolebias marmoratus | Marbled
pearlfish | 194. | Rivulidae | Leptolebias minimus | Barred tail pearlfish
| 195. | Schilbeidae | Schilbe mystus | African butter catfish | 196.
| Schilbeidae | Schilbe marmoratus | Shoulderspot catfish | 197. | Schilbeidae
| Schilbe intermedius | Silver catfish | 198. | Siluridae | Silurus spp. | European
catfish and wels catfish | 199. | Trichomycteridae | Paravandellia oxyptera
| Parasitic catfish | 200. | Valenciidae | Valencia hispanica | Valencia toothcarp