(1) If, during a meeting, a councillor intends to move a motion of which notice has not been given, the chairperson of the meeting may require the councillor to provide a written copy of the motion.(2) The chairperson of a meeting is not to allow a motion to be debated or otherwise dealt with unless it has been moved by one councillor and seconded by another councillor.(3) The chairperson of a council committee meeting may waive the requirement for a motion to be seconded.(4) A councillor moving a motion for an adjournment of the debate on another motion is to include in the motion the reason for the adjournment.(5) A councillor may give to the general manager, at least 7 days before a meeting, written notice of a motion, together with supporting information and reasons, to be included on the agenda of that meeting.(6) The general manager, after consultation with the relevant chairperson, may refuse to accept a written motion given under subregulation (5) if, in the opinion of both of them, the motion (a) is defamatory; or(b) contains offensive language; or(c) is unlawful.(7) If a councillor who has given notice of a motion that has not been refused under subregulation (6) does not move the motion at the meeting, the motion lapses.(8) A councillor who has moved a motion, whether it is being debated or not, may only withdraw the motion (a) with the consent of the seconder, if a seconder was required; or(b) with the consent of the meeting.(9) The chairperson of a meeting may refuse to accept a motion of which written notice has not been given under subregulation (5) if, in the opinion of the chairperson, the motion (a) is defamatory; or(b) contains offensive language; or(c) is unlawful.(10) The period referred to in subregulation (5) includes Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays, but does not include (a) the day on which notice is given under that subregulation; and(b) the day of the meeting.