(1) Subject to regulation 34(1) , the general manager is to ensure that the minutes of a meeting accurately record the following matters:(a) any matter discussed at the meeting;(b) any decision made at the meeting;(c) if the Act or any regulations made under the Act require the making of a decision by absolute majority, that the decision was by absolute majority;(d) a summary of any address, statement or report made or provided on an invitation under regulation 38 ;(e) any motion moved during the meeting;(f) any question on notice by a councillor that is answered and the answer to that question;(g) any question asked and put in writing during the period referred to in regulation 31(3) and any written answer or summary of that answer to that question;(h) any question asked, without notice, by a member of the public and a summary of any answer given in response;(i) the attendance of councillors;(j) any absence of any councillor during the meeting, including the times of leaving and returning to the meeting.(2) The general manager is to ensure that (a) copies of the minutes of meetings are kept as records of the council; and(b) those copies are available to councillors.