(1) The minutes of a meeting, other than a closed meeting (a) as soon as practicable but at least at the next ordinary council meeting, or next council committee meeting, that is open to the public, are to be circulated to all councillors; and(b) at that next ordinary council meeting or next council committee meeting, after any necessary correction, are to be confirmed as the true record by the council or the council committee and signed by the chairperson of the meeting.(2) The general manager is to ensure that the minutes, and copies of any extract from the minutes, as confirmed under subregulation (1)(b) , of a meeting that was open to the public are available to the public within 7 days after the minutes are so confirmed.(a) on the council's website for inspection; and(b) at the public office of the council for inspection, free of charge, and for purchase by payment of the fee specified in Schedule 1 (3) The general manager may withhold from purchase any extract from the minutes of a meeting (a) for which the council does not own the intellectual property; or(b) which contains information provided to the council on the condition that it be not made available to members of the public.(4) The period of 7 days referred to in subregulation (2) does not include Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.