(1) For the purpose of section 28(2)(b) of the Act (a) a life policy is a deposit scheme which is exempt from the application of the Act or any provision of the Act; and(b) the Catholic Development Fund is a deposit scheme which is exempt from the application of the Act or any provision of the Act.(2) For the purpose of section 28(2)(c) of the Act (a) if any money paid under a prepaid funeral agreement is to be invested in a life policy, that agreement is one of a class of prepaid funeral agreements which is exempt from the application of section 5(1)(d) , section 8(1) and section 9 of the Act; and(b) if any money paid under a prepaid funeral agreement is to be paid to the Catholic Development Fund, that agreement is one of a class of prepaid funeral agreements which is exempt from the application of section 5(1)(d) , section 8(1) and section 9 of the Act.
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953 .
Notified in the Gazette on 4 February 2015
These regulations are administered in the Department of Justice.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations (a) exempt certain deposit schemes and certain classes of prepaid funeral agreements from the application of certain provisions of the Prepaid Funerals Act 2004 ; and(b) are made consequentially on the repeal of the Prepaid Funerals Regulations 2005 under section 11 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1992 .