Tasmanian Numbered Regulations

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(1)  In these regulations –
Act means the Racing Regulation Act 2004 ;
all-clear means a signal given after a race to indicate that the controlling stewards are satisfied that –
(a) the finishing order of the competitors is correct; and
(b) there are no protests;
all-in , in relation to a bet, means that –
(a) the bet stands whether or not the competitor backed by the bettor starts in the relevant race; and
(b) no refund is payable in respect of the bet;
all-up bet means a bet that –
(a) is in respect of a series of 2 or more races being held during the same race meeting; and
(b) provides for the bettor's winnings, if any, from one race in the series to be automatically reinvested on the next race in the series, and so on, until the series is exhausted;
betting supervisor means a person appointed as a betting supervisor under section 51(1)(b) of the Act;
concession bet means a bet on the contingency that a competitor backed by the bettor will win a race, with the stake being refunded to the bettor if that competitor is placed second in that race;
controlling official , for an event, means the person or body that is empowered, under the rules governing the event, to do either or both of the following:
(a) determine or declare the official result of the event;
(b) adjudicate protests in respect of the event;
controlling stewards , for a race, means the stewards having control of the race meeting, during which the race is held, at the time the race is held;
correct weight means a declaration given after a race indicating that the controlling stewards for the race are satisfied that the competitors carried their allocated weight during the race;
doubles bet means a bet that requires the bettor to back the winner of 2 races;
each-way bet means a bet on the contingency that a competitor backed by the bettor will be placed in a race;
event means –
(a) an approved sports event; or
(b) a segment of an approved sports event;
face value , of a betting ticket, means the total sum of money that is payable to the bettor (including the stake) if the bettor wins the bet for which the betting ticket is issued;
fielding , in relation to a race, race meeting, racecourse or event, means engaging in bookmaking on the racecourse in respect of that race, race meeting, racecourse or event;
fixed-price bet means a bet at a price that is fixed when the bet is made;
made , for a bet, means the placement of the bet by a bettor and the acceptance of the bet by a bookmaker;
multiple bet means a bet that requires the bettor to back the winner of more than 2 races;
odds and evens bet means a bet on the contingency that an odd-numbered competitor or an even-numbered competitor backed by the bettor will win a race;
odds on means rated at odds of less than 1:1 to win;
place bet means –
(a) a bet on the contingency that a competitor backed by the bettor will be placed in a particular race; or
(b) a bet on the contingency that competitors backed by the bettor will be placed in particular races;
placed , for a competitor in a race, means –
(a) if 8 or more competitors were entered in the race, that the competitor came first, second or third; or
(b) if 5 or more (but fewer than 8) competitors were entered in the race, that the competitor came first or second;
points start means the handicap given on a bet that aims to predict the result of an event, taking into account that handicap;
protest means any protest against, objection to or dispute about the result of a race, being a protest, objection or dispute that complies with the Rules of Racing ;
race means a horse race or greyhound race;
relevant betting ticket , for a bet, means the betting ticket issued for the bet;
relevant event , for a sports bet, means the event in respect of which the bet is made;
relevant race , for a bet, means the race in respect of which the bet is made;
return , for a bet, means the return to the bettor;
scratch means to withdraw a competitor from a race before it starts;
segment means something that –
(a) is generally recognised as forming a discrete part or phase of an event; and
(b) is capable of being the subject of sports betting in its own right –
whether (according to the terminology traditionally used for the event) it is referred to as a heat, hole, innings, leg, match, race, round, rubber, set, stage or as something else;
special race means –
(a) a Group race, as defined in the Rules of Racing ; or
(b) a race that the Director, by notice published in the Gazette on or before the day the race is scheduled to be held, declares to be a special race;
sports bet means a bet on a contingency relating to an event;
Sports Betting Rules means the Sports Betting Rules made, and in force, under section 110 of the Act;
sports bookmaking means bookmaking in respect of events;
stake means the money outlaid by a bettor when placing a bet, whether the bet is paid for when it is placed or afterwards;
starting price , for a race, means the final price offered on the competitors by a majority of the bookmakers fielding on the race when it starts (as determined by the betting supervisor) or, if no bookmakers are fielding on the race, the final totalizator price on those competitors;
tie , for a win or place in an event, means (according to the terminology traditionally used for events of that kind) a tie, draw, dead heat or even, equal or level placing for the win or that place;
tie-breaker , for an event, means (according to the terminology traditionally used for events of that kind) the extra-time, play-off, replay, shoot-out or other process that is used to determine a result if at the end of normal time there is a tie;
3 or 4 placed competitors bet means a bet that requires the bettor to back, from each race in a group of 3 or 4 races displayed on the bookmaker's board, a competitor to run a place, where each competitor's odds have been displayed on the bookmaker's board and been added together to achieve bet-value ( "bet-value" being the overall odds payable on a winning bet);
walk-over means a race in which only one competitor starts.
(2)  A notice referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of  special race in subregulation (1) is not a statutory rule.

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