Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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No. 162, 1991

Compilation No. 63

Compilation date: 6 July 2024

Includes amendments: Act No. 54, 2024

Registered: 15 July 2024

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 6 July 2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1--Preliminary

1 Short title

2 Commencement

3 Objectives

3A Principles of ecologically sustainable development

4 Interpretation

5 Coastal waters

6 Act binds the Crown

6A Application of the Criminal Code

7 Application

8 Application of Act to areas outside the AFZ

8A Regulations may provide for placement of observers on foreign fishing boats operating outside the AFZ

9 Application of Act to Protected Zone

9A Act not to apply so as to exceed Commonwealth power

10 Operation of certain State and Territory laws

11 Excepted waters

12 Sedentary organisms--Australian continental shelf

Part 2--Fishing and the marine environment

13 Driftnet fishing

14 Regulation etc. of certain practices

15 Prohibition against certain fishing

15A Prohibition against taking marlin

15B Report on analysis of marlin stocks

Part 3--Regulation of fishing

Division 1--Preliminary

16 AFMA to pursue objectives

16A AFMA to meet international fisheries management organisation and Fish Stocks Agreement obligations

16B Australian-flagged boats that have previously undermined conservation and management measures

Division 2--Plans of management

17 Plans of management

17A Register of persons concerned about plans of management

18 Action after determining a plan of management

19 Tabling, disallowance etc. of determinations

20 Amendment or revocation of plan of management

Division 3--Statutory fishing rights

21 Nature of a statutory fishing right

22 AFMA to establish system of statutory fishing rights

23 Certain decisions to be provisional

Division 4--Ways of granting statutory fishing rights

24 Notice of intention to grant fishing rights

25 Contents of notice

26 Registration of applicants

27 Tenders for fishing rights

28 Prescribed procedures for grant of fishing rights

29 Grant made available to highest bidder etc.

30 Amount of charge to be tendered

31 AFMA to grant fishing right

Division 4A--Statutory fishing rights options

31A Options arising when plan of management for fishery is revoked

31B Rights of option holder where the new plan of management is the same or substantially the same as the former plan of management

31C Rights of option holder where new plan of management has some features in common with the former plan of management

31D Exercise and lapsing of option

31E The Register of Statutory Fishing Rights Options

31F Registration of dealings in statutory fishing rights options

31FA Interests in statutory fishing rights options--priority between section 31F interests and PPSA security interests

31G Claims of interests in statutory fishing rights options

31H Trusts not registrable

31J Power of holder of statutory fishing rights option to deal with option

31K Obligations of AFMA in respect of granting statutory fishing rights under the new plan

31L Administrative provisions

Division 5--Fishing permits

32 Grant of fishing permits

32A Transfer of fishing permits

Division 6--Scientific permits

33 Grant of scientific permits

Division 7--Foreign fishing licences and Treaty licences

34 Grant of foreign fishing licences

35 Agreements to grant foreign fishing licences

36 Fisheries agreements

37 Treaty licences

Division 8--Suspension and cancellation of fishing concessions

38 Suspension of fishing concessions

39 Cancellation of fishing concessions

Division 9--Foreign master fishing licences

40 Grant of foreign master fishing licences

Division 9A--E-monitoring of fishing-related activity

40A Directions to classes of concession and permit holders

40B Directions to specific concession and permit holders

40C Conditions of fishing concessions and scientific permits

Division 10--Miscellaneous

41 Authority to extend to tender boats

41A AFMA may give directions in relation to closure or partial closure of fishery

42 Determinations relating to logbooks and the furnishing of returns

42A Fishing concession condition to facilitate boarding

42B Regulation-making power for conditions

43 Temporary orders

Part 4--Register of Statutory Fishing Rights

44 The Register

45 Information to be included in Register

46 Registration of dealings in fishing rights

46A Interests in fishing rights--priority between section 46 interests and PPSA security interests

47 Trusts not registrable

48 Power of holder of fishing right to deal with fishing right

50 Suspension, cancellation etc. of fishing right to be noted in Register

51 AFMA not concerned with certain matters

52 Inspection of Register and documents

53 Evidentiary provisions

54 Orders for rectification of Register

55 Correction of clerical errors etc. in Register

56 AFMA etc. not liable in certain circumstances

57 Offences

Part 4A--Register of vessels authorised to fish on high seas

57A The High Seas Register

57B Information to be included in the High Seas Register

57C Notification obligations

57D Inspection of the High Seas Register

57E Application of sections 53 to 56

57F Offence

Part 4B--Fishing Permits Register

57G The Fishing Permits Register

57H Information to be included in the Fishing Permits Register

57J Inspection of the Fishing Permits Register

57K Application of sections 53 to 56

57L Offence

Part 5--Co-operation with States and Northern Territory in management of fisheries

Division 1--Preliminary

58 Interpretation

59 Application of Part in relation to Northern Territory

60 Acting Ministers

Division 2--Joint Authorities

61 Establishment of Joint Authorities

62 Functions of Joint Authority

63 Deputies of members

64 Representation on Joint Authority

65 Delegation

66 Procedure of Joint Authorities

67 Decisions taken without meeting

68 Advisory committees

69 Administration

70 Annual reports

Division 3--Arrangements with respect to management of particular fisheries

71 Arrangements with States--Joint Authority to manage

72 Other arrangements with States

73 Arrangements with States--general provisions

74 Arrangements--how made etc.

74A Arrangements--how varied etc.

75 Arrangements--how terminated etc.

76 Extension of operation of this Act

77 Exclusion of this Act (except this Division)

78 Effect of arrangement

81 Evidentiary provision

Part 6--Surveillance and enforcement

Division 1--Officers

83 Appointment of officers

84 Powers of officers

84B Cooperative Enforcement Agreement

84C Customs officers may carry arms in exercise of powers under this Act

85 When search warrants can be issued

85A The things that are authorised by a search warrant

85B Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a warrant

85C Copy of warrant to be given to occupier etc.

85D Specific powers available to officer executing warrant

85E Use of equipment to examine or process things

85F Use of electronic equipment at premises

85G Compensation for damage to electronic equipment

85H Copies of seized things to be provided

85J Occupier entitled to be present during search

85K Receipts for things seized under warrant

86 Warrants by telephone or other electronic means

87J Use of force to exercise powers

88 Release of seized property

88A Seizure and forfeiture of foreign boats etc.

89 Identity cards

89A Defensive equipment

90 Officer etc. not liable to certain actions

Division 2--Fish receiver permits

91 Grant of fish receiver permits

92 Holder of fish receiver permit to give information etc.

93 Offences in relation to returns etc.

Division 3--Foreign fishing boats--port permits

94 Grant of port permits

Division 4--Enforcement generally

95 Offences

96 Removing fish from traps etc.

97 Persons not to receive fish in certain circumstances

97A E-monitoring equipment and e-monitoring data offences

98 Court may make certain orders

98A Infringement notices

Division 5--Foreign boats--additional enforcement provisions

99 Using foreign boat for recreational fishing--strict liability offence

100 Using foreign boat for fishing in AFZ--strict liability offence

100A Offence of using foreign boat for fishing in AFZ

100B Using foreign boat for fishing in territorial sea within AFZ

101 Having foreign boat equipped for fishing--strict liability offence

101A Offence of having foreign boat equipped for fishing

101AA Having foreign boat equipped for fishing in territorial sea within AFZ

101B Using boat outside AFZ to support illegal foreign fishing in AFZ

102 Certain foreign boats not to enter Australian ports

103 Foreign boats not to land fish in Australia

104 Foreign boats not to contravene condition of Treaty licence

105 Certain prosecutions to require consent of Minister

Division 5A--Offences in places beyond the AFZ

Subdivision A--Australian-flagged boats beyond the AFZ

105A Australian-flagged boat with fish on high seas

105AA Person fishing for conserved fish stock on high seas without a concession--strict liability

105AB Person fishing for conserved fish stock on high seas without a concession

105B Australian-flagged boat on high seas equipped for fishing

105C Australian-flagged boat fishing in foreign waters

105D Authorising foreign officials' action affecting Australian-flagged boats

Subdivision B--Using foreign boat to contravene international fisheries management measure

105E Contravention on high seas--strict liability

105EA Contravention on high seas

105EB Attorney-General's consent required for prosecution

105F Australian national on foreign boat in foreign waters--strict liability

105FA Australian national on foreign boat in foreign waters

Subdivision C--Unauthorised foreign boat on high seas

105H Unauthorised fishing--strict liability

105I Unauthorised fishing

105J Attorney-General's consent required for prosecution

Division 5B--Provisions relating to detention of suspected illegal foreign fishers

105Q Provisions relating to detention of suspected illegal foreign fishers

Division 6--General

Subdivision A--Forfeiture by court order

106 Forfeiture of things used in certain offences

106AAA Forfeiture of additional things on forfeited boats

106AAB Forfeited things become the property of the Commonwealth

106AAC Rights and interests of the Commonwealth not limited

Subdivision B--Automatic forfeiture of things

106A Forfeiture of things used in certain offences

106AA Forfeiture of additional things on seized boats

106AB Rights and interests of the Commonwealth not limited

Subdivision BA--Automatic ownership of things

106AC Fish taken with Commonwealth property

106AD Things on, in or attached to boats

106AE Rights and interests of the Commonwealth not limited

Subdivision C--Dealing with things seized

106B Application of this Subdivision

106C Notice of seizure

106D Dealing with thing before it is condemned

106E Thing condemned if not claimed in time

106F Dealing with claim for thing

106G Condemnation of thing if it is claimed

106H Dealing with thing after it is condemned

106HA Evidence

Subdivision E--Obstruction of officers

108 Obstruction of officers etc.

Subdivision F--Enforcement action under this Act prevails over other action

108A Seizure or forfeiture has effect despite other proceedings

Subdivision G--Disclosures relating to illegal fishing activities

108B Minister may disclose information relating to illegal fishing activities

Part 7--Collection of levy and charge

Division 1--Collection of levy imposed by the Fishing Levy Act 1991

109 Interpretation

110 When is levy due?

111 Payment by instalments

112 Penalty for non-payment

113 Recovery of levy and other amounts

Division 2--Collection of levy imposed by the Foreign Fishing Licences Levy Act 1991

114 Interpretation

115 Arrangements between AFMA and person by whom levy payable

116 When is levy due?

117 Penalty for non-payment

118 Recovery of levy and other amounts

Division 3--Collection of charge imposed by the Statutory Fishing Rights Charge Act 1991

119 Interpretation

120 When is charge due?

121 Payment by instalments

122 Penalty for non-payment

123 Recovery of charge and other amounts

Part 8--Review by the Statutory Fishing Rights Allocation Review Panel

Division 1--Establishment etc. of Panel

124 Establishment of Panel

125 Constitution

126 Appointment of members

127 Qualifications etc. of Principal Member

128 Acting Principal Member

129 Constitution of Panel for exercise of powers

130 Member unable to complete review

131 Remuneration and allowances of members

132 Other terms and conditions

133 Resignation

134 Disclosure of interests

135 Termination of appointment

136 Registries

137 Officers of Panel

138 Acting appointments

Division 2--Nomination and selection process for members of the Panel

139 Presiding Member

140 Acting Presiding Member

141 Request for nominations

141A Selection Committee

141B Membership of Selection Committee

141C Selection of nominees

141D Nomination

141E Rejection of nominations

141F Meetings of a Selection Committee

141G Remuneration and allowances

141H Leave of absence

141J Resignation

141K Termination of appointment of member of Selection Committee

141L Disclosure of interests by members of Selection Committees

141M Resolutions without meetings

141N Consultants etc.

141P Presiding Member to abolish Selection Committee

141Q Annual reports of Selection Committees

Division 3--Review by Panel

142 Function

143 Application to Panel for review

144 AFMA or Joint Authority to be notified of application for review

145 Arrangements for hearing of application

146 Powers of the Panel etc.

147 Procedure of Panel

148 Representation before Panel

149 Oral evidence usually given in public

150 Powers in relation to decisions under review

151 Withdrawal of application for review

152 Power to dismiss application

153 Refusal to be sworn or to answer questions etc.

154 Majority decision

155 Panel may restrict publication of certain matters

156 Failure of witness to attend

157 Protection of members and persons giving evidence

158 Fees for persons giving evidence

159 Person must not obstruct etc.

160 Procedure following Panel decision

Division 4--Appeals

161 Appeal to Federal Court of Australia on question of law

162 Operation etc. of decision subject to appeal

Part 9--Miscellaneous

Division 1--Electronic decision-making

163A What this Division is about

163B Electronic decision-making

163C Replacing an electronic decision

163D Evidence of whether computer is functioning correctly

163E Return of fishing concession certificate not necessary

Division 2--Other miscellaneous provisions

163 Delegation by Minister

164 Conduct of directors, employees and agents

165 Reconsideration by AFMA and right to review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal

166 Evidence

167 AFMA to compile statistics

167A Compensation for acquisition of property

167B AFMA may give information about boats to officers of Customs

168 Regulations

Schedule 1A--Provisions relating to detention of suspected illegal foreign fishers

Part 1--Preliminary

Division 1--Objects of this Schedule

1 Main objects of this Schedule

Division 2--Definitions

2 Definitions

Division 3--Appointment etc. of detention officers

3 Minister may appoint persons to be detention officers

4 Detention officers subject to directions

5 Detention officer etc. not liable to certain actions

Division 4--Authorisation of officers and detention officers

6 AFMA may authorise officers and detention officers

7 Persons who are authorised officers for purposes of Migration Act 1958 are taken to be authorised for this Schedule

Part 2--Detaining suspected illegal foreign fishers

Division 1--Initial detention by an officer

8 Power to detain

9 Relationship with Part IC of the Crimes Act 1914

Division 2--Continued detention by a detention officer

10 Detention officer may detain person already detained by officer

Division 3--Detention on behalf of an officer or detention officer

11 Detention on behalf of an officer or detention officer

Division 4--Moving detainees

12 Power to move detainees

Division 5--End of detention

13 End of detention

Division 6--Offence of escaping from detention

14 Escape from detention

Part 3--Searching and screening detainees and screening their visitors

Division 1--Searches of detainees

15 Searches of detainees

Division 2--Screening of detainees

16 Power to conduct a screening procedure

Division 3--Strip searches of detainees

17 Power to conduct a strip search

18 Rules for conducting a strip search

Division 4--Keeping of things found by screening or strip search of detainees

19 Possession and retention of certain things obtained during a screening procedure or strip search

20 Authorised officer may apply for a thing to be retained for a further period

21 Magistrate may order that thing be retained

Division 5--Law applying to detainee in State or Territory prison etc.

22 Detainees held in State or Territory prisons or remand centres

Division 6--Screening detainees' visitors

23 Powers concerning entry to premises where detainee is detained

Part 4--Detainees' rights to facilities for obtaining legal advice etc.

24 Detainee may have access to certain advice, facilities etc.

Part 5--Identifying detainees

Division 1--Preliminary

25 Definitions

26 Meaning of personal identifier

27 Limiting the types of identification tests that authorised officers may carry out

Division 2--Identification of detainees

Subdivision A--Provision of personal identifiers

28 Detainees must provide personal identifiers

29 Authorised officers must require and carry out identification tests

30 Information to be provided before carrying out identification tests

Subdivision B--How identification tests are carried out

31 General rules for carrying out identification tests

32 Use of force in carrying out identification tests

33 Identification tests not to be carried out in cruel, inhuman or degrading manner etc.

34 Authorised officer may get help to carry out identification tests

35 Identification tests to be carried out by authorised officer of same sex as non-citizen

36 Independent person to be present

37 Recording of identification tests

38 Retesting

Subdivision C--Obligations relating to video recordings of identification tests

39 Definitions

40 Accessing video recordings

41 Authorising access to video recordings

42 Providing video recordings

43 Unauthorised modification of video recordings

44 Unauthorised impairment of video recordings

45 Meanings of unauthorised modification and unauthorised impairment etc.

46 Destroying video recordings

Division 3--Identification of minors and incapable persons

47 Minors

48 Incapable persons

Division 4--Obligations relating to detainees' identifying information

Subdivision A--Preliminary

49 Definitions

50 Application

Subdivision B--Accessing identifying information

51 Accessing identifying information

52 Authorising access to identifying information

Subdivision C--Disclosing identifying information

53 Disclosing identifying information

54 Authorising disclosure of identifying information to foreign countries etc.

Subdivision D--Modifying and impairing identifying information

55 Unauthorised modification of identifying information

56 Unauthorised impairment of identifying information

57 Meanings of unauthorised modification and unauthorised impairment etc.

Subdivision E--Retaining identifying information

58 Identifying information may be indefinitely retained

Part 6--Disclosure of detainees' personal information

59 Disclosure of detainees' personal information

Schedule 1--Treaty on fisheries between the Governments of certain Pacific Island States and the United States of America

Schedule 2--Fish Stocks Agreement

Schedule 3--Compliance Agreement


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history



Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section  15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.


Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Fisheries Management Act 1991

162, 1991

10 Nov 1991

s 1 and 2: 10 Nov 1991 (s 2(1))
s 58-82: 3 Feb 1995 (s 2(2))
Remainder: 3 Feb 1992 (s 2(3) and gaz 1992, No GN1)


Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act 1993

94, 1993

16 Dec 1993

Parts 11 and 12 (ss. 47-65): 1 Jan 1994
s. 69(1)(b): 1 July 1989 Remainder: Royal Assent


Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 1994

20, 1994

15 Feb 1994

1 Aug 1994 (see Gazette 1994, No. S289)


Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994

129, 1994

21 Oct 1994

Sch: 21 Oct 1994 (s 2(1))


Evidence (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1995

3, 1995

23 Feb 1995

s 14: 23 Feb 1995 (s 2(1))
Sch: 18 Apr 1995 (s 2(13))

s 14

Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996

59, 1996

20 Nov 1996

Sch 4: 20 Nov 1996 (s 2(1))


Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act 1997

120, 1997

7 July 1997

7 July 1997

Sch 2 (item 29)

Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998

75, 1998

30 June 1998

Sch 1: 28 July 1998 (s 2(1))


Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999

143, 1999

3 Nov 1999

Schedule 1: 16 Dec 1999 (see Gazette 1999, No. S623)
Schedule 2: 11 Dec 2001 (see Gazette 2001, No. S485)
Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch 1 (items 16, 25, 27) and Sch. 2 (items 23, 36)

Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999

146, 1999

11 Nov 1999

Sch 1 (items 489, 490): 5 Dec 1999 (s 2(1), (2))


Border Protection Legislation Amendment Act 1999

160, 1999

8 Dec 1999

Sch 3 (items 1-8, 14): 16 Dec 1999 (s 2(4), (6) and gaz 1999, No S624)
Sch 3 (items 9-13): 11 Dec 2001 (s 2(5))


Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2000

50, 2000

3 May 2000

Schedules 1 and  2: 1 Aug 2000 (see Gazette 2000, No. S415) Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch 2 (item 17)

Criminal Code Amendment (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Act 2000

137, 2000

24 Nov 2000

Sch 2 (items 206-209, 418, 419): 24 May 2001 (s 2(3))

Sch 2 (items 418, 419)

Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001

55, 2001

28 June 2001

s 4-14 and Sch 3 (items 199, 200): 15 July 2001 (s 2(1), (3))

s 4-14

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act 2001

115, 2001

18 Sept 2001

16 Oct 2001

s 4

Measures to Combat Serious and Organised Crime Act 2001

136, 2001

1 Oct 2001

Sch 4 (item 70): 29 Oct 2001 (s 2(5))


Border Security Legislation Amendment Act 2002

64, 2002

5 July 2002

Schedule 8: 5 Jan 2003


Fisheries Legislation Amendment (Compliance and Deterrence Measures and Other Matters) Act 2004

28, 2004

1 Apr 2004

Schedule 1: 6 Aug 2004 (see Gazette 2004, No. S321)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Fisheries Legislation Amendment (High Seas Fishing Activities and Other Matters) Act 2004

29, 2004

2 Apr 2004

Schedules 1 and 2: 20 Aug 2004 (see Gazette 2004, No. S343) Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch 2 (item 8)

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 2005

100, 2005

6 July 2005

Sch 2 (items 17, 18): 20 Aug 2004 (s 2(1) item 36)


Fisheries Legislation Amendment (International Obligations and Other Matters) Act 2005

99, 2005

6 July 2005

Sch 1 (items 3, 4, 6-23, 34-36, 42-47): 7 July 2005 (s 2(1) items 2, 4, 6, 8)
Sch 1 (item 5): repealed before commencing (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 1 (items 24-33, 37-41, 48-58): never commenced (s 2(1) items 5, 7, 9)

Sch 1 (item 41)

Statute Law Revision Act 2005

100, 2005

6 July 2005

Sch 1 (item 21): 1 Aug 2000 (s 2(1) item 11)
Sch 1 (item 22): 24 May 2001 (s 2(1) item 12)
Sch 1 (items 23, 24): 3 Feb 1992 (s 2(1) items 13, 14)
Sch 1 (item 25): 20 Aug 2004 (s 2(1) item 15)


Border Protection Legislation Amendment (Deterrence of Illegal Foreign Fishing) Act 2005

103, 2005

23 Aug 2005

Schedule 1 (items 1, 42, 43): 24 Aug 2005 Schedule 1 (items 3-14, 21-26): 30 Nov 2005 ( see F2005L03632)

Sch 1 (item 14)

Fisheries Legislation Amendment (Cooperative Fisheries Arrangements and Other Matters) Act 2006

8, 2006

23 Mar 2006

23 Mar 2006

Sch 2 (item 22)

Fisheries Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fishing Offences) Act 2006

61, 2006

22 June 2006

Schedules 1 and 2: 23 June 2006 Remainder: Royal Assent


Migration Legislation Amendment (Information and Other Measures) Act 2007

63, 2007

15 Apr 2007

Schedule 1 (items 16-30, 60, 61): 1 May 2007 (see F2007L01135)

Sch 1 (items 60, 61)

Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act 2007

104, 2007

28 June 2007

Schedule 2: 26 July 2007


as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 2008

73, 2008

3 July 2008

Sch 2 (item 21): 26 July 2007 (s 2(1) item 56)


Fisheries Legislation Amendment (New Governance Arrangements for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and Other Matters) Act 2008

36, 2008

24 June 2008

Schedule 1 (items 83-117, 135-156): 1 July 2008
Schedule 2 (items 1-12) and Schedule 4 (items 1-6): 22 July 2008
Schedule 3 (items 1-66): 24 June 2009

Sch 1 (items 135-156)

Customs Legislation Amendment (Name Change) Act 2009

33, 2009

22 May 2009

Schedule 2 (item 34): 23 May 2009


Personal Property Securities (Consequential Amendments) Act 2009

131, 2009

14 Dec 2009

Schedule 1 (items 1-18): 30 Jan 2012 (see F2011L02397)

Sch 1 (item 18) Sch 1 (item 17) (rep by 96, 2010, Sch 3 [item 17])

as amended by





Personal Property Securities (Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010

96, 2010

6 July 2010

Schedule 3 (item 17): (see 96, 2010 below)


Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act 2010

39, 2010

13 Apr 2010

Schedule 1: 11 May 2010


Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Act 2010

51, 2010

31 May 2010

Sch 5 (items 35, 36) and Sch 7: 1 Nov 2010 (s 2(1) item 7)

Sch 7

Personal Property Securities (Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010

96, 2010

6 July 2010

Sch 3 (items 2, 17): 30 Jan 2012 (s 2(1) items 9, 14)


Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2010

137, 2010

7 Dec 2010

Schedule 3 (items 1-14): 4 Jan 2011 Schedule 3 (items 15-20): 7 Jan 2011


Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011

46, 2011

27 June 2011

Schedule 2 (items 619-627) and Schedule 3 (items 10, 11): 27 Dec 2011

Sch 3 (items 10, 11)

Maritime Powers (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013

16, 2013

27 Mar 2013

Schedule 3: 27 Mar 2014 (see s 2(1))


Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2013

17, 2013

27 Mar 2013

Schedule 3: 24 Apr 2013
Schedule 6 (items 52-56): 28 Mar 2013

Sch 3 (item 13)

Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2013

27, 2013

28 Mar 2013

Schedule 1 (items 1-9, 12-15), Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule  4 (items 1-10): 25 Apr 2013 Schedule 4 (items 11, 12): 29 Mar 2013

Sch 2 (item 6), Sch 3 (item 2) and Sch 4 (item 12)

Statute Law Revision Act 2013

103, 2013

29 June 2013

Schedule 1 (items 50, 51) and Schedule 3 (item 12): Royal Assent


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2014

31, 2014

27 May 2014

Sch 4 (items 85-87): 24 June 2014

Sch 4 (item 87)

Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015

10, 2015

5 Mar 2015

Sch 3 (items 139, 140, 348 and 349): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 3 (items 348, 349)

Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Act 2015

41, 2015

20 May 2015

Sch 5 (items 70-79), Sch 6 (items 77-81) and Sch 9: 1  July 2015 (s 2(1) items 2 and 7)

Sch 6 (item 81) and Sch 9

as amended by





Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Act 2017

115, 2017

30 Oct 2017

Sch 1 (item 26): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

59, 2015

26 May 2015

Sch 2 (item 161): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 5) Sch  2 (items 356-396): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 2 (items 356-396)

as amended by





Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016

33, 2016

23 Mar 2016

Sch 2: 24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Biosecurity (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2015

62, 2015

16 June 2015

Sch 2 (items 22, 23) and Sch 4: 16 June 2016 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 3: 16 June 2015 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 3 and Sch 4

as amended by





Statute Update (Winter 2017) Act 2017

93, 2017

23 Aug 2017

Sch 2 (item 9): 20 Sept 2017 (s 2(1) item 4)


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (item 230): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2016

4, 2016

11 Feb 2016

Sch 4 (items 1, 174, 175, 389): 10 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 6)


Statute Update Act 2016

61, 2016

23 Sept 2016

Sch 2 (item 45): 21 Oct 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)


Fisheries Legislation Amendment (Representation) Act 2017

123, 2017

6 Nov 2017

Sch 1 (items 11, 12): 7 Nov 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)


Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2020

154, 2020

17 Dec 2020

Sch 1 (items 89, 93-96, 99): 18 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 93-96, 99)

Regulatory Powers (Standardisation Reform) Act 2021

32, 2021

26 Mar 2021

Sch 4: 26 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 8)

Sch 4 (item 6)

Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 2) Act 2024

39, 2024

31 May 2024

Sch 1 (items 11-21): awaiting commencement (s 2(1) item 2)


COAG Legislation Amendment Act 2024

54, 2024

5 July 2024

Sch 2 (items 14, 94-98): 6 July 2024 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 2 (items 94-98)


Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


s. 3.....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 29, 2004; No. 8, 2006; No 123, 2017

s. 3A....................

ad. No. 8, 2006

s 4.....................

am No 20, 1994; No 120, 1997; No 143, 1999; No 160, 1999; No 137, 2000; No 29, 2004; No  99, 2005; No 8, 2006; No 104, 2007; No 36, 2008; No 131, 2009; No 39, 2010; No 96, 2010; No 137, 2010; No  46, 2011; No 27, 2013; No 103, 2013; No 32, 2021; No 54, 2024

s 6.....................

am No 59, 2015

s. 6A....................

ad. No. 115, 2001

s. 7.....................

am. No. 143, 1999; No. 29, 2004; No. 36, 2008

Note to s. 7(1).............

ad. No. 143, 1999


rep. No. 36, 2008

s. 8.....................

am. No. 143, 1999; No. 29, 2004

s. 8A....................

ad. No. 50, 2000

s. 9.....................

am. No. 137, 2000

s. 9A....................

ad. No. 94, 1993

s. 10....................

am. No. 143, 1999; No. 29, 2004; No. 99, 2005

Part 2


s. 13....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 115, 2001

s. 14....................

am. No. 50, 2000

s. 15....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 50, 2000; No. 115, 2001

s. 15A...................

ad. No. 75, 1998


am. No. 115, 2001; No. 29, 2004

s. 15B...................

ad. No. 75, 1998

Part 3


Division 1


Heading to s. 16A...........

am. No. 36, 2008

Subhead. to s. 16A(1).........

am. No. 36, 2008

s. 16A...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008

s. 16B...................

ad. No. 29, 2004

Division 2


s. 17....................

am. No. 94, 1993; No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No.  99, 2005; No. 36, 2008; No. 137, 2010

s. 17A...................

ad. No. 120, 1997


am. No. 50, 2000

s 19....................

am No 3, 1995; No 137, 2010; No 39, 2024

s. 20....................

am. No. 137, 2010

Division 3


s. 21....................

am. No. 94, 1993

s. 22....................

am. No. 94, 1993; Nos. 28 and 29, 2004; No. 39, 2010; No. 17, 2013

Note to s. 22(3).............

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 17, 2013


am. No. 27, 2013

s. 23....................

am. No. 99, 2005

Division 4


s. 25....................

am. No. 99, 2005

s. 26....................

am. No. 120, 1997

ss. 28, 29.................

am. No. 99, 2005

Division 4A


Div. 4A of Part 3............

ad. No. 120, 1997

s. 31A...................

ad. No. 120, 1997


am. No. 131, 2009

ss. 31B-31E...............

ad. No. 120, 1997

Heading to s. 31F...........

am. No. 131, 2009

Subheads. to s. 31F(1), (2).....

ad. No. 131, 2009

Subheads. to s. 31F(6)-(8).....

ad. No. 131, 2009

s. 31F...................

ad. No. 120, 1997


am. No. 55, 2001; No. 131, 2009

s. 31FA..................

ad. No. 131, 2009

s 31G...................

ad No 120, 1997

s 31H...................

ad No 120, 1997

s. 31J...................

ad. No. 120, 1997


am. No. 131, 2009

s 31K...................

ad No 120, 1997

s 31L...................

ad No 120, 1997

Division 5


s. 32....................

am. No. 94, 1993; No. 129, 1994; No. 143, 1999; Nos. 28 and 29, 2004; No. 39, 2010; No.  17, 2013

Note to s. 32(1D)...........

am. No. 36, 2008

Note to s. 32(5).............

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 17, 2013


am. No. 27, 2013

s. 32A...................

ad. No. 39, 2010

Division 6


s. 33....................

am. No. 28, 2004; No. 39, 2010; No. 17, 2013

Note to s. 33(3).............

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 17, 2013


am. No. 27, 2013

Division 7


s. 34....................

am. No. 94, 1993; No. 28, 2004; No. 39, 2010; No. 17, 2013

Note to s. 34(4).............

ad. No. 17, 2013


am. No. 27, 2013

Division 8


s. 38....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 99, 2005; No. 36, 2008

s. 39....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 29, 2004; No. 36, 2008

Division 9


s. 40....................

am. No. 28, 2004; No. 39, 2010; No. 17, 2013

Note to s. 40(3).............

ad. No. 17, 2013

Division 9A


Div. 9A of Part 3............

ad. No. 27, 2013

s. 40A...................

ad. No. 27, 2013

s. 40B...................

ad. No. 27, 2013

s. 40C...................

ad. No. 27, 2013

Division 10


s. 41A...................

ad. No. 28, 2004


am. No. 137, 2010; Nos. 17 and 27, 2013

s 42....................

am No 143, 1999; No 29, 2004; No 10, 2015

s. 42A...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008

s. 42B...................

ad. No. 137, 2010

s 43....................

am No 129, 1994; No 143, 1999; No 36, 2008; No 10, 2015

Part 4


s. 45....................

am. No. 8, 2006

Heading to s. 46............

am. No. 131, 2009

Subheads. to s. 46(1), (2)......

ad. No. 131, 2009

Subhead. to s. 46(5)..........

ad. No. 131, 2009

s. 46....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 55, 2001; No. 131, 2009; No. 39, 2010

s. 46A...................

ad. No. 131, 2009

s. 48....................

am. No. 131, 2009; No. 103, 2013

s. 49....................

am. No. 120, 1997


rep. No. 39, 2010

s 50....................

am No 131, 2009; No 39, 2024

s 54....................

am No 36, 2008; No 154, 2020

s. 56....................

am. No. 36, 2008

s. 57....................

am. No. 115, 2001


rs. No. 29, 2004


am No 4, 2016; No 61, 2016

Part 4A


Part 4A..................

ad. No. 29, 2004

s 57A...................

ad No 29, 2004

s 57B...................

ad No 29, 2004


am No 39, 2024

s 57C...................

ad No 29, 2004

s 57D...................

ad No 29, 2004

s 57E...................

ad No 29, 2004

s 57F...................

ad No 29, 2004


am No 4, 2016; No 61, 2016

Part 4B


Part 4B..................

ad. No. 28, 2004

s. 57G...................

ad. No. 28, 2004

s 57H...................

ad No 28, 2004


am No 137, 2010; No 39, 2024

s 57J....................

ad No 28, 2004

s 57K...................

ad No 28, 2004

s 57L...................

ad No 28, 2004


am No 4, 2016; No 61, 2016

Part 5


Division 1


s. 60....................

am. No. 8, 2006

Division 2


s. 65....................

am. No. 120, 1997

s. 69....................

am. No. 36, 2008

Division 3


s 71....................

am No 8, 2006

s 72....................

am No 8, 2006

s. 74....................

am. No. 8, 2006

s. 74A...................

ad. No. 8, 2006

ss. 75, 76.................

am. No. 8, 2006

s. 77....................

rs. No. 8, 2006


am. No. 27, 2013

s. 78....................

rs. No. 120, 1997


am. No. 8, 2006

ss. 79, 80.................

rep. No. 120, 1997

s. 82....................

rep. No. 120, 1997

Part 6


Division 1


s. 83....................

am. No. 36, 2008

s. 84....................

am. No. 129, 1994; No. 120, 1997; Nos. 143 and 160, 1999; No. 115, 2001; No. 28, 2004; No.  29, 2004 (as am. by No. 100, 2005); No. 103, 2005; No. 61, 2006; No. 104, 2007; No 16, 2013

Note to s. 84(1).............

ad. No. 103, 2005

Note to s. 84(1A)...........

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 104, 2007

s. 84AA.................

ad. No. 103, 2005


rep No 16, 2013

s. 84A...................

ad. No. 160, 1999


am. No. 136, 2001


rep. No. 103, 2005

s. 84B...................

ad. No. 160, 1999


rep. No. 103, 2005


ad. No. 137, 2010


am No 16, 2013

s 84C...................

ad No 160, 1999


am No 41, 2015

s. 85....................

rs. No. 120, 1997

ss. 85A-85H..............

ad. No. 120, 1997

s 85J....................

ad No 120, 1997

s 85K...................

ad No 120, 1997

s. 86....................

rs. No. 120, 1997


am No 31, 2014

Heading to s. 87............

rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 87....................

am. No. 36, 2008; No. 137, 2010


rep No 16, 2013

ss. 87A, 87B..............

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 103, 2005


rep. No. 36, 2008

ss. 87C, 87D..............

ad. No. 143, 1999


rep. No. 36, 2008

s. 87E...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 160, 1999; No. 103, 2005


rep. No. 36, 2008

Note to s. 87E(5)............

rep. No. 103, 2005

s. 87F...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rep. No. 36, 2008

s. 87G...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rep No. 16, 2013

s. 87H...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 103, 2005; No. 36, 2008


rep No. 16, 2013

Note to s. 87H(1)...........

rep. No. 36, 2008

Note to s. 87H(5)...........

rep. No. 36, 2008

s. 87HA.................

ad. No. 36, 2008


rep No 16, 2013

s. 87J...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008; No 16, 2013

s. 88....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 28, 2004; No. 36, 2008; No 16, 2013

s. 88A...................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 89....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 115, 2001; No. 36, 2008; No 4, 2016

s. 89A...................

ad. No. 39, 2010

Division 2


s. 91....................

am. No. 129, 1994; No. 17, 2013

s 93....................

am No 115, 2001; No 32, 2021

Division 3


s. 94....................

am. No. 50, 2000

Division 4


s. 95....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No. 29, 2004; No.  100, 2005; No 4, 2016

s. 96....................

am. No. 120, 1997

s. 97....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 27, 2013

s. 97A...................

ad. No. 27, 2013

s. 98....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No. 115, 2001; No.  36, 2008; No 4, 2016

s 98A...................

ad No 160, 1999


rep No 103, 2005


ad No 32, 2021

Division 5


Heading to s. 99............

am. No. 143, 1999

s. 99....................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999

Heading to s. 100...........

am. No. 143, 1999

s. 100...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No 4, 2016

s. 100A..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 28, 2004; No. 61, 2006; No 4, 2016

Note to s. 100A(4)...........

ad. No. 61, 2006

s. 100B..................

ad. No. 61, 2006


am. No. 104, 2007

Heading to s. 101...........

am. No. 143, 1999; No. 36, 2008

s. 101...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No. 36, 2008; No.  137, 2010; No 4, 2016

s. 101A..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 50, 2000; No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008; No. 137, 2010; No 4, 2016

Note to s. 101A(4)...........

ad. No. 61, 2006

s. 101AA.................

ad. No. 61, 2006


am. No. 104, 2007; No. 36, 2008; No. 137, 2010

s. 101B..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 143, 1999; No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008; No 4, 2016

s. 102...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No. 115, 2001; No.  36, 2008; No 16, 2013; No 4, 2016

s. 103...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 115, 2001; No. 99, 2005; No.  61, 2006; No 4, 2016

Note to s. 103(1B)...........

ad. No. 99, 2005

s. 104...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 115, 2001; No 4, 2016

Division 5A


Div. 5A of Part 6............

ad. No. 143, 1999

Subdivision A


s. 105A..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am No 4, 2016

Heading to s. 105AA.........

am. No. 36, 2008

s. 105AA.................

ad. No. 99, 2005


am. No. 36, 2008; No 4, 2016

s. 105AB.................

ad. No. 99, 2005


am. No. 36, 2008; No 4, 2016

s 105B..................

ad No 143, 1999


am No 4, 2016

s 105C..................

ad No 143, 1999


am No 4, 2016

s. 105D..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008

Subdiv. AA of Div. 5A........
of Part 6

ad. No. 99, 2005
rep. No. 36, 2008

ss. 105DA-105DD..........

ad. No. 99, 2005


rep. No. 36, 2008

Subdivision B


Subdiv. B of Div. 5A.........
of Part 6

rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 105E..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 36, 2008

s 105EA.................

ad No 36, 2008

s 105EB.................

ad No 36, 2008

s. 105F..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 105FA.................

ad. No. 36, 2008

s. 105G..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rep. No. 36, 2008

Subdivision C


Subdiv. C of Div. 5A.........
of Part 6

ad. No. 99, 2005
rs. No. 36, 2008

ss. 105H-105J.............

ad. No. 99, 2005


rs. No. 36, 2008

Division 5B


Div. 5B of Part 6............

ad. No. 103, 2005

s. 105Q..................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 6


Subdivision A


Heading to Subdiv. A.........
of Div. 6 of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999

s. 106...................

am. No. 129, 1994; No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No.  29, 2004; No. 104, 2007; No. 36, 2008

s. 106AAA...............

ad. No. 104, 2007


am. No. 36, 2008

s 106AAB................

ad No 104, 2007

s 106AAC................

ad No 104, 2007

Subdivision B


Heading to Subdiv. B.........
of Div. 6 of Part 6

rs. No. 104, 2007

Subdiv. B of Div. 6..........
of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999

s. 106A..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 61, 2006; No. 104, 2007; No 16, 2013

s 106AA.................

ad. No. 104, 2007


am No 16, 2013

s 106AB.................

ad No 104, 2007

Subdivision BA


Subdiv. BA of Div. 6 of.......
Part 6

ad. No. 104, 2007

ss. 106AC-106AE...........

ad. No. 104, 2007

Subdivision C


Heading to Subdiv. C.........
of Div. 6 of Part 6

rs. No. 104, 2007

Subdiv. C of Div. 6..........
of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999

s. 106B..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 104, 2007

s. 106C..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 104, 2007; No. 36, 2008

s. 106D..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am No 62, 2015

ss. 106E, 106F.............

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008

Note 1 to s. 106F(1)..........

am. No. 36, 2008

Note 2 to s. 106F(1)..........

am. No. 36, 2008

s. 106G..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


am. No. 36, 2008

s. 106H..................

ad. No. 143, 1999

s. 106HA.................

ad. No. 104, 2007

Subdiv. CA of Div. 6 of.......
Part 6

ad. No. 28, 2004
rep No 16, 2013



s 106J...................

ad. No. 28, 2004


rep No 16, 2013

s 106K..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


rep No 16, 2013

s 106L..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


rep No 16, 2013

s 106M..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


am. No. 36, 2008


rep No 16, 2013

s 106N..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


am. No. 36, 2008


rep No 16, 2013

s 106P...................

ad. No. 28, 2004


am. No. 36, 2008


rep No 16, 2013

s 106R..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


am. No. 36, 2008


rep No 16, 2013

s. 106S..................

ad. No. 28, 2004


rep No. 16, 2013

Heading to Subdiv. D.........
of Div. 6 of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999
rep. No. 100, 2005

s. 107...................

rep. No. 137, 2000

Subdivision E


Heading to Subdiv. E.........
of Div. 6 of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999

s. 108...................

am. No. 143, 1999; No. 115, 2001; No. 103, 2005; No. 36, 2008; No 16, 2013

Subdivision F


Subdiv. F of Div. 6..........
of Part 6

ad. No. 143, 1999
rs. No. 131, 2009

s. 108A..................

ad. No. 143, 1999


rs. No. 131, 2009

Subdivision G


Subdiv. G of Div. 6..........
of Part 6

ad. No. 99, 2005

s. 108B..................

ad. No. 99, 2005

Part 7


Division 1


s. 113...................

am. No. 28, 2004; No. 100, 2005; No. 27, 2013

Part 8


Division 1


s. 128...................

am. No. 46, 2011

Note to s. 128..............

ad. No. 46, 2011

ss. 137, 138...............

am. No. 146, 1999

Division 2


Div. 2 of Part 8.............

rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 139...................

rs. No. 36, 2008

s. 140...................

rs. No. 36, 2008


am. No. 46, 2011

Note to s. 140..............

ad. No. 46, 2011

s. 141...................

rs. No. 36, 2008

ss. 141A-141H.............

ad. No. 36, 2008

ss. 141J-141N.............

ad. No. 36, 2008

ss. 141P, 141Q.............

ad. No. 36, 2008

Division 3


s. 142...................

am. No. 94, 1993

s. 153...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 115, 2001

s. 156...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 115, 2001

s 157...................

am No 39, 2024

Part 9


Division 1


Div. 1 of Part 9.............

ad. No. 39, 2010

ss. 163A-163E.............

ad. No. 39, 2010

Division 2


Heading to Div. 2 of.........
Part 9

ad. No. 39, 2010

s. 163...................

am. No. 8, 2006; No. 36, 2008

Heading to s. 164...........

rs. No. 27, 2013

s. 164...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 137, 2000; No. 115, 2001; No. 27, 2013

s 165...................

am No 94, 1993; No 120, 1997; No 99, 2005; No 39, 2010; No 39, 2024

s. 166...................

am. No. 120, 1997; No. 100, 2005; No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008; No.  27, 2013; No 31, 2014

s. 167...................

am. No. 29, 2004; No. 100, 2005

s. 167A..................

ad. No. 59, 1996

s 167B..................

ad No 64, 2002


am. No. 33, 2009; No 41, 2015

s. 168...................

am. No. 129, 1994; No. 120, 1997; No. 143, 1999; No. 50, 2000; No.  29, 2004; No. 99, 2005; No. 104, 2007; No. 36, 2008; Nos. 16, 27 and 103, 2013; No 126, 2015; No 32, 2021



Schedule 1A


Schedule 1A..............

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 1


Division 1


c. 1.....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 2


c. 2.....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 3


cc. 3-5..................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 4


cc. 6, 7..................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 2


Division 1


c. 8.....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008

Note to c. 8(3).............

rep. No. 36, 2008

c. 9.....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 2


c. 10....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008

Division 3


c. 11....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 4


c. 12....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 36, 2008

Note to c. 12(4).............

rep. No. 36, 2008

Division 5


c. 13....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 6


c. 14....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 3


Division 1


c. 15....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 61, 2006; No. 36, 2008

Division 2


c. 16....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 3


c. 17....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 36, 2008

c. 18....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 4


cc. 19-21.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 5


c. 22....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 6


c. 23....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 4


c. 24....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 5


Division 1


c. 25....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

c. 26....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 63, 2007

c. 27....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 2


Subdivision A


cc. 28-30.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Subdivision B


cc. 31-37.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

c. 38....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 36, 2008

Subdivision C


cc. 39-41.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

c. 42....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 51, 2010

cc. 43-46.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Division 3


c 47....................

ad No 103, 2005

c 48....................

ad No 103, 2005

Division 4


Subdivision A


c. 49....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 63, 2007

c. 50....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Subdivision B


cc. 51, 52.................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 63, 2007

Subdivision C


c. 53....................

ad. No. 103, 2005


am. No. 63, 2007; No. 51, 2010

c. 54....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Subdivision D


cc. 55-57.................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Subdivision E


c. 58....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Part 6


c. 59....................

ad. No. 103, 2005

Schedule 1


Heading to Schedule.........

rep. No. 143, 1999

Heading to Schedule 1........

ad. No. 143, 1999

Schedule 2


Schedule 2................

ad. No. 143, 1999

Schedule 3


Schedule 3................

ad. No. 29, 2004


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