Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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No. 47, 1997

Compilation No. 110

Compilation date: 1 June 2024

Includes amendments: Act No. 36, 2024

Registered: 14 June 2024

This compilation is in 3 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1-310

Volume 2: sections 311-594

Volume 3: Schedules


Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Telecommunications Act 1997 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 June 2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1--Introduction

1 Short title

2 Commencement

3 Objects

4 Regulatory policy

5 Simplified outline

6 Main index

7 Definitions

8 Crown to be bound

9 Extra-territorial application

10 Extension to external Territories

11 Extension to offshore areas

11A Application of the Criminal Code

12 Act subject to Radiocommunications Act

13 Continuity of partnerships

14 Controlled carriage services, controlled networks and controlled facilities

15 Content service

16 Listed carriage services

18 Access to an emergency call service

19 Recognised person who operates an emergency call service

20 Customer cabling

21 Customer equipment

22 Customer cabling and customer equipment--boundary of a telecommunications network

23 Immediate circle

24 Extended meaning of use

Part 2--Network units

Division 1--Simplified outline

25 Simplified outline

Division 2--Basic definition

26 Single line links connecting distinct places in Australia

27 Multiple line links connecting distinct places in Australia

28 Designated radiocommunications facility

29 Facilities specified in Ministerial determination

Division 3--Related definitions

30 Line links

31 Designated radiocommunications facility

32 Public mobile telecommunications service

33 Intercell hand-over functions

34 When a base station is part of a terrestrial radiocommunications customer access network

35 Fixed radiocommunications link

Division 4--Distinct places

36 Distinct places--basic rules

37 Properties

38 Combined areas

39 Principal user of a property

40 Eligible combined areas

Part 3--Carriers

Division 1--Simplified outline

41 Simplified outline

Division 2--Prohibitions relating to carriers

42 Network unit not to be used without carrier licence or nominated carrier declaration

43 Continuing offences

44 Supply to the public

45 Exemption--defence

46 Exemption--intelligence operations

47 Exemption--transport authorities

48 Exemption--broadcasting services

49 Exemption--electricity supply bodies

50 Exemption--line links authorised by or under previous laws

51 Exemption--Ministerial determination

Division 3--Carrier licences

52 Applications for carrier licence

53 Form of application etc.

53A Copy of application to be given to Communications Access Co-ordinator

54 Application to be accompanied by charge

55 Further information

56 Grant of licence

56AA Deemed carrier licence--designated Telstra successor company

56A Consultation with Communications Access Co-ordinator

57 Carrier licence has effect subject to this Act

58 Refusal of carrier licence--disqualified applicant

58A Refusal of carrier licence--security

59 Time limit on licence decision

60 Notification of refusal of application

61 Conditions of carrier licence specified in Schedule 1

62 Condition of carrier licence set out in section 152AZ of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

62A Condition of carrier licence set out in section 152BCO of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

62B Condition of carrier licence set out in section 152BDF of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

62C Condition of carrier licence set out in section 152BEC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

62D Condition of carrier licence set out in section 152CJC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

62E Condition of carrier licence set out in section 37 of the National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011

63 Conditions of carrier licence declared by Minister

63A Conditions of a carrier licence held by Telstra Limited

64 Consultation about declared licence conditions

65 Conditions about foreign ownership or control

67 Carrier licence conditions--special provisions

68 Compliance with conditions

69 Remedial directions--breach of condition

69AA Remedial directions--breach of conditions relating to access

70 Formal warnings--breach of condition

71 Surrender of carrier licence

72 Cancellation of carrier licence

73 Collection of charges relating to carrier licences

73A Refund of application charge

74 Collection of charges on behalf of the Commonwealth

75 Cancellation of certain exemptions from charge

76 Commonwealth not liable to charge

Division 4--Nominated carrier declarations

77 Applications for nominated carrier declarations

78 Application to be accompanied by charge etc.

79 Form of application etc.

80 Further information

81 Making a nominated carrier declaration

81A Obligations of nominated carrier

82 Notification of refusal of application

83 Revocation of nominated carrier declaration

Division 5--Register of nominated carrier declarations and carrier licences

84 Register of nominated carrier declarations and carrier licences

Part 4--Service providers

Division 1--Simplified outline

85 Simplified outline

Division 2--Service providers

86 Service providers

Division 3--Carriage service providers

87 Carriage service providers

88 Supply to the public

89 Exemption from definition--customers located on the same premises

90 Exemption from definition--defence

91 Exemption from definition--intelligence operations

92 Exemption from definition--transport authorities

93 Exemption from definition--broadcasting services

94 Exemption from definition--electricity supply bodies

95 Exemption from definition--Ministerial determination

96 Exemption from certain regulatory provisions--Ministerial determination

Division 4--Content service providers

97 Content service providers

Division 5--Service provider rules

98 Service provider rules

99 Service provider determinations

100 Exemptions from service provider rules

101 Service providers must comply with service provider rules

102 Remedial directions--breach of service provider rules

103 Formal warnings--breach of service provider rules

Part 5--Monitoring of the performance of carriers and carriage service providers

104 Simplified outline

105 Monitoring of performance--annual report

105A Monitoring of performance--additional report

105C Monitoring of breaches by a designated Telstra successor company of an undertaking about structural separation

Part 6--Industry codes and industry standards

Division 1--Simplified outline

106 Simplified outline

Division 2--Interpretation

107 Industry codes

108 Industry standards

108A Electronic messaging service provider

108B Telecommunications industry

109 Telecommunications activity

109B Telemarketing activity

109C Fax marketing activity

110 Sections of the telecommunications industry

110B Sections of the telemarketing industry

110C Sections of the fax marketing industry

111 Participants in a section of the telecommunications industry

111AA Participants in a section of the telemarketing industry

111AB Participants in a section of the fax marketing industry

111B Unsolicited commercial electronic messages

Division 3--General principles relating to industry codes and industry standards

112 Statement of regulatory policy

113 Examples of matters that may be dealt with by industry codes and industry standards

114 Industry codes and industry standards may confer powers on the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

115 Industry codes and industry standards not to deal with certain design features and performance requirements

116 Industry codes and industry standards not to deal with matters dealt with by codes and standards under Part  9 of the Broadcasting Services Act

116A Industry codes and standards do not affect Privacy Act 1988

Division 4--Industry codes

117 Registration of industry codes

118 ACMA may request codes

119 Publication of notice where no body or association represents a section of the telecommunications industry, the telemarketing industry or the fax marketing industry

119A Variation of industry codes

119B Publication requirements for submissions

120 Replacement of industry codes

121 Directions about compliance with industry codes

122 Formal warnings--breach of industry codes

122A De-registering industry codes and provisions of industry codes

Division 5--Industry standards

123 ACMA may determine an industry standard if a request for an industry code is not complied with

124 ACMA may determine industry standard where no industry body or association formed

125 ACMA may determine industry standards where industry codes fail

125AA ACMA must determine an industry standard if directed by the Minister

125A ACMA must determine certain industry standards relating to the telemarketing industry

125B ACMA must determine certain industry standards relating to the fax marketing industry

126 Industry standards not to be determined for certain privacy matters

128 Compliance with industry standards

129 Formal warnings--breach of industry standards

130 Variation of industry standards

131 Revocation of industry standards

132 Public consultation on industry standards

133 Consultation with ACCC and the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

134 Consultation with Information Commissioner

135 Consultation with consumer body

135A Consultation with the States and Territories

Division 6--Register of industry codes and industry standards

136 ACMA to maintain Register of industry codes and industry standards

Division 6A--Reimbursement of costs of development or variation of consumer-related industry codes

136A Application for eligibility for reimbursement of costs of development or variation of consumer-related industry code

136B Declaration of eligibility for reimbursement of costs of development or variation of consumer-related industry code

136C Reimbursement of costs of developing or varying consumer-related industry code

136D Costs--transactions between persons not at arm's length

136E Refundable cost

Division 7--Miscellaneous

137 Protection from civil proceedings

138 Implied freedom of political communication

139 Agreements for the carrying on of telemarketing activities or fax marketing activities must require compliance with this Part

Part 8--Local access lines

Division 1--Introduction

142 Simplified outline of this Part

142A Definitions

142B Functional separation undertaking given by a person

142BA Promotion of the long-term interests of end-users of carriage services and of services supplied by means of carriage services

142BB Terms and conditions

142BC Unsatisfactory compliance record

142BD Designated carriage service

Division 2--Supply of eligible services to be on wholesale basis

142C Supply of eligible services to be on wholesale basis--lines that come into existence on or after the designated commencement date etc.

143 Supply of eligible services to be on wholesale basis--networks in existence before the designated commencement date etc.

143AA Judicial enforcement of prohibitions

Division 2A--Exemptions

143A Class exemptions

143B Compliance with conditions and limitations of exemption determinations

143C Judicial enforcement of conditions and limitations of exemption determinations

143D Publication of list of persons who have elected to be bound by exemption determinations

143E Exemptions--certain real estate development projects etc.

143F Exemptions--lines installed in close proximity to other lines

143G Exemptions--networks covered by exemption instruments

143H Exemption--networks marketed as business networks

144 Exemptions--Ministerial instrument

145 Exemption--transport authorities

146 Exemption--electricity supply bodies

147 Exemption--gas supply bodies

148 Exemption--water supply bodies

149 Exemption--sewerage services bodies

150 Exemption--storm water drainage services bodies

151 Exemption--State or Territory road authorities

Division 2B--Functional separation undertakings

151A Standard functional separation undertaking

151B Deemed standard functional separation undertaking

151C Joint functional separation undertaking

151D Further information about undertaking

151E Withdrawal of undertaking that is under consideration

151F ACCC to accept or reject functional separation undertaking

151G Consultation--acceptance or rejection of undertaking

151H Serial undertakings

151J Criteria for accepting functional separation undertaking

151K Variation of functional separation undertaking that is under consideration

151L Replacement of functional separation undertaking that is under consideration

151M Renewal of functional separation undertaking

151N Variation of expiry time of certain functional separation undertakings

151P Duration of functional separation undertaking

151Q Variation of functional separation undertaking that is in force

151R Further information about variation of functional separation undertaking

151S Withdrawal of variation that is under consideration

151T ACCC to accept or reject variation

151U Consultation--acceptance or rejection of variation

151V Criteria for accepting variation

151W Revocation of functional separation undertaking

151X Consultation--revocation of functional separation undertaking

151Y Notification that a person is at risk of having an unsatisfactory compliance record in relation to functional separation

151Z Variation of functional separation undertaking following giving of revocation notice

151ZA Reporting obligations following giving of revocation notice

151ZB Requirement to notify changes in control of person who gave undertaking

151ZC Register of functional separation undertakings

151ZD Compliance with functional separation undertaking

151ZE Enforcement of functional separation undertaking

Division 2C--Non-discrimination rules

151ZF Eligible services to be supplied on a non-discriminatory basis

151ZG Eligible services--related activities to be carried on on a non-discriminatory basis

151ZH Statement about the differences between an access agreement and an offer etc.

151ZHA Judicial enforcement of non-discrimination rules

Division 3--Other provisions

151ZI Anti-avoidance

151ZJ Self-incrimination

151ZK Delegation

151ZL Review by the Australian Competition Tribunal

151ZM Functions and powers of the Australian Competition Tribunal etc.

151ZN Provisions that do not apply in relation to an Australian Competition Tribunal review

152 Associate

153 Control

154 Control of a company

155 When a person is in a position to exercise control of a network

155A When a person is in a position to exercise control of a line

156 Deemed networks etc.

156A Certain lines deemed to have come into existence on or after the designated commencement date

157 Certain installations and connections are not taken to be an extension, alteration or upgrade of a network

158 Local access line

158A Deemed local access lines

159 Alteration

160 Upgrade of telecommunications network

161 Extended meaning of residential customer

162 Close proximity

Part 13--Protection of communications

Division 1--Introduction

270 Simplified outline

271 Eligible person

272 Number-database operator and eligible number-database person

273 Information

274 Telecommunications contractor

275 Number-database contractor

275A Location information

275B Emergency management person

275C Emergency

275D Emergency law

275E Relevant information

Division 2--Primary disclosure/use offences

276 Primary disclosure/use offence--eligible persons

277 Primary disclosure/use offence--eligible number-database persons

278 Primary disclosure/use offence--emergency call persons

Division 3--Exceptions to primary disclosure/use offences

Subdivision A--Exceptions

279 Performance of person's duties

280 Authorisation by or under law

281 Witnesses

284 Assisting the ACMA, the eSafety Commissioner, the ACCC or the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

285 Integrated public number database

285A Data for emergency warnings

286 Calls to emergency service number

287 Threat to person's life or health

288 Communications for maritime purposes

289 Knowledge or consent of person concerned

290 Implicit consent of sender and recipient of communication

291 Business needs of other carriers or service providers

291A Location dependent carriage services

292 Circumstances prescribed in the regulations

293 Uses connected with exempt disclosures

294 Effect of this Subdivision

Subdivision B--Burden of proof

295 Burden of proof

Division 3A--Integrated public number database authorisations

Subdivision A--ACMA scheme for the granting of authorisations

295A ACMA to make integrated public number database scheme

295B Scheme must deal with certain matters

295C Applications may be treated differently

295D Scope of authorisations

295E Provisional and final authorisations

295F Conditions

295G Varying or revoking authorisations

295H Scheme may confer administrative powers on the ACMA

295J Ancillary or incidental provisions

295K Scheme-making power not limited

295L Variation of scheme

295M Consultation

Subdivision B--Ministerial instruments

295N Criteria for deciding authorisation applications

295P Conditions

295Q Other reviewable decisions

Subdivision C--Enforcing compliance with conditions of authorisations

295R Offence of breaching a condition

295S Remedial directions for breaching a condition

295T Formal warnings for breaching a condition

Subdivision D--Report to Minister

295U Report to Minister

Division 3B--Emergency warnings

295V Use or disclosure of information by emergency management persons

295W Use or disclosure of information by other persons

295X Effect on telecommunications network

295Y Coronial and other inquiries

295Z Offence--use or disclosure of information by emergency management persons

295ZA Offence--use or disclosure of information by other persons

295ZB Reports of access

295ZC Annual reports to the ACMA and Information Commissioner

295ZD Arrangements with States and Territories

295ZE Commonwealth immunity

Division 4--Secondary disclosure/use offences

296 Performance of person's duties

297 Authorisation by or under law

299 Assisting the ACMA, the eSafety Commissioner, the ACCC or the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

299A Integrated public number database

300 Threat to person's life or health

301 Communications for maritime purposes

302 Business needs of other carriers or service providers

302A Location dependent carriage services

303 Secondary offence--contravening this Division

303A Generality of Division not limited

Division 4A--Relationship with the Privacy Act 1988

303B Acts taken to be authorised by this Act for purposes of Privacy Act

303C Prosecution of an offence against this Part does not affect proceedings under the Privacy Act 1988

Division 5--Record-keeping requirements

304 Associate

305 Authorisations under the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

306 Record of disclosures--general

306A Record of disclosures--prospective authorisation under the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

307 Incorrect records

308 Annual reports to the ACMA by carriers, carriage service providers or number-database operators

309 Monitoring by the Information Commissioner

Division 6--Instrument-making powers not limited

310 Instrument-making powers not limited



Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section  15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.


Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Telecommunications Act 1997

47, 1997

22 Apr 1997

s 41-51, 56-85, 98-495, 507-576, 579-588, 590-593 and Sch 1-4: 1 July 1997 (s 2(3))
s 52-55: 5 June 1997 (s 2(2))
Remainder: 22 Apr 1997 (s 2(1))


Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1997

59, 1997

3 May 1997

Sch 4 (items 1, 2): 1 Jan 1998 (s 2(4))


Australian National Railways Commission Sale Act 1997

96, 1997

30 June 1997

Sch 4 (items 18-20): 1 Nov 2000 (s 2(5) and gaz 2000, No S562)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1997

200, 1997

16 Dec 1997

Sch 1 and Sch 2 (items 1-27): 16 Dec 1997 (s 2(1))

Sch 1 (item 11) and Sch 2 (item 9)

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 2002

63, 2002

3 July 2002

Sch 2 (item 31): 16 Dec 1997 (s 2(1) item 60)


Telecommunications Amendment Act 1998

4, 1998

26 Mar 1998

Schedule 1 (item 4): 23 Apr 1998
Remainder: Royal Assent

ss. 4 and 5

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Youth Allowance Consequential and Related Measures) Act 1998

45, 1998

17 June 1998

Sch 13 (item 49): 1 July 1998 (s 2(1))


Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998

48, 1998

29 June 1998

Sch 1 (item 193): 1 July 1998 (s 2(2))


Telecommunications Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998

119, 1998

11 Dec 1998

11 Dec 1998


Telecommunications Laws Amendment (Universal Service Cap) Act 1999

42, 1999

11 June 1999

Sch 1: 11 June 1999 (s 2(1))

Sch 1 (item 5)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1999

52, 1999

5 July 1999

Sch 1 (items 1-5): 5 July 1999 (s 2(1))
Sch 2 and Sch 3 (items 9-64, 77-82): 2 Aug 1999 (s 2(3), (4))
Sch 4 (items 1-16, 21-29): 1 July 1999 (s 2(6))

Sch 3 (items 77-82) and Sch 4 (items 21-29)

Environmental Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 1999

92, 1999

16 July 1999

Sch 2 (items 14-21), Sch 3 (items 56, 57), Sch 4 (items  74, 75), Sch 6 (items 5-8) and Sch 7 (items 21-31): 16 July 2000 (s 2(1))

Sch 2 (items 19, 21), Sch 6 (items 6, 8) and Sch 7 (items 25, 28, 31)

Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999

146, 1999

11 Nov 1999

Sch 1 (items 916, 917): 5 Dec 1999 (s 2(1), (2))


Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment Act 1999

161, 1999

10 Dec 1999

Sch 3 (items 58-61): 10 Dec 1999 (s 2(2))


Broadcasting Services Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999

197, 1999

23 Dec 1999

Sch 3 (items 12, 13): 23 Dec 1999 (s 2(1))


Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Amendment Act (No. 2) 2000

142, 2000

29 Nov 2000

Sch 3 (items 1-5): 1 July 2000 (s 2(2))
Sch 4: 29 Nov 2000 (s 2(1))

Sch 4

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 2000

152, 2000

21 Dec 2000

Sch 1: 21 Dec 2000 (s 2)


Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000

155, 2000

21 Dec 2000

Sch 2 (items 4-19): 21 Dec 2001 (s 2(1))


Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act 2001

5, 2001

20 Mar 2001

s 4 and Sch 1 (items 101-162): 24 May 2001 (s 2(1)(a))

s 4

Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment Act 2001

46, 2001

5 June 2001

s 5 and Sch 1 (items 6, 7): 5 June 2001 (s 2)

s 5

Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001

55, 2001

28 June 2001

s 4-14 and Sch 3 (items 511, 512): 15 July 2001 (s 2(1), (3))

s 4-14

Statute Law Revision Act 2002

63, 2002

3 July 2002

Sch 1 (item 33): 1 July 1999 (s 2(1) item 27)


Australian Crime Commission Establishment Act 2002

125, 2002

10 Dec 2002

Sch 2 (items 188, 189): 1 Jan 2003 (s 2(1) item 6)


Telecommunications Competition Act 2002

140, 2002

19 Dec 2002

Sch 1: 19 Dec 2002 (s 2)

Sch 1 (items 6, 15C, 15D, 24)

Australian Heritage Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2003

86, 2003

23 Sept 2003

Schedules 1 and 2: 1 Jan 2004 (see s. 2(1) and Gazette 2003, No. GN47)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 2003

108, 2003

24 Oct 2003

Schedule 1 (items 25-48): 21 Nov 2003

Sch. 1 (item 48)

Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003

114, 2003

27 Nov 2003

Schedule 2: 27 Mar 2003
Remainder: 28 Nov 2003


Spam (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003

130, 2003

12 Dec 2003

Schedule 1 (items 42-87): 10 Apr 2004 (see s. 2(1))
Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch. 1 (items 40, 41)

Designs (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003

148, 2003

17 Dec 2003

Sch 1 and 2: 17 June 2004 (s 2(1) item 2)
Remainder: 17 Dec 2003


Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2004

35, 2004

20 Apr 2004

21 Apr 2004


US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004

120, 2004

16 Aug 2004

Schedule 9 (item 192): 1 Jan 2005


Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Act 2005

8, 2005

22 Feb 2005

s. 4 and Schedule 1 (items 427, 428): Royal Assent

s. 4

Australian Communications and Media Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2005

45, 2005

1 Apr 2005

Sch 1 (items 127-160), Sch 2 and Sch 4: 1 July 2005 (s 2(1) items  2, 3, 10)

Sch 4

as amended by





Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2014) Act 2014

109, 2014

16 Oct 2014

Sch 2 (items 177-181): 17 Oct 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)


Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Protection of Submarine Cables and Other Measures) Act 2005

104, 2005

23 Aug 2005

Sch 1 (items 2-105): 20 Sept 2005 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Sch 2: 24 Aug 2005 (s 2(1) item 4)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Future Proofing and Other Measures) Act 2005

117, 2005

23 Sept 2005

Schedule 3: 23 Mar 2006


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Issues) Act 2005

119, 2005

23 Sept 2005

Schedules 1, 3, 8, 10 and 13: 24 Sept 2005
Schedule 2: 21 Oct 2005
Schedule 11 (items 1-7): 1 Jan 2006 (see F2005L04117)

Sch. 1 (item 2), Sch. 2 (item 3) and Sch. 3 (item 4)

Offshore Petroleum (Repeals and Consequential Amendments) Act 2006

17, 2006

29 Mar 2006

Schedule 2 (items 108-111): 1 July 2008 (see s. 2(1) and F2008L02273)


Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Act 2006

40, 2006

3 May 2006

Schedule 1 (items 24A-24G): 13 June 2006 (see F2006L01623)


Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Act 2006

86, 2006

30 June 2006

Schedule 1 (items 73-75): 30 Dec 2006


Do Not Call Register (Consequential Amendments) Act 2006

89, 2006

30 June 2006

Schedule 1 (items 42-73): 31 May 2007 (see s. 2(1) and F2007L01114)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number Database) Act 2006

155, 2006

8 Dec 2006

Sch 1: 15 May 2007 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 12)

Communications Legislation Amendment (Content Services) Act 2007

124, 2007

20 July 2007

Sch 1 (items 96-99): 20 Jan 2008 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (item 2): 20 July 2008 (s 2(1) item 4)


Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Act 2007

177, 2007

28 Sept 2007

Sch 1 (items 16-54, 57-68): 1 Nov 2007 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 57-68)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Act 2008

22, 2008

26 May 2008

27 May 2008 (s 2)


Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Act 2008

117, 2008

21 Nov 2008

Sch 3 (item 59): 22 Nov 2008 (s 2(1) item 4)


Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number Database) Act 2009

16, 2009

26 Mar 2009

27 Mar 2009 (s 2)


Statute Stocktake (Regulatory and Other Laws) Act 2009

111, 2009

16 Nov 2009

Sch 1 (items 51-54): 17 Nov 2009 (s 2)


Statute Law Revision Act 2010

8, 2010

1 Mar 2010

Sch 5 (items 112-122, 137(a), (c)): 1 Mar 2010 (s 2(1) items 37, 38)


Do Not Call Register Legislation Amendment Act 2010

46, 2010

18 May 2010

Sch 1 (items 95-140): 30 May 2010 (s 2(1) item 2)


Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Act 2010

51, 2010

31 May 2010

Sch 5 (items 59-75) and Sch 7: 1 Nov 2010 (s 2(1) item  7)

Sch 7

Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 2) 2010

103, 2010

13 July 2010

Sch 6 (items 1, 105-138): 1 Jan 2011 (s 2(1) items 3, 5)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Act 2010

140, 2010

15 Dec 2010

Sch 1 (items 1A, 241-244, 251-253): 16 Dec 2010 (s 2(1) items 1A, 8, 11, 12)
Sch 1 (items 6-31, 70-113, 199-201, 246-250): 1 Jan 2011 (s 2(1) items 2, 5, 10)
Sch 1 (items 41-56): awaiting commencement (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 1 (items 60-64, 64A, 64B, 65): 6 Mar 2012 (s 2(1) item 4)
Sch 1 (item 245): 15 Mar 2011 (s 2(1) item 9)

Sch 1 (items 199-201, 244, 250)

Statute Law Revision Act 2011

5, 2011

22 Mar 2011

Sch 5 (items 211, 212), Sch 6 (items 107-115, 137) and Sch 7 (items  131-134): 19 Apr 2011 (s 2(1) items 13, 17, 18)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures--Access Arrangements) Act 2011

23, 2011

12 Apr 2011

Sch 1 (items 1-24, 84): 13 Apr 2011 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Sch 1 (items 85-88): 12 Apr 2012 (s 2(1) item 4)


Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011

46, 2011

27 June 2011

Sch 2 (items 1114-1136) and Sch 3 (items 10, 11): 27 Dec 2011 (s  2(1) items 11, 12)

Sch 3 (items 10, 11)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Act 2011

107, 2011

26 Sept 2011

Sch 1 (items 1-15): 27 Sept 2011
Sch 1 (item 16): 27 Sept 2011 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Remainder: 26 Sept 2011 (s 2(1) item 1)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Universal Service Reform) Act 2012

44, 2012

16 Apr 2012

Sch 1 (items 7-55): 1 July 2012 (s 2(1) item 2)


Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Act 2012

120, 2012

12 Sept 2012

Sch 1 (item 1) and Sch 2 (items 28-31, 51(1), 52, 54-56): 10 Oct 2012 (s 2(1) item  2)

Sch 2 (items 51(1), 52, 56)

Statute Law Revision Act 2012

136, 2012

22 Sept 2012

Sch 1 (item 121): 22 Sept 2012 (s 2(1) item 2)


Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (Consequential and Transitional) Act 2012

169, 2012

3 Dec 2012

Sch 2 (items 211-214): 3 Dec 2012 (s 2(1) item 7)


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 /span>

197, 2012

12 Dec 2012

Sch 5 (items 84-96, 136-145) and Sch 6 (items 15-19): 12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1) items 3, 19)
Sch 6 (item 1): 12 Dec 2012 (s 2(1) item 16)

Sch 6 (items 1, 15-19)

Statute Law Revision Act 2013

103, 2013

29 June 2013

Sch 3 (items 198-282, 343) and Sch 4 (items 44-47): 29 June 2013 (s 2(1) item 16

Sch 3 (item 343)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Consumer Protection) Act 2014

3, 2014

28 Feb 2014

Sch 1 (items 8-30): 1 Mar 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (item 33): 12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1) item 4)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2014

31, 2014

27 May 2014

Sch 1 (item 70), Sch 4 (item 55) and Sch 8 (item 42): 24 June 2014 (s 2(1) items  2, 9)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Submarine Cable Protection) Act 2014

33, 2014

27 May 2014

Sch 1 (items 4-101): 28 May 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 89-101)

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014

62, 2014

30 June 2014

Sch 12 (items 189, 190) and Sch 14: 1 July 2014 (s 2(1) items 6, 14)

Sch 14

as amended by





Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2015

36, 2015

13 Apr 2015

Sch 2 (items 7-9) and Sch 7: 14 Apr 2015 (s 2)

Sch 7

as amended by





Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (item 486): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (item 495): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2014) Act 2014

109, 2014

16 Oct 2014

Sch 2 (items 25-44, 105, 146-153, 162-165, 243-245): 17 Oct 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 2 (items 39-41, 162-165)

Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2015

5, 2015

25 Feb 2015

Sch 5 (item 7): 25 Mar 2015 (s 2(1) item 10)


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015

10, 2015

5 Mar 2015

Sch 1 (items 163, 166-179) and Sch 3 (items 325-336, 348, 349): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 166-179) and Sch 3 (items 348, 349)

as amended by





Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 3 (item 1): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 8)


Statute Law Amendment (Prescribed Forms and Other Updates) Act 2023

74, 2023

20 Sept 2023

Sch 6 (item 1): 18 Oct 2023 (s 2(1) item 3)


Enhancing Online Safety for Children (Consequential Amendments) Act 2015

25, 2015

24 Mar 2015

Sch 2 (items 16-27) and Sch 3: 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) items 4, 5, 6)

Sch 3

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Deregulation) Act 2015

38, 2015

13 Apr 2015

Sch 1 (items 14-61): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 4 (items 1-34) and Sch 6 (items 1-12): 14 Apr 2015 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 6 (items 10-12)

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015

39, 2015

13 Apr 2015

Sch 1 (items 2-4, 7): 13 Oct 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (items 8-12): 13 Apr 2015 (s 2(1) items 1, 3)

Sch 1 (items 7-12)

Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Act 2015

41, 2015

20 May 2015

Sch 5 (items 160, 161) and Sch 9: 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 7)

Sch 5 (item 161) and Sch 9

as amended by





Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Act 2017

115, 2017

30 Oct 2017

Sch 1 (item 26): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

59, 2015

26 May 2015

Sch 2 (items 343, 344): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 5)
Sch 2 (items 356-396): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 2 (items 356-396)

as amended by





Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016

33, 2016

23 Mar 2016

Sch 2: 24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (items 604-620): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 2015

145, 2015

12 Nov 2015

Sch 1 (item 16): 10 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2016

4, 2016

11 Feb 2016

Sch 4 (items 1, 307-311): 10 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 6)


Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016

33, 2016

23 Mar 2016

Sch 5 (items 86, 87): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 7)


Enhancing Online Safety for Children Amendment Act 2017

51, 2017

22 June 2017

Sch 1 (items 38-48, 51): 23 June 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (items 48, 51)

Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017

111, 2017

18 Sept 2017

Sch 1 (items 1-29, 35): 18 Sept 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 35)

as amended by





Home Affairs and Integrity Agencies Legislation Amendment Act 2018

31, 2018

9 May 2018

Sch 2 (item 283): 18 Sept 2018 (s 2(1) item 6)
Sch 2 (item 284): 11 May 2018 (s 2(1) item 7)

Sch 2 (item 284)

Defence Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 1) Act 2017

117, 2017

30 Oct 2017

Sch 3 (item 16): 31 Oct 2017 (s 2(1) item 8)


Intelligence Services Amendment (Establishment of the Australian Signals Directorate) Act 2018

25, 2018

11 Apr 2018

Sch 1 (items 93, 94, 100-108): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 100-108)

Home Affairs and Integrity Agencies Legislation Amendment Act 2018

31, 2018

9 May 2018

Sch 2 (items 188-223, 284): 11 May 2018 (s 2(1) items 3, 7)
Sch 2 (items 252-282): 18 Sept 2018 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 2 (items 223, 284)

Crimes Legislation Amendment (International Crime Cooperation and Other Measures) Act 2018

34, 2018

22 May 2018

Sch 1 (items 213-215): 22 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 215)

Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018

148, 2018

8 Dec 2018

Sch 1 (items 5-7B) and Sch 2 (item 119A): 9 Dec 2018 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 1 (item 8): 1 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 3)


as amended by





Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2021

13, 2021

1 Mar 2021

Sch 2 (items 761, 762): 1 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 5)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 2019

6, 2019

1 Mar 2019

Sch 2: 2 Mar 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Timor Sea Maritime Boundaries Treaty Consequential Amendments Act 2019

57, 2019

7 Aug 2019

Sch 1 (item 157): 30 Aug 2019 (s 2(1) item 2)


Communications Legislation Amendment (Deregulation and Other Measures) Act 2019

120, 2019

12 Dec 2019

Sch 1 (items 10-17), Sch 3 (items 28-32), Sch 5 (items 5, 6), Sch 6 (items 1-29, 34) and Sch 8 (items  1-4): 12 Dec 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 6 (item 34)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer) Act 2020

47, 2020

25 May 2020

Sch 1 (items 23A-27), Sch 3 (items 1A, 1B) and Sch 4 (items 1-7): 26 May 2020 (s 2(1) items  2, 4, 7)
Sch 2 (items 17-87): 25 Aug 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3 (item 7): 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 5)

Sch 1 (item 27)

National Emergency Declaration (Consequential Amendments) Act 2020

129, 2020

15 Dec 2020

Sch 1 (items 55, 56): 16 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)


Radiocommunications Legislation Amendment (Reform and Modernisation) Act 2020

151, 2020

17 Dec 2020

Sch 4 (items 38, 39, 42-52): 17 June 2021 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 4 (items 42-52)

Telecommunications Amendment (Infrastructure in New Developments) Act 2021

7, 2021

16 Feb 2021

17 Feb 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (items 19, 20)

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2021

13, 2021

1 Mar 2021

Sch 4 (item 20): 1 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 14)


Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2021

77, 2021

23 July 2021

Sch 2 (item 97): 23 Jan 2022 (s 2(1) item 3)


Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Consequential Amendments) Act 2021

121, 2021

2 Dec 2021

Sch 1 (item 26): 2 June 2022 (s 2(1) item 2)


Telstra Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021

140, 2021

13 Dec 2021

Sch 1 (items 1-6, 78A-81) and Sch 4 (items 1A, 1): 14 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 2 (items 20-99, 123, 130, 131) and Sch 3 (items 1A, 1): 1 Jan 2023 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 1 (items 78A-81) and Sch 2 (item 123)

as amended by





Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Act 2023

17, 2023

11 Apr 2023

Sch 1 (item 16): 13 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 4)
Sch 1 (item 17): 14 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 5)


National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2022

89, 2022

12 Dec 2022

Sch 1 (items 205, 263-270): 1 July 2023 (s 2(1) item 2)


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Act 2023

17, 2023

11 Apr 2023

Sch 1 (items 1-11, 18, 19): 12 Apr 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 6)
Sch 1 (items 12-15): 11 Oct 2023 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 1 (item 11) and Sch 1 (item 15)

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Act 2023

73, 2023

20 Sept 2023

Sch 1 (items 201-204) and Sch 3 (item 2): 21 Sept 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 5)

Sch 3 (item 2)

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Consumer Safeguards and Other Measures) Act 2024

36, 2024

31 May 2024

Sch 1 (items 5-166, 171-175), Sch 2 (items 1-3) and Sch 5 (items 1-8): 1 June 2024 (s 2(1) item  1)

Sch 1 (items 171-175) and Sch 5 (items 7, 8)

Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 2) Act 2024

39, 2024

31 May 2024

Sch 12 (items 79-94): awaiting commencement (s 2(1) item 2)



Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


s. 2.....................

am. No. 5, 2001

s. 3.....................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 111, 2009; Nos. 46, 103 and 140, 2010; No.  44, 2012

s. 5.....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 5, 2001; No. 140, 2002; No. 130, 2003; No.  45, 2005; Nos. 40 and 89, 2006; No. 177, 2007; No. 46, 2010; No 109, 2014; No 38, 2015; No 111, 2017; No 120, 2019

s 6.....................

am No 52, 1999; No 5, 2001; No 119, 2005; No 177, 2007; No 109, 2014

s 7.....................

am No 200, 1997; No 4, 1998; No 52, 1999; No 161, 1999; No 142, 2000; No 125, 2002; No  130, 2003; No 35, 2004; No 45, 2005; No 86, 2006; No 89, 2006; No 155, 2006; No 124, 2007; No 177, 2007; No 22, 2008; No  111, 2009; No 8, 2010; No 46, 2010; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010; No 5, 2011; No 23, 2011; No 107, 2011; No 44, 2012; No 169, 2012; No 31, 2014; No 62, 2014 No 109, 2014; No 38, 2015; No 39, 2015; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018; No 148, 2018; No 120, 2019; No 47, 2020; No 7, 2021; No 13, 2021; No 77, 2021; No 140, 2021; No 73, 2023; No 36, 2024

s 7A....................

ad No 200, 1997


rep No 177, 2007

s 8.....................

am No 59, 2015

s 10....................

am No 33, 2016

s. 11....................

am. No. 17, 2006; No. 117, 2008; No. 46, 2011

s. 11A...................

ad. No. 5, 2001

s 15....................

am No 103, 2013

s. 17....................

rep. No. 52, 1999

s 19....................

am No 45, 2005; No 44, 2012; No 140, 2021

s. 22....................

am. No. 4, 1998; No. 107, 2011; No 38, 2015

s. 23....................

am. No. 45, 1998; No. 55, 2001; No 103, 2013

Part 2


Division 2


s. 27....................

am. No. 55, 2001

s 29....................

am No 103, 2013

Division 3


s. 30....................

am. No. 4, 1998

s 31....................

am No 103, 2013

Division 4


s 40....................

am No 103, 2013

Part 3


Division 1


s. 41....................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 2


s. 42....................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

s. 43....................

am No 4, 2016

s 44....................

am No 103, 2013

s. 45....................

am. No. 5, 2011

s. 46....................

am. No. 161, 1999; No 25, 2018

s. 47....................

am. No. 96, 1997

s. 48....................

am. No. 197, 1999

s 51....................

am No 103, 2013

Division 3


s. 52....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 53....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 53A...................

ad. No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005; No. 177, 2007

s. 55....................

am. No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005

s. 56....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 56AA..................

ad No 140, 2021


am No 39, 2024

s. 56A...................

ad. No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005; No. 177, 2007

s. 57....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s 58....................

am No 45, 2005; No 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 47, 2020

s 58A...................

ad No 35, 2004


am No 45, 2005; No 31, 2018; No 39, 2024

s. 59....................

rs. No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005; No. 177, 2007

s. 60....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 61....................

am. No. 119, 2005; No. 140, 2010 (Sch 1 items 41, 42)

s. 61A...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

s. 62....................

am. No. 103, 2010

s. 62A...................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 62B...................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 62C...................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 62D...................

ad. No. 23, 2011

s. 62E...................

ad. No. 23, 2011

s 63....................

am No 10, 2015

s 63A...................

ad No 140, 2021

s. 66....................

rep. No. 142, 2000

s. 67....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s 69....................

am No 45, 2005; No 119, 2005; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010 (Sch 1 item 44); No. 23, 2011; No 126, 2015; No 47, 2020; No 140, 2021

s 69AA..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s. 69A...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

s. 69B...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

s 70....................

am No 45, 2005; No 119, 2005; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010 (Sch 1 items 47-49); No. 23, 2011; No 47, 2020; No 140, 2021

s. 71....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 72....................

am No 45, 2005; No 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 47, 2020

s. 73....................

am. Nos. 8 and 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 73A...................

ad. No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005

s. 74....................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 4


s. 77....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 78....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 79....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 80....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 81....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 81A...................

ad. No. 4, 1998


am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 82....................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 83....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

Division 5


s. 84....................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 4


Division 3


s 87....................

am No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015; No 36, 2024

s 88....................

am No 103, 2013

s. 90....................

am. No. 5, 2011

s. 91....................

am. No. 161, 1999; No 25, 2018

s. 92....................

am. No. 96, 1997

s. 93....................

am. No. 197, 1999

s 95....................

am No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015

s 96....................

am No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015

Division 5


s. 98....................

am. Nos. 103 and 140, 2010; No. 23, 2011

s 99....................

am No 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 47, 2020

s 100...................

am No 103, 2013

s 102...................

am No 45, 2005; No 119, 2005; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010; No 23, 2011; No 126, 2015; No 47, 2020

s 103...................

am No 45, 2005; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010; No 23, 2011; No 47, 2020

Part 5


s 104...................

am No 200, 1997; No 45, 2005; No 140, 2010 (Sch 1 item 50); No 120, 2019; No 140, 2021

s 105...................

am No 200, 1997; No 52, 1999; No 142, 2000; No 45, 2005; No 111, 2009; No  44, 2012; No 31, 2014; No 38, 2015; No 39, 2015; No 111, 2017; No 120, 2019

s. 105A..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005; No 120, 2019

s 105B..................

ad No 140, 2010

s 105C..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

Part 6


Division 1


s. 106...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 38, 2015

Division 2


s. 108A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003


am No 31, 2014

s. 108B..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 109...................

am. No. 130, 2003

s. 109A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003


rep No 38, 2015

s. 109B..................

ad. No. 89, 2006

s. 109C..................

ad. No. 46, 2010

s. 110...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 23, 2011

s. 110A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003


rep No 38, 2015


am. No. 45, 2005

s. 110B..................

ad. No. 89, 2006

s. 110C..................

ad. No. 46, 2010

s. 111A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003


rep No 38, 2015

s. 111AA.................

ad. No. 89, 2006

s. 111AB.................

ad. No. 46, 2010

s. 111B..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

Division 3


s. 112...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 46 and 140, 2010; No 38, 2015

s. 113...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 8 and 46, 2010; No. 23, 2011; No 38, 2015

s. 115...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 120, 2004; No. 23, 2011

s. 116A..................

ad. No. 155, 2000


am No 197, 2012

Division 4


s. 117...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 46 and 51, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 3, 2014; No 38, 2015

s. 118...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 46 and 51, 2010; No.  23, 2011; No 197, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 119...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 38, 2015

s 119A..................

ad No 3, 2014


am No 3, 2014; No 38, 2015

s 119B..................

ad No 3, 2014

s. 120...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 45, 2005; No 3, 2014

s. 121...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 130, 2003; Nos. 45 and 119, 2005; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 46 and 51, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 126, 2015

s. 122...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 130, 2003; Nos. 45 and 119, 2005; No. 89, 2006; Nos. 46 and 51, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 122A..................

ad. No. 155, 2000


am. No. 45, 2005

Division 5


s. 123...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No.  136, 2012; No 103, 2013; No 38, 2015

s. 124...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 103, 2013; No 38, 2015

s. 125...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 103, 2013; No 38, 2015

s. 125AA.................

ad. No. 140, 2010


am. No. 23, 2011

s. 125A..................

ad. No. 89, 2006

s. 125B..................

ad. No. 46, 2010

s. 126...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 127...................

am No 45, 2005


rep No 5, 2015

s. 128...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 38, 2015

s. 129...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010; No 38, 2015

s. 130...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No.  46, 2010; No. 51, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 103, 2013; No 38, 2015

s. 131...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 132...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 133...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010

s. 134...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 45, 2005; No. 51, 2010; No 197, 2012

s. 135...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 135A..................

ad. No. 89, 2006


am. No. 46, 2010

Division 6


s. 136...................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 45, 2005; No 3, 2014

Division 6A


Division 6A heading.........

am No 3, 2014

Division 6A...............

ad. No. 117, 2005

s. 136A..................

ad. No. 117, 2005


am No 3, 2014

s. 136B..................

ad. No. 117, 2005


am No 3, 2014; No 126, 2015

s. 136C..................

ad. No. 117, 2005


am No 3, 2014; No 126, 2015

s. 136D..................

ad. No. 117, 2005

s. 136E..................

ad. No. 117, 2005


am No 3, 2014; No 126, 2015

Division 7


s. 137...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 130, 2003


am. No. 8, 2010

s. 138...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 139...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 89, 2006


am. No. 46, 2010

Part 7...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 140...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141A..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141B..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141C..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141D..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141E..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141F...................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

s 141G..................

ad No 23, 2011


rep No 47, 2020

Part 7A..................

ad. No. 4, 1998


rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 8


Part 8 heading.............

rs No 47, 2020

Part 8...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 23, 2011

Division 1


s 142...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


rs No 47, 2020

s 142A..................

ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 142B..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 142BA.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 142BB.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 142BC.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 142BD.................

ad No 47, 2020

Division 2


s 142C..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143...................

rep No 4, 1998


ad No 23, 2011


am No. 47, 2020

s 143AA.................

ad No 47, 2020

Division 2A


Division 2A...............

ad No 47, 2020

s 143A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143B..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143C..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143D..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143E..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143F...................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143G..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 143H..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 144...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 145...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 146...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 147...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 148...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 149...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 150...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 151...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

Division 2B


Division 2B...............

ad No 47, 2020

s 151A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151B..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151C..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151D..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151E..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151F...................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151G..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151H..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151J...................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151K..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151L..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151M..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151N..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151P...................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151Q..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151R..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151S...................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151T..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151U..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151V..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151W..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151X..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151Y..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151Z..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZA.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZB.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZC.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZD.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZE.................

ad No 47, 2020

Division 2C


Division 2C...............

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZF..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZG.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZH.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZHA................

ad No 47, 2020

Division 3


s 151ZI..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZJ..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZK.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZL.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZM.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 151ZN.................

ad No 47, 2020

s 152...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s. 153...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 23, 2011

s. 154...................

rep. No. 52, 1999


ad. No. 23, 2011

s 155...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 155A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 156...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 156A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 157...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 158...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 158A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s 159...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 160...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 23, 2011


am No 47, 2020

s 161...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 47, 2020

s 162...................

rep No 52, 1999


ad No 47, 2020

ss. 163-182...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 183...................

am. No. 42, 1999


rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 184...................

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 185, 186...............

am. No. 42, 1999


rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 187-210...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 211, 212...............

rs. No. 59, 1997


rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 213-218...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 219...................

am. No. 48, 1998


rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 220, 221...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 221A-221I.............

ad. No. 4, 1998


rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 222-231...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 9...................

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 232-243...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 10..................

rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 244...................

rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 245...................

am. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 52, 1999

s. 246...................

am. No. 52, 1999


rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 247-251...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 11..................

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 252-263...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 12..................

rep. No. 52, 1999

ss. 264-269...............

rep. No. 52, 1999

Part 13


Division 1


s. 275A..................

ad. No. 124, 2007

s. 275B..................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 31, 2018

s. 275C..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 275D..................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 31, 2018

s. 275E..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

Division 2


s. 276...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 177, 2007; No 4, 2016

s. 277...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 177, 2007; No 4, 2016

s. 278...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 177, 2007; No 4, 2016

Division 3


Subdivision A


s 280...................

am No 86, 2006; No 177, 2007; No 39, 2015; No 89, 2022

s 281...................

am No 39, 2015

s. 282...................

am. No. 125, 2002; No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005; No. 86, 2006


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 283...................

am. No. 161, 1999


rep. No. 177, 2007

s 284...................

am No 45, 2005; No 44, 2012; No 25, 2015; No 38, 2015; No 51, 2017

s 285...................

am No 155, 2006; No 169, 2012; No 120, 2019; No 140, 2021; No 17, 2023

s 286...................

am No 120, 2019

s. 285A..................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 140, 2021

s 287...................

am No 17, 2023

s. 291...................

am. No. 124, 2007

s 291A..................

ad No 16, 2009


am No 140, 2021

s. 294...................

am. No. 177, 2007

Subdivision B


s. 295...................

am. No. 177, 2007

Division 3A


Division 3A...............

ad. No. 155, 2006

Subdivision A


s. 295A..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295B..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295C..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295D..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295E..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295F..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295G..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295H..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295J..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295K..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295L..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295M..................

ad. No. 155, 2006


am. No. 51, 2010

Subdivision B


s. 295N..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295P..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295Q..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

Subdivision C


s. 295R..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295S..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s. 295T..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

Subdivision D


s. 295U..................

ad. No. 155, 2006


am No 62, 2014

Division 3B


Division 3B...............

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295V..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295W.................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295X..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295Y..................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 31, 2018

s. 295Z..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295ZA.................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 295ZB.................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 31, 2018

s. 295ZC.................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am. No. 51, 2010

s. 295ZD.................

ad. No. 16, 2009


am No 31, 2018

s. 295ZE.................

ad. No. 16, 2009

Division 4


s. 298...................

rep. No. 177, 2007

s 299...................

am No 45, 2005; No 44, 2012; No 25, 2015; No 38, 2015; No 51, 2017

s. 299A..................

ad. No. 155, 2006

s 300...................

rs No 17, 2023

s. 302A..................

ad. No. 16, 2009

s. 303...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

s. 303A..................

ad. No. 155, 2000

Division 4A


Division 4A...............

ad. No. 155, 2000

s. 303B..................

ad. No. 155, 2000


am No 197, 2012

s. 303C..................

ad. No. 155, 2000


am No 197, 2012

Division 5


s. 305...................

rs. No. 177, 2007


am. No. 120, 2012

s 306...................

am No 5, 2001; No 177, 2007; No 16, 2009; No 120, 2012; No 4, 2016; No 17, 2023

s. 306A..................

ad. No. 177, 2007


am. No. 120, 2012

s. 307...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 177, 2007; No 4, 2016

s. 308...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 177, 2007

s. 309...................

am. No. 177, 2007; No. 51, 2010

Part 14


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad No 111, 2017

s. 311...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

ad No 111, 2017

s. 312...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 313...................

am No 200, 1997; No 35, 2004; No 45, 2005; No 40, 2006; No 177, 2007; No  120, 2012; No 111, 2017; No 34, 2018; No 148, 2018; No 129, 2020; No 17, 2023

s 314...................

am No 200, 1997; No 45, 2005; No 177, 2007; No 39, 2015; No 129, 2020

Division 3


Division 3................

ad No 111, 2017

Subdivision A


s 314A..................

ad No 200, 1997


am No 45, 2005


rep No 177, 2007


ad No 111, 2017


am No 39, 2024

s 314B..................

ad No 111, 2017

Subdivision B


s 314C..................

ad No 111, 2017

s 314D..................

ad No 111, 2017

s 314E..................

ad No 111, 2017

Division 4


Division 4 heading..........

ad No 111, 2017

s. 315...................

am. No. 46, 2001

Division 5


Division 5 heading..........

am No 31, 2018

Division 5................

ad No 111, 2017

s 315A..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

s 315B..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

Division 6


Division 6 heading..........

am No 31, 2018

Division 6................

ad No 111, 2017

s 315C..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

s 315D..................

ad No 111, 2017

s 315E..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

s 315F...................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

s 315G..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

Division 7


Division 7................

ad No 111, 2017

s 315H..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 73, 2023

Division 8


Division 8................

ad No 111, 2017

s 315J...................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

Division 8A


Division 8A...............

ad No 111, 2017

s 315K..................

ad No 111, 2017


am No 31, 2018

Division 9


Division 9 heading..........

ad No 111, 2017

Part 15


Part 15..................

rs. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007


ad No 148, 2018

Division 1


s. 317...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s 317A..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317B..................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 89, 2022


ed C107


am No 73, 2023

s 317C..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317D..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317E..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317F...................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 2


s 317G..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317H..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317HAA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317HAB................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317HA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317J...................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317JAA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317JA..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317JB..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317JC..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317K..................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 3


s 317L..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317LA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317M..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317MAA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317MAB................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317MA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317N..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317P...................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317PA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317Q..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317R..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317RA.................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 4


s 317S...................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317T..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317TAAA...............

ad No 148, 2018

s 317TAA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317TAB................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317TA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317U..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317V..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317W..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317WA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317X..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317XA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317Y..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317YA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317Z..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZAA................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 5


s 317ZA.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZB.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZC.................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 148, 2018

s 317ZD.................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 148, 2018

s 317ZE.................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 148, 2018

Division 6


s 317ZF..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZFA................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 7


s 317ZG.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZGA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZH.................

ad No 148, 2018

Division 8


s 317ZJ..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZK.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZKA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZL.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZM.................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 89, 2022

s 317ZN.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZP..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZQ.................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZR.................

ad No 148, 2018


am No 89, 2022

s 317ZRA................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZRB................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZS..................

ad No 148, 2018

s 317ZT.................

ad No 148, 2018

ss. 318-323...............

rs. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 324...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 35, 2004; No. 40, 2006


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 325...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 326...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 35, 2004


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 327...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 328...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 329...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 330...................

rs. No. 200, 1997; No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 331...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332...................

rs. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332A..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332B..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

ss. 332C, 332D.............

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332E..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332F..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

ss. 332G, 332H.............

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s 332J...................

ad. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s 332K..................

ad No 200, 1997


am. No. 40, 2006


rep No 177, 2007

ss. 332L, 332M.............

ad. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332N..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332P..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332Q..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


am. No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 177, 2007

s. 332R..................

ad. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 177, 2007

Part 16


Division 1


s. 334...................

am. No. 5, 2011

Division 2


s. 335...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 5, 2011

Division 3


s. 338...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 5, 2011

s. 339...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 341...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 342...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 343...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 4


s. 346A..................

ad. No. 46, 2001

Division 5


s. 347...................

am. No. 146, 1999; No. 5, 2011

Part 17


s. 348...................

am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No 38, 2015

s 349...................

am No 140, 2002; No 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 38, 2015; No 47, 2020

s 349A..................

ad No 47, 2020

s. 350...................

am. No. 200, 1997

s. 350A..................

ad. No. 140, 2002


am. No. 103, 2010

s. 352...................

am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No 38, 2015

s. 353...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 18


s. 355...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 356...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 19


Part 19..................

rep No 10, 2014


ad No 47, 2020

s 357...................

rep No 109, 2014

s 358...................

rep No 109, 2014

s 359...................

rep No 109, 2014

Division 1


s 360...................

rep No 109, 2014


ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360A..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360AA.................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360AB.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360AC.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360AD.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360AE.................

ad No 36, 2024

Division 2


Subdivision AA


s 360B..................

ad No 47, 2020


rs No 36, 2024

s 360C..................

ad No 47, 2020


rs No 36, 2024

Subdivision A.............

rep No 36, 2024

s 360D..................

ad No 47, 2020


rep No 36, 2024

s 360E..................

ad No 47, 2020


rep No 36, 2024

Subdivision B


Subdivision B heading........

rs No 36, 2024

s 360F...................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360G..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

Subdivision C heading........

rep No 36, 2024

s 360H..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360HA.................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360HB.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360HC.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360J...................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360K..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360KA.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360KB.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360L..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

Subdivision D


s 360LA.................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

Subdivision E


Subdivision E..............

ad No 36, 2024

s 360M..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360N..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360NA.................

ad No 36, 2024

Division 3


s 360P...................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360Q..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360R..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360RA.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360RB.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360S...................

ad No 47, 2020

Division 3A


Division 3A...............

ad No 36, 2024

s 360SA.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360SB.................

ad No 36, 2024

Division 4


s 360U..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024


ed C110

s 360V..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

Division 4A


Division 4A...............

ad No 36, 2024

Subdivision A


s 360VA.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360VB.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360VC.................

ad No 36, 2024

Subdivision B


s 360VD.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360VE.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360VF.................

ad No 36, 2024

Subdivision C


s 360VG.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360VH.................

ad No 36, 2024

Division 5


Division 5 heading..........

am No 36, 2024

s 360W..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360X..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

Division 5A


Division 5A...............

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAA................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAB................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAC................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAD................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAE................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAF................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAG................

ad No 36, 2024

Division 6


s 360XAH................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XAI.................

ad No 36, 2024

s 360XA.................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360Y..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360Z..................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 360ZA.................

ad No 47, 2020


am No 36, 2024

s 361...................

rep No 109, 2014

s. 362...................

am. No. 52, 1999


rep No 109, 2014

s 363...................

rep No 109, 2014

Part 20


Division 3


s. 367...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 103, 2010; No 103, 2013

s. 371...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 20A


Part 20A.................

ad. No. 107, 2011

Division 1


s. 372A..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 120, 2019; No 7, 2021

Division 2


s. 372B..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 126, 2015

s. 372C..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 126, 2015

s. 372D..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

Division 3


Subdivision A


s. 372E..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 120, 2019

s. 372F..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 120, 2019

Subdivision B


s. 372G..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 120, 2019; No 7, 2021

s. 372H..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 120, 2019; No 7, 2021

s. 372J..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


rep No 120, 2019


ad No 7, 2021

Subdivision C


Subdivision C..............

rep No 120, 2019


ad No 36, 2024

s 372JA..................

ad No 107, 2011


rep No 120, 2019


ad No 36, 2024

s 372JB..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JC..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JD..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JE..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JF..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JG..................

ad No 36, 2024

s 372JH..................

ad No 36, 2024

Subdivision D


s. 372K..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 126, 2015; No 7, 2021

Division 4


s. 372L..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372M..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372N..................

ad. No. 107, 2011


am No 126, 2015

s. 372NA.................

ad. No. 107, 2011

Division 5


s. 372P..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

Division 6


s. 372Q..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372R..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372S..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372T..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372U..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372V..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s 372W..................

ad No 107, 2011


am No 7, 2021

s. 372X..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372Y..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372Z..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372ZA.................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372ZB.................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372ZC.................

ad. No. 107, 2011


rep. No. 107, 2011

s. 372ZD.................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 372ZE.................

ad. No. 107, 2011


rep. No. 107, 2011

Part 21


Division 1


s. 373...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 23, 2011

Division 3


s. 376...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 107, 2011; No 10, 2015

s. 376A..................

ad. No. 107, 2011

s. 377...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 378...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 379...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 4


s. 380...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 10, 2015

s. 381...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 382...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 35, 2004; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

Division 5


s. 384...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 103, 2010;No. 23, 2011; No 10, 2015

s. 385...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 386...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 387...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 389...................

am. No. 103, 2010

Division 5A


Division 5A...............

ad. No. 23, 2011

s. 389A..................

ad. No. 23, 2011

s. 389B..................

ad. No. 23, 2011

Division 6


Subdivision A


s. 390...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 391...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 392...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 393...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 394...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 395...................

am. No. 52, 1999

s. 396...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 397...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 398...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 399...................

rs. No. 5, 2001


am No 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 400...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 401...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 402...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 403...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Subdivision B


s. 404...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 405...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

Division 7


s. 406A..................

ad. No. 200, 1997

s. 407...................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 408...................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 45, 2005

s. 409...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 410...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 411...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 412...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

s. 413...................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 414...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 415...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No 4, 2016

s 416...................

am No 5, 2001; No 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

Division 8


s 417...................

am No 5, 2001; No 108, 2003; No 148, 2003; No 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 4, 2016; No 151, 2020

Division 9


s 419...................

am No 45, 2005; No 10, 2015

s. 420...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 421...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 108, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 4, 2016

s. 422...................

am. No. 63, 2002; No. 45, 2005; No. 46, 2011

s. 423...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 424...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 425...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 426...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 427...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 428...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 429...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 430...................

am. No. 52, 1999

s. 432...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 433...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 434...................

rs. No. 5, 2001


am No. 108, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 435...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 436...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 437...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 438...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 439...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 440...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 107, 2011

s. 441...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 442...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 10


s. 446...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 447...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 11


s. 450...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 109, 2014; No 10, 2015

s. 451...................

am. No. 45, 2005


rep No 109, 2014

s. 452...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

Division 13


Division 13...............

ad. No. 108, 2003

s. 453A..................

ad. No. 108, 2003

Part 22


Division 1


s. 454...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 120, 2019

Division 2


Subdivision AA


Subdivision AA............

ad No 120, 2019

s 454A..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454B..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454C..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454D..................

ad No 120, 2019


ed C94

s 454E..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454F...................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454G..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 454H..................

ad No 120, 2019

Subdivision A


Subdivision A heading........

rs No 120, 2019

s 455A..................

ad No 120, 2019

s. 455...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

s. 457...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 458...................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 45, 2005; No. 103, 2010

s. 459...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 459A..................

ad No 120, 2019

s. 460...................

am. Nos. 45 and 119, 2005; No 109, 2014; No 126, 2015

s. 461...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 461A..................

ad No 120, 2019

s 462...................

am No 103, 2013

Subdivision B


s 463A..................

ad No 120, 2019

s. 463...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 109, 2014; No 120, 2019

s. 464...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 109, 2014

Subdivision C


s. 465...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 120, 2019

s. 466...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No 120, 2019

s. 467...................

am. No. 45, 2005


rep No 120, 2019

s. 468...................

am. Nos. 8 and 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 120, 2019

s. 469...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 471...................

am. No. 5, 2011

s 472...................

am No 103, 2013; No 120, 2019; No 140, 2021

Division 3


s. 474...................

am. No. 152, 2000; No. 45, 2005

s. 475...................

am. No. 152, 2000; No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 4, 2016

s. 476...................

am. No. 152, 2000; No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013; No 4, 2016

s. 477...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 23


s. 480...................

am. No. 52, 1999


rep No 109, 2014

s. 480A..................

ad. No. 52, 1999


am. No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013


rep No 109, 2014

s. 481...................

am. No. 45, 2005


rep No 109, 2014

s. 483...................

am. No. 103, 2010

Part 24A


Part 24A.................

ad. No. 104, 2005

s. 484A..................

ad. No. 104, 2005

Part 25


Division 1


s. 485...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 486...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 487...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 488...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 489...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 490...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 491...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 492...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No.  44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 493...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005; No 4, 2016

s. 494...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005; No 4, 2016

s. 495...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 3


s. 502...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 503...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

s. 504...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

s. 505A..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 505B..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 506...................

am. No. 103, 2010

Part 26


s. 507...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 508...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No.  44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 509...................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 46, 2010

s. 510...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No.  44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 511...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 512...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 513...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 514...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 515...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 515A..................

ad. No. 89, 2006


am. Nos. 46 and 51, 2010

s. 516...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 517...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 518...................

am. No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006

s. 519...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Part 27


Part 27 heading.............

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 1


s. 520...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 2


s. 521...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005

s. 522...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005; No 4, 2016

s. 523...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 524...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 120, 2019

s. 525...................

am. No. 5, 2001

s. 526...................

rep. No. 5, 2001

s. 527...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 528...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 3


s. 529...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No. 140, 2010

s. 531...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No 4, 2016

Part 27A.................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

Division 1................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531A..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531B..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531C..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


am. No. 8, 2010; No. 46, 2011


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531D..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


am. No. 8, 2010


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531E..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

Division 2................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531F..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


(1) exp 27 May 2009 (see s 531F(3))


(2) exp 27 May 2009 (see s 531F(3))


rep No 109, 2014

Division 3................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531G..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


(2)(e) exp 27 May 2009 (see s 531G(3))


(3A)(e) exp 27 May 2009 (see s 531G(3B))


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531H..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531J..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531K..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531L..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531M..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


am. No. 46, 2011


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531N..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


am. No. 46, 2011


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531P..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

s. 531Q..................

ad. No. 22, 2008


rep No 109, 2014

Part 28


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

rs. No. 130, 2003

s. 532...................

am. No. 130, 2003

s. 532A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

Division 2


s. 533...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 534...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 45, 2005

Division 3


Division 3 heading..........

rs. No. 130, 2003

s. 535...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 130, 2003

s. 537...................

am. No. 130, 2003

Division 4


Division 4 heading..........

rs. No. 130, 2003

s. 541A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 542...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 130, 2003

s. 544...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 130, 2003

s. 545...................

am. No. 5, 2001

s. 546...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005

Division 5A


Division 5A...............

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547A..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547B..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547C..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547D..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547E..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547F..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547G..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547H..................

ad. No. 130, 2003

Division 5B


Division 5B...............

ad. No. 130, 2003

s. 547J..................

ad. No. 130, 2003


am No 4, 2016

Division 6


s. 548...................

am. No. 5, 2001

s. 549...................

am. No. 5, 2001; No. 130, 2003; No 4, 2016

s. 550...................

am. No. 130, 2003

Division 7


s. 551...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 5, 2001; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 552...................

am. No. 45, 2005

Division 8


s. 553...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 5, 2001

Part 29


s 554...................

am No 45, 2005; No 39, 2024

s. 555...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 556...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 557...................

am No 45, 2005; No 39, 2024

s. 558...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 559...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s. 560...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 561...................

am No 39, 2024

s 562...................

am No 45, 2005; No 39, 2024

Part 30


s. 563...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s 564...................

am No 52, 1999; No 45, 2005; No 103 2010; No 140, 2010 (Sch 1 items 52, 53); No. 23, 2011; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018; No 47, 2020; No 140, 2021

Part 31


s 570...................

am No 52, 1999; No 89, 2006; No 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 148, 2018; No 47, 2020; No 140, 2021; No 36, 2024

s 571...................

am No 52, 1999; No 45, 2005; No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010 (Sch 1 items  54, 55); No 23, 2011; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018; No 47, 2020; No 140, 2021

Part 31A


Part 31A.................

ad. No. 119, 2005

s. 572A..................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018

s. 572B..................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 89, 2006; No. 8, 2010; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018

s. 572C..................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018

Part 31B


Part 31B.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 572D..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 572E..................

ad. No. 140, 2010


am No 23, 2011; No 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 47, 2020

s 572F...................

ad. No. 140, 2010


am No 47, 2020

s. 572G..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 572H..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 572J..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 572K..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 572L..................

ad. No. 140, 2010


am No 47, 2020

s 572M..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 126, 2015


rs No 36, 2024

s. 572N..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Part 32


s. 574...................

am. No. 5, 2001

s. 574A..................

ad. No. 52, 1999


am. No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 576...................

am. No. 5, 2001

Part 33


Part 33 heading.............

am No 140, 2021

Part 33..................

rep. No. 5, 2001


ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 1


s 577...................

am No 52, 1999


rep No 5, 2001


ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

Division 2


Subdivision A


s. 577A..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577AA.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 577AB.................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s. 577AC.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 577ACA................

ad No 140, 2021

s 577ACB................

ad No 140, 2021

s 577AD.................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s 577B..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s 577BA.................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 23, 2011; No 140, 2021

s 577BAA................

ad No 140, 2021

Subdivision B


s. 577BB.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577BC.................

ad. No. 140, 2010


am. No. 23, 2011

s. 577BD.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577BDA................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577BDB................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577BDC................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 577BE.................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s 577BEA................

ad No 140, 2021

s 577BEB................

ad No 140, 2021

s 577BF.................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

Division 3


s. 577C..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577CA.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577CB.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577CC.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577CD.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577D..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 4


s. 577E..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577EA.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577EB.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577EC.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577ED.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577F..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 5


s 577FA.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 577G..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

Division 6


s. 577GA.................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577H..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577J..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577K..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577L..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 7


s 577M..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s. 577N..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s. 577P..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

s 577Q..................

ad No 140, 2010


am No 140, 2021

s. 578...................

am. No. 52, 1999


rep. No. 5, 2001

Part 34


Part 34 heading.............

rs. No. 35, 2004


am. No. 45, 2005


rs No 25, 2015

s 579...................

am No 45, 2005; No 25, 2015; No 51, 2017

s. 580...................

am. No. 45, 2005

s 581...................

am No 35, 2004; No 45, 2005; No 25, 2015; No 51, 2017; No 111, 2017; No 31, 2018

Part 34A


Part 34A.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 1


s 581A..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581B..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581C..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581D..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581E..................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 2


s 581F...................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581G..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581H..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581J...................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581K..................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 3


s 581L..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581M..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581MA.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 4


s 581N..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581P...................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581PA.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581Q..................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 5


s 581R..................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 6


s 581TA.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581TB.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 7


s 581U..................

ad No 140, 2021

Part 34B


Part 34B.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 1


s 581V..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581W..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581X..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581XA.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 2


s 581Y..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581Z..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581ZA.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 3


s 581ZB.................

ad No 140, 2021


am No 17, 2023

s 581ZBA................

ad No 17, 2023

s 581ZC.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581ZD.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581ZE.................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581ZF..................

ad No 140, 2021

s 581ZG.................

ad No 140, 2021

Division 4


s 581ZH.................

ad No 140, 2021

Part 35


s. 582...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 120, 2019

s. 583...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 585...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 586...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 587...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 89, 2006; No.  44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 588...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

s. 589...................

am. No. 140, 2002; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 103, 2010; No.  44, 2012; No 10, 2015; No 38, 2015

s. 590...................

am. No. 52, 1999

s. 591...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006

s. 592...................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 130, 2003; No. 89, 2006; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015; No 59, 2015

s 593A..................

ad No 120, 2019

Schedule 1


Part 1


c. 1.....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 177, 2007; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

Part 2...................

rep. No. 119, 2005

cc. 2, 3..................

rep. No. 119, 2005

c. 4.....................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 119, 2005

c. 5.....................

am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005


rep. No. 119, 2005

cc. 6, 7..................

rep. No. 119, 2005

cc. 8, 9..................

am. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 119, 2005

c. 10....................

rep. No. 119, 2005

c. 11....................

rs. No. 200, 1997


rep. No. 119, 2005

cc. 12-15.................

rep. No. 119, 2005

Part 3


c 17....................

am No 103, 2010; No 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c 18....................

am No 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c 19....................

am No 103, 2013

Part 4


c. 21....................

am. No. 140, 2002

c. 22....................

am. No. 140, 2002

c. 23....................

am. No. 140, 2002

c. 24....................

am. No. 140, 2002

c. 27A...................

ad. No. 52, 1999


am No 103, 2013

c 28....................

am No 103, 2013

c. 29A...................

ad. No. 52, 1999


am No 103, 2013

Part 5


c. 31....................

am. No. 140, 2010; No. 46, 2011

c 33....................

am No 45, 2005; No 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c 34....................

am No 45, 2005; No 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c. 35....................

am. No. 45, 2005; No. 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c 36....................

am No 140, 2010; No 140, 2021

c 37....................

am No 103, 2013

Part 7


Part 7...................

ad. No. 119, 2005

c. 44A...................

ad. No. 119, 2005

c. 45....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010; No. 23, 2011

c. 46....................

ad. No. 119, 2005

c. 47....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010; No 126, 2015

Part 8...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

cc. 48, 49.................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 50....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 50A...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 103, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 50B...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 50C...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 51....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 8, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 52....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 53....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 8, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

cc. 54-56.................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 56A...................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 57....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 8, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 58....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 8, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

cc. 59-65.................

ad. No. 119, 2005


rep. No. 140, 2010

c. 66....................

ad. No. 119, 2005


am. No. 8, 2010


rep. No. 140, 2010

Part 9


Part 9...................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 1


c. 68....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 69....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 70....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 71....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 72....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 2


c. 73....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 74....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 75....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 76....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 77....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 78....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 79....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 80....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 81....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 82....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Part 10


Part 10..................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 1


c. 83....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 2


c. 84....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 85....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Division 3


c. 86....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 87....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 88....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

Schedule 2


Part 1


c. 1.....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 177, 2007; No. 44, 2012; No 38, 2015

Part 4


c 10....................

am No 120, 2019; No 140, 2021

c 11....................

am No 120, 2019

Part 5


c. 13....................

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 45, 2005; No 103, 2013

c. 14....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 15....................

am. No. 155, 2000; No. 45, 2005; No 197, 2012

Part 6


Part 6...................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 16....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 17....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 18....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c. 19....................

ad. No. 140, 2010

c 20....................

ad No 140, 2010


rs No 140, 2021

Schedule 3


Part 1


Division 1


c 2.....................

am No 92, 1999; No 104, 2005; No 5, 2011; No 46, 2011; No 6, 2019

Division 2


c. 5.....................

am. No. 200, 1997

Division 3


c 6.....................

am No 104, 2005; No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015; No 6, 2019


ed C92

Division 4


c 7.....................

am No 6, 2019

Division 5


c 8A....................

ad No 6, 2019

c 8B....................

ad No 6, 2019

c 8C....................

ad No 6, 2019

c 9.....................

am No 6, 2019

c 9A....................

ad No 6, 2019

c. 12....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 15....................

am. No. 104, 2005; No 103, 2013

c 17....................

am No 200, 1997; No 92, 1999; No 6, 2019

c. 18....................

am. No. 200, 1997

c. 19....................

am. No. 200, 1997

Division 6


c. 21....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 22....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 23....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 25....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 26....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 27....................

am. No. 200, 1997; No. 92, 1999; Nos. 86 and 114, 2003; No. 45, 2005; No. 103, 2010; No.  46, 2011; No. 44, 2012; No 109, 2014; No 38, 2015

c. 28....................

am. No. 92, 1999; No. 86, 2003; No. 45, 2005

c. 29....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 30....................

am. No. 52, 1999

c. 31....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 33....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 34....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c 35....................

am No 45, 2005; No 39, 2024

Division 8


c. 40....................

rep. No. 114, 2003

c. 41....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c 44....................

am No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015

c 46....................

am No 52, 1999; No 45, 2005; No 46, 2011; No 103, 2013; No 126, 2015

c. 48....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c 49....................

rep No 103, 2013

c. 50....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 51....................

am. No. 45, 2005

c. 55....................

am. No. 119, 1998; No. 92, 1999; No. 45, 2005


rep No 109, 2014

Part 2


cc. 56-59.................

rep. No. 45, 2005

Part 3


Part 3...................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 62....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 63....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

Schedule 3A


Schedule 3A..............

ad. No. 104, 2005

Part 1


c. 1.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 2.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No. 46, 2011; No 33, 2014; No 120, 2019

c 2A....................

ad No 33, 2014

c 2AA...................

ad No 57, 2019

c 2B....................

ad No 33, 2014

Part 2


Division 1


c. 3.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 120, 2019

Division 2


Subdivision A


c. 4.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 5.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 6.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 7.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 8.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 9.....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 10....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 11....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 12....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 13....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 14....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

Subdivision B


c. 15....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 16....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rep No 120, 2019

c. 17....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No. 8, 2010


rs No 33, 2014

c 17A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 18....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 19....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 20....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 120, 2019

c. 21....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 22....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

Division 3


Subdivision A


c. 23....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 24....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 25....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 26....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 27....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 28....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 29....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

Subdivision B


c. 30....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 31....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rep No 120, 2019

c. 32....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No. 8, 2010


rs No 33, 2014

c 32A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 33....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 34....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 120, 2019

c. 35....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

Division 4


Subdivision A


c. 36....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 37....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 38....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 39....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

Subdivision B


c. 40....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 41....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 42....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 43....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 44....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

Subdivision C


Subdivision C..............

ad No 33, 2014

c 44A...................

ad No 33, 2014

Division 5


c. 45....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 46....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c 47....................

ad No 104, 2005


am No 104, 2005; No 33, 2014; No 41, 2015; No 117, 2017; No 121, 2021

c. 48....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 49....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rep No 120, 2019

Part 3


Division 1


c. 50....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

Division 2


c. 51....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014

c. 52....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 53....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 54....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c 54A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 55....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c 55A...................

ad No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018

c. 56....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 57....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018

c 57A...................

ad No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018; No 39, 2024

c. 58....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018

c 58A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 59....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 60....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 61....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 62....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 63....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

Division 3


c. 64....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 65....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 66....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 67....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c 67A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 68....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 69....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c. 70....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018

c. 71....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014; No 31, 2018

c. 72....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rep No 33, 2014

c 72A...................

ad No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018; No 39, 2024

c. 73....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014


am No 31, 2018

c 73A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 74....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 75....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 76....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 77....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

Division 4


c. 78....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 70....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 80....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 81....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005

c. 82....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 83....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c 83A...................

ad No 33, 2014

Division 5


c. 84....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c 84A...................

ad No 33, 2014

c. 85....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am No 33, 2014

c. 86....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005; No 33, 2014

c 86A...................

ad No 33, 2014

Part 4


c. 87....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

c. 88....................

ad. No. 104, 2005

Part 5


c. 89....................

ad. No. 104, 2005


am. No. 104, 2005


rs No 33, 2014

c 90....................

ad No 31, 2018

Schedule 4


Schedule 4 heading..........

am No 45, 2005

Part 1


Part 1 heading.............

am No 45, 2005

c 1.....................

am No 52, 1999; No 142, 2000; No 140, 2002; No 35, 2004; No 45, 2005; No  104, 2005; No 155, 2006; No 44, 2012; No 33, 2014; No 109, 2014; No 38, 2015; No 145, 2015; No 47, 2020; No 36, 2024


Endnote 5--Editorial changes

In preparing this compilation for registration, the following kinds of editorial change(s) were made under the Legislation Act 2003.

Paragraph 360U(1)(a)

Kind of editorial change

Give effect to the misdescribed amendment as intended

Details of editorial change

Schedule 1 item 137 of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Consumer Safeguards and Other Measures) Act 2024 instructs to insert "(whether or not relating to price or a method of ascertaining price)" after "terms or conditions" in paragraph 360U(1)(a).

The words "terms or conditions" do not appear in paragraph 360U(1)(a). However, the words "terms and conditions" do appear.

This compilation was editorially changed to insert "(whether or not relating to price or a method of ascertaining price)" after "terms and conditions" in paragraph 360U(1)(a) to give effect to the misdescribed amendment as intended.


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