Commonwealth Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.



                   Part 14 has effect, in relation to a school‑based apprentice or a school‑based trainee who is entitled to be provided additional conditions in accordance with subsection 915(2) or 917(2), as if the subsection were a term of an award:

                     (a)  that bound the employer of the school‑based apprentice or school‑based trainee; and

                     (b)  to which the employment of the school‑based apprentice or school‑based trainee was subject.


Workplace Relations Act 1996


Schedule 1--Registration and Accountability of Organisations                   1

Chapter 1--Objects of Schedule and general provisions                                  1

1............ Simplified outline of Chapter ............................................................. 1

5............ Parliament's intention in enacting this Schedule ................................. 1

5A......... Schedule binds Crown ........................................................................ 2

6............ Definitions .......................................................................................... 2

6A......... References to provisions in this Schedule ........................................ 12

7............ Meaning of industrial action ............................................................. 12

9............ Meaning of office .............................................................................. 14

10.......... Forging and uttering .......................................................................... 15

11.......... Actions and opinions of AEC .......................................................... 16

12.......... Membership of organisations ........................................................... 16

13.......... Functions of the Industrial Registry ................................................. 16

14.......... President may establish Organisations Panel ................................... 16

15.......... Disapplication of Part 2.5 of Criminal Code ................................... 17

16.......... Operation of offence provisions ....................................................... 17

Chapter 2--Registration and cancellation of registration                              19

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                                 19

17.......... Simplified outline .............................................................................. 19

Part 2--Registration                                                                                                    20

Division 1--Types of associations that may apply for registration      20

18.......... Employer and employee associations may apply ............................ 20

18A....... Federally registrable employer associations ..................................... 20

18B....... Federally registrable employee associations ..................................... 20

18C....... Federally registrable enterprise associations .................................... 21

18D....... Constitutional validity ...................................................................... 23

Division 2--Registration criteria                                                                          26

19.......... Criteria for registration of associations other than enterprise associations              26

20.......... Criteria for registration of enterprise associations ............................ 28

Division 3--Prohibited conduct in relation to formation or registration of employee associations         30

21.......... Prohibited conduct--employers ....................................................... 30

22.......... Prohibited conduct--organisations ................................................... 31

23.......... Powers of Federal Court in relation to prohibited conduct .............. 32

24.......... Certain actions considered to be done by organisation or employer 32

Division 4--Registration process                                                                         34

25.......... Applicant for registration may change its name or alter its rules ..... 34

26.......... Registration ....................................................................................... 34

27.......... Incorporation .................................................................................... 35

Part 3--Cancellation of registration                                                                    36

28.......... Application for cancellation of registration ...................................... 36

29.......... Orders where cancellation of registration deferred ........................... 38

30.......... Cancellation of registration on technical grounds etc. ....................... 40

31.......... Cancellation to be recorded ............................................................... 42

32.......... Consequences of cancellation of registration .................................... 42

Part 4--Commission's powers under this Chapter                                     43

33.......... Powers exercisable by Presidential Member .................................... 43

Chapter 3--Amalgamation and withdrawal from amalgamation                 44

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                                 44

34.......... Simplified outline .............................................................................. 44

Part 2--Amalgamation of organisations                                                             45

Division 1--General                                                                                                     45

35.......... Definitions ........................................................................................ 45

36.......... Procedure to be followed for proposed amalgamation etc. ............... 48

37.......... Exercise of Commission's powers under this Part ........................... 49

Division 2--Preliminary matters                                                                           50

38.......... Federations ....................................................................................... 50

39.......... Use of resources to support proposed amalgamation ...................... 51

Division 3--Commencement of amalgamation procedure                       53

40.......... Scheme for amalgamation .................................................................. 53

41.......... Alternative scheme for amalgamation ............................................... 53

42.......... Approval by committee of management .......................................... 54

43.......... Community of interest declaration ................................................... 54

44.......... Application for approval for submission of amalgamation to ballot 57

45.......... Holding office after amalgamation .................................................... 57

46.......... Application for exemption from ballot ............................................. 59

47.......... Application for ballot not conducted under section 65 .................... 59

48.......... Lodging "yes" case ........................................................................... 59

Division 4--Role of AEC                                                                                           60

49.......... Ballots to be conducted by AEC ...................................................... 60

50.......... Notification of AEC ......................................................................... 60

51.......... Providing information etc. to electoral officials ................................ 60

52.......... Declaration by secretary etc. of organisation ................................... 61

Division 5--Procedure for approval of amalgamation                                63

53.......... Fixing hearing in relation to amalgamation etc. ................................. 63

54.......... Submissions at amalgamation hearings ............................................. 63

55.......... Approval for submission to ballot of amalgamation not involving extension of eligibility rules etc.       64

56.......... Objections in relation to amalgamation involving extension of eligibility rules etc. 66

57.......... Approval for submission to ballot of amalgamation involving extension of eligibility rules etc.             66

58.......... Fixing commencing and closing days of ballot .................................. 69

59.......... Roll of voters for ballot .................................................................... 70

60.......... "Yes" case and "no" case for amalgamation ..................................... 70

61.......... Alteration and amendment of scheme ............................................... 72

62.......... Outline of scheme for amalgamation ................................................. 74

63.......... Exemption from ballot ...................................................................... 74

64.......... Approval for ballot not conducted under section 65 ........................ 75

65.......... Secret postal ballot of members ........................................................ 76

66.......... Determination of approval of amalgamation by members ................ 77

67.......... Further ballot if amalgamation not approved ................................... 78

68.......... Post‑ballot report by AEC ............................................................... 78

69.......... Inquiries into irregularities ................................................................ 79

70.......... Approval of amalgamation ............................................................... 79

71.......... Expenses of ballot ............................................................................. 80

72.......... Offences in relation to ballot ............................................................ 80

Division 6--Amalgamation taking effect                                                           83

73.......... Action to be taken after ballot .......................................................... 83

74.......... Assets and liabilities of de‑registered organisation become assets and liabilities of amalgamated organisation        84

75.......... Resignation from membership .......................................................... 84

76.......... Effect of amalgamation on awards, orders and collective agreements 85

77.......... Effect of amalgamation on agreement under section 151 .................. 85

78.......... Instruments ....................................................................................... 85

79.......... Pending proceedings ......................................................................... 86

80.......... Division applies despite laws and agreements prohibiting transfer etc.   86

81.......... Amalgamated organisation to take steps necessary to carry out amalgamation       87

82.......... Certificates in relation to land and interests in land .......................... 87

83.......... Certificates in relation to charges ...................................................... 88

84.......... Certificates in relation to shares etc. ................................................. 88

85.......... Certificates in relation to other assets .............................................. 89

86.......... Other matters .................................................................................... 89

87.......... Federal Court may resolve difficulties .............................................. 89

Division 7--Validation                                                                                                 90

88.......... Validation of certain acts done in good faith ..................................... 90

89.......... Validation of certain acts after 4 years ............................................. 91

90.......... Orders affecting application of section 88 or 89 .............................. 91

91.......... Federal Court may make orders in relation to consequences of invalidity               92

Part 3--Withdrawal from amalgamations                                                          94

Division 1--General                                                                                                     94

92.......... Object of Part ................................................................................... 94

93.......... Definitions etc. ................................................................................. 94

Division 2--Ballots for withdrawal from amalgamated organisations 98

94.......... Applications to the Commission for ballots .................................... 98

95.......... Outline of proposed withdrawal ...................................................... 99

96.......... Filing the "yes" case ....................................................................... 100

97.......... Filing the "no" case ......................................................................... 101

98.......... Provisions relating to outlines and statements of "yes" and "no" cases 101

99.......... Notifying of applications for ballots .............................................. 101

100........ Orders for ballots ............................................................................ 101

101........ Financial members only eligible to vote .......................................... 102

102........ Conduct of ballots .......................................................................... 102

103........ Providing information etc. to electoral officials .............................. 103

104........ Declaration by secretary etc. of organisation ................................. 104

105........ Offences in relation to ballots ......................................................... 105

106........ Certificate showing particulars of the ballot ................................... 107

107........ Post‑ballot report by AEC ............................................................. 107

108........ Inquiries into irregularities .............................................................. 108

108A..... Powers of the Commission to be exercised by President or Full Bench   109

Division 3--Giving effect to ballots                                                                   110

109........ Determining the day of withdrawal ................................................ 110

110........ Registration of constituent part ...................................................... 111

111........ Choice of organisation following withdrawal of separately identifiable constituent part        111

112........ Members of amalgamated organisation may join newly registered organisation      113

113........ Orders of the Commission, awards etc. made before withdrawal .. 114

113A..... Collective agreements made after withdrawal ................................. 114

114........ Effect of withdrawal on agreement under section 151 .................... 115

115........ Instruments ..................................................................................... 115

116........ Pending proceedings ....................................................................... 115

117........ Division applies despite laws and agreements prohibiting transfer etc.   116

118........ Amalgamated organisation, constituent part and newly registered organisation to take necessary steps                117

119........ Certificates in relation to land and interests in land ........................ 117

120........ Certificates in relation to charges .................................................... 118

121........ Certificates in relation to shares etc. ............................................... 118

122........ Certificates in relation to other assets ............................................ 119

123........ Holding office after withdrawal ...................................................... 119

124........ Other matters .................................................................................. 120

125........ Federal Court may resolve difficulties ............................................ 120

Division 4--Validation                                                                                               121

126........ Validation of certain acts done in good faith ................................... 121

127........ Validation of certain acts after 4 years ........................................... 122

128........ Orders affecting application of section 126 or 127 ........................ 122

129........ Federal Court may make orders in relation to consequences of invalidity               123

Division 5--Miscellaneous                                                                                     125

130........ Certain actions etc. not to constitute breach of rules of amalgamated organisation 125

131........ Amalgamated organisation not to penalise members etc. ............... 125

Chapter 4--Representation orders                                                                           128

Part 1--Simplified outline                                                                                        128

132........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 128

Part 2--Representation orders                                                                            129

133........ Orders about representation rights of organisations of employees 129

134........ Preconditions for making of orders ................................................. 129

135........ Factors to be taken into account by Commission .......................... 130

136........ Order may be subject to limits ....................................................... 130

137........ Organisation must comply with order ............................................ 130

138........ Exercise of Commission's powers under this Chapter ................... 131

138A..... Representation rights of former State‑registered associations ........ 131

Chapter 5--Rules of organisations                                                                            132

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               132

139........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 132

Part 2--Rules of organisations                                                                             133

Division 1--General                                                                                                   133

140........ Organisations to have rules ............................................................. 133

141........ Rules of organisations ..................................................................... 133

142........ General requirements for rules ........................................................ 135

Division 2--Rules relating to elections for office                                       136

143........ Rules to provide for elections for offices ....................................... 136

144........ Rules to provide for elections for office by secret postal ballot .... 137

145........ Rules to provide for terms of office ............................................... 139

146........ Rules may provide for filling of casual vacancies ........................... 139

147........ Model rules for conduct of elections .............................................. 140

Division 3--Rules relating to conduct of officers and employees     141

148........ Model rules about conduct of officers and employees ................... 141

Division 4--Other rules                                                                                           142

Subdivision A--Loans, grants and donations                                                      142

149........ Rules to provide conditions for loans, grants and donations by organisations         142

Subdivision B--Agreements between organisations and State unions          143

150........ Definitions ...................................................................................... 143

151........ Membership agreements ................................................................. 144

152........ Assets and liabilities agreements .................................................... 146

153........ Party to section 152 agreement may apply to Federal Court for orders 147

154........ Termination of section 152 agreement ............................................ 147

Subdivision C--Miscellaneous                                                                              148

155........ Exercise of Commission's powers under this Division .................. 148

Division 5--Alteration of rules and evidence of rules                             149

156........ Industrial Registrar may determine alterations of rules .................. 149

157........ Commission may determine alteration of rules where there has been a breach of an undertaking            149

158........ Change of name or alteration of eligibility rules of organisation ..... 150

159........ Alteration of other rules of organisation ......................................... 151

160........ Certain alterations of rules to be recorded ...................................... 152

161........ Evidence of rules ............................................................................. 152

162........ Powers of Commission ................................................................... 152

Part 3--Validity and performance of rules etc                                              153

163........ Rules contravening section 142 ...................................................... 153

164........ Directions for performance of rules ................................................ 155

164A..... Directions to rectify breach of rule of organisation ........................ 156

164B..... Orders under sections 164 and 164A ............................................. 156

Chapter 6--Membership of organisations                                                            158

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               158

165........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 158

Part 2--Entitlement to membership                                                                  159

166........ Entitlement to become and to remain a member ............................. 159

167........ Federal Court may declare on person's entitlement to membership 160

168........ Application for membership of organisation by person treated as having been a member      162

169........ Request by member for statement of membership ......................... 163

170........ Rectification of register of members ............................................... 163

Part 3--Termination of membership                                                                 164

171........ Federal Court may order that persons cease to be members of organisations          164

172........ Non‑financial members to be removed from the register ................ 164

173........ No entrance fee if person re‑joins within 6 months ....................... 165

174........ Resignation from membership ........................................................ 165

Part 4--False information, disputes and arrears of dues                        167

175........ False representation as to membership of organisation .................. 167

176........ False representation about resignation from organisation .............. 167

177........ Disputes between organisations and members ............................... 167

178........ Recovery of arrears ......................................................................... 167

179........ Liability for arrears ......................................................................... 168

Part 5--Conscientious objection to membership                                       169

180........ Conscientious objection to membership of organisations .............. 169

Chapter 7--Democratic control                                                                                   171

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               171

181........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 171

Part 2--Conduct of elections for office and other positions                 172

182........ Conduct by AEC ............................................................................ 172

183........ Application for organisation or branch to conduct its elections for office               172

184........ Objections to application to conduct elections for office ............... 173

185........ Threats etc. in relation to section 184 objections ........................... 173

186........ Registrar may permit organisation or branch to conduct its elections for office      174

187........ Organisation may ask AEC to conduct elections for positions other than offices   175

188........ Declaration envelopes etc. to be used for postal ballots ................ 175

189........ Registrar to arrange for conduct of elections .................................. 175

190........ Organisation or branch must not assist one candidate over another 176

191........ Organisation to provide returning officer with copy of register ..... 176

192........ Declaration by secretary etc. of organisation ................................. 177

193........ Provisions applicable to elections conducted by AEC ................... 177

194........ Hindering or obstructing electoral official or other person ............. 179

195........ Improper interference with election process .................................. 179

196........ Death of candidate .......................................................................... 181

197........ Post‑election report by AEC .......................................................... 181

198........ Organisation to respond to adverse report on rules ....................... 183

199........ Ballot papers etc. to be preserved .................................................. 185

Part 3--Inquiries into elections for office                                                       187

200........ Application for inquiry .................................................................. 187

201........ Instituting of inquiry ...................................................................... 187

202........ Federal Court may authorise Industrial Registrar to take certain action   188

203........ Designated Registry officials must have identity cards .................. 189

204........ Interim orders ................................................................................. 190

205........ Procedure at hearing ........................................................................ 191

206........ Action by Federal Court ................................................................. 192

207........ Industrial Registrar to make arrangements for conduct of elections etc.   193

208........ Enforcement of orders .................................................................... 193

209........ Validity of certain acts etc. where election declared void ............... 193

Part 4--Disqualification from office                                                                    195

Division 1--Simplified outline of Part                                                               195

210........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 195

Division 2--Persons who have been convicted of a prescribed offence                196

211........ Simplified outline of Division ......................................................... 196

212........ Meaning of prescribed offence ........................................................ 196

213........ Meaning of convicted of a prescribed offence ................................. 196

213A..... Meaning of exclusion period and reduced exclusion period ........... 197

214........ Certificate of registrar etc. is evidence of facts ............................... 197

215........ Certain persons disqualified from holding office in organisations .. 198

216........ Application for leave to hold office in organisations by prospective candidate for office       199

217........ Application for leave to hold office in organisations by office holder 201

218........ Federal Court to have regard to certain matters .............................. 201

219........ Action by Federal Court ................................................................. 202

220........ Part not to affect spent convictions scheme ................................... 202

Chapter 8--Records and accounts                                                                             203

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               203

229........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 203

Part 2--Records to be kept and lodged by organisations                      204

230........ Records to be kept and lodged by organisations ............................ 204

231........ Certain records to be held for 7 years ............................................. 204

232........ Offence to interfere with register or copy ...................................... 205

233........ Obligation to lodge information in Industrial Registry ................... 205

234........ Storage of records ........................................................................... 206

235........ Registrar may authorise access to certain records .......................... 206

236........ Registrar may direct organisation to deliver copy of records ......... 207

237........ Organisations to notify particulars of loans, grants and donations 208

Part 3--Accounts and audit                                                                                    210

Division 1--Preliminary                                                                                           210

238........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 210

239........ Part only applies to financial years starting after registration ........ 210

240........ Financial years--change in financial year ....................................... 211

241........ Exemptions from certain Australian Accounting Standards ........... 211

Division 2--Reporting units                                                                                  212

242........ What is a reporting unit? ................................................................ 212

243........ Designated officers ......................................................................... 212

244........ Members, staff and journals etc. of reporting units ....................... 213

245........ Determination of reporting units .................................................... 214

246........ Determination of reporting units--application by organisation .... 214

247........ Determination of reporting units--Industrial Registrar initiative .. 215

248........ Determination of reporting units--years certificate applies to ...... 215

249........ Determination of reporting units--revocation of certificates ......... 216

250........ Determination of reporting units--rule alterations ........................ 217

251........ Determination of reporting units--later certificate revokes earlier certificate          217

Division 3--Accounting obligations                                                                   218

Subdivision A--General obligations                                                                     218

252........ Reporting unit to keep proper financial records ............................. 218

253........ Reporting unit to prepare general purpose financial report ........... 219

254........ Reporting unit to prepare operating report .................................... 220

Subdivision B--Reporting guidelines                                                                  220

255........ Reporting guidelines ....................................................................... 220

Division 4--Auditors                                                                                                 222

256........ Auditors of reporting units ............................................................. 222

257........ Powers and duties of auditors ........................................................ 223

258........ Obstruction etc. of auditors ............................................................ 225

259........ Reporting unit to forward notices etc. to auditor ........................... 226

260........ Auditor entitled to attend meetings at which report presented ...... 226

261........ Auditors and other persons to enjoy qualified privilege in certain circumstances    228

262........ Fees and expenses of auditors ........................................................ 228

263........ Removal of auditor ......................................................................... 228

264........ Resignation of auditor ..................................................................... 229

Division 5--Reporting requirements                                                                230

265........ Copies of full report or concise report to be provided to members 230

266........ Full report to be presented to meetings .......................................... 231

267........ Comments by committee members not to be false or misleading ... 232

268........ Reports etc. to be lodged in Industrial Registry ............................. 232

Division 6--Reduced reporting requirements for particular reporting units      234

269........ Reporting units with substantial common membership with State registered bodies              234

270........ Organisations with income of less than certain amount ................. 235

271........ Exemption from this Part of certain reporting units ....................... 236

Division 7--Members' access to financial records                                   238

272........ Information to be provided to members or Registrar ..................... 238

273........ Order for inspection of financial records ........................................ 239

274........ Frivolous or vexatious applications ................................................ 239

275........ Ancillary orders .............................................................................. 240

276........ Disclosure of information acquired in inspection ........................... 240

277........ Reporting unit or committee of management may allow member to inspect books                 240

278........ Commission to be advised of breaches of Part or rules etc. found during inspection               241

279........ Constitution of Commission .......................................................... 241

Part 4--Access to organisations' books                                                         242

280........ Right of access to organisation's books .......................................... 242

Chapter 9--Conduct of officers and employees                                                 244

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               244

281........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 244

Part 2--General duties in relation to the financial management of organisations             245

Division 1--Preliminary                                                                                           245

282........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 245

283........ Part only applies in relation to financial management .................... 245

284........ Meaning of involved ....................................................................... 245

Division 2--General duties in relation to the financial management of organisations    246

285........ Care and diligence--civil obligation only ........................................ 246

286........ Good faith--civil obligations .......................................................... 247

287........ Use of position--civil obligations .................................................. 247

288........ Use of information--civil obligations ............................................. 247

289........ Effect of ratification by members ................................................... 248

290........ Compliance with statutory duties .................................................. 248

291........ Interaction of sections 285 to 289 with other laws etc. ................. 248

292........ Reliance on information or advice provided by others ................... 249

293........ Responsibility for actions of other person ..................................... 249

Part 3--General duties in relation to orders and directions                 251

Division 1--Preliminary                                                                                           251

294........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 251

295........ Meaning of involved ....................................................................... 251

296........ Application to officers and employees of branches ....................... 251

Division 2--General duties in relation to orders and directions        252

297........ Order or direction applying to organisation--civil obligation ........ 252

298........ Prohibition order or direction applying to organisation--civil obligation                252

299........ Order or direction applying to officer--civil obligation ................. 253

300........ Prohibition order or direction applying to officer--civil obligation 253

301........ Order or direction applying to employee--civil obligation ............ 254

302........ Prohibition order or direction applying to employee--civil obligation 254

303........ Order or direction applying to member of organisation--civil obligation                255

303A..... Application of this Division ........................................................... 255

Chapter 10--Civil penalties                                                                                           256

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               256

304........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 256

Part 2--Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions 257

305........ Civil penalty provisions ................................................................. 257

306........ Pecuniary penalty orders that the Federal Court may make .......... 258

307........ Compensation orders ...................................................................... 259

308........ Other orders .................................................................................... 260

309........ Effect of section 307 ....................................................................... 260

310........ Who may apply for an order .......................................................... 260

311........ Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings .................................. 261

312........ Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings ................................ 261

313........ Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings .................................. 261

314........ Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in criminal proceedings 261

315........ Relief from liability for contravention of civil penalty provision .. 262

316........ Power to grant relief ....................................................................... 263

Chapter 11--Miscellaneous                                                                                          264

Part 1--Simplified outline of Chapter                                                               264

317........ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 264

Part 2--Validating provisions for organisations                                          265

318........ Definition ........................................................................................ 265

319........ Validation of certain acts done in good faith ................................... 266

320........ Validation of certain acts after 4 years ........................................... 268

321........ Order affecting application of section 319 or 320 .......................... 269

322........ Federal Court may make orders in relation to consequences of invalidity               270

323........ Federal Court may order reconstitution of branch etc. ................... 271

Part 3--Financial assistance and costs                                                             273

Division 1--Financial assistance                                                                         273

324........ Authorisation of financial assistance .............................................. 273

325........ Federal Court may certify that application was reasonable ........... 275

326........ Applications under sections 163, 164, 164A and 167 ................... 275

327........ Fees for 2 counsel not normally to be paid .................................... 276

328........ Powers of Federal Court not affected ............................................. 276

Division 2--Costs                                                                                                        277

329........ Costs only where proceeding instituted vexatiously etc. ............... 277

Part 4--Inquiries and investigations                                                                 278

330........ Registrar or staff may make inquiries ............................................. 278

331........ Registrar may conduct investigations ............................................. 278

332........ Investigations arising from auditor's report ................................... 279

333........ Investigations arising from request from members ......................... 279

334........ Investigations arising from referral under section 278 .................... 280

335........ Conduct of investigations ............................................................... 280

336........ Action following an investigation ................................................... 281

337........ Offences in relation to investigation by Registrar .......................... 282

Part 4A--Protection for whistleblowers                                                          284

337A..... Disclosures qualifying for protection under this Part .................... 284

337B..... Disclosure that qualifies for protection not actionable etc. ............ 285

337C..... Victimisation prohibited ................................................................. 285

337D..... Right to compensation .................................................................... 287

Part 4B--Functions and powers of the Commission                                288

337E...... Additional functions and powers ................................................... 288

337F...... Powers of inspection ...................................................................... 288

337G..... Parties to proceedings ..................................................................... 288

337H..... Kinds of orders ............................................................................... 288

337J...... Relief not limited to claim ............................................................... 289

337K..... Publishing orders ............................................................................ 289

Part 5--Jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia                            291

338........ Jurisdiction of Federal Court .......................................................... 291

339........ Exclusive jurisdiction ...................................................................... 291

340........ Exercise of Court's original jurisdiction .......................................... 292

341........ Reference of proceedings to Full Court .......................................... 293

342........ Appeal to the Court from certain judgments .................................. 293

Part 6--Other                                                                                                                294

343........ Delegation by Minister ................................................................... 294

344........ Conduct by officers, directors, employees or agents ..................... 294

345........ Right to participate in ballots ......................................................... 295

346........ Requests by members for information concerning elections and certain ballots       295

347........ Providing copy of rules or list of offices etc. on request by member 295

348........ Certificate as to membership of organisation ................................. 296

349........ List of officers to be evidence ......................................................... 297

350........ Unauthorised collection of money .................................................. 297

351........ No imprisonment in default ............................................................ 297

352........ Jurisdiction of courts limited as to area .......................................... 297

353........ Public sector employer to act through employing authority .......... 298

354........ Proceedings by and against unincorporated clubs .......................... 298

355........ Inspection of documents etc. .......................................................... 299

356........ Trade secrets etc. tendered as evidence .......................................... 299

357........ Application of penalty ................................................................... 300

358........ Enforcement of penalties etc. ......................................................... 300

359........ Regulations ..................................................................................... 300

Part 7--Complementary registration systems                                             303

Division 1--Application of this Part                                                                   303

360........ Complementary registration systems ............................................. 303

Division 2--Preliminary                                                                                           304

361........ Definitions ...................................................................................... 304

Division 3--Branch rules                                                                                        305

362........ Branch funds ................................................................................... 305

363........ Obligations of Commission in relation to application under section 158                 306

364........ Branch autonomy ........................................................................... 306

365........ Organisation may participate in State systems .............................. 306

Division 4--Amalgamation of organisation and associated body       308

366........ Organisation and associated body may amalgamate ....................... 308

367........ Procedure for amalgamation ............................................................ 308

Division 5--Exercise of Commission's powers                                          311

368........ Exercise of Commission's powers under this Part ......................... 311

Schedule 2--Extra provisions relating to definitions                                       312

1............ Additional definitions ..................................................................... 312

2............ References to employee with its ordinary meaning ........................ 314

3............ References to employer with its ordinary meaning ........................ 315

4............ References to employment with its ordinary meaning ................... 316

5............ Regulations may amend clauses 2, 3 and 4 ..................................... 318

Schedule 3--Oath or affirmation of office                                                             319

Schedule 4--Convention concerning termination of employment at the initiative of the employer              320

Schedule 5--Convention concerning equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with family responsibilities                                                       329

Schedule 6--Transitional arrangements for parties bound by federal awards         335

Part 1--Preliminary                                                                                                            335

Division 1--Objects of Schedule                                                                         335

1............ Objects of Schedule ........................................................................ 335

Division 2--Interpretation                                                                                      336

2............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 336

3............ Meaning of industrial action ........................................................... 339

Division 3--Continuing operation of awards                                                 342

4............ Continuing operation of awards in force before reform commencement 342

5............ Particular rules about transitional awards ....................................... 343

6............ Cessation of transitional awards ..................................................... 343

Part 2--Performance of Commission's functions                                              344

7............ General functions of Commission .................................................. 344

8............ Performance of Commission's functions under this Schedule ........ 344

9............ Anti‑discrimination considerations ................................................. 345

10.......... Commission to have regard to operation of Superannuation Guarantee legislation 346

11.......... Commission to encourage agreement on procedures for preventing and settling disputes       346

12.......... Commission to have regard to compliance with disputes procedures 346

13.......... No automatic flow‑on of terms of certain agreements .................... 346

14.......... Commission to act quickly ............................................................. 347

15.......... Commission not required to have regard to certain matters ........... 347

Part 3--Powers and procedures of Commission for dealing with industrial disputes            348

Division 1--Settlement of industrial disputes                                              348

Subdivision A--Scope of industrial disputes                                                      348

16.......... Scope of industrial disputes ........................................................... 348

Subdivision B--Allowable transitional award matters                                      348

17.......... Allowable transitional award matters ............................................. 348

18.......... Matters that are not allowable transitional award matters ............. 350

19.......... Terms involving discrimination and preference not to be included 352

20.......... Terms about rights of entry not to be included .............................. 352

21.......... Enterprise flexibility provisions not to be included ....................... 352

Subdivision C--Other terms that may be included in transitional awards   353

22.......... Preserved transitional award terms ................................................. 353

23.......... Facilitative provisions .................................................................... 353

24.......... Incidental and machinery terms ...................................................... 354

25.......... Anti‑discrimination clauses ............................................................ 355

26.......... Boards of reference ......................................................................... 355

Subdivision D--Terms in transitional awards that cease to have effect        356

27.......... Terms in transitional awards that cease to have effect after the reform commencement          356

Division 2--Variation and revocation of transitional awards                357

28.......... Variation of transitional awards--general ....................................... 357

29.......... Variation of transitional awards--dealing with industrial dispute . 357

30.......... Variation of transitional awards--discrimination, etc. ................... 358

31.......... Revocation of transitional awards .................................................. 359

32.......... Applications for variation, suspension or revocation of transitional awards           360

Division 3--Procedure for dealing with industrial disputes                  361

33.......... Notification of industrial disputes .................................................. 361

34.......... Disputes to be dealt with by conciliation where possible .............. 361

35.......... Findings as to industrial disputes ................................................... 362

36.......... Action to be taken where dispute referred for conciliation ............ 362

37.......... Completion of conciliation proceeding ........................................... 363

38.......... Arbitration ...................................................................................... 363

39.......... Exercise of arbitration powers by member who has exercised conciliation powers                 364

40.......... Principles for varying transitional awards ...................................... 365

41.......... Reference of disputes to Full Bench ............................................... 365

42.......... President may deal with certain proceedings .................................. 368

43.......... Review on application by Minister ................................................ 369

44.......... Procedure of Commission ............................................................... 370

45.......... Provisions in Part 3 that do not apply to performance of Commission's functions under this Schedule                371

Division 4--Powers of Commission for dealing with industrial disputes               372

46.......... Particular powers of Commission .................................................. 372

47.......... Recommendations by consent ........................................................ 374

Division 5--Other powers of the Commission                                            375

48.......... Power to make further orders in settlement of industrial dispute etc. 375

49.......... Relief not limited to claim ............................................................... 375

50.......... Power to provide special rates of wages ........................................ 375

51.......... Orders to stop or prevent industrial action .................................... 376

Part 4--Ballots ordered by Commission                                                                 378

52.......... Commission may order secret ballot .............................................. 378

53.......... Scope of directions for secret ballots .............................................. 378

54.......... Conduct of ballot ............................................................................ 379

55.......... Commission to have regard to result of ballot ................................ 380

56.......... Offences in relation to ballots ......................................................... 380

Part 5--Circumstances in which transitional awards cease to be binding    381

57.......... Ceasing to be bound by transitional award--making a State employment agreement              381

58.......... Ceasing to be bound by transitional award--inability to make a State employment agreement              381

59.......... Ceasing to be bound by transitional award--inability to resolve industrial dispute under this Schedule                382

60.......... Interaction between transitional awards, State laws and State awards 382

Part 6--Technical matters relating to transitional awards                           383

61.......... Making and publication of orders ................................................... 383

62.......... Requirement for transitional award‑related orders ......................... 383

63.......... Registrar's powers if member ceases to be member after making an order               384

64.......... Form of orders ................................................................................ 385

65.......... Date of orders ................................................................................. 385

66.......... Date of effect of orders ................................................................... 385

67.......... Term of orders ................................................................................ 385

68.......... Continuation of transitional awards ............................................... 385

69.......... Persons bound by orders varying transitional awards .................... 386

70.......... Transitional awards and transitional award‑related orders of Commission are final                387

71.......... Reprints of transitional awards as varied ....................................... 387

72.......... Expressions used in transitional awards ......................................... 387

Part 6A--Transmission of transitional awards                                                    388

Division 1--Introductory                                                                                         388

72A....... Object ............................................................................................. 388

72B....... Simplified outline ............................................................................ 388

72C....... Definitions ...................................................................................... 388

Division 2--Application of Part                                                                            390

72D....... Application of Part ......................................................................... 390

72E........ Transferring transitional employees ............................................... 390

72F........ Transferring transitional employees in relation to particular transitional award      391

Division 3--Transmission of transitional award                                          392

72G....... Transmission of transitional award ................................................ 392

72H....... Interaction rules .............................................................................. 393

Division 4--Notice requirements and enforcement                                  395

72J........ Informing transferring transitional employees about transmitted award 395

72K....... Lodging copy of notice with Workplace Authority Director ......... 395

72L........ Workplace Authority Director must issue receipt for lodgment .... 397

72M...... Civil penalties ................................................................................. 397

Division 5--Miscellaneous                                                                                     398

72N....... Regulations ..................................................................................... 398

Part 7--Matters relating to Victoria                                                                         399

Division 1--Matters referred by Victoria                                                       399

Subdivision A--Introduction                                                                                  399

73.......... Definitions ...................................................................................... 399

74.......... Division only has effect if supported by reference ........................ 399

Subdivision B--Industrial disputes                                                                      400

75.......... Industrial disputes .......................................................................... 400

Subdivision C--Allowable transitional award matters                                      401

76.......... Allowable transitional award matters ............................................. 401

Subdivision D--Preserved transitional award terms                                        401

77.......... Preserved transitional award terms ................................................. 401

78.......... When preserved transitional award entitlements have effect ......... 402

79.......... Meaning of more generous ............................................................. 403

80.......... Modifications that may be prescribed--personal/carer's leave ..... 403

81.......... Modifications that may be prescribed--parental leave .................. 404

Subdivision E--Common rules                                                                              404

82.......... Common rules continue to have effect during the transitional period 404

83.......... Certain declarations continue to have effect during the transitional period              405

84.......... Variation of common rules before the reform commencement ....... 406

85.......... Variation of common rules during the transitional period .............. 407

86.......... Intervention by Minister of Victoria .............................................. 408

87.......... Concurrent operation of laws of Victoria ....................................... 408

88.......... Pre‑commencement applications for review ................................... 408

89.......... Common rule taken to be award ..................................................... 409

90.......... Meaning of industrial action ........................................................... 410

91.......... Right of entry ................................................................................. 410

92.......... Application of provisions of Act relating to workplace inspectors 410

93.......... Application of provisions of Act relating to compliance ............... 410

Subdivision F--Transmission of business                                                          411

94.......... Transmission of business ............................................................... 411

Subdivision G--Modification of certain provisions of this Act                        411

95.......... Modification of certain provisions of this Act ............................... 411

Subdivision H--Ceasing to be bound by transitional Victorian reference award                 412

95A....... Ceasing to be bound by transitional Victorian reference award--inability to resolve industrial dispute under this Schedule .......................................................................................... 412

Division 2--Other matters                                                                                     413

Subdivision A--Allowable transitional award matters                                      413

96.......... Allowable transitional award matters ............................................. 413

Subdivision B--Preserved transitional award terms                                        413

97.......... Preserved transitional award terms ................................................. 413

98.......... When preserved transitional award entitlements have effect ......... 414

99.......... Meaning of more generous ............................................................. 415

100........ Modifications that may be prescribed--personal/carer's leave ..... 415

101........ Modifications that may be prescribed--parental leave .................. 416

Subdivision BA--Transmission of business                                                       417

101A..... Transmission of business ............................................................... 417

Subdivision C--Modification of certain provisions of this Act                        417

102........ Modification of certain provisions of this Act ............................... 417

Subdivision D--Ceasing to be bound by transitional award                             418

102A..... Ceasing to be bound by transitional award--inability to resolve industrial dispute under this Schedule                418

Part 8--Miscellaneous                                                                                                      419

102B..... Continuation of hearing by Commission ........................................ 419

103........ Revocation and suspension of transitional awards ......................... 419

104........ Appeals to Full Bench .................................................................... 419

105........ Application of provisions of Act relating to right of entry ............ 420

106........ Application of provisions of Act relating to workplace inspectors 420

107........ Application of provisions of Act relating to compliance ............... 420

107A..... Application of provisions of Act relating to freedom of association 421

107B..... Contracts entered into by agents of transitional employees .......... 421

107C..... Records relating to transitional employees ..................................... 422

107D..... Interpretation of transitional awards .............................................. 422

108........ Application of other Parts of Act .................................................. 422

Schedule 7--Transitional arrangements for existing pre‑reform Federal agreements etc.              423

Part 1--Preliminary                                                                                                            423

1............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 423

Part 2--Pre‑reform certified agreements                                                               425

Division 1--General                                                                                                   425

2............ Continuing operation of pre‑reform certified agreements--under old provisions    425

2A......... Commission may extend or vary pre‑reform certified agreements . 426

3............ Rules replacing subsections 170LX(2) and (3) ............................... 427

4............ Rules replacing section 170NC--coercion of persons to terminate certified agreements etc. 428

5............ Interaction of agreement with other instruments ............................ 429

6............ Continuing operation of pre‑reform certified agreements--under new provisions 429

6A......... Preservation of redundancy provisions in certain circumstances ... 429

6B......... Notification of preservation of redundancy provisions ................. 431

6C......... Employer must notify employees of preserved redundancy provisions                 431

8............ Anti‑AWA terms taken to be prohibited content .......................... 432

9............ Calling up contents of pre‑reform certified agreement in workplace agreement       432

10.......... Application of Division to certain Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements       433

Division 2--Special rules for Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements with excluded employers    434

11.......... Application of Division .................................................................. 434

12.......... Cessation of Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements ............... 434

13.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform certified agreements--under old provisions    434

14.......... Rules replacing subsections 170LX(2) and (3) ............................... 435

15.......... Interaction of agreement with awards ............................................. 436

16.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform certified agreements--under new provisions 436

Part 3--Pre‑reform AWAs                                                                                              437

17.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform AWAs--under old provisions 437

18.......... Rules replacing section 170VJ--period of operation of AWA ...... 437

19.......... Interaction of pre‑reform AWAs with other instruments .............. 438

20.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform AWAs--under new provisions 438

20A....... Preservation of redundancy provisions in certain circumstances ... 439

20B....... Notification of preservation of redundancy provisions ................. 440

21.......... Calling up contents of pre‑reform AWA in workplace agreement . 441

Part 4--Awards under subsection 170MX(3) of the pre‑reform Act      442

Division 1--Continuing operation of section 170MX awards              442

22.......... Application of Division .................................................................. 442

23.......... Continuing operation of section 170MX awards--under old provisions                442

24.......... Continuing operation of section 170MX awards--under new provisions               443

25.......... Interaction of section 170MX awards with other instruments ...... 443

Division 2--Special rules for section 170MX awards that bind excluded employers     445

26A....... Application of Division .................................................................. 445

26B....... Cessation of section 170MX award ............................................... 445

26C....... Continuing operation of section 170MX awards--under old provisions                446

26D....... Continuing operation of section 170MX awards--under new provisions               446

26E........ Interaction of section 170MX awards with other instruments ...... 446

Part 5--Exceptional matters orders                                                                          447

27.......... Exceptional matters orders ............................................................. 447

Part 6--Old IR agreements                                                                                           448

28.......... Operation of old IR agreement ....................................................... 448

29.......... Old IR agreement cannot be varied after the reform commencement 448

29A....... Termination of old IR agreements .................................................. 449

Part 7--Relationships between pre‑reform agreements etc. and Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard                                                                                                                 450

30.......... Relationships between pre‑reform agreements etc. and Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard   450

Part 7A--Relationship between pre‑reform agreements etc. and public holiday entitlement          451

30A....... Relationship between pre‑reform agreements etc. and public holiday entitlement 451

Part 8--Applications for certification etc. before reform commencement   452

31.......... Certifications under pre‑reform Act after the reform commencement 452

32.......... Approvals of pre‑reform AWAs under pre‑reform Act after the reform commencement       452

32A....... Approvals of section 170MX awards under pre‑reform Act after the reform commencement               452

Part 9--Matters relating to Victoria                                                                         453

33.......... Definitions ...................................................................................... 453

34.......... Part only has effect if supported by reference etc. ........................ 454

35.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform certified agreements--under old provisions    454

36.......... Victorian reference Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements ..... 454

37.......... Continuing operation of pre‑reform AWAs--under old provisions 455

38.......... Continuing operation of section 170MX awards--under old provisions                455

38A....... Approvals of section 170MX awards under pre‑reform Act after the reform commencement               455

39.......... Relationship between Victorian employment agreements and designated old IR agreements 455

Schedule 7A--Transitional arrangements for existing AWAs                   456

1............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 456

2............ Continuing operation of AWAs ..................................................... 456

3............ Bargaining agents ............................................................................ 457

4............ Effect of late lodgment of AWAs ................................................... 458

5............ Restriction on varying AWAs ........................................................ 458

6............ Replacement of AWAs ................................................................... 458

7............ Workplace Authority Director to notify of ineffective AWAs and variations        459

8............ Effect of AWAs on making and approving collective agreements etc. 460

Schedule 7B--Transitional arrangements for existing collective agreements         461

1............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 461

2............ Continuing operation of fairness test and protected award conditions to pre‑transition collective agreements      461

3............ Application of this Schedule to variations of pre‑transition collective agreements 462

Schedule 8--Transitional treatment of State employment agreements and State awards                463

Part 1--Preliminary                                                                                                            463

1............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 463

2............ Objects ............................................................................................ 464

Part 2--Preserved State agreements                                                                       465

Division 1--Preserved individual State agreements                                465

Subdivision A--What is a preserved individual State agreement?                 465

3............ Preserved individual State agreements ............................................ 465

Subdivision B--Who is bound by or subject to a preserved individual State agreement? 465

4............ Who is bound by or subject to a preserved individual State agreement? 465

Subdivision C--Terms of a preserved individual State agreement                 466

5............ Terms of a preserved individual State agreement ........................... 466

6............ Nominal expiry date of a preserved individual State agreement ..... 467

7............ Powers of State industrial authorities ............................................. 467

8............ Dispute resolution processes ......................................................... 467

9............ Prohibited content .......................................................................... 468

Division 2--Preserved collective State agreements                                469

Subdivision A--What is a preserved collective State agreement?                 469

10.......... Preserved collective State agreements ............................................. 469

Subdivision B--Who is bound by or subject to a preserved collective State agreement?   469

11.......... Who is bound by a preserved collective State agreement? ............. 469

12.......... Whose employment is subject to a preserved collective State agreement?               470

Subdivision C--Terms of a preserved collective State agreement                  470

13.......... Terms of a preserved collective State agreement ............................ 470

14.......... Nominal expiry date of a preserved collective State agreement ...... 471

15.......... Powers of State industrial authorities ............................................. 472

15A....... Dispute resolution processes ......................................................... 472

15B....... Prohibited content .......................................................................... 472

Division 2A--Effect and operation of a preserved State agreement 473

15C....... Effect of a preserved State agreement ............................................. 473

15D....... Effect of awards while a preserved State agreement in operation .. 473

15E........ Relationship between preserved State agreements and Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard    473

15F........ Relationship between a preserved State agreement and public holiday entitlement                 474

15G....... When preserved State agreements cease to operate ........................ 474

Division 3--Varying a preserved State agreement                                   476

16.......... Varying a preserved State agreement .............................................. 476

16A....... Commission may extend or vary preserved collective State agreements 476

17.......... Variation to remove ambiguity or uncertainty ................................ 478

18.......... Variation to remove discrimination ................................................. 478

19.......... Variation to remove prohibited content .......................................... 479

Division 4--Enforcing preserved State agreements                                482

20.......... Enforcing a preserved State agreement ........................................... 482

Division 5--Terminating a preserved State agreement                         483

21.......... Terminating a preserved State agreement ....................................... 483

21A....... Preservation of redundancy provisions in preserved collective State agreements in certain circumstances             483

21B....... Notification of preservation of redundancy provisions in preserved collective State agreements           484

21C....... Employer must notify employees of preserved redundancy provisions in preserved collective State agreements ........................................................................................................ 485

21D....... Preservation of redundancy provisions in preserved individual State agreements in certain circumstances            486

21E........ Notification of preservation of redundancy provisions ................. 487

Division 5A--Coercion                                                                                             489

22.......... Coercion of persons to terminate a preserved State agreement etc. 489

Division 6--Industrial action                                                                                 490

23.......... Industrial action must not be taken until after nominal expiry date--preserved collective State agreements          490

24.......... Industrial action must not be taken until after nominal expiry date--preserved individual State agreements         491

25.......... Industrial action taken before nominal expiry date not protected action 493

Division 6A--Protected conditions                                                                    494

25A....... Protected conditions where employment was subject to preserved State agreement               494

25B....... Application of fairness test where employment was subject to preserved State agreement    496

Division 7--Miscellaneous                                                                                     499

26.......... Calling up contents of a preserved State agreement in a workplace agreement        499

27.......... Application of section 451 in relation to a preserved State agreement 499

28.......... Application of Part 15 in relation to a preserved State agreement . 499

29.......... Application of Part 16 in relation to a preserved State agreement . 499

Division 8--Regulations                                                                                          500

30.......... Regulations may apply, modify or adapt Act ................................ 500

Part 3--Notional agreements preserving State awards                                 501

Division 1--What is a notional agreement preserving State awards? 501

Subdivision A--What is a notional agreement preserving State awards?    501

31.......... Notional agreements preserving State awards ................................ 501

Subdivision B--Who is bound by or subject to a notional agreement preserving State awards?      501

32.......... Who is bound by a notional agreement preserving State awards? .. 501

33.......... Whose employment is subject to a notional agreement preserving State awards?   502

Subdivision C--Terms of a notional agreement preserving State awards    503

34.......... Terms of a notional agreement preserving State awards ................. 503

35.......... Powers of State industrial authorities ............................................. 504

36.......... Dispute resolution processes ......................................................... 504

37.......... Prohibited content .......................................................................... 504

Division 2--Effect and operation of a notional agreement preserving State awards       505

38.......... Effect of a notional agreement preserving State awards ................. 505

38A....... Operation of a notional agreement preserving State awards ........... 505

Division 3--Varying a notional agreement preserving State awards 507

39.......... Varying a notional agreement preserving State awards ................... 507

40.......... Variation to remove ambiguity or uncertainty ................................ 507

41.......... Variation to remove discrimination ................................................. 507

42.......... Variation to remove prohibited content .......................................... 508

Division 4--Enforcing the notional agreement                                            511

43.......... Enforcing the notional agreement .................................................... 511

44.......... Matters provided for by the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard            511

Division 5--Preserved notional terms and preserved notional entitlements     512

45.......... Preserved notional terms of notional agreement ............................. 512

46.......... When preserved notional entitlements have effect ......................... 513

47.......... Meaning of more generous ............................................................. 514

48.......... Modifications that may be prescribed--personal/carer's leave ..... 514

49.......... Modifications that may be prescribed--parental leave .................. 515

50.......... Preserved notional terms taken to be included in awards ............... 515

51.......... Application of hours of work provision of Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard to notional agreements preserving State awards .................................................................. 516

Division 6--Protected conditions                                                                       517

52.......... Protected conditions in notional agreements preserving State awards 517

52AAA. Application of fairness test where employment was subject to notional agreement preserving State awards        519

Division 6A--Industrial action during the life of an enterprise award 521

52AA.... Action taken during life of enterprise award not protected ............ 521

Division 7--Miscellaneous                                                                                     522

52A....... Calling up a notional agreement preserving State awards in a workplace agreement                522

53.......... Application of Part 15 in relation to a notional agreement preserving State awards                522

54.......... Application of Part 16 in relation to a notional agreement preserving State awards                522

Division 8--Regulations                                                                                          523

55.......... Regulations may apply, modify or adapt Act ................................ 523

Schedule 9--Transmission of business rules (transitional instruments) 524

Part 1--Introductory                                                                                                          524

1............ Object ............................................................................................. 524

2............ Simplified outline ............................................................................ 524

3............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 525

Part 2--Application of Schedule                                                                                  527

4............ Application of Schedule ................................................................. 527

5............ Transferring employees .................................................................. 527

6............ Transferring employees in relation to particular instrument .......... 528

6A......... Application of Schedule to certain Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements       529

Part 2A--Transmission of AWAs                                                                               530

6B......... Transmission of AWA ................................................................... 530

6C......... Termination of transmitted AWA .................................................. 531

6D......... Transferring employee considered an existing employee for the purposes of eligibility to make an ITEA             531

Part 3--Transmission of pre‑reform AWAs                                                         532

7............ Transmission of pre‑reform AWA ................................................. 532

9............ Termination of transmitted pre‑reform AWA ................................ 533

Part 4--Transmission of pre‑reform certified agreements                          534

Division 1--General                                                                                                   534

10.......... Transmission of pre‑reform certified agreement ............................. 534

11.......... Interaction rules .............................................................................. 537

12.......... Termination of transmitted pre‑reform certified agreement ........... 538

Division 2--Commission's powers                                                                    540

13.......... Application and terminology .......................................................... 540

14.......... Commission may make order ......................................................... 540

15.......... When application for order can be made ........................................ 541

16.......... Who may apply for order ............................................................... 541

17.......... Applicant to give notice of application .......................................... 541

18.......... Submissions in relation to application ............................................ 541

Part 5--Transmission of State transitional instruments                                543

Division 1--General                                                                                                   543

19.......... Transmission of State transitional instrument ................................ 543

20.......... Interaction rules .............................................................................. 545

21.......... Termination of preserved State agreement ..................................... 545

Division 2--Commission's powers                                                                    547

22.......... Application and terminology .......................................................... 547

23.......... Commission may make order ......................................................... 547

24.......... When application for order can be made ........................................ 548

25.......... Who may apply for order ............................................................... 548

26.......... Applicant to give notice of application .......................................... 548

27.......... Submissions in relation to application ............................................ 548

Part 5A--Transmission of preserved redundancy provisions                    550

27A....... Transmission of preserved redundancy provisions ........................ 550

Part 6--Notice requirements and enforcement                                                  552

28.......... Informing transferring employees about transmission of transitional instrument    552

29.......... Lodging copy of notice with Workplace Authority Director ......... 554

29A....... Informing transferring employees about transmission of preserved redundancy provisions   555

29B....... Lodging copy of notice about preserved redundancy provisions with Workplace Authority Director   556

30.......... Workplace Authority Director must issue receipt for lodgment .... 557

31.......... Civil penalties ................................................................................. 557

Part 7--Matters relating to Victoria                                                                         560

32.......... Definitions ...................................................................................... 560

33.......... Additional effect of Schedule .......................................................... 560

33A....... Victorian reference Division 3 pre‑reform certified agreements ..... 561

Schedule 10--Transitionally registered associations                                      562

1............ Definitions ...................................................................................... 562

2............ Application for transitional registration ......................................... 563

3............ Application of this Act to transitionally registered associations ... 564

4............ Representation rights of transitionally registered associations of employees          565

5............ Cancellation of transitional registration .......................................... 565

6............ End of transitional registration ....................................................... 567

7............ Modification of Registration and Accountability of Organisations Schedule           568

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