New South Wales Consolidated Regulations

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SCHEDULE 3 – Locality management within Employment Zones

(Clause 16)

Part 1 - Employment--General Zone

Division 1 - Building envelope

1 Building height

The maximum building height is 10 metres.

2 Building setback

The minimum setback from a road reserve is 8 metres.

3 Site coverage

A minimum area of 20 per cent of the total allotment is to be retained as soft, pervious or landscaped areas (excluding hard surfaces).

4 Development density

The maximum floor space ratio for development is 0.5:1.

Division 2 - Design and operational considerations

1 Development near a residential zone

(1) Consent must not be granted for development in the Employment--General zone, on land that adjoins or is adjacent to land within a residential zone, unless the consent authority is satisfied that the proposed development is compatible with the amenity of existing and likely future residential use within the residential zone, having regard to--
(a) the relative building scale, bulk, design and height and the siting of the proposed development, and
(b) the retention of acoustic and visual privacy of residents of properties in the residential zone, and
(c) the hours of operation of the proposed development, and
(d) levels of traffic generation of the proposed development, and
(e) any noise, light, dust and odour nuisance likely to be generated by the proposed development, and
(f) over-shadowing of, and retention of solar access by, properties in the residential zone.
(2) The siting and design of buildings within the proposed development shall allow for reasonable solar access to adjoining buildings, streets and places.
(3) The consent authority may decline to grant consent unless it has considered shadow diagrams prepared by a suitably qualified person to demonstrate that adjoining buildings and areas will not be adversely affected by the proposed development.

2 Landscaping requirements

(1) Development in the Employment--General zone is to incorporate the following--
(a) the planting of vegetation,
(b) screening of the bulk of the buildings when viewed from the adjoining public street and from adjoining land uses, where relevant,
(c) measures to manage stormwater.
(2) Consent shall not be granted for non-residential development in the Employment--General zone, excluding development that, in the opinion of the consent authority, consists of minor additions and alterations to an existing building, unless the consent authority has considered a detailed landscape plan.
(3) A detailed landscape plan prepared to comply with subclause (2) shall include on that plan at least the following information--
(a) the location, size and species of existing vegetation to be affected by the development, including trees, hedges, large shrubs, shrub beds and any areas of natural vegetation,
(b) replacement planting for any vegetation which is proposed to be removed,
(c) a planting plan showing the location and expected size within 10 years of each tree and large shrub,
(d) a schedule (table) indicating the common name, botanic name, expected ultimate height and width and planting size (pot size and height), if relying on planting of trees or large shrubs for privacy,
(e) a planting plan showing location and indicative planting for mid-low shrubs and ground covers.

Part 2 - Employment--Enterprise Zone

Division 1 - Building envelope

1 Building height

The maximum building height is 8 metres and the maximum height at eaves is 6.5 metres.

2 Building setback

The minimum setback from a road reserve is 8 metres.

3 Site coverage

(1) The maximum site coverage for buildings is 50 per cent of the total allotment.
(2) A minimum area of 30 per cent of the total allotment is to be retained as soft, pervious or landscaped areas (excluding hard surfaces).

4 Development density

The maximum floor space ratio for development is 0.5:1.

Division 2 - Design and operational considerations

1 Development near a residential zone

(1) Consent must not be granted for development in the Employment--Enterprise zone, on land that adjoins or is adjacent to land within a residential zone, unless the consent authority is satisfied that the proposed development is compatible with the amenity of existing and likely future residential use within the residential zone, having regard to--
(a) the relative building scale, bulk, design and height and the siting of the proposed development, and
(b) the retention of acoustic and visual privacy of residents of properties in the residential zone, and
(c) the hours of operation of the proposed development, and
(d) levels of traffic generation of the proposed development, and
(e) any noise, light, dust and odour nuisance likely to be generated by the proposed development, and
(f) over-shadowing of, and retention of solar access by, properties in the residential zone.
(2) The siting and design of buildings within the proposed development shall allow for reasonable solar access to adjoining buildings, streets and places.
(3) The consent authority may decline to grant consent unless it has considered shadow diagrams prepared by a suitably qualified person to demonstrate that adjoining buildings and areas will not be adversely affected by the proposed development.

2 Landscaping requirements

(1) Development in the Employment--Enterprise zone is to incorporate the following--
(a) the planting of vegetation,
(b) screening of the bulk of the buildings when viewed from the adjoining public street and from adjoining land uses, where relevant,
(c) measures to manage stormwater.
(2) Consent shall not be granted for non-residential development in the Employment--Enterprise zone, excluding development that, in the opinion of the consent authority, consists of minor additions and alterations to an existing building, unless the consent authority has considered a detailed landscape plan.
(3) A detailed landscape plan prepared to comply with subclause (2) shall include on that plan at least the following information--
(a) the location, size and species of existing vegetation to be affected by the development, including trees, hedges, large shrubs, shrub beds and any areas of natural vegetation,
(b) replacement planting for any vegetation which is proposed to be removed,
(c) a planting plan showing the location and expected size within 10 years of each tree and large shrub,
(d) a schedule (table) indicating the common name, botanic name, expected ultimate height and width and planting size (pot size and height), if relying on planting of trees or large shrubs for privacy,
(e) a planting plan showing location and indicative planting for mid-low shrubs and ground covers.

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