43—Persons bound by by-laws
(1) The following
persons are bound by the by-laws of a community scheme—
(a) the
community corporation;
(b) the
owners and occupiers of the community lots and the development lot or lots (if
any) comprising the scheme;
persons entering the community parcel.
(2) If the by-laws are
the by-laws of a primary scheme and a primary lot is divided by a secondary
plan or a primary lot is divided by a secondary plan and a lot created by that
plan is divided by a tertiary plan, the following persons are also bound by
the by-laws—
(a) the
secondary corporation and (where applicable) the tertiary corporation;
(b) the
owners and occupiers of the community lots and the development lots (if any)
created by the secondary plan and (where applicable) the tertiary plan.
(3) If the by-laws are
the by-laws of a secondary scheme and a secondary lot is divided by a tertiary
plan, the tertiary corporation and the owners and occupiers of the
community lots and the development lots (if any) created by the tertiary plan
are also bound by the by-laws.